Dangerpatrol Alpha PDF
Dangerpatrol Alpha PDF
Dangerpatrol Alpha PDF
By John Harper
[email protected]
Role cards and say a • Turbo Pistol: Can shoot on autofire (+2d6) but must be
reloaded after each burst.
bit about each You start with all of your Stuff. You can use your stuff as much as you
like. You can also check off the box next to an item and get a bonus
Agent: The Super spy. Good at stealth, deception, and manipulation. die to add to a roll.
Commando: The Soldier. Good at tactics and shooting.
Daredevil: Athlete, stuntman, acrobat, and all-around risk-taker. danger cadet billy says: “What do the
Detective: Strong-willed, insightful master of forensics, investigation, symbols on the powers mean?”
the criminal underworld and reading people.
Explorer: Experienced traveler of all 11 worlds of the solar system The DP “lightning” icon means the power costs a
(including Planet X!). Expert in all things alien, especially animals, power token to use. You start play with one power token and
monsters, and strange ruins. can earn more as you go. When you spend a power token
to activate a special power, it doesn’t cost your action for
Flyboy: Male or female, an expert pilot, driver, astronaut, and the round (you can still do something else).
The cross symbol means the power helps you or an ally.
Professor: Master of all the sciences and a whiz with technology.
The shield symbol means the power is defensive.
Warrior: Hand to hand combat expert.
The crosshairs symbol means the power is an attack.
Each player picks a role. It’s okay if two people choose the same one The arrow symbol means the power involves movement.
(assuming you printed extra sheets). No two players should have the
exact same Style/Role combo. The star symbol stands for “miscellaneous” powers.
Pick one of the two role powers (the ones with the fill-in circles). On any power, the [+] symbol means, “add a bonus die.”
Distribute your trait dice. You get a d12 in your main role trait. When you add bonus dice, the first one is a d10, the second is
Then you get 1d10, 2d8, 3d6, and 1d4 to distribute among the a d8, and the third is a d6 (you can’t have more than three).
other seven traits (one die per trait).
Rocket City and the Each planet is earth-like (except for dark and cold Pluto), with normal
gravity and breathable air. Each is home to native alien life, as well
Solar System as strange plants and animals. Mars has ruins of some former great
civilization (with links to Atlantis on Earth) but no one knows what
became of them. The Neptunians claim to be descendants of this
The Earth was destroyed 50 years ago in the atomic wars. Just
Elder Race, but Neptunians claim lots of crazy things.
before the end, hundreds of rocket-ships escaped Earth. Most of
them went to Mars, where the richest man in the Solar System, Pluto is home to the Stygian Adepts, an evil cult from the 5th
millionaire Hamilton Hawks, had built a giant utopian “city of the Dimension who worship entropy. They’re the hooded dudes (made
future”—called Rocket City. out of living shadow?) with wicked curved daggers—perfect for
sacrifice scenes and creepy dark magic.
Rocket City is all art-deco silvery spires, glass, chrome, and steel. It’s
a vertical city of many levels with skyscrapers thousands of feet tall,
sprawling across Olympus Mons. Everyone gets around via rocket-
car, funneled into magnetically controlled traffic lanes. Magna- Q&A with professor bradbury
Zeppelins cruise majestically at the highest altitudes, carrying heavy Q. Is that it, Professor? Isn’t there more to the
cargo across the massive city (100 times larger than New York). setting?
Everything has retro style, including the robotic service station A. Good question, Billy! The answer is yes, there’s a lot
attendants who wear smart white uniforms and wash your windshield more! The Solar System is a big place, with lots of planets
while they gas up your rocket car. The Mighty Atom newspaper is to explore, aliens to meet, and dangerous phenomena to
delivered every morning to most homes and is sold on floating traffic encounter. When you play Danger Patrol, the players and the
islands by boys in newsie caps. Radio dramas are very popular as are GM will “fill in the map,” so to speak, adding details as they
the brand-new Videoscope programs. Motion picture theaters show go. You start out with a simple overview and create details as
films in black and white (with sound!) for five cents a pop. you need them.
