7 Keys To PNM Strength PDF
7 Keys To PNM Strength PDF
7 Keys To PNM Strength PDF
I get why. I feel the pull, myself. We’ve made it so easy to exist in society
without doing more than pressing a couple buttons.
And in the 10 minutes you have to wait for it all to happen, you can read how to
overcome any serious life obstacle “in 30 seconds or less” without any pain, effort,
or discomfort
Look, I love the advances of modern life. I indulge in them every day. You
should, too. We don’t need to abandon technology, move into the wilderness,
and build our own log cabins to build strength in a world that trends towards
We just have to balance new school convenience with some old school grit.
Many of us have, at the tip of our fingers, everything we need to survive. Food,
shelter, water. It’s all there. We expect everything we need to thrive — meaningful
relationships, great health, and a life we’re proud to live — to come with the same
amount of ease.
“Wait, it’s not working. My life’s not what I wanted and I’m not as awesome as
I hoped. I give up.”
If the frustrating, empty life that sleeps in this bed of complacency doesn’t
make you feel a little sick inside, I suggest you close this book right now. It’s not
for you.
Over these next few pages, I am going to share with you the 7 Keys to Physical
and Mental Strength. After years of experimentation on myself and thousands of
clients, these essential habits have emerged as the ones that will help you look,
feel, and live better than you ever imagined.
Getting strong is that simple. In fact, getting strong has to be that simple.
Otherwise, you get distracted by useless clutter that takes your focus away from
actually doing the work.
Arthur Saxon got strong enough to lift 371 pounds overhead with one hand
more than a century ago. He didn’t have access to any high tech equipment or
fancy gyms.
He didn’t try to entertain himself or “keep the body guessing” by using 999
different exercises per week. He simply wanted to get strong. To do that, he
focused on a small group of core movements, and progressively got better at them.
And in doing so became a bad motherfucker who we still refer to more than a
hundred years later.
What I mean is that everyone has lost sight of what truly matters when it
comes to the development of physical strength.
Long before any of us were born, Saxon, George Hackenshmidt and Paul
Anderson achieved feats of greatness that most mortals (or even genetic freaks)
could never match today.
Yet everyone sits around these days searching for a more complicated,
scientific answer. We need charts and graphs and percentages. We need newly
invented exercises no one has ever seen before. And we need them every week.
There’s no possible way that what worked in 1906 could work today. Right?
If that’s true tell me how many guys you know can press 371 pounds overhead
with one hand.
Don’t become a slave in your quest to find the latest and greatest new-age
The path has already been paved for us by the legends of the Iron Game. All we
have to do is be smart enough to follow it.
• Rows
• Chin ups
• Rope climbs
• Presses
• Pushups
• Squats
• Lunges
• Hip hinges
• Carries
• And picking heavy shit up off the ground
That’s it.
Being strong also means being well rounded. You gotta be an athlete.
Yes, you will use traditional weights like dumbbells. But, you will also have the
option to use things like kettlebells, sandbags, sledgehammers, and battling ropes.
Most importantly, you will learn to master your own bodyweight.
With this training, you will develop skill, power, and coordination. As a result,
you’ll possess the type of strength that has a tremendous amount of carry over
into the real world setting.
Now, with all this talk about lifting heavy stuff, I have to remind you that doing
so without picture perfect technique is one gigantic waste of time.
Remember, strength training is about progress. No one cares how much you lift
today. What matters is setting yourself up to lift more next month, and next year.
Lift heavy, lift smart, and focus on the essential exercises. Eliminate all the
other clutter. That’s the path to physical strength.
There’s no point in getting strong if you’re out of shape.
Don’t be the guy that waddles up to a bar, moves some weight for one rep,
and then has to go sit in a recliner to avoid a cardiac arrest. That’s not real world
strength, no matter how much you lift.
Real world strength is the ability to lift heavy stuff repeatedly with minimal
rest. That means you have to be well conditioned.
Hill sprints are the single best form of conditioning. And unlike most other
forms of cardio, sprinting actually builds muscle, it doesn’t destroy it.
If you need more proof, just look at some of the greatest NFL players of all time
like Walter Payton and Jerry Rice. These guys swore by the power of hill sprints
to physically and mentally prepare them for battle on the gridiron.
