Introduction To Bandits: (Some Slides Stolen From Csaba's AAAI Tutorial)

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Introduction to bandits

(some slides stolen from Csaba’s AAAI tutorial)

Do not have complete information about the
effectiveness or side-effects of the drugs.
Aim: Infer the best drug by running a
sequence of trials
Mapping to a bandits algorithm:
● Each drug choice is mapped to an arm and
its reward is mapped to the drug's
● Administering a drug is an action and is
equivalent to pulling the corresponding arm.
● The trial goes on for n rounds.
Other applications: Recommender Systems, Viral Marketing, Network Routing,
Ad Placement

1. Stochasticity: The reward for each arm is sampled from its underlying
distribution. The
2. Finiteness and Independence: The number of arms is finite and the reward
for each arm is independent of the others.
3. Stationarity: The reward distributions of the arms do not change over time.

Is a special tractable case of RL

Performance Metric: Cumulative regret

Results in an exploration-exploitation trade-off:

Exploration: Pull an arm to learn more about it.
Exploitation: Pull the arm that we know has a higher reward.
Multi-armed bandits
OBSERVE: Can observe reward immediately on pulling the arm. Rewards are
scalars bounded on the [0,1] interval.

UPDATE: Use the mean of rewards obtained on pulling arm i as the empirical
estimated reward for that arm.

SELECT: Explore-Then-Commit, Epsilon-Greedy, Upper Confidence Bound,

Thompson sampling
When to commit:

(Gap-dependent Bound)

(Gap-free Bound)

+ Interleaves exploration and exploitation.

+ Doesn’t require knowledge of the gap or the horizon.
+ Popularly used and works well in practice.

- Performance is sensitive to the choice of epsilon.

- Results in suboptimal n^{⅔} regret.
Optimism in the face of uncertainty
Optimism in the face of uncertainty

+ Doesn’t require knowledge of the gap or the horizon.

+ Results in near-optimal regret.
Thompson sampling
P_i is the posterior distribution (conditioned on the observed rewards) for arm i


+ Simple to implement. Only requires a sampling procedure

+ Theoretically, it results in near-optimal regret.
+ Often works better than UCB in practice.

- In some variants, it tends to over-explore.

Structured Bandits
● Arms (choices) can be related by a structural assumption on the action space
or according to their corresponding features. Eg: Items in a Rec-sys.
● In problems with large number of arms, learning about each arm separately is
● Contextual Bandits: Each arm j has a feature vector xj and there exists

● Linear Bandits:
● Combinatorial Bandits: The space of arms are related according to a
combinatorial constraint.
Contextual Bandits

Linear Bandits:
(Non)-Linear Bandits
- O(n^{2/3}) regret
+ Easy to extend for
non-linear bandits


- Don’t know how to construct

confidence intervals for
complex functions
(Non)-Linear Bandits
Thompson sampling
+ O(d n^{½}) regret
+ Can use approximate sampling
procedures for complex functions

- Not well developed theory.
+ Need to compute only point
Bandits everywhere!
● Adversarial Bandits (relaxing assumption 1)
● Gaussian process Bandits (relaxing assumption 2)
● Restless Bandits (relaxing assumption 3)
● Rotting Bandits
● Duelling Bandits
● Firing Bandits
● ………….

Difference objective functions:

Best-arm identification
Bayesian bandits

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