Rocket City is the crossroads of the solar system, where all the human Don’t be afraid to be creative! Maybe Venus is a dense jungle-
colonies on the other worlds come to trade, along with aliens of all planet teeming with giant insects and dinosaurs or maybe it’s
sorts. a mist-shrouded world inhabited by intelligent rock-men. It’s
The other major human settlement is the Crimson Republic, in up to you!
Jupiter’s red spot. The CR is a militaristic nation ruled by the despot, Q. What about the rampant sexism and racism that were part of
Grand Commander Zukov (a head in a jar attached to a robotic most classic pulp stories? Does Rocket City have such things?
spider body). The CR is obsessed with perfecting atomic technology
(now banned in Rocket City) and turning their population into atomic A. Thankfully, Billy, those things vanished along with the Earth
super soldiers with which to conquer the solar system. The CR is the after the atomic wars. In Rocket City, all people are equal,
catch-all commie/red-scare/evil-empire bad-guy group. They are regardless of race or sex.
While the players are doing their “Previously On” narrations, the
GM will be furiously taking notes. GM, it’s your job to work these
Example Teaser elements into the upcoming episode in some way. They don’t all
have to be in the first scene, but you should start to introduce some
Episode 11: Attack of the Crimson Apes of them, with clues and leads that point to the others.
The patrol is cruising over rocket city in the Danger Car (a During the “Previously On,” sequence, the GM grabs an
custom-built Hawks 5000 rocketcar). Citizens are leaning out index card and writes STYGIAN ADEPTS on it and puts it off
of their flying cars and snapping photos and cheering the to the side. The players see it and know that the evil Stygians
patrol. This is a PR cruise more than anything.
are involved and waiting in the wings.
SUDDENLY—a giant Crimson Ape, freshly escaped from
Another player creates the Anti-Robot League during his
the Rocket City Zoo, lands on the trunk of the car. It rips the
“Previously On,” so the GM makes a card for them, too,
back bumper off in a dominance display, roars, and hurls the
along with a location card (Ludd’s Bar) as a reminder to do
bumper over its head—right into traffic! The bumper smashes
into a citizen’s car, sending it tumbling out of control, with something with the League and the bar later.
smoke pouring from the engine. Across the city, the heroes This may seem challenging, but think of it this way: The players are
can see other Crimson Apes, leaping from car to car in the creating your threats and dangers for you! Just take a few notes and
traffic lanes, smashing windows, scaring citizens, and generally you’ll end up with all the prep materials you need for the session.
causing havoc! This looks like a job for the Danger Patrol!
Once each player has done their “Previously On,” it’s time to start
the action scene....
CR A g e n t
r u st y
b u k k it
Tr a f f ic
cr im s o n
o v e r lo a d !
ap e
Cr im s o n
ap e
r o c k et c a r
in t r o u b l e !
danger cadet billy says: “you can do
neat stuff with threats!” 1 Cr im s o n
It’s true! At the Cadet Clubhouse where we play, ap e
we’ve seen all kinds of crazy things on threat cards,
including “Buzz Dixon’s Troubled Past,” “The Courage to Fight
Your Own Brother,” and “Is It Really True Love?” Jeepers!
The Crimson Apes setup assumes you have 4 players. If you Danger Dice
have fewer players, reduce the number of starting threats. For
3 players, remove two of the apes. For two players, remove Now the fun stuff. The player can now add 1-3 danger dice (the red
three of the apes. d6s in the bowl) to her roll. To do so, she adds details to her action
that show just how dangerous it is.
This will make for a faster-playing opening scene, which is
good. For later battles, feel free to make them longer and Well, I’m leaping out of the seat of a moving rocket car (1
tougher. Sometimes the Patrol gets in way over their heads! danger die). I balance on the sloping trunk and duck as other
rocket cars whiz narrowly by my head (2nd die). And oh yeah,
I’m facing down a 12 foot tall Crimson Ape, who is raising
both fists to smash my head in (3rd danger die).
step 9: Action! You can add one detail per die, or just say your danger and pick up
1-3 dice from the bowl (either way is fine).
Now ask who wants to go first. Several people should be leaning
Still Want More Danger?
forward, desperate to jump in to action and save Rocket City. Let the
players work out who among them will go first. Ask the other players and the GM to give you more. One player can
give you one more die by adding another dangerous detail. The GM
When a player takes her turn, she says what heroic action her hero can also give one die by adding a detail. So you can end up with 5
takes. The action should be short and punchy, with an added detail danger dice, total.
to give some color.
