10 1002@suco 201700059
10 1002@suco 201700059
10 1002@suco 201700059
DOI: 10.1002/suco.201700059
concrete structures, critical shear crack theory, punching shear strength, shear
strength, size effect
Structural Concrete. 2017;1–11. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/suco © 2017 fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete 1
(a) (b)
2V log ṽ LEFM
limit analysis
log d˜
(c) (d)
FIGURE 1 Shear and punching shear failures: (a) classical academic (statically determinate) beam shear test; (b) corresponding size-effect law;
(c) redundant structure in the transversal direction (cut-and-cover tunnel); (d) redundant structure in the longitudinal direction (bridge deck slab); (e) slab
sector; and (f ) continuous flat slab
failures with significant size-effect influence, the behavior effect law (according to Bažant et al6). The validity of this
of test specimens is reasonably well approximated by slope for statically determinate members can also be demon-
assuming a linear relationship between the acting (shear) strated by other means as for instance the critical shear
force and the crack widths (see Reference 5 experimental crack theory (CSCT,5 a consistent study on this topic can be
evidence will be discussed in this paper). By using linear- referred elsewhere7).
elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), the influence of size As it will be shown in this paper, the observed size
effect on the strength of asymptotically large specimens can effect for statically determinate beams is not necessarily
be calculated,6 corresponding to a slope (in double-log representative of actual members failing in shear without
scale) of −1/2, refer to Figure 1b (plotted for normalized transverse reinforcement. These are mostly slabs, with the
values for the size and shear strength parameters, values for capacity to act as two-way members and in many cases
such normalization will be introduced in the next section). with a redundant static system, refer to Figure 1c,d. For
The transition between the two regimes (controlled by a these members, redistribution of internal forces occur after
yield criterion or controlled by LEFM) can be characterized cracking and reinforcement yielding, and the linearity
by a smooth curve that is normally referred to as the size- between acting shear forces and crack widths can be
considered as no longer applicable (neither the size effect 2.1 | The capacity of cracked concrete to transfer
influence predicted by LEFM). Theoretically, the slope shear forces
shall be milder, with an influence depending on the devia- According to the CSCT, the capacity of cracked concrete to
tion with respect to a linear behavior. Despite this fact, the transfer shear forces is characterized by a failure criterion
influence of size effect on shear design formulas has been accounting for the various potential shear-transfer actions7
adapted in several cases from that of statically determinate
(namely aggregate interlock, residual tensile strength of con-
members. crete, dowelling action, and inclination of compression
For punching shear failures, the influence of the non- chord). The failure criterion results from integration of the
linear response on the size effect is even more significant
stresses developed at the critical shear crack accounting for
as two-way slabs are internally redundant members with its shape and kinematics at failure. It can be demonstrated
significant internal force redistributions (in radial and tan- in References 5,7 that the shear failure criterion is in fact
gential directions and between hogging and sagging dependent on the opening (w) and roughness of the critical
regions,8 Figure 1f ) and where the effects of tension stiff- shear crack leading to failure. In addition, it can be demon-
ening are very marked.9 Even for slab sectors (Figure 1e), strated that the capacity of cracked concrete to transfer shear
the response (shear force-crack width) is notably nonlin- forces decreases for increasing crack openings or decreasing
ear due to these aspects (tension-stiffening and radial- crack roughness.
tangential moment redistribution due to cracking and For practical purposes, the failure criterion can be
yielding9). defined by a single function where it is assumed that the
Previous investigations based on analysis of experimen-
critical shear crack width is proportional to a reference
tal results have already shown that the asymptotic slope for strain times the effective depth of the member (w / ε d 5)
size effect in punching failures governed by brittle failures leading to the following failure criterion:
is milder than −1/2 (expressed in double-log scale), indicat-
ing that the behavior deviates from that of LEFM.10 This VR 1 1
pffiffiffiffi = ðSI units ½MPa, mmÞ; ð1Þ
phenomenon can be demonstrated theoretically by using the bd fc 3 1 + 120 dεd
CSCT9,11 (ground of current MC2010 punching provi-
where b refers to the width of the member, d to its effective
sions12,13), which yields an influence of size effect on the
depth, fc to the compressive strength of concrete measured
punching strength governed by a slope closer to −1/3.14
in cylinder, and ddg to the equivalent crack roughness
This value is also in agreement to other theoretical
(ddg = dg + 16 mm ≤ 40 mm, where dg refers to the maxi-
approaches for punching shear.15
mum aggregate size). With respect to the reference strain
This paper reviews these aspects by identifying and jus-
(ε), it is considered at a distance equal to 0.6d of the com-
tifying based on experimental evidence the cases where the
pression face and at d/2 of the applied load (location of the
behavior of brittle failures in shear can be approximated by
control section, extended considerations can be consulted
LEFM and the cases where the actual behavior deviates
elsewhere5). It can be noted that in the previous expression,
from it. Based on the theoretical frame of the CSCT, suita-
the crack width accounts both for the size (d) and for the
ble values for the influence of size effect are derived in
strain of the member (ε), thus coupling both phenomena.
