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The Hot Brain - Survival, Temperature, and The Human Body

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This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

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Aristotle was completely wrong when he said that the brain was a cold
and bloodless organ, and therefore could not be the seat of thoughts and
feelings. However, he was correct in his intuition that to have thoughts
and feelings, a hot organ was needed. His mistake was to think that this
organ was the heart . Today we know that the brain is responsible for
maintaining a constant core body temperature .
Nature took almost 500 million years to achievethis physiological ca-
pacity , which evolved in mammals at a time when marked changes oc-
curred in the size and functions of the brain . Was a constant brain
temperature in part responsible for its further evolution ? We do not have
an answer to this question . However , with a constant core body temper -
ature, mammals were able to change their habitats. This brought about
new genetic -environmental conditions to which the brain responded ,
thus showing the plasticity of this organ.
Feeding, drinking , and sexual reward-basedbehavior are basic to sur-
vival of the individual and of the species. The control of temperature by
the brain is coded along with thesereward-basedmechanisms. Emotion,
motivation , and a sophisticated sensorimotor integration seemto form
the basis of these behaviors. But they cannot occur unless the brain is
functioning properly, and for it to do so, a constant brain temperature is
essential. In addition to these basic survival behaviors, body and brain
temperatures are implicated in many more physiological functions not
restricted to the " warm bed" of " essential" functions. They are even
tightly related to sleep. Could it be that at least one of the functions of
sleepis to prevent the brain from becoming too hot ?
x Preface

Numerous questions arose in preparing this book , many of which have

been raised by others in the past. For instance, why do humans regulate
brain temperature at 37 C and not 20 C or 40 C ? Can humans really ac-
climatize to the cold ? Do fevers really need to be lowered , or do they
have survival value ? Does exercise training enable us to cope better with
environmental stresses? Does it provide a measureof protection against
heat stroke ? Do older people lose their capacity to cope with environ -
mental extremes, or are they just unfit ? How is it possible for a 2 C rise
in brain temperature during fever to cause shivering , whereas the same
2 C rise in brain temperature produced by exercisecausessweating? Can
humans cool their brain below their body temperature as many other
mammals can ? Does this protect the brain from overheating ? Is it a " hot
brain " that causes us to stop exercising ? The answers to some of these
questions are controversial . We present the data and a viewpoint .
Included in our approach is an analysis of the strategiesemployed by
single-celled animals, fish, reptiles, dinosaurs, mammals, and humans to
cope with changes in environmental temperature . No doubt survival is at
the basis of these strategies . We slowly came to the conclusion that a con -
stant core body temperature was of fundamental importance to support
higher forms of life on Earth . The interplay between behavior , body tem -
perature , and ambient temperature could have played a crucial role in
the evolution of humans . On numerous occasions throughout the book ,
especiallyin the early chapters, data are sparseand we revert to specula-
tion . On such occasions , we have tried to make that speculation clear.
This book is written for a diverseaudience. We took a broad approach
to the subject of temperature regulation, but tried to maintain a focus on
the brain. The information is both basic and applied, but emphasizes
mechanism of action . We believe that not only students and scientists ,
but also nonscientists with an interest in human responses to environ -

mental stress , the brain , evolution , and survival , will benefit from its con -
tent .
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact


The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of numerous col-

leagueswho provided meaningful input to various chapters of the book.
Their insights and suggestionswere deeply appreciated. We thank Ana
Maria Sanguinetti de Mora for her helpful suggestionsand for some of
the drawings included in this book. We also thank Joan Seyefor typing
numerous drafts of the text and for preparing the final draft of the type-
scrlpt .
A very special thanks to Loring B. Rowell and Charles M . Tipton for
reading virtually the entire manuscript and providing invaluable critical
comments and suggestionsthat markedly improved the scientific quality
of the book. The time and effort they devoted to this task are most
deeply appreciated.
We also acknowledge the support and encouragement of Michael
Rutter and MIT Pressfor the production of the book.
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


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In theBeginning

In the Beginning Was Heat

The origin of life is subject to changing theories and controversies. How -

ever, independentof how life began, heat was always present. In fact, life,
in its most reductive simplicity, had to be cooked with heat, which was
the primeval source of energy (Fox and Dose 1972). The first protocells,
as suggestedin a recent model (Muller 1995), probably evolved around
an energy-conversion unit (Granick 1957) consideredto be a heat engine
(Van Holde 1980). These protocells or " proteinoid microspheres" pre-
sumably were formed when polypeptides were thermally cycled as a
result of convective currents in the primordial ocean (figure 1.1). Con-
vection accounts for the initial stepsin the required self-organization of
the protocell . During thermal cycling, someof the proteinoids in the pro-
tocells could have acted as heat enginesto condensesubstrates, that is,
synthesizeATP by a mechanismbasedon a temperature-induced binding
change (Muller 1995). Convection cells have always been present near
volcanic hot springs and submarine hydrothermal vents. In fact, thermo-
philic bacteria commonly observedin thesehot springs can grow and re-
produce at 85 C. Thus, from the prebiotic stageson Earth, heat was a
main actor on the stagewhere the origin of life made its debut.
With the emergenceof the primitive cell came the inherent functional
capacities for sensingthe intensity of light and heat in the environment,
and also the capacities for feeding, drinking , motility , irritability , and
reproduction . Also, from the first unicellular creature on Earth, some
internal mechanismsevolved that presumably included some control of
the internal temperature.
2 Chapter

L .<-J



Figure 1.1
Illustration of a protocell suspendedin a convecting fluid heated from below,
cooled at the top, and subjected to cyclic illumination . Under these conditions,
the protocell will be thermally cycled and is the best-known example of self-
organization by a dissipative structure. (Modified from Muller 1995.)

It seemsobvious that with such functional properties as irritability or

excitability already present, unicellular organisms could react to noxious
stimuli such as changesin the pH in the surrounding medium or to hot
and cold environmental conditions. In fact, in primeval times, and even
today, environmental thermal energy was probably one of the most im-
portant and challenging factors affecting living cells.

The Heat Intelligenceof Paramecia

In an ingenious experiment, M . Mendelssohn (cited by Jenning 1906) ob-

servedthat parameciarandomly dispersedthemselveswhen ambient tem-
perature was kept around 20 C. However, when a temperature gradient
was establishedin their medium from 260 to 38 C or from 10 to 25 C,
they congregatedcloseto the area maintained between240 and 28 C (fig-
ure 1.2). Moreover, when the temperature of their medium was elevated
beyond their preferred temperature, theseorganisms becamemore active,
In the Beginning 3


Figure 1.2
Reactions of paramecia to changes in ambient temperature . At (a) the paramecia
were at a temperature of 19 C. In (b ) a temperature gradient was established be-
tween 26 and 38 C. In (c) the temperature gradient was from 10 to 25 C.
(Jennings 1906 .)

performing a series of rotatory movements projecting them toward the

cooler region . Once they reached a cooler , more comfortable environ -
ment , they resumed random locomotion . A similar , abeit slower , type of
" avoiding locomotion " occurs when paramecia move from a cool to a
hot environment. Jenning (1906) performed a series of experiments in

paramecia that led him to conclusions similar to those of Mendelssohn .

Through the microscope , Jenning observed an activation of paramecia
movements as the temperature of their medium was uniformly elevated
between400 and 45 C. When a drop of cold water was placed in their en-

vironment , paramecia gathered in this region , avoiding the heated area.


These experiments clearly show that unicellular organisms have the ca-
pacity to select a preferred temperature behaviorally, and therefore to
protect themselves from environmental extremes .
Thus , environmental heat was a source of deleterious stimulation " but

it was also an essential source of energy. Living organisms required heat

for chemical reactions . Although some of the heat for these reactions
came from metabolic activity , the main source of heat energy came from
4 Chapter 1

-- ~- -

. - c

Drawingof a skunkcabbagewith the spadixin the center.(FromKnutson1974.)

the environment. Therefore, the control of environmental temperature

had to be coupled to the production of internal heat. It is therefore plau-
sible to infer that unicellular organismshad somerudimentary capacity to
control their internal temperature.

Temperature Control Without Nervous Tissue

When we consider multicellular organisms, we envision the coordination

of all their functions by the supremecontrol of a nervous system. Most
people would be surprised to learn that there are functions, in particular
temperature regulation, that are controlled by organisms without any
trace of nervous tissue. One good example is plants.
It is generally believed that the temperature of plants parallels that of
their surroundings, and that plants increasetheir metabolic activity only
during periods of elevated environmental temperature. Although this is
the casefor most plants, others demonstratea self-regulation of their tem-
perature. This phenomenon is illustrated with the easternskunk cabbage
(Symplocarpus foetidus) (figure 1.3) (Knutson 1974). The inflorescence
(spadix; reproductive organ) of this plant (figure 1.3), weighing 2 to 9 g,
maintains a temperature 15 C to 35 C above air temperature for a period
In the Beginning 5

of at least 2 weeks during February and March , when air temperatures

are from - 15 C to +15 C. This increasein temperature is maintained by
an active increasein oxygen consumption and consequentheat produc-
tion by the spadix (figure 1.4) (Knutson 1974).

The Protoneuron

After a long unicellular existenceon Earth of more than 3 billion years,

multicellular organisms (animals) appeared around 700 million years
ago, and with them the innovative and powerful machinery of evolution.
The adaptive advantagesof multicellular organisms are many and of dif -
ferent kinds. Among them are cell differentiation and specialization. That
is, different cells servedifferent functions in the sameorganism and, as a
result, the organism is more efficient in coping with its environment.
Another advantagewas an increasein longevity (cells could be replacedin
the multicellular organism without death of the organism). Theseadvan-
tages posed new problems for multicellular organisms, including the ne-
cessity for an efficient coordination among the different cell types and
functions. It was under these conditions that the development of a ner-
vous systemhad high selectivevalue.
Unicellular organisms did not require a superimposedcontrol system.
They had the capacity to integrate stimuli and behaveas a whole within
their environment. Newly acquired functions, however, becamecompli-
cated with the appearanceof multicellular organisms. Specializedcells de-
veloped that were not in immediate contact with their surroundings. This
createdan urgent needfor them to be intimately linked with other cellsthat
were directly sensinginformation from the environment. This marked the
beginning of the most primitive nerve cells, the protoneurons.
Most probably, in parallel with the development of multicellular orga-
nization , genesisof the nervous systemtook place. However, nerve cells
should not be viewed as cells with completely innovative capabilities. In
fact, most of the classical characteristics attributed specifically to nerve
cells, such as irritability and excitability , were already present in the uni-
cellular organism. Therefore, the origin of the nervous system must be
sought in conditions present in the unicellular organism before the ap-
pearanceof nerve cells.
6 Chapter 1

. .
. .
. . . . .
. . .


-15 - 10 -5 0 5 10 15
Air temperature (OC)

;:' " 20
I -


0' )


+. I

c.. 10
(/ )

0' )

0 10 20

Air temperature (DC)

Figure 1.4
(A ) Temperatures of skunk cabbage spadices at various air temperatures. (B)
Oxygen uptake of skunk cabbage spadicesmeasuredin the field at available air
temperatures. (From Knutson 1974.)
In the Beginning 7

Multicellular Nerve Cells and Evolution

Probably one of the earliest theories about the origin of the nervous
system is that of Kleinenberg (1872), who proposed that the neuromus-
cular cells of the hydra contained the three elementary components of
the nervous system: the receptor, the conductor, and the effector.
However, based on researchperformed on " primitive " nervous systems
such as those in coelenterates, medusae, and others, severaltheories have
been proposed to explain the origin of the nervous system. Among the
most relevant are those of Parker (1919), Pantin (1956), and Passano
For Parker, " The most primitive nerve cell, from the standpoint of ani-
mal phylogeny, is the sense-cell or receptivecell, as it occurs in the sensory
epithelium of the coelenterates" (1919, p. 210). Therefore, for Parker, the
proto neurons initially emergedas individual sensorycells or cells for de-
tecting changesin the immediate surroundings of the pluricellular organ-
ism. Thereafter, motor nerve cells developed.
Pantin has a more globalized conception of the primitive nervous sys-
tem: " The metazoan behavior machine did not evolve cell by cell and re-
flex by reflex. From its origin it must have evolved the structure of the
whole animal, and it must have been complex enough and organized
enough to meet all the varied requirements of behavior" (1956, p. 173).
In contrast with Parker, Pantin places emphasison the simultaneous de-
velopment of nondifferentiated nerve cells coordinating the whole organ-
ism in both sensoryand motor responses. He further emphasizesthat the
primitive nervous cell was not just a single sensorycell controlling a sin-
gle effector cell becausea meaningful responsecould not be initiated by
the innervation of a single muscle cell by a single receptor cell.
Passanoproposed the following theory (seefigure 1.5):
Individualprotomyocytesfirst evolvedinto assemblages of independentcontrac-
tile cells, permittingmore extensivemovementsthan thoseresultingfrom con-
tractionsof individualmyocytes . Certainof thesecellsbecameendogenous activity
centersor pacemakers by developingunstablespecialized membraneareascapa-
ble of activedepolarization. Suchlocal pacemakers synchronizedcontractionsof
adjacentcellsby passivedepolarizationspreadaffectingthe contractilemecha-
nisms, perhapsutilizing intercellularbridges. Groupsof musclecellsresponding
to pacemakerswould permit the evolution of recurrentfeedingmovements .
8 Chapter 1

Differentiation of these two cell types would have thus proceeded together , with

what was to become nerve becoming specialized for activity initiation . Initially

both would become specialized for passive conduction of depolarization . The spe -

cialization of the nerve cell for the conduction rather than the repetitive initiation

of activity is seen as a secondary development in the evolution of neurons . ( 1963 ,

pp . 307 - 308 )

Passano later considered that pacemakers cells developed as sensory

cells , integrating external sensory events with motor activity . In a further

evolutional development of the nervous system , conducting tracks and

connections ( synapses ) appeared , producing the first real integrated neural

activity ( reflexes ) . Further on , nerve cells concentrated into ganglia or

nerve rings and sensory cells accumulated in organs associated with the

ganglia .



c .

Figure 1 . 5

( A ) Individual protomyocytes . ( B ) Assemblage of independent contractile my -

ocytes . ( C ) It is hypothesized that after assemblage of individual protomyocytes

into one single organism , one or more protomyocytes developed unstable mem -

brane potentials ( black protomyocyte ) so that they could depolarize the adjacent

cells .
10 Chapter 1

these primitive organisms functioned as several coexisting organisms in

one body. More coordinated movementsof primitive organismsprobably
evolved with advancedmetazoans(Passano1963).
In the same way that the protoneuron is considered an important
" qualitative step forward " in the evolution of organisms, the appearance
of an elementary nervous system, able to organize the complete func-
tional activities of the metazoan as a unit , is considereda qualitative step
forward . These " microsystemsof neurons" (Kandel and Schwartz 1991)
or " miniature nervous systems" (Jerison 1973), receivedthe sameuniver-
sal acceptanceas the protoneuron .
The basic system in this " miniature nervous system" is made up of a
few neurons, each of which can be identified both anatomically {because
of its special localization ) and physiologically. The anatomic-functional
relationship among theseneurons is characteristic and constant for all or-
ganismswithin the samespecies.Jerison stated:
Their widespreadoccurrence reflectsa fundamentalevolutionaryadaptationthat
must haveoccurredbeforethe major multicellularphyla becamedifferentiated
from one another, becauseminiaturesystemshavebeenfound in many species
from differentphyla includingmollusks, arthropodsandvertebrates . At present
it seemslikely that the miniaturesystemshouldbe regardedasthe fundamental
unit, or buildingblock, with whichmorecomplexor elaborateneuralsystems are
constructed . Its rolecouldbeasa "prewiredcellassembly " in whichspecificnerve
cellsacttogetherto carryout fairly elaborateactions. (1973, pp 9, 10)

Control of Temperature and the Metazoan Machine

One of the important activities in these primitive organisms could have

beenthe control of temperature. The capacity to senseheat and cold, and
to organize behavior to avoid extreme temperatures, was present in uni-
cellular organisms. Moreover, multicellular organisms, devoid of nervous
tissue, were able to increasetheir metabolism and maintain higher tem-
peraturesthan their surroundings. Therefore, the capacity to control tem-
perature was very primitive and essential for survival. Consequently,
organismsthat incorporated a nervous system, however primitive it was,
must have incorporated the necessarycircuits to control this essential
function . Indeed, behavioral control of temperature through sensorimo-
tor integration could have beena common feature of theseminiature ner-
In the Beginning 11

vous systems , in both invertebrates and vertebrates . Because learning was

a property of these micro systems of neurons , the control of temperature

in these primitive organisms could have been flexible , and therefore be -

came more efficient through learning and memory . In summary , the basic

activities for the survival of an organism - feeding , drinking , and behav -

ioral control of thermoregulation - could have been coded in the neural

ganglia of invertebrates since ancient times . Good examples of that can be

found in insects such as moths and bees ( see below ) .

Before We Start with the Brain : Invertebrates and Temperature


Insects , which certainly possess neural ganglia with a cephalic location ,

but are devoid of a proper brain , regulate their body temperature in a

very sophisticated fashion . Some insects thermoregulate by behavioral

adjustments ( ectothermic insects ) , but others have the capacity to gener -

ate internal heat sufficient to increase body temperature ( endothermic in -

sects ) above that of the environment .

The desert locust ( Schistocerca gregaria ) , some butterflies , beetles , ci -

cadas , and artic flies thermoregulate by behavioral means . The desert lo -

cust , for example , which has a marked torpor in the morning , orients itself

perpendicularly to the sun and progressively warms . This basking behavior

increases the rate of heat storage , and as a consequence these locusts

become more active , allowing the maintenance of a body temperature

above environmental temperature .

Other insects ( like bees and large moths ) generate internal heat to regu -

late their body temperature by endothermic mechanisms ( Heinrich

1974 ) . At rest , their temperature is practically equal to that of the envi -

ronment , but since a relatively high thoracic temperature is a prerequisite

for flight , when they approach the period of activity , they begin shivering

or warming up to increase muscle temperature . The muscles of these

insects must be near or above 40 C before they can start a free flight . This

expenditure of energy from muscular activity without external work

( shivering ) leads to the generation of large quantities of heat . In addition ,

these insects are covered with a dense layer of pile that prevents heat loss .

These two mechanisms , increased heat production and prevention of heat



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8 .I

Figure 1.7
. ft . . .
. .-. . . . . . . ~

- ~ . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~..................~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Chapter 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I
~................ I
~~: : : : : : : : : : : : . ~ ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

.. .. .... . .. .. . . I
~.............~ . . .













. .

. ~
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

~. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

..~:::::::::::=.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I
. . .~ .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. I

~ . . . . . . . .

. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. I
~.............I ~ . . .

. . .

. I

Ambient temperature (OC)

1- - - - - I

25 30 35

30 35

bient temperature . (B) Diagrammatic representation of thoracic temperatures of

the bumblebee in flight in relation to ambient temperature. (From Heinrich
(A ) Increase in thoracic temperature during shivering in moths in relation to am -
In the Beginning 13

loss, allow them to increasetheir thoracic temperature by more than 20

to 30 C above ambient temperature. Their capacity to retain this high
thoracic temperature during flight is excellent. In fact, it has been shown
that moths and bumblebeesmay fly with a thoracic temperature of 36 C
at an ambient temperature of 3 C (figure 1.7). It is also of interest that
colonies or clusters of honeybees(of some50 or more individuals ) behave
as a unique organism, regulating temperature of the core of the cluster (in
both winter and summer) at about 34 to 35 C. This activity must be suc-
cessfullycoordinated, becausebeeswill die if they remain 1 or 2 days at a
temperature as low as goC (Folk 1974).
Unfortunately, very little is known about the neurophysiology of ther-
moregulation in insects. There are neurophysiological experiments show-
ing that exteroreceptorsprovide sensoryinput to reflex mechanismsthat
are used to maintain specific high speed, and also that a seriesof reflexes
maintains the flight altitude of the insects; secondarily, thesereflexeskeep
flight musclesworking to maintain them above someminimum tempera-
ture. In locusts and moths it has been shown that contraction of muscles
(and the corresponding heat production ) is produced by changing the
number of motor units recruited and by activating them multiply rather
to achievea stronger muscle contraction (Heinrich 1974).
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

EvolutionandtheControlof Body
Temperatureasa Mechanism for Survival


Through evolution from unicellular organisms to water -land vertebrates ,

animals had to avoid extreme , lethal environmental temperatures to sur-
vive . Presumably , animals acquired , through natural selection , many dif -
ferent advantages to cope with different thermal environmental stresses.
These advantages , useful for the survival of the species, should have been
stored in the brain and passed from generation to generation . Therefore ,
one would expect that studying the brain of living representatives of
primitive animals and of modern species would provide some insight into
how different thermal strategies evolved , and perhaps even into the evo-
lution of homeothermy . Unfortunately , very little is known , even in living
species, about the evolution of the neural substrates involved in the con -
trol of body temperature . Thus , all inferences about the evolution of the
brain in relation to body temperature control will be primarily descriptive
and speculative .
During evolution , two main events regarding temperature can be envis-
aged that could have had important implications for the survival of ani -
mals . The first was the movement of animals from a relatively constant
thermal environment provided by water to wide variations in environ -
mental temperature on land (crossopterygians and tetrapods ). For them
to survive , there must have been changes in the body , as well as in the
brain , to sense temperature fluctuations in this new environment (land )
and to behave accordingly . Therefore , it makes sense to speculate that
during the transition from water to land , important changes must have
occurred in the programming of the brain to control body temperature by
16 Chapter 2

behavioral means. More than that , this dramatic event put tremendous
pressure on these animals to develop different behavioral strategies (im -
plicating brain and body ) to adapt to constantly changing environmental
conditions . For instance , the fins used for swimming were now adapted to
walking on land . Would this not require important changes in the motor
programming of the brain ? And what about changes in brain program -
ming of behavioral temperature regulation ?
The second important event in the evolution of thermoregulation was
the development of homeothermy , which seems to have occurred in prim -
itive nocturnal animals . Under conditions of poor solar radiation , these
animals lost their capacity to gain heat from the environment ; as a conse-
quence, one could envisage them behaving torpidly . Over time , these ani -
mals developed a remarkable capacity to produce significant amounts of
heat internally . These changes must have been produced by changes in the
brain as well as in the body to allow them not only to cope with the new
sensorial situation (absence of light ) but also to have autonomic control
of body temperature . How could this have occurred ?
Before entering into these general considerations , however , in order to
have a better understanding of a phylogeny of thermoregulation , let 's
trace the geochronology and geobiology of vertebrates since they began
to appear, most probably in the middle to late Ordovician period , about
500 million years ago. Today , there are approximately 46 ,000 living
species vertebrates and 1,250 ,000 species of invertebrates . Table 2 .1
shows the biogeological time scale.

The Long Path from Cold -Blooded to Warm -Blooded Animals

Outside the area of physiology , the terms " cold -blooded animals " and
" warm -blooded animals " involve two rather confusing concepts . Do
cold -blooded animals really have cold blood ? And if so, what about the
rest of the body ? The same questions could be posed for warm -blooded
animals . Because these are vague concepts used throughout the literature
of thermoregulation , for the sake of clarity they will be described here be-
fore discussing evolution .
Cold -blooded animals (invertebrates , fish , frogs , and reptiles ) are poor
heat generators . That is, they produce internal heat , but not in quantities
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 17

Table 2 .1
Geologic periods after the time when fossils first becameabundant
time since

of each

period (in
Era millions of
(and duration ) Period years) Epoch Life
Cenozoic ( age Quarter - 2 + Holocene Modern species and sub -

mammals ; nary ( recent ) species : dominance of

about 65 man .

million years ) Pleistocene Modern species of mam -

mals or their forerun -

ners ; decimation of

large mammals ; wide

spread glaciation .

Pliocene Appearance of many

modern genera of mam '

mals .

Miocene Rise of modern sub -

families of mammals ;

spread of grassy plains ;

evolution of grazing

mammals .

Tertiary 65 Oligocene Rise of modern familie :

of mammals .

Eocene Rise of modern orders

and suborders of mam

mals .

Paleocene Dominance of archiac

mammals .

