The Assessment of Anxiety States by Rating

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In the last decade many scales have been and in a manner which permits of reproduc-
devised for the assessment of psychiatric symp- tion in another enquiry.
toms. Most have been designed for use with The present scale was designed along
patients in mental hospitals and have therefore different lines. It is intended for use with
concentrated chiefly on behaviour in the ward patients already diagnosed as suffering from
and in hospital activities. Not many of the neurotic anxiety states, not for assessing
items are concerned with symptoms, and these anxiety in patients suffering from other dis-
are chiefly those of schizophrenia and the orders. Anxiety in greater or lesser degree is
depressive psychoses. Even less attention is found in agitated depression and obsessional
paid to neurotic symptoms, especially anxiety states particularly, and also in such states as
states, despite the fact that the scales are organic dementia, hysteria and schizophrenia,
intended generally to cover the full range of but it must be clearly emphasized that the
psychiatric syndromes. These scales have been scale is not intended to cope with these
designed to enable the research worker to conditions.
obtain a quantified measure of the patient’s The usual methods for scale design were
clinical status, e.g. for use in clinical trials of used. A series of symptoms were assembled
treatment. In them, the separate items are which were considered to cover the condition
summed in groups and a set of scores or adequately. These were then grouped together
‘profile’ is obtained for each patient. This according to their nature, or where clinical ex-
‘profile’ is often used as a diagnostic aid, periences indicated that they were associated.
although this is not the primary purpose of the It was decided that for practical purposes
scale. Users are generally warned not to use twelve groupings were sufficient. Together
the scale for making a diagnosis. with the patient’s behaviour at interview, these
In practice, these scales have two other formed the thirteen variables of the scale. They
functions of great importance. The first is that are: anxious mood (a continued state of ap-
the investigator can describe precisely certain prehension), tension (including irritability),
characteristics of his group of patients using fears (of specific or phobic type), insomnia,
the mean score and standard deviation. The cognitive changes (difficulty in concentration
description and definition of the population and forgetfulness), depression, somatic symp-
from which a sample is drawn is of funda- toms of a general type, cardiovascular, res-
mental importance and is one of the difficult piratory, gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary, and
problems that faces research in psychiatry. general autonomic symptoms, the latter con-
For this purpose diagnostic categories are sisting chiefly of headaches and sweating.
notoriously unreliable and rating scales are Each of the variables was defined in a series of
invaluable. The second function is that they brief statements, headed by the name of the
help to define syndromes and subsyndromes, variable, printed on a sheet which faced the
interviewer during the interview with the
* Senior Research Fellow, Department of patient (see Appendix 1).
Psychiatry, University of Leeds. Based on a paper Assessments were made on a five-point scale
read at the Annual General Meeting of the British (see Appendix 2). In practice, the last grade
Psychological Society, April 1957. Manuscript is very rarely used for out-patients, and serves
received 2 August 1958. more as a marker, a method of delimiting
the range, rather than as a grade of practical on the sum of crude scores for each patient.
use. In order to determine the reliability of the Product-moment correlations were calculated
scale the patients were seen by two interviewers between each pair of physicians, and since the
simultaneously. The principal interviewer patients were interviewed on two occasions
conducted the interview and endeavoured to for purposes of a drug trial, two such correla-
obtain information regarding the patient's tions between each pair of physicians is
symptoms. The second interviewer made his available. The results are to be seen in Table 1.
ratings independently of the first and could The weighted mean of these correlations, using
add his own questions if he thought he had not the z transformation, is 0439. This is re-
had sufficient information. markably high and illustrates the reliability of
psychiatric assessments under suitable condi-
Table 1. Correlations and t tests between tions. Since the reliability coefficient does not
raters give information on the bias of raters towards
high or low scores, t tests were calculated
Raters between pairs of raters in the same way (see
& Table 1). The weighted mean of these t tests is
I I1 111 0.61 and shows that very little bias is to be
I ttest - 0.30 0.54 found.
Correlation - 0.93 0.39
First The relations between the variables were
No. of subjects - 8 8
inter- then examined. Product-moment correlations
I1 ttest 0.07 - 0.63 view were calculated between the variables and the
Correlation 0.83 - 0.91 resultant matrix factor-analysedby the method
No. of subjects 8 - 10 of Simple Summation (the matrix of correla-
111 t test 0.64 1.30 - tions is available on request). Communalities
Correlation 0.95 0.93 - were estimated by five iterations of the process.
No. of subjects 8 10 - This is very easily done using the shortened
--v--J method of Burt (1949). A general and one
Second bipolar factor were extracted. The general
interview factor is clearly a general factor of anxiety
and the bipolar divides the symptoms into
The initial testing of the scale involved three two groups: The first contains psychic symp-
psychiatrists. Preliminary discussions elimi- toms consisting of tension, fears, insomnia,
nated many of the difficulties in the first anxiety, intellectual (cognitive) changes, de-
version of the definitions of the variables. The pression, and behaviour at interview. This was
rating scale was then tried on a number of contrasted with a group of somatic symptoms
patients and the discrepancies and agreements consisting of gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary,
between psychiatrists carefully considered in respiratory, cardiovascular, somatic general
detail, in an endeavour to eliminate diffi- and autonomic symptoms (Table 2).
culties. The scale was then tried on a group of When the factor saturations are plotted it
patients and this paper is concerned with the may be seen that the vectors lie almost com-
results. An identical procedure was followed pletely within a right angle. In other words it
throughout. Each patient was assessed by is possible to rotate the saturations to give two
two raters and the results recorded. After- orthogonal group factors. The variance of the
wards the results were compared and any general factor constitutes 27 %, of the bipolar
discrepancies noted and discussed. Neverthe- 18 %, giving a total of 45 % of the total vari-
less, once a rating had been made it was not ance. This total was probably reduced by
altered. The measure of reliability was based selection.

