Grade 11 HUMSS

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Vincent de Paul Academy

Atrium St. Maligaya Park Subd.Q.C.
Fourth Periodic Exam
Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Name: ___________________________________________ _____ ______Score: _____________

Teacher: Rodolfo Pomida Date: ____________

I. Multiple Choice Type: Read the following statements/questions and write the letter of the correct answer
on the underline before each number.


___1) It states that individuals use rational calculations to achieve outcomes that are aligned with their own
personal objectives.
a. Rational Actors b. Rational Assumptions c. Rational Choice Theory d. Self-Interest
___2) Individuals in an economy who are basing their choices from rational calculations and rationally
available information.
a. Rational Actors b. Rational Assumptions c. Rational Choice Theory d. Self-Interest
___3) It is the attempt of many economists to understand certain behaviors of society as a whole.
a. Rational Actors b. Rational Assumptions c. Rational Choice Theory d. Self-Interest
___4) What is the rationality assumption?
a. The rational actors are using reason and experiences to draw from
b. The bases for judgments are always centered on one’s own advantage.
c. All rational actors are instinctively selfish and that everyone should take advantage of it.
d. All rational actors are making rational choices to achieve the best results for themselves and their own
___5) If rational choice is based on self-interest and every individual has different goals, what could be
assumed about “reality” from this rational choice theory perspective?
a. Rational choice is empirical making it measurable.
b. We will arrive to reality by studying different perspectives
c. Reality can be described as constant. It will help as reach a definite hypothesis
d. There is no accurate description of reality. It only helps formulate clear and falsifiable hypotheses
___6) He wrote the book “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of nations” which discussed
the ideas of rational choice theory.
a. Renes Descartes b. Thomas Hobbes c. John Locke d. Adam Smith
___7) What is the basis of invisible hand theory?
a. Economics c. Politics and Governance
b. Government, Reason, Selflessness d. Self-interest, rationality and rational choice
___8) What does the invisible hand theory say about “self-interest”?
a. It is the cause of evil in this world.
b. Rational actors’ self-interests can actually create positive benefits for the economy.
c. Self-interest promotes less government control.
d. It makes the economy tend towards liberal form of governance.
___9) What are the rational actors trying to actively maximize?
a. Promote Social love and charity c. Their minimum advantage
b. Their advantage in any situation d. To maximize losses of another
___10) What are the two factors that a rational choice is based from?
a. Rational Calculations and Rational Available Information
b. Rational Calculations and Technological Advantage
c. Scientific Information and Rational Choices
d. Rational Choices and Rational Assumptions

11-14. Nobel laureate Herbert Simon proposed the theory of bounded rationality, which says that people are
not always able to obtain all the information they would need to make the best possible decision. Moreover,
economist Richard Thaler's idea of mental accounting shows how people behave irrationally by placing greater
value on some dollars than others, even though all dollars have the same value. They might drive to another
store to save $10 on a $20 purchase but they would not drive to another store to save $10 on a $1,000
___11) What theory says that people are not always able to obtain all the information and that they would
not be able to make the best possible solutions?
a. Radical Assumption b. Rational Decisions c. Rational Choice Theory d. Theory of Bounded
___12) What is the idea that Richard Thaler wants to show when people behave irrationally by placing greater
value on some dollars even when they have the same values?
a. Mental Accounting b. Mental Assumptions c. Mental Calculations d. Mental Theory
___13) Why rational theory is impossible according to Simon?
a. Misinformation occurs all the time
b. People are not always able to obtain all information
c. Information are sometimes ambiguous and outdated
d. Information could be tainted intentional thus unreliable
___14) What does the whole text says about rational theory?
a. Rational theory is infallible c. Liberalism is the best way to improve the economy
b. It promotes rational choice theoryd. It states an argument that is against rational choice theory
___15) A form of institution comprised of cultural traditions
a. informal b. formal c. non-formal d. normal
___16) A form of institution that are state ruled
a. informal b. formal c. non-formal d. normal
___17) It is what the institutions constraints in order to structure and limit
a. Human behavior b. Human desire c. Human needs d. Human wants

___18) It constitutes the very basis for human interaction.
a. Convention b. Custom c. Habit d. Institutions
___19) Any repeated action whose repetitive nature comes to be recognized by a self-conscious actor
a. Convention b. Custom c. Habit d. Institutions
___20) A habit that is shared by members of a collectivity, and hence social.
a. Convention b. Custom c. Habit d. Institutions
___21) It is an any agreed upon procedure
a. Convention b. Custom c. Habit d. Institutions
___22) It is what becomes when a convention is adopted by ever larger number of people, and comes to be
collectively binding.
a. Convention b. Custom c. Habit d. Institutions
___23) It is the study of the origins, effects and potential for reform of institutions.
a. Conventionism b. Customism c. Habitualism d. Institutionalism
___24) A type of institution that includes kinship, marriages, family and inheritance
a. Constitutions b. Economic c. Regimes d. Social Institution
___25) A type of institution that includes written or unwritten laws governing the exercise of power and
creating laws.
a. Constitutions b. Economic c. Regimes d. Social Institution
___26) A type of institution that dictates acceptable alternatives for consumption
a. Constitutions b. Economic c. Regimes d. Social Institution
___27) A type of institution that “refers to the process of giving something the character of an institution.
a. Constitutions b. Economic c. Regimes d. Social Institution

28-30.Institutional theory is a research tradition that traces its origins back to foundational articles that
discussed how organizational founding and change were driven less by functional considerations and more by
symbolic actions and external influences than the theory at the time assumed. It seeks to explain why nations
are committed to scientific institutions as well as what forms these take.
___28) What drives institutional theory?
a. Functional Considerations b. Social Actions c. Symbolic actions d. Symbolic
___29) What institutional theory tries to explain?
a. Why nations are committed to rationalityc. Why nations are committed to scientific institutions
b. Why nations are committed to social institutions d. Why nations are based on certain
considerations and influences
___30) What is the consideration that less likely drives institutional theory?
a. Functional Considerations b. Social Actions c. Symbolic actions d. Symbolic

___31) It is a theory that women are part of social forces, relations, and problems. It is about viewing the
social world in a way that illuminates the forces that create and support inequality y, oppression, and
a. Feminist Theory b. Gender Theory c. Gender Inequality Theory d. Gender Oppression
___32) It is about the different values associated with womanhood and femininity as a reason why men and
women experience the social world differently. It is caused by the different roles assigned to women and
men within institutions.
a. Gender Differences b. Gender Inequality c. Gender Oppressiond. Structural Oppression
___33) It recognizes that women’s location in, and experience of social, institutions are not only different but
also unequal to men’s.
a. Gender Differences b. Gender Inequality c. Gender Oppression d. Structural Oppression
___34) Liberal feminists argue that women have the same capacity as men for moral reasoning and agency
HOWEVER, this reality is commonly obstructed. What belief obstructs the equal capacity of women?
a. Matriarchy b. Monarchy c. Patriarchy d. Social Inequality
___35) A condition where women are not just treated different and unequal to that of men but they are also
actively subordinated and even abused by men.
a. Gender Differences b. Gender Inequalityc. Gender Oppressiond. Structural Oppression
___36) Theory which poses that woman’s oppression and inequality are a result of capitalism, patriarchy, and
a. Gender Differences b. Gender Inequality c. Gender Oppression d. Structural Oppression
___37) The variety of feminism that works within the structure of mainstream society to integrate women into
that structure.
a. Cultural Feminism b. Liberal Feminismc.Marxist and Social Feminism d. Radical Feminism
___38) The type of feminism that views that oppression of women is the most fundamental form of
oppression that cuts across boundaries of race, cuture, and economic class. This is a movement intent on
social change of rather revolutionary proportions.
a. Cultural Feminism b. Liberal Feminism c. Marxist and Social Feminism d. Radical Feminism
___39) Theory insists that the only way to end the oppression of women is to overthrow the capitalist system.
Is thought to be the combination of Marxism and Radical Feminism.
a. Cultural Feminism b. Liberal Feminismc. Marxist and Social Feminism d. Radical Feminism
___40) Feminism believes that if they could not change the dominant society, they could still avoid it as much
as possible. Some of this effort has social benefit like building rape crisis center.
a. Cultural Feminism b.Eco-Feminismc. Marxist and Social Feminism d. Radical Feminism
___41) Its basic tenet is that a patriarchal society will exploit its resources without regard to long term
consequences due to attitudes fostered in patriarchal society therefore it is the duty of this feminism to
resist plundering and destroying of earth.
a. Cultural Feminism b. Eco-Feminismc. Marxist and Social Feminism d. Radical Feminism

