TDS - Masterseal SP 120 PF
TDS - Masterseal SP 120 PF
TDS - Masterseal SP 120 PF
Amine-cured, pitch free epoxy
VOC values
• Excellent overall chemical resistance
• Excellent abrasion resistance & flexibility
• VOC compliant to EN norms
Dry temperature resistance
• High build coating
• Easy application: brush, roller, spray
A loss of gloss and discolouration may be
• Economical
observed above 90oC.
• Non-carcinogenic and non-toxic
• Seamless finish
Immersion temperature resistance
• Eco-friendly coating
Immersion temperature resistance is dependant
• Excellent corrosion protection
upon exposure. Please consult BASF Technical
• Available in two colours to differentiate system
Service for specific information.
• Do not use in water immersion over 60oC
MASTERSEAL® SP120 PF is supplied in 27kg
• Epoxies lose gloss, discolour and will chalk in
(18 litres) units.
direct sunlight exposure.
Light Grey and Black
Surface and substrate preparation surface to CSP3 as described by the International
General Concrete Repair Institute. Voids and pinholes
Surfaces must be clean and dry. Use suitable must be repaired.
methods to remove dirt, dust, oil an all other
forms of contamination that could interfere with Steel
the adhesion of the coating. Prepare to SSPC-SP6. Surface profile 50-75
Concrete must be cured for 28 days. Primer
Mechanically surface profiling is the method of MASTERSEAL P 659
surface preparation. Mechanically profile the
Performance data
Physical Characteristics
Appearance Black resinous thixotrope
Mixed Density (kg/L) ASTM D1475 ~ 1.5
Tensile Strength at 7days ASTM D 638 21.04 MPa
Elongation at break ASTM D 638 2.23%
Application Temperature
10oC 25oC 40oC
Pot-life - ASTM D 2471 4 hrs 80 minutes 50 minutes
Tack-free time - ASTM C 679 6 hrs and 30 minutes 4 hrs 1 hr and 40 minutes
Touch-free time 13 hrs 8 hrs 4 hrs
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.
As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.