Experimental Results of The Tribol
Experimental Results of The Tribol
Experimental Results of The Tribol
Abstract: The friction coefficient, wear rate, and wear coefficient of the aluminum metal surface were measured
at room temperature (≈300 K) with a pin-on-disk machine at a fixed load of 196.2 N. Two different testing
configurations were adopted: (1) aluminum pin vs. Helix oil-on-steel disk (AHS) and (2) aluminum pin vs. 10%
Polytron plus 90% helix oil-on-steel disk (APS). In the AHS configuration, the wear of the aluminum surface was
found to be approximately 70 μm; however, in the APS configuration the wear dropped to 20 μm, revealing a
marked decrement of one-third of the wear of aluminum. The volume wear rate of the metal in the unaided Helix
oil was estimated to be 1.28×10–3 mm3/min. The additive minimized the volume wear rate of the aluminum metal
by orders of magnitude to 6.08×10–5 mm3/min. Similarly, the wear coefficient of the aluminum pin, calculated in
the AHS configuration, rendered a value of 1.27×10–10 m2/N. In the APS configuration, the same parameter was
4.22×10–11 m2/N, that is to say, an order of magnitude lower than the preceding value. The observed coefficient of
friction for aluminum is 0.012 in Helix oil and falls to a remarkably lower value of 0.004 through the Polytron
additive. The experimental findings demonstrate that Polytron additive substantially lessens the wear of the
aluminum surface; in effect, the wear coefficient and the wear rate decline linearly. This singularity may be linked
to the ability of Polytron to impregnate the crystal structure of the metal due to its ionic character and the consequent
adherence to the metallic surface as a hard surface layer.
proposed them to be potential mediators for reducing additives, being petroleum based, contain no solid
friction and wear of the mating surfaces [16–18]. particles and are compatible with all the lubricants
However, in applications like automobile engines and available in the market. Polytron comprises 80% para
complex machinery, the base lubricant is not sufficient and 20% meta Polytron. The specialized Polytron
to give a long life to the sliding or mating parts. The metal treatment concentrate (MTC) is polarized, and it
usual solution is the addition of a relatively small is attracted to metal surfaces and develops a durable
amount of certain additive compounds that provide a polished-like microscopic layer through metallurgical
significant improvement of the base oil properties process that can resist wear, extreme pressure, and
with regard to either oxidative degradation or excessive temperature. As such, this analysis was
tribological and other performance characteristics prompted to understand the effect of the Polytron
[19–25]. Most of the additives comprise polar functional additive on the friction and wear behavior of aluminum
groups and belong to various classes of organic or metal sliding against stainless steel. It can be suggested
organometallic compounds. In general, the triboactive that Polytron is an effective antiwear additive in the
additives contain active elements (or combinations Helix base oil and can intrinsically reduce friction and
thereof) such as phosphorous (P), sulphur (S), chlorine wear by orders of magnitude. Realistically, Polytron-
(Cl), zinc (Zn), nitrogen (N), tungsten (W), and carbon lubricated systems can deliver consistent performance
(C). A recent trend is the addition of nanoparticles to for longer than the anticipated duty cycle of the
various lubricants. These components are capable of machinery and protect the system from wear and
forming protective tribological inorganic or comparable premature failures.
layers on frictional surfaces due to reactions with the The aim of this research study is to bring out the
constituent material (typically iron and its alloys) second phase of our experimental outcomes regarding
[26–34]. The above-mentioned components and their the Polytron additive in the Helix lubricant to clearly
nanocounter parts are often added up to 5 wt% as understand the impact of the reaction film of Polytron
monomeric antiwear and extreme pressure agents for on the rubbing surfaces of the metals and the ensuing
the prevention of serious metal surface depletion. In antiwear protection capability. Introductory effects
many applications the wear reduction mechanism and with reference to the Polytron additive in the Helix
quantitative analysis of the additives are not well lubricant can be found elsewhere [35, 36].
known and a thorough exploration is still inescapable.