“Once you go to the hill and run it for the first time, it
humbles you to the extent that you gotta beat it. If you did five
the first time, you go back and do six. There’s no end in it.”
– Walter Payton
If you don’t have a good hill near your house, push a sled, or your car.
— Warm up thoroughly for ten minutes with a variety of low intensity plyos,
dynamic flexibility and mobility drills and calisthenics. This could include
jumping jacks, flings, prisoner squats, pogo jumps, high knees, butt kicks,
pendulum leg swings, gate swings, wide outs and various skipping drills.
— Sprint for anywhere between ten and sixty seconds straight, as hard and
as fast as you can. Working up to sixty seconds will take a very long time if
you’re new to sprinting so ease into very slowly. A beginner should start with
no more than 6-8 sprints on his first day of about 20-30 yards. Gradually
increase over time from there.
— Rest for 1-3 minutes or as long as needed to catch your breath, bring your
heart rate down a bit, and prevent yourself from throwing up. Over time,
work to decrease your rest periods.
After sprints comes sled dragging and pushing. It’s easy on your body and
turns you into a lean, mean, highly conditioned machine.
KB swings and snatches along with a variety of battling rope drills are some of
my favorite conditioning methods.
These are especially good for people with knee issues who need some low
impact options.
Start with rounds of 20-30 seconds on followed by 30-45 seconds off. Repeat
for 10-30 minutes.
Just don’t take it too far. You only need 1-2 sessions per week of this high
intensity conditioning. More, and it starts to become counter productive.
As an adult you have to take responsibility for your health. You can’t drink
soda or complain about not “liking the taste of water.” That’s what kids do.
Your diet must be focused on optimizing your well-being and longevity. If you
don’t enjoy a state of robust health and vitality, who cares how your abs look? That
won’t last forever.
My goal is for everyone reading this to live to be 100+ years old. But not only
live that long. I want to see you thriving at 100. I know it’s possible because people
in the “Blue Zones” have proven it.
Unfortunately, nutrition has gotten way more complicated than it should be.
Everyday, there’s a new article that tells you a food you once thought was healthy
is now toxic.
Whole grains are the beacon of vitality, then they are a one way ticket to
diabetes and obesity.
Saturated fat is good, then it’s a killer, then it’s good again.
If you’re confused, I don’t blame you. It doesn’t have to be this way, though.
Your diet can and should feel simple.
Rather than rigid rules, shoot for basic principles that guide what you do (and
don’t) put on your plate. With that in mind, here’s what I recommend you eat to
get in the best shape of your life, mentally and physically.
Fill up your plate 3 times a day with mostly fruits and veggies, some animal
protein at a couple meals, and fuel up with starchy carbs at dinner.
Seriously. There is no such thing as “bad food.” There are foods that are more
or less healthy, but there’s no reason for you to live in fear of having dessert or
think you’re a failure if you have pizza.
You’re a human being, and there’s a lot more to life than getting a six pack as
fast as humanly possible.
An ultra strict, rigid approach will do nothing but help you develop
psychologically destructive neuroses that keep you from enjoying life and
benefitting from your total body transformation.
So, don’t fear any food. Focus on unprocessed, nutrient dense sources the vast
majority of the time. When it’s time to kick your heels up, do it, and enjoy every
second without regret.
If you aren’t getting the results you want, you will have to make a temporary
sacrifice and indulge a little less. I have every confidence you can find you
own sweet spot that let’s you look the way you want to look everyday while also
enjoying your favorite foods.
Training is the stimulus for the progress that occurs when you rest and
recharge. In other words, you don’t get strong during workouts. You get strong
during recovery. In today’s world, that’s tough to come by. We don’t sleep enough
and we’re too stressed. This is what leads to achy joints, injuries, and slow
Unless you live like a professional athlete and have a support team to prepare
your meals and give you massages between your daily naps, you need a recovery
Wrong. It doesn’t take nearly as much as you think when you focus on the right
recovery techniques.
1. Sleep
2. Sauna and cryotherapy
3. Massages and soft tissue therapy
The single most important factor in your recovery is sleep. If you don’t get a
solid eight hours of sleep/night, you need to. Get some black out curtains, get the
electronics out of your bedroom, and make good sleep a priority.