Mesozoic(age Creta - 130 Dominance

of angio
of reptiles; ceous spermplantscommences ;
lastedabout extinction of larger rep-
165million tiles and ammonities
years) by end of period.
Jurassic 180 Reptiles dominant on
land, sea, and in air;
first birds; archaic
18 Chapter

Table 2.1 (continued)

. .
tIme smce
of each
period (in
Era millions of
(and duration ) Period years) Epoch Life
Triassic 230 First dinosaurs, turtles,
ichthyosaurs, plesio-
saurs; cycadsand
conifers dominant .
Paleozoic Permian 280 Radiation of reptiles,
(lasted about which displace amphi-
340 million - biansasdominantgroup:
years) widespread glacition .
Carboni- 350 Fern and seedfern coal
ferous forests; sharks and
crinoids abundant;
radiation of amphib
ians; first reptiles.
Devonian 400 Age of fishes (mostly
fresh water); first trees,
forests and amphibians.
Silurian 450 Invasion of the land by
plants and arthropods;
archaic fishes.
Ordo - 500 Appearance of verte-
ViCian brates (ostracoderms);
brachipods and cepha-
lopods dominant .
Cambrian 570 Appearance of all
major invertebrate
phyla and many classes ;
dominance of trilobites
and brachiopods; di-
versified algae.

From Romer, 1970.

Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 19

sufficient to maintain a constant body temperature. Therefore, their body

temperature fluctuates according to changesin the temperature of their
surroundings (well beyond 2 C; see figure 2.1). To elevate their body
temperature sufficiently to becomeactive, theseanimals depend upon be-
havioral thermoregulation, which results in the accumulation of heat
from the sun (a condition also called heliothermy). These animals are
also called ectotherms , from " ecto " (outside ) and " therm " (tempera -
ture)- regulating body temperature from an external source of heat.
Two synonymous terms used interchangeably with " ectotherms" are
poikilotherms and heterotherms , from the Greek poikilos (variable ) and
heteros (different ). Poikilotherms have often been called conformers, in
contrast to regulators (homeotherms ).
It is generally agreed that the so-called warm -blooded animals (birds
and mammals) maintain a high, constant body temperature that depends
upon their own production of internal heat . A high rate of metabolism is
the source of this internal heat . Warm - blooded animals are also called en -

dotherms , from " endo " and " thermal " (internal and temperature ). This
refers to the fact that heat is produced internally. Becauseof a high meta-
bolic heat production , the thermal state of the endothermic animal is such
that body temperature is maintained almost constant over a wide rangeof
environmental temperatures and despite effective heat-loss mechanisms.
Animals in this category are also called homeotherms , from the Greek
homos (fairly equal) and thermos (temperature), and regulators.
However , as mentioned in chapter 1, some invertebrates developed dif -
ferent strategies to allow them to thermoregulate as if they were en-
dotherms. And there are vertebratesthat thermoregulate like ectotherms.
For instance, a kind of homeothermy and even real endothermy has been
achieved in fish such as the tuna . Also , in reptiles such as dinosaurs , a
kind of homeothermy has been proposed because of their enormous
mass/surface area ratio . This last condition has been called gigan -
tothermy, ectothermic homeothermy, inertial homeothermy, or mass
homeothermy. And mammals (at least primitive mammals), considered
without exception to be homeotherms , have exceptions among them . For
instance , marsupials and monotremes are considered not to have a con -
stant body temperature although they are not hibernators . Some mam -
Chapter 2

snssoI6A4 ~e.l
sn4 ~uA4JO4'.J.!UJO
_ _ 1111-


sniJ.eeln ~e

snln ::>!un ::>

Figure 2 .1
Variations in the range of active body temperature among ectotherms and en-
dotherms. Some ectotherms (reptiles) experience temperatures as high as, or
higher than , those of some endotherms . (Modified from Ostrom 1980 .)
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 21



..-_____L______ -

100 200 300 400

. (OC)

Figure 2 .2
Body temperature as a function of ambient temperature in an active Central
American opossum , Metachirus , during day and night . (Modified from Morrison
and Ryser 1952 . )

mals have dormancy or hibernating periods during which their body tem -
perature decreases markedly in accordance with the temperature in their

surroundings (figure 2 .2 ) .

It looks as if interactions between the physical characteristics of the en -

vironment and anatomical and physiological characteristics of some ani -

mal species are powerful determinants of the capacity of animals to adapt

to changes in environmental temperatures . Among these characteristics ,

apart from temperature itself , are the intensity and duration of solar radi -

ation , wind velocity , relative humidity , size and shape of the animal , qual -
ity and quantity of insulation , and metabolic rate .

These considerations support the view that different selective pressures

led animals to develop different thermal strategies to adapt to particular

thermal niches or climatic spaces . Spotila ( 1980 p . 251 ) stated , " We can

best visualize pathways in the development of homeothermy not as pro -

ceeding sequentially from one evolutionary level to the next , but rather as

divergent courses , in which a common problem has been resolved in dif -

ferent ways . " ( See figure 2 .3 . )

22 Chapter

+ metabolism

----Largesize+ metabolism

------------> DINOSAURS
----------------> INSECTS


-----------------> SMALL

Evolutionarystrategiesemployedby poikilothermicancestorsin their transition
to homeothermicand poikilothermic present -day animalsto increaseand/or
maintainbodytemperature . (Modified from Spotila1980.)

Fish, Frogs, and Crocodiles: An Evolutionary Reconstruction

Figure 2.4 shows the main evolutionary trends leading to modern mam-
mals. Six main stepscould be envisagedin this general trend:
1. Ancestral protochordates gave rise to the Agnathans (ostracoderms),
or fish without jaws. These archaic fish first appeared in the Ordovician
period of the Paleozoic era, around 500 million years ago. There are fos-
sil records of these fish. They also have present-day representatives, the
(cyc/ostomes). Examples include hagfish and lamprey.
2. The Agnatha gave rise to the placoderms, jawed fish. Living represen-
tatives of placoderms are the elasmobranchs(sharks and skates) and the
holosteans(sturgeon, gar) and teleosts(perch).
3. Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes evolved from the placoderms. The
Chondrichthyes are cartilaginous fish. The Osteichthyes are bony fish.
The latter class gave rise to the actinopterygians and sarcopterygians.
Descendedfrom sarcopterygians are the crossopterygians (from which
land animals appear to have descended). Thesehave a living descendent,
the coelacanths (Latimeria ). The dipnoans (lungfish), also descended
from the sarcopterygians, have living descendantsin the tropical regions
of Australia, Africa , and South America.
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 23

Amphioxus t
"....- - - - - - --- - AncestraI *


Schematic diagramillustratingvertebrateevolution. (FromRomer1970.)
24 Chapter

4 . The descendants of the crossopterygians are the primitive amphibians

that appeared at the end of the Devonian period , around 400 million

years ago . Descended from these primitive amphibians are the urodeles

( salamanders ) and anurans ( frogs ) .

5 . From the amphibians the reptiles arose in the middle of the

Carboniferous period , around 350 million years ago .

6 . The primitive reptiles gave rise to the therapsids primitive mammals .

Archosaurs also evolved from the primitive reptiles and gave rise to prim -

itive birds .

Is there any evidence that during the Paleozoic ( 340 million years ago )

and Mesozic ( 165 million years ago ) eras , up to the appearance of primi -

tive mammals , animals developed any thermoregulatory strategies differ -

ent from those existing in their living descendants or living primitive

representatives ? The answer is no . Nonetheless , there are several points

worth considering .

Present - day fish , frogs , and reptiles are cold - blooded animals .

However , that doesn ' t mean they were unable to maintain a body temper -

ature higher than their environment . In general , when the environment

changes rather permanently , this elicits adaptive responses that can be

structural ( long - term adaptations ) or regulatory adjustments ( temporary

adaptations ) . In these animals , long - term adaptations entailed species -

specific genetic adaptations . For instance , certain Antarctic fish inhabit -

ing ice - laden seas swam without freezing in waters that had a temperature

of - 1 . 9 C . This is so because these fish had the capacity for synthesizing a

unique " antifreeze " ( glycoprotein ) ( De Vries and Lin 1977 ) .

Other adaptations may have involved biochemical and / or endocrine

changes , but not structural alterations . For instance , the concentration of

cytochrome C ( a component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain ) in -

creases when green sunfish ( Lepomis cynauellus ) are moved from 2Soc to

Soc . In these fish , cold produces a 40 percent decrease in cytochrome C

synthesis , but a 60 percent decrease in the rate of degradation . The result -

ing increase in cytochrome C , together with other possible changes in the

mitochondria , could account for the rise in heat production through a

higher metabolic rate , and therefore acclimation of these fish to the new ,

cold environment . Thyroxine not only can alter the behavioral response

of fish to temperature changes but also can influence their general level of
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 25

spontaneousactivity, chill resistance, and ability to sensesalinity (seefig-

ure 2 .9) (Stevens 1973 ).
Now , let us look at our primitive ancestors. As shown in figure 2.4, the
first vertebrates, the ostracoderms (Agnatha), appeared around 500 mil -
lion years ago. These animals, most probably living in freshwater, would
have developed behavioral skills to avoid changes in temperature beyond
those to which they were acclimated . In fact , all mobile organisms studied
to date , including unicellular organisms without a central nervous sys-
tem, have the ability to avoid adverseenvironmental temperatures.
One approach to understanding the thermoregulatory capacities of
these ancient fish would be to study the responsesto different thermal
challenges of their living descendants, lamprey and hagfish. Unfortu -
nately, very few investigations have studied thesefish. Crawshaw and col-
leagues (Crawshaw, Moffitt , et al. 1981) attempted to investigate the
thermoregulatory behavior of a lamprey , Lampetra tridentata , but their
attempts met with frustration . They were able , however , to demonstrate
that lamprey prefer waters of about 16 C , the usual temperature of the
rivers they ascend in the spring . They also observed that when they
changed the temperature of the water in which the lamprey were im -
mersed, the breathing rate and heart rate changed much more rapidly
than mean body temperature . These results were the same as those re-
ported by the same authors in carp (cyclostomes). It seemsthat lamprey
react to temperature changesin their environment as any other fish does,
by activating , in reflex fashion , some functions of the vegetative nervous
system (Lemons and Crawshaw 1978 ).
From these observations we conclude that very little can be said about
the thermoregulatory behavior of these fish, apart from the inference of
body and behavioral reactions to avoiding damaging external tempera -
tures . Crawshaw (Crawshaw , Moffitt , et al . 1981 ) concludes that since
the ostracoderms became extinct about 400 million years ago , it is diffi -

cult to assesshow they dealt with varied thermal environments. All verte-
brates alive today, however primitive their structure, have had a long time
to evolve specializedphysiological capabilities. However, if we investigate
many living vertebratesfrom varied classesand inhabiting various envi-
ronments , and we find that they all exhibit certain characteristics , we can
26 Chapter

conclude that ancestral vertebrates had developed those characteristics or

at least embodied the predisposition for such development .
These statements are reinforced by the similarity in anatomical charac -
teristics between the fossil vertebrates of about 500 million years ago -
armored ostracoderms , jawless fish (Agnatha ) and their relatives - and
modern lamprey and hagfish (Romer 1970 ).
The jawless fish (500 millions years ago ) had a brain that could be con -
sidered a model of the vertebrate brain . Figure 2 .5 shows the brain of a
jawless primitive fish (Heterostraci ) and a living jawless fish (lamprey ).
The main anatomical divisions of the brain are already present in jaw -
less fish . Unfortunately , the neuroanatomy of the brain of Agnatha has not
been well studied , and little is known about key areas chiefly responsible
for temperature regulation (the preoptic area and the hypothalamus ). In
recent neurohistological studies performed on the brain of the lamprey , a
preoptic area and a dorsal -ventral division of the hypothalamus have
been recognized .


Olfactory lobe

External nostril
Olfactory capsule Cerebrum
Diencephalon Forebrain Ig t. a enu a
Pineal organ } R. h h bIII I
Ventricle III
MesencePhalon } Midbrain Midbrain
Lateral lobe
, Ventricle IV Hind
tl Medulla oblongata brain Optic lobe
~ Cerebellum (metencePhalOn)}
(myelencephalon) ventricle
Spinal cord Cerebellum
Ventricle IV

Figure 2 .5
(A ) Reconstruction of the brain of an extinct jawless fish (Heterostraci ). (B)
Dorsal view of the brain of a lamprey (Petromyzon ). (A from Jerison 1973 ; B
from Romer 1970 .)
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 27

Bony Fish

Most of the researchon temperature regulation in fish has been done in

bony fish (see evolutionary tree in figure 2 .6). These fish are sensitive to
changesin water temperature of lessthan 1 C. Crawshaw and Hammel
(1971 ) have shown in a series of elegant experiments on Antarctic ice fish
that when these animals are placed in a two -chambered tank with one
chamber at 3 C (the temperature at which they acclimated ) and the other
at SaC, they behave quite characteristically. When placed in the soC
chamber , they escape rapidly to the 3 C chamber . This behavior argues in
favor of a kind of reflex arc in which the input is quickly reflected in the
output , and reinforces the idea of neural reflexes as the basis for tempera -
ture regulation in fish. Also, under sudden changesin external environ-
mental temperature, increases in breathing and heart rates and other
autonomic reactions occur before changes in mean body temperature are
detected . This should not be surprising because many autonomic func -
tions (cardiovascular , respiratory , energetic , ionic , and osmotic responses)
seem to share the same areas of the brain in fish . In fact , Crawshaw and
Hammel (1974) have shown that heating/ cooling the anterior portion of
the brain of fish provokes swimming to cooler /warmer water , respec-
tively .
Nelson and Prosser (1979 ) demonstrated that after destruction of the
anterior part of the brain stem, fish are unable to select a particular tem -


J Collacants

Figure 2 .6
Simplified evolutionary tree of bony fish. (Modified from Romer 1970.)
28 Chapter 2

perature when they are placed in a thermal gradient . Hammel et ale

( 1973 ) have described a simple model in which a " reflex circuitry " lo -

cated in the anterior part of the brain stem of fish could subserve these

functions ( figure 2 .7 ). A basic neuronal wiring of this type located in the

brain stem and subserving reflex activity could have served the survival of

fish for millions or years . Nonetheless , fish have a certain degree of inter -

nal activity to select ambient temperatures depending on changes in their

internal milieu . For example , during winter starvation , certain fish select

temperatures lower than those normally selected . This strategy could in -

clude hormones that interact with the brain . Under these conditions , fish

have a reduced metabolic rate and therefore require less food . An obvious

consequence of this is an increase in survival possibilities .


Land vertebrates seem to have descended from the crossopterygians . In

the Devonian period , 400 million years ago , these ferocious and preda -

ceous fish were the most common bony fish ( figure 2 . 8 ) . They showed

structural features that made them suitable for life on land . They had

lungs ( as did some of their ancestors the placoderms ) and sturdy fins that

could be used as limbs . It is from this order of fish that amphibians

evolved . In the Carboniferous period , 350 million years ago , these fish ,

which included the rhipidistians , started to disappear , and they became

extinct at the end of the Paleozoic era .

There is evidence that in the Devonian period there were dry periods

during which freshwater pools decreased in size , and consequently many

fish became extinct . Under these conditions , the survival of fish with lungs

and strong fins was substantial . Fish with these characteristics could

breathe and move over land from one pool of water to another .

Moreover , the rhipidistians were carnivores , living upon other fish , and in

the drying pools they presumably found a considerable number of fish ,

alive or moribund , that could supply them with food .

From these observations , the conquest of land was really accidental ,

because nothing was on land for a carnivorous fish to eat until insects be -

came widespread in the Carboniferous period . Therefore , these fish must

have lived on other fish for a long time before they evolved into amphib -
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 29

optic tectu m

optiC chiasma

--- ~ /" Afferents C

cutaneouscold receptors
cu1aneouswarm receptors
leave or preparefor warm environment
leave or preparefor cold environment

(A) Schematicdiagramof the fish brain. (B) Anterior portion of the brainstem
. (C) Simplifiedneuronalnetworkillustratinga negativefeedbackloop.
Stimulationof cutaneouswarm or cold receptorsactivatesa behavioralresponse
to counter the deviation in environmentaltemperature . (Modified from
Crawshawet al. 1981.)

-~ , ~
\,~ \,'A.
~ -
Chapter 2

."-,4 -
;\ ~
\ ",
:".,I-.,~ ~
"1 .
<~ "
. ,
~ .
~ , .
;4 .
Examples of crossopterygians
. (A) Devonian
form. (B) Livingcoelacanth
). (Taken

ians. What occurred within the body and brain of crossopterygiansdur-

ing the period of their invasion of land that lasted 20 or 30 million years,
with regard to the control of body temperature?
As we have seenin preceding sectionsof this chapter, water-breathing
fish had a body temperature closeto the temperature of the water they in-
habited. However, a dramatic change occurred when they invaded land,
becausethe loss and gain of heat increasedmarkedly. On land, animals
were much more dependent upon changesin ambient temperature. We
speculatethat gradual changesoccurred in the brain and skin of thesean-
imals (inherited by their descendants, amphibians and reptiles) that al-
lowed them to sense the in_!ensity of solar radiation and to develop
behavioral skills to move in and out of the sun. Parallel to that is the im-
portance for these primitive land invaders to avoid dehydration, which
probably had greater consequencesthan changesin environmental tem-
These last speculations, however, cannot be substantiated by any spe-
cial findings in the fossil records or in the living descendantsof thesefish,
the " living fossil" Latimeria . Romer (1937) described the endocranial
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 31

cavity of a rhipidistian of about 300 million yearsago and concluded that

this fish (Ectosteorhachis nitidus) had no special adaptations in its brain
different from the general pattern found in the lower vertebrates as a
group. In fact, not until the emergenceof birds and mammals did the
brains show a tendency toward the enlargement of superficially visible
structures (Jerison 1973).
Latimeria seemsto have a generalizedtype of " early vertebrate brain"
like that of E. nitidus. However, its internal anatomy saysvery little about
their ancestralpredecessors , Jerison (1973).
In the living descendantof crossopterygians, lungfish, the preoptic area
and hypothalamus are present. However, detailed histological studies
have not beenperformed in this classof fish. Most descriptions of this fish
are basedon extrapolations made from frogs and salamanders.
In conclusion, it looks as if the crossopterygians, from which the land
vertebratesevolved, had brains that followed a generalizedand primitive
vertebrate pattern described by Jerison (1973). This is in contrast to the
brain of the actinopterygians, at presentthe most successfulfish in which
special adaptations of the brain occurred.

Frogs and Crocodiles

As Romer (1970 p. 60) pointed out, " Greatest, perhaps, of all ventures
made by the vertebratesduring their long history was the developmentof
tetrapods in the invasion of the land" (figure 2.9). The derivation of four-
leggedwalking animals from fish resulted in structural changesin every
anatomical and physiological systemof the body. In contrast, the brain of
both amphibians and reptiles did not changein any meaningful way from
the generalizedand primitive vertebrate pattern of their predecessors , the
crossopterygians. In fact, present studies of frogs, crocodiles, and turtles
suggestthat they have undergonevery small changeswith respectto their
predecessorsin the Triassic period (Jerison 1973).
Myhre and Hammmel (1969) stressedthat in reptiles, as in fish and
frogs, the anterior brain stem plays an important role in temperature reg-
ulation . Frogs and reptiles, like fish, are poikilothermic . Their internal
temperature fluctuates several degreescentigrade daily and from season
to season. They do not produce enough internal heat, nor do they have ef-
32 Chapter 2

To mammals
Rulingreptiles Advanced mammal -like reptiles

) t
Primitive mammal -like reptiles


Primitive reptiles Anurans (frogs )

~""""" "" """"" 2' - <: Urod

ders) amphibians

(laberinthodonts )

Ancestral c rossopteryrians

Figure 2 .9

Family trees of amphibians and reptiles from the ancestral crossopterygians .

( Modified from Romer 1970 .)

fective insulation . However , through behavior ( alternately basking and

seeking shade ) , they can control and maintain body temperature above

that of their surroundings ( Greenberg 1980 ) . Therefore , the activity of

these animals is tightly coupled to energy obtained from the sun .

Strategies adapted by different species to solve the problem of maintain -

ing a certain constancy of body temperature range from behavioral ad -

justments ( the most important ) to rudimentary vegetative responses ( in

extreme situations ) such as panting ( turtles and lizards ) or shivering

( pythons ) . Leatherback turtles are an extreme case of successful adapta -

tion to the cold by a reptile . These turtles can maintain a constant body

temperature above 25 C at water temperatures below 7 C . Paladino and

Spotila ( 1994 p . 261 ) explain that " This dramatic ability to maintain

warm temperatures in cold , highly conductive water , that would quickly

cause hypothermia and kill most of the endotherms , is made possible by a

mechanism we describe as gigantotherrny which is the ability to maintain

constant warm body temperatures with low energy consumption , control

of peripheral circulation , and extensive insulation due to large body size ."
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 33

In summary, during the evolution of lower vertebrates, behavioral ther-

moregulation seemsto have been chosen by nature as the primary strat-
egy to cope with changes in environmental temperature. However, as
observed in lizards and turtles , some rudiments of autonomic thermal re -
sponses to extreme environmental temperatures also were coded in the
brain of these lower vertebrates .

Dinosaurs : A Special Story in Thermoregulation

Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Compared
with the existence of other species, including humans (with only about 2
million years), they were a extremely successfulexperiment of nature.
Unfortunately , because dinosaurs have been extinct for more than 65 mil -
lion years, there is no way of determining the real lifestyle or physiology
of these large reptiles . Regarding temperature regulation , only through
inferences obtained from fossilized bones, the anatomy of complete skele-
tons , reconstructions of the brain , and comparative studies with present
living reptiles can we obtain any clues about the many fascinating aspects
of these creatures .

