Rawan Alseni - Lesson Plan

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ESSON TITLE: Using Body Language in Communication__ Lesson #: _1_out of 3___

TEACHER NAME: ____Rawan Alseni_________ DATE: _____3/27/2020______________

Attach any handouts or materials required for this lesson.

ESL Course:
Speaking Level 4 Level Beginning Intermediate Advanced Multilevel
□ □ □ □
Using Body Language
(Gestures and Facial
Expressions) in
Listening 1- Students will listen to a short video to understand how some gestures
Objectives might be misunderstood by others

2- Students will be able to know and differentiate between different

gestures used by different countries by listening to a video clip

3- Students will be able to learn some vocabulary from the videos

presented in the lesson

Speaking 1- Students will be able to practice some body language (gestures, facial
expressions) used in their culture by

2- After each activity, students will be able to discuss and share their
knowledge about body language through communicating in pairs and

Reading 1- Students get to read some sentences that need to be comprehended to

act accordingly

2- Students get to read how some gestures are made in some activities

3- Student get to read (video subtitles)

Writing 1- (Informal Assessment) students will write what they have learned
through the lesson and share their thoughts.

2- Student will be able to take notes

3- Students get to write a description of some gestures and their


What background knowledge Students are able to write a complete sentence

do the students already have?
Students are able to speak basic phrases appropriately

Students have been briefly introduced to the topic (communication


Some students may be familiar with what some hand gestures and
facial expressions mean in different countries

Some students are able to use some hand gestures, facial expressions
that have been exposed to in their culture

What will you do to activate Warm-up: I will start the lesson by imitating that the (Zoom) app is not
or link students’ prior working well.
knowledge or experience to
upcoming content? I’ll use body language to show that there is no
sound and I can't hear them though.

Students will try to analyze my body language to understand what is

the meaning that I’m trying to convey.

Students will elicit that using body language in communication will

help them to deliver their meaning appropriately

Play a short video about “Using hand gestures” to activate students’

schema about how some gestures might be misunderstood depending
on the culture.

Discussion about students’ experience of being misunderstood by

others because of using inappropriate facial expressions or gestures.

Engagement with New Material

What will you do to engage I’ll use PowerPoint presentation along with visual aids (See Appendix
students in the active learning A) to let students connect between hand gestures and it's meaning in
of the new material? different countries

I’ll play a video and ask students to take notes to be ready for the
upcoming activity

I’ll use “Kahoot!” activity to let students feel a sense of competition

which help them to be highly engaged
What will you do to ensure  For the warm-up activity! I will try to engage Ss through
that all students are engaged? asking them questions and sharing my experience of using
body language to convey the meaning

 Ask Ss if they had an experience to share it with the


 For other activities, to engage Ss, I will ask them to work with
a partner and share the gestures that are commonly used in their

 In groups, I all give an opportunity to Ss to share their thoughts

about gestures they know, gestures that have different
meanings if it is used in different country. What gesture that
Students frequently use

What opportunities will you
provide students to practice  I will provide several activities that help students to practice the
and apply their 4 skills
knowledge/skill to meet the
objectives for this lesson? To  For the warm-up activity! Students will be asked to verbally
apply to other contexts? share their previous knowledge or experiences regarding the
topic of the lesson

 I will ask Ss to listen to a video and take notes about the

international gestures described in that video and ask them to
link it with its meanings

 For the matching activity, Students will have a chance to

critically think and guess what each hand gesture means

 For Kahoot! Activity, Students will try to answer some

questions according to the video played previously to connect
and practice what they have learned during the lesson

 For activity #4: Students will be provided with a sentence that

needed to be described by using the body language

How will you assess their  Informal assessment: checking students’ comprehension
learning of the objectives? through moving from group to another in” breakout rooms”
listen to their answers to assure that they are in the right track
 In breakout rooms, I will model the activity and share my
thoughts and my answers with them to make the activity clearer

 Assessing students’ answers through Kahoot! activities

 I will check and informally assess students by moving from

group to group through the breakout rooms that's been created
in Zoom.

 I will check students’ comprehension through the

How will you help students Students will have the opportunity to write what they have learned
recap the learning and link it through the lesson by providing two open-ended questions
back to the original purpose
of the lesson? 1- What gestures have you learned that you didn't expect that have an
offensive meaning if it's used in different cultures?

2- What other gestures do you use in your culture that have different
meanings in another culture? Elaborate?

If applicable for your context - Using PowerPoint slides through the lesson to catch students’
and your lesson, how will you attention
meaningfully integrate
technology into your lesson? - Playing two catchy videos that help students to get the content
of the lesson and help them to be engaged. One a funny short
video that shows how gestures might be understood wrongly,
and another video about some gestures around the world and
how their meanings different if they are used in different

- Using Kahoot! To engage students and let them have fun while
assessing students learning

- Students will be able to use their phones to play Kahoot!