42-44. The feminist movement is usually broken up into three “waves.” The first wave in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries pushed for political equality. The second wave, in the 1960s and 70s, pushed for legal and
professional equality. And the third wave, in the past couple decades, has pushed for social equality. But
whereas legal and political equality are clearly defined and measurable, social equality is murky and
complicated. The current feminist movement is not a protest against unjust laws or sexist institutions as must
as it is the protest against people’s unconscious biases as well as centuries-worth of cultural norms and
heritage that disadvantage women.
___42) When was the pushed for legal and professional equality occurred?
a. 19th to 20th Century b. Early 20th Century c. 1960’s to 70’s d. Decades ago
___43) What is said to be murky and complicated?
a. Current F. Movement b. Feminist movement c. Gender Equality d. Social Equality
___44) What is the problem being posed in the last sentence?
a. All the 3 waves did not bring any change in the social condition of women
b. The problem is the laws and sexist institutions are still prevalent in the modern era
c. Sexism is no longer be dealt with the institutions but the problem is rather on the people’s perception
d. The current feminist movement wrongfully addressed the problem since people are actual unconscious
therefore not liable

___45) It is the study about the life world or our actual life experience in the world.
a. Hermeneutical Phenomenologyb. Life-Experience c. Life-World d. Phenomenology
___46) According to Husserl what is it that we experience without categorization or conceptualization.
a. Hermeneutical Phenomenology b. Life-Experience c. Life-World d. Phenomenology
___47) What is the emphasis of phenomenology?
a. The reality or the world is created by the person
b. The reality or the world is separate from the person
c. The reality or the world is not separate from the person
d. The reality or the world can be recreated by the person
___48) Husserl said that minds and objects both occur within experience. What arises in this co-constituted
dialogue between a person and the world?
a. Bracketing b. Consciousness c. Essences d. Intentionality
___49) It is the process where the mind is focused towards the objects of study?
a. Bracketing b. Consciousness c. Essences d. Intentionality
___50) Made objects identifiable as a particular type of object or experience, unique from others.
a. Bracketing b. Consciousness c. Essences d. Intentionality
___51) What is the name of the process of phenomenological reduction developed by Husserl?
a. Bracketing b. Consciousness c. Essences d. Intentionality
___52) In bracketing, what is the point where the researcher chooses a phenomenon and holds it in his/her
a. Imaginative Variation b.Exemplary Intuition c. Synthesis d. Thesis
___53) In bracketing, what is the point when the researcher develops examples of similar experiences of the
a. Imaginative Variation b. Exemplary Intuition c. Synthesis d. Thesis
___54) What is the point in bracketing where the researcher integrates the various examples in order to
realize the essence of the interest?
a. Imaginative Variation b. Exemplary Intuition c. Synthesis d. Thesis

55-58.Hermeneutic phenomenology is similar to phenomenology as it is also concerned with the life world. Its
focus is also to illuminate details within experience that may be taken for granted in our lives to create
meaning and a sense of understanding. However, the way of exploring the lived experience is what made
hermeneutic phenomenology different. Consciousness is not separate from the world but is a formation of
historically lived experience. Understanding is a basic form of human existence and that understanding is not a
way we know the world, but rather the way we are.

___55) What is the similar concern of both hermeneutic phenomenology and phenomenology based from the
a. Consciousness b. Existence c. Life d. Life world
___56) According to hermeneutic phenomenology, what is it that is not separate from the world but is a
formation of historically lived experience?
a. Consciousness b. Existence c. Life d. Life world
___57) According to the text, what details within experience that needs to be illuminated?
a. Life that may be taken for granted c. Life that may not be taken for granted
b. Experience that maybe taken for granted d. Experience that are already taken for granted
___58) What is the whole context trying to signify?
a. This means that a person’s experience presents ways of understanding the world.
b. This means that a person’s background presents ways of understanding the world.
c. This means that a person’s experience does not present ways of understanding the world.
d. This means that a person’s background does not present ways of understanding the world.

___59) It is a system which combines both human and natural components to show complex interactions, and
feedback between them.
a. Adaptive Human-Environment Systems c. Human-Environment-Human
b. Human-Environment Systems d. Linear H-E Systems
___60) It is the result of humans response to calamities that can help restore environmental sustainability
a. Adaptive Human-Environment Systems c. Human-Environment-Human
b. Human-Environment Systems d. Linear H-E Systems
___61) Which one is a good example of COUPLED HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS?
a. Human and environment cannot be separated at all
b. Human actions affects the environment and the environment retaliates in return
c. Environment poses limitations to the capacity of humans to think but human tries to transcend such
d. What humans do influences the environment but the resulting changes in the environment in turn
influence our perceptions and behaviors.
___62) This means treating humans and the environment as systems.
a. Ecological Balance b. Human-Environment Systemsc.Systems Perspective d. World Systems
___63) In the DPSIR model (drivers, pressures, state, impact, response), which among the statements is an
example of a “driver” to environmental problem?
a. There is a need to export massive logs to the US.
b. The pressure to human is coming from the environment
c. The forest can no longer provide a habitat for its endemic species.
d. Loggers cut trees to export them and plans convert portions of the forest into a farmland
___64) In the DPSIR model (drivers, pressures, state, impact, response), which among the statements is an
example of a “pressure” to ecosystem?
a. There is a need to export massive logs to the US.
b. The pressure to human is coming from the environment
c. The forest can no longer provide a habitat for its endemic species.
d. Loggers cut trees to export them and plans convert portions of the forest into a farmland
___65) In the DPSIR model (drivers, pressures, state, impact, response), which among the statements is an
example of an “impact” to environment?
a. There is a need to export massive logs to the US.
b. The pressure to human is coming from the environment
c. The forest can no longer provide a habitat for its endemic species.
d. Loggers cut trees to export them and plans convert portions of the forest into a farmland

___66) Which one is an example of “a group may fail to anticipate a problem before they problem actually
a. Everybody can fish and could overfish in common waters therefore I will do the same.
b. The legislators who make laws about traffic are the ones who are escorted by armed men to let them
through traffics.
c. The cleaning of Manila Bay is useless as the origin of pollution comes from the people who live nearby
the whole stretch of the rivers.
d. In the 1970’s, the government allowed the massive logging industries because it is not aware of the
possible damages it may cause to humans.
___67) Which one is an example of “when the problem does arrive, the group may fail to perceive it”?
a. Everybody can fish and could overfish in common waters therefore I will do the same.
b. The legislators who make laws about traffic are the ones who are escorted by armed men to let
them through traffics.
c. The cleaning of Manila Bay is useless as the origin of pollution comes from the people who live
nearby the whole stretch of the rivers.
d. In the 1970’s, the government allowed the massive logging industries because it is not aware of the
possible damages it may cause to humans.
___68) Which one is an example of “after they perceive it, they may fail even to try to solve it”?
a. Everybody can fish and could overfish in common waters therefore I will do the same.
b. The legislators who make laws about traffic are the ones who are escorted by armed men to let
them through traffics.
c. The cleaning of Manila Bay is useless as the origin of pollution comes from the people who live
nearby the whole stretch of the rivers.
d. In the 1970’s, the government allowed the massive logging industries because it is not aware of the
possible damages it may cause to humans.
___69) Which one is an example of “they may try to solve it but may not succeed”?
a. Everybody can fish and could overfish in common waters therefore I will do the same.
b. The legislators who make laws about traffic are the ones who are escorted by armed men to let
them through traffics.
c. The cleaning of Manila Bay is useless as the origin of pollution comes from the people who live
nearby the whole stretch of the rivers.
d. In the 1970’s, the government allowed the massive logging industries because it is not aware of the
possible damages it may cause to humans.