The first obvious impression one receives about the physiology of di -

nosaurs is that they cannot be treated as if they were just " reptiles" or a
single group of homogeneousanimals (although all of them belong to the
classReptilia ). From studiesof more than 2,000 complete fossilized skele-
tons (Sheehan 1994 ), dinosaurs have been classified in more than 27 fam -
ilies with different anatomies , bone histology , postures , and gaits , and
supposedly different hemodynamics, activity levels, feeding habits, and
presumed predator-prey relationships (Ostrom 1980). Therefore, possi-
bilities for dinosaurs having developed different physiological strategies
for solving the problem of temperature regulation during a period as long
as 165 million years (the Mesozoic era) are not lacking. Knowing how di-
nosaurs regulated body temperature may help us understand how they
lived and behaved , and also provide insight into their diversification , and
even their extinction .
Since the mid - 1970s , a considerable literature has accumulated that

provides different indirect arguments for and against dinosaurs being ec-
tothermic or endothermic (Thomas and Olson 1980). Although most of
34 Chapter

the literature supports the idea that dinosaurs were ectothermic, Robert
Bakker (1986) pioneered the idea that dinosaurs, in particular the large
Cretaceousdinosaurs, were endotherms. Paladino and Spotila (1994, pp.
263- 264) summarized the factors supporting endothermy as follows :
1. Fossil evidence indicates that late Cretaceous dinosaurs lived in the
polar more seasonal areas where there might have even been snow.
Dinosaurs had to be endothermsto accomplish this;
2. Oxygen 18 isotope analysis for the bones of dinosaurs indicates they
maintained high, constant body temperatures even in their extremities,
like modern birds;
3. Dinosaurs had complex social behaviors such as herding, communal
nesting, and long distance migrations which required them to be en-
4. Dinosaurs appear to have richly vascularized, dense haversian bone
with growth plates similar to those of birds;
5. Birds evolved from small bipedal dinosaurs that diverged from the di-
nosaurian lineage more than 90 million years ago; thus all dinosaurs (a
monophyletic group) must also have been endotherms since they are the
direct precursors of birds;
6. Sincedinosaurs were very active, they neededan increasedaerobic ca-
pacity that necessitatedthe development of endothermy [the increased
aerobic capacity hypothesis for the evolution of endothermy].
The truth probably lies somewhere between endothermy and ec-
tothermy. Researchin living speciesstrongly supports the possibility of
dinosaurs having beenectothermic homeotherms, a condition also called
gigantothermy. This condition is reached by animals that gain most of
their body heat from the environment (ectotherms) but, becauseof their
mass/surface area ratio , maintain a constant high body temperature
(homeotherms) (Spotila 1980). This possibilit)Thas received strong theo-
retical and experimental support from comparative studieson large living
reptiles (Paladino and Spotila 1994).
To complicate matters, Barrick (1994) suggeststhat large dinosaurs
were (1) endotherms throughout their life; (2) endotherms as juveniles
and masshomeotherms as adults; or (3) ectotherms as juveniles and mass
homeotherms as adults. Added to this is the recent suggestion, basedon
isotope composition of bone, that becausedinosaurs were relatively fast-
paced, grew rapidly, and probably had a high metabolism, most of them
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 35

were endotherms. In objectively evaluating the evidence above,

McGowan (1991, pp. 162- 163) draws the following conclusions:
1. Most dinosaurs, becauseof their large size, could not have avoided
maintaining a fairly constant body temperature, a strategy described as
inertial homeothermy. It may safely be assumedthat hadrosaur-sized di-
nosaurs, and larger ones, were inertial homeotherms.
2. The body temperature of the inertial homeotherms may have beenrel-
atively high, comparable to those of modern birds and mammals. Daily
fluctuations may have beenonly a degreeor two , but seasonalvariations
may have beengreater.
3. The metabolic rate of an inertial homeotherm may have been a little
higher than that of a modern reptile of similar weight, but it would prob-
ably have been more typical of modern reptiles than of birds and mam-
4. Erect posture would have given dinosaurs a more efficient respiratory
system than that of modern lizards. Together with other modifications,
including a four-chamberedheart, improved respiration would probably
have given them a fairly wide aerobic scope, permitting them higher levels
of aerobic exercisethan modern reptiles are able to attain.
5. The sauropods, becauseof the relatively small surface-area-to-volume
ratio imposed by their immense size, may have had problems shedding
excessbody heat. This would almost certainly have prevented them from
having had a high (avian or mammalian) level of metabolism.
6. The smallest theropods, like Compsognathus and Dromaeosaurus,
were too small to have been inertial homeotherms. They possessskeletal
adaptations that indicated high levels of activity and it is possible that
some of them may have been endothermic. Possessionof feathers in the
closely related earliest bird , Archaeopteryx, is persuasiveevidencefor en-
What about the brains of dinosaurs? In what way do brain estimations
obtained from fossils help to provide insights into thermoregulation of
the dinosaurs? Paleoneurological studies have provided the reconstruc-
tion of endocranial casts from brain casesfound in fossilized dinosaurs.
Unfortunately, endocastscannot provide a clear picture of the morphol -
ogy of the brain beyond the masks left in the brain cases. Nonetheless,
generalfeaturesof a dinosaur brain are similar to those of the typical rep-
tilian brain. Moreover, as shown in figure 2.10, the dinosaur brain is con-
sistent with the brain/ body size relation of living reptiles.
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 37

Quantitativebrain and bodyrelationsin ten dinosaurs
Body volume Endocast volume Expected brain
Genus (metric tons) (ml ) volume (ml )

1 . Allosaurus 2 .3 335 120

2 . Anatosaurus 3 .4 300 160

3 . Brachiosaurus 87 .0 309 * 1400

4 . Camptosaurus 0.4 46 38
5. Diplodocus 11.7 100 360
6. Iguanodon 5.0 250 200
7. Protoceratops 0 .2 30 24
8. Stegosaurus 2 .0 56 * 110
9 . Triceratops 9 .4 140 310
10 . Tyrannosaurus 7 .7 404 270

)1- Reported direct measurement.

Modified from Jerison 1973 .

tient (EQ ). This is the ratio of actual brain weight to expected brain
weight . The expected brain weight is an " average " for living species that
takes into account body weight. Consider the following example from
Jerison. A squirrel monkey with a body weight of 1000 grams has a brain
weight of 24 grams . What is its expected brain weight ?

E (expected brain weight ) = kep (body weight )2/3

E = 0.12 e 10002/3 = 12.
In this example , the value of k , as an average for primates , is not 0.007
(used for reptiles ) but 0.12. The encephalization quotient (EQ ) for the
brain of the squirrel monkey is

EQ = E (actual brain weight) / E (expectedbrain weight)

EQ = 24/ 12 = 2 .
Therefore , the brain of the squirrel monkey is double the brain size of
an average living mammal of the same body weight . What about the
human brain ? The EQ for humans with a brain of E = 1350 grams and a
body weight P = 70 ,000 grams would be
38 Chapter 2

EQ = 1350/0.12 . 70,0002/3 = 6.5.

Thus , the brain of man is six and a half times larger than the average
brain for a typical mammal of the samebody weight. Humans also have
the highest relative brain size of all living vertebrates.
If we return to the brain of the dinosaurs , EQ for Tyrannosaurus is

E (actual brain weight ) = 530 /2 = 265 grams

E (expected brain weight) = 0.007 . 7,700,000 2/3 = 273 grams

EQ = 265 /273 = 0.9.

In another example , the expected brain weight for the Diplodocus

would be

EQ = 50/0.007 . 11,700 ,000 2/ 3 = 0.1.

These calculations indicate that the Diplodocus brain (herbivore) was

about ten times smaller than the averagereptilian brain, whereasthat of
Tyrannosaurus (carnivore ) was approximately equal to the average brain
of a reptile of similar weight. Theseobservations suggestthat the herbiv-
orous dinosaurs had smaller brains than carnivorous dinosaurs . The av -

erage encaphalization quotient for the ten dinosaurs listed in table 2 .2 is

0.56 , which is half the expected brain size of reptiles with a mean body
weight of 13 metric tons .
But what does this say about the thermoregulatory behavior of these
creatures ? Certainly very little by itself , but together with other evidence
provided by studies on current living reptiles , it supports the idea that di -
nosaurs, at least the big ones, were ectothermic, most probably ectother-
mic homeotherms .

In summary , from the vast number of observations that have been

made on dinosaurs , it seems that their pattern of behavior was similar in
significant ways to those of living animals at a comparable level of brain
and skeletal evolution . This assumption is supported by research per -
formed on large living reptiles . In fact , studies on alligators and large tur -
tles have shown that these animals are in fact ectothermic , although they
can have warm blood becauseof their enormous size (Spotila 1980).
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 41

These anatomical and physiological improvements supposedly made

the therapsids better suited for higher oxygen uptake than their predeces-
sors. They had a sprawled-limb pose to support their presumedprogres-
sive increasein oxidative-type skeletal muscle. Moreover, their postural
muscles gave them greater muscle tension at rest than amphibians and
reptiles. As statedby Heath (1968p. 268), "As a resultof a shift in pos-
ture, then, mammal-like reptilesprobablyacquiredaccidentallya system
to provideheatevenat rest." Thesecharacteristics wereprerequisites for
animalsto developendothermy .
We know today that muscletensionin mammalsprovidesabout 30
percentof the heatproductionunderbasalconditions(Jansky1962) and
that, comparedwith extinctreptiles, living mammalshaveincreasedpul-
monaryandcardiovascular functionandbloodoxygen-carryingcapacity,
elevatedtissuevascularization , and high levelsof myoglobinand oxygen
extractionrates(Withers 1992). Sincevery earlyreptilian evolution, and
for millions of years, the mammal-like reptiles(therapsids ) from which
true mammalsevolved(figure2.13) lived with their contemporaries , the
dinosaurs.By the lateTriassicperiod(the eraof the dinosaurs), mammal-
like reptileswere not ableto competewith largereptiles, and therefore
their survivalbecameproblematic.
The smalltherapsids , the true predecessors of mammals , survivedbe-
causethey invadednew nichesaway from thoseof the reptiles. Jerison
(1973) suggested that thesenewadaptivezoneswerenocturnalandthose
conditionswould haveexerteda strongselectionpressurefor developing
mechanisms to control temperaturein the absence of sunlight.
Theseearly mammalswere an order of magnitudesmallerthan their
precursors , the advancedmammal-like reptiles (30- 40 g body weight)
(Cromptonet al. 1978). The largestoneswereprobablyno morethan 60
cm long and weighedabout 5 kg. In fact, Romer (1970) suggeststhey
were similar to rats and mice, occupyingnicheslike thoseoccupiedby
theserodentstoday (figure2.14).
Paleontologistshave speculatedthat primitive mammalsand their
mammal-like reptilian ancestorsmaintaineda constantbody tempera-
ture. In fact, endothermywasalwaysconsideredan essentialphysiologi-
cal function for animalsto survivein nocturnalnicheswhereheatfrom
the sunwasabsent.
42 Chapter


..-.~ .
w. . ~ ' .

' . -

. . I. . . .~ .
" . . ~ . . .

. ,
. . .
. .


Figure 2 .14
Reconstruction of an early mammal (Megazostrodon rudmerae ) from the late
Triassic period , about 200 million years ago . (Taken from Crompton et ale
1978 .)

Crompton and colleagues ( 1978 ), based on fossil records and compar -

ison of energetics of insectivores , monotremes , and marsupials , have pro -

posed that homeothermy in primitive mammals was acquired in two

steps . First came the acquisition of a constant body temperature that was
10 C lower than 37 C . Two families of insectivores , the Tenrecidae and

Erinaceidae , that live in nocturnal niches and appear to have lived there

since primitive times , have a mean resting body temperature of about

29 .5 C (range of 28 . 5 - 30 .5 C ) at ambient temperatures between 21

and 24 C (Crompton et ale 1978 ) . Also , the energetics ( basal metabolic

rates ) of these insectivores seem to be reptile - like , being less than 1 / 3 of

that predicted for a mammal ( Crompton et ale 1978 ) . In contrast ,

monotremes and marsupials , who had diurnal ancestors , had a basal

metabolic rate similar to those of present - day mammals . Crompton et ale

( 1978 p . 334 ) suggest that " a low body temperature coupled with a low
metabolic rate restricted the first mammals to their nocturnal niches en -

abling them to survive on much less energy . " The second step would have
been the acquisition of a higher metabolic rate by some of these nocturnal
mammals .
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 43

The hypothesis proposed by Crompton and colleagues(1978), based

on physiological researchperformed on extant mammals, seemsplausi-
ble. However, physiology provides no direct evidencefor the real origin of
endothermy, which occurred almost 200 million years ago. In a review on
the evolution of endothermy in mammals and birds, Ruben (1995 pp.
82- 83 ) stated :

Virtually all previous interpretations of the metabolical status of extinct taxa have
centered on speculative and/or circumstantial evidence, including predator-prey
ratios, fossilized trackways, fossil bone oxygen isotope ratios and paleoclimato-
logical inferences, or on correlations with mammalian or avian morphology, such
as posture , relative brain size, and bone histology . These arguments are equivocal
at best. Furthermore, the majority of the morphological arguments used previ-
ously, including specially bone histology data, are basedpredominantly on appar-
ent similarities to the mammalian or avian condition , without a clear functional
correlation to distinctly endothermic process. . . . this situation has changedwith
the discovery that the nasal respiratory turbinate bonesin mammals and possibly
birds, are tightly and causall}"' linked to high ventilation rates and endothermy in
these taxa .

That mammals and birds, but not reptiles, have special anatomical
arrangements in their nasal cavities (turbinates ) can be traced in fossil
records. This is a fascinating story. From theserecords, physiological in-
ferencesfor endothermy have beenmade. The turbinates are highly com-
plex structures located in the nasal cavities that provide a countercurrent
exchange mechanism to preserve heat and water . Thus , during inspira -
tion , cool external air enters the respiratory tract and takes up heat and
moisture from the turbinate linings . During expiration , this process is re-
versed and warm air is cooled as it passes over the turbinates . In this way

water and heat are preserved in the organism . These turbinates are pre -
sent in the nasal cavities of almost all mammals and birds , but are com -
pletely absent in all extinct reptiles (including dinosaurs ) (figure 2 .15).
Therefore , it seems that turbinates evolved in parallel with the evolution
of mammalian and bird endothermy. Of enormous interest are the studies
on cranial fossils which showed that the bony structures to which
turbinates attach were present in some therapsids and early mammals .
This suggests that some advanced mammal -like reptiles already had high
ventilation rates, high metabolic rates, and , supposedly , endothermy - a
hypothesis advanced by Van Valen (1960 ) but not shared by Heath
44 Chapter 2


Turbinatesin mammals(A), birds (B), andreptiles(C).

(1967), and inconsistent with the findings obtained from the brains of
But what has the brain to do with this ? When trying to explain the
achievement of endothermy by primitive mammals, only body changes
such as muscle activity , circulatory improvement , metabolic activity ,
and changesin the surface of the body to diminish heat loss (including
the development of hair or fur in the skin) have been considered.
However, for mammals to have achieved a constant body temperature,
a balance between heat production and heat loss had to be maintained
and controlled by the brain , a capacity that has not been achieved in ec-
tothermic animals (fish, amphibians, and reptiles). What do we know
r.bout the brain of therapsids and primitive mammals compared with
the brain of their ancestors, the reptiles? Is there a significant anatomi-
cal difference in brain morphology that could justify the appearanceof
endothermy? If so, what in the brain changed to allow small mammals
to becomeendothermic?
Heath (1968) believesthat the changein limb position in therapsidsled
not only to the development of endothermy but also to fundamental
changestoward reorganization of the brain, in both the motor and the so-
matosensory areas. In therapsids, changesin the cerebellum have clearly
been observed that fit well with better motor coordination and finer
motor control in theseanimals. The fact that the somatotopy of the pyra-
midal system in the cerebral cortex is found in marsupials, monotremes,
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 45

and placentals also suggests a common ancestor, the therapsids (Lende

1964 ). Moreover , we now know that a classical neurochemical path -
way - the nigrostriatal pathway , which is involved in motor behavior -
plays a role in thermoregulation . Was this pathway involved in the
maintenance of motor control , as well as in the control of behavioral
thermoregulation , in these reptiles ? It is not too speculative to suppose
that the most fit animals , transferred these capacities from generation to
generation . Moreover , a change in the somatosensory capacities of thera -
psids fits well with the shift in posture that occurred in these animals , be-
cause they were in a position to access more information from the
enVIronment .
Despite all of these considerations , however , available evidence from
studies of endocasts in therapsids shows that they do not have mam -
malian -like features in their brains , and that their brains look reptilian in
both size and shape. Only from the most primitive mammals is there evi-
dence that they had brains four or five times bigger than those of reptiles
of comparable body size. In fact , Mesozoic mammals already had larger
brains compared with their very early primitive ancestors , the reptiles and
the most immediate mammal -like reptiles , the therapsids . The major fea-
tures of the endocasts from a therapsid , the mammal -like reptile
Nythrosaurus , shows that the cerebral hemispheres are long and narrow .
In a more primitive mammal , the triconodon , the cerebral hemispheres
are expanded laterally and dorsally (Jerison 1973 ). Jerison (1973 ) shows
that the fossil data from triconodon , and others , fall into the polygon for
living mammals . Taken together , these data suggest that the brain of ther -
apsids remained reptilian and thus support the view of Heath (1968 ) that
the central integration of thermal information in therapsids remains rep -
tilian .
These observations suggest that endothermy appeared at a time when
the brain reached a certain size. But what does endothermy have to do
with the enlargement of the brain ? Was the achievement of endothermy a
powerful determinant for the enlargement of the brain experienced by the
early mammals ? Or was it just the contrary ? This is an unsolved problem
of primary importance that has not been appreciated .
The only thing that can be said is that the brain of early mammals was
larger than the brain of their predecessors, the reptiles . From the analysis
46 Chapter 2

of brain cases, very little can be discernedabout the internal configuration

of the brain in terms of areas, nuclei, and their connections that could re-
veal the essentialchangesin the brain of a mammal compared with a rep-
tile for controlling brain temperature.
One approach to elucidating this problem would be to compare the in-
ternal histological structures of the hypothalamus and limbic system of
living reptiles with those of living mammals. Any significant difference
could be relevant for understanding the neural basis of temperature con-
trol in living animals and retrospectively shedsomelight on the evolution
of theseparts of the brain in relation to the appearanceof endothermy. In
any case, it is almost certain that the adaptations of the small reptile-like
mammals to life at night would have placed extraordinary demandsnot
only on their temperature-regulating capacities but also on their sensory
systems(Jerison 1973). This would have important implications for the
evolution of their brains. Speculationsabout sensoryadaptations in noc-
turnal niches, such as hearing and smell, with regard to enlargement of
the brain in early mammals have beenoffered by Jerison (1973).
After the extinction of big reptiles at the end of the Cretaceousperiod,
mammals equipped with new, powerful capacitiesfor processingsensory
information ; more efficient locomotor, cardiovascular, and respiratory
systems; a high metabolic rate; and fur to minimize the absorption of
solar radiation and nightly loss of body heat (Hammel 1976) started the
long journey to many different diurnal ecological niches.

The WarmFlight to the Air

Thermoregulation in birds is yet another story, although in some aspects

it is very similar to that of mammals. Like mammals, birds are homeo-
thermic endotherms and evolved from reptiles. However, birds evolved
from a different stock of reptiles around 30 million years after the ap-
pearanceof the most primitive mammals. Jerison (1973) suggestedthat
the niche of the earliest birds was often deprived of much of the sun's
warmth . Like the appearanceof fur in mammals, the evolution of feathers
(insulation ) seemsto have preceded the evolution toward endothermy
(Cowles 1946). Furthermore, as occurred in mammals (upright posture
and exercise) " incidental" behavior in birds (flight ) and excessproduc-
Evolution and the Control of Body Temperature 47

tion of heat could have been at the origin of endothermy. If theseconsid-

erations are correct, similar selectionpressures(deprivation of heat from
the sun) and mechanismsfor heat production (exercise) for mammals and
birds led to the development of a similar thermal strategy: endothermy.
As with mammals, the appearanceof endothermy in birds was corre-
lated with the appearance of an increase in brain size compared with that
of reptiles having the samebody size (Jerison 1973). The brain of primi -
tive and living birds is enlarged relative to that of reptiles. Therefore, it
looks as if increasedbrain sizeand endothermy may have evolved in par-
allel fashion among birds and mammals .
An intriguing feature and major difference between thermoregulation
in birds and mammals is the central nervous systemarea responsible for
driving autonomic and behavioral responses. In mammals, the hypothal-
amus and its related limbic structures are the major areas integrating be-
havioral and autonomic responses for thermoregulation. In birds,
autonomic responses seem to be driven by the spinal cord , whereas be-
havioral responsesare driven by the hypothalamus (Rautenberg et ale
1972 ; Schmidt 1978 ). For example , heating the hypothalamus of the pi -
geon fails to evoke a strong autonomic response , but elicits a marked be -

havioral response . In birds with a naked head and neck , brain

temperature can fall 1 C in the cold but rise 2 C during exposure to in-
tense radiant heat (Crawshaw et ale 1990 ).
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

The Mechanicsof Our Environmental
Independence: Building Circuits and
Chemicalsin the Brain

Integrating Neural Mechanisms for Thermoregulation

Although fish , frogs , and reptiles do not have a high metabolic rate and
require solar radiation to raise body temperature , they do thermoregu -
late . Like mammals , these lower vertebrates possess a spinal cord , brain
stem, and hypothalamus . When these areas of the brain are stimulated or
destroyed , disturbances in the capacity of these animals to thermoregu -
late occurs , thus indicating that these structures do participate in the con -
trol of body temperature . However , these animals are unable to maintain
the fine control of core temperature observed in mammals .
In the preceding chapter , we noted that the brain of mammals is signif -
icantly larger in relation to body weight , compared with brain size of
their predecessors, the lower vertebrates . Is the achievement of homeo -
thermy in mammals linked in some way to brain size? From lesion stud -
ies, we know that the mammalian hypothalamus is the primary area
within the central nervous system (CNS ) controlling body temperature .
Is there a significant change in the structure of the hypothalamus of mam -
mals , compared with lower vertebrates , to explain the narrow range
within which mammalian body temperature is maintained ? Is the hypo -
thalamus in mammals the sole structure controlling body temperature ?
What do we know of the chemical substances, neurotransmitters and
neuromodulators , within thermoregulatory pathways of the mammalian
brain that control body temperature ?
Until the mid - 1960s , the hypothalamus was considered by most inves-
tigators in the field to be the only structure able to detect core body tem -
50 Chapter

perature. This concept was abandoned when Simon and his colleagues
(see Simon et al . 1986 for review ) demonstrated that the spinal cord is ca-
pable of eliciting all of the thermoregulatory responsesevoked by the hy-
pothalamus. Subsequent studies provided evidence for other areas of
control , and Satinoff (1978 ) suggested that the control of body tempera -
ture by the CNS in higher mammals was acquired , during evolution ,
through the developmentof different hierarchically arranged parallel sys-
tems . Rather than a single integrator with multiple inputs and outputs ,
the proposed model includes integrators for all thermoregulatory re-
sponses at several levels of neural control that can facilitate or inhibit
upper and lower levels of control . In fact , considerable evidence points to
the involvement of many areas of the CNS in the control of body temper -
ature (Hardy 1961; Zeisberger 1987). If this theory is correct, it would
imply that a sudden jump from poikilothermic to endothermic animals
did not occur , in the sense that endotherms acquired a unique set-point
absent in poikilotherms . It suggests, instead , that throughout evolution ,
all living systems had inputs , thermostats , and outputs , however simple ,
and that nature developedmore and more sophisticatedsystemssuperim-
posedon those already developed. Theseideasfollow the Jacksoniancon-
cept of evolution that nature superimposes new neural structures on
preexisting systems rather than replacing them . The added structure
would control the existing structure. In mammals, the hypothalamus usu-
ally controls the activity of thermoregulatory effector mechanismsalong
the neuraxis . This latter arrangement , reached in primitive mammals and
birds, was probably so efficient that it was retained without modification
for about 150 million years .
An example of this process would be the following senario . A high in -
ternal heat production was proposed by Heath (1968 ) as a by -product of
primitive reptiles changing posture from a sprawling position to standing
erect . However , as the capacity to produce internal heat improved , it
probably became a thermal stressover time, and required the develop-
ment of internal thermodetectors and a mechanism of heat loss . Because

primitive mammalian ancestorsalready possesseda very effective vaso-

motor system and breathing apparatus , thermosensors only needed to
gain control over these existing systems to provide adequate heat transfer
and heat loss via panting .
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 51

Experimental evidence has shown that mammals have many ther-

moregulatory systems, including the spinal cord, midbrain , hypothala-
mus, and other structures in the limbic system(Chamberset ale1974; Liu
1979)(see also chapter 4). At all levels, a set-point range exists that is
widest in the spinal cord and becomesmore narrow in the hypothalamus.
Thus, the hypothalamus exerts the highest level of control . Figure 3.1
shows the width of the range of regulation in spinal, decerebrate, hypo-
thalamic, and normal intact mammals. Bligh (1966) proposed that
homeothermshave a " fine-tuned" temperature control as well as " broad-
band" control . Both are located in the hypothalamus, but ectotherms
have only broadband control . He further suggeststhat the fine-tuned con-
trol may have evolved independently in different mammalian orders with -
. .
out a common origIn.

Ontogenyand Phylogenyof Thermoregulation

If the concept of multiple integrated thermoregulatory systemsis correct

and if Haeckel's hypothesisthat ontogeny replicatesphylogeny is correct,
then the idea of a sharp, clear-cut distinction betweenectothermic and en-
dothermic animals should be abandoned. Thus, what evolved were ani-
mals that adapted different thermoregulatory strategiesalong with more
and more sophisticatedneural control systems. This was accomplishedby
different bodily transformations. This transition was characterized in
phylogeny by poor regulation (wide range of body temperature; fish, am-
phibians, reptiles) and more fine regulation (narrower range of body tem-
peratures; birds and mammals). Examples of how ontogeny simulates
phylogeny in thermoregulation is found in the maturation of the CNS in
infants and during the acquisition of adult temperature regulation (see
chapter 4). Also, functional disruption of the hierarchical integration
among temperature controllers along the neuraxis is produced in adult
mammals during sleep (see chapter 4). Figure 3.2 compares the range
over which temperature is regulated after placing lesions at different lev-
els of the neuraxis in a mammal (A ) with the range of temperature at
which different speciesthermoregulate (B).
As mentioned in the precedingparagraphs, all vertebrates, from fish to
mammals, have thermoregulatory systems located in the spinal cord,
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54 Chapter 3

brain stem, and hypothalamus, but only birds and mammals are
homeotherms. Since the mammalian hypothalamus exhibits large
anatomical differences from the hypothalamus of all other vertebrates,
and since the hypothalamus is the seat of higher and finer temperature
control , would comparative cytoarchitectural studies of the hypothala-
mus provide insight into the developmentof homeothermy?

