ITTC - Recommended Procedures: CFD, Resistance and Flow Uncertainty Analysis in CFD Examples For Resistance and Flow
ITTC - Recommended Procedures: CFD, Resistance and Flow Uncertainty Analysis in CFD Examples For Resistance and Flow
ITTC - Recommended Procedures: CFD, Resistance and Flow Uncertainty Analysis in CFD Examples For Resistance and Flow
5 – 03
02 – 01
Procedures Page 1 of 12
CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
Prepared Approved
Date Date
4.9 – 03
ITTC 1990
ITTC - Quality Manual 01 – 01
Page 2 of 12
19 pp 585 - 587 Effective Date Revision
Guidelines for Uncertainty Analysis of 00
Longo and Stern (1999) closely following ment ratio rG = 2 . Clustering was used near
standard procedures (Coleman and Steele,
the bow and stern in the ξ−direction, at the hull
in the η-direction, and near the free surface in
The resistance is known to be larger for the ζ-direction. The y+ values for grids 1-4
free vs. fixed models. Data for the Series 60 were about 0.7, 1, 1.4, and 2, respectively.
indicates about an 8% increase in CT for the About twice the number of grid points in the η-
free vs. fixed condition over a range of Fr in- direction would be required to achieve y+ < 1.0
cluding Fr=0.316 (Ogiwara and Kajatani, for grids 1-4 (i.e., roughly 1,800,000 points on
1994). The Toda et al. (1992) resistance values the finest grid). With grid refinement ratio
were calibrated (i.e., reduced by 8%) for ef- rG = 2 , only grids 1 and 2 were generated.
fects of sinkage and trim for the present com- Grids 3 and 4 were obtained by removing
parisons. every other point from grids 1 and 2, respec-
tively (i.e., the grid spacing of grids 3 and 4 is
twice that of grids 1 and 2, respectively). Grids
2.2 Computational Grids 1 and 2 were generated by specifying the grid
spacing at the corners and number of points
Grid studies were conducted using four along the edges of the computational blocks.
grids (m=4), which enables two separate grid The faces of the computational blocks were
studies to be performed and compared. Grid smoothed using an elliptic solver after which
study 1 gives estimates for grid errors and un- the coordinates in the interior were obtained
certainties on grid 1 using the three finest grids using transfinite interpolation from the block
1-3 while grid study 2 gives estimates for grid faces. Grid 2 was generated from grid 1 by
errors and uncertainties on grid 2 using the increasing the grid spacing and decreasing the
three coarsest grids 2-4. The results for grid number of computational cells in each coordi-
study 1 are given in detail and the differences nate direction at the corners of the blocks by a
for grid study 2 are also mentioned. The grids factor rG. A comparison of the four grids at the
were generated using the commercial code free surface plane is shown in figure 1 along
GRIDGEN (Pointwise, Inc.) with considera- with computed wave elevation contours.
tion to topology; number of points and grid
refinement ratio rG; near-wall spacing and k-
ω turbulence model requirement that first point 2.3 Verification and Validation of Integral
should be at y+<1; bow and stern spacing; and Variable: Resistance
free-surface spacing.
Verification. Verification was performed
The topology is body-fitted, H-type, and with consideration to iterative and grid conver-
single block.. The sizes of grids 1 (finest) gence studies, i.e., δ SN = δ I + δ G and
through 4 (coarsest) are 101x26x16 = 42,016, 2
U SN = U I2 + U G2 .
144x36x22 = 114,048, 201x51x31 = 317,781,
and 287x78x43 = 876,211 and the grid refine-
ITTC – Recommended 7.5 – 03
02 – 01
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CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
tribution is required to compute solution dence, pointwise values for UG are estimated
changes. Since calculation of the comparison and not δG. Equation (26) is used to estimate
error E=D-S is required for validation, wave UG
profiles on grids 1-4 are interpolated onto the ε 21
distribution of the data. The same four grids U G = CG p G
r G − 1
were used and, here again iteration errors and G
uncertainties were negligible in comparison to (53)
ε 21G
the grid errors and uncertainties for all four + (1 − C G ) p
solutions, i.e., δI << δG and UI << UG such that r G − 1
δSN = δG and USN =UG. For <CG>=0.60 considered close to 1 and hav-
ing confidence, pointwise values for both
RG at local maximums and minimums (i.e., δ G∗ and U GC are estimated using equations (25)
x/L = 0.1, 0.4, and 0.65 in figure 3a) and based
on L2 norm solution changes both show con- and (27)
vergence. The spatial order of accuracy for the ε
δ G* = CG p 21
rG − 1
wave profile was computed from the L2 norm 1 G
of solution changes
pG =
ln ε 32G / ε 21G
2 2
= 1.4
) (50)
ε 21
U G = (1 − CG ) p G
r G −1
ln(rG ) G
where < > is used to denote a profile-averaged Equation (10) is used to calculate SC at each
grid point
value and ε 2 denotes the L2 norm of solution
S C = SG1 − δ G*1 (56)
change over the N points in the region, 0 < x/L
<1 The results are summarized in table 5. The
1/ 2 level of verification is similar to that for CT
ε 2 = ∑ ε i2 (51) with slightly higher values. Table 5 includes
i =1 results for grid study 2, which are much closer
Correction factor is computed from equation to those for grid study 1 than was the case for
(24a) using order of accuracy pG in equation CT.
