Combining Neural Networks For Skin Detection

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Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.

2, December 2010



Chelsia Amy Doukim1, Jamal Ahmad Dargham1, Ali Chekima1 and Sigeru Omatu2
School of Engineering and Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
Computer and Systems Sciences, Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
[email protected]

Two types of combining strategies were evaluated namely combining skin features and combining skin
classifiers. Several combining rules were applied where the outputs of the skin classifiers are combined
using binary operators such as the AND and the OR operators, “Voting”, “Sum of Weights” and a new
neural network. Three chrominance components from the YCbCr colour space that gave the highest correct
detection on their single feature MLP were selected as the combining parameters. A major issue in
designing a MLP neural network is to determine the optimal number of hidden units given a set of training
patterns. Therefore, a “coarse to fine search” method to find the number of neurons in the hidden layer is
proposed. The strategy of combining Cb/Cr and Cr features improved the correct detection by 3.01%
compared to the best single feature MLP given by Cb-Cr. The strategy of combining the outputs of three
skin classifiers using the “Sum of Weights” rule further improved the correct detection by 4.38% compared
to the best single feature MLP.

Skin Detection, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Feature Extraction

Skin detection is an important preliminary process for subsequent feature extraction in a wide
range of image processing techniques such as face detection, face tracking, gesture analysis,
content-based image retrieval systems, various computer vision applications, etc. Studies have
shown that by combining more than one feature or classifier, the performance of the skin
detection system is improved. Zhu et al. [1] combined two Gaussian feature spaces where the first
one is related to the colour distribution and the second one is related to the skin spatial and shape
distribution. The combined feature method performed better compared to single feature and also
other generic skin model namely histogram model, single Gaussian model and Gaussian Mixture
model. Brand and Mason [2] evaluated the performance of the combined colour components or
features from the RGB colour space and concluded that the combination of (R/G + R/B + G/B)
gave better performance than the single colour component. Jiang et al. [3] proposed a Skin
Probability Map (SPM) based skin detection system that integrated the colour, texture and space
information and claimed that their proposed method performed better than the generic SPM
method. Gasparini et al. [4] combined different skin classifiers based on different colour features
using several combination rules such as the sum rule, the product rule, the majority rule and the
author’s proposed skin corrected by non-skin (SCNS) rule. The performance was evaluated in
terms of recall and precision. The performance for all combining rules increases in terms of
precision compared to single classifier and the most precision-oriented is given by the product
rule. Sajedi et al. [5] combined a block-based skin detection classifier with a boosted pixel-based

DOI : 10.5121/sipij.2010.1201 1
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

classifier. The boosted pixel-based classifier is modified by combining several explicit boundary
skin classifiers based on different colour features. The authors claimed that their method is more
robust to variations of skin colour compared to Self-organizing Map (SOM), Fuzzy Integral,
conventional pixel-based method and Bayesian network approach.

Neural networks have been used successfully as skin classifier. However, there is no research has
been done for combining the neural network-based skin classifiers. In this paper, the multi-layer
perceptron (MLP) neural network is used for skin detection. Several chrominance components
from the YCbCr colour space are used as the skin colour features. Several strategies for combining
MLP neural networks for skin detection are proposed and their performance on skin detection is
evaluated. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the data preparation. In
Section 3, the neural network properties used in this work are explained. Section 4 explains the
method for finding the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Section 5 describes the
performance metrics used to evaluate the skin detection performance and the performance for
single feature MLP is given. Section 6 explains the combining skin features strategy. In Section 7,
the strategy of combining skin classifiers using several combining rules are described. Finally,
Section 8 concludes the paper.

The database used in this work is the Compaq database [6]. This database consists of 13,640
images with its corresponding masked images. These images contain skin pixels belonging to
persons of different origins, with unconstrained illumination and background conditions, which
make the skin detection task more challenging and difficult. Figure 1 shows an example of
images and their corresponding masked images. Two sets of data are prepared namely the training
data and test data. The training data comprises training and validation samples that will be used to
train the MLP neural networks. The training sample consists of 420,000 image pixels and will be
validated by a similar number of image pixels randomly selected from the Compaq database.
Note that each image pixel can be selected only once. The training data is divided into 30 data
files where each data file consists of 14,000 pixels from the training sample and an equal number
of pixels from the validation sample. Each data file will be used to train a network during a
training run. The test data consists of 100 images selected at random from the Compaq database.
The test images are used to evaluate the performance of the skin detection system.