to identify the same factors regardless of the
Table 2. Saturationsfor centroid and problems introduced by selection. In this
rotated factors particular case, the group factor analysis has
G BP I I1 the advantage of orthogonality as well.
Tension 0.60 0.26 0.36 0.54 Despite the apparent advantage of the group
Fears 0.29 0.37 0.04 0.46 factor approach over the general factor
Insomnia 0.79 0.32 048 0.70 approach, it must not be forgotten that mathe-
Anxious mood 0.43 0.75 - 0 0 6 0.86 matically, the two have an equivalence, since
Cognitive changes 0.56 0.07 0.42 0.37 the one can be converted into the other by a
Depression 0.38 0.52 0.02 0.64 simple transformation, in this case, the sim-
Behaviour 0.37 0.22 0.18 0.39 plest of all, an orthogonal rotation. No new
Gastro-intestinal 0-41 0.00 0.34 0.22 information can appear from such a trans-
symptoms formation. (In fact, factor analysis, except for
Genito-urinary 0.43 -0.34 0.55 -0.05 the method of principal components with full
variance, actually loses information. Its
Respiratory 0.31 -0.54 0.56 -0.27
symptoms great advantage is that it makes information
Cardiovascular 0.34 -0.62 0.62 -0.33 clearer and more comprehensible.) The choice
symptoms between general and group factor analysis
Somatic (general) 0.48 -0.31 0.57 0.01 must depend on other considerations.
symptoms In this case, the selection of patients is based
Autonomic 0.56 -0.10 0.52 23 on the fact that they all suffer from anxiety
symptoms neurosis, and this condition shows itself as
Communality 2.93 2.09 - - a general factor, i.e. a dimension to which all
Communality as 23 16 - -
the variables are positively correlated, or on
percentage which they all have positive non-zero projec-
tions. It may be that, in other circumstances,
DISCUSSION the division into group factors may be pre-
This particular matrix of correlations can be ferred. For example, the response to treatment,
resolved either into a general factor of anxiety or the effects of some drug, may show as a
and a bipolar factor of psychic versus somatic change in one or other of the group factors.
symptoms, or alternatively, into two ortho- Even if this should be so, it would only mean
gonal group factors of 'psychic anxiety' and that whereas for such a situation, the group
'somatic anxiety'. Since both factorizations factor is appropriate, for the present situation,
give orthogonal factors, there is no advantage i.e. for diagnosis, the general factor is the
in one over the other. On general grounds, we appropriate one.
know that had there been less selection of It is interesting to compare this rating scale
subjects, so that they extended through the with the factor analysis of the Taylor scale by
full range from those with trivial symptoms to O'Connor, Lorr & Stafford (1956). Although
those severely ill, then in the centroid analysis, the present scale is concerned with general
the general factor would have had a greater symptoms, whereas the Taylor scale deals with
variance, the bipolar factor still being ortho- specific statements, the two factors A and B
gonal to it. In the group factor analysis, the correspond roughly with the present general
two group factors would have been positively and bipolar factors. Factors A and B correlate
correlated, this implying a general second 0.068, so they too are orthogonal.
order factor. The British school of factorists, Both the Taylor scale and the scales of
following Burt, emphasize the value of ortho- Dixon, de Monchaux & Sandler (1957a, b)
gonality. The American school, following differ from the present one in that they are
Thurstone, emphasize the value of being able concerned with the content of the patient's
symptoms, rather than the form. This is also suggest that either scale is better than the other.
true of the Taylor scale. Although in the Only practical use will determine which is the
course of treatment the specific nature of a more useful, and it is to be hoped that both