70-72.Sustainable and equitable solutions are required to address the interconnected challenges of protecting
the health of the natural environment and protecting the health of human populations. Determining solutions
that optimize trade-offs between short-term and long-term objectives of resource consumption and
sustainability requires analyses of the multilayered interconnectedness of environmental, social,
epidemiological, and political systems.
___70) What is required to address the challenges of protecting the environment according to the text?
a. Equitable Solutionsb. Sustainable Equityc. Sustainable solutions d. Sustainable and Equitable Solutions
___71) What should be analyzed to protect the environment sustainably?
a. Its singularity b. Its single layer connectedness c. Its multilayered connectednessd. multiple connection
___72) Aside from the health of the environment, whose health should be protected as well?
a. Human Condition b. Human environment c. Human populations d. Social Systems


___73) Ito ay ang mga kwento at kasaysayan ng Pilipino, naisinasalaysay ng mga Pilipino, para sa mga
a. Pangkaming Pananaw b. Pangkayong Pananaw c.Pansilang Pananaw d. PantayongPananaw
___74) Bakit raw nais ni Salazar na Filipino o Tagalog ang dapat gamitin sa pagkukuwento?
a. Sapagkatitoangitinakda ng batas
b. Sapagkatito ay ginagamit ng lahat ng taosaPilipinas
c. Sapagkatitolangangkayanggamiting ng mga Pilipino
d. Sapagkatito ay wikangnaiintindihan ng halos lahat ng Pilipino
___75) Paraangpagsulat ng mgaEspanyolsaulatukolsamga Pilipino nainuulatnilasamga kapok naEspanyol
a. PangkamingPananaw b. PangkayongPananaw c.PansilangPananaw d. PantayongPananaw
___76) Pagsasalaysay ng mgaEspanyol ng mgaulatukolsamga Pilipino nainuulatsamgahindinila kapok
a. PangkamingPananaw b. PangkayongPananaw c.PansilangPananaw d. PantayongPananaw
___77) Angpagtatanggol ng mgapropagandismokabilangsina Rizal peroangmgatagapakainig ay mgaEspanyol
a. PangkamingPananaw b. PangkayongPananaw c.PansilangPananaw d. PantayongPananaw
___78) Ito ay angpag-aaralhindilamangukolsa “nakaraan” kundimagingang “pagkakasunod-sunod ng
a. Antropolohiya b. Demographiya c. Kasaysayan d. History
___79) Ayon kay Salazar, sinu-sinoangmganagsulatsadokumento ng nakaraan ng bansangPilipinas?
a. Mga Indio, alila at alipin c. MgaEdukado, mayayaman at Kolonisador
b. Mgaintelektwal at negosyanted. walasanabanggit
___80) Angkasaysayan ay nagmulasasalitangugatna “saysay”. Malibansasalitangsalaysay o kwento, ano pa
a. Kaibahan, pagtatangi at paguuri c. Kakayahan, talino at kalakasan
b. Kahulugan, katuturan, kabuluhan at kahalagahan d. Paglalahad, pagbabahagi at pangunguna
___81) Anoangkatumbassasalitang Ingles ngsalitang “DuniaMelayu”?
a. Malay Co. b. Malay Community c. Malay Peninsula d. Malay World
___82) SaangUnibersidadnagingTagapangulosaDepartamento ng Kasaysayansi Zeus Salazar?
a. LETRAN b. PUP c. UP d. UST
___83) Ito ay angmgasalaysayna may saysay para sasinasalaysayanggrupo ng tao
a. Antropolohiya b. Demographiya c. Kasaysayan d. History

84-86. Subalit, hindibasta-bastaitinataponangkanluraningtradisyon ng “History” na may

establisadonangmetodosapagkritika ng mgabatisupangmalamanangkatotohanan ng
nakaraansaisangdokumento o kuwento. Angtawagdito ay positibista—angpagsasalysaybataysaebidensya. Kung
paanomakukuhaangsaysay at kaisipan ng taokahitnasaisangkuwentongkumalatnakathangisiplamang at
hindinamannangyari. Sa pagkakasal ng depinisyong Pilipino ng “Kasaysayan” at angmetodolohiyangpositibista
ng “History” nabuoni Zeus angkonseptong “BagongKasaysayan.”
___84) Anoangtawagsapagsasalaysaybataysaebidensya?
a. BagongKasaysayan b. History c. Pagkritika d. Positibista
___85) Anoangresulta ng pagsasanib ng KasaysayansaPositibista ng History?
a. BagongKasaysayan b. History c. Pagkritika d. Positibista
___86) Anoangnaisipahayag ng akda?
a. Kasaysayanlamangangmaaringmagamitsapagtuklas ng nakaraan ng Pilipinas
b. Bagamathindigawang Pilipino ang History, magagamit pa rinitosapagkatito ay may metodosapagkritika
c. Bagamathindigawang Pilipino angKasaysayan, magagamit pa rinitosapagkatito ay may
d. Hindi gawang Pilipino ang History, kung kaya hindimagagamititosapagkatito ay may
___87) What European philosophy influenced Rizal to fight for the Filipinos against the Spaniards?
a. Enlightenmentb. Protestantism c. Renaissanced. Scientific Revolution
___88) Among the two notable novels of Jose Rizal, which one was written first?
a. El Filibusterismob. La Solidaridadc. NoliMiTangered. Sa AkingmgaKabata
___89) Who is the person who is against the “division founded on partisan spirit” since it is irrelevant as there
are no essential differences in the opinions of the people about the institutions they are with?
a. Jorge C. Bacobo b. Rafael Palma c. Manuel L. Quezon d. Jose Rizal
___90) He said that the “reason” is the noblest gift to man and that “everyone should contribute a new
thought, a new idea, or a new procedure or new rule of conduct.
a. Jorge C. Bacobo b. Rafael Palma c. Manuel L. Quezon d. Jose Rizal
___91) He said that “Aristocracy of the intellect is the true aristocracy worthy of honor and respect. It should
measure success not in terms of material possessions but rather by helpfulness, service to the poor and
for being righteous at any cost
a. Jorge C. Bacobo b. Rafael Palma c. Manuel L. Quezon d. Jose Rizal
___92) A Filipino value that has the connotation of getting along with others
a.Hiya b. Pagpapahalagasapamilya c. pakikisama d. utangnaloob
___93) It imparts a sense of duty and responsibility where one has to pay debt with gratitude
a.Hiya b. Pagpapahalagasapamilya c. pakikisama d. utangnaloob
___94) It places a high regard toward own family
a.Hiya b. Pagpapahalagasapamilya c. pakikisama d. utangnaloob
___95) An informal way of controlling individual behavior through being wary to the damage it may cause to
the name of the doer when committing inappropriate or bad action
A a.Hiya b. Pagpapahalagasapamilya c. pakikisama d. utangnaloob
___96) Heartwarming generosity of a Filipino hosting a visitor
a. Faith and Religiosity b. Hardwork and industry c. hospitality d. resilience
___97) The capacity to recover from difficulties and toughness
a. Faith and Religiosity b. Hardwork and industry c. hospitality d. resilience
___98) Refers to the Psychology born out of the experience, thought and orientation of the Filipinos
a. Sikolohistang Pilipino b. Sikolohiya c. Sikolohiyang Pilipino d. Sosyolihiyang Pilipino
___99) He was the pioneer of Filipino Psychology
a. Virgilio Enriquez b. Juan Luna c. ApolinarioMabini d. Jose Rizal
___100) According to western psychology, “bahalana” is equivalent to fatalism, leaving everything to God. But
in the Filipino way it means they are ready to face the difficult situation before them and will do their best
to achieve their objectives. What does “bahalana” means for the Filipinos
a. Determination and risk taking b. fatalism c. cowardice and retreatism d. unwillingess

St. Vincent de Paul Academy
Atrium St. Maligaya Park Subd.Q.C.
Fourth Periodic Exam
Introduction to World Religions and Belief System

Name: _____________________________________________ ___ ______Score: _____________

Teacher: Rodolfo Pomida Date: ____________
I. Read the following statements/questions and write the letter of the correct answer on the
underline before each number.

