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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

3.4 Money and ego, personality and soul

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” – Bible

In Section 3.2, we talked of the unity of the cosmos, that all is one. Separation is an
illusion but it’s inherent in the nature of ego to see itself as separate, as different from
others. Indeed, perhaps that’s why we human beings exist—we are vehicles for
expressing in our own unique ways the infinite potential of the unified field. Our egos
and our personalities express individuality, but they can run amok when they lose
connection with the divine source of all.

Although the ego believes that ultimate happiness lies in acquiring lots of money and
security, this happiness has proven elusive. True happiness and security can only be
found when the personality becomes acquainted with soul and agrees to serve its
higher purpose.

Personality is empowered when it serves as a vehicle for the individualized expression

of soul. Soul bridges between the vastness of the divine and the material expression of
the human.

On the path to self-knowledge, the ego becomes aware of its fear-based, protective
tendencies and of how these perspectives limit its access to wealth. Once aware and
motivated, it can begin to release these limiting perspectives and open to the free and
loving qualities of the soul. Paradoxically, our egos must be mature, strong and
independent to be capable of surrendering to the soul’s higher forces.

How do we discern whether we’re operating from ego or soul? Review again the 50
Spiritual and Material Distinctions shown in Appendix 7. Become familiar with the
entries on this list and they will act as guideposts on your journey.

It may also be helpful to repeat our overview of how the three parts of the program
work together to show the progression of consciousness. Consider the different
concepts addressed in our 3 levels of programs:

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Managing Money Thinking Prosperity Living in Abundance

information understanding wisdom
doing thinking being
habits thinking not thinking
instinct intellect intuition
inertia activity rhythm
taking receiving giving
habitual creative guided
reactive proactive intuitive
activity meaning purpose
quantity quality essence
no will personal will divine will
coping developing skills being
force personal power attraction
security needs self confidence needs self actualization needs

How does your ego use money and material things and ideas to affirm
How does this contribute to your sense of separation from the rest of the

Ask yourself these questions to heighten your awareness. Don’t judge or

be critical of what has happened. Simply be aware of how money
influences your thoughts and actions. Be aware of whether your ego
makes the decisions for selfish reasons or whether the influence of soul
shines through. Watch the process of the push and pull between inner and

The Soul is:

“- Source of one’s greatest contribution in service – one’s true vocation
- Source of one’s selflessness and altruism
- Source of one’s true conscience
- Source of one’s most joyous activity
- Source of one’s greatest sense of meaningfulness
- Source of one’s sense of the sacred
- Source of one’s ‘heart’s desire.’” – Michael Robbins

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

3.5 Wants vs. needs

“Hell is the state in which we are barred from receiving what we truly
need because of the value we give to what we merely want. It is a
condition of ultimate deprivation, that is, poverty.” – Jacob Needleman

If our goal is to live in abundance, we must learn to distinguish our needs from our
wants. Wants reflect the desires of the ego, and usually exist in the material realm.
Needs, on the other hand, are spiritual qualities of the soul. The soul doesn’t care what
the ego wants. It simply senses need and it responds to that need, within oneself or for

Underlying all of our wants are needs. If we explore the motives behind our wants,
we’ll discover the soul qualities that are drawing us forward.

We can easily get trapped in desires when we believe that material goods and
circumstances will bring us the happiness and satisfaction we seek in life. Very skilful
advertisers are continually reinforcing these beliefs: “When you have a new car...
When you have a more beautiful body… When you eat XXX brand of chocolates…
then you will be happy.”

Unfortunately, once the new car or the new appearance or even a new job comes, we
discover we’re still unhappy. We need something more.

The key to manifesting abundance lies in uncovering the underlying essence of what it
is that we desire, for this reveals to us our soul needs. I may think I want a more
beautiful body. Why do I want this? A beautiful body in itself offers nothing. But my
belief is that if I were beautiful, I would be more confident, or more loveable, or more
powerful. I would feel more passionate, more whole, more happy.

“Ask yourself what you want money to give you and then think of ways
you could have the essence of those things right now.”
– Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Once we connect with the essence of what we want, we can then find ways to realize
those spiritual qualities through whatever situation we are in now. I can satisfy my
yearning for confidence by engaging in—or even just imagining—an activity I know I
do well. I can experience being loveable by befriending a child or a dog. I can claim
my power now by taking a stand and taking action on something that matters to me.

When we begin to acknowledge the qualities we long for, and find accessible ways to
realize them right now, we experience personal power and true abundance. We can
grasp the spiritual principle that we have it all, right now. And we can recognize that
no matter what the state of our income or our possessions, we have access to
unlimited wealth through the quality of our outlook.