Figure 1. Example of images from the Compaq database with their corresponding masked

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010


One of the important aspects in designing a MLP neural network is how to determine the network
topology. The input size is dictated by the number of features of available inputs and the output
size is dictated by the number of classes. Thus, the two decisions that must be made regarding the
hidden units are to determine the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each
hidden layer. Fu [7] stated that using only one hidden layer is sufficient to solve many practical
problems and thus, one hidden layer MLP neural network is used in this work. The determination
of the number of neurons in the hidden layer will be discussed in Section 4. Hence, the neural
network topology will be C-HN-O, where C indicates the input neuron which is the chrominance
component, HN is the number of neurons in the hidden layer and O is the output neuron. The
output layer will have one neuron decoded as 1 for skin and 0 for non-skin. The training
algorithm used is the Levenberg-Marquardt because of its rapid convergence time compared with
other fast training algorithms such as Conjugate gradient and Quasi-Newton. The transfer
function applied is the sigmoid function. The maximum number of epochs is set to 500 as it is
proven through trials and error that the number of epochs required for convergence using the
Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm always occurs well below the 500 epochs [8]. The
training goal selected is 1x10-6


The first step is to find the number of neurons for several chrominance components in the YCbCr
colour space, namely, Cb, Cr, Cb/Cr, Cb.Cr and Cb-Cr. Each chrominance is treated as an input
neuron of a MLP neural network. Thus, the MLP neural network structure for each chrominance
component is 1-HN-1. Existing technique for finding the number of neurons in the hidden layer
are network growing [9] and network pruning [10]. In this work, a modified network growing
called “coarse to fine search” method is applied. This method iss divided into two stages. The
first stage is a coarse search using binary search. Hence, the values of HN to be tested are 1, 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, 64 and 128. The maximum number of HN is set at 128 because a larger number of HN
requires more memory space. Each network structure with a given HN is trained 30 times
(training runs) using different initial values and training and validation data and its average Mean
Squared Errors (MSE) over the 30 runs is calculated. The HN value that gives the lowest MSE
will be selected. In the second stage, a sequential search or fine search around a fixed range of the
chosen HN from the first stage is done in order to obtain the optimal number of neurons in the
hidden layer. Assuming that the chosen HN from the first stage is HNB, then the nearest HN
values by that HNB are HNBL for the nearest lower value of HNB and HNBH for the nearest upper
value of HNB. The range of the sequential search is fixed from HNBL + [(1/2) x (HNB-HNBL)] to
HNB + [(1/2) x (HNBH-HNB)]. However, this condition is true only if the HNB equals to 4, 8, 16,
32 or 64. If HNB equals to 2, then the sequential search will begin from HNBL to HNB + [(1/2) x
(HNBH-HNB)]. For the case when HNB equals to 128, the range of the sequential search begins
from HNBL + [(1/2) x (HNB–HNBL)] to HNB, since 128 is the fixed maximum HN value. As can
be seen from Figure 2, the lowest HN that gives the lowest MSE=0.0426 which is HN=64 is
chosen. The HNBL and HNBH are 32 and 128 respectively. Thus, the sequential search range will
be from HN=48 to HN=96. The result of the sequential search for Cb chrominance component is
shown in Figure 3. As can be seen from Figure 3, the MSE results are consistent for few HN
values at first and then the variation occurs until it gives the lowest MSE value of 0.0425. The
lowest HN that gives the lowest MSE is HN = 91, thus, the fixed network structure for Cb
chrominance is one input neuron, 91 neurons in the hidden layer and one output neuron, or 1-91-
1. The proposed algorithm is found to be effective in terms of training time since the binary
search method was applied rather than using the sequential search method alone. Table 1 gives
the fixed network structure for every chrominance component.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010



Figure 2. Coarse (binary) search for Cb chrominance component.



Figure 3. Fine (Sequential) search for Cb chrominance component.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

Table 1. Fixed network structure for every chrominance component.

Network Network Structure

Chrominance Component
Structure (C-HN-O)
Cb 1-91-1
Cr 1-96-1
Single Input Cb/Cr 1-128-1
Cb.Cr 1-96-1
Cb-Cr 1-112-1

The fixed MLP neural networks are used to segment all the images in the test dataset into skin
and non-skin regions. To evaluate the performance of each neural network, three performance
metrics are used. The first metric is the correct detection rate, CDR and is given in Equation 1.
The false acceptance rate FAR is the percentage of identification instances in which false
acceptance occurs. For example, an unauthorized person is identified as an authorized one. The
false rejection rate FRR is the percentage of identification instances in which false rejection
occurs. This is the case when the system fails to recognize an authorized person and rejects that
person as an impostor. The FAR and FRR are expressed in Equations (2) and (3), respectively.

Since the transfer function used is a sigmoid function, the MLP neural network will be producing
the output between 0 and 1. Thus, the output of the neural network needs to be modified so that it
is either 0 or 1. In this work, a single threshold value is used in determining the skin and non-skin
classes. If the MLP network output is higher than the threshold value, then the output is 1.
Otherwise, the output is 0. The threshold value used in this work is 0.5. As can be seen from
Table 2, Cb-Cr gives the highest correct detection rate.

