Static and Random Vibration Analyses of A University Cubesat Project

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Static and Random Vibration Analyses of a University CubeSat Project

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RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Static and Random Vibration Analyses of a University

CubeSat Project
George I. Barsoum1, Hesham H. Ibrahim2*, Mina A. Fawzy3
Student, Faculty of Engineering and Material Sciences, German University in
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Material Sciences, German
University in Cairo, Egypt.
Structural Design Engineer, Ghabbour Auto, Giza, Egypt.

*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This work presents hands on experience of the configuration process

and strength analyses of a student’s CubeSat project at the German University in
Cairo. The static and dynamic performance of the primary structure, during
launching phase, are investigated and checked against the strength requirements in
addition to making sure that stiffness constraints imposed by the P-POD and the
candidate launchers are met. The static response of the primary structure is
performed using ANSYS Finite Element Software by exposing the structure to the
maximum quasi static launch load in each of three flight directions separately.
Modal analysis results are presented in order to check the compliance of the
longitudinal and lateral natural frequencies, of the proposed model, with the
launchers requirements. In addition, random vibration response is performed using
frequency domain analysis, assuming that the structure will be subjected to launch
random vibration loads in all directions. Finally, fatigue life analysis is presented
in order to ensure that primary structure will safely survive the launching
mechanical environments.

1. Introduction
The CubeSat is a pico-class satellite, originally developed and standardized at Stanford
University’s Space Systems Development Laboratory, which has been gaining more interest of the
space industry in general and of the academic community in particular. The basic standardized
approach is the 1-Unit CubeSat, which is a cube-shaped satellite with dimensions 100x100x100 mm
and mass up to 1.33 kg. This category of satellites is launched as a secondary payload while being
encapsulated in an Orbital Deployer (P-POD), developed by California Polytechnic State University.
CubeSat missions become one of the most appealing and evolving categories among the space
industry since a cluster of such pico-satellites can efficiently substitute an expensive large one.
CubeSat missions have proved useful in testing new components and software to be space-qualified
for future use. Alongside with that, these standardized pico-satellites made the space technology
readily accessible to university as a learning topic in undergraduate and postgraduate programs
where they originally started. The current CubeSat project is intended to provide the students, of the
German university in Cairo, the capacity and expertise to join the quest for space technology. Such
satellite project will engage engineering students in a multi-disciplinary design process that will
leverage their academic expertise across all backgrounds.

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RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Swartwout [1] presented a comprehensive review on the first one hundred CubeSat missions,
along with an on-orbit performance evaluation while classifying the missions according to size,
origin, and mission life. It was found that several design and implementation errors, though
correctable, still plague the university CubeSat missions. In addition, the P-POD launch container,
not the CubeSat specification, proved to be the true supporting technology for this category of
missions. Long et al. [2] presented an overview of an extremely low frequency magnetic signatures
detection CubeSat mission, to study earthquake precursor phenomena, developed by Space Systems
Development Laboratory (SSDL) at Stanford University. Alminde et al. [3] addressed the
educational value of university CubeSat projects by describing the overall architecture of Aalborg
university AAU-CubeSat project, which was launched into space on the 30 th of June 2003. Results
from the operation phase were presented, providing recommendations for further work on pico-
satellite designs. Noca et al. [4] presented the project organization, mission, and satellite description
of their first pico-satellite project, SwissCube, developed at Space Center of Lausanne Federal
Institute of Technology. Technical and programmatic lessons were addressed, as the main objective
of this project was to provide hands-on experience of the whole satellite-development cycle. Cote et
al. [5] outlined the efforts the power, propulsion, and structure subsystems of Worcester Polytechnic
Institute’s initial endeavor to experiment a CubeSat. Each of the three subsystems teams managed to
design and specify a baseline set of components for their subsystem and to perform rudimentary
testing. Castello [6] created a MATLAB toolbox to assist the CubeSat developers with
understanding the CubeSat restrictions, optimizing their systems, and decreasing the design
development time while conforming to the initial requirements.