The Hypothalamusof the Mammal

Before analyzing the gross differential morphological characteristics of

the hypothalamus through evolution, let's review the structure of the
mammalian hypothalamus. Many studies have described the nuclei and
boundaries of the hypothalamus in the mammal, both in the adult and in
various embryological stages(Haymaker et ale 1969). A detailed descrip-
tion and discussion of the morphological and embryological criteria on
the basis of which the different regions and subdivisions of the mam-
malian hypothalamus have been established can be found in Christ
For the purpose of this discussion, the hypothalamus of the mammal
can be divided into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area, the tubero-
infundibular or middle hypothalamus, and the more caudal part or poste-
rior hypothalamus. All three regions can be further subdivided into
medial, lateral, dorsal, and ventral parts. In humans, the following main
nuclei can be identified (Mora and Sanguinetti 1994)(figure 3.3):
Anterior Hypothalamus
1. Paraventricular (dorsal) nucleus and supraoptic (ventral) nucleus
2. Medial preoptic nucleus (dorsal)
3. Anterior hypothalamic nucleus (ventral)
4. Lateral preoptic nucleus (ventral)

regulation in mammals. (Redrawn from figure 3.1.) (B) shows the transition
from poikilothermic to endothermic animals and the corresponding narrowing
of the range of temperature regulation. This could be interpreted as a gross indi -
cation of the phylogenetic development of temperature regulation during evolu-
tion . (Redrawn from figure 2.1.)
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 55
56 Chapter 3

Middle Hypothalamus (Tubero - Infundibular )

1. Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (peri ventricular )
2 . Lateral hypothalamic nucleus (dorsal )
3. Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (peri ventricular )
4 . Tuber nuclei (ventral )

Posterior Hypothalamus
1. Posterior hypothalamic nucleus (dorsal)
2. Mammillary nuclei: ventral, intercalary, and lateral (ventral)
For comparative gross anatomical purposes , this brief account of the
main nuclei of the hypothalamus is sufficient as a reference . In fact , only
the three main parts of the hypothalamus will be comparatively analyzed
through evolution . Moreover , despite the fact that the hypothalamus is an
area of the brain that integrates the function of many brain areas (brain
stem, limbic system) and information from peripheral and central ther -
moreceptors, as well as vegetativeinput , neuropharmacologistsand neu-
rochemists often speak in such vague terms as " anterior hypothalamus "
and " posterior hypothalamus ."

The Hypothalamus Through Evolution : From Fish to Mammal

It should be said at the outset that no comparative studies exist to allow

us, even in the simplest terms, to trace a homology among the different
nuclei in the hypothalamus of different classes of animals . The concept of
homology is still controversial when referring to the same nuclei in differ -
ent animals during the processof trying to draw phylogenetic conclusions
(Christ 1969 ). Nonetheless , some general conclusions and speculations
have been made (Crosby and Woodburne 1940 ; Crosby and Showers
1969 ; Clark 1979 ) (figure 3.4 ).
Early in phylogeny , the hypothalamus was an arrangement of central
gray surrounded by a periphery of scattered cells and fibers . This central
gray matter in cyclostomes (petromyzonts ) can be separated into a
periventricular area (the nucleus periventricularis preopticus ) and its sur-
rounding border . In fish , this border of cells consists of the medial and lat -
eral preoptic and hypothalamic areas. This simple pattern of a
periventricular preoptic nucleus and a medial and lateral preoptic area
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 57

.-\. Fish (Gadusmorrlzua


B. Amphibian(Amb/ystoma :
after C. J. Herrick.

C. Reptile(Chelone


D. Mammal(Opossum

Figure 3.4
A systematicview of the extent of the hypothalamus through the saggital sections
of the brains of a fish, an amphibian, a reptile, and a mammal. a, anterior com-
missure; C, cerebral hemisphere; Cb, cerebellum; Hyp , hypophysis; L, lobus infe-
rior ; M , mamillary body; Op, optic chiasm; S, saccusvasculossus; T, tectum of
midbrain . (From LeGros Clark 1938.)
58 Chapter 3

can be recognized among all vertebrates through the phylogenetic series.

In fact , the lateral preoptic area constitutes the preoptico -hypothalamic
transition area (in fish called the nucleus preopticus ). Of particular rele-
vance is the constancy of the pars magnocellularis of this nucleus preopti -
cus (magnocellular preoptic nucleus ), although it presents great
variations with respect to size and degree of differentiation in different
fish . In some fish , as in amphibians , the nucleus magnocellularis shows a
tendency to split into dorsal and ventral parts , which are seen more
clearly in reptiles . These two parts of the nucleus magnocellularis corre -
spond to the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei in mammals . The me-
dial preoptic area has little representation in fish , and has even less
representation in cyclostomes .
In fish , the middle and posterior regions of the hypothalamus in their
medial positions have a periventricular and a medial hypothalamic area.
In cyclostomes , there is little differentiation of the hypothalamus caudal
to the preoptic -anterior hypothalamus , and the medial region , in particu -
lar, is very poorly developed at this level (middle and posterior region ).
In some fish , a primordial ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus can be
vaguely identified , and in the caudal extremity of the hypothalamus , what
could be the primordium of the mammillary bodies has been identified .
The cells in this region have distinct characteristics and are connected to
the thalamus ; in higher vertebrates (mammals ) this corresponds to the
mamillo -thalamic tract . However , this bundle of fibers appears only in
mammals and is rudimentary in a few reptiles .
In amphibians , the preoptic -anterior hypothalamus does not present
any major differences from the hypothalamus of fish . In fact , " in some re-
spects the hypothalamus of amphibia is not as complicated in its cytoar -
chitecture as in fish , and its relative simplicity suggests a retrograde
process in the evolutionary development of this class of vertebrates "
(LeGros Clark 1938 ). In lower tailed amphibians , a periventricular pre -
optic nucleus and a magnocellular preoptic nucleus can be distinguished .
However , a fully developed medial preoptic area is not present . In tailless
amphibians , this structure can be recognized , but it is poorly developed .
Figure 3.5 shows a sagittal section of the brain of a tailless amphibian
(BufG vulgaris ) in which the two parts (parvocellular and magnocellular
of the nucleus preopticus ) can be recognized . As in fish , only the pri -
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 61

(usually composed of a major periventricular cell group and a pars dif -

fusa) varies greatly in different reptiles in both magnitude and position .
Nonetheless, both nuclei can be recognizedin most species. In some rep-
tiles, the medial preoptic area is developedto different degrees.
In reptiles, the infundibular region or medial hypothalamus contains
two main cells groups, the nucleus ventralis hypothalamicus (homologue
to the mammalian nucleusventromedialis) and the nucleuslateralis hypo-
thalamicus (which, as in mammals, is a bed nucleus through which the
medial forebrain bundle sendsfibers to and receivesfibers from different
areasof the brain stem and forebrain ).
The most posterior part of the hypothalamus is the reptilian pars
mamillaris, located, as in mammals, behind the infundibular region. This
corpus mamillare, as well as the mamillo -thalamic tract running dorsally
to and within the thalamus, is recognizedin all subclassesof reptiles. The
posterior hypothalamus is represented by a mass of medium-size cells
without distinguishing characteristicsthat continue without demarcation
into the midbrain tegmentum (Crosby and Showers1969).
The avian hypothalamus, like the hypothalamus of the mammal, pre-
sents three well-defined regions: the anterior preoptic hypothalamus,
middle,hypothalamus (tuberal), and posterior hypothalamus (mamillary ).
Thesethree areas, and the nuclei contained within them, are comparable
with those in the mammal. Of the three areas, the middle-hypothalamic
region is the largest; it is the rostral border marked by the anterior com-
missure (dorsally) and optic chiasma and supraoptic decussation (ven-
trally ). The posterior border is best estimated by the appearanceof the
medial mamillary nucleus. The lateral borders are marked by fiber tracts.
The posterior hypothalamus (mamillary region) is comparable with the
mamillary bodies in mammals, but in birds is characterized by the pres-
ence of mamillary nuclei. Kuenzell and van Tienhoven (1982) have con-
cluded that of the three regions, it is most difficult to clearly distinguish
hypothalamic nuclei in the posterior hypothalamus. They suggestthat
fusion of some clusters of cells in the caudal hypothalamus accounts for
part of the difficulty .
To summarizethe phylogeny of the hypothalamus, the early central hy-
pothalamic gray in primitive vertebrates reveals a rostal part related to
the preoptic region and a caudal part divisible into dorsal and ventral re-
62 Chapter 3

gions . In the rostal part , the constancy of the nucleus magnocellularis

along phylogeny is one of the most interesting features . The pars in -

fundibularis , middle hypothalamus , develops from the dorsal regions . In

fish and amphibians , it is relatively diffuse ; only in reptiles do the cell

groups resembling those of mammals appear . Also , the mamillary and

premamillary nuclei and the posterior hypothalamic area develop from

the more caudodorsal region . The mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus

are very poorly differentiated in fish and amphibians . In reptiles , it ap -

pears as a group of neurons that can be recognized as the pars mamillaris .

Only in mammals are the mamillary bodies better defined anatomically .

Is the Posterior Hypothalamus Subserving the Neural Circuitry for the

Higher Set - Point Reference in Mammals ?

Most intriguing is the late appearance in evolution of the posterior hypo -

thalamic area , which includes the posterior hypothalamic nucleus and the

mamillary bodies . Only mammals show the full anatomical characteris -

tics of this hypothalamic area . Has this observation any special signifi -

cance with regard to the thermoregulatory capacities of the mammal ?

Keller ( 1933 ) published a series of observations in which he showed

that bilateral ablations of the posterior hypothalamus in dogs destroyed

the ability of the animals to maintain a stable body temperature when ex -

posed to a cold environment . Moreover , thermal thresholds in these ani -

mals were ten times higher than those of normal dogs . The analysis of

these initial observations led Hardy ( 1961 ) to hypothesize that the func -

tion of the posterior hypothalamus was one of integration and transmis -

sion rather than of thermal sensitivity . Ranson ( 1940 ) described

alterations in body temperature in the cat and monkey after discrete le -

sions of the posterior hypothalamus . Thompson ( 1959 ) showed that

complete ablation of the posterior hypothalamus of the dog impaired the

development of fever . Also , dogs with posterior hypothalamic lesions had

febrile responses if exposed to a hot environment , and no response , or

even hypothermia , when exposed to a cold environment . These responses

were impaired when the entire hypothalamus was destroyed .

Thus , it looks as if complete destruction of the posterior hypothalamus

prevents pyrogenic action in most cases . If pyrogens elevate the set - point
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 63

( which is supported by considerable evidence ; see Stitt 1979 ) , these ob -

servations would suggest that the posterior hypothalamus is involved in

the neural circuitry responsible for the set - point . Additional support for a

set - point function within the posterior hypothalamus comes from the hi -

bernation literature . Posterior hypothalamic , but not preoptic anterior

hypothalamic ( POAH ), lesions prevent hibernation ( Malan 1966a ,

1966b ; Satinoff 1967 ) ; however , POAH - lesioned animals cannot arouse

from hibernation . As a result , they die ( Satinoff 1967 ).

Myers and Veale ( 1970 ) reported that the posterior hypothalamus , but

not the anterior hypothalamus , was sensitive to changes in extracellular

concentrations of Na + and Ca + + ions for altering body temperature .

Gisolfi and Wenger ( 1984 ) subsequently concluded that the set - point for

thermoregulation was not located in the posterior hypothalamus .

When all of these data are taken together , and when they are consid -

ered in light of the late appearance of the posterior hypothalamus and

achievement of homeothermy in evolution , perhaps the posterior hypo -

thalamus deserves a more prominent role in temperature regulation than

current investigators in the field attribute to it .

Neuronal Model of Hypothalamic Thermoregulation

Thermal information reaches the central controlling areas of the brain via

cutaneous thermoreceptors and deep body thermoreceptors . Cutaneous

thermo receptors are stimulated when the skin of the body is warmed or

cooled . This afferent information enters the spinal cord , synapses with a

second - order neuron , and ascends to the ventrobasal complex and in -

tralaminar nuclei through the anterolateral tract ( lateral spinothalamic

tract ) . Collaterals from this pathway reach the reticular formation in the

brain stem . From the basal complex , thermal information reaches the

cerebral cortex ( somatosensory cortex ). From the intralaminar nuclei ,

thermal information reaches the hypothalamus . Other pathways that

transmit peripheral thermal information could reach the hypothalamus

via the reticular formation in the midbrain . Midbrain neurons responding

to warm and cold have been found . Also , neurons in the midbrain can re -

spond to changes in hypothalamic temperature , which suggests that the

hypothalamus ( preoptic anterior hypothalamus ) also sends information

64 Chapter 3

back to the brain stem (H . Sato 1984 ). Serotonin neurons and noradren -
ergic neurons from the brain stem may participate in conducting or mod -
ulating thermal information to the hypothalamus (Hellon 1975 ; Hinckel
and Schroder -Rosenstock 1981 ).
As proposed at the beginning of this chapter , thermal information is in -
tegrated at various levels of the neuraxis in a hierarchically organized
fashion : spinal cord , brain stem, and hypothalamus . Presumably an inte -
grator receiving input and transmitting output signals exists at each of
these levels. However , it is generally accepted that the hypothalamus is
the highest station acquired through evolution for thermoregulation .
Moreover , it is in this area of the brain that research has been concen -
trated and considerable knowledge has accumulated . How are thermal
inputs organized in the hypothalamus to activate thermoregulatory re-
sponses to heat and cold stimuli ? The answer is complex and not entirely
known . The first neuronal model of hypothalamic thermoregulation was
presented by Hammel (1965 ). Since then , numerous models have been
proposed to explain how a balance between heat production and heat
loss is achieved within neural structures of the brain (see chapter 7 for dis-
cussion ) (Bligh 1972 ; Boulant 1980 ; Myers 1980 ). Figure 3.7 illustrates
our current understanding of hypothalamic thermosensitivity and neu-
ronal firing rates in response to peripheral and central thermal stimuli .
Important characteristics that should be represented in any neuronal
model of thermoregulation are the following : (a) synaptic inhibition by
temperature -insensitive neurons of warm -sensitive neurons ; (b ) warm -
and cold -receptors in the POAH receive afferent signals from cutaneous
and spinal thermal sensors, which means that a thermosensor can act as
an integrator ; and (c) changes in peripheral temperature can alter the sen-
sitivity and firing rates of POAH thermo sensitive neurons . For example ,
warming the skin increases heat loss but reduces the sensitivity of hypo -
thalamic warm receptors . On the other hand , cooling the skin decreases
the firing rate of warm -sensitive neurons but enhances their sensitivity .
In figure 3.7, Boulant (1996 ) depicts a model to explain how different
groups of temperature -sensitive neurons (based on differences in ther -
mosensitivity ) can elicit different thermoregulatory effector responses. He
proposes 4 types of thermo sensitive neurons ; 3 are warm -sensitive (a, b,
and c) and 1 is cold -sensitive . Thermosensitive warm -neuron " a" has a
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 65

a ~
~.:~ ;.- / Pant,
W - - ---- '\ Sweat

Peripheral F =/ HEAT
W Skin Blood
J7 -

. .

~ ~~ ~
F / r--
f :

~ )~~:=:r=~

e , C~
(t) C9
Non -shiver
Tt"'termo -
Recepbt' s

Figure 3 .7

A neuronal model proposed by Boulant ( 1996 ) in which 4 types of thermosensi -

tive neurons are depicted : warm (W ) neurons ( a , b , and c ) and cold ( C ) neurons .

The cold and warm inputs to these neurons are depicted as excitatory ( + ) and in -

hibitory ( - ) . The frequency ( F ) of neuronal firing is plotted as a function of brain

temperature (T ) .

low spontaneous firing rate and responds only when the animal is hyper -
thermic (when hypothalamic temperature is above the thermoneutral
zone ). It is postulated that these neurons most likely control heat loss
(sweating or panting ). The low firing rate is attributed to inhibition from
peripheral cold -receptors and/or limited input from peripheral warm -re-
ceptors .
Warm -receptors labeled " b " are thermo sensitive above and below nor -
mal hypothalamic temperature and therefore are most likely to control
heat retention , that is, skin blood flow and behavioral thermoregulatory
responses. These neurons receive moderate inputs not only from ascend-
ing pathways but also from limbic structures such as the hippocampus ,
which participates in functions including emotion and motivation , learn -
ing and memory (see chapter 4 ). This is most interesting because it has
been suggested that " b " neurons playa role in behavioral thermoregula -
tion (rewards and pains ) and skin blood flow ( a response that is often in -
fluenced by emotion ).
66 Chapter 3

Warm - sensitive " c " neurons have the highest spontaneous firing rate .

This is attributed to the fact that they receive the greatest amount of af -

ferent excitatory input and may have a greater sensitivity to endogenous

factors including testosterone and estradiol , increased osmolality , de -

creased glucose , and so on . Because these neurons have such a high spon -

taneous firing rate , it is unlikely that they would increase their firing rate

during hypothalamic warming . Thus , Boulant ( 1996 ) suggests that these

neurons inhibit cold - sensitive neurons , and therefore inhibit shivering

and nonshiver thermogenesis .

An important aspect of figure 3 . 7 is cold - reception and activation of

the shivering response . In Boulant ' s model , a major portion of peripheral

input impinges on neurons responsible for heat production rather than

heat loss . Cold - sensitive neurons receive direct input from cutaneous cold

receptors and indirect input from cutaneous warm receptors mediated

through POAH warm - sensitive neurons . The latter neurons exert a nega -

tive influence on POAH cold - sensitive neurons . Thus , with a cold skin ,

POAH cold - sensitive neurons are markedly activated because of positive

input from cutaneous cold - receptors and the removal of negative input

from cutaneous warm - receptors . This analysis fits well with in vivo stud -

ies on experimental animals and studies in humans showing that changes

in skin temperature are 2 to 3 times more effective in activating heat pro -

duction than heat loss ( Benzinger et ale 1963 ; Hellstrom and Hammel

1967 ) .

Transporters of Information : Neurotransmitters and N euromodulators

Since the mid - 1960s , a multitude of studies have reported the effects of

numerous putative neurotransmitters , injected peripherally or directly

into the brain , on changes in body temperature ( Clark 1979 ) . What is

currently known about neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in ther -

moregulation , and what do we know about the molecular events taking

place at specific synapses during the process of transmitting thermal in -

formation among neurons in the brain ? Before discussing the neuro -

chemistry of thermoregulation , we present a brief introduction and

synthesis of current knowledge about neurotransmitters and neuromod -

ulators .
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 67

Since Otto Loewi ( 1921 ) first proposed acetylcholine ( Ach ) as a neuro -

transmitter in the vagal terminals of the heart , many neurotransmitters

have been proposed to playa role in the CNS . Evidence supporting nora -

drenaline , dopamine , serotonin , GABA and glutamate as neurotransmit -

ters soon followed that for Ach . These neurotransmitters , once released ,

act on presynaptic as well as postsynaptic receptors . Pharmacological

studies have identified many receptor subtypes for Ach ( muscarinics M1 ,

M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 , and nicotinics ), noradrenaline ( 0. 1 , 0. 2 , r31 , r32 ),

dopamine ( D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 , D5 ) , serotonin ( 5HT1 , 5HT2 , 5HT3 , 5HT4 ,

5HT6 , 5HT7 ), GABA (A and B ) , and glutamate ( AMP A , kainate ,

NMDA , and metabotropic ) .

Much has been learned about the molecular machinery responsible for

the rapid release of these substances from presynaptic terminals in re -

sponse to depolarization produced by action potentials . The same can be

said about the role of specific transporters located in presynaptic termi -

nals and glia that participate not only in terminating the synaptic action

of a neurotransmitter but also in releasing neurotransmitters into the ex -

tracellular space ( Cooper et ale 1991 ) .

Together with neurotransmitters , more than 50 different neuropeptides

have been proposed as candidate neuromodulators in the CNS . Some of

the more prominent candidates are listed in table 3 . 1 . Although we do not

know the true physiological role of neuropeptides in the CNS , all recep -

tors for neuropeptides currently known are coupled to G - proteins . This

supports the idea that neuropeptides playa role as neuromodulators , that

is , they do not activate or inhibit neuronal excitability , but modulate the

action of neurotransmitters .

One of the most interesting findings since the late 1970s has been the

coexistence of different neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the

same neuron ( Lundberg and Hokfelt 1985 ) . Most often , this coexistence

involves monoaminergic neurotransmitters and different types of pep -

tides . Table 3 .2 shows examples of coexistence of neurotransmitters and

neuromodulators in neurons in both the peripheral nervous system and

the CNS . This coexistence of different transmitter substances in the same

neural terminal and their simultaneous release have implications for a

real understanding of the synaptic transmission of information

( Lundberg and Hokfelt 1985 ) .

SN:) dlf:1O:1U
! Pd:
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 69

Table 3 .2
Coexistence of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

Transmitter Peptide Location

GABA Enkephalins Striatum
Substance P Striatum
Soma tosta tin Cortical and hippocampal neurons
Cholecystokinin Cortical neurons
Motilin Cerebellum
Acetylcholine VIP Parasympatheticand cortical neurons
Substance P Pontine neurons
Norepinephrine Somatostatin Sympathetic neurons
Enkephalin Sympathetic neurons
NPY Medullary and pontine neurons
Neurotensin Locus coeruleus
Dopamine Cholecystokinin Ventrotegmental neurons
Neurotensin Ventrotegmental neurons
Epinephrine NPY Reticular neurons
Neurotensin Reticular neurons
Serotonin Substance P Medullary raphe
Thyrotropin -
releasing hormone Medullary raphe
Enkephalin Medullary raphe
Vasopressin Cholecystokinin Magnocellular hypothalamic neurons
Dynorphin Magnocellular hypothalamic neurons
Oxytocin Enkephalin Magnocell ular hypothalamic neurons

, Bloom
, andRoth1991.

In fact, sincethe first neurotransmitters were located in neurons in spe-

cific areasof the brain (Dahlstrom and Fuxe 1964), there has been a ten-
dency to correlate a specific neurotransmitter with a specific neural
pathway, and this pathway with a single function and a single pathology;
for instance, dopamine, the nigrostriatal pathway, motor behavior, and
Parkinson's disease. Today, we know that such an interpretation of CNS
function is oversimplified. Specific functions in the brain are coded by
multiple neurotransmitter systems, neuromodulators, nerve growth fac-
tors, hormones, and other chemical messengersin synaptic as well as vol-
umetric dynamic interactions in specific circuits formed by multiple sets
70 Chapter

of neurons (Brezina and Weiss 1997; Segovia et al. 1997). Pathology

arises from a disruption in this physiological interplay produced by nu-
merous agents and circumstances. These neurotransmitter interactions,
shown to occur in many different areasof the brain, also occur in the hy-
pothalamus (Exposito et al. 1995).
To complicate matters more, other compounds, among them nitric
oxide (NO ) and carbon monoxide, can influence the modulation of neu-
rotransmitters' release. These findings have important consequencesfor
our understanding of synaptic function . For instance, the releaseof NO
from a specific set of synapses(100 mu) in the brain could influence
around 2 million synapses(Garthwaite 1995).
In summary, an ultimate goal in neurobiology will be to integrate all
available information to understand and to predict the function of a spe-
cific circuit in the brain. However, the analysisof all the elementsinvolved
in the neurotransmitter complexity of a specific circuit is making it more
difficult to unravel the real molecular functioning of a system. Although
attempts have been made to understand certain circuits in the brain, we
are far from understanding the circuitry that controls temperature.

Neurotransmitters , N euromodulators , and Thermoregulation

Feldberg and Myers ( 1964 ) proposed that a balanced release of nora -

drenaline and serotonin in the hypothalamus could serve as the neuro -

chemical basis for control of body temperature . Shortly thereafter ,

acetylcholine was proposed as an inhibitory neurotransmitter mediating

heat gain or heat loss , and peptides were suggested as neuromodulators .

Today , a long list of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators ( table 3 . 1 )

has been reported to change body temperature when injected into the

cerebral ventricles or directly into the brain . In addition to this list , recent

experiments indicate that the gas NO may also playa role in thermoregu -

latory pathways .

