2020-Joshua Robinson PDF
2020-Joshua Robinson PDF
2020-Joshua Robinson PDF
Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) metals may be key ingredients in next-generation quantum and optoelectronic devices.
However, 2D metals must be stabilized against environmental degradation and integrated into heterostructure devices at
the wafer scale. The high-energy interface between silicon carbide and epitaxial graphene provides an intriguing framework
for stabilizing a diverse range of 2D metals. Here we demonstrate large-area, environmentally stable, single-crystal 2D gal-
lium, indium and tin that are stabilized at the interface of epitaxial graphene and silicon carbide. The 2D metals are covalently
bonded to SiC below but present a non-bonded interface to the graphene overlayer; that is, they are ‘half van der Waals’ metals
with strong internal gradients in bonding character. These non-centrosymmetric 2D metals offer compelling opportunities for
superconducting devices, topological phenomena and advanced optoelectronic properties. For example, the reported 2D Ga is a
superconductor that combines six strongly coupled Ga-derived electron pockets with a large nearly free-electron Fermi surface
that closely approaches the Dirac points of the graphene overlayer.
ajor advances in fundamental science have resulted from services: it only partially passivates the SiC surface underneath,
the exfoliation, stacking and encapsulation of atomically thereby sustaining the high-energy interface that drives intercala-
thin 2D layers1. The next step towards a technological tion; it lowers the energy of the (otherwise exposed) upper surface
impact of 2D layers and heterostructures is to transition sophisti- of the metal, thus facilitating 2D morphologies; and it protects the
cated ‘pick and place’ devices to a wafer-scale platform. However, newly formed 2D metal from environmental degradation after
the sensitivity of 2D systems to interfacial reactions and environ- intercalation through in situ healing of the graphene defects. The
mental influences—especially for 2D metals or small-gap semi- stability of these 2D metals in air over a period of months greatly
conductors—poses challenges for large-scale integration. Very few facilitates ex situ characterization and enables facile processing and
metals resist degradation of their top few atomic layers upon envi- device fabrication. Competing methods to obtain thin, single-crys-
ronmental exposure, and for a 2D metal, these layers constitute the tal metal films are specific to certain metallic species (for example
entire system. A general platform for producing environmentally Au (ref. 3) or TiN (ref. 4)) and generally produce thicker layers of a
stable and wafer-scale 2D metals that are not prone to interfacial few nanometres without in situ encapsulation, whereas CHet pro-
interactions would represent a significant advance. Inspired by the duces stable, atomically thin crystalline 2D forms of diverse metals
success of wide-bandgap 2D gallium nitride2, we focus on the metal that do not otherwise exist in nature.
alone and demonstrate a platform dubbed confinement heteroepi- Unlike traditional EG intercalation methods5–8, CHet (Fig. 1a)
taxy (CHet), where the interface between epitaxial graphene (EG) uses plasma-treated EG and high-pressure (300 Torr) thermal evapo-
and silicon carbide (SiC) stabilizes crystalline 2D forms of group ration to create continuous films of crystalline 2D metals. Nominally
III (Ga, In) and group IV (Sn) elements. Defect engineering of monolayer EG is grown by silicon sublimation from 6H-SiC (0001)
the graphene overlayer enables uniform, large-area intercalation (ref. 9), after which exposure to an oxygen plasma generates defects
at the high-energy SiC/EG interface; this interface then templates in the EG layers. Metallic precursors such as Ga, Sn and In situated
intercalant crystallization at a thermodynamically defined num- in a crucible directly beneath the EG are then heated with the EG/
ber of atomic layers. The unreactive nature of as-grown EG on SiC SiC to 700–800 °C. The vaporized metal diffuses through EG defects
(graphene plus buffer layer) results in the EG performing multiple to reach the EG/SiC interface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 2Center for 2-Dimensional and Layered
Materials, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 32-Dimensional Crystal Consortium, The Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA, USA. 4Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 5Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA. 6The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA. 7Department of
Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 8Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA. 9Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA. 10Department of Chemistry,
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 11Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA. 12Department of Chemical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 13Center for Atomically Thin
Multifunctional Coatings, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 14These authors contributed equally: Natalie Briggs, Brian Bersch,
Yuanxi Wang. ✉e-mail: [email protected]
a Time
metal intercalation (Ga, In or Sn) releases the buffer layer5–7 and
removes carbon–oxygen bonding. XPS signatures remain stable
even after more than eight months in air (Supplementary Fig. 2).
