Fuel Injection System For Ci Engines PDF

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The function of a fuel injection system is to meter the appropriate quantity of fuel for the given
engine speed and load to each cylinder, each cycle, and inject that fuel at the appropriate time in the
cycle at the desired rate with the spray configuration required for the particular combustion
chamber employed. It is important that injection begin and end cleanly, and avoid any secondary
injections. To accomplish this function, fuel is usually drawn from the fuel tank by a supply pump,
and forced through a filter to the injection pump. The injection pump sends fuel under pressure to
the nozzle pipes which carry fuel to the injector nozzles located in each cylinder head. Excess fuel
goes back to the fuel tank. CI engines are operated unthrottled, with engine speed and power
controlled by the amount of fuel injected during each cycle. This allows for high volumetric
efficiency at all speeds, with the intake system designed for very little flow restriction of the
incoming air.
For a proper running and good performance of the engine, the following requirements must be met
by the injection system:
• Accurate metering of the fuel injected per cycle. Metering errors may cause drastic variation
from the desired output. The quantity of the fuel metered should vary to meet changing speed
and load requirements of the engine.
• Correct timing of the injection of the fuel in the cycle so that maximum power is obtained.
• Proper control of rate of injection so that the desired heat-release pattern is achieved during
• Proper atomization of fuel into very fine droplets.
• Proper spray pattern to ensure rapid mixing of fuel and air.
• Uniform distribution of fuel droplets throughout the combustion chamber
• To supply equal quantities of metered fuel to all cylinders in case of multi-cylinder engines.
• No lag during beginning and end of injection i.e., to eliminate dribbling of fuel droplets into the
There are basically two types of injection systems: Air injection system and solid injection system.
Air Injection System: In this system, fuel is forced into the cylinder by means of compressed air.
This system is little used nowadays, because it requires a bulky multi-stage air compressor. This
causes an increase in engine weight and reduces the brake power output further. One advantage that
is claimed for the air injection system is good mixing of fuel with the air resulting in higher mean
effective pressure. Another advantage is its ability to utilize fuels of high viscosity which are less
expensive than those used by the engines with solid injection systems. These advantages are off-set
by the requirement of a multistage compressor thereby making the air-injection system obsolete.
Solid Injection System: In this system the liquid fuel is injected directly into the combustion
chamber without the aid of compressed air. Hence, it is also called airless mechanical injection or
solid injection system. It can be classified into four types.
i. Individual pump and nozzle system
ii. Unit injector system
iii. Common rail system
iv. Distributor system
Individual Pump and Nozzle System: In this system, each cylinder is provided with one pump and
one injector. A separate metering and compression pump is provided for each cylinder. The pump
may be placed close to the cylinder. The high pressure pump plunger is actuated by a cam, and
produces the fuel pressure necessary to open the injector valve at the correct time. The amount of
fuel injected depends on the effective stroke of the plunger.
Unit Injector System: In this system a pump and the injector nozzle are combined in one housing.
Each cylinder is provided with one of these unit injectors. Fuel is brought up to the injector by a
low pressure pump, where at the proper time, a rocker arm actuates the plunger and thus injects the
fuel into the cylinder. The amount of fuel injected is regulated by the effective stroke of the
Common Rail System: In the common rail system, a
HP pump supplies fuel, to a fue l header. High
pressure in the header forces the fuel to each of the
nozzles located in the cylinders, at proper time. A
mechanically operated (by means of a push rod and
rocker arm) valve allows the fuel to enter the proper
cylinder through the nozzle. The pressure in the fuel
header must be so high it must enable to penetrate
and disperse the fuel in the combustion chamber.
The amount of fuel entering the cylinder is regulated
by varying the length of the push rod stroke.
Distributor System: In this system the pump which pressurizes the fuel also meters and times it.
The fuel pump after metering the required amount of fuel is supplied to a rotating distributor at the
correct time for supply to each cylinder. The number of injection strokes per cycle for the pump is
equal to the number of cylinders. Since there is one metering element in each pump, a uniform
distribution is automatically ensured. Not only that, the cost of the fuel-injection system also