However , evidence supporting a role for any of these substances ' trans -

mitting specific thermal information among neurons in the CNS is equiv -

ocal ( Bla tteis 1981 ; Myers and Lee 1989 ) . This is so because the vast

majority of experiments have been pharmacological in nature . Dif -

ferences in the methodology employed , species of animals used , route of

The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 71

drug administration , drug dose, anestheticsused, restraint, and ambient

temperature have seriouslycomplicated the interpretation of the data col-
lected. Furthermore, in the majority of studies, only a change in body
temperature was measured, which could simply be a secondaryresponse
to activation of another autonomic physiological system. For serious
progressto occur, direct measurementsshould be made of thermoregula-
tory effector mechanismsin responseto the endogenousreleaseof these
putative neurotransmitters. Excellent reviews of this area have beenpub-
lished (Myers 1980; Blatteis 1981; Bruck and Zeisberger 1990; Clark and
Fregly 1996 ).
Since the late 1960s, the most consistent thermoregulatory responses
have been elicited by central stimulation with norepinephrine (NE ),
dopamine (DA ), and serotonin (5-HT ). However, even these responses
vary among species. The anterior hypothalamic -anterior preoptic area is
innervated by noradrenergic fibers arising from the ventral noradrenergic
bundle , whose cell bodies are located in or near the locus coeruleus .

When NE is injected into the ventricles or into specifichypothalamic sites,

it produces a fall in body temperature (in cats, rats, and nonhuman pri -
mates). These effects are produced through activation of (x- but not ~-
noradrenergic receptors . Furthermore , when core temperature is elevated
to about 40 C, NE is released into the hypothalamus of conscious ani -
mals (Myers 1980 ; Quan et ale 1992 ). This would be an indication of NE
activating heat -dissipation pathways in this area of the brain .
These experiments show a correlation between the extracellular con -
centration of NE and modifications in body temperature , but they do not
show that NE is released in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus at specific
synapsesthat participate in the circuitry underlying the control of body
temperature . In fact , analyses of the effects of NE on the activity of single
neurons in the POAH have shown that NE has an inhibitory effect on
thermosensitiveas well as thermoinsensitive neurons. In the anterior hy-
pothalamus of the cat , most of the warm -sensitive , cold -sensitive , and
thermally insensitive neurons were inhibited by NE and 5-HT (Jell 1974 ).
Serotonin (5-HT ) is the other prominent catecholamine proposed to in -
fluence the control of body temperature by the POAH . 5-HT innervation
of the hypothalamus comes from fibers arising from cell bodies located in
the raphe dorsalis , raphe magnus , and raphe centralis superior , or groups
72 Chapter 3

B7- B9, using the original terminology of Dahlstrom and Fuxe (1964 ).
Many pharmacological experiments have shown that 5-HT injected ICV
or into the POAH at certain doses produces hyperthermia . However , at
other doses it produces hypothermia . Myers (1980 ), using push -pull per -
fusion , found an increase in 5-HT in perfusates from the PO AH when the
animals were cooled , but not when they were heated .
Again , as for NE , recordings from single -unit activity reported contra -
dictory results : 5-HT seems to produce nonspecific effects (excitation or
inhibition of spontaneous activity of thermo sensitive or thermoinsensi -
tive neurons ). In fact , Watanabe et al. (1986 ) reported that of the total
number of warm -sensitive neurons recorded in the hypothalamus , 91 per -
cent were activated by 5-HT and 85 percent were inhibited by NE . Of the
58 percent that were thermally insensitive , 71 percent were inhibited by
NE and 37 percent were excited by 5-HT . In contrast , other studies have
suggested that 5-HT increases the inhibitory input from central ther -
mosensors to effector neurons , thus activating the increase of vasomotor
tone and thermoregulatory heat production , whereas NE suppresses this
inhibitory input . The increased heat conservation and production that
may increase body temperature in a thermoneutral environment are the
result of NE activation . Increased heat loss and reduced heat production ,
leading to a decrease in body temperature , are the result of activating the
5-HT system. These changes were observed in the guinea pig and rat
(Bruck and Zeisberger 1990 ).
From the preceding paragraph , it is clear that species differences con -
tinue to plague any unified understanding of the role that NE and 5-HT
play in thermoregulatory pathways . Moreover , to think that they are the
sole mediators of warm and cold information in hypothalamic pathways
is unrealistic . That thermal information could reach the hypothalamus
after specific spinal fibers reach the midbrain and activate cell bodies of
the ascending NE and 5-HT fibers is very likely . However , the role these
monoamines play in the anterior hypothalamus -preoptic area remains
unclear .
Another prominent amine thought to participate in hypothalamic tem -
perature regulation is dopamine (DA ). Lee et ale (1985 ) reviewed the lit -
erature in this field and concluded that in rats , rabbits , and other species
(including humans ), DA plays a role in the thermoregulatory pathways
The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 73

mediating heat loss. Microinjections of DA into both ventricles and

POAH reduce body temperature in the rat (Brown et ale 1982). In the hy-
pothalamus of the cat, Sweatman and Jell (1977) showed that DA mi-
croiontophoretically applied to cold-sensitive neurons decreasedtheir
spontaneous firing rate . These data indicate that DA exerts its effect by
inhibiting cold-sensitive cells, thereby suppressingheat production . This
hypothermic effect is further supported by in vitro electrophysiological
recordings from tissue obtained from the hypothalamus of the rat .
Perfusing hypothalamic sliceswith DA reducedthe activity of cold-sensi-
tive neurons and increased the firing rate of warm-sensitive neurons
(Scott and Boulant 1984). These results rule out the possibility that DA
depressesall neurons in a nonspecificmanner, and also strengthenthe hy-
pothesisthat DA could be involved in the central control of body temper-
ature by mediating heat dissipation .
DA microinjected into other areas of the brain , particularly in areas in -
volved in motor behavior , also affects temperature regulation . For exam -
ple, injecting DA into the caudate putamen produces hypothermia that
can be antagonized by DA -receptor blockers (Lee et ale 1985 ). In the sub-
stantia nigra , another area of motor control , microinjections of apomor -
phine (DA -receptor agonist) produced a dose-dependent hypothermia
that was antagonizedby the central or systemicinjection of a specificDA -
receptor blocker . This hypothermia was associated with increased heat
loss and decreased heat production , and it occurred at different ambient
temperatures , thus indicating that apomorphine did not produce a poik -
ilothermic state. Furthermore , the same dose of apomorphine injected
into the substantia nigra or the POAH produced similar hypothermic ef-
fects (figure 3.8). Moreover, when the substantia nigra was destroyed,
resting body temperature increased. However, systemicinjections of apo-
morphine in substantia nigra-lesionedrats and normal rats produced sim-
ilar hypothermic effects.
Why would dopaminergic areasof the brain such as the caudate puta-
men, and particularly the substantia nigra, which are involved in motor
functions , also participate in thermoregulation ? Recall how structures
and physiological systems served different functions as organisms
changed during evolution (Satinoff 1978 ). The upright posture of mam -
mals contributed considerably to their increase in endogenous heat pro -
74 Chapter 3

. 0 .4

+02 - APO
0 r

r T T
-0.2 T rA ----i- -
1/ 1 .. 1
U -0.4 T/ 1 1
0 T/ f .
uj -06 T /r ~
a: 1/ 1

:) -0.8 - r r. / i- ..
~ - 1.0
\ T T/ ~"""'I 1
- -. . .
T/ -

~ - 12
~ - 1 .4

~ +0.4 APO T
0..J +02 . TI~ I

u r Vi - I
, ..
0 '-
Z '

/ l
z /!
- < - 0 .4 T T . ./ '"
I T Vi - :- l
U -0.6 . T 1, ;--1 1
-08 \ . T/ :1
./ ~
, -
~ I
.. 1

- 10

- 12

- , . .5 . ~ . . ~ - . , I -
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Figure 3 . 8

Magnitude and time course changes in colonic temperature ( mean : t S . E . ) pro -

duced by bilateral microinjections of 20 pg apomorphine ( APO ) , a dopamine ag -

onist , into the SN and POAH of 5 animals . ( From Brown et al . 1982 . )

duction ( Heath 1968 ) . Could the nigrostriatal pathway have maintained

control of both motor behavior and temperature regulation throughout

evolution ? Patients with Parkinson ' s disease who have a lesion in this

pathway have disturbed motor behavior as well as temperature control .

Lee et ale ( 1985 ) suggest that the circuitry through which these structures

are connected is the anterior hypothalamus via dopaminergic pathways

( figure 3 . 9 ) .

Another group of substances purported to participate in thermoregula -

tory pathways is the neuropeptides . Numerous papers have been pub -

lished in this area , but conclusions regarding their role in temperature

The Mechanics of Our Environmental Independence 75


Figure 3.9
- representation
- of anatomical connections between the anterior
hypothalamus and the substantia nigra .

regulation are difficult becauseof the secondaryeffects they produce on

other physiological systems(particularly the cardiovascular system) when
injected centrally. Clark and Fregley (1996) summarized more than 30
peptides known to affect body temperature when injected into the brain
by dividing them into three main categories. The first category includes
peptides that produce hypothermic effects, such as angiotensin II and
neurotensin. In the secondcategory are the peptides that produce hyper-
thermic effects: (p-endorphins, LH -RH , somatostatin, TRH , and vasoac-
tive intestinal peptide (VIP). The third category includes the antipyretics
AVP, (a -MSH , and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). From critically
evaluating the literature on these peptides, Clark and Fregley conclude
that (a) there is little evidenceto support a role for peptidesin the first cat-
76 Chapter

egory as mediators of thermal responses; (b) ((3-endorphin is important to

the hyperthermic response produced by stress in rats and during hiberna -
tion in ground squirrels ; and (c) AVP and (0. -MSH could be endogenous
antipyretics .
Most of the peptides coexist in hypothalamic terminals with mon -
amines and probably amino acids . Thus , dissecting the singular effects of
monoamines from those of peptides or amino acids may not elicit a con -
sistent or expected response because under physiological conditions ,
these substance probably are coreleased and interact within the synaptic
cleft to elicit a postsynaptic event .
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact


More About the Brain and Temperature

That Round Part of the Brain: The limbic System

The limbic systemhas beendefined as a conglomerate of functionally re-

lated structures that form a ring toward the hilum of each cerebral hemi-
sphere (figure 4.1). It consists of the amygdala, septum, nucleus'
accumbens, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and hypothalamus, as well as
related structures. Papez(1937) proposed that neurons in the limbic lobe
formed a neuronal circuit that supposedly served as the basis of emo-
tional and cognitive expressionsof feelings. McLean (1952) further pro-
posed that the limbic system was important in the expression of
emotions, and that the hypothalamus servedas the final common output
of this system, with the orbitofrontal cortex controlling limbic activity. It
is generally acceptedthat the function of the limbic system is to control
and regulate emotional states, motivation (punishment and reward),
learning, and memor)T, as well as metabolic and vegetativefunctions.
Rewards and pains form the basis of behaviors that subservethe sur-
vival of the individual and the species. Feeding, drinking , keeping warm
and avoiding extreme temperatures, sexual activity, sleep, and maternal
drives are behaviors that tend to satisfy internal needs. These behaviors
are coded in the limbic system along with the codes subserving experi-
encesof pleasureand punishment. Feedingand drinking are pleasurableif
we are hungry or thirsty, respectively. Sexual activity is pleasurable if we
have been deprived of sex. Obtaining warmth in a cold environment is
pleasurable. Going to sleepwithout being threatened by the surroundings
or enemiesis pleasurable. We tend to perform thesebehaviors becausewe
are rewarded by them. We are motivated to do them becausethey make
More About the Brain and Temperature 79

tonomic or vegetativefunctions evolved. Thesebehavioral strategiescon-

stitute the basis of survival. In fact, behavioral thermoregulation, as pre-
sented in chapter 1, occurs even in unicellular organisms. This capacity
was acquired in evolution long before the first nerve tissue appeared.
In mammals, the concept that neural mechanismsfor behavioral ther-
moregulation were rooted in the brain long before autonomic mecha-
nisms has been shown by experiments that lesioned the brain. For
instance, lesions of the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POAH ) that im-
paired autonomic control did not impair the capacity of the animal to
perform an operant response(pressing a bar) to obtain heat or cold to
maintain body temperature (Carlisle 1969; Satinoff and Rutstein 1971).
It is clear, therefore, that behavioral thermoregulation is more primitive
than autonomic thermoregulation.
aIds and Milner (1954) demonstrated, for the first time, that electrical
stimulation of a specific area of the brain, the septum, was rewarding-
the animal learned to press a bar to stimulate its own brain. Soon there-
after, self-stimulation was elicited in all speciesfrom fish to mammals,
including man (Mora 1977). After that, numerous experiments uncov-
ered different areas of the brain that supported the phenomena of in-
tracranial self-stimulation . Rolls and colleagues (1980) described the
neurophysiological circuitry involved in self-stimulation of the monkey.
Neurons in different areasof the limbic system- the hypothalamus, amy-
gadala, and prefrontal cortex, among others- were shown to be inter-
connected because self-stimulation of one of these areas activated
neurons in another. Moreover, the biological significanceof self-stimula-
tion in the hypothalamus was revealed. The sameneurons that activated
self-stimulation were activated by the sight and taste of food when the an-
imal was hungry, that is, when the food was rewarding (Rolls et al. 1976).
A later study (Mora and Cobo 1990) showed that self-stimulation of just
one area evoked activity in many, and perhaps redundant, circuits of the
brain (figure 4.2).
In any living creature, from fish to human, it is obvious that heat or
cold can be rewarding, depending on environmental temperature. Fish
living in a determined ambient temperature, when placed in a colder or
warmer environment, move to the temperature to which they were accli-
mated. Rats placed in a cold chamber will press a bar to turn on a heat
More About the Brain and Temperature 81

lamp (Weiss and Laties 1961). Rats placed in a warm environment learn
to press a bar for cold air . Under these conditions , heat or cold will be re -
warding , if the animal works to obtain the desiredtemperature.
Supposedly the brain circuits for reward described above are part of the
brain circuitry that participates in the specific rewards provided by cold
or heat when the animal is placed in a hot or cold environment . It is not
known if there are specificcircuits for specificrewards or simply a unique
circuit recognizing reward and other circuits, with further specificity, for
the different rewards that subserve different motivated behaviors .

The POAH is at least one brain area that integrates autonomic and be-
havioral thermoregulation (Satinoff 1964; Corbit 1969). Satinoff (1964)
was one of the first investigators to show that a rat can be motivated to
work by pressing a bar to provide heat (turning on an infrared lamp)
when the POAH is cooled directly through a thermode implanted in it
(figure 4 .3 ). Rats also will turn on a draft of cool air when hypothalamic
temperature is elevated (Corbit 1969 ). Most interesting is that rats will
work to produce changesin their own hypothalamic temperatureswhen
either skin or hypothalamic temperature is increased above neutrality . In
this case, by pressing a bar, rats changed the temperature of the water per -
fusing a hypothalamic thermode, causing an abrupt change in skin tem-
perature and hypothalamic temperature (Corbit 1969). This last study
supports previous findings, and further demonstratesthat discomfort re-
sulting from deviations in skin or hypothalamic temperature can be alle -
viated by changing hypothalamic temperature .
Unfortunately , experiments have not been done to demonstrate the
reward areas of the limbic system most relevant to behavioral thermoreg -
ulation . Three areas of the limbic system- the lateral hypothalamic -me-
dial forebrain bundle , the nucleus accumbens , and the septum - are
tightly interconnected with the POAH , and are involved in both reward
and temperature regulation (Boulant 1980; Dean and Boulant 1989;
Wang et ale1994). Moreover, the hippocampus, another area of the limbic
systeminvolved in learning and memory, has been shown to send impor-
tant afferent connections to thermosensitive neurons (type " b " of Boulant ;
see Chapter 3) in the preoptic area. Boulant (1996 ) has suggested that
these neurons may participate in behavioral thermoregulation .
82 Chapter 4

(/ ) -
COOlin91 -+-COOlin91 -+-COOlin91
"' C
0' )

Ambient temp . 24 C & 3 1+- 10 Minutes -...j

"' C
-+-COOlin91 ..-Cooling4 -+-Cooling4
0' )

Ambient temp . soc & 2 1-+-10 Minutes --l

Heat Lamp


Figure 4.3
Schematicof a rat bar-pressingto turn on a heat lamp in responseto cooling the
POAH . Also shown is the cumulative record of the amount of bar-pressing be-
fore and during (labeled cooling) hypothalamic cooling in a neutral (24 :t 3 C)
and cold (5 :t 2 C) environment. The amount of heat the animal worked for was
greater in the cold environment. (Modified from Satinoff 1964.)
More About the Brain and Temperature 83

Circadian Rhythms: The Casefor Thermoregulation

Almost everything in the universe is cycled. All living organisms, from

unicellular animals to humans, have periods of high and low activity.
Many physiological functions also have periods or cycles, from the most
obvious , sleep-wakefulness , to feeding , drinking , and so on . Most of these
periods or rhythms have the same cycle as the rotation of Earth and its
major consequence, the light -dark period . This period of light and dark -
nessis called circadian becausethe daily rhythm usually is not exactly 24
hours . The Latin word circa means " near," and diem means " day "
(Aschoff 1965 ; Rusack 1989 ; Heller et ale 1990 ).
Apart from the obvious circadian rhythms of behavior , hormones ,
sleep-wakefulness, and so on, mammals have a circadian cycle of body
temperature that is independent of the sleep cycle . In humans , this body
temperature cycle persists even during sleep deprivation (Kreider 1961 ;
Kleitman 1963 ). It also is independent of ambient temperature and per -
sists until body temperature falls below 6 - 16 C, depending upon the
species studied (Folk 1974 ). Figure 4.4 shows simultaneously recorded
rhythms for activity , heart rate , body temperature , and blood pressure
over 5 consecutive days in a white rat . The night cycles are best identified
by the troughs in the heart rate data. Although the 4 cycles appear to be
somewhat synchronous, statistical analysis shows that they are indeed
separate. Heart rate , blood pressure , and activity cycles peaked before the
body temperature cycle. These data provide evidence that the cycle of
body temperature is not responsible for the heart rate and blood pressure
rhythms, previously believedto be true for humans.
In a seriesof human experiments performed by Wenger and colleagues
(1976 ), the sweating threshold during physical exercise was lower at
night than during the day, suggesting that humans thermo regulate during
the night at a different level than during the day. That the circadian
rhythm for body temperature is deeply rooted in the brain and indepen -
dent of the sleep-wake , drinking , feeding , and motor activity cycles was
shown by Satinoff (Satinoff and Prosser 1988 ). She lesioned the suprachi -
asmatic nucleus and found that the rhythms for drinking and motor ac-
tivity were abolished , but the rhythm for body temperature remained .
More About the Brain and Temperature 85

Is Body Temperature Reptilian During Sleep?

Circadian rhythmicityTis best representedby the sleep-wake cycle. It has

been demonstratedthat in birds and mammals a strong interaction exists
between sleep and body temperature (Parmegiani 1980; Heller et ale
1990). Cycle variations occur in body temperature during the day and
during the menstrual cycle, as they do in many systems. Sleepis a physio-
logical state to which we normally dedicateone-third of our lives, yet the
mechanismsresponsible for this behavior remain unknown . Nor do we
know the biological significanceof sleep.
The regulation of body temperature is a discontinuous processduring
sleep; that is, it is controlled in someperiods of sleepbut not in others. In
other words, during certain periods of sleep we become poikilothermic
(like fish or reptiles), whereasduring other periods we are homeothermic.
This dichotomy presentsimportant implications for understandingthe cen-
tral conceptof homeostasis,and aboveall, it showsthe deepinteraction be-
tween thermoregulation and sleep. To understand the relationship
betweentemperature and sleep, two phasesof sleepwill be considered: (a)
synchronized sleep, slow-wave sleep (SWS), or nonrapid-eye-movement
(NREM ) sleep, and (b) des}Tnchronizedsleep, paradoxical sleep, or rapid-
eye-movement (REM ) sleep.
A universal phenomenon is feeling cold at the onset of sleep. In fact, at
the beginning of NREM sleep, when ambient temperature is within the
thermoneutral zone, a fall in hypothalamic and body temperature occurs
in numerous mammalian species, including rats, cats, and humans. In hu-
mans this brain cooling processhas beenshown to be independent of the
circadian variation of temperature (ObaI1984 ) and of the reduction in
motor activity during sleep(Barrett et ale 1987).
The decline in brain temperature during the initial period of sleephas
been attributed to a decreasein sympathetic activity and, as a conse-
quence, a decreasein metabolic rate. During the initial phase of sleep, a
change in set-point could explain the change in hypothalamic tempera-
ture. In humans, changesin the sweating responseare consistent with the
findings that during NREM sleepthe individual thermoregulates, but be-
comes poikilothermic during REM sleep. Thus, when ambient tempera-
ture is increasedduring NREM sleep, sweat is produced in proportion to
86 Chapter

the thermal load , whereas during REM sleep, sweating is absent

(Henane et ale 1977 ). In many mammalian species, the transition from
NREM sleepto paradoxical sleepis accompanied by a rise in hypothala-
mic temperature that is independent of ambient temperature . This has
been attributed to various mechanisms, including an increase in brain
metabolic rate and a rise in brain blood flow . This phenomenon follows
the suspensionof thermoregulatory vasomotion in the skin, mucosa, and
ear pinna .

During NREM sleep, cats exposed to a cold environment respond by

shivering , but as soon as the cat enters REM sleep, shivering ceases.
Similarly , cats exposed to a high ambient temperature during NREM
sleep become tachypneic , but when they enter REM sleep, respiratory
rate decreases
. This cessationof autonomic thermoregulatory function is
maintained for the entire period of REM sleep (Parmegiani and Rabini
1967 , 1970 ). Cooling or warming the hypothalamus , instead of exposing
the animal to a cold or hot environment , produces similar responses.
These observations show that during REM sleep, autonomic or vegeta-
tive regulation of body temperature is not evoked in response to thermal
challenge . According to Parmegiani (1980 ), the phenomenology of REM
sleep is not simply the result of a change in threshold or gain of the differ -
ent thermoregulatory mechanisms , but an inactivation of hypothalamic
thermoregulatory mechanisms resulting in a true poikilothermic condi -
tion of the organism . It is an inactivation of the hypothalamic centers
controlling spinal cord (shivering and vasomotor ) and brain stem
(tachypnea ) effector mechanisms . He further suggests that the poikilo -
thermic state during REM sleepis produced by an inactivation of the hy-
pothalamic thermostat .
This interpretation is consistent with the model proposed in chapter 3
of a hierarchical control of temperature through different levels of the
neuraxis . Thus , during REM sleep, animals and humans thermoregulate ,
but over a wider core temperature range , and the thermoregulatory effec-
tor mechanisms are controlled by thermostats other than the hypothala -
mus (Horne 1988). The biological significanceof this changein the level
of thermoregulation during REM sleepremains unclear. A similar physio-
logical example in which hypothalamic control of thermoregulation is ac-
quired progressivelywith time is that of the newborn infant .
More About the Brain and Temperature 87

66 ~ ~ ~ ~
t:;.~ ~~
~ ~--......"""6 ~ MRF

Figure 4 .5

Schematic diagram showing the neurobiological circuitry through which heating

brain and body induces NREM sleep . Increased body and brain temperature will

increase the firing rate of warm - sensitive neurons in the preoptic anterior hypo -

thalamus , which in turn will activate neurons in the basal forebrain . These basal

forebrain neurons will produce an inhibitory input to neurons in the cerebral cor -

tex and the medial reticular formation , giving rise to NREM sleep . C , cortex ; BF ,

basal forebrain ; POAH , preoptic anterior hypothalamus ; MRF , medial reticular

formation . ( Taken from McGinty and Szymusiak 1990 .)

Keeping a Cool Brain : A Function of Sleep ?

Does sleep function , in part , to keep the brain cool , or is it just a biologi -

cal consequence of the cyclicity that all events in nature have ? An intrigu -

ing hypothesis suggests that NREM sleep is biologically necessary

because it provides a homeostatic mechanism for brain and body cooling

( McGinty and Szymusiak 1990 ) . NREM sleep seems to represent an inte -

grated thermoregulatory process because it evokes a decrease in metabo -

lism and activates heat loss by increasing skin blood flow and by initiating

sweating ( figure 4 .5 ). Evidence that these responses are controlled by

changes in hypothalamic thermo sensitivity is supported by the finding

88 Chapter 4

that , compared with being awake , NREM sleep decreases the slope of the

metabolic response to hypothalamic cooling . It is fascinating that in dol -

phins , which basically have two brains and show unihemispheric sleep ,

the sleeping brain cools ( Kolvalzon and Mukhametov 1982 ) .