_____1) Who is the Founder of Theravada Buddhism?

a. Lao Tzu b. Mencius c. Mohammad d. Siddhartha Gautama
_____2) Where was Buddhism originated?
a. India b. Israel c. Japan d. Rome
_____3) What religion says that suffering emanates from desire?
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Hinduism
_____4) According to Buddha, what is life full of?
a. Atrocities b. Freedom c. Hospitality d. Suffering
_____5) What is the way to overcome craving, based on Buddhism?
a. Follow the 4 Noble Truth b. Follow the 8 Fold Path c. Follow God d. Follow the leader
_____6) What is the root cause of suffering as according to Buddha?
a. Desire b. Dream c. Envy d. Lust
_____7) What is the form of religion or “world view” of Theravada Buddhism?
a. Animist b. Monotheistic c. Polytheistic d. Non-theistic
_____8) What ethical conduct in the 8 Fold Path pertains to abstention from telling lies; from backbiting and
slander; use of harsh, rude, impolite, malicious and abusive language and; from idle, useless and foolish
babble and gossip?
a. Right Speech b. Right Action c. Right Livelihood d. Right Effort
_____9) What ethical conduct in the 8 Fold Path aims at promoting moral, honorable, and peaceful conduct?
a. Right Speech b. Right Action c. Right Livelihood d. Right Effort
_____10) What ethical conduct in the 8 Fold Path says that one should abstain from making one’s living through
a profession that brings harm to others, such as trading in arms and lethal weapons, intoxicating drinks
or poisons, killing animals, cheating, etc.?
a. Right Speech b. Right Action c. Right Livelihood d. Right Effort
_____11) What mental discipline in the 8 Fold Path is pertains to the energetic will to prevent and get rid of evil
and; to produce, develop and bring to perfection the good and wholesome states of mind?
a. Right Effort b. Right Mindfulness c. Right Concentration d. Right Thought
_____12) What mental discipline in the 8 Fold Path reminds to be diligently aware, mindful and attentive with
regard to the activities of the body; sensations or feelings; activities of the mind and; ideas, thoughts,
conceptions, and things?
a. Right Effort b. Right Mindfulness c. Right Concentration d. Right Thought
_____13) What mental discipline in the 8 Fold Path is aiming to make all sensations, even of happiness and
unhappiness, of joy and sorrow, disappear, only pure equanimity and awareness remaining?
a. Right Effort b. Right Mindfulness c. Right Concentration d. Right Thought
_____14) What wisdom in the 8 Fold Path denotes the thoughts of selfless renunciation of detachment, thoughts
of love and thoughts of non-violence, which are extended to all human beings?
a. Right Effort b. Right Mindfulness c. Right Concentration d. Right Thought
_____15) What wisdom in the 8 Fold Path pertains to the understanding of things as they are, and it is the four
noble truths, which sees the Ultimate Reality?
a. Right Mindfulness b. Right Concentration c. Right Thought d. Right Understanding
_____16) What law in Buddhism states that “everything is nothing more than asset of relations and that everything
is conditioned, relative, and interdependent so there is nothing in this world which could be regarded as
a. 4 Noble Truth b. 8 Fold Path c. Law of Dependent Origination d. Law of Impermanence
_____17) What issue is being confronted in the Mainland Southeast Asia that directly impacts the belief in
Theravada Buddhism?
a. Authoritarianism b. Gender Inequality c. Inaction d. Territorial disputes

18-20 We aren’t just creating worlds; we’re also creating ourselves. We beings are all processes of
physical and mental phenomena. The Buddha taught that what we think of as our permanent self, our
ego, self-consciousness, and personality, is not fundamentally real. But, it’s continually regenerated
based on prior conditions and choices. From moment to moment, our bodies, sensations,
conceptualizations, ideas and beliefs, and consciousness work together to create the illusion of a
permanent, distinctive “me.”
_____18) What “illusion of a permanent” is being discussed in the text?
a. Me b. They c. We d. You
_____19) What did Buddha said about “our permanent self, our ego, self-consciousness, and personality”?
a. It is a hoax b. It really exist c. Cannot be altered d. Not fundamentally real
_____20) What can be implied about the text?
a. All things are distinct
b. Buddha believes in life after death
c. Buddha believes that everything isimpermanent
d. All beings are all processes of physical and mental phenomena
_____21) What is the belief that teaches enlightenment can be attained in a single lifetime, and this can be
accomplished by a layperson?
a. Confucianism b. Hinduism c. Mahayana Buddhism d. Theravada Buddhism
_____22) What is the term applied to any person who is on the path towards Buddhahood but has not yet attained it?
a. Bodhi b. Bodhisattva c. Buddha d. Buddhism
_____23) What is the virtuous practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattva that pertains to giving
from a sincere desire to benefit others, without expectation of reward or recognition?
a. Generosity b. Perfection of Morality c. Perfection of Patience d. Perfection of Energy
_____24) What is the virtuous practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattva which says that an
enlightened being does respond correctly without having to consult a list of rules? Develop selfless
compassion and along the way practice renunciation and gain an appreciation for karma.
a. Generosity b. Perfection of Morality c. Perfection of Patience d. Perfection of Energy
_____25) What is the virtuous practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattvawhich literally means “able
to withstand” or able to endure personal hardship; patience with others; and acceptance of truth?
a. Generosity b. Perfection of Morality c. Perfection of Patience d. Perfection of Energy
_____26) What is the spiritual practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattva which can be done by
developing first our own character and courage; be engaged in spiritual training and; then dedicate one’s
fearless efforts to the benefit of others?
a. Generosity b. Perfection of Morality c. Perfection of Patience d. Perfection of Energy
_____27) What is the spiritual practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattva that says to be the
foundations of wisdom intended to cultivate the mind?
a. Perfection of Patience b. Perfection of Energy c. Perfection of Meditation d. Perfection of Wisdom
_____28) What is the spiritual practice in the Six Perfections to Become a Bodhisattva that is sad to be the
direct and intimate realization of sunyata or emptiness?
a. Perfection of Patience b. Perfection of Energy c. Perfection of Meditation d. Perfection of Wisdom
_____29) What is the school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes rigorous self-control, meditation-practice, and
insight into the nature of things?
a. Cen b. Sen c. Tsen d. Zen
_____30) What is the form of religion or “world view” of Mahayana Buddhism?
a. Animist b. Monotheistic c. Polytheistic d. Non-theistic
_____31) Which kind of Buddhism is closer to the original Indian form of Buddhism due to its association to South
East Asia
a. Bodhisattva b. Mahayana c. Theravada d. Zen
_____32) Aside from some parts of South East Asia, what part of Asia the Mahayana Buddhism mostly spread to?
a. East Asia b. North and East Asia b. Southern Asia c. South West Asia
_____33) Aside from some parts of South East Asia, what part of Asia the Theravada Buddhism mostly spread to?
a. East Asia b. North and East Asia b. Southern Asia c. South West Asia
_____34) Which among the Buddhism beliefs is more conservative because it uses original Pali language as it was the
birth language of Buddha?
a. Bodhisattva b. Mahayana c. Theravada d. Zen
_____35) What is defined as the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth in Buddhism?
a. Bodhisattva b. Cycle c. Nirvana d. Samsara
_____36) What is the condition of being free from suffering and the cycle of rebirth?
a. Bodhisattva b. Cycle c. Nirvana d. Samsara
_____37) What teaching suggests that the seeker should gain insights from his experience, application of knowledge
and critical reasoning?
a. Bodhisattva b. Mahayana c. Theravada d. Zen
38-39.Mahayana Buddhism suggests that Bodhisattvas delay their realization to stayin Samsara and help other
struggling humans. Theravada suggests Bodhisattvas seek enlightenment first before they can help others
stuck in Samsara. In Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattvas have greater prominence. The goal of Theravada
Buddhists place greater emphasis on arhat – liberation or nirvana while in Mahayana Buddhism, the role of
Bodhisattva path is given more prominence.