patient’s fears and anxieties may change, it will be superseded by something better.
does so much less readily than the intensity. The scale can by no means be considered to
The assessment of both these kinds of be in its final state. Ideally, each of the items
changes is of practical and theoretical im- listed under the heading of a variable should
portance, and therefore the two kinds of scale be handled separately for purposes of full
are complementary. item analysis. The sheer labour of doing this in
The present scale obviouslyinvites compari- a rating scale (as opposed to a questionnaire)
son with that designed by Buss,Wiener, Durkee will delay this for a long time. Some of the
& Baer (1955). It is important to recognize the variables are obviously a rag-bag of oddments
difference between the two. The present scale and need further investigation. Further work
is designed for the rating of anxiety neurosis is being done in which the general somatic
as a syndrome, not for the rating of anxiety. symptoms are separated into two variables :
Until the contrary is proved, it must be muscular and sensory.
regarded as invalid for the rating of anxiety Experience has shown that grade 2 can be
in any other setting. This limits the range of split up into two grades without increasing the
usefulness of the scale but, within these limits, difficulty of rating. In practice, grade 4 is
patients can be compared meaningfully. It almost never used because the rater is reluctant
places great emphasis on the patient’s sub- to give the maximum score to subjects who
jective state. (This follows from the medical could obviouslybe much worse. An additional
bias of the author, for in treatment the patient’s grade would probably be rarely or never used,
subjective state takes first place both as a but would encourage the rater to subdivide
criterion of illness, which brings the patient grade 3, shifting some of his ratings to the
for treatment, and as a criterion of improve- higher grade.
ment.) The various symptoms are rated SUMMARY
separately, the somatic ones being given equal A rating scale for the symptoms of anxiety
place with the psychic. This is because in out- neurosis has been prepared as an aid to the
patient practice patients place great emphasis quantification of symptoms. It was used on
on somatic symptoms, and a large number go thirty-fivepatients by three physiciansworking
first to the general medical departments for in pairs. The reliability of the scale, as shown
investigation of these. The scale of Buss et al. by correlations and t tests between raters, is
was used for rating anxiety on all types of high. The correlations between variables can
patient except those suffering from cerebral be factorized into a general factor of anxiety
damage. It therefore has a wider range of and a bipolar factor contrasting psychic with
application. This is counter-balanced by the somatic symptoms; or into two orthogonal
fact that the comparison of scores for anxiety, group factors of ‘psychic’ and ‘somatic’
e.g. schizophrenia, depression and anxiety anxiety.
neuroses, has no clear meaning. It assembles ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
symptoms into fewer groups. It gives less I would like to thank Prof. Hargreaves for
weight to somatic symptoms, or alternatively, permission to publish this paper, and par-
gives more weight to psychic symptoms. Both ticularly for his advice and guidance in the
scales group many single items under a limited design of the rating scale. I have to thank him
number of headings, and it would be clearly and Dr Roberts for taking part in the ratings
desirable to investigate the appropriateness of patients. The Research Fellowship is
and usefulness of this procedure. Both show supported in part by a grant from the Mental
high reliability in use. I do not intend to Health Research Fund to whom thanksaredue.