McGinty and Szymusiak ( 1990 ) further suggest that an elevated wak -

ing temperature in mammals and birds could not be sustained without the

brain cooling provided by sleep . In humans , raising brain temperature by

vigorous exercise during the day increases NREM sleep at night ; however ,

performing the same exercise but reducing the rise in brain temperature

by cooling the body prevents the increase in NREM sleep . These observa -

tions led to the speculation that the brain somehow stores information

about how long brain temperature is elevated during the day and then

compensates for this " awake heat load " by sleep - related cooling ( Mc -

Ginty and Szymusiak 1990 ) . This speculation is supported by the fact

that sleep deprivation increases NREM sleep . Moreover , sleep - deprived

humans lower their body temperature during the day ( Froberg 1977 ) .

These interesting suggestions nonetheless are controversial ( Almirall et ale

1993 ) .

Thermoregulation in the Newborn Infant

Nurses who work in intensive care units are keenly aware of the labile na -

ture of body temperature in newborn infants . Newborns ( particularly

those with low birth weight ) do not have mature neural structures con -

trolling endothermy .

Compared with adults , newborns have a high surface - to - mass ratio ,

which enhances convective , evaporative , and radiative heat loss to the en -

vironment . Their tissue insulation also is less than adults ' ( Hey and Katz

1970 ) , and they have a low metabolic rate ( when normalized for surface

area ) . As a consequence , the newborn can rapidly become hypothermic in

a cold environment .

During the period of time that newborns are acquiring autonomic con -

trol of body temperature , behavior seems to play an important role in

thermoregulation . This is reminiscent of the trend in evolution that be -

havioral thermoregulation preceded the development of autonomic con -

trol mechanisms ( ontogeny versus phylogeny ) . During exposure to cold

or warm environments , newborns increase or decrease their spontaneous

More About the Brain and Temperature 89

limb movements, respectively. As a consequence , metabolic heat produc-

tion rises or falls significantly. Moreover, during cold exposure, nonshiv-
ering thermogenesisis an important factor in newborns compared with
adults , because newborns do not shiver. Shivering occurs only when (a)
nonshivering thermogenesis has reached a maximum , (b ) body tempera -
ture has decreased markedly (DarnaI1987 ), or (c) the child is exposed to
extreme cold (Adamson et ale 1965 ). Brown adipose tissue has been re-
lated to this phenomenon. Brown fat is distributed differently in new-
borns and adults . In the newborn , this tissue is concentrated in masses ,
whereas in adults it is dispersedin muscles. During growth and develop-
ment, nonshivering thermogenesis gradually diminishes (within a few
weeks), and there is a corresponding increasein shivering capacity and re-
gressionof brown adipose tissue.
There also are contrasting changes in thermoregulation between new -
borns and adults during sleep, particularly REM sleep. In newborns and
infants , the duration of REM sleep is longer than in adults . This has been
attributed to the role of REM sleep in CNS maturation (Tolaas 1978 ). It
appears that newborns have full control of body temperature during
REM sleep, in both cold and warm environments , which contrasts with
the poikilothermic state of adults during this period of sleep. In an ex-
haustive review of the literature , Bach et ale (1996 p . 392 ) summarized
thesecontrasting phenomenain the following way:
The model of inactivation of hypothalamic control and consequentlythe depres-
sion of thermoregulation during REM sleep, cannot be applied to newborns . In
fact, thermoregulatory responsesto thermal loads are fully efficient and stable in
the narrow range of air temperaturesusually studied. This suggeststwo alterna-
tive hypotheses: either the functional control of diencephalic structures may not
be suppressed during the REM sleep or the autonomy of the rhombencephalon is
capable of thermoregulatory control within the narrow range of ambient temper -
atures tolerated by the newborn .

Heat Loss Overdrive : Hot Flashes

My husband now sleepsin the living room, but at least I have my hot Hashesto
keep me warm . (Kronenberg 1990 p . 52 )

Why discuss hot flashes in connection with circadian rhythms and

sleep? Although hot flashes have been described as occurring sporadi -
cally , erratically , and unpredictably , the limited evidence available indi -
90 Chapter 4

26.0 -6




37.5 ()
30 37D
~ 28
~ T8I1
~ ,t
I=~ ~~ ia ~ . ~

0 6 10162026SO864046
Tt. Crrt1Jtee
~ ~=~~~~~t~ :: . ~!~r:J
IIII~ ~ ~ ~.1111 -

Figure 4 . 6

Physiological and perceived changes during a typical hot flash in a neutral envi -

ronment ( 28 C ) . Sensation , finger blood flow , heart rate , skin resistance on the
V';"-'. :._

chest , vaginal temperature , and skin temperatures on the forehead and finger are

shown . ( Taken from Kronenberg 1990 . )

cates that they are not random , but occur with some regularity
[~~ ~ .=.] ~ ]

( Kronenberg 1990 ) . In fact , they may have a circadian or ultradian peri -

.~"!Ii ].-:.~

odicity . They usually are more intense at night than during the day ", and

are more frequent in a warm environment than under cool ambient con -

ditions . In the review by Kronenberg ( 1990 , p . 52 ) , a women commented :

I turned down a proposal for marriage . He lives in Alabama . If it had been

Alaska , I would have said yes .

The sequence of physiological changes that characterize the hot flash

is depicted in figure 4 . 6 . Within 60 seconds of the start of a hot flash ,

More About the Brain and Temperature 91

the sensation of " hotness" is experienced despite no change in body

temperature. During this period heart rate and skin blood flow begin to
rise. With the onset of the hot flash, skin resistancedrops sharply, skin
blood flow rises as much as 3D-fold , heart rate continues to increase
8- 16 beats/min, finger temperature may rise 7 C, and sweating com-
mences (Kronenberg 1990). Although these physiological changes are
perceived primarily in the upper body, similar changesoccur in the legs
and feet, which indicates that the hot flash is a generalizedphysiological
The mechanism(s) responsible for hot flashes are not known . They
have been associatedwith low plasma estrogen levels becausethey typ -
ically begin with the onset of menopause (a condition characterized by
low estrogen levels), and are alleviated by estrogen replacement ther-
apy. However, there are numerous exceptions to this generalization .
On the other hand, the fact that estrogen excites warm -sensitive neu-
rons and inhibits cold-sensitive neurons in the POAH , and is known to
enhance the vasoconstrictor response to vasoactive drugs, argues for
both a central and a peripheral role for estrogen in the mechanism of
hot flashes.
The premonition that a hot flash is about to occur may be explained by
a sudden decline in set-point (figure 4.7). This is just the opposite of what
occurs with fever (seechapter 8), that is, the set-point increases. During a
hot flash, the error signal produced by the difference between core tem-
perature and set-point may account for the sensationof hotness, whereas
the difference betweencore temperature and set-point in fever is the rea-
son for feeling cold. Activation of heat loss mechanisms(increasedskin
blood flow, sweating) is driven by the body's desire to achieve the new
lower set-point temperature during a hot flash. The fall in core body tem-
perature, as illustrated by the decline in vaginal temperature in figure 4.6,
is the key observation.
If the activation of heat loss mechanisms were nonspecific, thermo-
regulatory responseswould be activated to counteract the fall in core
temperature (Lomax et ale 1980). Contrary to what occurs during fever,
the typical hot flash lasts only for minutes and a new thermal equilibrium
at the lower set-point is never achieved. With fever, the new elevatedset-
92 Chapter 4

Fever Hot ftash

I . Onset of heat pnxiuction and I . Onsetof heat105smechanisms
heat conservation mechanisms (vasodilation, sweating)
(vasoconstriction , shivering ) without any changein Tb
before any change in Tb
2. Behavior promoting heat 2. Behaviorpromotingheatloss
3. ~ Tb 3. ~ Tb
4 . Onset of heat loss mechanisms 4. Onsetof heatconservationand
(vasodilation , sweating ) heatproductionmechanisms
(vasoconstrictiont shivering)
5. Behavior promoting heat loss 5. Behaviorpromoting heat
6. ~ Tb to nonnal 6. f't' Tb to normal