Intercalation also yields a pronounced (~×5) decrease in ID relative
O2/He plasma-treated EG Raman mapping (Supplementary Fig. 4) of EG/Ga samples pre-
Counts (×104)
Buffer Gr SiC
pared using pristine versus plasma-treated EG reveals that plasma
treatments greatly increase the lateral coverage of intercalated Ga.
2 C=O Sn-intercalated
As-grown EG Gr
O2/He plasma- Beyond a simple increase in intercalation sites, first-principles cal-
Buffer SiC
treated EG
culations indicate that Ga/EG bonding is strengthened with increas-
As-grown EG
ing vacancy size, where large, unpassivated defects bond covalently
290 288 286 284 282 280
1,400 1,800 2,400 2,800
with Ga (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Fig. 5). First-principles calcula-
Binding energy (eV) Wave number (cm–1) tions suggest that the termination of multivacancy graphene defects
d As-grown EG Plasma-treated EG
with oxygen moieties facilitates metal adhesion and transport to the
underlying EG/SiC interface through intermediate metal binding
/SiC /S
EG/Ga/ EG/Ga/
energies that are weaker than those of unpassivated vacancies but
stronger than those for hydroxyl terminations or the basal plane
/Ga EG
(Fig. 1e and Supplementary Fig. 5).
Two-dimensional Ga, In and Sn are one to three atomic layers
10 µm /SiC 10 µm
Bulk Ga
Two-layer EG 0
1 EG
2 Bulk Ga
SiC ep
2 stable st
–1 C
1 3 Si
SiC stable
1 nm –2 10 nm
–4.0 –3.5 –3.0 –2.5 165 eV
c d h k
1 SiC top view
Bulk In
Energy (eV)
Three-layer EG 0 Carbon
1 Hollow
In In
–1 2
SiC step
1 nm –2 Ga C Si 5 nm
–3.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0
e f 1
i l
Ga/SiC side view
Bulk Sn
Two-layer EG
Sn –1 Ga
SiC –2
1 nm 10 nm SiC step
–5.0 –4.5 –4.0 –3.5
µGa, µIn or µSn (eV)
Fig. 2 | Atomic structure of CHet-grown 2D metals. a, Cross-sectional STEM showing three layers of Ga between EG and SiC. The inset shows the
different interlayer spacings of the Ga layers. b, Corresponding energy minimization calculations showing preferred Ga layer numbers. c–f, Cross-sectional
STEM and layer-number calculations for In and Sn. EDS (Supplementary Fig. 7) confirms that intercalant layers match the respective precursor elements
and are not oxidized. The grey, vertical lines in b, d and f indicate the metal chemical potential of the bulk metal, and the red, green and blue lines indicate
the energy as a function of chemical potential for one, two and three layers, respectively. The lowest line at a given potential indicates the layer number
of the ground state. g, Acquired LEED pattern for EG/Ga/SiC indicating the presence of EG and SiC with no additional spots for a unique Ga structure
(or In or Sn structure; see Supplementary Fig. 8), indicating the Ga is lattice matched to EG or SiC. h,i, Top-down schematic (h) of hexagonal SiC with
silicon, carbon and hollow sites labelled; intercalated Ga layers exhibit an ABC stacking over the SiC substrate (i). j–l, Step bunching in the SiC surface
can lead to discontinuities in the 2D metals, necessitating that SiC steps be only a few atoms in height to maintain the structural and electrical continuity
of the 2D metal films.
structural stability calculations. The ground-state locations for Ga (assuming a free-electron model)20 or In on Si(111) (ref. 21) and
the first, second and third layers of Ga are above the silicon (GaSi), substantially larger than the band velocity of graphitic π states22,23.