High requirements have been set for the integrity of their structures in order to survive high
static and dynamic loads without jeopardizing neighboring satellites during launching. Moreover,
the stiffness of primary and secondary structures should be designed to ensure that their
fundamental longitudinal and lateral frequencies are satisfying the minimum prescribed values set
by the candidate launcher. Cghan [7] introduced the design and analyses of the structure and
mechanism subsystem of second CubeSat project at Istanbul Technical University. Two different
designs were proposed for such mission and the final selection was based on certain target
performance parameters. Eiswy et al. [8] presented the overall design process of the structures
subsystem of certain CubeSat mission, in the frame work of a university project, along with the
static and modal analyses using finite element method. Bürger et al. [9] presented static and modal
analyses of the structure subsystem of a CubeSat project developed at the Brazilian Technological
Institute of Aeronautics. Oh et al. [10] introduced the structure design of a CubeSat mission, based
on the 1U Standard, developed by the Space Technology Synthesis Laboratory of Chosun
University. In addition, the validity of their proposed design has been investigated by performing
quasi-static and modal analyses. Raviprasad et al. [11] performed modal, harmonic, and random
vibration analysis of nano-satellite mission and their results were compared to the CubeSat and
launch-vehicle provider standard mechanical requirements. Arroyave et al. [12] proposed a design
protocol that help in satisfying all of the specific structural requirement of a given CubeSat
mission. In addition, they did evaluate the static and dynamic behavior, subject to special
mechanical loads conditions, of certain case study by performing static, modal, harmonic, and
random vibration analyses.
This paper presents hands on experience of the configuration process and strength analyses of a
student’s CubeSat project at the German University in Cairo. The static and dynamic performance
of the primary structure, during launching phase, are investigated and compared with the strength
requirements in addition to making sure that stiffness constraints imposed by the P-POD and the
candidate launchers are met. The static response of the primary structure is performed using
ANSYS Finite Element Software by exposing the structure to the maximum quasi static launch
load in each of three flight directions separately. Modal analysis results are presented in order to
verify the compliance of the longitudinal and lateral natural frequencies, of the proposed model,
with the launchers requirements. In addition, random vibration response is performed using
frequency domain analysis, assuming that the structure will be subjected to launching random
vibration loads in all directions. Finally, fatigue life analysis is presented in order to ensure that
primary structure will safely survive the launching mechanical environments.

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

2. Project Overview
The current pico-satellite project is a 1-U CubeSat for earth observation purposes and is based
on commercial of the shelf (COTS) components. The primary structure developed and analyzed, in
the current work, aims toward acquiring a CubeSat plateform have the strength and flexibility to
be utilized for the planned CubeSat mission at the German University in Cairo. The proposed
primary structure matches the P-POD specifications developed by California Polytechnic State
University [13]. The structure of printed circuit boards (PCBs) are made of an isotropic material
with mass and stiffness properties tailored to approximately simulate those of the different
subsystems. The components of the CubeSat are packaged, while trying to compromise between
the following multiple, yet conflicting, design requirements set by the different satellite
subsystems [14]: the center of mass must be within 2 cm from the CubeSat geometric center as per
the CubeSat standards; the mass distribution need to be as symmetric as possible in order to
minimize the products of inertia; it is better to keep massive components, like the power
subsystem, near the launch vehicle interface; electrically linked components should be located
near each other to reduce cabling; Equipment, which require accurate orientation, need to be
located in away that facilitates optical inspection for mounting accuracy; electromagnetic
interference should be considered; and the required thermal conditions of the different subsystems
need to be considered as well. All of these design considerations have been taken into account
during the configuration process of the proposed CubeSat shown in Fig.1. As mentioned before, it
is planned to use COTS components which include camera module, power subsystem,
communication subsystem, onboard computer board including an attitude determination subsystem
along with the structure subsystem presented in this paper. Aluminum 6061-T6 is chosen for the
primary and secondary structures because it provides excellent joining characteristics, good
acceptance of applied coatings and combines relatively high strength, good workability, and high
resistance to corrosion.

