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Egbe Orun

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Excerpt from "Egbe: The Heavenly mates of Every Human" by Ay Ayo Salami

Por Awo
Awo Ft!gb em #uinta$ %& 'e fevereiro 'e ()%* +s %,:*%
-hat is Egbe.
Egbe may be 'escribe' as the Heavenly/Spiritual Peer 0roup of a human being1 Though
 biologically$ the human bo'y is 2nown to be a result of the union of the egg an' the
sperm$ most religions agree that the human soul comes from Heaven to be born on the

The 3eginning 4f The Human Soul An' The Heavenly 5ouble

Accor'ing to lfa$ the 6ourney of every man on Earth starts from Heaven1 lfa teaches that
the breath of )lo'umare into the 4ri moul'e' by 4batala signifies$ the formation of a
soul which energi7es or activates the "clay"1 At this point$ lfa says$ the newly forme'
soul wan'ers aroun' the realms of Heaven waiting for the the parents through whom it will
 be born on Earth1 8t is about this time that the "Heavenly 5ouble" comes to be1 The
Heavenly 5ouble is the Spiritual i'entical9twin of the soul that is eventually born on the
Earth as a human person1

The exact point of activation

activation of the "Heavenly
"Heavenly 5ouble"
5ouble" is not fully un'erstoo'
-hat is certain
certain is that the
the Heavenly
Heavenly 5ouble
5ouble is closely
closely relate'
relate' to the Egbe an'
an' 8 have
not come
come across any poem of lfa that 'eclares the beginning of the the Heavenly 5ouble1
However$ there are several theories on how it begins1Two of these seem to ma2e most
sense to me1

The first theory states that when 4lo'umare breathes into the 4ri ma'e by 4rlsa
4batala$ a pair is forme' from the single breath lea'ing to two souls cohabitating the
same 4ri1 The theory explains that since the newly forme' souls 'o not un'erta2e the
 6ourney to the Earth imme'iately$ the pair stays together$ getting to 2now more about
each other$go to the mar2et of l'o an' E6igbome2un together to choose 4ri an' lwa
respectively1 They wait till the 'etermination of the lineage into which they will be born
on the Earth1 This
This theory states that imme'iately this lineage is 'etermine'$
'etermine'$ separation
occurs with one soul emigrating to the Earth an' the other staying bac2 in Heaven1

The secon' theory 'iffers only in that the formation

for mation of the 'ouble 'oes not occur until at
the instance of revelation of the Earthly parents1 This means that the one soul create' by
)lo'umare 'ivi'es into two with one staying bac2 in Heaven as Heavenly 5ouble for 
the one on Earth1

-hat is certain is that every man on Earth has a spiritual 'ouble in Heaven1 This entity$
accor'ing to lfa$ is an exact replica of the human on Earth1 in character1 The only
'ifference may be that the heavenly 'ouble is higher spiritually1 Also$ accor'ing to lfa$
the latter$ being higher in the spiritual echelon has access to material things which may
 be beneficial to the counterpart on Earth1 This is ter me' the Eni2e6i 4run$ "the heavenly
'ouble"1 This heavenly 'ouble is the simplest form of Egbe an' it is the aggregation of 
all Eni2e6i 4run inclu'ing for those beings who ha' passe' as spirits 'o not 'ie; that is
now 2nown an' calle' Egbe1 The Heavenly 5ouble or the astral mate also shares
spiritual essences with the mates of the other human beings also living in Heaven1 The
reasons for the astral mate staying bac2 in Heaven are numerous1 This may range from
acting as a helper
helper for the being on Earth so that they both can have access to the
spintuality of the realms of Heaven< harnessing the spirituality of the man on earh for 
 better living on earth< removal or managing some traits that are un'esirable in the life of 
the man on Earth1
8t must be note' that Egbe is 'ifferent from 4ri< -hile 4ri is basically responsible for 
humans choosing their 'estinies an' gui'ing them to whatever they chose$ Egbe is
responsible for behavioral patterns of the 8n'ivi'ual1 8t is the gui'ing spirit to linear 
traits li2e anger$ stealing$ brilliance$ la7iness$ wor2 habits$ etc1 As there are uncountable
human behavioral patterns$ there are innumerable forms of Egbe1 =ost of these traits
are beyon' the control of the person concerne'1