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

And the magic is that the more you open to soul qualities, the more you will raise
your level of vibration. Remember the law of vibration we discussed in Section 2?
This will make you more magnetic to whatever on the material plane matches your
new vibratory level.

In Creating Money, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer challenge us to expand our
definition of success to include the goals of our higher selves. “True success,” they
say, “is having the right amount of money, transforming an old habit or negative
belief, releasing a fear, doing things you love, and developing and recognizing your
special talents.”

From a spiritual perspective, true success can only be measured by the richness of our
lives. By how much we’re growing and contributing to the world around us. By our
experience of peace and joy, love and respect. Success is always measured in terms of
quality, not quantity.

“Re-examine all you have been told… Dismiss what insults your Soul.”
– Walt Whitman

With this new perspective on wants vs. needs, consider again what
success means to you.

Make a list of your desires and wants and cravings in one column and
next to them identify the deeper need that is the underlying cause.

3.6 Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical virtues

“He who sees that the Lord of all is ever the same in all that is—immortal
in the field of mortality—he sees the truth. And when a man sees that the
God in himself is the same God in all that is, he hurts not himself by
hurting others. Then he goes, indeed, to the highest path.”
– The Bhagavad Gita

When I read Wayne Dyer’s book Manifest Your Destiny, I found his recipe for
manifestation to be nothing short of complete enlightenment. If we want to manifest
everything we need, we must first truly know ourselves to be God.

Of course, this is right. But I confess my first reaction to his book was to balk. How
can I achieve such a high level of divine consciousness? And yet, isn’t this what I am
aspiring to? I also reminded myself that while we might not get everything we need

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

until we are fully conscious with our divine essence, we do gain and achieve
successes as we journey forward.

Once again we see the value of raising our consciousness. And one way of doing this
is through attending to and expressing spiritual values and virtues.

Esoteric works name goodness, beauty and truth as the top three spiritual values that
will light our lives.

In his book The Spring of Prosperity, Torkom Saraydarian says that spiritual
prosperity expresses itself as 12 virtues:

1. sense of beauty – ability to see beauty in everything

2. sense of universality – all is one – all we are and do affects the whole
3. sense of direction – we must know our purpose and have a vision for our lives
4. sense of righteousness – justice and harmony with natural laws
5. sense of purity – in thoughts, emotions, motives and behaviour
6. sense of joy and enthusiasm – only in joy do we see things clearly
7. sense of service – serving from the heart without expectations
8. sense of harmlessness – using our thoughts, words, emotions, actions and
resources only in constructive, creative ways
9. sense of compassion – ability to see potential in everything and to support its
10. sense of sacrifice – abandoning self-interest for the greater good of all
11. sense of gratitude – awareness of the blessings of life
12. sense of striving – willingness and ability to move forward

How do we realize these virtues in our lives? Deepak Chopra says that we need only
be aware of them. When we focus our attention on these principles, they are
implanted in our subconscious. He recommends that we simply read these virtues
daily. In time, they will be expressed through our attitudes and behavior, without any
conscious effort on our parts.

Others suggest selecting one virtue daily as a focus for meditation. In this practice, we
may simply contemplate the virtue and allow our higher mind or soul to speak to us.
Another approach is to visualize ourselves being that virtue, to experience the quality
as fully as possible in our bodies.

Use your imagination to create a scene in which you experience yourself expressing
the quality. Keep the picture simple and repeat it over and over again. Fill in as many
details as you can. Also, experience yourself right in the picture rather than just
watching yourself from a distance.

The more we express these virtues in our lives, the more successful we will be in
attracting what we desire to us. For proper expression, we must demonstrate full
integrity in our being. Our thoughts, speech and actions must all be congruent. And

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

the more we consciously cultivate an awareness of these spiritual principles, the more
our personality will align with soul.

One of the most popular and powerful journaling tools is Dialogue. In a
Dialogue, you carry on a written conversation by making up the parts for
both participants. Your dialogue partner can be anyone or anything – a
person (living or dead), family member, problem, sickness, body part,
thing (e.g., a car), an event or incident (e.g., a birth or wedding), soul or
God, career, money, an option or alternative, emotion, pet, values and
virtues – whatever you choose.

In this exercise, talk with God or your higher self about how you might
move into higher integrity.

For deeper results, before you start this exercise, do a short entrance
meditation. Relax. See yourself walking up a beautiful path in nature.
Take your time and relax into your environment. Then in your mind, see
your higher self or God come over a hill. Trust that this is the right
manifestation. As you get closer, greet this dialogue partner and ask a
question. Then when you are ready, write out the conversation.

