Microsoft Office 365: Administrator Guide
Microsoft Office 365: Administrator Guide
Microsoft Office 365: Administrator Guide
Administrator Guide
Document Change History........................................................................................................... 3
Microsoft Office 365..................................................................................................................... 4
Microsoft Office 365 permissions................................................................................................4
Browser consideration for the Microsoft Office 365 widget..........................................................4
Outbound traffic.......................................................................................................................... 4
Set up integration for the Microsoft Office 365 widget.................................................................5
Register Brightspace Learning Environment with Microsoft Azure.............................................5
Office 365 Mail, Calendar, and SharePoint Verification...................................................6
API Calls......................................................................................................................... 6
Configure Brightspace platform for Microsoft Office 365 Plug-in................................................7
Add the Office 365 Widget to a course........................................................................................8
Add the Office 365 Widget to a home page................................................................................8
User workflows for the Office 365 Widget...................................................................................8
Troubleshooting the Microsoft Office 365 integration..................................................................9
About D2L.................................................................................................................................. 10
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
Document Change History
This version of the document replaces all previous versions. The following table describes the
most recent changes to this document.
Revision Date Summary of Changes
June 6, 2019 Updated the Microsoft Office 365 topic to include OneNote
in the list of Microsoft services.
January 3, 2019 Updated steps in the Register Brightspace Learning
Environment with Microsoft Azure topic to include more
detailed steps to complete the setup process.
October 4, 2018 Updated steps in the Register Brightspace Learning
Environment with Microsoft Azure topic and included a link
to Microsoft article.
September 6, 2018 Updated the Register Brightspace Learning Environment
with Microsoft Azure topic.
November 2, 2017
Removed references to the
d2l.Tools.Office365.ClientDomain configuration variable.
November 5, 2015 Added information about outbound connections and
configuring a proxy server. Removed the requirement that
the configuration variables OrgHasSSLEnabledInternal
and OrgHasSSLEnabled have the same value since this is
no longer the case. Removed the statement that
d2l.Tools.Office365.ClientDomain is not available in
Brightspace Learning Environment by default since it is
now available in Brightspace Learning Environment by
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 provides institutions with a collection of enterprise-grade communication
and productivity services. Depending on the license chosen, these services may include
Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneNote, Lync Online, and Office Professional Plus.
Through their integration solutions, Brightspace Learning Environment and Microsoft Office 365
services (Email, Calendar, and more) improve how students and teachers interact online.
Institutions can choose any of the integration solutions appropriate to their users.
Can view View and access the The Microsoft Office 365 None Any
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office 365 system widget on their course
365 Widget system widget homepage
Outbound traffic
If your institution's firewall configuration does not allow outbound traffic, you must use one of the
methods below to establish an outgoing HTTPS connection to these URLs:'Inbox')/Messages
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
Use one of these methods to permit HTTPS connections to the URLs listed above:
Add a firewall rule to allow outbound connections (port 80 and port 443) from all web and
scalable servers to the URLs listed above.
Configure a proxy server on the network that allows outbound connections to the URLs
listed above by setting the following configuration variables:
d2l.System.Infrastructure.ProxyAddress - The address of the proxy server. It
normally takes the form or where
myproxy is the host name or IP address and 8080 is the port.
d2l.System.Infrastructure.ProxyBypassAddresses - The addresses or address
patterns that should not go through the proxy server. Address patterns take the form
scheme://hostname:port/path where scheme is either http or https; hostname can
be set as a * wildcard; port can be a specific number or a * wildcard to apply to all
port numbers; and path is optional and can also contain a * wildcard.
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
1. Go to the Azure Portal and log in with your Office 365 credentials.
2. Using the left pane, select More Services > Azure Active Directory.
3. Select App Registrations.
4. Select New Application Registration, and set an appropriate display name.
5. Set the Application type to WebApp / API.
6. Set the Sign-on URL to your Brightspace Learning Environment URL.
7. Save the information, and make note of the ApplicationId that is generated, (this is
required later in the process).