Fee'ing of Egbe
Egbe are generally offere' foo's that chil'ren li2e< pi77a$ sweets$ etc1 also things li2e
sugar cane$ honey$ coconuts$ bananas1 -e also inclu'e some tra'itional foo's li2e E2uru
funfun$ Asaro$ Aa'un$ etc1$ an' the staples we give as foun'ation to all 'ieties< water$
 palm oil$ gin$ 2ola$ shea butter1
8f we have Egbe$ then we have the little area where offerings are place'1 >sually the
egbe pot is in one?s bac2yar' in the groun'1 if we 'on?t then common places for 
 placement are on the groun' at the base of a tree$ 'umpsite or along a river1 >sual trees
are banana tree$ papaya tree$ iro2o tree or araba tree1

@ots of times$ Egbe communicate with us through 'reams1 5reams of sex$ masturbation$
carrying water from a stream$ a woman wearing re' or white$carrying a baby or 'ancing
with chil'ren$ things li2e that1 orisa an' other oruba 'ieties 'on?t come into our lives to
cause trouble< if this is happening it is cu7 we are not in balance with their energy or in
the case of Egbe probably 'one something to offen' them1 8f we are having reccurrent
'reams we shoul' consult 8fa for the cause or source1 Egbe is propitiate' for long life$
goo' health$ prosperity$ success an' victory1 Alot of times$ if we are continually losing
things$ it is because we are ignoring our Egbe15ue to these things$ it is best to consult
8fa an' to have the assistance of a traine' practicioner to ma2e offerings to Egbe1 8f we
want to simply ma2e an offering to Egbe to let them 2now we appreciate them$ then
follow the above on items an' placement an' pray to them$ etc1

=y own experience with Egbe was when 8 was aroun' , or & years ol'1 8 was living in
Puerto Bico at the time1 8 was very sic21 -hile lying in be'$ 8 was overcome by a
feeling of extremme clausterphobia that got stronger an' stronger1 There was another 
feeling that 8 cannot 'escribe1 8t subsi'e' an' then came bac21 This time$ as the
claustrophobia built up$ 8 saw them1 =y room fille' up with chil'ren1 They were
transparent$ li2e ghosts1 the feeling became unbearable an' 8 got real scare' of course so
i ran outsi'e where my mom was tal2ing to the neighbor1 8 was screaming lol when i
tol' them what happene'$ the neighbor casually commente'$ "oh that?s Egbe1" 8 'i'n?t
fin' it to be a casual thing1 Anyways$ i 'on?t thin2 they came to ta2e me away but to
heal me cu7 i 'i' start getting better1Prayer chant to get Egbe?s attention:

Egbe$ Egbe$ Egbe$

8 call on you$ my heavenly mates
He who gets to an alley an' chooses another father 
He gets to a 'umpsite an' becomes energi7e'
=asCuera'e that has mothers
That whips anyone severely
Please len' me money that 8 won?t have to repay
0ive me chil'ren that 8 woul' not have to give bac2 
The clan of 4lomu Aperan
The Aperan of 4lowo 9Agogo
The Asegba 8ona 4mu
8f you 'o not have a big lfa tray
The big masCuera'e
ou will not perform sacrifice
8f you 'o not have a2ara
ou will not perform rituals
3ut on the 'ay we gather all items of sacrifice
8t was that 'ay that lgun entere' the house
-hen lgun entere' the house
He graspe' the entire sacrifice
The first time
-hen 8 hear' a lou' 'isturbing noise from the yar'
8 as2e' the el'er what coul' be ma2ing such noise
They sai' visitors 'o not as2 many Cuestions
The secon' time
8 hear' another lou' noise from the bac2 yar'
8 inCuire' again what coul' be ma2ing such a noise
They replie' again saying visitors 'o not as2 Cuestions
3ut the thir' time
8 hear' another lou' noise from the yar'
8 as2e'$ "?what coul' be ma2ing such noiseD
They sai' again that visitors 'o not as2 Cuestions
our chil'ren have no han's
They have no legs
lyan came together 
An' climbe' a high elevation
=esi 4re
The Aropon nla sebo egbe la'ie 4mu

this gets the attention$ then you 'o the offering as 'escribe' above$ then en' it with your 
our personal prayer1 -e usually sing a song too1

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