Figure 1. Layout of the proposed primary structure with and without side panels

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

3. Results and Discussion

Static Analysis
All the analyses presented, hereinafter, are intended to check the static and dynamic behavior, of the
current proposed CubeSat primary structure, in response to the mechanical environment of Soyuz and
Ariane 5 as two candidate launchers. The static response of the satellite structures is simulated while being
exposed to a quasi-static acceleration of 10g in the x-, y- and z- directions simultaneously. The structure
was assumed clamped at the bottom surfaces of the corner rails. The present scenario simulates the satellite
inside the P-Pod with the load of two other CubeSats acting on the structure in the z-direction. This case
must be examined if the satellite would be placed 1st in the deployer while being aligned in z-direction
during launching. The present analyses did not consider the stiffening effect of being encapsulated in the P-
Pod. Figures 2 and 3 show the distributions of the equivalent stress and total deformations, respectively, of
the primary and secondary structures. It is seen that the satellite structure experiences a maximum stress of
16.576 MPa which is fairly safe, in terms of yielding, compared to the 275 MPa which is the yield value of
the aluminum 6061-T6. It is seen in Fig. 3 that the structure responds with a maximum value of total
deflection equals 0.021 mm which is found very acceptable in terms of the static deflection interference of
the different components of the satellite.

Figure 2. Equivalent (von-Mises) stress distribution subject to static loads of 10g in all directions

Figure 3. Total Deformation subject to static loads of 10g in all directions

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Modal Analysis
The stiffness of the primary and secondary structures are designed to ensure that their
fundamental longitudinal and lateral frequencies are satisfying the minimum prescribed values set
by the candidate launchers. According to the specifications of Ariane-5, the proposed CubeSat
Structure is required to have its fundamental lateral frequency to be a minimum of 50 Hz and a
fundamental longitudinal frequency to be a minimum of 100 Hz [15]. Figure 4 depicts the natural
frequency and mode shape of the fundamental frequency of the proposed structure, including the
effect of the different subsystems, and it shows a value of 487 Hz which is found in line with both
launchers requirements. In addition, Table 1 presents the natural frequencies of the first ten modes.

Figure 4. First mode shape of the satellite

Table 1. Natural frequencies of the first ten modes

Mode Frequency (Hz)
1 487.39
2 489.14
3 507.63
4 567.71
5 581.41
6 596.69
7 618.58
8 636.18
9 730.45
10 740.03

Random Vibration
This section presents the random vibration response, performed using frequency domain
analysis, assuming that the structure will be subjected to launching random vibration loads of the
two candidate launchers. The main purpose of performing this analysis is to identify the stress
peaks, of each loading phase, corresponding to the resonance frequencies to be used later in the
cumulative fatigue assessment. Table 2 shows the PSD random vibration loading of Soyuz
specifying the expected duration of each launching stage that will be used in estimating the
number of load cycles for each stress peak of the random vibration response depicted hereinafter.

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

However, as per Ariane 5 user manual, the random vibration excitations below 100 Hz are
considered the same as of the sinusoidal excitation depicted in Table 3. As for its random
excitations of the frequencies higher than 100 Hz, it is advised to use the acoustic excitations
provided in Table 4 [15].

Table 2. The limit flight levels of random vibrations of Soyus launcher

Event Frequency Band (Hz) Time
20- 50- 100- 200- 500- 1000-
50 100 200 500 1000 2000
PSD, Power Spectral Density 10−3 g2/HZ
1st stage 5.0 5.0 10.0 25.0 25.0 10.0 120
10.0 25.0 10.0 5.0
2ndstage 2.5 2.5 5.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 480
3nd stage 5.0 10.0 5.0 2.5
Fregat 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0- 1.0 1100
Flight 1.0

Table 3. Ariane 5 Sine Vibration Levels

Direction Frequency Band(Hz) Sine amplitude(g)
2-50 1.0
Longitudinal 50-100 0.8
2-25 0.8
Lateral 25-100 0.6

Table 4. Ariane 5 Acoustic Vibration Levels

Octave center frequency Flight limit level
(Hz) (dB)(reference: 0 dB = 2 x 105 Pa)
31.5 1128
63 131
125 136
250 133
500 129
1000 123
2000 116

Figures 5 – 8 show the random vibration respnse, of primary and secondary structures, subject
to random exciations of Soyuz and Ariane-5 random exccitations in all directions in order to
simulate the different expected orientaions of the CubeSat during launching. It is noticed in all
figures that the stress PSD response considerably peak at two main influential frequencies which
respresent the fundamental longitudinal and lateral frequencies of the structure subsystem.
Therefore, it would be fairly conservative to calcualte the number of stress cycles at each
frequency, assuming that the total duration of the given launching stage is split equally between
these two frequencies.

