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Rudder Main Report

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Rudder 2019-20


Established in the year 1999, RLINS is one of the reputed maritime training institutes in
the Southern part of India. The Institute is dedicated to deliver high quality maritime education
and training to prepare its students for a rewarding career in the shipping industry. R L Institute
of nautical science (RLINS), a unit of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, run by
Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation (SLF) was started in the year 1998. SLF is a charitable
trust which was started in the year 1989 to promote career-oriented education on a non-profit
motive basis by Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, a doyen in the Newspaper industry. He is the publisher of
the largest circulated Tamil Daily” ‘Dinamalar and also the publisher of the Medical Magazines,
‘The Antiseptic’ and ‘The Health’.

Fig 1.1: RLINS Main Block

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 1

Rudder 2019-20

The R L institute of Nautical science consists of two departments as follows
 Nautical science department
 Marine engineering department
1.1.1 Nautical science
Nautical Science is a multidisciplinary subject (comprising of science, mathematics and
physical training) that deals with techniques and knowledge involved in navigating and operating
a ship safely from one point to another. Its study is a balanced combination of theoretical and
practical training. The technicalities and intricacies of the work involved in this field can only be
excelled if one has the right amount of knowledge and experience in the field. Theoretical and
practical knowledge required for seamanship, chart work, collision prevention, navigation,
bridge equipment & watch keeping, cargo handling & stowage, ship stability, naval architecture
(elementary), meteorology, marine signaling and ship maintenance and operation is imparted
during the three years course among others, along with exposure to other areas that are necessary
for managerial skills. Hands-on training is extremely important as a deck officer and thus
detailed procedure and maintenance techniques of importance deck machinery is an integral part
of this department.
1.1.2 Marine engineering
Marine engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the construction as well as
the operation of mechanical equipment of seagoing craft, docks, and harbor installations. The
basic job of a Marine engineer is to design, build and maintain vehicles/structures used on or
around water. This includes ships, aircraft carriers, submarines, sailboats, tankers etc. Marine
engineers are accountable for the ship's internal system which comprises the propulsion,
electrical, refrigeration and steering systems. Laboratories include Mechanical Lab, Hydraulic
Lab, Heat Lab, Electronics Lab, Electrical Lab, Control Lab, Boiler Lab, Computer Lab, Marpol
Lab, Fire Fighting Lab, Simulation Lab, and Seamanship Lab.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 2

Rudder 2019-20


The following Residential courses are approved by Directorate General of Shipping.

1. B.Tech (Marine Engineering) Four year.The above course is affiliated to Indian Maritime
University (IMU)
2. Graduate Marine Engineering 1 year.

3. Electro Technical Officer Course 4 Months

4. Orientation Course for Catering Personnel(OCCP).

5. Basic Safety Training (STCW).

6. Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties..

7. Basic Training For Oil & Chemical Tanker And Cargo Operations (OCTCO) .

8. General Purpose (GP) Rating Awaiting Approval.


Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 3

Rudder 2019-20


 Located in historically famous temple city of Madurai.

 Tuticorin Port just 120 kms away.
 Green sprawling 80 acres campus with trees and gardens.
 Labs and equipments of international standards.

The institution is divided into four divisional blocks. Each block serves its on purpose. The
main division is as follows,
a. Academics block
 Ship in campus
 Engine room simulation
 Pneumatics lab
 Annex building
 Nautical science building
b. Administration block
c. Hostel
d. Physical education department

Figure 1.3: Ship in campus in RLINS Figure 1.4: Engine room

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 4

Rudder 2019-20


A rudder is a primary control surface used to steer a ship, boat, submarine, hovercraft, aircraft, or
other conveyance that moves through a fluid medium (generally air or water). On an aircraft the
rudder is used primarily to counter adverse yaw and p-factor and is not the primary control used
to turn the airplane. A rudder operates by redirecting the fluid past the hull
(watercraft) or fuselage, thus imparting a turning or yawing motion to the craft. In basic form, a
rudder is a flat plane or sheet of material attached with hinges to the craft's stern, tail, or after
end. Often rudders are shaped so as to minimize hydrodynamic or aerodynamic drag.