8. From the application base page, click Settings, and select Required Permissions.
9. Add the Office 365 SharePoint Online (Microsoft.SharePoint) API, and add the
delegated permission Read user files.
10. Add the Microsoft Graph API, and add the delegated permissions Read user calendars,
and Read user mail.
11. Select Microsoft Graph, click Grant Permissions, and click Yes.
12. Select Office 365 SharePoint Online, click Grant Permissions, and click Yes.
13. Select Windows Azure Active Directory, click Grant Permissions, and click Yes.
14. From the application base page, select Reply URLs.
15. Add /d2l/im/office365/authentication/authenticatereply to the end of your Brightspace
Learning Environment URL.
16. From the application base page, select Keys.
17. Add an appropriate description, and pick a suitable expiry date.
18. Click Save, and observe the Key that displays under Value.
19. Copy the Key (it is not visible once this process is complete, and is required in the next
20. Log in to Brightspace Learning Environment, select Admin Tools, and click Config
Variable Browser.
21. Navigate to the d2l.Tools.Office365.ClientId configuration variable, and add The
ApplicationID from step 8 as the Org Value.
22. Navigate to the d2l.Tools.Office365.ClientSecret configuration variable, and enter the
Key you copied in step 20 as the Org Value.
API Calls
The Office 365 widget makes client and server-side calls to the Microsoft Office 365 APIs to
authenticate and retrieve user information from a user's email, calendar, and OneDrive account.
Note: These requests are determined by Microsoft and are subject to change if the APIs
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
The requests made on the client-side in the browser are:
The requests made on the server-side are:'Inbox')/Messages
The last URL for the SharePoint calls is returned to the Brightspace platform from the previous
Microsoft calls. Each organization's tenant may be different, and each user's site path may be
different. See for more
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
e. Enter the Client Key from the application registered on your Azure tenant into both
fields and click Save.
1. From the Admin Tools menu on the minibar, click Homepage Management.
2. Select the active homepage.
3. In the selected location, select Add Widgets > System Widgets.
4. Select Office 365 and then click Add.
5. Click Save.
1. The user clicks the initial sign-in button in Brightspace Learning Environment.
2. A new tab opens and the user is redirected to a "Sign in" page where the user enters their
email address.
3. After clicking Next, the user is redirected to another "Sign in" page where the user re-
enters their email address and then enters their password.
4. After signing in, the tab closes and the user is redirected to Brightspace Learning
Environment with the widget loaded.
SSO is set up
1. The user clicks the initial sign in button in Brightspace Learning Environment.
2. A new tab opens and user is redirected to a "Sign in" page where the user enters their
email address.
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
3. After clicking Next, the user is redirected to another "Sign in" page where the user enters
their email address again. After they enter their email address and either tab or click out of
the email field, the page redirects the user to the Identity Provider (IdP) page, according to
the instance configuration.
4. After the user has gone through the IdP process, the tab closes and the user is redirected
to Brightspace Learning Environment with the widget loaded.
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.
About D2L
A global leader in EdTech, D2L is the creator of Brightspace, the world’s first integrated learning
The company partners with thought-leading organizations to improve learning through data-
driven technology that helps deliver a personalized experience to every learner, regardless of
geography or ability. D2L’s open and extensible platform is used by more than 1,100 clients and
almost 15 million individual learners in higher education, K–12, healthcare, government, and the
enterprise sector—including Fortune 1000 companies.
The company has operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and
Contact Us
Phone: 1.519.772.0325 (Worldwide)
Toll Free:
1.888.772.0325 (North America)
0.808.234.4235 (United Kingdom and Europe)
0.800.452.069 (New Zealand)
1.800.656.210 (Australia)
0.800.891.4507 (Brazil)
Fax: 1.519.772.0324
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Brightspace
© 2019 by D2L Corporation. All rights reserved.