carbon (GaC) and hollow (Gahollow) sites, respectively (Fig. 2i). This The calculated band structure (Fig. 3b) shows colour-coded pro-
ABC stacking resembles a face-centred cubic (fcc) lattice cleaved jections of the total wavefunction onto the plane-wave components
along the (111) plane, matching the hexagonal arrangement of of the graphene (black) and Ga/SiC (blue) primitive cell, where
SiC (0001), and is possibly related to the metastable distorted fcc bands are unfolded from the supercell Brillouin zone24. The most
phase of Ga(iii) (ref. 19). The Ga registry weakens for increased prominent features are three avoided crossings between s and p Ga
metal thickness: the GaSi stacking site for single-layer Ga is 0.14 eV bands, one along Γ-MGa and two along Γ-KGa (comparing with a
per unit cell (that is, per 8.30 Å2), more stable than that of GaC or freestanding frozen bilayer of Ga (Supplementary Fig. 13), the Ga
Gahollow, but the ground states of Ga multilayers are preferred by only s-band starts ~9 eV below the Fermi level). A large Ga-derived near-
0.05 eV against competing phases. Cross-sectional STEM (Fig. 2a, free-electron-like Fermi surface (Fig. 3c,d) closely approaches the
inset) supports the calculated evolution with increasing thickness, graphene Dirac points at Kgr and K′gr with further electron pockets
where the interlayer spacing between the first and second Ga lay- around the corners of the Ga Brillouin zone. The position of the gra-
ers (2.19 Å) is significantly smaller than that between the second phene Dirac point 0.2–0.3 eV below the Fermi level (Supplementary
and third (2.36 Å). Density functional theory (DFT) results show Fig. 14) indicates that Ga (or In, Supplementary Fig. 12) electron-
a pronounced shift from largely covalent bonding in the bottom dopes graphene by 8–10 × 1012 cm–2. This is supported by the Fermi
Ga layer (templated against SiC) to comparably strong but more surface of bilayer Ga/SiC calculated without graphene (Fig. 3e)
metallic bonding between the upper Ga layers and much weaker where the Fermi level is upshifted by 0.4 eV to be consistent with
interaction between the upper Ga layer and the graphene over- the measured ARPES band alignment (see Supplementary Fig. 11);
layer (Supplementary Table 1). Experimentally, epitaxy and metal this artificial upshift is not needed when using hybrid functionals,
continuity are interrupted by large steps in the SiC surface which generally yield more accurate band alignments (see
(Fig. 2j), while smaller steps (Fig. 2k) are less disruptive and single- Supplementary Information for details on the supercell strain
atom steps (Fig. 2l) are metal-continuous and appear to maintain imposed in the calculations). Finally, the measured Fermi surface
epitaxy across the step. clearly shows that the graphene Brillouin zone is rotated 30° from
The structural quality of 2D Ga is reflected in the excellent the underlying Ga/SiC zone, providing direct evidence of the orien-
agreement of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) tational epitaxy between Ga and SiC.
measurements with calculations of the structurally optimized epi- The air stability of 2D metals formed by CHet enables ex situ
taxial system (Fig. 3a, also Supplementary Fig. 12 for 2D In). The transport measurements without complex capping methodolo-
high valence electron count of p-block metals and the small lat- gies. A co-linear four-point-probe configuration with In dot con-
eral unit cell of epitaxial 2D Ga yield an exceptionally large s-band tacts reveals a largely metallic behaviour for 2D Ga on small-step
Fermi velocity of 2 × 106 m s–1, comparable to that of bulk Al and SiC from room temperature down to 4 K, below which a sharp,
a 0 c d
Energy (eV)
–1 4 /
Hybridized s and p BZSiC
Ga orbitals
Kgr Г Г KGa MGa
b Mgr Kgr Mgr
Г Г 2 Ga Dirac
3 ky
Kgr MGa
2 1
Energy (eV)
0 0
–2 –1
–4 –2 –1 0 1
Fig. 3 | Electronic structure of CHet-grown 2D Ga. a,b, Measured ARPES spectra for EG/Ga/SiC showing EG and Ga bands near MGa and KGa
(a) and calculated band structure in black and blue overlaid with measured ARPES (purple) (b). The effective unfolded band structures of 2 × 2
graphene + √3 × √3 R30º bilayer Ga/SiC along the Γ-MGa (Γ-Kgr) and the Γ-KGa (Γ-Mgr) directions are projected onto graphene (black) and Ga/SiC (blue),
as indicated by the Brillouin zone (BZ) paths in the inset (Mgr in the left panel and MGa on the right are from repeated zones). ARPES measurements along
the same paths are superimposed. c,d, ARPES-measured Fermi surface showing nearly free-electron-like circular contours, where kx and ky are the electron
crystal momenta in the in-plane directions. Superimposed black, white and purple circles in d correspond to nearly free-electron-like circular contours from
Ga and are drawn to aid in the comparison of the experimental data with calculated data. e, DFT-calculated Fermi surface of bilayer Ga/SiC with the Fermi
level shifted (to the blue dashed line in panel b) to match the measured band filling.
