Hitachi Boiler PDF
Hitachi Boiler PDF
Hitachi Boiler PDF
1— 1,000-MW Power Generating Plant of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. — 104
successfully completed construction of these two key technology further improves efficiency.
facilities of this 1,000-MW power-generation plant and
achieved world-leading thermal efficiency and Boiler Design
reliability. As for the boiler furnace specification, since high-
In the following sections, the main features of the temperature steam at 600/600°C is used, a variable-
two facilities designed and constructed by Hitachi — pressure-operation Benson boiler with a high-
namely, the boiler and turbine generator — and the reliability spiral water wall is adopted. A schematic
technologies applied are described. cross section of Hitachinaka Unit No. 1 is shown in
Fig. 2.
OVERVIEW OF PLANT DESIGN As for the boiler design, streamlining the facility
Table 1 compares the specifications of the new led to improvement in operation characteristics and
Hitachinaka No. 1 Unit and that of an existing unit maintainability.
with the same rated output power (i.e. No. 1 Unit of
Shinchi Thermal Power Station (hereafter referred to
simply as Shinchi Unit No. 1) developed in
collaboration with Soma Kyodo Power Co., Ltd.).
As regards the basic design of Unit No. 1 of
Hitachinaka Thermal Power Station (hereafter referred
to simply as the Hitachinaka Unit No. 1), it is clear
that the Hitachinaka Unit No. 1 seeks higher thermal
efficiency and optimized economic efficiency through
increased steam pressure and temperature conditions.
That is, compared to the design thermal efficiency of
the Shinchi Unit No. 1, that of Hitachinaka Unit No. 1
(under a main steam pressure of 24.5 MPa and main/
reheat steam temperatures of 600°C) is 4.5% higher.
The main features of the boiler are listed below: NEW STEAM TURBINE AND SYSTEM
(1) Hitachi’s latest pulverized-coal burner (NR3) TECHNOLOGIES
improves burning efficiency and decreases NO x By applying the latest technologies under high-
emission. temperature conditions for the main steam and reheat
(2) By aligning all boiler reheater horizontally, steam, the steam turbine attains high efficiency and
controllability of steam temperature in the parallel gas high reliability. Furthermore, in the construction phase
damper is improved, so a gas-recirculation system is of the plant facilities, the steam turbine was made more
not required. compact.
(3) Enlarging the heat-absorption in the furnace results
in non-uniform temperature distribution in the water New Steam Turbine Technology
wall; therefore, a mixing bottle is located at the outlet Since the steam turbine operates under high-
of the spiral water wall to mitigate the non-uniform temperature-steam conditions, the main parts must
temperature distribution. handle temperatures of 600°C. Accordingly, the main-
(4) Large-scale modular design using a sling-type tube steam stop valve, regulator valve, and combined reheat
support for the horizontal heating surface is used for valve are made of 9Cr-1Mo steel; the inside casing of
the first time. As a result, using various module designs the high-pressure turbine is made of Cr-Mo-V-B steel;
shortens construction time and, thus, improves and the inside casing of the intermediate-pressure
efficiency. turbine is made of 12Cr steel.
Moreover, on top of the improved combustion
High-efficiency Combustion Technology efficiency brought by the increased steam temperature,
In recent years, to simplify combustion facilities, overall efficiency is improved as a result of the
the capacity of burners has been increased. In the new implementation of the latest AVN (advanced vortex
plant facility, 36 Hitachi-NR3 burner units are installed nozzle). A photograph of the completed steam turbine-
— providing the maximum capacity in Japan. generator is given in Fig. 4.
Regarding the Hitachi NR3 burner, in addition to
the denitration technology used in Hitachi’s standard Characteristics of System Configuration
low-NOx pulverized-coal (NR2), a guide sleeve and In regards to the configuration of the system for
flame stabilizing ring with a baffle plate are applied. the heat cycle (steam extraction, charging, and
As a result of this, a flow pattern of the secondary and condensation), a structure that works well in a 1,000-
tertiary air is optimized; consequently, a high- MW power generator is used. Moreover, from the
temperature reducing flame is enlarged and the NOx viewpoint of compactness, various features of the
emission is reduced. auxiliary equipment have been elaborately designed.
The main features of the system configuration are listed
as follows:
(1) Steam extraction, charging, and condensation
Guide sleeve
Powdered coal plus
primary air
3D flow
2D flow
2D: two-dimensional
Baffle plate 3D: three-dimensional
The feedwater heater consists of a low-pressure, points for collecting data (2,200 analog and 20,000
four-step deaerator and a high-pressure, four-step digital). This large-scale system coverage is provided
deaerator. The condensate pump and its booster pump by the Hitachi Integrated Automatic Control System
are comprised of two units, each with 50% capacity; (HIACS).
while the feedwater pump is comprised of two 50%- The HIACS is composed of distributed computer
capacity turbine-driver units and one low pump-head (RS-90/400) with automization and control functions,
motor-driver unit feedwater pump for plant start-up FA (factory automation) PCs with operation
and shutdown. monitoring functions, and a high-speed, large-capacity
(2) Simplified deaerator controller series with control and safety functions. All
Compared to a conventional deaerating chamber these devices are connected via high-speed network
for removing dissolved oxygen from the boiler — called µ∑-100 — to form an “all digital” system.
feedwater — which has a flush tank for the boiler water The characteristic features of this large-scale
made from two blow molds — the new steam-turbine remote-control system, HIACS, are outlined in the
system has a enlarged flush tank made from a single following sections.
mold. Accordingly, this monohull-type flush tank with
a built-in deaeration capability is more compact and Human-machine Interface
takes up less space. (1) As well as integrating and sharing information, the
(3) Cleaning filter HMI (human-machine interface) achieves excellent
Up till now, the steam condenser has utilized a six- operability and controllability by utilizing a four-
valve-switching backwash method. The new screen multi-window system provided by 110-type
condenser, however, features a large-size cleaning filter expanded-display devices [large-size LCDs (liquid
at the input of the water chamber of the condenser. As crystal displays)].
well as improving the operation of the steam-condenser A view of the main operator’s control panel of the
cooling system, introduction of this filter makes setting central control room is shown in Fig. 5.
up the circulating water system more efficient. (2) CRT operation is achieved by the distributed FA
PCs and expanded-display devices by PC mouse
REMOTE PLANT-MONITORING CONTROL operation. As well as covering the conventional range
SYSTEM of control devices, it also extends to auxiliary electrical
The facilities of the above-described 1,000-MW devices, so the main operator’s control panel of the
large-capacity coal-fired power plant are monitored
by a large-scale remote-control system consisting of
700 auxiliary units for coarse control and monitoring
Metal-cable system
communication system
Controller Controller
(automization logic) (automization logic)
Control Control
device PCM device PCM
(auxiliary protection (auxiliary protection
logic) logic)
Metal cable Direct-remote-
Input/output interface device system
Metal cable cable
Switchgear Switchgear