Eportfolio Geography of Covid-19

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There are fossils of viruses preserved in the DNA of the hosts that they have

infected. Describe how this molecular fossil trail can help scientists
understand where viruses came from and how they have evolved.
● Is the virus replicates within the host some of the genomes become
Incorporated and passed down to the hosts offspring such as if A cell
that produces sperm or eggs is infected. Because the hosts evolve at a
much slower rate than what viruses do those who study the DNA of
viruses can track the genome backwards.

List the six diseases that forever changed the world.

1. Plague - spread by fleas
2. SmallPox - Caused by the Variola virus
3. Syphilis - Caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria
4. Cholera - Caused by Vibrio cholerae
5. Yellow Fever -Spread by mosquitoes
6. Hemophilia - Hereditary

Describe how pandemics spread from person to person and around the world.
● As civilization has increased in size, and people stayed in one place
longer and longer this allowed people to live within close proximity of
one another and with the passage of bodily fluids in one form or another
it allowed the passage of viruses, and bacteria to become easier and
easier. Fast forward to today and a people can be at any spot on the
Earth within a matter of days. With today's transportation technology it is
important to be vigilant and make use of contact tracing.

Why was the 1918 Pandemic considered the “mother of all pandemics?”
● Because it killed between 50 and 100 million people. There is a thought
that the first flu you catch helps your body send off other types of flus so
if you catch an H1 type of virus early in life you're better able to defend
against other H1 type of viruses. however during the 1918 pandemic it
is thought that those most affected could fend off H3 variants but around
1900 the virus Went through an antigenic shift and caused it to be I bet
deadlier and leave people more vulnerable
Explain how scientists use smart vaccination techniques to end a pandemic
that had killed millions around the world.
● They use a virus from the same family whereas for the smallpox vaccine
they got the genetic material from cows is they had a farm called
cowpox that infected the others. They also use a technique called The
Ring vaccination where you vaccinate the people who have come in
contact with an infected person this creates a ring around those people
and helps protect the rest of the population

Explain how scientists figured out what HIV is, when the infection morphs into
AIDS, and where they think the virus originated.
● Luc montagnier suspected it was a virus because the blood products
hemophiliacs use for filtered for things like bacteria and fungi but the
viruses we're too small And we're making it past the filters. Francois
barre-Sinoussi, Robert Gallo, both published works from their blood
samples from AIDS patients and found retroviruses which were later
classified as the HIV virus.
● After a person has been infected they could feel sick for a short amount
of time as the body fights off the infection, after that point they could
feel fine friend undefined amount of time until the HIV virus has
destroyed enough of their T cells at which point they are known to have
AIDS (or when their T-cell counts have dropped between 200 microliters
● It is believed that the HIV virus came from a strain that it infects
chimpanzees and the virus jump the barrier between chimpanzees and
humans because people had a taste for bush meat or wild game.
Known as the cut Hunter hypothesis Well the primate is being killed
some of their blood makes its way into a cut on the poachers hand and
is then able to mutate and begin infecting.

Describe the science behind how vaccines trigger an immune response and
teach our bodies to recognize dangerous pathogens.
● as the body fights off an infection you will see coughing, sneezing,
inflammation, and fever these are all signs of the body is fighting off
something . Adaptive immunity is where the bodies B & T cells
remember the infections they have fought off in the past and therefore
have an idea of what to do and can adapt for the next infection. The
cowpox vaccine allowed a person's body to fight off a much weaker
form of the strain so when it encountered the smallpox virus it already
had an idea of how to fight it.

Contrast the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic and what the
response by governments are to each from a geographic or spatial

○ An epidemic is a sudden unexpected increase in cases of a

disease in a particular region.
■ With an epidemic you tried to contain the disease
○ A pandemic is a sudden unexpected worldwide spread of a
■ what's a pandemic you can only try to mitigate the spread

Compare the difference between asymptomatic transmission and community


○ Asymptomatic is where the disease is being spread by a person

who does not display any signs I've been sick.
○ Community spread is a sustained growth of the disease within a
group of people who have not been traveling Where've otherwise
to change their daily habits.
Explain the purpose of social distancing.

○ Social distancing encompasses a number of things such as

closing events keeping distance between yourself and others In
general bean and close distance facilitates the spread and
distancing yourself help slow it.

Describe how the virus is being transmitted between humans and how we can
reduce the spread of the disease.

○ The disease is spread through droplets expelled through the

mouth. If someone touches a surface that has been contaminated
and intern touches their face they could be at risk of Contracting
the disease. There has been a great deal of importance on not
touching your face cleaning commonly used surfaces as well as
not touching your face.

Analyze and describe the epidemiology strategy of “flattening the curve.”

● Flattening the Curve is important as it helps the healthcare system from

becoming overwhelmed. If nothing is done the Curve will Spike and
climb well beyond what the capacity is to treat the sick whereas if
people continue with their social distancing they can slow the spread of
the disease and give healthcare workers time to fight.

Describe why social distancing is so important to “flatten the curve” to slow the
pandemic from becoming a catastrophe.
● Flattening the Curve helps show that the population is mitigating the
spread of the disease this is done at by social distancing. staying away
from large groups of people and avoiding the possibility that you could
come in contact with droplets of the disease expelled by someone who
is sick.

Describe how and where the COVID-19 virus originated and how did it
potentially reach humans.

