From Static Networks To Software Defined Networking - Joa - Eng - 0716
From Static Networks To Software Defined Networking - Joa - Eng - 0716
From Static Networks To Software Defined Networking - Joa - Eng - 0716
Software-defined Networking
An Evolution in Process
open interfaces often limit the capability of network log into every device for intervention and manage the
operators to customize the network to their specific out-of-box capabilities driven by hardware appliances,
individual environments because they are hindered by which require configuration changes, making it tedious
the vendors’ control of the equipment. and resource intensive.
Basic SDN Architecture Typically, open-source tools are always a risk as they
could be vulnerable. Lack of secure coding practices
At a basic level, SDN architecture consists of
by novice and enthusiastic developers may allow
three layers: the application layer; the control
vulnerabilities to creep into their code that may be
layer or SDN controller; and the data, physical or
exploited in the future. Organizations are weary of
infrastructural layer (figure 2). At the top is the
security issues when it comes to open-source tools.
application layer, which includes applications that
Opening the software’s programmable interface to
deliver services, e.g., switch/network virtualization,
anyone who wants to come in and code makes the
firewalls and flow balancers. These are abstracted
code vulnerable, devoid of quality coding practices
from the bottom layer, which is the underlying data
and open to manipulations in the future. OpenFlow
or physical network layer.
protocol is considered limited with insufficient
functionality and scaling problems. Figure 3 is the
In the middle is the control layer or SDN controller,
architecture of Open SDN.
the most important aspect of the SDN architecture.
This layer removes the control plane from the
physical plane and runs it as software while being
SDN Using APIs
integrated with the physical and virtual devices on APIs are an alternate way to provide the
the network, facilitating optimal network service abstraction necessary for SDN and provide a highly
management. programmable infrastructure. Programmable APIs
provide a channel by which instructions can be sent
Figure 3—Open SDN
to a device to program it. Programmers can read API
Traffic Network documentation to understand the device and code
Traffic Virtualization
Network Virtualization the appropriate commands into their applications.
Engineering Virtualization Virtualization As SDN has evolved, APIs are considered
northbound or southbound, depending on the
location where they function in the architecture
Controller Openflow (figure 4). APIs that reside on a controller and
Controller Openflow
Protocol are used by applications to send instructions to
(Southbound) the controller are called northbound because the
communication takes place north of the controller.
Network Network
Network Examples of northbound APIs are RESTful and Java
Devices Devices
Devices APIs.2 These APIs allow the developer to manipulate
flow tables and flow entries on networking devices
(e.g., routers and switches) without talking to them
Source: Nikesh Dubey. Reprinted with permission.
Application Layer
Applications Applications
Controller Layer
Infrastructure Layer
Network Network
Devices Devices
Application Application
1 2
Open/Northbound Interfaces
Centralized Control
(Configure Policies
and Monitor)
SDN Controller SDN Controller
Management Control Management Control
Forwarding Forwarding
Element Element
Traditional IP
Forwarding Forwarding
Element Element
vSwitch vSwitch
to send traffic to its destination. If agility is the innovation. But why should organizations consider
key objective for the proposed network SDN, especially if it is still in the development stage
architecture, then overlay is a good choice and has not been widely adapted? The SDN model
to implement. has the potential to make significant improvements
to service request response times, security,
Virtualization technologies, e.g., Generic Network reliability and scalability. It could also reduce costs
Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve), Virtual by automating many processes that are currently
Extensible LAN (VXLAN), Stateless Transport done manually, which are resource intensive, slow
Tunneling (STT) and Network Virtualization Using and costly due to the use of restrictive commodity
Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE), provide hardware. SDN offers a more efficient and flexible
this solution by using network encapsulation. Big network that increases the speed of service delivery.
Switch Networks’ Big Virtual Switch offers SDN It delivers cost savings on hardware and also offers
overlay application using OpenFlow. Figure 5 the ability to test new protocols in hindsight.
depicts a network overlay SDN architecture.3
SDN Limitations and Challenges
Advantages of SDN
Before looking at the limitations of SDN, it is
There are numerous advantages of SDN. SDN important to understand the principal concept
increases network flexibility through holistic that drives SDN—virtualization. Virtualization adds
management of the network and enables rapid overhead and network latency, which is an issue
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