So Do I. Neither Do I.: Ann and Kate Are Twins. They Always Agree With Each Other

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So do I. Neither do I. Oh, really? I do. But I don't.

● + We use SO + AUXILARY VERB + SUBJECT disagree with what someone says.
(personal pronoun or noun) to agree with a ● Affirmative additions to negative remarks are
positive statement. made with
A: Tom lives in London.
A: I don’t get up early.
B: So do I.
B: Oh, really? I do.
+ SUBJECT (personal pronoun or noun) to ● Negative additions to affirmative remarks are
made with the structure

Complete the conversations with the following phrases:

So do I. So am I. So did I. So will I. So would I. So was I. Neither do I. Neither am I. Neither did I. Neither will I.
Neither have I. Neither can I.
(But/Oh, really?) I do. I don’t. I am. I’m not. I was. I wasn’t I did. I didn’t. I will. I won’t. I can. I can’t

Ann and Kate are twins. They Wendy and Sally are sisters. They are angry with
always agree with each other. each other now.

1. I am in London now. 1. So am I.
2. I was at home 2. So was I.
yesterday evening.
3. I arrived ten minutes 3. So did I. 1. I am hungry. 1. So am I.
ago. 2. I want to watch a film. 2. So do I.
4. I feel very excited. 4. So do I. 3. I was sleepy in the 3. So was I.
5. I’d like to see you 5. So would I. morning.
soon. 4. I can sing well. 4. So can I.
6. I will be at the hotel in 6. So will I. 5. I met Amy yesterday. 5. So did I.
an hour. 6. I will have a sandwich. 6. So will I.

1. I’m not tired. 1. Neither am I. 1. I’m not tired. 1. Neither am I.

2. I didn’t watch TV last 2. Neither did I. 2. I don’t like action films. 2. Neither do I.
night. 3. I wasn’t angry with you
3. I don’t know many 3. Neither do I. yesterday. 3. Neither was I.
people here. 4. I can’t stay up late.
4. I haven’t met Tom for 4. Neither have I. 5. I didn’t play computer 4. Neither can I.
a year. games. 5. Neither did I.
5. I can’t wait to see you. 5. Neither can I. 6. I won’t eat this soup.
6. I won’t be late. 6. Neither will I. 6. Neither will I.
So do I. Neither do I.

Jane and John have been going out Agree or disagree with the
together for two months. They have a lot following statements.
in common. Complete their

1. I’m from Europe. So am I.

2. I like ice-cream. So do I.
3. I can drive. So can I.
John: I like football.
Jane: Really? I do. I love going to the cinema. 4. I was tired yesterday. So was
John: So do I. There is a good film on at the I.
Odeon cinema. I’d like to see it at the 5. I phoned my mum last night.
weekend. So did I.
Jane: So would I. Let’s meet at 4 o’clock in 6. I should lose weight. So
front of the cinema.
should I.
7. I’ve got two brothers. So
have I.
John: Great. After the cinema we could go to 8. I’ll have my birthday soon. So
the ice rink together, but I can’t skate will I.
well. 9. I’d like to go to Australia. So
would I.
10. I’ve been to Canada. So
have I.
Jane: Neither can I. Perhaps we should learn.
John: I’ll try to do my best.
Jane: So will I. I’m the happiest person in the
11. I’m not very tall.
world now. Neither am I.
John: So am I. 12. I don’t like ironing. Neither
do I.
13. I can’t ski. Neither can I.
14. I wasn’t born in 1990.

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