The other players and GM add more danger to the action.
I jump onto the back of the Hawks 5000 and level my raygun “Just as you jump on to the trunk of the rocket car, Dr. Nemo
at the ape. “Sorry, shaggy, but this ride is full.” I zap him off (who’s driving) has to swerve to avoid hitting a school bus!”
the car and on to the rooftop patio of a passing restaurant.
“Also, everyone knows that Crimson Apes hate the color
yellow. Oh, your uniform is yellow, isn’t it?”
Roll the Dice!
Each die that shows 1, 2, or 3 is danger! As your meter goes up, you get rewards. When your meter crosses a
dot with the DP lightning icon, you earn a power token.
Hits You can spend one power token to activate a special power.
If you’re fighting a threat, you do a hit for each success you rolled. You can spend two power tokens to take an extra turn at any
The GM will mark an X on the threat card for each hit you did. point during a round.
Threats can take hits in multiples of 3. However, as your meter goes up, you risk taking higher-level hits
which have worse consequences for your hero. Such is the life of a
A normal threat (a minion, a monster, a problem) is defeated Danger Patrol officer.
after 3 hits.
If you get your danger level all the way to the end, it stays there for
A major threat (a tough monster, a serious problem) is defeated the rest of the scene. Then (assuming you’re still alive) you earn a
after 6 hits. new power from your Role or Style. Your danger meter then resets
An elite threat (a boss monster, a disaster, a highly trained bad to zero.
guy) is defeated after 9 hits.
A master threat (a super villain, a giant vehicle, a cataclysmic Action Result
event) is defeated after 12 hits. Now the GM will describe the results of your action as well as saying
what threat move happens (see threat moves in the next section).
GM, you don’t have to tell the players what level a threat is. Just mark Your turn is over, and play passes to the next player.
hits as you go and remove it when it takes the right amount. Yes, this
means you can fudge and make something weaker or tougher on
the fly. That’s totally in the spirit of the game.
Cr im s o n
threat levels ape
Episode 11: Attack of the Crimson Apes
For Attack of the Crimson Apes, I recommend making the
Apes normal threats. The Traffic Overload can be a major
x x
threat. The rocketcar in trouble can be a major threat, too.
(By the way, if someone needs to move far across the board, this Tread lightly! Don’t resolve a bunch of stuff yet. The second action
usually takes a whole action. If it’s risky, it will also call for a roll. It’s scene usually involves a couple of Mystery threats that you’ll “fight”
up to the GM what constitutes “far” and when to ask for a roll to using Agent, Detective, and Professor actions (in addition to the
move around.) normal combat threats). So you’ll defeat those and find clues during
the next scene. But feel free to introduce leads and elements that
Eventually, all the threats will be defeated. Good job, Danger Patrol!
the GM can use to seed that next batch of threat cards.
The citizens cheer, the heroes sign autographs, and bad guys are
locked up. Locations, enemy groups, weird objects, found evidence, NPCs
that you force to talk... all good fodder for the second action scene
You get to keep any power tokens you’ve earned. coming up. If you want to jet off to Saturn and meet with the Ring
Now it’s time for Interludes. Knights, now’s the time to lay that groundwork.
Matt rolls his dice and gets 4 danger. He slides Matt marks a Injured box. This means his character
his paperclip over 4 dots. needs to roll 5+ on his dice to succeed (until his injury
The GM makes a threat move, attacking Matt’s is healed). There are two injured boxes, so a character
character. Matt has to mark a full hit. This can be injured twice. The lower box and blank line is
means he marks a hit box in the section of the for writing in your own injury type.
danger meter that his paperclip is now in. Matt also earned a Power token since his danger level
hit a DP lighting bolt as it went up.
____________ enthralled
____________ ____________ ____________
Later (after taking a full hit from the seductive wiles of the enemy agent,
Natasha Ganymedska, and becoming enthralled), Matt rolls his dice and
gets 2 danger. He slides his paperclip over 2 dots.