All the above systems comprise mainly of the following components.
i. Fuel tank.
ii. Fuel feed pump to supply fuel from the main fuel tank to the injection system
iii. Injection pump to meter and pressurize the fuel for injection.
iv. Governor to ensure that the amount of fuel injected is in accordance with variation in load.
v. Injector to take the fuel from the pump and distribute it in the combustion chamber by
atomizing it into fine droplets.
vi. Fuel filters to prevent dust and abrasive particles from entering the pump and injectors
thereby minimizing the wear and tear of the components.
Combustion of the air-fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder is one of the processes that controls
engine power, efficiency, and emissions. Combustion in an engine is a very complex process which
is not completely understood. Simplified models are used to describe this not-so-simple
phenomenon. Combustion in an SI engine is quite different from combustion in a CI engine.
In spark-ignition engines, the fuel is normally mixed with air in the engine
intake system. Following the compression of this air-fuel mixture and the
residual gas, an electric discharge initiates the combustion process; a flame
develops from the “kernal” created by the spark discharge and propagates
across the cylinder to the combustion chamber walls. The combustion
chamber is the area inside the engine where the fuel/air mixture is
compressed and then ignited.
Combustion chamber is generally formed on one side Old Chamber Design
by the shape cast into the cylinder head, and on the Flat Head Ford V8
other side by the top of the piston. The engine's overall
efficiency is affected by the shape of the chamber,
shape of the top of the piston, and the location of
valves and spark plug and overall airflow through the
intake and exhaust. Combustion starts at the spark plug
and the flame front travels from spark plug. At the
Divided Chambers
walls, the flame is “quenched” or extinguished because
of heat transfer.
The combustion process of spark-ignition engines can be divided into three broad regions:
(1) Ignition and flame development;
(2) Flame propagation; and
(3) Flame termination
Normal combustion
So far we have described normal combustion in which the spark-ignited flame moves steadily across
the combustion chamber until the charge is fully consumed. In other words, a combustion process
which is initiated solely by a timed spark and in which the flame front moves completely across the
combustion chamber in a uniform manner at a normal velocity is called normal combustion.
However, several factorse.g., fuel composition, certain engine design and operating parameters,
and combustion chamber depositsmay prevent this normal combustion process from occurring.
Abnormal combustion is a combustion process in
which a flame front may be started by hot
combustion-chamber surfaces either prior to or after
spark ignition, or a process in which some part or all
of the charge may be consumed at extremely high
rates. Two types of abnormal combustion have been
identified: knock and surface ignition. These
abnormal combustion phenomena are of concern
because: (1) when severe, they can cause major
engine damage; and (2) even if not severe, they are
regarded as an objectionable source of noise.
Knock is the most important abnormal
combustion phenomenon.
Knock is the name given to the noise that results from the
autoignition of a portion of the fuel, air, residual gas mixture
ahead of the advancing flame. As the flame propagates across
the combustion chamber, the unburned mixture ahead of the
flamecalled the end gasis compressed, causing its
pressure, temperature and density to increase. Some of the end-
gas fuel-air mixture may undergo chemical reactions prior to
normal combustion. The products of these reactions may then
autoignite: i.e., spontaneously and rapidly release a large part
or all of their chemical energy. When this happens, the end gas
burns very rapidly, releasing its energy at a rate 5 to 25 times
that characteristic of normal combustion. This cause high
frequency pressure oscillations inside the cylinder that produce
the sharp metallic noise called knock. One of the results of
knock is that local hot spots can be created which remain at a
sufficiently high temperature to ignite the next charge before
the spark occurs. This is called pre-ignition, and can help to
promote further knocking. The result is a noisy,
Combustion events leave trace on
overheated, and inefficient engine, and perhaps
piston head
eventual mechanical failure. The cylinder pressure rises Detonation (heavy knock) waves
beyond its design limits and if allowed to persist, it will cause metal degradation
damage or destroy engine parts. High temperatures cause
The presence and absence of knock reflects the lubrication drop-out and scuffing
outcome of a race between advancing flame front
and the precombustion reactions in the unburned gas.
Knock will not occur if the flame front consumes the end gas before these reactions have time to
cause the air-fuel mixture to autoignite. Knock will occur if the precombustion reactions produce
autoignition before the flame front arrives. The right combination of fuel and operating
characteristics is such that knock is avoided or almost avoided. Knocking can be prevented by:
 The use of a fuel with higher octane rating.
 The addition of octane-increasing “lead”.
 Increasing the amount of fuel injected/inducted (resulting in lower Air to Fuel Ratio).
 Retardation of spark plug ignition.
 Use of a spark plug of colder heat range, in cases, where the
spark plug insulator has become a source of pre-ignition leading to
 Reduction of charge temperatures, such as through cooling.
 Proper combustion chamber design.
The other important abnormal combustion phenomenon is surface ignition. Good combustion
Surface ignition is ignition of the fuel-air mixture by a chamber design:
Short flame paths
hot spot on the combustion chamber walls such as an
and exhaust valve
overheated valve or spark plug, glowing combustion- close to spark plug
chamber deposit; i.e., by any means other than the
normal spark discharge. It may occur before the spark
plug ignites the charge (preignition) or after normal
ignition (postignition). It may produce a single flame
or many flames. Uncontrolled combustion is most
evident and its effect most severe when it results from
preignition. However, even when surface ignition
occurs after the spark plug fires (postignition), the
spark discharge no longer has complete control of the
combustion process. Following surface ignition, a
turbulent flame develops at each surface-ignition
location and starts to propagate across the chamber.
Surface ignition may result in knock. Knock which
occurs following normal spark ignition is called spark
knock to distinguish it from knock which has been
preceded by surface ignition. Spark-knock is
controlled by the spark advance: advancing the spark
increases the knock severity or intensity and retarding
the spark decreases the knock. The knock
phenomenon varies substantially cycle-by-cycle, and
between the cylinders of a multi-cylinder engine, and
does not necessarily occur every cycle. Since surface
ignition usually cause a more rapid rise in end-gas
pressure and temperature than normal spark ignition
(because the flame either starts propagating sooner, or
propagates from more than one source), knock is a
likely outcome following the occurrence of surface
ignition. To identify whether or not surface ignition
causes knock, the terms knocking surface ignition and
Normal combustion
non-knocking surface ignition are used. Knocking
surface ignition usually originates from preignition
caused by glowing combustion chamber deposits: the
severity of knock generally increases the earlier that
preignition occurs.