A literature survey reveals that research has been
2 Materials and methods
done on various materials and conflicting views have
been advanced by different authors in favor of their 2.1 Experimental apparatus
results. However, research on an unusual and elusive
additive known as Polytron is highly scarce; therefore, For recording the data of the wear tests, we used the
to the best of our knowledge the experimental work pin-on-disk tribotester (TR–20LE) (Ducom Instruments,
presented in this article seems to be the first of its India). The apparatus was enclosed in a plexiglass
kind. In this research study, this uncommon antiwear box that could be purged with dry air or nitrogen. A
additive Polytron has been selected for an inves- hygrometer (ZEAL, England) was used to measure
tigation to assess its wear reduction and friction the relative humidity of the air in the chamber. A
minimization strategy. As such, the research dictates tachometer was used to measure the revolutions per
a scientific determination to understand the interaction minute of the rotating shaft. The force of friction was
mechanism of Polytron with metal substrates as well recorded as a function of time and measured by a
as the consequent smoothening and lubrication of the piezoelectric transducer. A basic outline of the pin-
interacting surfaces. Polytron is an oily fluid mixture on-disk device is given in Fig. 1. The device comprises
of petroleum-based chemicals mixed with oxidation a pin that can slide on a rotating horizontal surface
inhibitors and detergent chemicals, which at ambient (disk). The circular steel disk is fixed on a rotating
pressure and temperature is a stable grease in stark plate (table) that has a long vertical shaft welded from
contrast to the conventional lubricants. Polytron the bottom surface of the rotating plate. The shaft
126 Friction 4(2): 124–134 (2016)
Fig. 1 Sketch of the pin-on-disk. The dimensions of the pin were 32 mm (length) by 10 mm (diameter); the dimensions of the disk were
165 mm (diameter) by 8 mm (height).
passes through three close-fitted bush-bearings that and 2. Moreover, the data sheets for the Helix oil and
are rigidly fixed with three square plates in such a Polytron additive can be envisaged from Tables 3
way that the shaft can move only axially and any that and 4. One may discern from Table 4 that Polytron is
radial movement of the rotating shaft is restrained by
Table 2 Compositional analysis and mechanical properties of
the bush. In the sketch, FN stands for the normal force aluminum–silicon alloy pin (A390) [37].
(load) on the aluminum pin despite the fact that FR Minimum Maximum
Chemical composition
represents the resistive force (friction) that arises (by weight) (by weight)
from the sliding contact of the aluminum pin on the Silicon 0.4% 0.8%
steel disk. Essential information vis-à-vis stainless steel Iron No 0.7%
disk and aluminum pin are enumerated in Tables 1 Copper 0.15% 0.15%
Manganese No 0.15%
Table 1 Specification of the stainless steel disk (SUS304).
Magnesium 0.8% 1.2%
Property Standard value
Chromium 0.04% 0.35%
Disk dimensions 165 nm (dia) × 8 mm (h)
Zinc No 0.25%
Counter bore M5 holes from bottom × 4 nos
Titanium No 0.15%
Counter bore M5 holes from top × 4 nos
Other elements no more than 0.05% each, 0.15% total
Holes M4 tapped holes × 2 nos Remainder aluminum 95.85%–98.56%
Mechanical properties Mechanical properties
Density 8,000 (kg/m ) Hardness 112.65 VHN
Young’s modulus 190 (GPa) Density 2.72 g/cm3
Yield strength 420 (GPa) Table 3 Typical physical characteristics of shell helix oil ultra
Poisson’s ratio 0.27–0.30 (5W–40) taken from Ref. [38].
Table 4 Data sheet of polytron taken from Ref. [39]. was lap ground and given a final polish of 60 μm SiC.
Physical/chemical property Observation The data was obtained for separate test runs with the
State Liquid Helix base oil and then with Polytron (10%) as an
Color Yellowish clear additive. Wear rates were calculated from the measured
Smell Odourless weight loss of a pin after rubbing for a definite time
(i.e., 240 min). The mass and volume of the pin were
Specific gravity 60/60 ≈ 1.00
measured both before and after running the experiment.
Boiling point range >300 °C
The mechanical properties of the pin before and after
Flash point >200 °C
running the machine are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
Viscosity @ 100 °F SUS 391 The wear experiment was performed by sliding the
Viscosity @ 210 °F SUS 61 aluminum pin having a hemispherical tip (diameter:
Water solubility (T = 20 °C) Low 10 mm) on the hardened steel disk. A fixed load of
Evaporation point Higher than ether 20 kg was applied on the pin by a pulley system. For
each run of the experiment, an unworn position of the
marketed in a liquid state and is yellowish as well as pin and a different face of the disk was used. For the
pin-on-disk experiment, we took 2,000 mL of Helix oil
odorless in contrast to other solid additives. Its flash
in a graduated cylinder. In the first instance, 100% Helix
and boiling points are above 200 °C and 300 °C, res-
base oil was used and its volume was 2,000 mL. In the
pectively, and its solubility in water is very low. Basic
second instance, 1,800 mL (90%) base oil was mixed
information regarding the aluminum metal, steel disk,
with 200 mL (10%) Polytron. The lubricant was applied
Helix oil, and Polytron were taken from Refs. [37−39].
