Lesson Plans 3
Lesson Plans 3
Lesson Plans 3
Lesson Topic: ____Cultural elements in Lit____________ Grade level:_____8_____ Length of lesson: _45 minute_
Desired Results
State Content Standard(s):
● 8.RL.3.2 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of world literature considering how it
reflects heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs.
Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s): Other Evidence:
Annotating excerpts from 2 pieces of literature -Student participation during group reading
Exit ticket about about examples of heritage, tradition, or
Learning Plan
Learning Activities: Class will begin with an interactive Google slide presentation that asks students to attempt to define
what they think heritage, traditions, and beliefs are and explains how these elements may appear in world literature.
Following the powerpoint, as a class you & the students will read and annotate (they have done annotation before) an
excerpt from Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen, p ass out the annotation symbol sheet for their reference.
Highlighters are in the classroom for students, they should write with pens and pencils as well. Make it clear that students
should be looking for examples of how Jose (main protagonist) writes about his traditions, heritage, and beliefs in
response to experiencing american culture. After each paragraph or page, ask students if they have identified any of these
elements. After completing the reading (6 pages) we will have a small discussion about how Jose talked about his culture,
positively or negatively, and how he explains his exposure to american culture. After this, have students independently
reread the first 2 chapters of La Linea, looking for more of the same elements (how the author/main protagonist talk
about and reflect on their culture). Given time, ask students to volunteer examples of what they found in La Linea. Before
students leave, have them fill out the exit ticket slips.
Required Accommodations/Modifications:
Reread the chapter of La Linea together, w
ith the ELL class.
Model annotations for non AC students with overhead camera during the reading by Jose Vargas
Adapted from Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition (2005) by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Topic: ____Comparative Literature____________ Grade level:_____8_____ Length of lesson: _45 minute_
Desired Results
State Content Standard(s):
● 8.RL.3.1 Compare and contrast the structure of two or more related works of literature (e.g., similar topic or
theme), and analyze and evaluate how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
● 8.RL.2.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what a text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
Required Accommodations/Modifications:
Fill in the worksheet as a class with ELL students
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Topic: ____Comparative Writing____________ Grade level:_____8_____ Length of lesson: _45 minute_
Desired Results
State Content Standard(s):
● 8.RL.3.2 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of world literature considering how it
reflects heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs.
● 8.RL.3.1 Compare and contrast the structure of two or more related works of literature (e.g., similar topic or
theme), and analyze and evaluate how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
(have a reminder for students to have all material from the previous 2 days with them for class on the board as students
come in)
Begin class by having students bring out all their materials from the last 2 days, (excerpts, La Linea, comparison sheets,
any and all notes taken for annotations). Inform them they will be able to use any and all materials belonging to them, but
no other student can help them with their writing. Use provided prompt copies to pass out to students and have the 3
prompts appear on the SmartBoard. Read out each prompt and ask students if they need any clarifications or have any
questions. Inform students that they will be using the RACES format for writing their paragraphs. (students have written
in this format several times throughout the school year) on Itslearning (online education software) students will have
access to a RACES format explanation sheet for reference while writing their paragraphs.
Required Accommodations/Modifications:
Accelerated classes will only be given 30 minutes to write their paragraphs before submitting them electronically. All
other periods will be given the whole period (45 minutes)