At The End of The Course, Students Are Expected To

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Online Course: Designing for an Online Distance Learning Sample

ODL Template Using 4Ds Model

Course Title Title of the Course

Course Short description of what the course is all about
Description Expected outcomes that students will achieve and developed
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to:

Evidence of List of accepted evidence of student master/demonstration of learning

Assessment Tools List of essential knowledge, skills, and understanding included in this online
Topics (Coverage)
Target course
Description of students targeted for this course
Participants Expected time for student learning per module and for the whole course
Learning Time:
Means for Learner List ways for students to contact teacher for assistance and guidance. Links to self-
Support help and quick guide can also be included here.
Summative Description of expectation, real-world context, and requirements Rubrics/Standards

Assessment for the final authentic performance-based assessment of the (for the authentic
(Performance/ course assessment)
Topic Title Learning Learning Part* Embedded Formative Resources

and Time Objectives for (May be contextualized Activity for Feedback (Websites, Videos,
Allotment each module based on school’s (Can be diagnostic, Online apps,
lesson/unit design. 4Ds is formative, self- worksheets)
Topic/ an example. assessment)
Module 1: Activities that check prior
knowledge or activates
learning such as
brainstorming, reviewing,
connecting previous
lessons, observation of a
real-world scenario, etc.

Activities that ask
learners to gather
information or
knowledge about
the topic
Activities that firm
up student
understanding on
concepts and skills,
such as scaffolding,

activities or
assessments to
check for

Activities that ask students
to connect essential ideas/
key learnings, apply in
real-world learning, and
articulate process in
solving problems, etc.

Activities that checks for
essential understanding
and promotes reflection on
what has been learned and
how they learned (meta-
cognitive and self-
reflection activities).

Topic/ Dip
Module 2: Activities that check prior
knowledge or activates
learning such as
brainstorming, reviewing,
connecting previous
lessons, observation of a
real-world scenario, etc.

Activities that ask
learners to gather
information or
knowledge about
the topic
Activities that firm
up student
understanding on
concepts and
skills, such as
activities or
assessments to
check for

Activities that ask students
to connect essential ideas/
key learnings, apply in
real-world learning, and
articulate process in
solving problems, etc.
Activities that checks for
essential understanding
and promotes reflection on
what has been learned and
how they learned (meta-
cognitive and self-
reflection activities).

Topic/ Dip
Module 3: Activities that check prior
knowledge or activates
learning such as
brainstorming, reviewing,
connecting previous
lessons, observation of a
real-world scenario, etc.

Activities that ask
learners to gather
information or
knowledge about
the topic
Activities that firm
up student
understanding on
concepts and
skills, such as
activities or
assessments to
check for

Activities that ask students
to connect essential ideas/
key learnings, apply in
real-world learning, and
articulate process in
solving problems, etc.

Activities that checks for
essential understanding
and promotes reflection on
what has been learned and
how they learned (meta-
cognitive and self-
reflection activities).

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