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Lecture 2: EEG Basics: Introduction To Modern Brain-Computer Interface Design Christian A. Kothe SCCN, Ucsd

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Lecture 2: EEG Basics

Introduction to Modern Brain-Computer Interface


Christian A. Kothe
1. Underlying Brain Processes
2. Spatial Characteristics
3. Temporal Characteristics
4. Complex EEG Phenomena
5. Non-Brain Artifacts
6. Sensing and Acquisition
2.1 Underlying Brain Processes
Underlying Neural Processes
• All BCIs have to operate on observable effects
of brain activity
• Except for fMRI and fNIRS, they operate on
effects of neural firing processes
• EEG, MEG and ECoG can only
detect large-scale neural
• For example, 50.000 neurons
firing in near-synchrony
Underlying Neural Processes
• Largest contributors to the EEG are the
pyramidal cells
• Radially oriented in the cortex (orthogonal to
the surface)
Pyramidal cell

Hand et al., 2005

Underlying Neural Processes
• Largest contributors to the EEG are the
pyramidal cells
• Radially oriented in the cortex (orthogonal to
the surface)
Pyramidal cell
• Electromagnetic fields of +
co-aligned and co-activated ++
- -- +
neurons add up --

Hand et al., 2005

Large-Scale Brain Processes
• When would 50.000 neurons fire near-
– An external event triggers a cascade of related
neural processes (e.g., in perception)
– An internal event triggers a cascade of related
neural processes (e.g., sudden “aha!”)
– Neural populations enter a synchronized steady-
state firing pattern (e.g., idle oscillations)
• Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) and Oscillatory
Processes are the two major BCI-detectable
EEG/MEG phenomena
Signal Detectability
• Root cause might not be directly observable (e.g.,
dopaminergic system, deep brain structures, few
• Widely scattered neural
populations are unlikely to
exhibit synchrony (unless
connected by fiber tracts)
• Spatially compact
populations are more likely
to have coordinated timing
• Electromanetic fields can
cancel each other out
(e.g., in the Amygdala)
Makeig 2007
2.2 Spatial Characteristics
Anatomical Regions
• Some notable large-scale brain features are
the hemispheres, lobes, gyri and suci

Krepki, 2004
Functional Mapping
• For most regions more or less well known
functional associations exist – the motor
cortex is one of the best examples:

Krepki, 2004
Volume Conduction
• Neural activity is conducted through the brain
volume to the scalp and sensors by Volume
• Volume conduction
is linear
• Each sensor measures a
(weighted) sum of
each neuron’s activity
Volume Conduction
• Note: the point-spread function from a source
patch to the scalp is extremely broad

Source Patch

Akalin Acar et al., 2011

Measurement Sites
• Standardized location system (10-20 system)
• Saves a lot of hassle vs. custom labels

Malmivuo and Plonsey, 1995

Measurement Sites
• Defined also at much higher resolutions (not
shown here)

Malmivuo and Plonsey, 1995

Actual Scalp Maps
• Scalp maps (observed voltages at scalp sites) allow for source
• Single-source scalp maps are rarely observed in the raw signal,
but can be obtained by signal processing (more later)

3d head visualization Corresponding 2d scalp maps

Equivalent Dipole Model
• Electromagnetic field sustained by a compact
collection of neurons (e.g., 1 cm2) can be
modeled as a single equivalent dipole
• This facilitates localization of the field source
Equivalent Dipole Tour
• Further scalp maps and associated dipole fits
Dipole Modeling Problems
• High-quality fits are hard to achieve
– Requires knowledge about sensor locations
– Requires assumptions about conductivities of scalp,
skull, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), brain tissue
– Requires knowledge of the folding of the cortex
(candidate dipoles) unless simplistic spherical model is
– Some brain tissue has anisotropic conductance (white
– Scalp maps are usually not perfect (arise from data
processing) – fit accuracy suffers
– Scalp maps can be a sum of multiple dipole sources –
requires a distributed source model
Distributed Source Modeling
• Allow to recover and image distributed cortical
support of given scalp maps