First write down “ME:” and your question. Then write down God or
Higher Self and its response. Then ask another question. You make up the
response. You do both parts of the dialogue. You may find your dialogue
partner asking you questions. If you are stuck, really use your
imagination. Make it up!

This is a good exercise to do for 10 to 30 minutes. As you get into the

dialogue, ask questions like: “Is there anything else? Is this the truth? Is
there more you can tell me, so I have full understanding?” When you have
completed, read over the dialogue and write a short summary.

“When we pay attention to these values that society has always held
sacred then order emerges out of chaos, and the field of pure potentiality
inside us becomes all-powerful, creating anything it desires.”
– Deepak Chopra

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

3.7 Purpose and right livelihood

“How could there be any question of acquiring or possessing, when the
one thing needful for a man is to become – to be at last, and to die in the
fullness of his being.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In manifesting abundance, we aim to realize all that we need. And once basic needs
are met, we find that one of our greatest longings is to have a sense of meaning, of
purpose. Deep down, we desire to do great work, and to believe we have made a
contribution to this planet.

We each have a unique purpose to fulfill in our lifetimes. (Some say we have both a
personality purpose and a soul purpose.) Our purpose defines what we’re here to do.
Whatever our purpose may be, our personal contribution will in some way serve the
greater good of humanity.

Our purpose can be simply stated. Examples of a life purpose are “to heal” or “to
teach” or “to bring happiness.” Obviously, purposes like these can be fulfilled through
a wide range of activities: through many different jobs and careers, and through
unpaid work such as support for your family, volunteer work, or pursuit of a hobby.
Purposes are not only expressed through doing; they may also be realized through
being. Whatever the vehicle, it brings meaning to your life and will in some way serve

We may be fulfilling our life’s purpose without consciously realizing we are doing so.
When we consciously discover our purpose and intentionally pursue it, we experience
growth, expansion, renewal and aliveness. Our lives are rewarding. And finding and
creating our life’s work may also bring us greater financial abundance than any other
action we might take. Or it may not—financial abundance may not be part of the
soul’s agenda. Chances are, though, our needs will be met.

How do we find our purpose, our life work? By going for whatever sparks greatest
passion and meaning. Go within to discover what most brings out your joy, vitality,
enthusiasm, creativity and sense of purpose. Find the skills you love to use, and the
talents you express naturally. Look to your feelings, imagination, needs and dreams
for your direction. If you sincerely seek your life purpose, you will draw it out of you.

Don’t let your present situation discourage you. Deepak Chopra says, “Knowing our
purpose opens up the doorway to the field of pure potentiality because inherent in our
desire are the seeds and mechanics for its fulfillment.” In other words, if we can
dream it, we can achieve it.

“Your soul is not limited by the identity you have right now; it sees the
larger picture of who you are and knows what is possible for you to
accomplish in this lifetime.” – Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]
Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Once again, a word of caution here. Many books imply that going for what we love
will guarantee our financial abundance. In our experience, life is more complex than
that. Remember our discussion in Section 3.3. While we need to focus our primary
attention on our spiritual growth, we must also understand and properly apply the
man-made laws of money to safeguard our physical well-being. It is naïve to assume
that following our heart’s passions will magically bring us wealth if we neglect proper
financial management. Both spiritual and material needs must be given time, attention
and care. The spiritual magnetism of following our purpose must work through a
mature, intelligent and responsible personality.

Once again, we invite you to question your motives. If we have a primary goal to be
financially abundant, it’s likely our ego talking. Ego believes that financial abundance
will bring security, happiness and respect and recognition from others. It will prove
we are a success! Soul, on the other hand, exists in connection and service that is
abundant in and of itself.

Mentally choose an animal or plant. In your journal, write for 5 or 10
minutes on how it grows through its life cycle. Do this now, before you
read further.

Review what you’ve written and consider how it applies to your own life.
We describe what we know. These are your beliefs around purpose. How
do they speak to you?

Answer these smart questions in your journal:

1. How can you see purpose in who you are and what you do (paid and
2. What do you enjoy most in life?
3. What energizes you? What depletes your energy?
4. What do you most value in life? How can you find these values in
your ‘work’?

Sometimes it’s appropriate to pursue a new line of work that will enable us to better
connect with our passions, our vitality and creativity. Sometimes, it’s only a matter of
changing our attitude towards the work we’re doing. Rather than feeling victimized by
our situation, we can take responsibility for our own well-being and take the initiative
to create what we need right where we are. Purpose is always expressed through
qualities, and qualities are always available to us.

© 2008 Higher Awareness Inc. Contact: [email protected]

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