terms of the slope describing brittle failures (expressed in
double-log scale). On that basis, recommendations are pro-
vided for design.
2.2 | Statically determinate members—Size effect in
shear for a linear structural response
2 | SIZE E FFE CT IN SHEAR F AILURE S O F The shear strength and the influence of size in statically
O NE -W A Y S L A B S W I T H O UT TR AN S V E RS E determinate members (for instance simply supported beams
R E I NF O R CE M E N T and one-way slabs) has been previously investigated in
detail by means of the CSCT.7 The strength can be calcu-
The influence of size effect on the shear strength of one- lated by intersecting the failure criterion by the law describ-
way slabs and beams without transverse reinforcement is ing the relationship between the acting shear force at the
investigated in this section both for statically determinate control section and the associated crack openings.
(as for instance simply supported beams, as usually tested For statically determinate members, it can be accepted
in laboratory) and redundant members (as continuous one- that the reference strain (ε) and thus the opening of the cracks
way members, which are more representative of practical (w) are linearly dependent on the acting bending moment.5
cases). The aim of this section is to highlight their differ- This assumption is grounded on the reduction and eventual
ences and expected consequences with reference to size loss of reinforcement-to-concrete bond stresses due to the
effect. To that purpose, the theoretical frame of the CSCT is development of horizontal or inclined cracks at the level of
used to analyze the shear strength and to perform the the reinforcement7 limiting the tension-stiffening effects. The
comparisons. development of these cracks (eventually leading to a
delamination crack) is investigated in detail by Cavagnis On the basis of these considerations, a linear elastic
et al16 (named as type “D” cracks). This fact is shown in cracked behavior can be reasonably assumed. In this case,
Figure 2 showing the results of a specimen (SC70) tested and for the depth of the reference fiber, the strains can be
instrumented consistently with the results presented in Refer- approximated by the following expression (neglecting
ence 16. In that figure, the horizontal opening of the crack at tension-stiffening effects in the sectional analysis, Figure 3):
point “A” is investigated. This point is located at the same
M 0:6d −c
depth as that considered by the CSCT as a reference fiber ε= : ð2Þ
ρbdEs ðd − c=3Þ d − c
(where flexural cracks have already merged). Figure 2b–d
shows the evolution of the crack pattern as well as of the hor- For a simply supported beam subjected to a concen-
izontal opening of the crack. At early cracking stages trated load, the bending moment at the control
(Figure 2b), the behavior is not linear with a rapid increase of section (located at d/2 from the load, see Figure 3b) results
the crack opening. Thereafter (Figure 2c), the relationship M = VR(a − d/2) so that:
between the crack widths and the acting shear force is rather
VR ða −d=2Þ 0:6d −c
linear (with proportional increases for both). This behavior ε= ; ð3Þ
ρbdEs ðd − c=3Þ d − c
continues up to near failure (Figure 2d) when, in the last load
increments (Figure 2e), the linearity is again lost.