The GM makes a threat move, attacking Matt’s character. Matt has to mark
a reduced hit. This means he marks a hit box anywhere to the left of the
paperclip. Since he still has un-checked Bashed boxes, Matt puts the hit
there. If all the Bashed boxes were full, the hit would “roll-up” to the next
section, meaning he would be Stunned.
ludd’s bar
ancient martian Suspicious of Crimson Republic
involvement, Andrew Mentem and (locatio n)
pyramids Rusty Bukkit spent their interlude
scene together, trawling the criminal
(Locatio n) ma rt ia n an ti- ro bo t an ti- ro bo t
underworld of the lower levels of
ru ne s Rocket City, looking for informants.
le ague le ague
go on s go on s
They found Ludd’s Bar, a hangout for
st yg ia n the Anti-Robot league (introduced by
ad ep ts dr .
Rusty’s player during a Previously On).
ne mo During the interlude, Rusty’s player r u st y
revealed that one of the Anti-Robot
League goons was wearing a Crimson
b u k k it
Republic ring. Just then, a bunch more
goons burst through the doors!
resistance The Olkahoma City All-Stars: Joshua Unruh, Jeff Williams, Chris Harmon,
A threat can have resistance (1, 2, or 3) which means it ignores Chris Masters, Paul Crowell
that many hits from each attack. Use sparingly. You can also link a The Compleat Strategists: Sam Zeitlin, George Austin, Jonathan Davis, Joe
threat’s resistance to another threat, such that when the main threat Iglesias, Nick X, Danger Cadet Billy
is defeated, all the linked threats lose their resistance (a Force Field The North Carolina Irregulars: Jason Morningstar, Steve Segedy, Joel
generator or something similar is good for this). Resistance doesn’t Coldren, Mike Graves
have to represent physical toughness, of course.
StoryGames Boston: Jonathan Walton and the Mystery Gang.
Staged Threats The Garden Statesmen: Matt Wilson, Brennan Taylor, Gil Hova, Rich Flynn
You have to defeat Threat A before you can do hits to Threat B.
The nastiest setup: Have minions that are staged between the
master villain and the heroes. The PCs have to beat the minions Credits
before they can attack the master villain, and every round the villain Danger Patrol is by John Harper. [email protected]
is untouched, he can inflict a Disaster! Ouch.
This is the alpha playtest version written for Go Play NW 2009 and played
Vehicle hits there by Matt Wilson, Matthew Gagan, Christian Griffen, Lukas Myhan,
Vehicles can take hits, too. Most vehicles can take 3 hits before Blake Hutchins, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick, Brendan Adkins, Phil LaRose, Doug
they’re crippled and 6 hits destroys them. When the GM hits a PC Bartlett, Alan Barclay, Michael Decuir, Kingston Cassidy, Daniel Wood and
John Powell. Their enthusiam and support was invaluable in getting this
vehicle with a threat move, a reduced hit equals 1 vehicle hit and a
document finished.
full hit equals 2.
Ben Robbins, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick, Ryan Dunleavy, and Jonathan Walton
more starting powers gave me lots of excellent feedback and helped refine the system from its
You can start with more than two powers if you want. Three, four, or rough early state.
even all of them! If a character has all their available powers, maybe Shannon East, Paul Riddle, and Sage LaTorra are some of the best gorram
they get to add another Style or Role card when they “level up.” So gamers in Seattle and they gave me the play time and encouragement to
you could have an Alien Psychic Detective, for example. Crazy! get this game off the ground.
If your action was an attack, each success your rolled does a hit to the threat you’re Stuff
fighting. A threat can take 3, 6, 9, or 12 hits before being defeated (depending on
its level). The GM won’t usually tell you exactly what level a threat is (but may drop You can use your character’s Stuff as much as you want as part of your actions. You
hints). If your action wasn’t an attack, it was probably a movement or helping roll can also check off a Stuff box to take a bonus die on a roll.
(see Helping, below).
Advance the level of your danger meter by one for each danger result you rolled.
When all the threats are defeated, an action scene is over and we now play
The GM will say the results of your action, then make a threat move based on how Interludes. An Interlude is a short moment of roleplaying or narration of action by
many danger you got on your roll. a player, similar to the “Previously On” moments at the beginning of the episode.
Once everyone has taken their turn (the players can go in any order they want), the They should be short and punchy (no more than a minute or two).