Fig 2.1: Modern Ship Rudder (The long red Rectangle behind the propeller)

A rudder operates by redirecting the fluid past the hull (watercraft), thus imparting a turning
or yawing motion to the craft. In basic form, a rudder is a flat plane or sheet of material attached
with hinges to the craft's stern, tail, or after end. Often rudders are shaped so as to
minimize hydrodynamic drag. On simple watercraft, a tiller essentially, a stick or pole acting as a
lever arm may be attached to the top of the rudder to allow it to be turned by a  helmsman. In
larger vessels, cables, pushrods, or hydraulics may be used to link rudders to steering wheels.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 5

Rudder 2019-20


Generally, a rudder is "part of the steering apparatus of a boat or ship that is fastened
outside the hull", that is denoting all different types of oars, paddles, and rudders. More
specifically, the steering gear of ancient vessels can be classified into side-rudders and stern-
mounted rudders, depending on their location on the ship. A third term, steering oar, can denote
both types. In a Mediterranean context, side-rudders are more specifically called quarter-rudders
as the later term designates more exactly the place where the rudder was mounted. Stern-
mounted rudders are uniformly suspended at the back of the ship in a central position.

Although some classify a steering oar as a rudder, others argue that the steering oar used in
ancient Egypt and Rome was not a true rudder and define only the stern-mounted rudder used in
ancient Han China as a true rudder. The steering oar has the capacity to interfere with handling
of the sails limiting any potential for long ocean-going voyages, while it was fit more for small
vessels on narrow, rapid-water transport; the rudder did not disturb the handling of the sails, took
less energy to operate by its helmsman, was better fit for larger vessels on ocean-going travel,
and first appeared in ancient China during the 1st century AD.

A single sail tends to turn a vessel in an upwind or downwind direction, and rudder action is
required to steer a straight course. A steering oar was used at this time because the rudder had
not yet been invented. With a single sail, a frequent movement of the steering oar was required to
steer a straight course; this slowed down the vessel because a steering oar or rudder course
correction acts like a brake. The second sail, located forward, could be trimmed to offset the
turning tendency of the main sail and minimize the need for course corrections by the steering
oar, which would have substantially improved sail performance.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 6

Rudder 2019-20


 All ships have their rudders placed at the aft of their propellers. The first priority of any
ship design, is the achievement of function-ability of the designed product, and then
comes its aesthetic value.
 Rudders are placed at aft, instead of at the bow, not because of aesthetics, but because of
its hydrodynamic efficiency when placed at aft.
 When the helmsman changed the rudder angle from zero to some angle towards the
starboard, at that very moment, a life force acts on the rudder. This force will cause the
ship to attain a sway velocity towards the port side, because the rudder force is nothing
but a sway force towards the port side. It is because of this, a ship will sway slightly to
the port when the rudder is turned over to hard starboard. The direction of the lift force is
towards the port side, as illustrated in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Rudder force on a ship with rudder to starboard

 The rudder force has another effect on the ship. It creates a moment about the center of
gravity of the ship, in the direction as shown in Figure 2.3.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 7

Rudder 2019-20

Figure 2.3: Rudder moment when rudder is moved to starboard

 When the rudder moment acts about the ship’s center of gravity, it slightly changes the
ship’s orientation by giving it a drift angle illustrated in Figure 2.4. The ship, with that
drift angle, is now moving along the initial direction. Components of the ship’s velocity
along the surge (longitudinal) direction and sway (transverse) direction. Thus, it’s
evident, that by introducing a drift angle, the rudder has introduced a small surge velocity
to the ship.

Figure 2.4: Drift angle due to the rudder moment.

 With a sway velocity towards the port side, the hull sways towards port. When it does so,
it exerts a force on the water particles that are in its port side. The direction of this inertia
force is always opposite to the sway velocity, since inertia force always opposes motion.
So, the ship’s hull experiences an inertia force on its hull in the starboard direction.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 8

Rudder 2019-20

 One, the part of it that acts on the stern of the ship (Inertia force at stern) and the other
half acting at the bow (inertia force at bow). The inertia forces at stern will create an
anticlockwise (towards port) moment about the center of gravity. Therefore the resultant
moment is towards the starboard direction as shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5:

Hydrodynamic moment due to sway velocity

 The hydrodynamic moment, is in the same direction of the rudder moment. The rudder
angle keeps the rudder moment intact, which in turn, keeps the hydrodynamic moment
intact. Once the rudder is again brought back to mid ships, first the rudder force vanishes,
which results in the diminishing of the rudder moment. The resultant moment diagram
for a ship performing a starboard turn is as shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6: Moments acting on a

ship during starboard turn.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 9