Knocking surface ignition cannot normally be controlled

by retarding the spark timing, since the spark-ignited flame
is not the cause of knock. Nonknocking surface ignition
is usually associated with the surface ignition that
occurs late in the operating cycle. Surface ignition is a
problem that can be solved by appropriate attention to
engine design, and fuel and lubricant quality.
In contrast, knocking is an inherent constraint on
engine performance and efficiency since it limits the
maximum compression ratio that can be used with Pre-ignition
any given fuel. Knocking primarily occurs under wide-open-throttle operating conditions.
It is thus a direct constraint on engine performance.

Combustion in a compression-ignition engine is quite different from that in an SI engine. Whereas
combustion in an SI engine is essentially a flame front moving through a homogeneous mixture,
combustion in a CI engine is an unsteady process occurring simultaneously at many spots in a very
non-homogeneous mixture at a rate controlled by fuel injection. Diesel fuel should posses the
ability to autoignite easily, whereas gasoline should resist autoignition. Air intake into a CI engine
is unthrottled, with engine torque and power output controlled by the amount of fuel injected per
cycle. Because the incoming air is not throttled, pressure in the intake manifold is consistently at a
value close to one atmosphere. This makes the pump work loop of the engine cycle very small, with
a corresponding better thermal efficiency compared to an SI engine. This is especially true at low
speeds and low loads when an SI engine would be at part throttle with a large pump work. CI
engines are able to operate at higher compression ratios than SI engines because only air is
compressed in the cylinder during the compression stroke in CI engines. For combustion to occur at
the temperature produced by the compression of the air a compression ratio of 12/1 is required. The
normal range of compression ratio is 13 to 17, but may be anything up to 25. Compression ratios of
modern CI engines range from 12 to 24. Compared to normal SI engines, high thermal efficiencies
(fuel conversion efficiencies) are obtained when these compression ratios are used. The efficiency
of the cycle increases with higher value of compression ratio and the limit is a mechanical one
imposed by the high pressure developed in the cylinder, a factor which adversely affects the power-
weight ratio. However, because the overall air-fuel ratio on which CI engines operate is quite lean
(  0.8), less brake power output is often obtained for a given engine displacement. In CI engines,
the liquid fuel is injected at high velocity into the engine cylinder near the end of the compression
stroke. The fuel vaporizes and mixes with the high-pressure high-temperature cylinder air. Since
the air temperature and pressure are above the fuel’s ignition point, the autoignition, or self-
ignition, of portions of the already-mixed fuel and air occurs after a delay period of a few crank
angle degrees. Burning then proceeds as fuel and air mix to the appropriate composition for
combustion to take place. The cylinder pressure increases as combustion of the fuel-air mixture
occurs. Thus, fuel-air mixing plays a controlling role in the diesel combustion process. One of the
main factors in a controlled combustion is the swirl which is induced by the design of the
combustion chamber. In addition to the swirl and turbulence of the air, a high injection velocity is
needed to spread the fuel throughout the cylinder and cause it to mix with the air. After injection
the fuel must go through a series of events to assure the proper combustion process:

Figure 1 shows how the inner liquid core is

surrounded by successive vapor zones of air-fuel that
A: too rich to burn B: rich combustible
C: stoichiometric D: lean combustible
E: too lean to burn Self-ignition starts mainly
in zone B. Solid carbon soot is generated mostly
in zones A and B.

too rich to burn

rich combustible
Fig. 1 lean combustible
too lean to burn

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