four-order-of-magnitude drop in resistance occurs (Fig. 4a). As transition temperature30 of TBKT = 3.1 K (2.9 K) for transport paral-
defined in the Methods section, Tconset = 3.95 K and Tczero = 3.2 K, val- lel (perpendicular) to the SiC steps (Supplementary Fig. 17), indi-
ues that are higher than those in bulk orthorhombic α-Ga (1.08 K)25, cating a largely isotropic 2D superconducting transition in these
similar to those of metastable monoclinic β-Ga (5.9–6.5 K) and samples. Note that I–V measurements up to the critical current (Ic)
below those of metastable amorphous Ga (8.4 K)26–28. As expected, are limited by the experimental setup, and TBKT is likely closer to
the transition drops and broadens with increasing perpendicu- 3.88 K (Supplementary Fig. 17) if extracted from curves closer to
lar magnetic field B⊥ (Fig. 4b). Resistance (R) versus B⊥ indicates Ic. Full R(T) and R(B) curves for ‘large-step’ 2D Ga are provided in
Bc = 130 mT at 2 K with a corresponding coherence length ξ0 ~50 nm Supplementary Fig. 18. Epitaxial graphene synthesis must limit step
(Fig. 4c and Methods). A linear extrapolation of Bc(T) from R(B) bunching to ensure uniform superconducting films with isotropic
suggests a zero-Kelvin critical field Bc0 ≈ 260 mT and ξ0 ~36 nm, transport. SiC step height and bunching can be mitigated by reduc-
higher than that of α-Ga (Bc0 ≈ 6 mT)25 and β-Ga (Bc0 ≈ 54 mT ing the temperature of the pre-EG-growth H2 etch step31, or through
(ref. 28); Supplementary Fig. 15a). Considering the very high Fermi the delivery of carbon to the SiC surface during EG growth to pro-
velocity and moderate Tc, the system is likely not in the clean limit. mote buffer layer nucleation and suppress mass transport across SiC
Scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy show quite uniform that leads to step formation32,33.
differential tunnelling conductance (dI/dV) spectra at multiple loca- When considering the electronic origin of the superconductivity
tions on the sample (Fig. 4d,f and Supplementary Fig. 15). A super- in 2D Ga/SiC, each of the constituent materials appear to be poor
conducting gap with well-defined coherence peaks at ±0.6 meV is superconductors: SiC is semiconducting, EG is not as heavily doped
seen at 2.2 K (Fig. 4h) and disappears at ~3 K, below the transport Tc (Supplementary Fig. 14) as in graphite intercalation compound
(Fig. 4g), perhaps due to a moderately reduced proximity-induced superconductors, and 2D Ga exhibits nearly free-electron charac-
superconducting order parameter in the two- to three-layer EG teristics that would not lead to a substantial Tc, since electron–lat-
overlayer29. The observation of a significant superconducting order tice interactions are weak in nearly free-electron metals. We show,
parameter at the upper EG surface bodes well for the formation of using first-principles calculations, that another Fermi surface mani-
superconducting heterostructures via the proximity effect. fold—small electron pockets around K—supports superconductiv-
When crystallographic steps on SiC (0001) are less than 1 nm ity. Using DFT, we calculate the electronic densities of states (DOSs)
tall (Fig. 2k,l), transport measurements that orient the current par- near the Fermi level for α-Ga, β-Ga and one- to three-layer 2D Ga
allel or perpendicular to the steps have similar Tconset (~4 K) and (Fig. 5a,b) and also the Eliashberg spectral function α2F(ω) for
Tczero (~3.2 K) values (Fig. 4i). Although steps more than 5 m tall three-layer GaSiGaCGaC epitaxial to SiC without the graphene cap
(Figs. 2j,4j) yield a similar Tconset of ~3.8 K for both directions, only (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 19). α-Ga contains Ga dimers
parallel transport displays a fully developed superconducting tran- whose incipient covalency suppresses the DOS near the Fermi level,
sition with a Tczero of ~2.5 K, suggesting that transport perpendicu- while β-Ga recovers a more nearly free-electron-like behaviour
lar to large steps encounters a finite series resistance at the steps. (Fig. 5a). Two-layer and three-layer Ga/SiC (Fig. 5b) exhibit a DOS
Small-step 2D Ga exhibits a Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) at EF similar to that of β-Ga. Figure 5c compares α2F(ω) and the
60 60
40 40
R (Ω)
R (Ω)
R (Ω)
0.1 0T
20 0.02 T 20 2K
20 0.01 0.04 T 2.5 K
0.06 T 2.9 K
∆Tc 0.08 T 3.3 K
2 3 4 5 0.10 T 3.7 K
T (K) 0.12 T 4.1 K
0 0 0
0.14 T 4.5 K
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3 4 5 –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
T (K) T (K) B (T)
d f g h i 120 j
Defect T = 2.2 K 3.0 K T = 2.2 K Parallel 320 Parallel
Perpendicular Perpendicular
0.10 T 100 240
2.9 K
Normalized dI /dV (a.u.)