to the disk surface at a constant flow rate of almost
2.2 Experimental technique 0.5 mL/min and the disk was completely covered with
lubricant before running the test. The wear volume was
The experimental work was performed in the tribology calculated from the pin wear scar diameters. Typical
laboratory of UKM at approximately 70% relative wear versus time curves were obtained with Matlab
humidity and room temperature(≈300 K). The Helix software and polynomial fitted to discern the trend
base oil (Shell Helix ultra 5W–40) was supplied by the
Shell Oil Company at Bandar Baru Bangi. The Polytron Table 5 Specifics of the aluminum pin and stainless steel disk
MTC was provided by the Malaysian association of and experimental results of the wear test in the Shell Helix oil
productivity Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Both samples
Test parameter Specific/computed value
were used as supplied. The solutions of the base
oil Helix and the Polytron additive were prepared at Wear of aluminium pin 70 ± 0.1 micron
ambient temperature and pressure. These solutions Before the wear run
were then stored in brown bottles to eliminate possible Material of the wear disk Stainless steel 304
light-induced degeneration. Graduated cylinders were Diameter of the wear disk 80 mm
used for the precise addition of the base lubricant and Mass of the pin 6.4480 g
the additive. The glassware and containers used in Length of the pin 32.00 mm
the experiment were thoroughly rinsed with ethanol During the wear run
and dried in an oven for 2 h at 110 °C. For the tribotester, Speed of the wear disk 500 rpm
we used a soft aluminum–silicon alloy (A390) as pin
Time allocated 14,400 s ≈ 240 min ≈ 4.0 h
and stainless steel (SUS304) as the disk material. The
Sliding speed 2.09 m/s
pure aluminum pins (less than 0.1% impurities) were
Sliding distance 30,163.2 m ≈ 30.163 km
given a final polish with 10 μm alumina and then
annealed in a vacuum furnace above the recry- After the wear run
stallization temperature and cooled slowly in order Mass of the pin 6.4470 g
to give a uniform hardness for all of the pins so as to Length of the pin 31.981 mm
acquire reproducible wear measurements. The disk
128 Friction 4(2): 124–134 (2016)
Table 6 Experimental particulars of the wear tests of aluminum Table 7 Computed tribological parameters of the aluminum pin.
pin in the Shell Helix oil (5W–40) mixed with 10% Polytron The error limit is ± 0.1.
additive. Helix (90%) +
Parameter Helix (100%)
Test parameter Specific/computed value Polytron (10%)
Wear of aluminium pin 20±0.1 micron Wear 70 µm 20 µm
Before the wear run Mass-wear rate 3.33×10 mg/min 8.33×10–4 mg/min
Quantity (Helix Oil) 2,000 mL Volume-wear rate 1.28×10–3 mm3/min 6.08×10–5 mm3/min
Load 196.2 N Coefficient of friction 0.012 0.004
Material of the pin Aluminum–silicon alloy (A390) Wear coefficient (k) 4.22×10–11 m2/N
Mass of the pin 6.4480 g 0.7992 mg 0.1992 mg
Total mass loss
Pin diameter 10.00 mm (in 240 min) (in 240 min)
Fig. 2 Comparison plot of the wear of aluminum against time for the base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the apportioned time for
both the experiments was 240 min. Graph illustrates both the actual variation and polynomial-fitted trend of the data points.