(50) and pGest = 2.0
( 2 )1.4 − 1
CG = = = 0.60 (52) Validation. Validation of the wave profile
rG Gest − 1 ( 2 ) 2 − 1
is performed using both the simulation predic-
The estimates for order of accuracy and correc- tion S and the corrected simulation prediction
tion factor in equations (50) and (51) were SC . Profile-averaged values for both defini-
used to estimate grid error and uncertainty for tions of the comparison error, validation uncer-
the wave profile at each grid point. tainty, and simulation uncertainty are given in
table 6. Values are normalized with the maxi-
For <CG> = 0.60 considered as sufficiently mum value for the wave profile ζmax=0.014 and
less than or greater than 1 and lacking confi- the uncertainty in the data was reported to be
ITTC – Recommended 7.5 – 03
02 – 01
Procedures Page 7 of 12
CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
3.7%ζmax. E is nearly validated at about 5%. Wake and Uncertainty Assessment for
The trends are similar to those for CT, except DTMB Model 5512,” Proc. 25th ATTC,
there are smaller differences between the use Iowa City, IA, 24-25 September 1998.
of E and EC.
The point comparison error E=D-S is com- Ogiwara, S. and Kajitani, H., 1994, “Pressure
pared to validation uncertainty UV in figure 3b, Distribution on the Hull Surface of Series
while error EC=D-SC is compared to validation 60 (CB=0.60) Model,” Proceedings CFD
uncertainty UV in figure 3d. In the latter case, Workshop Tokyo, Vol. 1, pp. 350-358.
the validation uncertainty UV in figure 3d is
mostly due to UD. Much of the profile is vali- Paterson, E.G., Wilson, R.V., and Stern, F.,
dated. The largest errors are at the crests and 1998, “CFDSHIP-IOWA and Steady Flow
trough regions, i.e., bow, shoulder, and stern RANS Simulation of DTMB Model 5415,”
waves. 1st Symposium on Marine Applications of
Computational Fluid Dynamics, McLean,
The results from grid study 2 are summa- VA, 19-21 May.
rized in table 7 and included in Figure 3. The
results are similar to those for grid study 1, but Toda, Y., Stern, F., and Longo, J., 1992,
both E and EC and UV and UVC are larger. "Mean-Flow Measurements in the Bound-
ary Layer and Wake and Wave Field of a
Series 60 CB = .6 Model Ship - Part 1:
3 REFERENCES Froude Numbers .16 and .316," Journal of
Ship Research, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 360-377.
CFD Workshop Tokyo 1994, 1994, Proceed-
ings, Vol. 1 and 2, 1994, Ship Research In- Wilson, R., Paterson, E., and Stern, F., 1998
"Unsteady RANS CFD Method for Naval
stitute Ministry of Transport Ship & Ocean Combatant in Waves," Proc. 22nd ONR
Foundation. Symposium on Naval Hydro, Washington,
Longo, J. and Stern, F., “Resistance, Sinkage
and Trim, Wave Profile, and Nominal
ITTC – Recommended 7.5 – 03
02 – 01
Procedures Page 8 of 12
CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
Table 1 Grid convergence study for total CT, pressure CP, and frictional CF resistance (x10-3) for
Series 60.
Grid Grid 4 Grid 3 Grid 2 Grid 1 Data
101x26x16 144x36x22 201x51x31 287x71x43
CT 5.72 5.22 5.10 5.03 5.42
ε -8.7% -2.3% -1.3%
CP 1.95 1.63 1.64 1.61 CR = 2.00
ε -16.4% +0.6% -1.8%
CF 3.78 3.59 3.46 3.42 3.42
ε -5.0% -3.6% -1.2% ITTC
% of finer grid value.
Table 5 Profile-averaged values from verification of wave profile for Series 60.
Study RG pG CG UG U GC
1 0.62 1.4 0.60 2.6% 1.0%
(grids 1-3)
2 0.64 1.3 0.57 3.6% 1.4%
(grids 2-4)
%ζmax .
(a) (b)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
(e) (f)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
(g) (h)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
Figure 1. Grids and wave contours from verification and validation studies for Series 60: (a) and (b)
coarsest - grid 4; (c) and (d) grid 3; (e) and (f) grid 2; and (g) and (h) finest - grid 1.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5 – 03
02 – 01
Procedures Page 11 of 12
CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
10-2 0.008
-3 V CP
10 0.006
(a) 0 (b)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Iteration Iteration
(c) SL=5.013x10
30000 32000 34000
Figure 2. Iteration history for Series 60 on grid 1: (a) solution change, (b) ship forces - CF, CP, and
CT and (c) magnified view of total resistance CT over last two periods of oscillation.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5 – 03
02 – 01
Procedures Page 12 of 12
CFD, Resistance and Flow
Effective Date Revision
Uncertainty Analysis in CFD 1999 00
Examples for Resistance and Flow
-0.01 (a)
0 0
-0.1 -0.1
(b) (c)
-0.2 -0.2
0 0
-0.1 -0.1
(d) (e)
-0.2 -0.2