2.8 K 0.05 T 80 1 nm 10 nm
dI /dV (a.u.)
dI /dV (a.u.)
10 nm 2.7 K 0.03 T
R (Ω)
R (Ω)
60 1 µm 1 µm
e 2.6 K
–10 nm
0.02 T –1 nm
2.5 K 40 40
2.4 K 0.01 T
2.3 K 0T
2 nm 0 0
–2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 4
Sample bias Sample bias Sample bias T (K)
T (K)
(mV) (mV) (mV)
Fig. 4 | Superconductivity in 2D Ga grown via CHet. a, Zero-field R(T) curve for an optimized 2D Ga film (O2/He plasma-treated EG, small-step, parallel
configuration) from 300 K to 2 K. Inset of a, log-scale plot from 5 K to 2 K of the same curve. b, R(T) curves showing a suppression in Tc and increase in
residual resistance at 2 K with increasing out-of-plane magnetic field. c, Resistance versus out-of-plane magnetic field (R(B)) curves showing a similar
suppression in the superconducting state with increasing temperature. The kink may be attributed to two superconducting phases, possibly from discrete
two-layer Ga and three-layer Ga regions, step-edge interactions or distinct superconducting transitions within a three-layer Ga region. Data shown in a–c
is from the same sample and measurement configuration. d,e, Large-area and atomic-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy images of the EG surface
topography, respectively. f, Differential conductance (dI/dV) spectra (normalized to 3.0 K spectra) taken at 2.2 K for the three different regions shown in d.
g,h, Temperature-dependent (zero-field) and perpendicular magnetic-field-dependent (2.2 K) dI/dV spectra, respectively, of a region on the right terrace
in d, marked by the red dot. i,j, R(T) plots comparing perpendicular and parallel current directions performed on small-step and large-step samples (both
using O2/He plasma-treated EG), respectively. Black arrows indicate approximate Tczero values, and dashed lines are meant to aid the eye (T = 4 K line).
Insets, corresponding EG/SiC step-edge morphology and height measured by atomic force microscopy.
cumulative electron–phonon coupling strength λ(ω) to the pro- character. A set of six pockets is indeed clearly seen in the ARPES
jected phonon DOS for the three individual Ga layers and the inter- measurement in Fig. 3c, 30º rotated from the EG Dirac points; these
facial Si atom. The dominant contributions to the overall λ = 1.62 correspond to pockets near K in Fig. 3b,e, and are also similar in size
come from Ga vibrations below 120 cm–1, with modest evidence to the pockets in the more accurate hybrid-functional-calculated
near 180 cm–1 for distinct coupling channels specific to the (more- bands of Supplementary Fig. 11 (see discussions on Supplementary
covalent) lower layers of Ga and little sign of involvement from the Fig. 21 for details on the exact character of the pocket). The domi-
interfacial Si. This result contrasts with previous reports attributing nant contribution from these pockets is reassuring, since such
2D superconductivity to interfacial bonding34. Figure 5d shows the strong coupling would not be expected from the more free-electron-
momentum-resolved electron–phonon coupling35 (λk) across the like sheets of the Fermi surface. Using the McMillan–Allen–Dynes
Ga/SiC Brillouin zone for electronic states within ±0.5 eV of the formula36,37 with λ = 1.62 and μ* from 0.1 to 0.15 yields a Tc of 3.5 to
Fermi energy (Supplementary Fig. 19 provides a similar plot for a 4.1 K, in good agreement with experiment. Literature reports of the
narrower energy range). Large contributions to λk come from elec- electron–phonon coupling strength in β-Ga suggest that it is also a
tron pockets near the two symmetry-inequivalent K points. Further reasonably strongly coupled superconductor38, unlike more weakly
decomposition of λk=K by phonon wavevectors shows that the coupled α-Ga (ref. 36).