Rudder 2019-20

 The rudder, when turned to starboard, creates a force towards named as rudder force.
 Rudders are never placed at the bow. It is to protect the rudder from collision damages.
 Rudder always placed behind a propeller, because the propeller does nothing but increases
the velocity of the water that flows out of its slipstream. And the lift generated (rudder
force) is proportional to the velocity of water falling on it. So if a rudder is placed at the
aft of the propeller, the increased velocity of the propeller outflow results in a greater lift


2.4.1 Spade or Balanced Rudder

 A spade rudder is basically a rudder plate that is fixed to the rudder stock only at the top
of the rudder. In other words, the rudder stock doesn’t run down along the span of the
rudder. The position of the rudder stock along the chord of the rudder actually decides
whether the rudder is balanced of semi-balanced one.
 In balanced rudders, the rudder stock is at such a position such that 40% of the rudder
area is forward of the stock and the remaining is aft of it. When 30% to 40% of the area
is forward of the turning axis there is no torque on the rudder stock at certain angles.
 At some angle of rudder, it is balanced. i.e., torque is zero, to keep rudder at that angle.
 Axis of rotation lies between 0.2 L and 0.37 L.
 The concept of a balanced rudder involved the shifting of the center of rotation of the
rudder to point approximately 1/2 of the way from the forward end to the after end.
 This meant that when the rudder was turned, the flow of water past the ship actively
worked on the forward third to increase the angle of deflection, whereas the same flow
acted on the after 1/2 to reduce the angle.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 10

Rudder 2019-20

Figure 2.7: Balanced


2.4.2 Unbalanced Rudders

 These rudders have their stocks attached at the forward most point of their span. Unlike
balanced rudders, the rudder stock runs along the chord length of the rudder. In this case, the
torque required to turn the rudder is way higher than what is required for a corresponding
balanced rudder. So, the topmost part of the rudder has to be fixed to the spindle so as to
prevent it from vertical displacement from its natural position.
 A rudder with all of its area aft of the turning axis.
 At no angle rudder is balanced.
 Axis of rotation is the leading edge.

Figure 2.8: Unbalanced rudder

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 11

Rudder 2019-20

2.4.3 Semi-Balanced Rudder:

The top part being unbalanced will help in acting as structural support to the rudder from
vertical displacement. And the balanced part will render less torque in swinging the rudder. As a
result, a semi-balanced rudder returns to the centerline orientation on its own if the steering gear
equipment fails during a turn. The rudder you see on most ships are semi-balanced in the modern
industry. The name semi-balanced itself implies, that the rudder is partly balanced and partly

Figure 2.9: Semi balanced Rudder Flaps Rudder:

Flap rudders can be used effectively for all types of ships. With the aid of the
movement of flap mounted on the rudder blade, ship maneuvering capability improves.
The flap and the main rudder are connected with hinge and link mechanism. Flap rudders,
when compared with conventional rudders, provide higher operational efficiency with the
feature of increasing maneuverability. This results in less fuel consumption. Flap helps to
change the effective angle of movement during operation. Rudder angle of the main blade
is 45°. Total movement of the blade is available up to 85°.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 12

Rudder 2019-20

Figure 2.9.1: Flap rudders Pleuger Rudder:

Perhaps one of the most innovative rudder mechanisms you will ever come across. Suppose
you have a ship, too large to be manoeuvre in a basin with size constraints, such that the ship
cannot use its propeller during the manoeuvre. This situation often arises in case of large ships
operating in space-constrained basins, or in any case of low-speed manoeuvres.

So, a Pleuger rudder has a smaller auxiliary propeller housed within it (which runs by a motor).
As this housing is mounted on the rudder itself, it generates a thrust (which is smaller than what
is generated by the ship’s main engine propeller) in a direction that is oriented along the rudder,
therefore allowing effective manoeuvre in slow speed condition. Such a rudder can be used in
normal conditions also. Just that, in normal speeds, the Pleuger is not operated. However, when
the Pleuger is run, the main engine propeller must not be operated simultaneously, which will
otherwise cause the Pleuger to be torn away.