○ The virus originated from bats, but before it made it to humans the
virus likely mutated within another animal potentially a pangolin
where are mutated to the point where it could jump the species
barrier and begin infecting humans.

Explain makes China’s wet market different from other wet markets around
the world.

○ Most viruses are content to stay within their dominant Carrier

Group, the covid-19 virus that originated in bats likely would have
never encountered a Pangolin however in a market such as in
Wuhan these types of animals can cross paths allowing viruses to
jump species.

Explain China’s “Wildlife Protection Law” and its impact on the wildlife farming

○ During the 1970s China was struggling to feed at citizens and

changed its stance on Government-controlled agricultural farming
and turned it over to private citizens.Large companies did fine with
this type of Ruin however the poor communities turned to raising
or capturing wild animals to self on their own. As these types of
situations began feeding communities the Chinese government
backed it and continue to let it operate. The wildlife protection act
stated that The wildlife was a a natural resource and in turn that
could be used for human benefit, the law also encouraged the
farming of these animals, which strengthened the wet market type
of Industry. As small operations began to get larger and larger it
opened up the possibilities for illegal farming.

Describe how the impacts on this industry also impacted China’s wet market
in comparison to wet market practices in other regions of the world.

○ The wet markets we're bringing in a large amount of money for

the Chinese government and therefore they continue to back it
despite potential risks. As issues crept in the government would
shut down the markets however shortly after they would declare
but everything was okay or add species ( sometimes endangered)
back onto the list. Some who sell within the market claim that their
product has healing or sexual benefits of consumption however
their claims are all false. Organizations around the world are
urging China to a permanently closed they're wet markets to
discourage these types of viruses from appearing again.

Describe the misinformation you have heard regarding the COVID-19 virus?
○ Well let's start with the big one that 5G cell towers spread the
○ I've heard that it is spread by those are Chinese descent, and
have read stories about people being assaulted.

Determine where do epidemiologists believe the virus originated?

○ They believe that break began in December of 2019 in Wuhan.

epidemiologist trace the likely Source back to the Huanan
seafood wholesale Market

State how many people had left Wuhan, China at the start of the massive

○ It is estimated that around five million people who are potentially

exposed the virus had already left Wuhan.

Identify the spatial distribution of COVID-19 across the world. Which regions
of the world have the most significant number of cases of COVID-19?

○ Per the confirmed cases report on the website that u.s. is being hit
quite hard with a little over 1.2 million confirmed cases, the
second-highest is Spain with 220 mm confirmed cases

Locate the spatial distribution of COVID-19 within the United States. Which
regions of the world have the highest number of cases of COVID-19?
○ The east coast is being hit particularly hard New York has over
26000 deaths followed by New Jersey with 8960 deaths this could
be a correlation with the amount of people who live within those
counties and the amount of people per capita residing there.

Describe the data trends (graph lines on the lower-right of the website) for
mainland China and the rest of the world.

○ Per the China graph it has flattened out around 80k cases. The
rest of the countries have far surpassed that and have not
flattened out.

Provide a summary for each of the following regions: United States, Asia,

○ US: 1.2M confirmed casses with The West Coast getting hit
particularly hard. The bar graph has not flattened yet.
○ Asia:Of the Asian continents China is getting hit the hardest they
have reported little over 83,000 confirmed cases with their bar
graph flattening out around that number, most of the other
countries around them have fewer cases but their bar graph is still
○ Europe: The European countries are all taking a beating as well
United Kingdom Currently has a little over 200,000 confirmed
cases and 31,000 thousand deaths most of the other countries
surrounding them show similar numbers.
Describe the connection between COVID-19 and racist rhetoric that is
occurring around the world regarding the virus.

○ Racism towards nationalities is nothing new you can think back to

the concentration camps during World War II were Chinese
Americans were held. The same type of racism has not gone
away it has only changed, and is being displayed in a different
way because, of stupidity and misinformation people believe that
because you are out of Asian descent you are a carrier

Explain the various kinds of misinformation that exist regarding the virus.

○ Racism and xenophobia are things everyone needs to pay

attention to as these groups are often the starting points for
misinformation that lead to the targeting and abuse have
nationalities with those of Asian descent are targeted and
retaliated against do the people's fears that they are spreading the

identify the social media platforms you chose and explain what you learned
from researching the hashtag from social media.

○ On Instagram those using the hashtag I am not a virus talk about

what they actually do in life and how they are helping their
○ The stories are the same on Twitter show me medical
professionals telling stories of how they are trying to help people
who are sick and I've come to the hospitals where they work.

Epistemologists and other health experts recommend that we wash our hands
often, with soap and warm water, for a minimum of 20 seconds. Explain why
soap is so effective against COVID-19.

○ Soap is a two-sided molecule a positive side that attracts water

the negative side it is attracted to fatty proteins. the protective
layer that makes up viruses is a simple fatty layer and as a person
washes their hands the soap molecule helps bind the soap to the
water and essentially pulls the virus apart destroying it

Provide specific examples of how you and the people you know can help to
fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

○ Follow the CDC guidelines and try to limit your contact with
groups of people, and wear face masks when you go out, If you
feel the need to sneeze sneeze into your arm this can help
prevent the water molecules in your sneeze from traveling away
from you. keep your house sanitized and wash your hands
frequently wall avoiding to touch your face what email address are
you using?

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