_____38) What is the goal of Mahayana Buddhism?
a. Achieve Nirvana b. Earn Arhat c. Liberation of Soul d. The role of Bodhisattva
_____39) Where do the Bodhisattvas stay as suggested by Mahayana Buddhism?
a. Heaven b. Nirvana c. Samsara d. Sky
_____40) What can be implied about the essence of Zen Buddhism, when it said that Zen is looking inside us for
enlightenment and that there is no need to search outside ourselves for the answers because answer is in
the same place where we found the questions?
a. We can then realize that there is only one Buddha
b. All human beings are already Buddha because it is a God given truth
c. All human beings are Buddha, and that all they have to do is to discover that truth for themselves.
d. None of the Above
_____41) What is a belief system that is often characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than
a religion?
a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Shintoism d. Taoism
_____42) Who is the founder of Confucianism?
a. Confu b. Confucius c. Confucious d. Conspicuous
_____43) What is the divine source of authority and the right to rule China’s early kings and emperors?
a. Command of Heaven b. Governance of Heaven c. Mandate of Heaven d. Rule of Heaven
_____44) What name is addressed to King Wen and his successors?
a. Born of Heaven b. Child of Heaven c. Man of Heaven d. Son of Heaven
_____45) Who earned the title “second sage”?
a. Buddha b. Confucius c. Hsun Tzu d. Mencius
_____46) Who is the Confucian sage who believed that humanity’s inborn tendencies were evil and that ethical
norms had been invented to rectify people?
a. Buddha b. Confucius c. Hsun Tzu d. Mencius
_____47) What is the phrase that became known as “feudal Confucian designations and relationships”, behaving
accordingly to ensure social harmony?
a. Correct the name b. Rectify the name c. Redress the name d. Reform the name
_____48) In the five virtues a gentlemen should practice, what is the virtue of benevolence, charity and humanity?
a. Ren b. Yi c. Zhi d. Xin
_____49) In the five virtues a gentlemen should practice, what is the virtue of honesty and uprightness?
a. Ren b. Yi c. Zhi d. Xin
_____50) In the five virtues a gentlemen should practice, what is the virtue of knowledge?
a. Ren b. Yi c. Zhi d. Xin
_____51) In the five virtues a gentlemen should practice, what is the virtue of faithfulness and integrity?
a. Yi b. Zhi c. Xin d. Li
_____52) In the five virtues a gentlemen should practice, what is the virtue of correct behavior or propriety, good
manners, politeness, ceremony, and worship?
a. Yi b. Zhi c. Xin d. Li
_____53) What principle is central to Confucian role ethics?
a. Familial Piety b. Filial Piety c. Piety d. Relative Piety
_____54) What is the key manifestation of filial piety that obligated children to respect their parents in life and to
remember them after they have died?
a. Ancestor Obedience b. Ancestor Respect c. Ancestor Ruling d. Ancestor Worship
55-60. Which among the behaviors and attitudes below are indicators of filial piety?
a. Good to one’s parents b. Take care of one’s parents c. Engage in good conduct
d. Wisely advise one’s parents. e. Ensure female heirs f. Persuade moral unrighteousness
g. Show love respect and support h. Ensure male heirs I .Display sorrow for parent’s sickness or death

_____ 55.
_____ 56.
_____ 57.
_____ 58.
_____ 59.
_____ 60.

____61) What is the term used by the Taoists when they are referring to energy?
a. Ci b. Key c. Qhi d. Qi
____62) What is the energy form that denotes male, superiority, emperor and day
a. Yang b. Yin c. Yin Yang d. Yin Young
____63) What is the energy called if it denotes female, subordination, subjects and night?
a. Yang b. Yin c. Yin Yang d. Yin Young
____64) Who is the founder of Taoism?
a. Buddha b. Confucius c. Lau Tzu d. Vishnu
____65) Which among the choices is one among the sacred texts of Taoism?
a. Kojiki b. Sanskrit c. Tao TeChing d. Wu Wei
____66) What is the term used by Taoism when it refers to man as a miniature of the universe?
a. Cosmo b. Microcosm c. Microorganism d. Microscope
____67) It is known as the origin of all being and the way of nature
a. 4 Noble Truths b. Eternal Truth c. Nirvana d. Tao
____68) What is the Chinese term used when referring to “not doing”
a. Kojiki b. Tao c. Tao TeChing d. Wu Wei
____69) What is the English term for “tao”?
a. Door b. Passage c. Route d. Way or Path
____70) Which among the choices is one among the sacred texts of Taoism?
a. Bible b. Book of Chuang Tze c. Sanskirt d. Vedas
____71) What country of origin is Taoism?
a. Arab b. China c. India d. Japan
____72) What is it that is considered as the combination of Buddhism and Taoism?
a. Bodhisattva b. Mahayana c. Theravada d. Zen
____73) What is the best for a person to live, according to Taoism?
a. Submit to whatever flexible c. Submit to whatever life brings and be flexible
b. Be flexible in order to reach d. Do not submit to whatever life brings and don’t
submission be flexible
____74) The way of the Tao is said to be in accordance with what environment?
a. Galaxy b. Harsh c. Nature d. Social
____75) What spirits are being honored in the Taoist rituals?
a. Ancestors of a villageb. The dead c. Kami d. War Criminals
____76) During the Taoist rituals, what object is being burned in order to purify the area?
a. Animal offering b. Incense c. Rice c. Wine

77-79. All the Taoist texts are based on the same kinds of observation of the natural world and the belief that
human beings are innately good and only needed a reminder of their inner nature to pursue virtue over
vice. There are no “bad people” according to Taoist principles, only people who behave badly. Given the
proper education and guidance toward understanding how the universe works, anyone could be a “good
person” living in harmony with the earth and with others.

____77) Who is said as innately good and only needed a reminder to see the inner nature to pursue virtue?
a. Animal b. Being b. human d. Taoists
____78) Based on the text, what should be given to humans to understand how the universe works?
a. Guidance b. proper educationb. proper education and guidance d. property and guidance
____79) What is the principle of Taoism about the behavior of people?
a. All people are badb. All people are already goodc. People are only behaving badly d. No answer
____80) What can be implied about the text?
a. Bad people causes them to behave badly
b. Good people can behave badly depending on the condition of the universe
c. There is no bad people, just behaving badly and they just need proper education and guidance
to become good
d. Bad persons should exist in order to complete the virtues of yin and young in order to make
living in earth harmonious.
____81) What belief system believes that spiritual powers exist in the natural world?
a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Shintoism d. Taoism
____82) What does Shintoism call the spirits that live in natural places such as in animals, plants, stones,
mountains, rivers people and even the dead?
a. Entity b.Kami c. Kayo d. Yurei
____83) What is the term used when it pertains to the “way of the gods”?
a. Rig b. Shinto c. Tao d. Wu Wei
____84) Where do Shinto followers worship?
a. Church b. Palace c. Shrine d. Temple

____85) What sexual orientation is permitted to become priest in Shintoism?

a. Female Only b. Male Only c. Male and Female d. Male or Female
____86) What object is being sounded to summon the spirit in Shintoism?
a. Bell b. Gong c. Horn d. Trumpet
____87) What is the special archway of Shinto shrines?
a. Columns b. Garden c. Path d. Torii
____88) Who is the most important Kami also known as the sun goddess?
a. Aishtemasu b. Amaterasu c. Inari d. Izanagi
____89) Who is the “rice producer” kami?
a. Aishtemasu b. Amaterasu c. Inari d. Izanagi
____90) Which among the choices is the sacred test of the Shinto religion?
a. Kojiki b. Sanskrit c. Tao TeChing d. Wu Wei
____91) What is the other term for Nihon Shoki or the Chronicles of Japan?
a. Furukotofumi b. Kojiki c. Nihongi d. Shoki
____92) What is the most controversial shrine that houses the “kami” of war dead who served the Emperor
of Japan during wars from 1867-1951?
a. Goryo b. Ise c. Magokoro d. Yasukuni
____93) What is the name of revengeful spirits of the dead whose lives were cut short? They are revered as
a way of calming them as they are believed to punish those who do not honor the kami.
a. Goryo b. Ise c. Magokoro d. Yasukuni
____94) What is the goal of life that achieves purse sincere heart which can only be granted by the kami?
b. Goryo b. Ise c. Magokoro d. Yasukuni
____95) Who is the founder of Shintoism?
c. Divine Power b. Izanagi c. Kami d. none
____96) Who is the male creator whose left eye socket gave birth to Amaterazu?
d. Aishtemasu b. Amaterasu c. Inari d. Izanagi

97-99. Izanami and Izanagi are the two most famous kami because they are seen as the creators of the
Earth. They are also the parents of multiple kami (who rule over those aspects like the moon, sun, fire,
water, earth, and netherworld). Izanami is the female kami whereas Izanagi is male. The former is the
passive (yin) essence and the latter is the active (yang) essence. They balance each other out, as their
children do with one another.