GM makes threat moves with any threats that were ignored during the round. Then Include your PC, plus another PC and/or an NPC.
the round is over and another round starts. Say where you are (or ask for ideas) and what’s happening when it starts.
Roleplay! Reveal your relationship with the other characters.
Helping Restore a used Stuff box
Take an action to set up another hero, or use your next turn to jump in and help Introduce a clue, plot point, or possible future threat. (optional)
someone who is acting now. Test a trait (GM chooses as usual), and give your hits Reduce your danger level by 5. Heal any hit boxes in the highest section of the
as helping dice (d8s) to another player. danger meter where you have harm. (optional)
Keep the game moving at a brisk pace. Keep turns short If there are plenty of threats in play already, do both the
and punchy. Don’t linger too long in speculation or “what if” DANGER 2 and DANGER 1 moves instead.
scenarios. If a situation can be played as a threat and battle, DANGER 4: Do a full hit to the PC.
move into that as quickly as possible. Mysteries, investigations, This can be from an attack the threat makes or from the
seductions, chases, experiments and other situations work consequences of one of the dangers the players narrated
great as threats (and bring the “non-combat” traits like Agent, before the action.
Detective, and Professor to the fore)
Judge if an action constitutes an “attack” (to determine if a roll DANGER 5: Total Disaster!
does hits to a threat). Make sure the fictional actions match the The threat does the worst possible thing. Be ruthless and
threats! For example, a shooting action with Commando would destructive in your descriptions. Kill citizens if you want to.
certainly do hits against a Crimson Ape, but would not work to Blow up buildings. A hero can mitigate a disaster by taking a
put out a raging fire threat. Use your best judgment and say ‘no’ full hit, then getting locked in battle with a new, major threat.
if you need to. Pick the trait you feel is best for the action, and Put the hero marker on this new threat, spun off from the
stick to your guns. threat they were facing. It might be something like “Trapped
in burning wreckage.” The player gets to say how their hero
If an action doesn’t count as an attack, it should never be stops the disaster from coming true, and how they end up
“wasted.” Treat it as a helping roll or let the player trapped by the new threat as a result. That hero can’t do
revise their action if they want to. anything but fight the new threat until it is defeated.
Agent4Sneak around and ambush bad guys. 4Trick an enemy Agent4Sneak around and ambush bad guys. 4Trick an enemy
and lead them into a trap. 4Disguise yourself. 4Spy on secret villain and lead them into a trap. 4Disguise yourself. 4Spy on secret villain
meetings. 4Infiltrate an evil fortress. 4Use your network of contacts to meetings. 4Infiltrate an evil fortress. 4Use your network of contacts to
get something you need. get something you need.
Commando4Shoot enemies. 4Shoot a lot to keep them pinned Commando4Shoot enemies. 4Shoot a lot to keep them pinned
down. 4Throw grenades. 4Come up with battle tactics for the team. down. 4Throw grenades. 4Come up with battle tactics for the team.
Daredevil4Run, jump, swing, and flip. 4Jump off of something Daredevil4Run, jump, swing, and flip. 4Jump off of something
tall. 4Draw fire so a threat attacks you instead of doing something else. tall. 4Draw fire so a threat attacks you instead of doing something else.
4Escape certain death. 4Escape certain death.
Detective4Find a useful clue. 4Resist evil with your indomitable Detective4Find a useful clue. 4Resist evil with your indomitable
will. 4Use your network of contacts to find information. 4Notice details will. 4Use your network of contacts to find information. 4Notice details
and sense danger. 4See through lies. 4Investigate a mystery. and sense danger. 4See through lies. 4Investigate a mystery.
Explorer4Tame a wild beast and have it fight alongside you. Explorer4Tame a wild beast and have it fight alongside you.
4Endure extreme conditions. 4Deal with alien cultures and speak 4Endure extreme conditions. 4Deal with alien cultures and speak
languages. 4Give first aid. 4Find your way through an alien jungle. languages. 4Give first aid. 4Find your way through an alien jungle.
Flyboy4Fly a rocket-car upside down through a narrow opening. Flyboy4Fly a rocket-car upside down through a narrow opening.
4Zip around with your custom rocketpack. 4Get into a dogfight. 4Zip around with your custom rocketpack. 4Get into a dogfight.