( Neutral To)
Fever On. . t of Endof
Breaks Hot Floah - Hot Flash
t t t
Tcor .
et r.r- .. ~; :::"'.I~
- . -., ~j .
~~~~'-/ " L _.~~ ...--
L..J :.~
"J Err
~ _~+ J ""- - l ...........-::~
- f. ~
. 1
Signa I ~ ~ \/ j ..",,~ __~feel
- cold

Sweot ' n~ a - -_J """,, - - - -

Vosodi lotion

- --_./ ""' ---- - Shiverino 8 ~./ ~" ' --.._-_.-

Vasocon st ric tion

Figure 4 .7
Schematic diagram comparing the effects of fever and a hot flash on set-point ,
core temperature , effector mechanisms , and sensation . (Modified from
Kronenberg and Downey 1987 .)
More About the Brain and Temperature 93

point temperature is achievedand maintained for hours or days. We have

learned much about fever over the last severaldecadesbecauseof numer-
ous animal models available. Unfortunately, there are no animal models
available to study hot flashes, although the adult female monkey does
show some cycling in skin temperature similar to what occurs during a
hot flash.
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

What 's So Important About a Body
of 37 C?

The Temperature Straitjacket

All animals and humans are constrained by the environment in which

they live , especially the temperature of their surroundings . The tempera -

ture extremes on Earth range from - 68 C ( - 128 F ) in cold surroundings

to 88 C ( 190 F ) in desertlike environments , but the range of ambient

temperature that allows for animal life is only about 0 to 50 C ( the tem -

perature straitjacket ) . Most animals live within a more limited range

( Prosser 1961 ) . The average temperature on Earth is about 16 C ( 61 F ) ,

but if the coldest months of the year are excluded , it is approximately

23 C ( 73 F ) .

Interestingly , the earliest civilizations on Earth were located in areas

where environmental temperature ranged from 21 to 26 C - North

Africa , Persia , northern India , southern China , Peru , Chile , Argentina ,

southern Brazil , southern Central Africa , and central Australia ( Prosser

1961 ) . This average temperature becomes important when trying to pre -

dict the body or brain temperature that humans " regulate . " The different

mechanisms for surviving the " straitjacket " are varied and intriguing . For

example , some animals " supercool " or actually allow part of their body

water to freeze . Other animals hibernate or become dormant .

Throughout evolution , multicellular organisms had to cope with a

constantly changing environment within the temperature straitjacket .

During those early times , and for periods lasting more than a billion

years , organisms were enslaved by the temperature of their surround -

ings . These organisms , which included fish , amphibians , and reptiles ,


were cold - blooded and were classified as " ectotherms " because they re -
96 Chapter 5

lied on external sources of heat (see chapter 2 ). When ambient tempera -

ture rose, these animals were active and sought food and water . When
ambient temperature declined , their motor activity decreased until they
became dormant .
As we have seen in previous chapters on the evolution of the brain , dur -
ing the transition from reptiles to mammals , mammals evolved a body in
parallel with a brain capable of controlling its own body temperature . In
contrast to ectotherms , mammals and birds rely on internal heat produc -
tion to regulate their temperature and are therefore " endotherms ." This
was a revolutionary development because it made it possible for these an-
imals to explore outside their restricted ecological niches . Mammals were
equipped with this capacity to maintain a constant body temperature
through an exquisite balance between heat production and heat loss.
Mammals are inefficient metabolic machines . In fact , more than 70
percent of their energy intake in the form of fuel is transformed into heat .
Under basal conditions the tonic contraction of muscles provides about
30 percent of the total heat production . When active , muscles are power -
ful heat pumps (through contraction ) producing much more heat than is
needed to maintain body temperature . In addition to this heat energy
from metabolic processes, heat can be gained from the environment , es-
pecially radiant heat from the sun. This considerable amount of heat pro -
duced or gained by our body , in excess of that required to maintain body
temperature constant , is eliminated through a sophisticated system con -
trolled by the brain . The avenues of this heat loss are radiation , convec -
tion , conduction , and evaporation (Slonim 1974 ) (figure 5.1).
Heat transferred by radiation is electromagnetic waves from surround -
ing objects (ceilings , walls , floors , other people , furniture , etc.). If these
objects are warmer than our skin (about 93 F), heat is gained by radia -
tion . If they are colder than the skin , heat is lost b)T radiation . Radiant
heat from the sun is always a concern and can add substantially to the
thermal loan on an organism . Another concern regarding radiant heat
from the sun is the possibility of contracting skin cancer (melanoma ).
This is one of the most virulent forms of cancer and warrants the use of
sunscreens to protect the skin .
Heat loss by conduction is the transfer of heat in a solid , liquid , or gas
from one molecule to another ; it depends upon the conductivity of the
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 97

~'"""""'"'"' AADIATION

...t~""~ """'-





Figure 5.1
Schematic diagram showing human heat production , transfer, and loss. Heat
produced within working musclesis carried by the blood to the body core (ab-
dominal, thoracic, cranial cavities), thus elevating core temperature. This rise in
core temperature results in the transfer of blood from the core to the skin and the
initiation of sweating. Heat is lost from the surface of the skin by radiation , con-
vection, conduction, and evaporation. (From Gisolfi and Wenger 1984.)

substanceand the temperature difference betweenthe points in question.

For example, a cold steel ball held in a warm hand slowly warms because
heat from the skin causesthe molecules of steel directly in contact with
the skin to vibrate. This vibration increasesthe temperature of those mol-
ecules, which, in turn , will causethe molecules next to them to vibrate.
Thus, there is no transfer of matter during conduction. A warm steelmol-
ecule does not migrate from one side of the steel ball to the other. This is
different from convection, where there is a transfer of matter. Conduction
is not a major avenueof heat loss for humans becausethey seldom come
in contact with objects colder than their skin.
A major avenueof heat loss for humans is convection, which occurs in
gasesand liquids via a mixing process. For example, if a subject slides
into a pool of cold water and remains absolutely still , heat is lost primar -
ily by conduction. Cold water molecules are heated by warm skin, and
98 Chapter

after a short period of time, the subject feelslesscold becausethe layer of

the water directly in contact with the skin has beenwarmed. However, if
the surrounding water is circulated, or if the subject begins to swim, a
much colder feeling ensues becausecold water molecules continually
come in contact with warm skin, becomeheated, and move away, taking
heat with them. There is a transfer of matter because, in our example,
cold water moleculescome in contact with warm skin and move away. If
the water is warmer than the skin and it is circulating, heat will be gained
by convection.
Evaporation is the processof transforming a liquid into a vapor with -
out changing its temperature. Approximately 25 percent of our heat loss,
even in a cool environment, is by evaporation. This processis called in-
sensibleperspiration and does not require sweat glands. Fluid evaporates
continually through the pores in the skin.

The ThermoregulatoryComputer

What Is Regulated ?
The term " body temperature " is a misconception . When humans are
placed in an environmental chamber and ambient temperature is slowly
raised from a level that is cold to one that is hot , skin temperature changes
with the environment , but the temperature of other parts of the body ,
such as the heart , remain constant (figure 5.2 ). It is as if we had , from a
thermoregulatory viewpoint , two bodies in just one organism , that is, the
reptilian or poikilothermic body as a shell and a homeothermic core . In
humans , the core consists of the abdominal , thoracic , and cranial cavities ;
the shell comprises the skin , subcutaneous tissue, and muscles. Therefore ,
what we typically refer to as body temperature (Tb ) is a composite of the
core (T c) and the shell (T s) temperatures :
Tb = 0.65 Tc + 0.35 T s.
The numbers in the above equation representthe magnitudes of these
two bodies in a neutral environment. In fact, these two bodies are not
fixed anatomical entities becausethey changewith ambient temperature,
and therefore they can get larger or smaller. Thus, the concept of core and
shell is more physiological than anatomical. In a sense, anatomy and
What"'s So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 99

)+ 35

,E o ~
Core Temp .


Figure 5 . 2

Graph of core and skin temperatures as ambient temperature is increased from

cool ( 22 C ) to hot ( 35 C ) . Even though the core - to - skin temperature gradient de -

creases as ambient temperature increases , heat transfer from core to skin is main -

tained by an increasing skin blood flow as ambient temperature rises . Heat loss is

maintained over a wide ambient temperature range because an increase in evap -

orative heat loss as ambient temperature rises compensates for the decrease in ra -

diative and convective heat loss .

physiology are divorced . In this anatomical - physiological interplay , blood

flow to the skin plays a crucial role . By changing cutaneous blood flow

and cutaneous blood volume , the insulative value of the shell can be re -

ducedorincreased .

In a cold environment , skin blood flow and blood volume decrease ,

which increases the insulative value of the skin . Thus , the skin assumes a

greater role in determining body temperature in a cool environment , as

reflected by the change in coefficients in the equation for body tempera -

ture :

Tb = O . 6T c + O . 4T s .

In a warm environment , blood flow is diverted to the skin to help trans -

fer heat from the core . As a result , the insulative value of the shell de -

creases . Thus body temperature is defined as

Tb = D . 8T c + D . lT s '
100 Chapter

The most important difference between core and shell temperatures is

that core temperature is regulated , whereas the shell temperature is influ -
enced by environmental temperature and skin blood flow . In a sense, the
shell serves at the pleasure of the core . It can be enlarged or contracted by
manipulating skin blood flow to facilitate heat loss or heat gain , respec-
tively .
Shell temperature is frequently measured by placing temperature -mea-
suring devices on numerous skin locations and averaging the values .
However , this mean skin temperature is potentially misleading if each in -
dividual temperature is not weighted according to the area and sensitivity
(temperature -receptor density ) of the site represented . Core temperature
is assessed by measuring rectal , armpit , ear canal , tympanic membrane ,
central blood (right heart ), oral , hypothalamic , or esophageal tempera -
ture . In many hospitals , ear canal temperature is taken as a measure of
core temperature as a matter of convenience ; however , it is highly variable
because it is influenced by changes in ambient temperature .

The Central Computer

The system that allows us to regulate body and brain temperature around
37 C is exquisite in design and execution . (Seetable 3.2 for a description
of the neurotransmitters and neurochemical pathways found in the hypo -
thalamus and the interaction of these systems through synaptic as well as
volumetric forms of neural communication .) In fact , it is one of the best
examples of physiological regulation in the human body . It consists of
temperature sensors located throughout the body (including the brain ), a
complex neuralnetwork located primarilyin theanterior
preoptic hypo-
thalamus andlimbicsystem thatreceives andintegrates thisthermal
, andspecific neuronal populations controllingbehavioral
andphysiologicalresponses . In addition
to thermal information
, theneu-
ronsin theseintegrativecircuitsreceivenonthermal inputthatcaninflu-
encebodytemperature . Thisnonthermal inputconsists of endogenous
substanceslike interleukin- l andprostaglandin E that canproduce
, aswellashormones including testosterone
, estrogen
- , and-proges
- -
terone (see chapter 8). Temperature-sensitive neurons also respond to
changesin osmolality, and to glucoseand ion concentrations in the soup
that bathes them.
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 101


Figure 5.3
Schematicdiagram illustrating the elementsthat control the temperature regula-
tory effector responses. Basic thermal input is transmitted from skin (T s) and
core (T c) thermoreceptors. This information is integrated and a " weighted sum"
(T ws) of this activity is then compared with basal neural activity (T ref) within the
regulatory circuiting to form a " command signal" that impinges on all integra-
tors for regulating brain temperature. The ratio of filIal is 9/ 1. (From Gisolfi
and Wenger 1984.)

These elements of the control system are depicted in figure 5.3. Each
box in the diagram consists of multiple neuronal circuits that receive
excitatory and inhibitory inputs resulting from the releaseof chemical
substancescalled neurotransmitters . (A hypothesis explaining the ac-
quisition of this machinery through the evolution of the brain in mam-
mals is developed in chapters 2 and 3.) As illustrated in the diagram, the
integrative circuits compare the thermal and nonthermal input that they
receivewith basal neuronal activity , then generatewhat is described as a
" command signal." This command signal, in turn , servesas the input to
separate populations of neurons controlling sweat rate, shivering,
blood flow to the skin, and behavior. In addition to this command sig-
nal, these separate neuronal pools subserving the thermoregulatory ef-
fectors receive nonthermal input that can influence their ultimate
responSIveness .
102 Chapter

The operation of the temperature regulatory system is no doubt a com -

plicated function of thermal and nonthermal inputs . However , it is in -

structive to consider its operation as simply a linear function of thermal

input from the core and the shell . The equation below describes the con -

trol of the different thermoregulatory effector responses in this fashion

( Gisolfi and Wenger 1984 ) . The R represents any effector response , RO is

a basal value of R , a1 and a2 are coefficients , and b is a constant term :

R - RO = O - lTc + a2Ts - b .

In humans , the ratio of a1 / a2 is 9 : 1 for all heat - dissipating responses .

These include the sweating response and alterations in blood flow to the

skin . However , in a cold environment , heat gain responses are influenced

more by mean skin temperature . In both men and women , skin tempera -

ture contributes about 20 percent of the control of shivering and vaso -

constriction ( Cheng et ale 1995 ) . This is an important concept because it

emphasizes the importance of core or brain temperature in controlling ef -

fector output . An increase in hypothalamic temperature produces marked

increases in sweating and skin blood flow . Likewise , a decrease in hypo -

thalamic temperature produces shivering and intense cutaneous vasocon -

striction . Thus , it seems that it is more specifically the temperature of the

brain that is being protected from marked deviations in environmental

temperature , rather than the entire core , which includes the abdominal

and thoracic cavities . In support of this notion , it is brain temperature

that seems to drive sweating , shivering , and skin blood flow responses .

Other measures of core body temperature , such as rectal or oral tempera -

ture , often are observed to lag well behind a change in sweating or skin

blood flow , which suggests that these temperatures are the consequence

of a change in effector response rather than the stimulus driving the re -

sponse .

A crucial point here is that temperature - sensitive and - insensitive neu -

rons are not functionally specific ; they do not respond only to tempera -

ture . In some sense , we could call them " polymodal . " For example , low

glucose excites warm - sensitive neurons and inhibits cold - sensitive neu -

rons , resulting in reduced body temperature . This may help to explain , in

part , why the typical alcoholic with a low plasma glucose concentration

often is found to be hypothermic . Similarly , hormones can influence the

What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 103

activity of these neurons . For example , estrogen excites warm -sensitive

neurons and inhibits cold -sensitive neurons (Boulant and Silva 1989 ).
This may help to explain why postmenopausal women on estrogen ther -
apy have high sweat rates and improved thermal tolerance in the heat .
In humans , the thermal neutral zone is defined as an ambient tempera -
ture of 25 to 27 C (77 to 80 F) for a nude individual at rest in the fasted
state . Under these conditions , brain temperature is kept constant by deli -
cate changes in cutaneous blood flow without the need to call upon re-
serve heat -loss or heat -gain mechanisms . Above this ambient temperature
range , sweating must be initiated to achieve adequate heat loss to prevent
a change in brain temperature , whereas at temperatures below this range ,
shivering must be initiated to maintain thermal balance .

Survivingthe TemperatureStraitjacket

Thermal Responseto Heat

In a warm environment, the first defenseagainst core temperature rising
too far is to increaseskin blood flow (provided skin temperature is lower
than core temperature), which transfers heat from the core to the skin,
where it can be lost primarily by radiation and convection. If core tem-
perature continues to rise, sweating begins and, if evaporated, cools the
skin. The primary mechanism that prevents overheating is the evapora-
tion of sweat from the surface of the skin.

Heat, Water, and Shiny Skin

Hair on the general body surface of primitive hominids servedto protect
them not only from heat loss but also from heat gain. Through evolution,
humans lost their general body hair, and with it they lost the ability to
protect themselvesfrom the radiant heat of the sun. Parallel to this event,
humans developeda unique and remarkable changeon the surface of the
body not found in any other living mammal: sweat glands. (Someexcep-
tions can be found in primates. For example, the patas monkey has
eccrinesweat glands over its general body surface.) Human skin possesses
approximately 2 million sweat glands over the general body surface.
Activation of theseglands expelsfluid (sweat) onto the surfaceof the skin
through sweat ducts.
104 Chapter

Sweating capacity and active neurogenic vasodilation reach their full

potential in humans. Matching these two effector capacities of the ther-
moregulatory system is important , especially under conditions of great
thermal stresslike exercise in the heat; otherwise, the huge evaporative
capacity (capacity to increaseskin blood flow ) would be wasted.
Sweatis a liquid composedmainly of water and electrolytes (table 5.1).
As this fluid evaporates, it cools the skin. The processof evaporation is
analogous to heating water on a kitchen stove. When the water boils, it
requires energy to convert liquid water to a vapor. During the evapora-
tion of sweat from the skin surface, the temperature of the skin represents
the heat of the kitchen stove and the evaporation of every gram of sweat
consumes 0.58 kilocalorie of heat, thereby cooling the skin. When the
skin cools, it cools the blood flowing through it ; thus heat is transferred
from the core of the body to the environment. Heat loss by this mecha-
nism can occur only if there is a vapor pressuregradient from the skin to
the ambient air. If relative humidity is 100 percent, no matter how much
sweat is produced, none can evaporate and sweat drips from the skin
without providing any cooling. In this latter situation, vital body fluids
are lost, dehydration occurs, and core body temperature rises at a rapid
rate. These conditions have the potential for producing a thermal injury
(heat stroke).
Typically, no more than 50 percent of the sweat produced is evapo-
rated, and the maximal amount of heat that can be dissipated by this
mechanism is approximately 1,200 kcal/h. The nontrained, nonheat-ac-
climated individual is capable of sweating at the rate of about 1,500 ml/h.
Training and heat acclimatization can increasethis figure by about 10 to
15 percent. Peoplelike the athlete Derek Clayton, who ran the marathon
in 2 hours and 8 minutes, can produce sweat at the rate of 3700 ml/h.
This is truly remarkable, for it representsthe total volume of plasma in
the vascular system. Obviously, the fluid required for sweat production
cannot come from the plasma alone. It must be derived from intracellular
and interstitial fluid as well .
There are people born without sweat glands (anhidrotic ectodermal
dysplasia). They have a difficult time participating in sports that require
high rates of heat loss, such as track and cross-country running. A high
school miler from Des Moines, Iowa, who was born with anhidrotic ecto-
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 105

Table 5 .1
Ion concentrations of body fluids
Ion ICF Plasma Sweat Urine

Species mEq /l mEq /l mEq /l mEq /l

Na + 10 140 50 128
Cl - 4 103 50 134
K + 140 4 4 60

Mg ++ 58 3 2 15

ICF, intracellular fluid .

dermal dysplasia , illustrates an important physiological point . The mile is

typically run on a quarter -mile track , and each competitor must complete
four laps . This man was able to compete because his teammates formed a
bucket brigade and doused him with a bucket of water every quarter -mile
of the race, to produce evaporative heat loss. This anecdotal story is ex-
traordinarily relevant because it emphasizes a biological fact : that heat is
lost by evaporation and not by the process of sweating itself . In other
words , it doesn't make any difference how water reaches the surface of
the skin , by sweating or by bucket ; it is the process of evaporation that
cools the skin , not the process of sweating . An important question is
whether these individuals have a high skin blood flow , even though they
have no sweat glands .

Heat Acclimatization
Imagine what would happen if a person driving from an air -conditioned
office in Los Angeles to Las Vegas in an air -conditioned car suddenly
stopped because the engine overheated , and decided to walk in the desert
for the next 2 to 3 hours . Without prior exposure to such conditions , this
person would experience marked elevations in core and skin tempera -
tures , heart rate would approach maximal values of 200 beats/min , and
symptoms of syncope , including dizziness , nausea, and pounding head-
ache, most likely would appear in less than 60 minutes . These physiolog -
ical responses would occur even if the person had access to sufficient
fluids to drink . A heat-acclimatized person ingesting sufficient fluids
would be able to walk the 2 to 3 hours in the desert without ill effects . In
fact , the rise in core body temperature during such a desert walk would be
106 Chapter

no higher than during a similar walk in the cool of the evening , when am -
bient temperature is only 50 F, compared with 120 F during the day (fig -
ure 5.4 ).
How does one become acclimatized to the heat ? The process is simple
and fast , especially in physically active or endurance -trained individuals .
It only requires walking in desertlike conditions 2 to 3 hours per day for 5
to 10 days. At the end of this period , not only does core temperature not
rise any higher than it would during the same walk in a cool room , but it
is accomplished with a cooler skin , owing to greater evaporative cooling
from increased sweating , and a heart rate of only 100 beats/min instead
of 200 beats/min (figure 5.4 ). This is perhaps the most remarkable physi -
ological adjustment that humans are capable of making and is attributed
in large part to the evolution of the sweat gland .
As a result of acclimatization , these glands not only are more sensitive
to a rise in core temperature , but also secrete a sweat that is almost like
distilled water , that is, it has very little salt (NaCI ). This is most beneficial
because the acclimatized person therefore retains more salt , which stimu -
lates drinking and helps to prevent dehydration . What a marvelous ex-
ample of physiological brinkmanship ! (Additional information regarding
the mechanisms of heat acclimatization are presented in chapter 6.)

Thermal Responseto Cold

Cold does not exist as a physical entity in and of itself. It is defined as a
lack of heat and is not a different form of energy. We are not " pierced" by
the cold winds of winter. Cold is simply a sensationthat results from heat
loss. When humans are exposed to a cold environment, their skin cools
and stimulates cutaneous cold receptors, which increasetheir firing rate
as skin temperature decreases . This in turn activates neural pathways to
produce superficial vasoconstriction, piloerection or " goose pimples,"
and possibly shivering. The superficial veins under the skin constrict, and
blood returns from the limbs via deep veins, the venae comitantes. This
venoconstriction contributes to the lowering of skin temperature, which
reducesthe temperature difference betweenthe skin and the environment,
thereby decreasingheat loss by radiation , conduction, and convection. In
very cold weather, vasoconstriction is so effective that tissue insulation
can be increasedsixfold . This is equivalent to wearing a light wool busi-
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 107

HR = 200 beatYmin




0 1 2 3

Time it Hours

Figure 5.4
Graph of the remarkable physiological adjustments associatedwith heat acclima-
tization . Initially , the unacclimatized person can walk only approximately 60 min
in desertlike heat (50 C, 120 F) before becoming exhausted. After only 5 to 10
days of repeat exposures, core temperature rises to a plateau no higher than ob-

served during a similar walk in a cool (20 C , 68 F) room .

ness suit . Interestingly , the insulation of the head does not change with en-
~o'a.lnJ'B.ladma~ a.I J

vironmental temperature because cerebral blood flow is kept constant : at

- 4 C the amount of heat lost from the head is about half of that produced
by the body at rest . It is wise to wear a hat in the winter .

The Trembling Body

In addition to reducing heat loss by vasoconstriction , cold can stimulate

heat production by activating shivering. Shivering is an involuntary con-

traction of skeletal muscle that can increase heat production 3- to 4-fold
and raise core temperature more than O.soC . It consists of alternating

contractions of antagonistic muscle groups so that gross body movements

do not occur . The efficienc )1"of contraction is minimal , so that virtually all
of the chemical energy released in the contractile process is converted into
108 Chapter 5

heat. (This inefficient contractile mechanism has been studied in rats.

There it accounts for more than 60 percent of the heat production in the
cold, which, plus the basal metabolism, may account for more than 75
percent of the total heat produced by theseanimals in the cold. It also has
beensuggestedthat shivering is closely related to the maintenanceof mus-
cle tone and may have evolved through the samemechanism.)
Everybody has experiencedshivering at least but this response, is not
initiated in all people at the samelow ambient temperature. In this case
obesity has a clear advantage in protecting people from the cold. Obese
people start to shiver at a 10~Terskin temperature and maintain a lower
blood flow to the skin at any given skin temperature than do lean persons.
Basedon this concept, is it not paradoxical that women almost always
feel colder than men? Becausewomen have a thicker layer of subcuta-
neous fat than men, one would think that women would endure the cold
better than men. So why do they generally feel colder than men?
The explanation is relatively simple. Heat is produced in proportion
to body mass. The bigger you are, the more heat you produce. On the
other hand, heat loss is in proportion to surface area. The person with
the greatest surface area has the greatest heat loss in the cold. We often
curl up in the cold to reduce surface area and decreaseheat loss. The
critical relationship is the ratio of surface area to body mass. Herein lies
the answer for women feeling colder than men in cool environments.
Women have a much larger surface area/body mass ratio than men. In
other words , they have a smaller engine producing heat, but relative to
that engine, they have a large surface area to lose the heat they produce.
As a result of this heat loss, their body temperature tends to fall , and
they feel cold . In addition , women decreaseblood flow to the skin more
effectively than men do. This reduces their skin temperature more than
in men and contributes of the explanation of why they feel colder than

Survival in the Cold

Although changesin skin blood flow and surface-to-massratio clearly in-
fluenceresponsesto the cold, the maximal insulative capacity of the body
tissuesis not related to these mechanisms, but to body fat content. Let's
consider an example. When an ocean liner sinks, who survives? The ath-
What -'s So Important About a Body Temperature of 37 C ? 109

lete who has 10 percent body fat and is a competitive swimmer , or the rel -
atively sedentaryperson who has 20 percent body fat ?At first glance, one
is tempted to answer that the competitive swimmer survives, because
when swimming, he can produce a considerable amount of heat through
muscle contraction . However , in the cold , it is not how much heat you
can produce , but the amount of subcutaneous fat that you have, that de-
termines survival (figure 5.5). The fall in core body temperature is directly
related to mean skinfold thickness . The greater the skinfold thickness , the

smaller the decreasein core temperature when the body is submergedin

cold water . Therefore , fat is a good insulator and could make the differ -
ence between life and death during submersion in cold water. Let's be
more explicit : a swimmer with a layer of subcutaneousfat of 3 cm can
swim in water at 15 C (59 F) for 6 hours with no decline in core body
temperature . On the other hand , the cooling rate of a person with a layer
of subcutaneousfat of only 5 mm is very high.
Although some extra subcutaneous fat can make the difference be-
tween life and death in cold water , compared with air, fat is a relatively
poor insulator . Figure 5.6 shows the insulative value of blubber for an
arctic seal compared with the insulation provided by the fur of various
animals. Approximately 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) of blubber provides insula-
tion equivalent to about 3 clo (clothing ) units . When this clo value is
compared with fur, whose insulative value is derived primarily from its
ability to trap air, the lemming and squirrel , with only about 0.75 in
(1.9 cm ) of fur , have the same insulation against cold air as the arctic
seal. In cold water , of course , where air cannot be trapped to provide in -
sulation , subcutaneous fat is an important source of insulation . Thus , in
cold air, wearing an appropriate coat with adequate insulation is far su-
perior to building up a layer of subcutaneous fat , as well as being much
healthier .

Human Skin Can " Supercool" !

Should frostbite be a concern as soon as the ambient temperature falls to
DOC or 32 P ? At what temperature does human skin freeze , and what fac -
tors might influence this freezing temperature? Human skin can " super-
cool ," that is, it can fall well below 32 F before it freezes. In fact , dry skin
can supercool to an averageof -lD .9 C or 11.5 F before freezing. Wetting
110 Chapter

~ .
- .

. .

Reciprocal of Mean Skinfold Thickness ( mm - l )

Figure 5 . 5

Relationship between the fall in rectal temperature and thickness of subcuta -

neous fat when men were exposed to water at 15 C for 30 min . In cold water ,

survival depends primarily on subcutaneous fat , which forms a layer of insula -

tion . Heat production is a secondary factor . ( Modified from Folk 1974 ) .

the skin causes it to freeze at an average temperature of only

- 5 . 4 C or 22 . 4 F . Water enters the skin through hair follicles , sweat ducts ,

and intercellular channels . As a result of increasing heat transfer by evap -

oration , wet skin cools faster than dry skin . However , this faster cooling

rate does not explain the higher incidence of freezing . Apparently what

happens is that water terminates supercooling by initiating crystallization

in the skin , making it more conducive to frostbite ( Molnar et al . 1973 ) .


The practical lesson here is to keep your hands out of water ifexposure to

cold is anticipated .

Lewis ( 1941 p . 870 ) wrote : " It has been found that supercooling dis -

plays itself in greater degree in skin that remains unwashed . Washing the

skin encourages , while rubbing the skin with spirit and anointing it with

oil discourages , freezing . The capacity to supercool greatly would seem to

be connected with relative dryness of the horny layers of the skin . It is

well known that Arctic explorers leave their skins unwashed . "
What 's So Important About a Body Temperature of 37 C ? 111

Figure 5.6
Insulation of winter fur. The insulation of fur on different animals is comnared
with the insulationof 2.5 in of blubberin an arctic seal. (From Scholanderet al.
In Folk 1974.)

Hats, Clothes, and Boots: Thermal Insulation

The unit of insulation is called the c/o (short for clothing ). One clo of
thermal insulation is equivalent to a quarter-inch of clothing or a typical
businesssuit. It 's the amount of insulation necessaryto keep a resting
man, with a heat production of 50 kcal8m28h-1, comfortable indefinitely
in a 21 C (70 F) environment, with relative humidity less than 50 per-
cent, and wind speed 10 cm8sec-l . The greatest insulator is still air, but
when the thickness of a layer of air exceeds1.27 cm, its insulative value
reachesa plateau and may even decline becauseof the initiation of con-
vective currents. The warmest clothing is that which best traps air, re-
gardless of the material used. Even fine steel wool is as good as cotton
wool , as long as the bulk density of the fabric is low. The thermal insula-
tion provided by dead air is 4.7 clo units per inch thickness of dead air,
112 Chapter 5

which is very comparable with the best insulating fur of animals ( figure

5 . 6 ) . Thus , the insulative value of fur is proportional to its ability to trap

air .

It would be interesting to determine the thickness of insulation or the

amount of clothing necessary to withstand different environments and to

compare this insulation with the fur and feathers of animals . To deter -

mine the number of cIa units necessary to withstand a given temperature ,

the following formula is used :

1 = 3 . 1 ( Ts - Ta ) '


where I = insulation in clo units ; T s = average temperature of the skin ( a

comfortable skin temperature is usually taken as 34 C or 93 .2 F ) ; T a =

temperature of the air ; M = heat production ( 50 kcalem2eh - l is resting

metabolism ); 3 / 4 = 75 percent , or the amount of dry heat loss ( 25 pecent

of our resting heat production is attributed to evaporative cooling ) .

The amount of insulation required for a resting person to be comfort -

able in a 20 F environment - 6 .0 clo units or 1 .5 inches of insulation -

would be calculated as follows :

6.0 cIa = 3.1 (93-20).

3/4 (50)
In figure 5.6, this is approximately equal to the insulation provided by
the fur of a red fox or a caribou. If this person was walking at a mild pace
(5.6 kmeh-l ), heat production would be approximately 150 kcalem2eh-l
and the required insulation ~Touldbe a half-inch (1.27 cm), about 2 clo
units. Thus, the extra heat production of mild walking reduced the re-
quired insulation for comfort to one-third the value required at rest.
A new index, required clothing insulation (IREQ), has been developed
to assesscold stress. It is defined as " the minimal clothing insulation re-
quired to maintain body thermal equilibration at a mean skin tempera-
ture of 30 C in the absenceof any regulatory sweating" (Holmer 1984
p. 1120). It emphasizesthe importance of " underdressing" in the cold to
avoid problems associatedwith sweat absorption and condensation. It is
easier and safer to add clothing than to remove layers wet with sweat.
IREQ definesa steady state condition under which heat loss occurs for a
minimal period of time (20- 30 min ), followed by equilibration of body
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 113

Mean Radiant Temp . = Air Temp .

Relative Humidity = 50 %
Air Velocity = 0.5 m/s

u ~


- 30 - 25 - 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10


Figure 5 .7

Required clothing insulation ( IREQ ) plotted against ambient temperature at four

different levels of metabolic heat production . Clothing insulation decreases as

exercise intensity increases from 70 to 232 watts per meter square of surface area

( W / m2 . ) ( From Holmer 1984 ).

temperature . Figure 5 . 7 shows that low activity ( 70 W / m2 ) in a cold envi -

ronment produces considerable cold stress . During exercise , sufficient

heat can be produced to balance heat loss . Under these conditions IREQ

is small and less dependent on ambient temperature . If the insulation pro -

vided by the clothing worn is less than that required to maintain thermal

equilibrium , cold exposure must be limited in order to reduce body cool -

ing . This limited duration of exposure for a given set of environmental