Table 2. Skin detection performance for every MLP network structures.

Correct False False

Network Chrominance
Detection Acceptance Rejection
Structure Component
Rate (CDR) Rate (FAR) Rate (FRR)
Cb 70.81 28.34 0.85
Cr 76.18 23.48 0.34
Single Input Cb/Cr 78.63 20.50 0.86
Cb.Cr 59.66 35.02 5.31
Cb-Cr 79.60 19.55 0.85
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010


For this strategy, two and three chrominance components or skin features are combined in the
input layer. Hence, the three chrominance components that give the highest correct detection on
their single feature MLP are selected namely Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr and Cr. The number of neurons in the
hidden layer or HN is determined using “coarse to fine search” technique as discussed earlier.
The training parameters used such as training algorithms, transfer function, number of epochs and
training goal are the same as defined in Section 3. Table 3 gives the fixed MLP neural network
structures for every possible combination. The fixed MLP structures are used to segment the test
image. The performance of the skin detection for every combining feature is shown in Table 4.
The highest correct detection is given by combination of Cb/Cr and Cr features, with an
improvement of 3.01% compared to the best single feature MLP given by Cb-Cr.

Table 3. Fixed network structure for every possible combination of features.

Network Network Structure

Combination of Features
Structure (C-HN-O)
Cb-Cr & Cb/Cr 2-17-1
Two Inputs Cb-Cr & Cr 2-114-1
Cb/Cr & Cr 2-123-1
Three Inputs Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr & Cr 3-5-1

Table 4. Skin detection performance for every combining feature.

Correct False False

Network Combining
Detection Acceptance Rejection
Structure Feature
Rate (CDR) Rate (FAR) Rate (FRR)
Cb-Cr & Cb/Cr 79.03 20.15 0.82
Two Inputs Cb-Cr & Cr 63.86 33.97 2.16
Cb/Cr & Cr 82.61 14.66 2.73
Three Inputs Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr & Cr 73.61 25.67 0.72


Four combining rules are used to combine the skin classifiers namely the binary operators AND
and OR, Voting rule, Sum of Weights rule and a new neural network. The three chrominance
components that gave the highest correct detection on their respective single feature MLP are
selected for these combination strategies. Thus, the three chrominance components are Cb-Cr,
Cb/Cr and Cr.

7.1. Combination of Outputs of Skin Classifiers Using the AND and OR Operators
The outputs of two and three skin classifiers are combined using the AND and OR operators. For
combining two skin classifiers, the possible combinations are Cb-Cr and Cb/Cr, Cb-Cr and Cr, and
Cb/Cr and Cr. Figure 4 illustrates the procedure of skin detection for combining the outputs of two
skin classifiers using the binary operators. The skin classifiers, for example the Cb-Cr and Cb/Cr,
are used to segment 100 test images into skin and non-skin regions. The outputs from the
respective skin classifier are thresholded and combined using the AND operator. A single
threshold value of 0.5 is used for the skin and non-skin classification.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

Cb-Cr NN Threshold
100 images 0.5
from the AND/OR
test dataset Operator
Cb/Cr NN Threshold

Figure 4. Procedure for combining the outputs of two skin classifiers using the binary operators.

7.2. Combination of Outputs of Skin Classifiers Using the Voting Rule

The “Voting” rule used is based on majority rule, which means that when any two or all three
skin classifiers produced the outputs of 1, then it is a skin. Likewise, when any two or all three
skin classifiers produced the outputs of 0, then it is a non-skin. Figure 5 illustrates the procedure
of skin detection for this strategy.

Cb-Cr NN Threshold
100 images
from the Cb/Cr NN Threshold
test dataset 0.5
Input Cr NN Threshold images

Figure 5. Procedure for combining the outputs of three skin classifiers using Voting rule.

7.3. Combination of Outputs of Skin Classifiers Using the Sum of Weights Rule
The weights for the three skin classifiers: Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr and Cr, are fixed based on their correct
detection rates. From Table 2, the correct detection rate for Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr and Cr are 79.60%,
78.63% and 76.18%, respectively. Thus, the weights for each neural network are fixed as
expressed in Equation 4 to Equation 6.

WCb-Cr = 79.60/ (79.6+78.63+76.18) = 0.3396 (4)

WCb/Cr = 78.63/ (79.6+78.63+76.18) = 0.3354 (5)

WCr = 76.18/ (79.6+78.63+76.18) = 0.3250 (6)

where WCb-Cr + WCb/Cr + WCr = 1.