strongest contributions arise from intervalley scattering between The large λ = 1.62 derived from the Ga states alone suggests that
the two K valleys (see discussion on Supplementary Figs. 20,21). the EG layers are unlikely to be the driver of superconductivity in
Interestingly, this reciprocal-space structure to the coupling is simi- CHet-derived 2D Ga. ARPES (Fig. 3) provides further evidence
lar to that of MoS2, but here we have a p-block metal (with a large towards this conclusion: the Fermi level is only 0.2–0.3 eV above
companion near-circular nearly free-electron Fermi surface) with a the EG Dirac point, corresponding to n ≈ 8–10 × 1012 cm–2, which is
small but crucial Fermi surface manifold of doped semiconductor ×10–100 lower than in superconducting Li-doped or Ca-intercalated
Received: 26 May 2019; Accepted: 3 February 2020;
One-layer Ga/SiC
Two-layer Ga/SiC
Published: xx xx xxxx
α-Ga Three-layer Ga/SiC
–2 –1 0 1 2 –1.0 –0.50 0 0.5 1.0 References
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Methods width as seen in the log plot inset in Fig. 4a. Tc(0.5RN) is defined as the temperature
EG synthesis and plasma treatment. EG is synthesized via silicon sublimation at which the sample reaches half of its normal resistance. Tczero is defined as the
from the (0001) plane of semi-insulating 6H-SiC (II-VI Inc.) at 1,800 °C, 700 Torr temperature at which resistance effectively reaches a zero-resistance state (the
Ar, for 15 min (ref. 9). EG layers were plasma treated using a Tepla M4L plasma noise floor of the PPMS system, ~0.01 Ω). The transition width ∆Tc is defined as
etch tool, using 150 sccm O2 and 50 sccm He under a pressure of 500 mTorr and the change in temperature between the Tconset and Tczero values. Various Tc values are
power of 50 W for 60 s. provided to help in comparisons with other works in the literature, which may use
different values. Critical field Bc2(0.9RN) is defined as the magnetic field at which
Two-dimensional metal intercalation. Metal intercalation was performed using the sample reaches 90% of its normal resistance. Coherence length is estimated
from Bc2 ðT Þ ¼ 2πξ 2 where Φ is the flux quantum.
an STF-1200 horizontal tube furnace fitted with a 1 inch outer diameter quartz 0
tube. A custom-made alumina crucible from Robocasting Enterprises was used to I
hold 1 × 1 cm EG/SiC substrates, which were placed with EG layers on the Si face Scanning tunnelling spectroscopy/microscopy. Ga-intercalated EG/SiC was
of SiC facing downwards, towards the inside of the crucible. Then, 30–60 mg of studied using an ultrahigh-vacuum low-temperature scanning tunnelling
metallic Ga (Sigma Aldrich, 99.999%), In powder (Alfa Aesar, −325 mesh, 99.99%) microscope with an in situ out-of-plane magnetic field at the Center for Nanophase
or Sn granules (Alfa Aesar, 99.5%) were placed in the crucible directly beneath the Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The sample was preheated
EG/SiC substrate. The crucible with EG/SiC and the respective metal precursor to 200 °C to remove surface adsorbates at ultrahigh vacuum with a base pressure
was then loaded into the tube furnace and evacuated to ~5 mTorr. The tube was of 2×10–10 Torr before transferring in situ to the scanning tunnelling microscope
then pressurized to 300–700 Torr with Ar. At this time, the furnace was heated to stage. Scanning tunnelling microscopy or spectroscopy was conducted using a
700–800 °C under a ramp rate of 20° min–1 and Ar flow of 50 sccm. The furnace was mechanically cut Pt–Ir tip. All Pt–Ir tips were conditioned and checked using
held at the growth temperature for 30 min, then cooled to room temperature. a clean Au (111) surface before each measurement. Topographic images were
acquired in constant-current mode with the bias voltage applied to the samples.