____97) Who is the female kami?

a. Izanami b. Izanagi c. Izagani d. Izamani
____98) Who is the Yang kami?
a. Izanami b. Izanagi c. Izagani d. Izamani
____99) What did the most famous kami created?
a. Cosmos b. Earth c. Sun d. Universe
____100) What is the county of origin of Shintoism?
a. China b. India c. Japan d. Thailand

St. Vincent de Paul Academy
Atrium St., Maligaya Park, Novaliches Quezon City
Finals Examination in H.O.P.E. 11
Name:______________________________________ Date:________________________ Score:___________
Section:_______________ Adviser:________________________ Subject Teacher:______________________

Directions: Study the given descriptions and definitions related to Active Recreational Activities (Ball Games).
Identify the term/s being referred to by writing the letter of your answer on the space before each number.

_____ 1. Games intended to be played by number of participants that work as one.

a. Individual/Dual b. Singles/Doubles c. Group/Team d. None of the above
_____ 2. The aim of the game is to put the ball into the basket or hoops
a. Baseball b. Basketball c. Soccer d. Volleyball
_____ 3. The aim of the game is to transfer the ball over the net to the opponent’s court side
a. Baseball b. Basketball c. Soccer d. Volleyball
_____ 4. Who created the game of basketball?
a. James Naismith b. James Tailor c. William Morgan d. William Smith
_____ 5. Who created the game of volleyball?
a. James Naismith b. James Tailor c. William Morgan d. William Smith
_____ 6. What injury in basketball and volleyball refers to a stretch or tear of ligament/s?
a. Dislocations b. Fractures c. Knee Injuries d. Sprains
_____ 7. What injury in basketball and volleyball refers to a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon a cord of
tissue connecting muscle to bone?
a. Dislocations b. Fractures c. Knee Injuries d. Strains
_____ 8. What injury in basketball and volleyball results from a blow to or twist to the knee?
a. Dislocations b. Fractures c. Knee Injuries d. Wounds
_____ 9. What injury in basketball and volleyball results to the breaking of the bone/s?
a. Dislocations b. Fractures c. Knee Injuries d. Wounds
_____ 10. What injury in basketball and volleyball refers to when a joint become separated?
a. Dislocations b. Fractures c. Knee Injuries d. Wounds
_____ 11. What is the first name for volleyball?
a. Battledrift b. Mintonette c. Pin Ball d. Valleyball
_____ 12. When was basketball created?
a. 1875 b. 1891 c. 1895 d. 1901
_____ 13. When was volleyball created?
a. 1875 b. 1891 c. 1895 d. 1901
_____ 14. What is the governing buddy of basketball that sets the rules and regulations for the game?
_____ 15. What is the governing buddy of volleyball that sets the rules and regulations for the game?
_____ 16. In UAAP men’s senior basketball season 82, who won the championship?
a. AdMU b. DLSU c. FEU d. NU
_____ 17. In UAAP women’s senior volleyball season 81, who won the championship?
a. AdMU b. DLSU c. FEU d. NU
_____ 18. The aim of group or team games/sports is to win by:
a. Individual greatness b. show casing talent c. cooperative effort d. owns willingness
_____ 19. In playing basketball and volleyball, what movements are use to transfer an individual from one
place to another?
a. Locomotor b. Non – locomotor c. Sedentary d. Tumbling
_____ 20. In playing basketball and volleyball, what movements are done in a stationary place?
a. Locomotor b. Non – locomotor c. Sedentary d. Tumbling
_____ 21. In playing basketball and volleyball, what is referred to as a creative or unique move of your own?
a. Energy b. Style c. Space d. Time
_____ 22. It refers to the area or dimension where the game will take place.
a. Energy b. Improvisation c. Space d. Time
_____ 23. It refers to the duration of the game.
a. Energy b. Improvisation c. Space d. Time
_____ 24. It pertains to the amount of effort exerted in the game.
a. Energy b. Improvisation c. Space d. Time
_____ 25. It refers to the not familiar exploring potential movements or creating something new, something
different and something unusual.
a. Energy b. Improvisation c. Space d. Time
_____ 26. What occupation or profession requires special training for game officiating?
a. Coach b. Player c. Referee d. Watchers
_____ 27. Designed to familiarize team with visual possibilities of a given sports tournament.
a. Diagram b. Line - up c. Schedule d. Programme

_____ 28. Designed to create a standard governing policy for a given game or sports.
a. Diagram b. Programme c. Rules and Regulations d. Schedule
_____ 29. What Sports event is designed for the school to identify potential athletes to represent the school?
a. District Meet b. Division Meet c. Intramurals d. Palarong Pambansa
_____ 30. What are your skills and interest? (In relation to the chosen game)
a. Career Exploration b. Decision – Making c. My Plan of Action d. Self – Assessment
_____ 31. What are other games related to my chosen sport?
(Other games that can be associated to my chosen sport)
a. Career Exploration b. Decision – Making c. My Plan of Action d. Self – Assessment
_____ 32. What do I need to consider?
(Pros and Cons of playing the game) Availability and Resources
a. Career Exploration b. Decision – Making c. My Plan of Action d. Self – Assessment
_____ 33. What will I do to meet my goal/s? (How can I be able to play the game)
a. Career Exploration b. Decision – Making c. My Plan of Action d. Self – Assessment
_____ 34. Tournament for a short period of time also called as the knock out tournament
a. Single Elimination b. Double Elimination c. Single Round Robin d. Ladder
_____ 35. Tournament divided by winning and losing bracket and keeps your hope alive as long as you do
not lose in two games
a. Single Elimination b. Double Elimination c. Single Round Robin d. Ladder
_____ 36. Tournament where the participating team is given a chance to play all the joining teams
a. Single Elimination b. Double Elimination c. Single Round Robin d. Ladder
_____ 37. Tournament considering team standing fighting one’s way from the bottom position to the top
a. Single Elimination b. Double Elimination c. Single Round Robin d. Ladder
_____ 38. Who is responsible for rehabilitation or habilitation of an injured athlete or as what the client’s
needs, such as facilitating movement and physical rehabilitation?
a. Community Healthcare b. Referees c. Technologists d. Therapists
_____ 39. Keep illness or injury from happening as the game progresses.
a. Prevention b. Rehabilitation c. Research d. Treatment
_____ 40. Using a single elimination format with 8 teams, how many games will be played to declare a
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
_____ 41. It is designed for athlete to recover from injury, illness or disease towards a normal condition as
a. Prevention b. Rehabilitation/ Therapy/Treatment c. Research d. Assessment
_____ 42. Using Double elimination format with 4 teams, how many games will be played to declare a champ
a. 4 to 5 b. 5 to 6 c. 6 to 7 d. 7 to 8
_____ 43. It refers to the Appraisal of the athletes condition or injury based on the patient’s subjective report.
a. Advocacy b. Assessment c. Diagnosis d. Research
_____ 44. It refers to the Athletes condition or injury analysis based on signs, symptoms and laboratory
a. Advocacy b. Assessment c. Diagnosis d. Research
_____ 45. In basketball, when an official blows the whistle raising his hand with a close fist, what is the call?
a. Charging b. Foul c. Technical d. Time – out
_____ 46. In basketball, when an official blows the whistle raising his hand with a close fist, what is he call?
a. Charging b. Foul c. Technical d. Time – out
_____ 47. In basketball, when an official blows the whistle and points three fingers in the floor, what is the
a. Three Technical’s b. Three Time - outs c. Three Points d. Three Seconds Violation
_____ 48. On two man basketball officiating, the referee under the goal.
a. Lead Referee b. Major Referee c. Sub – referee d. Trail Referee
_____ 49. Volleyball officials holding a flag in the corner of the playing field.
a. Arbiter b. First Referee c. Line Judge d. Umpire
_____ 50. Volleyball official in – charge on the calls of the depending team.
a. Arbiter b. First Referee c. Line Judge d. Umpire

GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!!! JM_01(“,)

St. Vincent de Paul Academy of Novaliches, Inc.
Atrium St. Maligaya Park Subd. Q.C.
Fourth Periodic Exam
Personal Development

