Part 1 General 1.01 Summary
Part 1 General 1.01 Summary
Part 1 General 1.01 Summary
1.01 Summary
A. Furnish and install louvers, bird screens, blank-off panels, structural supports and attachment brackets
as shown on the drawings, as specified, and as needed for a complete and proper installation.
B. The louvers to be furnished include the following:
1. Acoustical louvers.
C. Related sections include:
1. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for sealants installed in perimeter joints between louver
frames and adjoining construction.
1.02 References
A. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.
1. AMCA Standard 500-L-99 Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating
2. AMCA Publication 501 Application Manual for Louvers
B. The Aluminum Association Incorporated
1. Aluminum Standards and Data
2. Specifications and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures
C. American Society of Civil Engineers
1. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
D. American Society for Testing and Materials
1. ASTM B209
2. ASTM B211
3. ASTM B221
4. ASTM E90-90
E. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association
1. AAMA 800 Voluntary Specifications and Test Methods for Sealants
2. AAMA 605.2 Voluntary Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum
Extrusions and Panels.
3. AAMA TIR Metal Curtain Wall Fasteners
4. AAMA 2605-98 Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels
F. Canadian Standards Association
1. CAN3-S157-M83 Strength Design in Aluminum
2. S136 94 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members
1.03 Submittals
A. Product Data
1. Air flow and water entrainment performance test results.
2. Material types and thickness.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Include elevations, sections and specific details for each louver.
2. Show anchorage details and connections for all component parts.
3. Include signed and sealed structural calculations.
C. Samples
D. Submit color chips for approval.
2.01 Manufacturers
A. The louvers and related materials herein specified and indicated on the drawings shall be as
manufactured by:
Construction Specialties, Inc. Construction Specialties Middle East LLC
49 Meeker Avenue Middle East, India, East and South Africa
Cranford, New Jersey 07016 1705 Dubai World Trade Center,
Telephone: 800-631-7379 P.O. Box 9260, Dubai, UAE
Office: +971 4 331 2167 / Fax: +971 4 331 5023
B. Products equal to the C/S materials may be offered providing that the manufacturer and materials are pre-
approved at least 10 working days before the bid date.
2.02 Materials
A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B211, Alloy 6063-T5, 6063-T6 or 6061-T6.
B. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B3209, Alloy 1100, 3003 or 5005.
A. C/S 12” (304.8mm) Deep Standard Fixed Acoustical Louver Model A-12370
1. Material: Fixed blades and frame to be formed from aluminum alloy sheet. Interior acoustical
material to be fiberglass insulation protected by a woven fire retardant (self –extinguishing) 100%
polyester sheeting. Material thickness to be as follows: Heads, sills, jambs, mullions and fixed
blades: 0.081” (2.06mm).
2. AMCA Performance: A 4’ x 4’ unit shall conform to the following:
For a 4 Foot by 4 Foot Unit. Tested with mil finish and no screen.
Free area = 3.50 ft2.
Percent free area = 22.0%
Free area velocity at point of beginning water penetration
(@0.01 oz./ft2 =1036 FPM (5.26 m/s)
Maximum recommended air intake velocity = 836 FPM (4.25 m/s)
Air volume @ 836 FPM free area velocity = 3252 CFM (1.53 m3/s)
Pressure drop @ 836 FPM intake velocity = 0.06 in. H2O (14.9 Pa)
Maximum recommended air exhaust velocity = 1750 FPM (8.89 m/s)
Air volume @ 1750 FPM free area velocity = 6808 CFM (3.21 m3/s)
Pressure drop @ 1750 FPM exhaust velocity = 0.32 in H2O (79.5 Pa)
3. Acoustical Performance: When tested in accordance with ASTM Standard E90-90 the louver
shall have an STC of 15 and shall provide the following Noise Reduction:
Noise Reduction 16 14 15 19 23 23 19 19
2.05 Finishes
A. General: Comply with NAAMM "Metal Finishes Manual" for finish designations and application
recommendations, except as otherwise indicated. Apply finishes in factory. Protect finishes on exposed
surfaces prior to shipment. Remove scratches and blemishes from exposed surfaces that will be visible
after completing finishing process. Provide color as indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, as selected
by architect.