After sleep I recommend you build at least fifteen minutes of recovery work
into your day. That’s all it takes to turn the tide and recover more efficiently.
Beyond these two, which are my preferred recovery techniques, you should
also employ:
• Acupuncture
• Active or self myofascial release
• Weekly or monthly massages
• Contrast showers (60 seconds in ice cold shower, 120 seconds in hot
The most successful people all have morning rituals or routines they follow
each day. That’s because doing so allows you to be in control. Being out of control
is what ruins you.
You efficiently accomplish what you need to and move on to do what you want.
To give you some ideas about what should or could be part of your daily routine
I will share mine.
This is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning for 30 minutes. I’ve
been doing it for years and it’s increased my ability to focus and deal with stress.
Without high quality coffee my productivity and creativity suffer. It’s a crucial
part of my routine.
After my initial steps, I go for a morning walk with my dog, Bronx. During this
time I listen to a podcast that will help better me in some way or at least add some
entertainment and laughter to my day.
The old cliché is true- the difference between you today and you five years
from now will be the people you meet and the books you read. The other is that
there is an inverse relationship between the size of your library and the size of
your bank account.
Reading life-changing books is crucial to your growth. You have to make time
for it every day. And as soon as you finish one you start the next one.
How can you build something great when you’re always putting out fires?
Prioritize your morning, start your day on your own terms, and dominate.
“A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at
twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”
—Muhammad Ali
The moment you stop seeking new knowledge, you surrender your capacity to
grow. Soon, this complacency seeps into your family life, your relationships, your
career, and your physical health.
Once you believe you know enough, you start to settle for “good enough.” Don’t
be good enough. Be great.
Keep your mind sharp by bringing the same commitment to training your
mind as you do to your body. Read books, listen to podcasts, have deep, thought-
provoking conversations. Most importantly, spend time alone with your thoughts,
working through the difficult questions in your head.
Growing and learning are some of the most gratifying processes in life. Like
strength training, this is one of the few areas where you get out what you put in.
Now, before you download 95 books and podcasts to your phone or kindle, I
have to warn you. It’s not about acquiring as much information as possible. It’s
about acquiring essential knowledge and putting it to action.
True mastery comes when you put a topic to use. Not once, but day after day
after day.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you
did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
—Maya Angelou
In 10, 20, or 50 years, you will not remember your life by the amount of success
you have acquired, but by the relationships you have forged. Money is not the
most important thing. Awards and accolades aren’t either. Achievement without
fulfillment can be dangerous.
That’s what you’ll remember. The connections, the moments, the people.
You may think this is an overplayed cliché, but it could not be truer. Every time
psychologists research this topic - what matters later in life- it always comes back
to the number of deep, meaningful connections you have.
Make them.
I don’t care if you’re shy. I don’t care if you’ve never had close friends. You can
learn to be more social and you can transform the quality of your relationships.
Stop worrying about impressing people. Stop worrying about coming off as
cool, insightful, successful, or whatever other adjective you think you want to be.
It’s not about you. It’s about them.
I grew up like anybody else. The average American has less than one
true friend. I was in that category for a large portion of my life. I had a lot of
acquaintances but not a lot of friends.
I was inauthentic, closed, off and shy. I never got to know anyone because I
never let them get to know me.
Not only do you develop an instant connection with people who are on your
wavelength, you also hear where to take the conversation. You can understand
what questions to ask and how to pull more out of them.
The more you can get people to talk, the more you will connect with them.
You’ll feel amazing and you’ll make them feel amazing.
It’s a win-win.
Most people, if left to their own devices, will stay walled up in a little pod of
comfort with their cell phone, their TV, and their convenient routines.
Doing this will also pull you out of your own comfort zone and get you to do
things you may resist- music festivals, rock climbing, sports games, camping trips.
That’s how you create memories that last a lifetime.
This is self-explanatory. Always be thinking about how you can help the
people around you. Make a helpful business introduction or connect two guys
that hit it off.
The more positivity you create amongst those close to you, the more positivity
you’ll have in your own life.
There you have it. The 7 Keys to Physical & Mental Strength. Master these
habits and skills and I guarantee you will create a life of health, happiness, and
Jay Ferruggia