Name: _____________________ Score: ____________

Teacher: Ms. Oliva Rose S. Osorio Date: ____________


Directions: Answer the following question. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
each number. Use capital letters only. Avoid Erasure.
____ 1. A response to a conflict on which nothing is being done and just wait for the other party's next
a. FIGHT strategy b. SUBMIT strategy
c. FLEE strategy d. FREEZE strategy
____ 2. The following are definition of love except:
a. feeling of deep affection, passion, or strong liking for a person or thing
b. sexual desire or activity
c. a strong feeling of devotion or adoration toward God or a god
d. None of the above
____ 3. It is about a person who recognizes an emotion being felt, and is able to verbalize it.
a. Recognizing emotions in others b. Managing emotions
c. Knowing one's emotions or self-awareness d. None of the above
____ 4. What are the 3 stages of love?
a. love, attraction and attention b. lust, attachment and infatuation
c. love, Attention and infatuation d. None of the above
____ 5. Passion and intimacy that is present but not commitment.
a. Fatuous Love b. Romantic Love
c. Companionate Love d. None of the above
____ 6. An intimacy and commitment that is present but not passion?
a. Romantic Love b. Fatuous Love
c. Companionate Love d. None of the above
____ 7. The type of attachment on which the primary caregiver is always present and available.
a. Avoidant attachment b. Secure attachment
c. Anxious-ambivalent attachment d. None of the above
____ 8. The type of attachment on which the primary caregive is not consistent in terms of presence.
a. Secure attachment b. Avoidant attachment
c. Anxious-ambivalent attachment d. None of the above
____ 9. The type of attachment on which the primary caregiver is cold and detached.
a.Avoidant attachment d. Anxious-ambivalent attachment
c. Avoidant attachment d. None of the above
____ 10. With whom was the first attachment encountered or experienced?
a. Mother b. Father
c. Relatives d. Boyfriend/Girlfriend
____ 11. A type of attachment that is preferred or avoided because of good/bad experience with
someone which is associated with new person.
a. Similarity b. Propinquity
c. Transference effect d. None of the above
____ 12. A type of attachment by liking people who tends to like back.
a. Propinquity effect b. Reciprocity
c. Similarity d. None of the above
____ 13. A type of attachment by developing a sense of familiarity with the people who live close to us.
a. Transference effect b. reciprocity
d. similarity d. None of the above
____ 14. A type of attachment which we life people who we have similarities with.
a. Similarity b. Transference effect
c. Propinquity Effect d. None of the above
____ 15. The following are variables of commitment except:
a. accumulation of all rewards of the relationship b. Temptation of alternative partners
c. Investments made by the couple in the relationship d. None of the above
____ 16. The dynamic when two or more people or in an organization perceive one another as a threat
to their needs or interests.
a. conflict b. problem
c. dispute d. None of the above
____ 17. A conflict stage on which one is indecisive about things.
a. Interpersonal b. intergroup
c. intrapersonal d. intergroup
____ 18. A conflict stage by having a misunderstanding between friends, family, members, or lovers
a. Intragroup b. Intrapersonal
c. Intergroup d. Interpersonal
____ 19. A conflict stage on which it is within the same interest group, like a student organization
a. Interpersonal b. Intragroup
c. Intergroup d. Intrapersonal
____ 20. A conflict stage where between two or more groups are involve.
a. Interpersonal b. Intragroup
c. Intergroup d. Intrapersonal
____ 21. The way in which two or more people or things are connected
a. Relationship c. Personal Relationship
b. Social Relationship d. Social Influence
____ 22. Relationship that has privacy and intimacy.
a. Relationship c. Personal Relationship
b. Social Relationship d. Social Influence
____ 23. Theory that proposes that love has three components.
a. Triangular c. Quadrilateral
b. Circular d. Spherical
____ 24. Component of love which refers to being open and vulnerable to that person we
deeply trust, we feel connected with, and who values us with unconditional positive
a. Intimacy c. Passion
b. Commitment d. Affection
____ 25. Component of love which refers to deciding to consistently fulfill and live by the
agreements made with another person.
a. Intimacy c. Passion
b. Commitment d. Affection
____ 26. Component of love which refers to intense state of being that drives and consumes a person or
sexual attraction.
a. Intimacy c. Passion
b. Commitment d. Affection
____ 27. It refers to how we interact and behave with other people and how they behave
and interact with us
a. Relationship c. Personal Relationship
b. Social Relationship d. Social Influence
____ 28. It refers to things that change people’s behavior, belief, and attitude as a result of
another person or group
a. Relationship c. Personal Relationship
b. Social Relationship d. Social Influence
____ 29. Type of social influence which refers to agreeing what is requested but does not
necessarily believe it
a. Conformity c. Identification
b. Compliance d. Internalization
____ 30. Type of social influence which refers to being influenced by someone a person likes
a. Conformity c. Identification
b. Compliance d. Internalization
Identify the leadership theory described. Choose your answers from the box.

Participative Transformational Trait Behavioral

Situational Transactional

_____________1. Suggests that there are certain personality traits inherent and suited for leaders.
_____________2. States that leadership is a learned behavior.
_____________3. Proposes that leader involves others in making group decisions.
_____________4. Says that no single style of leadership and is based on a given situation.
_____________5. Tells that leadership involves negotiation, reward and punishment.
_____________6. Says that a leader has a vision, motivates and supports others.
Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
_________1. In a relationship, people should be responsible for what they think and say to the other
_________2. In a relationship, people should be responsible for what they promise to do or not do.
_________3. In a relationship, people should ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial.
_________4. In a relationship, people should respect the other party or parties involved.
_________5. In a relationship, people should be ready to provide support when needed.
_________6. The presence of possible alternatives for another partner can rock the relationship.
_________8. Investments made by the couple in the relationship are also important in maintaining
_________9. Conflict is the dynamics when two or more people, organizations, or nations perceive
one another as a threat to their needs or interests.
________10. Interpersonal conflict is a conflict among two or more individuals.
________11. Intragroup conflict is a conflict between two or more groups.
________12. Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict within oneself.
________13. Intergroup conflict is a conflict within the same group.
________14. Conflicts may arise because of scarce or limited resources
________15. Conflicts only give negative effects.
________16. Understanding the nature of a conflict must be given less importance.
________17. If people wish to keep a relationship, they must have a talk with the person involved.
________18. Family is considered as the first place where growing children learn their basic social
________19. A nuclear family is composed of husband, wife, children, and other relatives.
________20. Some personality traits of a child could be learned through family observation.


1. Give atleast 5 Internal Factors affecting one’s choice of career.
2. Give atleast 5 External Factors Influencing a Filipino Adolescent’s Choice
3. Give the theories and research results related to attraction and likings.
1. How important are social relationships to adolescents?

2. What are the usual responses to conflict?

3. What factors influence or affect Filipino adolescents in choosing their career

4. For you, what is the meaning of love?

St. Vincent de Paul Academy of Novaliches, Inc.
Atrium St. Maligaya Park Subd. Q.C.
Fourth Periodic Exam
Statistics and Probabilities

Name: ______________________________________________________Score: _____________

Teacher: Date: _____________

Do the following honestly. Cooperative learning is not allowed. This questionnaire serves as your
answer sheet. Use the back pages for scratch. Blue or black ballpen only is allowed.

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.