Fig. 3 Comparison plot of the wear of aluminum against sliding distance for the base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the sliding
distance for both the experiments was fixed at 30.163 km. Graph illustrates both the actual variation and polynomial-fitted trend of the data
Bhushan and Kulkarni [43] in their experimental additive, the two types of losses are considerably
judgments. The mass and volume losses of the larger and increase in direct proportion with the
aluminum pin were also probed in both the con- passage of time and/or with the coverage of sliding
figurations. The comparison curves for the mass losses distance. Contrariwise, the additive reduces both
are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, whereas the comparison losses by orders of magnitude; reasonably, the losses
curves for the volume losses are depicted in Figs. 8 are significantly small in the presence of the Polytron
and 9. To elucidate the influence of the additive, the additive. This suggests a strong interaction of the
graphs were drawn both with respect to time and lubricating medium with the steel surface in the
sliding distance as well. The contrast is very clear and presence of Polytron which, in turn, points to a con-
prominent in the two types of configurations. Without spicuous reduction in the wear scar of the aluminum
130 Friction 4(2): 124–134 (2016)
Fig. 4 Comparison plot of the coefficient of friction of aluminum against time for the base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the
allocated time for both the experiments was fixed at 240 min. Graph illustrates both the actual variation and polynomial-fitted trend of
the data points.
Fig. 5 Comparison plot of the coefficient of friction against sliding distance for the base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the sliding
distance for both the experiments was fixed at 30.161 km. Graph illustrates both the actual variation and polynomial-fitted trend of the data
metal and the prospective use of Polytron as an By the same token, our research revelations in the APS
antiwear additive. Friction is extensively reduced and configuration have produced better improved values
wear is significantly curtailed that shall maximize the for the friction coefficient, wear, and other tribological
equipment life and performance and, in turn, will aid parameters than the conclusions of Anand et al. [46]
the oil and fuel economy. This observation with the who used phosphonium ionic liquid additives in diesel
Polytron additive is quite contrary to the high wear engine lubricants. Besides, our experimental judgments
rate results of other researchers like Suarez et al. [44] on wear and friction waning with Polytron additive
who studied the popular ZDDP additive in mineral are even far superior to the findings of Chen et al. [47]
oil stock and Ghose et al. [45] who studied TCP and and Abdullah [48, 49] for nanoadditives in different
found considerably higher wear rates in their findings. lubricating media. This suggests that Polytron is
Friction 4(2): 124–134 (2016) 131
Fig. 6 Comparison plot of the mass loss against time for the base Fig. 9 Comparison plot of the volume loss against sliding
oil helix and the additive (polytron); the allocated time for both distance for the base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the
the experiments was fixed at 240 min. Graph illustrates the actual sliding distance for both the experiments was fixed at 30.161 km.
variation of the data points. Graph illustrates the actual variation of the data points.
4 Conclusions
The wear of the aluminum metal surface in the AHS
configuration was found to be circa 70 μm. Nevertheless,
working with 10% by volume of Polytron additive in
the APS configuration, all the same, the value of wear
declined to 20 μm characteristic of more than two-
third decrement in the wear. Likewise, the mass wear
rate of the metal in the AHS mode was estimated
Fig. 8 Comparison plot of the volume loss against time for the
at 3.3×10–3 mg/min which decreased by an order of
base oil helix and the additive (polytron); the allocated time for both
the experiments was fixed at 240 min. Graph illustrates the actual
magnitude in the APS mode to a value of 8.33×10–4
variation of the data points. mg/min. The curves for the coefficient of friction in
the AHS mode exhibited a value of 0.012 for the
protecting the surfaces, probably by forming a hardly friction coefficient which diminished to a remarkably
adsorbed layer on the surfaces due to its ionic nature. low value of 0.004 in the APS mode. It can be asserted
It is expected that Polytron will adsorb on polar steel that Polytron is an effective antiwear additive in the
surfaces due to its own polar character, thereby Helix base oil and can intrinsically reduce friction and
protecting the surfaces against wear, and it is this wear by orders of magnitude.
132 Friction 4(2): 124–134 (2016)
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Syed Mohammad Hasan AHMER. pursuing his Ph.D. studies at the Department of
He received his master degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a lecturer of physics at
physics in 1992 from the University of the Royal Commission of Yanbu Colleges and Institutes
Karachi, Pakistan. Currently he is a (RCYCI), Saudi Arabia. His research interests include
Ph.D. student in the University Malaga friction, wear, and lubrication.
International (UMA), Spain. He is
Lal Said JAN. He received his M.S. Malaysia. During his Ph.D. studies, he did research on
degree in physics in 1990 from the nano-structured polymers and ceramics. He is an assistant
University of Peshawar, Pakistan. He professor of physics at the Royal Commission of Yanbu
received his Ph.D. degree in 2006 from Colleges and Institutes (RCYCI), Saudi Arabia. His
the Department of Applied Physics, current research interest is tribology of nano-structured
National University of Malaysia (UKM), materials.