XPS. XPS measurements were carried out with a Physical Electronics Versa Probe All the spectroscopies were obtained using the lock-in technique with the bias
II equipped with a monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source (hν = 1,486.7 eV) and a modulation at 973 Hz. The scanning tunnelling microscopy image in Fig. 4d
concentric hemispherical analyser. High-resolution spectra were obtained over an was taken at Vb = 10 mV and It = 400 pA. The image in Fig. 4e was taken at
analysis area of 200 μm at a pass energy of 29.35 eV for C 1s, Si 2p, Ga 3d and Ga 2p Vb = −100 mV, and It = 100 pA. The dI/dV spectra in Fig. 4f–h were measured at
regions. O 1s regions were collected with a pass energy of 46.95 eV. The acquired Vb = 5 mV, It = 400 pA and ΔV = 0.1 mV.
spectra were fitted Lorentzian line shapes, and the asymmetric graphene peak fit
was derived from exfoliated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and H-intercalated Theory.
EG reference samples. Spectra were charge referenced to this graphene peak i. Graphene defect generation/passivation and Ga adsorption: All DFT calcula-
in C 1s corresponding to 284.5 eV. A U 2 Tougaard background was used to fit tions investigating the role of plasma treatment on graphene defects and Ga
XPS spectra. intercalation were performed in Quantum Espresso44, using projected aug-
mented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials45,46 and the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof
Raman spectroscopy. Raman Spectroscopy was performed with a Horiba LabRam parametrization of the generalized gradient approximation exchange-correla-
Raman system using a wavelength of 488 nm and a power of 4.6 mW. Spectra were tion functional (GGA-PBE, ref. 47,48). A 5 × 5 × 1 Γ-centred k-point mesh was
acquired with an integration time of 30 s, using a grating with 600 grooves mm–1. applied for Brillouin zone integration. Plane-wave expansions were truncated
at an energy cut-off of 408 eV for wavefunctions and at 4,080 eV for charge
Cross-sectional STEM. Cross-sectional samples for STEM imaging were prepared densities. The Marzari–Vanderbilt cold smearing scheme49 was applied with
by in situ lift-out via milling in a FEI Helios NanoLab DualBeam 660 focused a broadening of 0.1 eV. Structural relaxations used the Broyden–Fletcher–
ion beam (FIB). Prior to the FIB, ~40/5/10 nm of SiO2/Ti/Au was deposited via Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm with a force threshold of 0.025 eV Å–1. A vacuum
electron-beam evaporation in a Kurt J. Lesker Lab18 evaporator, to improve layer of 20 Å was inserted in the direction normal to the graphene sheets to
the contrast during STEM imaging at low magnifications. Cross sections were minimize the spurious interactions across the periodic boundary. The models
prepared using a Ga+ ion beam at 30 kV, then stepped down to 1 kV to avoid ion- in the figures were visualized using OVITO50 and VESTA51 software.