Figure 2.9.2: Pleuger Rudder

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 13

Rudder 2019-20


1. Rudder Shaft:
The rudder shaft should be inspected yearly for signs of electrolysis. One can recognize these
signs by circular patterns of corrosion on the shaft surface. When the rudder blade has a tight fit
to the hull, try to use a lamp to have a close look at the gap. Normally it's not necessary to drop
the rudder for further inspection, unless the rudder system has developed backlash or if the shaft
rotates irregularly.
Another area for attention on the rudder shaft is the locking of the tiller arm or quadrant on the
shaft. Carefully inspect if no movement between the parts is present. Any movement could wear
out the keyway in the shaft with expensive consequences.
2. Bottom Bearing:
The bottom bearing doesn't need any maintenance except for a good hose down when the ship is
taken out of the water. The main reason for this hose down is to remove the salt water out of the
bearing housing so it can't crystallize. If the shaft rotates irregularly, it could be that some rollers
have developed a flat side. This will have been caused by a temporarily blocking of the rollers by
dirt parts.

3. Lip-Seals:

If lip seals are used to seal your rudder system, please carefully inspect them for signs of
porosity.  If the seals show these signs (hear cracks in the surfaces), immediately replace them
with our new type PUR seal. These seals have no steel components inside anymore and will last
much longer.

4. Top Bearing:

The top bearing doesn't need any maintenance. Only if your yacht is located on a sandy
environment and the bearing is exposed ,one should yearly hose it down to wash away any sand
and dust between the rollers and the housing. 

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 14

Rudder 2019-20

5. Vertical Locking:

The vertical locking mechanism should be inspected yearly for any signs of movement relatively
to the shaft. It’s advisable to loosen the set screws one after each other to be re-greased. This will
make sure the vertical locking can be removed in the future for the possible removal of the
rudder stock.

6. Lower Bearings:
Lower Bearings: When the boat is hauled the lower bearing should be flushed with fresh water.
This can be accomplished by moving the rudder back and forth while applying a strong stream of
water from a hose. Further flushing can be accomplished by pouring water through the bearing.

7. Upper Bearings:

Flush with fresh water while moving the rudder back and forth. Note: Never use grease or oil to
lubricate rollers. Do not use solvents or harsh cleaners to clean bearings or rollers.

8. Seals:

The seals should be routinely checked. If there is leakage by the seal then the seal clamp ring
should be snugged slightly. Over tightening the clamp ring will cause the steering to become
stiff. The nitrile seal should be lubricated with a silicone or Teflon grease. Remove the allen head
screws from the top of the bearing. Slide the seal up the shaft. Insert a small amount of grease
into the slot for the seal. Slide the seal back into the slot and re-snug the allen head screws. Be
careful not pinch the seal when tightening.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 15

Rudder 2019-20

 Gained practical knowledge about various machineries like purifier, turbocharger, main
engine, intercooler, heat exchanger, fresh water generator, steering system, pumps, etc.
 Learnt about the line tracing of fuel line, bilge line, fresh water line, lube oil line, sea
water line, etc.
 Learned to take the soundings of all tanks.
 Gained knowledge about how to overhaul machineries and to do its maintenance.
 Also learnt about synchronization of generators and their maintenance.
 Also got trained in swimming in case of emergency.
 Had a chance to work in a ship “T.S. MEENAKSHI” the first Ship In Campus in India.
 Got knowledge about Simulation system in ship.
 Got to know the mountings of boiler and line system of it.
 Actively participated in parade which was conducted every day.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 16

Rudder 2019-20


The four weeks in R.L INSTITUTE OF NAUTICAL SCIENCE, MADURAI is proved a
worthwhile experience for all 18 students. The time in the institution shows a picture that realizes
me to rethink and reconstruct my learning style in a different manner the complex in a large scale
provided us with a great value of information regarding the marine industry.

R.L INSTITUTE OF NAUTICAL SCIENCE, MADURAI is a great place to apply the

theoretical concepts on practical applications. In this short time I observed how the different
machineries work and how to maintain them. Also got handful of experience about the
machineries that were present on T.S. MEENAKSHI which is the first Ship In Campus in India.

In last, concluding the four weeks of internship that I had not only learnt about the technical and
engineering aspect of marine industry but I had been taught how the marine industry runs, how
the system works, how to expose the professionalism and technical skills with discipline and
dedication, and how an engineering can contribute to the marine industry.

Department Of Marine Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru 17

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