Subsequent images:
Rey Ramirez (Scholarpedia)
Distributed Source Modeling
• Wide range of methodologies and underlying
assumptions (sLORETA, Beamforming, Sparse
Bayesian Learning, …)
• Prone to finding only locally optimal solutions

LCMV Beamforming Anatomically Constrained Beamforming

Distributed Source Modeling
• Wide range of methodologies and underlying
assumptions (sLORETA, Beamforming, Sparse
Bayesian Learning, …)
• Prone to finding only locally optimal solutions

sLORETA Sparse Bayesian Learning

Distributed Source Modeling

2.3 Temporal Characteristics
Neural vs. Scalp Activity
• Typical spiking behavior of a single neuron

Tsodkys, 1997

• Typical signal measured at a scalp site

Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
• Averaging EEG activity relative to an event
results in primarily event-induced activity
(trial-to-trial variability averaged out)
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
• Single-trial ERPs are much harder to identify

Stimulus presented Person commits an error

Oscillatory Processes
• EEG is permeated by oscillatory processes,
such as the alpha rhythm (pictured)
• Standard names for such rhythms are delta (0-
4Hz), theta (4-7Hz), alpha (8-13Hz), beta (12-
30Hz), and gamma (25-100Hz)

Kaplan et al., 2000

Oscillatory Processes
• Alpha: Sensory areas (visual cortex, auditory
cortex) and Motor areas (motor cortex) exhibit
strong alpha-band oscillations when “idle” in
most subjects
• Beta: Motor cortex often generates also beta-
band oscillations
• Theta: Known to occur in “bursts” relative to
events in certain brain areas (e.g. frontal
midline, lateral frontal, …)
2.4 Complex EEG Phenomena
EEG Sources Separated via ICA
Higher-Order Phenomena
• Event-Related Coherence between two signal
components (here simulated data)

Makeig 2007
Effective Connectivity
• Sophisticated measure of interaction between
multiple signals (“information flow”)

Mullen et al., 2011

Effective Connectivity

2.5 Non-Brain Artifacts
Non-Brain Artifacts
• Often far outscale the brain processes in the
EEG (when present)
• Internally generated: neck, face and eye
muscles, eye dipoles, heart activity
• Externally generated: 50/60Hz line noise, EM
spikes from equipment
• Sensor-related: DC offset drifts, cable sway,
thermal noise, quantization noise
Muscle Artifacts
• High-frequency / broadband, large amplitude

Muscle Artifacts
• Scalp projections are spatially stereotyped
Eye Blinks
• Large low-frequency peak and rebound, mainly
• Can also incurs non-linear effects in occipital cortex

2.6 Sensing and Acquisition
EEG Sensor Designs
• Most EEG systems are gel-based
• Nowadays mostly using active electrodes

Passive, gel-based Active, gel-based

(EasyCap) (Brain Products)
EEG Sensor Designs
• Dry (gel-free) systems are emerging quickly

Pins Spring-loaded Pins Foam-based sensors

EEG Sensor Designs
• Recent Prototypes

Bristle Sensors Epidermal Electronics

(Grozea et al., 2011) (Kim et al., 2011)
• After amplification (e.g., 50000x), signal is
low-pass filtered using an analog filter, then
digitally sampled at fixed rate

Sampling Theorem
• If the signal is band-limited below the Nyquist
frequency B (i.e., contains no higher frequency
than B), it can be exactly reconstructed using
the interpolation function:

• The Nyquist Frequency is ½ sampling rate

Computer-based Access
• The data is made accessible through:
– Vendor-specific recording programs (BrainVision
Recorder, ActiView, g.Recorder, …)
– Vendor-specific system drivers (Emotiv SDK,
BioSemi driver, …)
– Generic system interfaces (e.g., Bluetooth serial
port, A/D cards, TCP, …)
• Almost all EEG systems support real-time
signal access (except for some gadgets)
L2 Questions?

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