Figure 6 illustrates the procedure of skin detection using this strategy. The inputs that are fed into
each neural network will be multiplied by their corresponding weights and produce the outputs
Y1(i,j), Y2(i,j) and Y3(i,j), respectively. These outputs are then summed and thresholded in order
to classify the skin and non-skin regions. Note that the threshold value used in this strategy is
different because each neural network was multiplied by their corresponding fixed weights and
thus each neural network will have different threshold values. Thus, the threshold value is
determined empirically.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

0.3396*Cb-Cr NN Y1(i,j)
Input Sum of
100 images Y2(i,j) Weights = Threshold
from the test 0.3354*Cb/Cr NN Y1(i,j)+ 0.9
dataset Y2(i,j)+Y3(i,j)

0.3250*Cr NN Y3(i,j) Segmented


Figure 6. Procedure of combining the outputs of three skin classifiers using the Sum of Weights

7.4. Combination of Outputs of Skin Classifiers Using a New Neural Network

A new 3-HN-1 MLP neural network is designed first before the combination strategy is carried
out. The number of HN is determined using the “coarse to fine search” technique. The training
data used is different from the previous designed MLP neural networks. Figure 7 illustrates the
procedure for creating the training and validation samples for training the new neural network.
For each neural network, a total of 420,000 pixels are selected at random to produce the training
sample and a similar number of pixels are also selected at random to create the validation sample.
The training parameters used are similar as those defined in Section 3. Thus, the fixed network
structure is 3-126-1. Figure 8 illustrates the procedure for the combination strategy.

Input Cb-Cr NN

80 images from Threshold Training and

Cb/Cr NN
the training 0.5 Validation
dataset samples


Figure 7. Procedure for creating the training and validation samples for training the new neural

Input Cb-Cr Threshold

NN 0.5

100 images New

Cb/Cr Threshold 3-126-1 Threshold
from the test
NN 0.5 NN 0.5

Cr Threshold
NN 0.5

Figure 8. Procedure for combining the outputs of three skin classifiers using a new neural

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

7.5. Skin Detection Results and Analysis

Table 5 provides the skin detection performance in for every combining strategies applied to the
skin classifiers. The best performance in terms of correct detection is given by the combination of
three classifiers using the “Sum of Weights” rule. This strategy gives an improvement of 4.38%
in terms of correct detection compared to the best single feature MLP given by Cb-Cr feature.
Furthermore, this strategy gives 1.37% more correct detection than the best combining skin
features strategy given by the combination of Cb/Cr and Cr features. The results are compared
with Bayes’ rule classifier by Jones and Rehg [6] based on the skin detection performance using
the Compaq database. Both best combining feature and combining classifier strategies give
2.61% and 3.98% more correct detection respectively compared to the Bayes’ rule classifier by
Jones and Rehg [6]. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the best and the worst test images segmented
using the best single feature MLP, the best combining feature MLP and the best combining
classifier MLP respectively.

Table 5. Skin detection performance for several different combination strategies.

Number of Chrominance
Outputs Component
Cb-Cr & Cb/Cr 79.77 19.35 0.89
AND Cb-Cr & Cr 82.21 16.90 0.89
Two Cb/Cr & Cr 82.29 16.80 0.91
Outputs Cb-Cr & Cb/Cr 78.46 20.17 0.83
OR Cb-Cr & Cr 73.56 26.13 0.31
Cb/Cr & Cr 72.53 27.18 0.30
AND 82.38 16.69 0.92
OR 72.53 27.18 0.30
Voting 79.50 19.66 0.84
Three Sum of Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr &
Outputs Cr 83.98 14.90 1.12
New 3-126-1
Neural 82.21 16.90 0.89

In this work, several combination strategies for combining MLP neural networks for skin
detection were evaluated. A modified network growing technique for finding the number of
neurons in the hidden layer of a MLP neural network was applied. Three chrominance
components Cb-Cr, Cb/Cr and Cr that gave the highest CDR on their respective MLP were used for
the combination. The combination of Cb/Cr and Cr features improved the CDR by 3.01%
compared to the best single feature MLP given by Cb-Cr. Combining classifier using Sum of
Weights strategy further improved the CDR by 4.38% compared to the best single feature MLP.
Furthermore, combining classifiers using the Sum of Weights strategy improved the correct
detection rate by 3.98% compared to the Bayes’ rule classifier reported by Jones and Rehg [6]
using the Compaq database.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

Techniques Original Image Masked Image Segmented Image

Single feature MLP

Combining feature

Combining classifier

Figure 8. The best test images segmented using the best single feature MLP, the best combining
feature MLP and the best combining classifier MLP.

Techniques Original Image Masked Image Segmented Image

Single feature MLP

Combining feature

Combining classifier

Figure 9. The worst test images segmented using the best single feature MLP, the best combining
feature MLP and the best combining classifier MLP.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2, December 2010

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