Drought in Bangladesh and Its Adaptive Measures: Part-A
Drought in Bangladesh and Its Adaptive Measures: Part-A
Drought in Bangladesh and Its Adaptive Measures: Part-A
Drought is one of the main problems for many nations, and the severity of such issue goes big
when it comes as obstacle to ensure an optimum agricultural production for a country like
Bangladesh. Drought is being considered as the main cause which hampers the estimated
agricultural production, here in Bangladesh over the last few decades.
Causes of drought are related to non-availability of surface water resources and climate
variability. The direct cause of a shortage of rainfall may be because of one or more factors
including large-scale downward air movement within the atmosphere or absence of available
moisture in the atmosphere which suppresses rainfall. Variations in such factors involve
variations in global, regional and local climate and weather. While it may be potential to indicate
the direct cause of a drought event in a particular location, but it frequently is not possible to
recognize an underlying cause.
Short-term episodes of drought can be related to global oceanic and atmospheric circulation
features. For instance, the ENSO (El Nino/southern oscillation) phenomenon, which results from
warm surface water development of the Pacific coast of the South America, influences the levels
of rainfall in various areas of the earth, such as monsoon rainfall in Bangladesh. The link
between rainfall and sea surface temperature has been recommended as a potential cause of long,
dry regimes.
Rising levels of CO2 and other GHGs have been recommended as causes of variations of rainfall
that are characterized as climate change. There are strong evidences that climate change will
change the rainfall pattern and consequently more frequent droughts are happened. Among the
local-level reasons are human-induced alterations resulting from vegetation loss because of
deforestation and over exploitation of resources.
Every five years, Bangladesh is affected by the major country-wide droughts. However, local
droughts occur regularly and affect crop production. The agricultural drought, linked to soil
moisture scarcity, occurs at different stages of crop growth, development and reproduction.
Monsoon failure often brings famine to the affected regions and as a result crop production
reduces drastically.
Northwestern regions of Bangladesh are particularly exposed to droughts. A strong drought can
cause greater than 40% damage to broadcast aus. During the kharif season, it causes significant
destruction to the t.aman crop in approximately 2.32 million ha every year. In the rabi season,
about 1.2 million ha of agricultural land face droughts of different magnitudes. Apart from the
agricultural loss, droughts have important effect on livestock population, land degradation, health
and employment. Between 1960 and 1991, drought events occurred 19 times in Bangladesh.
Very strong droughts hit the country in 1961, 1975, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 2000.
Past droughts have naturally affected about 53% of the population and 47% of the country.
The associated crop production decline, lower employment opportunities and losses of assets
contributed to raise household food insecurity. Consumption of food fell, along with household
capability to meet food requirements on a sustainable way. Vegetables and several other pulses
varieties are in short supply throughout the drought.
Droughts cause major problem in household health because its subsequent impact of decreasing
food consumption leads to significant increases in illnesses. It also causes an increase in chronic
energy deficiency among the agricultural workers.
Dey, N. C., M. S. Alam, A. K. Sajjan, M A. Bhuiyan, L. Ghose, Y. Ibaraki and F. Karim, 2011.
Assessing Environmental and Health Impact of Drought in the Northwest Bangladesh, J.
Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 4(2): 89-97, 2011.
Summary of projected changes in extreme climate during the 21st century and its projected
impacts on drought-prone areas of Bangladesh are given below-
Dey, N. C., M. S. Alam, A. K. Sajjan, M A. Bhuiyan, L. Ghose, Y. Ibaraki and F. Karim, 2011.
Assessing Environmental and Health Impact of Drought in the Northwest Bangladesh, J.
Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 4(2): 89-97, 2011.
Ramamasy, S. and S. Baas, 2007. Climate variability and change: adaptation to drought in
Bangladesh, A resource book and training guide, Institutions for Rural Development, FAO,
Rome, Italy.
Drought in Bangladesh and its adaptive measures: Part-C
Anthropogenic factors and climatic conditions mutually reinforce the chronic livelihoods
vulnerability of drought-prone areas in Bangladesh. Droughts strike regularly, however it is the
limited local capabilities and capacities and the lack of entrance to different forms of assets
which make livelihoods of people vulnerable.
To reduce increasing vulnerability to affected people, successful local adaptation should be taken
and it requires multiple pathways with interrelated, well planned short and long-term measures,
For long-term sustainability of any type of intervention, the linkages between mainstream
development and climate change adaptation need to be ensured, an enabling organizational
environment must be established as well as coordination among local people, stack holders and
related organization must be needed. The fundamental requirement of long-term livelihood
adaptation is communication and field operations activities, coordination of agency planning,
and the activities of government agencies and departments, GO agencies, NGOs and farmers.
IOP, 2009.Adaptive measures for coping with increased floods and droughts in Bangladesh, IOP
Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 (2009) 292001.