Activity and that what will help me to assure that Ss will be
busy with their phones doing the activity as they are required to
answer some multiple choice questions through their phones
What went well? How do you The ice breaker at the beginning of the lesson went as I expected: it
know? lowers the students’ anxiety since they were laughing when they
figured out that I was kidding.
Most activities went well. Everyone was participating and were so
engaged in most of them, especially Kahoot! As that allowed me to the
students actively involved.

The short first video was helpful: the students got the idea of how
gestures might be misunderstood by others and that enabled them to
discuss and share their perspectives.

Activity #3 went well since the students were so excited to shares

their hand gestures used that’s been used in their culture.

What didn’t go as planned? ● The sequences of the activities.

● The time management as I tried to skip one of the activities and

not rush the students while communicating with their partners.

● I skipped one of the activities to close the lesson appropriately

What contingency plan did I divided the students into 2 groups, and I thought they can see the ppt
you employ? slide that I shared with them at the same time. However, in the zoom,
there was no way to do so, I asked the students to go back to main
zoom session and take a screenshot then they can go back to the
separate room to share their answers with their partners

In Kahoot! Activity, one of the students can’t join and play. I tried to
not make it so complicated. Thus, I asked her to write her answers
down on a piece of paper and she freely can share her answers with
her group

What would you do Next time, I would change the sequence of the activities as I would
differently next time? start activity the matching activity first then I can move to another
designed activity that required the students to watch and take notes

I would do more modeling for the activities to assure that all students
get what it’s required to form them

Before starting the second video in activity #2, I would create a google
sheet that includes the important vocabularies that might be hard to
understand and share it with the students to not confusing them while
Did your students meet the Yes, I assessed the students in each activity, and they were so engaging
purpose and objectives of this to share thoughts and ideas about the topic of the lesson.
lesson? What is your
evidence for each? They were enthusiastic to share what gestures they learned from their
partners and share hand gestures that have been used in their culture

The students were able to share similarities and differences in the

meaning of each hand gesture through the group discussion which
enabled me to mentor their leaning

The students realized the importance of using body language while

communicating since one of the students shared with us how her hand
gesture saved her once in a situation, and another student shared how
frequently she used her facial expressions while communicating with
What do your students need I noticed that the students need to have some background about the
next? How do you know? topic in advance before teaching it since they were overthinking to
predict what each hand gesture means in a different country.

What did you learn about I learned how I’m approachable since I moved from one group to
your glows and grows as a another and engage with them. The students were having fun while
teacher? What can you do to communicating with me and I can see the big smile drew in their faces.
work on your areas needing
growth? I go with the flow. I have taught the first online lesson via zoom, but I
was confident about the materials that I was presenting, and I went
with the flow as I didn’t rush myself or the students to work on each

One of the areas needing growth is that I need to focus on not to

sequence the activities randomly. I would rather be trying to connect
each activity to another. Starting from the easy to the more challenging
ones, and reading more about building activities that have been
discussed in Richards and Lockhart book

Total class hours: 1 h

Warm-up 5 Minutes
Activity #1 Matching 10 Minutes
Activity #2 Kahoot! 20 Minutes
Activity #3 15 minutes
Activity #4 7 minutes
Assignment (*Explaining the Homework) 2 Minutes

Appendix (A)
Appendix (B)

1- Who is the presenter for today’s simulation lesson?

A) Sooyoung
B) Rawan
C) Aziz
D) Susan

2- In ……people grab and twist their nose as a sign for drinking or getting drunk
A) Italy
B) Spain
C) France
D) Japan

3- In Russia, it’s a sign for making things too complicated

A) Scratch their nose
B) Shaking their hands
C) Cross their fingers
D) Scratch their ear by going around the back of the head

4- A sign for drinking in Russia?

A) Click their throat
B) Nodding their heads
C) Rise their thumb up
D) Blink their eyes

5- Shake their heads for “no”

A) Bulgarians
B) Indian
C) Japanese
D) Germans
6- South Asian tilting their heads from side to side as a sign for
A) Being confused
B) Uncertainty
C) Being hungry
D) Acceptance

7- Japanese made a circle with the thumb and index finger as a sign for…..?
A) Perfection
B) Being drunk
C) Madness
D) Money

Appendix (C)

Activity #4:

1- I am broke (Don’t have money)

2- Tired

3- Starving (feel Hungry)

4- Wait for a second

5- Beautiful

6- My heart is broken

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