a = 3850 mm V
2Ø28 mm
M d 600 mm
2Ø28 mm
V 250 mm
V [kN]
M 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
V uA [mm]
V [kN]
M 60
V 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
uA [mm]
V [kN]
M 60
V 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
uA [mm]
V [kN]
M 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
uA [mm]
FIGURE 2 Analysis of the response of a simply supported beam: (a) geometry, support and loading conditions of specimen SC70; and horizontal crack
opening at point A (uA) for: (b) an early cracking stage; (c) stabilized cracking and development of type D cracks; (d) near failure; and (e) failure
(a) (b)
V control section
b·d √ fc
reinforcement yielding
VR d/2
b·d √ f c
failure criterion
linear response 0.6d
d dg reference fibre
log b·d √ fc
LEFM limit analysis
FIGURE 3 Size effect in shear failures:
(a) failure criterion, flexural behavior and -0.8 2
failure load according to the critical shear 1
crack theory (CSCT); (b) control section and -1.2
reference strain; and (c) size-effect law CSCT size-effect law
according to the CSCT and comparison to the -1.6
database of Reference 5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 log dn
where ρ refers to the reinforcement ratio, Es to the modulus in the transversal direction (Figure 1c) as well as in the
of elasticity of the reinforcement, and c refers to the depth longitudinal direction when concentrated loads are acting
of the compression zone5: (Figure 1d). Due to structural redundancy, redistributions
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ! of internal shear forces are possible, which may deviate
Es 2Ec the relationship between the acting shear force and the
c = ρd 1+ −1 ; ð4Þ
Ec ρEs crack openings at the shear-critical region from a
linear one.
and with Ec referring to the modulus of elasticity of
The response of a redundant structure is for instance
shown in Figure 4. It corresponds to a continuous one-way
By introducing the value of ε of Equation (2) into
slab subjected to distributed loading, where the response of
Equation (1), the shear resistance (VR) can be determined,
such element is investigated at d/2 (control section) from
which results in the following expression7:
the support region (Figure 4a). Some phases can be differ-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi entiated, corresponding first to an uncracked behavior, fol-
VR − 1 + 1 + 4dn
pffiffiffiffi = ; ð5Þ lowed by cracking near the support, cracking at mid-span
bd fc 6dn
and eventually yielding of the reinforcement of both
where dn is a parameter accounting for size and strain regions. The evolution of the bending moments at mid-span
effects.7 It can be noted that this expression is consistent and support (Figure 4b) shows that the response is not lin-
with the size-effect law for shear failures by Bažant.6 The ear, deviating due to cracking and yielding occurring at dif-
validity of the expression can in fact be assessed by means ferent load levels at mid-span and support. This influences
of test results as most tests of beams in shear correspond to the response of the element in terms of the shear force-to-
this support and loading conditions, see Figure 3c. For fail- crack opening relationship, leading to a nonlinear behavior.
ures governed by limit analysis (dn ! 0), no size effect is The shear strength can be determined by calculating the ref-
observed whereas for large sizes (dn ! ∞), the slope (in erence strain by means of Equation (2) and by accounting
double-log scale) of the strength corresponds asymptotically for the actual values of the bending moment and shear force
to −1/2 in accordance with the LEFM (Figure 3c). (Figure 4b). In so doing, a nonlinear response is obtained
with a stiffer behavior than that corresponding to a linear
prediction (two calculated cases are shown in Figure 4c). If
2.3 | Size effect in shear for redundant members such analysis is performed for geometrically identical mem-
Despite the fact that the majority of shear tests are per- bers but scaled, one can derive the size-effect law. Two
formed in statically determinate members, actual struc- cases are for instance presented in Figure 4d, one corre-
tures where shear strength governs are in many cases sponding to a moderate flexural reinforcement ratio (ρhog =
redundant. Structural redundancy may be considered both 0.5%) and another to a high flexural reinforcement ratio
(a) (b)
elastic analysis (support)
shear control section actual behaviour (support)
ρhog m −R
d/2 m cr
(c) L qr1 qr2 qy qR
d √ fc
(d) 1
ρhog = 1.0%
elastic prediction ≈3
[ √MPa]
actual behaviour
d·√f c
failure criterion
(thin slabs) ρhog = 0.5%
failure criterion 0.1 1 10
(thick slabs)
d [m]
FIGURE 4 Influence of size effect on a redundant member: (a) case investigated; (b) evolution of bending moments on the support and mid-span sections;
(c) load-reference strain response; and (d) calculated size effect as a function of the flexural reinforcement ratio plotted in double-log scale (red curve:
ρhog = 1%, ρsag = 0.5%; blue curve: ρhog = 0.5%, ρsag = 0.3%)
(ρhog = 1.0%). From Figure 4d, one can observe that the 3 | S IZ E A ND STR AI N EFF EC TS I N
slope of the size-effect law tends to zero for low sizes (gov- P U NC HI N G F AI L U RE S O F S L AB –C O L U M N
erned by the strength criterion) and that for large size mem- CONNECTIONS
bers it tends to a value of approximately −1/3. This latter
slope is milder than that predicted by LEFM (−1/2) due to 3.1 | Nonlinear response of two-way slabs and shear
the nonlinear response exhibited by the members. The fact strength
that the slope is milder than that of LEFM indicates that the
assumption on the linear behavior for a redundant structure The CSCT can also be used as a consistent frame for investi-
deviates from its actual behavior and leads to safe predic- gating the punching shear strength of two-way slabs.9 With
tions in terms of the shear strength. reference to the opening of the critical shear crack, it is
A similar consideration can be performed with respect assumed to be correlated to the slab rotation (ψ, see Figure 5b)
to structures that are redundant in the transversal direction times the effective depth of the member: w / ψ d. This term
(due to a two-way slab behavior, refer for instance to the accounts again for both the size and strain level of the mem-
ber. Similarly to the shear strength of one-way slabs, the fail-
deck slab subjected to a concentrated action shown in
Figure 1d). Detailed measurements performed by Natário ure criterion can be described according to Muttoni9 by
et al17 have shown that strong redistributions in the bending a hyperbolic relationship:
and shear fields occur in the region where shear failure
VR 3=4
occurs, with load being transferred to less cracked regions. pffiffiffiffi = ðSI units ½MPa, mmÞ; ð6Þ
Also, crack openings are shown to have a highly nonlinear b0 d fc 1 + 15 ψd
reinforcement yielding
(flexural strength)
− 1r
actual response
EI 1 no concrete contribution in tension
− 1r
distribution of bending moments in the slab (in the radial and reinforcement at mid-span and the moment redistributions
tangential directions9) as well as to the moment–curvature that occur.8,18
response of a reinforced concrete section (simplified as a The significance of the tension-stiffening effects can be
quadri-linear response in Figure 5a). observed in Figure 6 with reference to two tests performed
A detailed analysis and derivation of the load–rotation by Guandalini et al19 on geometrically identical specimens
response of slab–column connections has been thoroughly scaled approximately 1:2. Although both specimens failed
presented by Muttoni9 (extended considerations accounting in punching, the smaller exhibited a behavior with a signifi-
for the continuity of flat slabs have also been developed by cantly larger deformation capacity, failing in regime
Einpaul et al8,18). According to these works, the load– (3) (almost beginning of regime (4)). The thicker specimen,
rotation relationship (Figure 5b) comprises a number of however, showed a rather brittle behavior and failed in the
regimes: transition between regimes (2) and (3). Both specimens
FIGURE 7 Predicted size effect by the critical shear crack theory (CSCT) and comparison to the test series presented in Reference 19 plotted in double-log
scale (tests PG-2b and PG-9 for ρ = 0.24%; tests PG-3 and PG-10 for ρ = 0.33%, tests PG-7 and PG-19 for ρ = 0.75% and PG-1 and PG-6 for ρ = 1.50%):
(a) accounting for tension-stiffening effects; (b) without consideration of tension-stiffening effects; and (c) according to fib MC2010
However, size effect shall deviate from LEFM in actual rs distance from center of column to the line of contra-
(mostly redundant) structures as the shear action and flexure of bending moments
shear resistance (proportional to crack widths and thus uA horizontal opening of crack at point A
to bending moments) are no longer proportional. v unitary shear force
3. It has been observed experimentally that size effect in w crack width
punching of slab–column connections (which are inter- ε reference strain
nally redundant members) is milder than that predicted ρ reinforcement ratio
by LEFM. This is in agreement to the previous consid- ψ rotation
eration and can be theoretically explained by the CSCT.
4. According to the CSCT, the predicted size-effect slope
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How to cite this article: Fernández Ruiz M,
Miguel Fernández Ruiz PhD Muttoni A. Size effect in shear and punching shear fail-
Senior Lecturer ures of concrete members without transverse reinforce-
École Polytechnique Fédérale de ment: Differences between statically determinate
Lausanne members and redundant structures. Structural Concrete.
Station 18, CH-1015 Lausanne 2017;1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.201700059
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