Symptoms of anxiety states
Anxious mood General somatic (muscular) Genito-urinarysymptoms
Worries Muscular pains and aches Frequency of micturition
Anticipation of the worst Muscular stiffness Urgency of micturition

Apprehension (fearful Muscular twitchings Amenorrhea
anticipation) Clonic jerks Menorrhagia
Irritability Grinding of teeth Development of frigidity
Unsteady voice Ejaculatio praecox
Loss of erection
Tension General somatic (sensory) Impotence
Feelings of tension Tinnitus
Fatiguability Blurring of vision Autonomic symptoms
Inability to relax Hot and cold flushes
Startle response Feelings of weakness Dry mouth
Moved to tears easily Pricking sensations Flushing
Trembling Pallor
Feelings of restlessness Tendency to sweat
Cardiovascular symptoms
Tachycardia Tension headache
Fears Palpitations Raising of hair
Of Dark Pain in chest
Strangers Throbbing of vessels
Being left alone Fainting feelings Behaviour at interview (general)
Large animals, etc. Missing beat Tense, not relaxed
Traffic Fidgetting : hands,
Crowds Respirator) symptoms picking fingers,
Pressure or constriction in clenching, tics,
chest handkerchief
Insomnia Choking feelings Restlessness: pacing
Difficulty in falling asleep Sighings Tremor of hands
Broken sleep Dy spnoea Furrowed brow
Unsatisfying sleep and Strained face
fatigue on waking Gastro-intestinalsymptoms Increased muscular tone
Dreams Difficulty in swallowing Sighing respirations
Nightmares Wind Facial pallor
Night terrors Dyspepsia:
pain before and after
meals Behaviour (physiological)
Intellectual (cognitive) Swallowing
burning sensations
Difficulty in concentration fullness Belching
Poor memory waterbrash High resting pulse rate
nausea Respiration rate over
vomiting 2O/min.
Depressed mood sinking feelings Brisk tendon jerks
Loss of interest ‘Working’ in abdomen Tremor
Lack of pleasure in hobbies Borborygmi Dilated pupils
Depression Looseness of bowels Exophthalmos
Early waking Loss of weight Sweating
Diurnal swing Constipation Eye-lid twitching

Date Grades
Anxious mood 0 isnone
Tension 1 ismild
Fears 2 is moderate
Insomnia 3 issevere
Intellect 4 is very severe,
Depressed mood grossly
Somatic general (muscular disabling
and sensory)
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Gastro-intestinal system
Genito-urinary system
Autonomic system
Behaviour at interview
General comments:

BURT,C.(1949). Subdivided factors. Appendix: DIXON,J. J., DE MONCHAUX,C. & SANDLER, J.
a shortened method of factor analysis. Brit. (1957b). Patterns of anxiety: an analysis of
J. Psychol. Statist. Sect. 2 , 6 1 4 . social anxieties. Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 30,
Buss, A. H., WIENER, M., DURKEE, A. &BAER,M. 107-12.
(1955). The measurement of anxiety in clinical OCONNOR,J. P., LORR,M. & STAFFORD, J. W.
situations. J. Cons. Psychol. 19,125-9, no. 2. (1956). Some patterns of manifest anxiety.
DIXON,J. J., DE MONCHAUX, C. & SANDLER, J. J. Clin. Psychol. 12, 160-3.
( 1 9 5 7 ~ ) . Patterns of anxiety: the phobias.
Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 30,34-40.

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