_____ 1. A probability distribution that is bell-shaped and symmetric about the mean, median, mode
at the center.
a. Normal Distribution b. Sampling Distribution
c. Binomial Distribution d. Discrete Probability Distribution
_____ 2. A normal distribution that has a mean = 0 and a standard deviation = 1.
a. histogram b. skewness
c. discrete probability distribution d. standard normal distribution
_____ 3. The total set of observation than can be made.
a. sample b. parameter c. population d. statistic
_____ 4. Numerical value that describes characteristics of a sample.
a. sample b. parameter c. population d. statistic
_____ 5. Numerical value that describes characteristics of a population.
a. sample b. parameter c. population d. statistic
_____ 6. Subset of a population.
a. sample b. parameter c. population d. statistic
_____ 7. Inference about a population parameter.
a. statistical hypothesis c. null hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. none of the choices
_____ 8. Symbolized as H0, stated that there is no difference between a parameter and a specific
a. statistical hypothesis c. null hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. none of the choices
_____ 9. Symbolized as Ha, stated that there is difference between a parameter and a specific value.
a. statistical hypothesis c. null hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. none of the choices
_____ 10. The probability of a type I error.
a. alpha b. beta c. kappa d. gamma
_____ 11. Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is called?
a. Type I error b. Type II error c. Type III error d. correct decision
_____ 12. Test with two rejection regions.
a. right-tailed test b. left-tailed test c. two-tailed d. none of the choices
_____ 13. Range of values of the test value that indicates the there is a significant difference and the
null should be rejected.
a. Critical Value b. Critical Region c. Noncritical Region d. Noncritical value
_____ 14. Statistical method used to determine if there is a relationship between variables and the
strength of the relationship.
a. Hypothesis Testing c. Estimation of Parameters
b. Correlation d. Chi-Square and Analysis of Variance
_____ 15. Decision-making process for evaluating claims about a population.
a. Hypothesis Testing c. Estimation of Parameters
b. Correlation d. Chi-Square and Analysis of Variance
For nos. 16-20
A computer school claims that the students who complete a one-month typing course can type, on the
average, 1200 words per hour. A random sample of 25 students who completed this course typed, on
the average, 1130 words per hour with a standard deviation of 85 words. Assume that the typing
speeds for all students who completed this course have an approximate normal distribution. Is the
claim of the computer school true? Use α = 0.01.

_____ 16. State the hypotheses.

a. H0: µ = 1200 words c. H0: µ = 1130 words
Ha: µ ≠ 1200 words Ha: µ ≠ 1130 words
b. H0: µ = 1200 words d. H0: µ = 1130 words
Ha: µ < 1200 words Ha: µ < 1130 words
_____ 17. What is/are the critical value/s?
a. - 2.797 b. ± 2.797 c. - 2.58 d. ± 2.58
_____ 18. State the decision rule.
a. Reject H0, if tc > 2.797 or tc < - 2.797 c. Reject H0, if zc < - 2.58
b. Reject H0, if zc > 2.797 or zc < - 2.797 d. Reject H0, if tc < - 2.58
_____ 19. Compute the test statistic
a. -4.03 b. 4.03 c. 4.12 d. -4.12
_____ 20. Conclusion
a. Reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
b. Reject H0, therefore the claim is false.
c. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
d. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is false.
For nos. 21-25
A soft-drink manufacturer claims that its 12-ounce cans contain on average 30 calories. A random
sample of 16 cans of this softdrink, which were checked for calories, contained a mean of 31.8
calories with a standard deviation of 3 calories. Assume that the number of calories in 12-ounce can is
normally distributed. Does this sample information support the claim of the manufacturer? Use the
level of significance of 5%.
_____ 21. State the hypotheses.
a. H0: µ = 30 calories c. H0: µ = 31.8 calories
Ha: µ ≠ 30 calories Ha: µ ≠ 31.8 calories
b. H0: µ = 30 calories d. H0: µ = 31.8 calories
Ha: µ > 30 calories Ha: µ > 31.8 calories
_____ 22. What is/are the critical value/s?
a. 2.145 b. ± 2.145 c. 1.96 d. ± 1.96
_____ 23. State the decision rule.
a. Reject H0, if tc > 2.145 or tc < - 2.145 c. Reject H0, if zc > 1.96
b. Reject H0, if zc > 1.96 or zc < - 1.96 d. Reject H0, if tc > 2.145
_____ 24. Compute the test statistic
a. -2.4 b. 2.4 c. 0.15 d. -0.15
_____ 25. Conclusion
a. Reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
b. Reject H0, therefore the claim is false.
c. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
d. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is false.

For nos. 26-30

During the last few years, people have become more health conscious, especially in eating red meat.
In 2002, the average consumption of red meat per person was 51 kilos. A sample of 100 persons
showed that they consume, on average, 48 kilos of red meat in 2004 with a standard deviation of 12
kilos. Using α = 0.05, is there enough evidence to conclude that the mean consumption of red meat
decreased in 2004?
_____ 26. State the hypotheses.
a. H0: µ = 51 kilos c. H0: µ = 48 kilos
Ha: µ ≠ 51 kilos Ha: µ ≠ 48 kilos
b. H0: µ = 51 kilos d. H0: µ = 48 kilos
Ha: µ < 51 kilos Ha: µ < 48 kilos
_____ 27. What is/are the critical value/s?
a. – 1.660 b. ± 1.660 c. – 1.645 d. ± 1.645
_____ 28. State the decision rule.
a. Reject H0, if tc > 1.660 or tc < - 1.660 c. Reject H0, if zc < - 1.645
b. Reject H0, if zc > 1.645 or zc < - 1.645 d. Reject H0, if tc < - 1.660
_____ 29. Compute the test statistic
a. -0.02 b. 0.02 c. 2.5 d. -2.5
_____ 30. Conclusion
a. Reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
b. Reject H0, therefore the claim is false.
c. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is true.
d. Do not reject H0, therefore the claim is false.

For nos. 31-40

A study was conducted to see whether there is a relationship between a mother’s age and the number
of children she has. The data are shown below.

Mother’s age, x 18 22 29 20 27 32 33 36
Number of children y, 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 5

x y xy x2 y2

_____ 31. SSxy

a. 300.875 b. 13.875 c. 50.375 d. 0.780
_____ 32. SSxx
a. 300.875 b. 13.875 c. 50.375 d. 0.780
_____ 33. SSyy
a. 300.875 b. 13.875 c. 50.375 d. 0.780
_____ 34. Correlation coefficient, r
a. 300.875 b. 13.875 c. 50.375 d. 0.780
_____ 35. Interpretation of r
a. very low c. moderate high
b. very high d. moderate low
_____ 36. mean of x
a. -1.905 b. 27.125 c. 0.167 d. 2.625
_____ 37. mean of y
a. -1.905 b. 27.125 c. 0.167 d. 2.625
_____ 38. slope of the line, b
a. -1.905 b. 27.125 c. 0.167 d. 2.625
_____ 39. y-intercept, a
a. -1.905 b. 27.125 c. 0.167 d. 2.625
_____ 40. Equation of the regression line
a. y’ = 2.625x + 27.125 c. y’ = – 1.905x + 0.167
b. y’ = 27.125x + 2.625 d. y’ = 0.167x - 1.905
For nos. 41-50
The following data show the age of a car and its average mileage/liter.

Age (in years) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mileage per liter (in km) 20.6 18.1 16.3 15.5 14.4 13.9 11.2

x y xy x2 y2

_____ 41. SSxy

a. 55.35 b. 28 c. -0.978 d. -38.5
_____ 42. SSxx
a. 55.35 b. 28 c. -0.978 d. -38.5
_____ 43. SSyy
a. 55.35 b. 28 c. -0.978 d. -38.5
_____ 44. Correlation coefficient, r
a. 55.35 b. 28 c. -0.978 d. -38.5
_____ 45. Interpretation of r
a. very low c. moderate high
b. very high d. moderate low
_____ 46. mean of x
a. 19.835 b. 15.71 c. -1.375 d. 3
_____ 47. mean of y
a. 19.835 b. 15.71 c. -1.375 d. 3
_____ 48. slope of the line, b
a. 19.835 b. 15.71 c. -1.375 d. 3
_____ 49. y-intercept, a
a. 19.835 b. 15.71 c. -1.375 d. 3
_____ 50. Equation of the regression line
a. y’ = 3x + 15.71 c. y’ = – 1.375x + 19.835
b. y’ = 15.71x + 3 d. y’ = 19.835x – 1.375

II. Solve the following Problems. (5pts each)

1. The mean score on a dexterity test for 10-year-old is 30. The standard deviation is 5. If a
psychologist administers the test to a class of 22 students, find the probability that the mean of the
sample will be between 27 and 31. Assume that the variable is normally distributed.

2. The average height of the books in a library shelf is 8.3 cm. The standard deviation is 0.6. If 20%
of the books are oversized, find the minimum height of the oversized books on the library shelf.
Assume that the variable is normally distributed.
3. A scholarship requires a test score in the upper 20% range. If µ = 115 and σ = 12, find the lowest
acceptable score that would enable a candidate to receive the scholarship. Assume that the variable is
normally distributed.

4. An electrical company claims that the average life of the bulbs it manufactures is 1200 hours with a
standard deviation of 250 hours. If a random sample of 100 bulbs is chosen, what is the probability
that the sample mean will be greater than 1150 hours?

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