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Figure 5. Random vibration response subject to 1st Stage of Soyuz (Hz – Stress PSD (Pa2/Hz))

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Figure 6. Random vibration response subject to 2nd & 3rd Stages of Soyuz (Hz – Stress PSD (Pa2/Hz))

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Figure 7. Random vibration response subject to fregat flight Stage of Soyuz (Hz – Stress PSD (Pa2/Hz))

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Figure 8. Random vibration response subject to Ariane 5 random excitations (Hz – Stress PSD (Pa2/Hz))

This section presents an analysis of the cumulative fatigue behavior of the structure
subsystem subjected to the random vibration response, of the two candidate launchers, which was
presented in the previous section. As mentioned before, the number of stress cycles ni, at the two
frequencies found to be most influential, will be calculated while assuming that each of those two
frequencies will happen to last for the total duration of the given launching stage. Therefore, the
frequency peak found to have the highest (ni/Ni) value, for the given launching stage, will be
considered in calculating the total cumulative effect of all stages, as depicted in tables 4 and 5.
Referring to the S-N curve of the selected aluminum alloy, it was found that all of the stress levels
reported in the previous section fall in the category of high cycle fatigue. Therefore, it would be
conservative to use 5 x 108 as the number of cycles to fail for all the simulated values of the stress.

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

Miner’s law for cumulative fatigue has been implemented for both launchers cases, as shown
tables 5 and 6, and the structure is found safe with large margin of safety, which calls for more
optimization to reduce the weight of the structure which is currently around 270 grams.

Table 5. Cumulative fatigue damage analysis subject to Soyuz random loads

No. of No. of cycles No. of No. of cycles
cycles at 1st to fail at 1st cycles at 2nd to fail at 2nd ࢔࢏
Loading phase ൬ ൰
stress peak stress peak stress peak stress peak ࡺ࢏ ࢓ࢇ࢞
n1 N1 n2 N2
x 58471 5 x 108 68136 5 x 108 1.35 x 10-4

y 58712 5 x 108 68143 5 x 108 1.36 x 10-4

z 58680 5 x 108 68143 5 x 108 1.36 x 10-4
x 136996 5 x 108 159001 5 x 108 3.18 x 10-4

y 136433 5 x 108 158973 5 x 108 3.17 x 10-4

z 136923 5 x 108 159001 5 x 108 3.18 x 10-4
x 535986 5 x 108 624536 5 x 108 12.48 x 10-4

y 838197 5 x 108 624646 5 x 108 12.49 x 10-4

8 8
z 538109 5 x 10 624646 5 x 10 12.49 x 10-4
Total cumulative effect of all stages 0.0052

Table 6. Cumulative fatigue damage analysis subject to Ariane-5 random loads

No. of
No. of No. of cycles
cycles at 1st to fail at 1st
No. of cycles at cycles to ࢔࢏
Loading phase 2nd stress peak fail at 2nd ൬ ൰
stress peak stress peak ࡺ࢏ ࢓ࢇ࢞
n2 stress peak
n1 N1
x 733905 5 x 108 851790 5 x 108 17.04 x 10-4

y 730890 5 x 108 851640 5 x 108 17.03 x 10-4

z 733515 5 x 108 851820 5 x 108 17.04 x 10-4
Total cumulative effect of all stages 0.0051

4. Conclusion
The static and dynamic performance of the primary structure, during launching phase, were
investigated and compared with the strength requirements in addition to making sure that stiffness
constraints imposed by the P-POD and the candidate launchers are met. The evaluation of the static
response of the primary structure is performed using ANSYS Finite Element Software by exposing
the structure to the maximum quasi static launch load in each of three flight directions separately.
It was found that the satellite structure experiences a maximum stress of 16.576 MPa which is
fairly safe, in terms of yielding, compared to the 275 MPa which is the yield value of the
aluminum 6061-T6. The maximum total deflection was found to be 0.021 mm which is acceptable
in terms of the static deflection envelopes of the different components of the satellite. Modal
analysis results were presented and the fundamental frequencies, lateral and longitudinal, were
found in compliance with both candidate launchers requirements. In addition, random vibration
response was performed using frequency domain analysis, assuming that the structure will be
subjected to launching random vibration loads in all directions. Finally, cumulative fatigue damage
analysis was performed, using Miner’s simple law, and the structure is found safe with large
margin of safety, which clearly indicates that there is a possibility for further weight reduction.

RASD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1264 (2019) 012019 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012019

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