4Swoop in and rescue someone from a dangerous spot. 4Swoop in and rescue someone from a dangerous spot.
Professor4Re-program a robot to do what you want. 4Build Professor4Re-program a robot to do what you want. 4Build
a quick gadget to solve a problem. 4Defuse a ticking bomb. 4Repair a quick gadget to solve a problem. 4Defuse a ticking bomb. 4Repair
broken technology. 4Remember useful facts and get information from broken technology. 4Remember useful facts and get information from
computers. computers.
Warrior4Punch evil in the face. 4Throw bad guys off of high Warrior4Punch evil in the face. 4Throw bad guys off of high
places. 4Fight with melee weapons. 4Intimidate someone. places. 4Fight with melee weapons. 4Intimidate someone.
hero colors
alien agent
homeworld: Choose your home planet (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, take a bonus die when: You use deception, subterfuge,
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, or Planet X). You always get [+] when or sneak around.
dealing with anything involving that world.
Planet: Alien Looks: covert ops: A group you lead uses your Agent trait to
sneak or hide and gets [+] when they ambush.
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
hero colors
atomic commando
z-ray vision: You can see through solid objects. take a bonus die when: You use tactics and maneuvering
against the enemy.
atomic strength: Your cyborg body gives you superhuman
strength. You can crush steel with your hands and throw cars around;
stuff like that. Covering Fire: Negate a hit on an ally and give them [+].
force field: Negate a hit you just took, and convert the
attack into energy. Take 1 Danger and [+] on a follow-up roll. Frag Grenades Smoke Grenades
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
hero colors
mystic daredevil
spirit sight: You can see ghost echoes, auras, and mystical energy. take a bonus die when: Leaping, falling, tumbling, or
ritual magic: With some research & preparation, you can cast a
spell. The effects are negotiated by you and the GM. A series of tests
is required. danger is my middle name: Turn up to 3 danger you
just took into additional hits (you still take the Danger)
Dark bargain: Demonic entities appear and reduce the 6 Decide what your uniform resists only at the moment you need to (not ahead of time)
hit you just took. While the demons distract your enemies,
take [+] to a follow-up action. (Blank)-Resistant Uniform Magna Grapple Line
________________________ ________________________
teleport: Step through the shadow realms to disappear
and reappear somewhere else. Take [+] on any test related
Raygun (overload + burnout) Rocketpack
to the teleport.
(loud, ballistic, unstable)
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
hero colors
psychic detective
Psychometry: When you touch an item, you can read its history. take a bonus die when: Investigating, questioning, or
observing details or clues.
mind to mind: You can communicate psychically with anyone you
can see or over long distances with someone you know very well.
Evaluate: Choose a threat: GM says how many hits it
Test Detective to read surface thoughts or feelings. can take and another useful detail. Anyone can take [+]
when that detail applies to a test.
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
hero colors
robot explorer
precision sensors: You have telescopic and microscopic vision, take a bonus die when: You face aliens, creatures,
chemical analyzers, and a broadband electromagnetic sensor. weather, ruins, or traps.
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
hero colors
two-fisted flyboy
big damn hero: You get [+] when fighting to protect someone take a bonus die when: You do an impressive stunt
(a specific person nearby, not something generic like “Rocket City”). while piloting a vehicle or rocketpack.
reckless abandon: For the whole battle, as a Free (Your custom rocketpack can hover and is not unstable)
Record any
left-over power
tokens you have
bashed stunned injured k.o.’d vaporized
at the end of a
game session
power ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
uniform uniform
colors colors
professor warrior
take a bonus die when: You deal with scientific take a bonus die when: You use superior techniques in
principles, obscure knowledge, or technology. close combat.
crazy theory: When you come up with a crazy super- critical strike: Mark the enemy you just hit. All
science explanation for it, give an ally’s attack +3 hits. following attacks on that enemy (from anyone) do +1 hit.
Electro-Blaster (stun, resist) Wrist Communicator Electro-Blaster (stun, resist) Wrist Communicator
Goggles & Gas Mask Goggles & Gas Mask
Turbo-Pistol (autofire, reload) Utility Belt & Med Kit Turbo-Pistol (autofire, reload) Utility Belt & Med Kit
style role
stuff 4
weapon 4