Ais Midterm
Ais Midterm
Ais Midterm
Primary Key - An attribute or combination
of attributes that can be used to uniquely
identify a specific row (record) in a table.
Foreign Key - An attribute in one table that
is a primary key in another table.
Used to link the two
DBMS Languages tables.
Database Design Errors
Data Definition Language (DDL) If database is not designed properly data errors
-Builds the data dictionary can occur.
-Creates the database 1. Update Anomaly
-Describes the subschema - Changes to existing data are not correctly
-Specifies record or field security recorded.
constraints Due to multiple records
Data Manipulation Language (DML) with the same data
- Changes the content in the database attributes
- Example: Updates, insertions, and 2. Insert Anomaly
deletions - Unable to add a record to the database.
Data Query Language (DQL) 3. Delete Anomaly
- Enables the retrieval, sorting, and - Removing a record also removes unintended data
display of data from the database from the database.
mputer Fraud
Any illegal act in which knowledge of
Industry Mgmt
Conditions Characteristics computer technology is necessary for:
o Perpetration
o Investigation
o Prosecution
Rise of Computer Fraud
1. Definition is not agreed on
Opportunity 2. Many go undetected
• Condition or situation that allows a person 3. High percentage is not reported
or organization to: 4. Lack of network security
1. Commit the fraud 5. Step-by-step guides are easily available
2. Conceal the fraud 6. Law enforcement is overburdened
• Lapping 7. Difficulty calculating loss
• Kiting
3. Convert the theft or
misrepresentation to personal gain