B. Powder Coating
1. All louvers shall be finished with C/S Powder Coat, a coating to be 1.5 to 3 mil. thick full
strength 100% resin Fluoropolymer coating. Finish to allow zero VOCs to be emitted into
facility of application. Finish to adhere to a 4H Hardness rating.
2. All finishing procedures shall be one continuous operation in the plant of the manufacturer. The
coating shall meet or exceed all requirements of AAMA specification 2605 “Voluntary
Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Architectural extrusions and Panels.”
3. The louver manufacturer shall supply an industry standard 20-year limited warranty against
failure or excessive fading of the Fluoropolymer Powder Coat finish. This limited warranty
shall begin on the date of material shipment.
B. Clear Anodize
1. Louvers to be given a one hour 215R1 Architectural Class I anodic coating of 0.7 mil
(0.018mm) thickness (Aluminum Association designation AA-C22A41).
2. The thickness of the coating shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B244-68.
3. The coating shall be sealed to pass the ASTM B136-77 Modified Dye Stain Test.
B. Bronze Anodic
1. Louvers to be given a Bronze Anodic Architectural Class 1 coating of 0.7 mil (0.018mm)
minimum thickness; and a minimum weight of 27 mg. per sq. in.
2. The thickness of the coating shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B244-68.
3. The coating shall be sealed to pass the ASTM B136-77 Modified Dye Stain Test.
B. Screens to be 18 x 16 aluminum mesh 0.011” (0.279mm) diameter wire insect screens secured within
0.055” (1.40mm) thick extruded aluminum frames. Frames to have mitered corners and corner locks.
A. Furnish where indicated on the drawings blank–off panels fabricated by the louver manufacturer.
B. Blank-off panels to be 0.050” (1.27mm) thick aluminum sheet. Panels to be finished with Kynar 500
minimum I mil (0.025mm) thick full strength 70% resin Fluoropolymer coating. Color to be selected by
the architect.
B. Blank-off panels to be 1” (25.4mm) thick and to be faced on both sides with 0.032” (0.81 mm) thick
aluminum sheet. Panels to be fabricated with an expanded polystyrene (EPS) core having an R-value of 4
(0F*ft2*h/Btu). Panel perimeter frame to be 0.050” (1.27mm) thick-formed aluminum channels. Panel
frame to be mitered at the corners. Panels to be finished to match louvers.
B. Blank-off panels to be 2” (50.8mm) thick and to be faced on both sides with 0.032” (0.81 mm) thick
aluminum sheet. Panels to be fabricated with an expanded polystyrene (EPS) core having an R-value of 8
(0F*ft2*h/Btu). Panel perimeter frame to be 0.050” (1.27mm) thick-formed aluminum channels. Panel
frame to be mitered at the corners. Panels to be finished to match louvers.
3.01 Examination: Examine openings to receive the work. Do not proceed until any unsatisfactory conditions have
been corrected.
3.02 Installation
A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of the work.
B. Verify dimensions of supporting structure at the site by accurate field measurements so that the work
will be accurately designed, fabricated and fitted to the structure.
C. Anchor louvers to the building substructure as indicated on architectural drawings.
D. Erection Tolerances:
1. Maximum variation from plane or location shown on the approved shop drawings: 1/8" per 12
feet of length, but not exceeding 1/2" in any total building length or portion thereof (non-
2. Maximum offset from true alignment between two members abutting end to end, edge-to-
edge in line or separated by less than 3": 1/16" (shop or field joints). This limiting condition
shall prevail under both load and no load conditions.
E. Cut and trim component parts during erection only with the approval of the manufacturer or fabricator,
and in accordance with his recommendations. Restore finish completely. Remove and replace members
where cutting and trimming has impaired the strength or appearance of the assembly.
F. Do not erect warped, bowed, deformed or otherwise damaged or defaced members. Remove and
replace any members damaged in the erection process as directed.
G. Set units level, plumb and true to line, with uniform joints.
3.03 Protection
A. Protect installed materials to prevent damage by other trades. Use materials that may be easily
removed without leaving residue or permanent stains.
End of Section