beam damage to the sample surface. ii. Two-dimensional Ga phase stability and electronic structure calculations: All
High-resolution STEM of sample cross sections was performed in a FEI dual DFT calculations on phase stabilities and electronic structure were performed
aberration-corrected Titan3 G2 60–300 S/TEM at 200 kV using a high-angle using the GGA-PBE exchange-correlation functional47,48 and the PAW pseu-
annular dark-field (HAADF) detector. The HAADF detector (Fischione) had dopotentials45,46. Plane-wave expansions were truncated at an energy cut-off
a collection angle of 51–300 mrad for Z-contrast imaging. A beam current of of 500 eV. All structural relaxations were performed using dipole corrections
70 pA, beam convergence of 30 mrad (C2 aperture of 70 μm) and camera length to the total energy52 and to the electrostatic potential53 in the out-of-plane
of 115 mm were used for STEM image acquisition. The STEM energy-dispersive direction, until the remaining forces were within 0.01 eV Å–1. Brillouin zone
X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) maps were collected using the superX EDS system, samplings were performed on grids with k-point densities equivalent to
which has four EDS detectors surrounding the sample. that of a 20 × 20 × 1 grid for a 1 × 1 Ga/SiC unit cell. All Ga/SiC calculations
were performed using seven repeating units of SiC along the z direction as
LEED. LEED measurements of EG/Ga/SiC, EG/In/SiC and EG/Sn/SiC samples substrate, capped by Ga from above and by H from below. Graphene/Ga/SiC
were performed using LEED spectrometer BDL800IR-MCP manufactured by OCI calculations were performed using five repeating units along the z direction
Vacuum Microengineering. Samples were first degassed at 200 °C for 30 min under for a 2 × 2 graphene + √3 × √3 R30º Ga/SiC supercell, and three repeat-
ultrahigh vacuum to desorb surface moisture and contaminants. LEED patterns ing units for a 5 × 5 graphene + 4 × 4 R0º Ga/SiC supercell to alleviate the
were then acquired at room temperature using constant primary beam currents of computational demand of accommodating more atoms in the large supercells.
10 nA and beam energies of 50 eV–250 eV, in 1 eV steps. Band unfolding was performed using the GPAW package54; all other calcula-
tions were performed by the Vienna Ab Initio Package (VASP; ref. 55). Fermi
ARPES. ARPES measurements were performed at the Microscopic and Electronic surfaces of Ga/SiC were calculated on a 40 × 40 × 1 grid and interpolated onto
STRucture Observatory (MAESTRO) beamline at the Advanced Light Source at a 200 × 200 × 1 grid for plotting. Band structures at the hybrid functional
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The sample was annealed at 550 K for 30 min level were calculated using the range-separated form of Heyd, Scuseria and
in the end-station before measurements to remove adsorbates from the transfer Ernzerhof (ref. 56; HSE06, with a range-separation parameter of 0.2 Å–1) and
of the sample through air. Measurements of EG/Ga/SiC and Gr/In/SiC structures using structures relaxed at the PBE level. Self-consistent HSE06 calculations
were performed using a photon energy of 140 eV and 110 eV, respectively. were performed on a 12 × 12 × 1 k-point grid. For the DOS of bilayer Ga in
Photoemission spectra were collected by moving the sample around one angle Fig. 5b, we artificially shifted EF by 0.5 eV to account for the additional (un-
while using the angle-resolved mode of a Scienta R4000 electron analyser for the determined) electron doping so that the band alignment agrees with ARPES
collection of the other angular axis. measurements. As for the DOS calculations carried out on hexagonal two-
layer and three-layer Ga/SiC, the GaSiGaC and GaSiGaCGaC stacking sequences
Transport measurements and Tc, Bc and TBKT extraction. Transport were used, respectively. The GaSiGaCGaC stacking sequence occupies one of
measurements were carried out in a Quantum Design physical property the lower-energy configurations out of all the possible stacking sequences
measurement system (PPMS). Contacts were made to the EG/Ga heterostructure for three-layer Ga and most closely matches the band structure as directly
by lightly scratching the film surface with a diamond scribe or tweezers, and then measured in ARPES (Supplementary Figs. 10,11 and Supplementary Table 1).
lightly pressing or soldering In dots onto the scratched region. This was done Thus, GaSiGaC and GaSiGaCGaC stackings were used to calculate the DOS, and
in a casual attempt to make side contact to the 2D Ga. In dots were arrayed in the GaSiGaCGaC stacking was used to calculate Tc (Supplementary Fig. 19a).
a standard co-linear four-point-probe configuration with contact pitch on the iii. Electron–phonon interactions: All calculations related to electron–phonon
order of hundreds of micrometres. All resistance measurements were made with interactions were performed in a cell with only two SiC units, due to the
an excitation current of 1 µA. Tconset is defined as the intersection of the linear heavy computational demand of these routines; SiC slabs were passivated
extrapolations of the transition and normal regions. The linear fit for the transition from below by H atoms that are each artificially given the same mass as a Si
region is the region of maximum slope, which is consistent for the entire transition atom (so that phonon frequencies more closely resemble that of a semi-