Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Thai Traditional Remedy Called "YA-HA-RAK"
Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Thai Traditional Remedy Called "YA-HA-RAK"
Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Thai Traditional Remedy Called "YA-HA-RAK"
ABSTRACT: Benjalokawichien (BLW) or Ya-Ha-Rak remedy (HR) is the drug list in herbal
medicinal products A.D 2011 of Thailand and used as antipyretic drug and treat rash in Thai
Traditional Medicine. Its plant ingredients consists with five plant roots such as Ficus racemosa
Linn., Capparis micracantha DC., Clerodendrum petasites S. Moore., Harrisonia perforata
Merr., Tiliacora triandra Diels. This study are investigation anti-inflammatory and antioxidant,
activities of the extract of HR and its plant components by inhibitory activity on the release of
inhibitory activities against lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced nitric oxide (NO) production in
RAW 264.7 cell lines and DPPH scavenging assays respectively. HR extract possessed the
highest NO inhibitory activity with an IC50 value of 40.4µg/ml. The ethanolic extract of Ficus
racemosa exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50= 4.9 µg/ml) and HR extract also show
antioxidant activity (EC50=40.9µg/ml). This study can support the use of HR in Thai Traditional
Medicine for treatment inflammatory diseases.
Keywords: Benjalokawichian remedy, Ya-Ha-Rak remedy (HR), Ficus racemosa, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant
antipyretic activity of the root extract of BLW Macrophage Leukemia-like RAW264.7 cells was
remedy using lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced evaluated using a modified method Tewtrakul and
fever in rats compared to that of acetylsalicylic acid Subhadhirasakul [12]. RAW 264.7 cells line was
(ASA) [10]. Recently, Singharachai et al. diagnosed cultured in RPMI medium supplemented with 10%
and distinguished of five roots in Thai Traditional fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin (100 units/ml)
Medicine remedy: Ben-ja-lo-ka-wi-chian or Ya-Ha- and streptomycin (100 µg/ml). The cells were
Rak from the morphological and histological seeded in 96-well plate (cell concentration 1 × 105
characters [11]. Surprisingly, there is no previous cells/well) and incubated in CO2 incubator at 37oC
report for investigation on anti-inflammatory for 1 hour. 100 µl/well of RPMI medium
activity by inhibitory effect on NO production by containing 100µg/ml of LPS was added into control
Mouse Macrophage Leukemia-like RAW264.7 and sample wells, whereas only RPMI medium was
cells on these five root extract and HR. Thus, the added into a blank well. 100µl/well of different
results antiinflammatory testing of HR and its plant sample concentrations (1-100 µg/ml) were added
components should be support using this drug for into sample wells and their corresponding blank
development as the modern anti-inflammatory drug sample wells. Then cells were incubated at 37oC
from Thai traditional remedy in the future. for 48 hours. Supernatant (100µl) was added in
another 96-well plate and followed by the addition
MATERIALS AND METHODS of 100µl/well of Griess reagent. The color was
1. Reagents detected at a wavelength of 570 mm.
Animal cell lines, Chemicals and Reagents Cytotoxicity was also determined using the MTT
RAW 264.7 murine macrophage leukemia cell lines method. After 48 h incubation with the test samples,
were established and kindly provided by Assoc. MTT solution (10 µl, 5 mg/ml in PBS) was added
Prof. Dr. Supinya Tewtrakul, Department of to the wells and incubated at 37oC for 2 hours. The
Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty medium was removed, and isopropanol containing
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla 0.04 M HCl was then added to dissolve the
University, Thailand. RPMI Medium 1640 (RPMI formazan production in the cells. The formazan
1640) Medium powder with L-glutamine, Fetal solution was measured with a micro-plate reader at
Bovine Serum (FBS), Penicillin-Streptomycin 570 nm. The test sample was considered to be
(P/S), trypsin-EDTA and trypan blue were cytotoxic when the optical density of the sample-
purchased from Gibco, USA. Phosphate Buffer treated group was less than 70-80% of that in the
Saline (PBS) was from Amresco, USA. Sodium control (vehicle-treated) group. Indomethacin was
bicarbonate was from BDH, England. used as positive controls.
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, from Escherichia coli), 4. DPPH radical scavenging activity
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 1,1-Diphenyl-2- The antioxidant activity of all extracts and fractions
picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) were from Fluka, Germany. was determined according to the modified method
2. Plant materials and extraction of Yamasaki et al. [13]. Samples for testing were
The parts of plants were collected from Dan-Chang, prepared by dissolution in absolute ethanol and
Suphanburi in Thailand. The voucher specimens prepare sample solution (4 concentration as two-
were deposited at the herbarium of Southern Center fold dilution) to be 100, 50, 10, 1 µg/ml. A portion
of Thai Medicinal Plants at Faculty of of sample solution (0.1 ml) was mixed with the
Pharmaceutical Science, Prince of Songkla same volume of 6 x 10-5 M DPPH in absolute
University, Songkhla, Thailand. Five plant materials ethanol. After the mixture had been allowed to
were dried at 50°C. One hundred gram of each protected from light for 30 minutes at room
plants was to provide homogeneous combined as temperature, its absorbance was measured at 520
Benjalokawichian or Ha-Rak preparation, each nm using a spectrophotometer.
roots was also ground and macerated with 95%
ethanol, then filtered and concentrated by rotary RESULTS
evaporator (under reduced pressure) to obtain the
1. The percent yield of extracts
ethanolic extracts. The percentage of yields of each
The percent yield of HR and each extract showed in
extract were calculated.
Figure 1. The HR extract showed the highest (4.26 %)
3. In vitro assay for Anti-inflammatory activity percentage of yields whereas FR showed the lowest
Inhibitory effect on NO production by Mouse (2.01%).
4 3.72%
Figure 1 The percent yield of Ya-Ha-Rak remedy and each component extracts by maceration with 95% ethanol
61.35 54.65 53.16
60 46.55
FR CM TT HP CP HR Indomethacin*
Figure 2 Anti-inflammatory Activity of Benjalokawichian Remedy (Ya-Ha-Rak) and its plant ingredients (n=3),
*Positive control
Table 1 The results of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Benjalokawichian Remedy (Ya-Ha-Rak) and its ingredients (n=3)
(mcg/ml) Ethanolic extracts
15.38 16.91
20 12.75
Figure 3 The results of DPPH radical scavenging assay of Benjalokawichian Remedy (Ya-Ha-Rak) and its ingredients
(n=3), *Positive control
Table 2 Comparison of Percent yield, anti-inflammatory activity by NO inhibitory effect, EC50 values of DPPH radical
scavenging activity from Benjalokawichian remedy and it plant ingredients (n=3)
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CONCLUSION Antinociceptive effects of Ben-Cha-Lo-Ka-Wi-Chian
In conclusion, the HR extract showed the highest Remedy. Journal of Health Research; 2010; 24(1): 15-
(4.26 %) percentage of yields and anti-inflammatory 22.
activity (IC50=40.36 µg/ml), exhibited moderate 11. Singharachai C, Palanuvej C, Kiyohara H, Yamada H,
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