conditions can be calculated (Holmer 1984 ).

Cold Acclimatization
Humans can be acclimatized to the cold . In fact , one of the most amazing
human capacities is that of sleeping " like a baby," completely nude , at al-
most freezing ambient temperatures . (This is one of the examples that will
be discussed, along with other forms of cold acclimatization , in chapter 6.)
114 Chapter 5

Cold acclimatization is usually associatedwith an increasein metabolic

rate that is not accompaniedby shivering. When rats are kept at 5 C, they
acclimatize by increasing their metabolic rate 50 to 100 percent, even
though shivering decreases . This " nonshivering thermogenesis" may
originate in skeletal muscle, but not from musclecontraction , becausethe
increasein heat production with cold exposurestill occurs when the mus-
cles are paralyzed with the drug curare. Another fact, contrary to expec-
tation , is that cold-acclimatized people allow their skin temperature to
fall to a lower temperature before they begin shivering.

Heat and Cold Acclimatization Together?

An important and intriguing physiological and practical question is " Can
heat and cold acclimatization coexist in the sameindividual , or are they
mutually exclusive?" The answer is that they can coexist. The loss of one
during a change in seasonis not due to the presenceof the other, but to
the absenceof an adequatethermal stimulus. Thus, in the transition from
summer to winter, the sensitivity of the sweating mechanism decreases ,
not becausethe skin becomescooler during winter months but because
the sweat glands are no longer activated by exposure of the skin to a
warm environment. Once again, contemplate the effects of prolonged
aerobic training . Rememberthat the most powerful stimulus to activating
heat-loss mechanismsis a rise in core body or brain temperature. Thus,
the marathon runner who trains in the cold of winter is already acclima-
tized for work in the heat becausehe/she elevatescore body temperature
to high levels with every training session.

Why Not Regulate at 20 C or 40 C Instead of 37 C?

Why Not Regulate at 20 C (68 F)?

Through the processof evolution, all mammals and birds achieveda con-
stant body temperature of approximately 37 C. The small computer in
the brain that enabled animals to maintain this constant body tempera-
ture was a powerful developmentof nature becausevirtually all mammals
on Earth, from the arctic fox to the African lion , are equipped with the
mechanismsto achieve a fine balance between heat gain and heat loss.
Therefore, there should be no question that the regulation of core body
What ' s So Important About a Body Temperature of 37 C ? 115

temperature at 37 C is the ideal for integrating all physiological mecha -

nisms . If Nature did it , then it should be right . Nonetheless , why is 37 C

the ideal temperature , and why is 20 C or 40 C not ?

These questions have never received satisfactory answers from biolo -

gists . It is surprising how few hypotheses have been proposed to explain

this phenomenon . One reason for regulating at 37 C is that it is the opti -

mal temperature for enzymatic function . However , this explanation ig -

nores the fact that more than 50 percent of the body tissues , representing

the skin and subcutaneous tissues , are functioning below 37 C .

Moreover , the recent discovery of " hyperthermophiles " that can live at

temperatures up to 95 C without denaturing would argue against this

simple explanation ( Gross 1998 ) . Using these observations , Burton and

Edholm ( 1955 ) concluded that enzymes can adapt to a particular temper -

ature better than the core temperature can adapt to a temperature for op -

timal enzyme function . He further suggested that homeotherms have

selected a high core temperature because it provides maximum stability

for temperature regulation .

The argument is as follows . First , a rise in temperature ( according to

the Law of Arrhenius ) increases heat production and heat loss .

( Temperature influences the rate of chemical reactions , and therefore can

influence growth and metabolism . This influence , known as the Law of

Arrhenius , is often expressed as the " Q10 effect " - the increase in reac -

tion rate for a 10 C rise in temperature . For most living cells , heat pro -

duction increases 2 .3 times with a 10 C rise in temperature . Thus , a 1 C

rise in temperature will increase heat production by ( 2 . 3 ) 1 / 10 or 8 .6 per -

cent . If it is assumed that homeothermy began in a 25 C environment ,

and that x is body temperature , the difference between core and ambient

temperature ( the excess temperature ) would be ( x - 25O ) . A 1 C rise in tem -

perature would then be (x + 1 - 25 ) or ( x - 24O ) . Because heat loss is ap -

proximately proportional to the temperature gradient between ambient

and core body temperatures , heat loss will increase in the ratio of [ ( x -

24 ) / ( x - 25 ) ] . Then heat balance should be obtained by equating heat loss

and heat production :

[(x -24 )/(x -25 )] = 1.086 (2.31/1 ).

Solvingfor x yieldsa temperatureof 37 C.
116 Chapter 5

Thus , a temperature that would yield stability between heat production

and heat loss would be 37 C . This temperature assumes that heat transfer
to the skin from the core is constant and that the heat transfer coefficients

for the different avenues of heat loss are constant . However , this approx -

imation is true only for small changes in ambient temperature . Moreover ,

heat loss is proportional to the thermal gradient from the skin to the envi -

ronment , not from the core to the environment . Burton acknowledges

that proof of this theory would not withstand careful scrutiny , but the ex -

ercise does suggest that the core temperature of homeotherms may have

something to do with the stability of temperature regulation .

Another important consideration is fluid homeostasis . The relationship

between animals and their environment is tightly linked to their water

balance . Homeotherms evolved in regions of the world where environ -

mental temperature ranged from about 20 C ( 68 F ) to 25 C ( 77 F ).

Consider the fluid balance problem that would be created if core body

temperature were regulated at 20 C . Under these circumstances , ambient

temperature ( 20 to 25 C ) would always be higher than brain tempera -

ture . Heat would be gained by radiation , convection , and conduction ,

and the only avenue of heat loss would be evaporation . The sweating

mechanism would be activated continuously and humans would con -

stantly seek water to drink . At a constant brain temperature of 37 C , the

core is usually 10 C or more above ambient temperature and the sweat -

ing mechanism is not activated .

Why Not Regulate at 40 C ( 104 F )?

Regulation of brain temperature at this level no doubt would be too close

to the denaturation point of protein . ( When a protein is denatured , its

polypeptide chains uncoil , become tangled with one another , and cannot

be separated ; hense the denatured protein is insoluble . A good example of

protein denaturation is the effect of heat on the protein ovalbumin in egg

white . When an egg is cooked , ovalbumin , which is normally a soluble

protein , becomes denatured and forms an insoluble white coagulum .)

Moreover , our mobility and recreation would be markedly limited . Mild

activity would produce severe thermal stress , and high intensity exercise ,

even for short periods of time , would likely result in thermal injury " ( heat

stroke ) . Sports like tennis , football , basketball , field hockey , and soccer
What-'s So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 117

Minut ~ of Runnng

Figure 5 .8
Rise in core temperature during exhausting exercise in the heat . This figure illus -
trates the effect of a competitive 3 mile run on a humid day when the ambient
temperature was 87 P. Core temperature was elevated by warm - up before the
race . Competitor A achieved a much higher core temperature than competitor B
at the end of the race , in part because he had a higher core temperature at the end
of his warm - up . ( Modified from Robinson 1963 .)
:>a' H
30 'a.lD1e.ladwa~ 1R1

would be impossible to play . Even with a core of 37 C , on a warm day

with a high relative humidity , core temperature will rise at the rate of

O .3 C per minute during intense exercise ( figure 5 . 8 ) . Thus , within less

than 15 minutes , core temperature can rise to over 41 C . As illustrated in

figure 5 . 8 , a prolonged or hard warm - up preceding a competitive race

will elevate core temperature and contribute to its marked rise during the
. .
competItIon .

Can the regulated temperature be changed ? This of course occurs with

fever , which is discussed in chapter 8 , but aside from fever , is there a tem -

perature other than 37 C that would be better for physiological function ?

The answer is yes ! With acclimatization to heat , core body temperature is

118 Chapter

regulated at a lower level . Furthermore , after a period of prolonged aero -

bic exercise, not only is resting core body temperature lower , but both the
shivering and the sweating thresholds are reduced . This is associated with
improved heat and cold tolerance .
Inferred from these observations is the possibility that primitive man
maintained a core body temperature lower than that of the typical seden-
tary person of today , who is far less tolerant of both hot and cold envi -
ronments . (Some intriguing insights about primitive man will be
discussed in chapter 6).

Why Maintain a Constant Brain Temperature ? The Selfish Brain

Neurons are exquisite and delicate cells that require constant and unper -
turbed surroundings to perform their job . They require chemical constancy
and , above all , a warm environment . Neurons are very hardworking cells .
They do not seem to complain about their hard and tiring work , but they
need help . In fact , for this purpose neurons have their maids , the glia ,
which are in charge of cleaning up and maintaining their extracellular
surroundings .
In the brain of poikilotherms , the neuronal environment was constant
with regard to chemicals and hormones , but not temperature . For these
animals , neurons in the brain worked hard when temperature was ele-
vated , but slowed their activity when temperature fell . During the transi -
tion from reptiles to mammals , these animals had to cope with a new
problem , that of producing excess internal heat . Solving this problem re-
quired the development of mechanisms for losing heat , and with these
mechanisms , a machine , a computer in the brain , to control it . With this
computer , and with a constant temperature in the brain , neurons became
continually active .
It looks as if in the final stages of mammalian evolution , in the late
Cretaceous and Eocene times , the final stage of development of tempera -
ture regulation took place . Precisely, it was at the time of growing and
further elaboration of the cortical mantle . It has been hypothesized that
the evolution of a more complex brain brought a greater need for a con -
stant brain temperature . Recall that the Law of Arrhenius states that re-
action rates are a function of temperature . More important , each reaction
What's So Important About a Body Temperatureof 37 C? 119

in the body has an " activation energy " that is temperature -dependent .
Activation energy is the energy required to initiate a reaction rather than
the energy (or heat ) produced by a reaction . Moreover , activation energy
can vary markedly from one reaction to another .
Imagine the difficulty of performing coordinated movements and com -
plex thought processes if the millions of reactions (with their different ac-
tivation energies) required to perform these tasks occurred at different
times as a function of varying brain temperatures . The emerging concept
therefore is that the organizational complexity of the brain and the need
for complex interaction of neuronal activity require homeothermy . In
support of this concept , it is common knowledge that hypothermia is as-
sociated with drowsiness and confusion ; and that elevations in brain tem -
perature significantly impair mental performance (Engel et ale 1984 ;
Hancock 1981 ). Although fever is associated with impaired mental pro -
cessing, even a nontoxic rise in core temperature produced by exercising
in the heat significantly increases the frequency of errors on an attention -
stress test . Further evidence supporting the importance of homeothermy
for normal brain function is the poor temperature regulation (as an ex-
ample of neuronal processing ) in the newborn compared with an adult
(see chapter 4 ).
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

From Siberia to Africa : Understanding the

Ducks walk on ice without freezing their feet, rats can live in refrigera -
tors , and some humans can sleep virtually nude at near freezing tempera -
tures without shivering or discomfort . On the other hand , desert ants can
maintain body temperatures over 50 C, and elite marathon runners can
sustain brain temperatures between 40 and 42 C without heatstroke .
How is this possible ? One of the most remarkable characteristics of
homeotherms is their ability to adapt to changing environments through
physiological adjustments and, with more prolonged exposure, anatomi-
cal changes. The term used to describe the physiological responsesto
chronic exposure to environmental stressis acclimatization, whereasac-
climation is used when an organism is exposedto a single stress, usually
in a specifically designedenvironmental chamber where temperature, hu-
midity, oxygen tension, and so on can be controlled and varied indepen-
dently. During the process of acclimatization or acclimation, if a
particular physiological responsediminishes compared with the unaccli-
matized or unacclimated state, the term habituation is used. The term
adaptation usually is reservedfor genetic effects produced by natural se-
lection. Often the ability to acclimate to one stressimproves one's ability
to cope with other stresses . This is called crossacclimation. A good exam-
ple of crossacclimation is the effect of endurance training on heat and
cold acclimation.

Cold Acclimatization

Many researchers believe that humans are not capable of acclimatizing to

the cold because humans do not expose sufficient body surface to the cold
122 Chapter

for a sufficient period of time to produce an adequate stimulus to elicit an

adaptive response . With this notion in mind , (a ) are there any human

populations that expose their whole body to the cold sufficiently to pro -

duce acclimatization , and ( b ) is it possible to produce local acclimatiza -

tion to the cold as a result of limited exposure of body regions ? For

example , if your hands are usually exposed to the cold , do they exhibit

greater cold tolerance than the hands of someone who usually wears

gloves ?

There are only three possible physiological adjustments that can be

made to the cold : ( a ) decreased heat loss , achieved by reducing the surface

area of skin exposed to the cold , growing hair for insulation , and / or de -

creasing the temperature gradient from the skin to the environment by re -

ducing skin temperature ; ( b ) increasing heat production by shivering or

nons hive ring thermogenesis ; or ( c ) allowing body heat to decrease to the

level of hypothermia . This last change is not synonymous with hiberna -

tion . Shivering is a specialized form of neuromuscular activity , whereas

nonshivering thermogenesis is a generalized increase in metabolism of

several or all bodily tissues . Is there any evidence for whole - body cold ac -

climatization in humans ?

The Eskimo: A FrustratedExpectation

The concept that humans are incapable of acclimatizing to the cold is sup -

ported by the majority of the data collected on the Alaskan Eskimo .

Contrary to popular opinion , the physiological responses of Eskimos to

environmental stress are similar to those of Europeans . Both groups

shiver and sweat at the same skin temperatures . From a physiological

viewpoint , these responses should not come as a great surprise , since both

groups maintain virtually the same skin temperature despite the fact that

the Eskimo lives in the Arctic . Eskimos simply wear appropriate clothing

to protect their skin from the cold . On the other hand , Eskimos generate

30 to 40 percent more heat from nonshivering thermogenesis than do

Europeans not typically exposed to the cold . This elevation in metabolism

is attributed to the high - protein diet consumed by the Eskimo and not to

cold exposure . When the diet of the Eskimo is limited in protein content

to that of a white Caucasian , the elevation in metabolism is reduced to

that of the European .

From Siberia to Africa 123

Although Eskimos do not expose their whole body to the cold , they do

expose their extremities , and show evidence of local acclimatization . For

example , Eskimos have a much greater capacity to keep their hands warm

than do Europeans . This is attributed to hand blood flow , which was

found to be twice that of medical students living in a temperate climate .

When their hands were immersed in 5 - 10 C water , Eskimos maintained

higher hand temperatures and showed greater increases in blood flow , es -

pecially to the fingers , than the Europeans . Even Eskimo children , with a

smaller hand volume and greater surface - to - mass ratio than their elders ,

had warmer hands than adult white Caucasians .

This local acclimatization generally is found in fisherman who repeat -

edly have their hands in cold water , and is attributed to a blunted vaso -

constrictor response in the skin areas exposed to cold . What is intriguing

is that the blunted vasoconstrictor response is observed not only in the ex -

posed limb but also in the contralateral nonexposed hand , indicating that

this response is mediated by the brain ( Eagan 1963 ) .

The Ama : Diving in the Cold for a Living

In contrast to the Eskimo , the women of Korea and japan who dive to

harvest plant and animal life year round in waters that reach 10 C during

the winter provide the best evidence of cold acclimatization in humans .

When physiologist Suki Hong studied these women in the early 1960s ,

their basal metabolic rate during the winter months , when they were div -

ing in very cold water , was significantly elevated above values observed

during warmer months ; this provided the crucial evidence for cold ac -

climatization . However , years later , when these women were restudied ,

they no longer showed this enhanced metabolic capacity . This deficit

could not be attributed to diet , age , or the loss of physical conditioning .

What happened ?

Traditional Divers
TheseKorean and Japanesewomen divers are called ama. They begin div-
ing at the age of 11 or 12, and may continue to the age of 65 (Hong and
Rahn 1967). They dive both winter and summer and, if pregnant, are
known to work up to the day of delivery. In the late 1950s, when Hong
124 Chapter 6

Figure 6.1
Korean diving woman wearing a traditional bathing suit made of light cotton.
(From Hong and Rahn 1967.)
From Siberia to Africa 125

began his classical studies, these women wore only cotton bathing suits
(figure 6.1), even during the winter , when the air temperature was near
freezing and seawatertemperature was only 10 C. In the winter, a diver
worked 1 or 1 15 - to lO -min shifts ; even this short time was sufficient to
lower rectal temperature from 37 C to 34 .8 C (Hong et ale 1987 ). This
level of hypothermia also has been observed in Australian Aborigines (see
below ) and Channel swimmers . A typical dive lasted about 60 sec and
consisted of a 30 -sec dive followed by a 30 -sec rest interval in the water .
During the summer , when air temperature is 25- 30 C and water temper -
ature is 22 - 27 C , divers worked 2 1 - hour shifts and 1 2 - hour shift . Each

diving sequence was terminated when oral temperature reached about

34 C. The lowest oral temperature recorded was 32 .5 C (Hong et ale
1987 ).
In addition to monitoring changes in rectal temperature, cold stress
was estimated from increments in oxygen uptake (Hong et ale 1987).
During a winter diving sequence, heat loss was estimated to be 600 kcal ,
compared with 400 kcal , during a summer diving shift . Considering that
a diver may work one or two shifts in the winter and three shifts in the
summer , the average heat loss was estimated to be 1,000 kcal per day dur -
ing each season. To compensate for this caloric deficit , divers consumed
approximately 3,000 kcal in food each day, compared with only about
2 , 000 for nondivers .

To oppose heat loss and the consequent lowering of body temperature ,

the ama increased their basal metabolic rate by 30 percent during the
winter (figure 6.2), whereas nondivers in the samecommunity exhibited
no seasonal changes. This remarkable adjustment is attributed primarily
to whole-body exposureto cold. As noted above, the Alaskan Eskimo has
a metabolic rate comparable with that of the ama during winter, but the
Eskimo 's high metabolic rate is attributed to a very high -protein diet . By
comparison , the protein content of the ama diet is low , and cannot ac-
count for their elevated basal metabolic rate .

In addition to elevating heat production , another important adaptive

mechanism of the ama against the cold is increasing body insulation . A
major factor in body insulation is the layer of fat under the skin ; because
women have more subcutaneous fat than men , they excel as divers .
However , the ama as a group are relatively lean individuals and the
126 Chapter 6


August November January April August

Figure 6 .2
Basal metabolic rate of ama women (A ) increases in winter and decreases in sum -
mer . In nondiving women (B ), basal metabolic rate is constant throughout the
(JnoH/Ja~all\l aJenbs/sa!JOle::>ol!>t) a~e~ ::>!loqe~all\llese8

year . Curve (C ) shows the mean seawater temperature in the diving area of Pusan
harbor for the period covered by the other measurements . (Modified from Hong
and Rahn 1967 .)

amount of subcutaneous fat they possess typically is lower than that of

nondivers , yet they lose less heat under conditions of cold exposure . How
is this possible ? The answer relates to the control of peripheral blood

flow , especially to the limbs , and the measurement of functional insula -

tion . This measure is obtained by submerging subjects in cold water for

several hours and recording their core temperature and heat produc -
tion . Using these results , maximal body insulation is calculated from the

Maximal body insulation = [ T c - critical water temperature ] / Rate of skin

heat loss ,

where T c is core temperature (rectal temperature ), critical water temper -

ature is the lowest V\I"ater temperature the subject can tolerate for 3 hours
From Siberia to Africa 127

% 31
:.;:.1 29
; 0
28 .
;2 0 AMA

, :I ::
~ -/c-))50
.~ Q %...
0 320310 300
Figure 6.3
Bath )290
.(O .-28
Shivering threshold of Korean diving women is shifted from 32 C to 31 C . The
difference between control groups (men , nondiving women ) and the ama is more
apparent at 50 percent shivering . The ama become cold -acclimatized in winter
and shiver at a lower temperature than nondivers and men . (From Hong 1973 .)

without shivering , and the rate of skin heat loss is equal to metabolic rate
(corrected for respiratory heat loss) plus net loss of stored heat during
submersion . The outcome of these experiments indicated that the ama (a)
experience less heat loss than nondivers with the same thickness of subcu -
taneous fat ; (b) lose about half of their subcutaneous fat in the winter ,
presumably becausetheir caloric intake does not keep pace with their
heat loss; and (c) shiver at a significantly lower water temperature than
nondivers . The water temperature at which 50 percent of the ama shiv -

ered was 28.2 C, compared with 29.9 C for nondivers, and 31.1 C for
men (figure 6.3). This greater insulative shell of the ama is attributed to
the suppression of shivering , but , it could be a vascular response. The lat -
ter could be due to an enhanced vascular constriction of the limbs and / or
a more effective countercurrent heat exchange in the limbs . Because there
are no significant differences in heat flux from the limbs or in limb blood
flow when comparing the ama with nondivers , it has been concluded that
the greater insulation is due to a more efficient countercurrent heat ex -
change system (Hong et al.1969 ).
In addition to the response to whole -body submersion , another test
of cold tolerance is to submerge the hand in 6 C water and to monitor
the local vascular response. Contrary to the attenuation of finger va so-
128 Chapter6

constriction observed in arctic fishermen and Eskimos , the ama showed

greater vasoconstriction than nondivers . This response is attributed to
the whole -body cold exposure of the ama (versus with only local cold
exposure experienced by Eskimos and arctic fishermen ). The latter
groups expose their hands to the cold , but the rest of their skin is main -
tained at a relatively high temperature and their core temperature
changes little .

Contemporary Divers

In 1977 , the ama began wearing wet suits to combat the cold stress . This

change provided the rare opportunity to study the time course of the

decay of acclimatization . Diving in wet suits certainly made the work of

the divers more comfortable and productive . Rectal temperature fell only

0 . 6 C during a diving sequence in the winter , compared with a fall of

2 . 2 C when the ama wore a cotton bathing suit . In a wet suit , mean skin

temperature was as much as 10 C higher , and heat loss was reduced to

only 37 percent of what it was when the ama wore a cotton bathing suit .

As a result of the reduced cold stress , there was no seasonal change in

metabolic rate . Basal metabolism was no different in the ama compared

with nondivers . When measures of critical water temperature were made

for a given thickness of subcutaneous fat , divers showed a marked change

in 1983 , compared with values observed in the 1960s . The difference in

critical water temperature between the ama and nondivers in the 1960s

was as much as 4 C ( Hong et ale 1987 ) , compared with only 1 C in 1981

and no difference in 1983 ( table 6 . 1 ) . When subjected to the cold - hand

test ( described above ) , the more intense vasoconstrictor response of tradi -

tional divers was lost . This supports the notion that the latter response of

was associated with whole - body cold exposure rather than cooling of the

hands alone . Thus , the ama who lost their cold acclimatization blunted

the stimulus to acclimatization by wearing artificial insulation instead of

preserving their own insulation .

This return of thermoregulatory function to control levels after several

years of diving in a protective garment provides evidence that the cold ex -

posure experienced by traditional divers indeed produced cold acclimati -

zatIon .
From Siberia to Africa 129

Table 6 .1

Thermoregulatory functions in traditional and contemporary divers

Year Basal Metabolic Maximal Body Qfinger Critical Water

Rate (% ) Insulation (% ) (% ) Temp ( OC )

Traditional divers

1960 - 1977 + 30 ( in winter ) + 20 - 30 - 4

Contemporary divers

1980 0 0 - 20 - 2

1981 0 0 0 - 1

1982 0 0 0 - 0 .2

1983 0 0 0 0

Note : Basal metabolic rate , maximal body insulation , and Qfinger ( finger blood
flow during immersion of hand in 6 C water ) are expressed as percent deviations
from respective control values ( + and - denote higher and lower than control , re -
spectively ) . Critical water temperature indicates absolute value relative to con -
trol ( - denotes lower than control values ).
From Hong et ale 1987 .

The Australian Aborigine : Sleeping Nude in the Cold

There are a number of ways to test human tolerance for cold exposure .

Perhaps the most widely used is to submerge the subject in cold water or

expose the subject to cold air , and to determine the threshold skin tem -

perature for the onset of shivering . A less popular and more time - con -

suming test is the " cold bed test . " Basically , the individual is confined to

bed in the cold and subjected to a variety of physiological and behavioral

tests ; the most important one is whether the person is able to sleep . When

white Caucasians are tested , they feel cold , shiver , toss and turn , cannot

get comfortable , and cannot sleep . The Australian Aborigine , on the

other hand , sleeps like a baby . Most interestingly , when noncold - acclima -

tized white Caucasians participate in long - term aerobic training , they dis -

play many of the same physiological adjustments as the Australian

Aborigine . What are these physiological adjustments , and how are they

developed in endurance athletes ?

In contrast with the ama , the Aborigines show little or no increase in

metabolism during cold exposure . Thus , their ability to tolerate the cold
130 Chapter 6

36::~~~;::::::::::::::-. 0

3 ~ ~~ "'-O~~::
3 Tsk

0 2 4 6 8

Figure 6.4
Averagethermal and metabolic responsesof sevenAustralian Aborigines and six
3:)N't/13nONO:) lVWH3Hl

control white Caucasiansduring a night of moderate cold exposure (ambient

temperature about SaC). These tests were performed in a portable field environ-
!.!.8',,',' J

mental chamber to obtain a suitable and reproducible sleeping environment.

(Redrawn from Hammel 1964.)


I~ _ ~

is not due to a metabolic adaptation . When the responses of a group of

control white Caucasians were compared with those of a group of central
Australian Aborigines during the night , rectal , skin , and mean body tem -
: I11";'j :~r:I'f ~U

peratures , metabolism , and skin conductance were all lower in the

Aborigines (figure 6.4 ).
Because of their higher metabolic rate , the heat content of the control

group changed ver )lTlittle , but the heat content of the Aborigines fell
continuously throughout the night . The rate at which heat content fell
diminished as the gradient between skin temperature and air tempera -
ture decreased . The conductance of heat from the body core to the skin
was about 30 percent less in the Aborigines than in the controls , even
though mean skinfold thickness (3.04 mm ) and percent body fat (17 .3
percent ) were considerably lower in the Aborigines than in the whites .
From Siberia to Africa 131

C ,Esophageal
/ ----0------0-- - - -0-- - - 0
..- Ir~:'-: ::~~::=:::~:=: :==:~::=
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

% O2 Uptake

hLveiin.9 Ih ~ s.DJ.d-

34 35 36 37
I" 1
, C
Figure 6.5
Comparison of esophagealtemperature and oxygen uptake responsesof one sub-
ject to cold exposure before (e) and after 1 year (0 ) and 1.5 years (l:!) of
marathon training . Upper panel shows the change in esophagealtemperature as
ambient temperature was reduced from 29 C to - SoC. Lower panel shows the
corresponding change in ox)lTgenuptake as a function of mean weighted body
temperature. Although it appearsthat the threshold for an increasein 2 uptake
did not change, note the decreasein shivering threshold and diminished rise in
oxygen uptake with endurancetraining . (Redrawn from Baum et al. 1976.)

Corresponding values for the controls were 5.36 mm and 22.3 per-
cent, respectively (Hammel 1964). This form of cold acclimatization ,
whereby (a) heat content of the body decreases , allowing core tempera-
ture to fall , and (b) conductanceof heat to the skin is diminished, thereby
increasing the thickness of the body shell, has been referred to as " insu-
~mIJ' ~l:~r=1

lative hypothermia ." Considering the difficulty of obtaining food in

their environment, this form of acclimatization adopted by the Aus-
tralian Aborigine is certainly more energy-efficient compared with meta-
bolic acclimatization adopted by Korean and Japanesediving women.
The mechanisms responsible for adoption of these different strategies
for coping with the cold by the ama and the Aborigines are not under-
132 Chapter

Mean Body
38 I 0 Before1 35
I . After J

0 30 60 90 120

0 30 60 90 120

Figure 6 .6

Rectal , esophageal , mean body , and mean skin temperatures of a lean subject ex -

posed to 10 C air for 2 h , before and after training . ( Redrawn from Kollias et al .

1972 .)

What is intriguing is that endurance training , which improves heat tol -

erance, also improves cold tolerance . It is understandable that exercise
training , even in a cool environment - which markedly elevates core body
temperatures , stimulates the sweating response, and increases blood flow
to the skin - would improve heat tolerance . But why does endurance
training improve cold tolerance ? Figure 6.5 illustrates some of the physi -
ological responses of a subject exposed to the cold before and after 1 and
1.5 years of marathon training (Baum et ale 1976). The two responses
after training were similar. Esophageal temperature was considerably
lower after training as ambient temperature was reduced from 29 C to
- SaC , and the cold - induced rise in heat production ( 2 uptake ) occurred

at a considerably lower mean weighted body temperature . In fact , 2 up -

take did not reach 200 percent until mean body temperature had fallen al -

most 1 C more after training than before training . Mean body

temperature at rest and at the onset of shivering and sweating were all

progressively reduced as the level of fitness ( based on marathon time ) im -

From Siberia to Africa 133

proved. Becausecold sensation and thermal discomfort occurred at a

lower mean body temperature, these observations indicate that exercise
training reducedthe thermoregulatory set-point .
In a related study, 9 weeks of training reduced core, skin, and mean
body temperatures, metabolic rate, and tissue heat conductance during
exposure to a 10 C environment for 2 hours, compared with values ob-
servedbefore training (figure 6.6). In addition , physical conditioning pro-
duced an averagebody weight and fat loss of 1.8 and 2.9 kg, respectively.
Skinfold measurementsindicated a loss of subcutaneousfat. Becausesub-
cutaneoustemperature rose moderately after training , whereasskin tem-
perature fell, the greater temperature gradient across the skin indicated
that greater peripheral vasoconstriction may result from physical train -
ing. This implies that physical training increasesinsulation of the skin.
Collectively, these findings mimic those observed in the Australian
Aborigine and suggestthat exercisetraining produces a form of cold ac-
climatization describedby Hammel (1964) as " insulative hypothermia."
Thus, endurancetraining results in crossacclimatization. The latter term
is used becausetraining not only re.ducesthe thresholds for shivering and
sweating, which might be characterizedby the term habituation , but also
increasesmaximal sweating and the upper limit to which core tempera-
ture can be driven without thermal injury .
What is the rationale for this type of physiological adjustment to train -
ing? Recall that the hypothalamus is a complex structure responsiblefor
integrating homeostatic functions including energy, heat, and water bal-
ance. Endurance training will impact on all of these functions. The de-
creasein shivering threshold may be a manifestation of fuel conservation.
In addition , becauseresting body temperature also is reduced, training
may help to lengthen the time interval before body temperature rises to a
level that would impair performance. Consider the following calculation.
An endurance athlete weighing 70 kg can maintain a heat production of
700 watts. After one hour of maintaining thermal balance, it has been
shown that heat dissipation can fall about 10 percent as a result of a de-
creasein skin blood flow shortly before exhaustion (Adams et al. 1975).
Heat storage under these conditions would be 70 watts . 3600 sec-
onds170kg = 3.6 kJ . kg-i . Becausethe specificheat of the body tissuesis
3.48 kJ . kg-i . C, mean body temperature would rise about 1 C in 1
134 Chapter 6

hour . Thus , based on this calculation , a decrease in resting body tempera -

ture of only 0 . 1 C would prolong performance time by about 6 minutes .

The brain 's regulation of adaptive responses to the cold is poorly un -

derstood and can vary with different neurotransmitters , brain sites , and

animal size , age , development , and species . Based on data from guinea

pigs of the same strain , age , and sex , the body temperature threshold for

the onset of shivering depends on a balance between norepinephrine ( NE )

and serotonin ( S - HT ) inputs impinging on the anterior hypothalamus

from nuclei in the lower brain stem ( Zeisberger and Roth 1996 ) . In fact ,

cold - acclimated animals have a shivering threshold that is approximately

1 C lower than warm - acclimated animals . It was concluded that warm -

acclimated animals have greater activity in norepinephrine pathways , be -

cause when NE was injected into the anterior hypothalamus , the

shivering threshold moved to a higher core temperature in cold - accli -

mated , but not in warm - acclimated , animals . On the other hand , block -

ade of NE receptors reduced the shivering threshold much more in

warm - acclimated than in cold - acclimated animals .

Heat Acclimatization

In chapter 5 , we described what would happen if an unacclimatized per -

son was stranded in the desert during the summer and had to walk for

several hours to reach civilization . Humans are unique because , unlike

other vertebrates , they have the tremendous capacity to dissipate heat by

secreting sweat over the general body surface . However , even if this per -

son had adequate water to drink , the consequences of such a trek could

be fatal . The cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems in an unaccli -

matized person are unable to respond to such stress . Trying to supply

ox } Tgen to the legs to continue walking and blood to the skin to dissipate

heat places a heavy burden on the cardiovascular system , especially when

blood volume is decreasing because of excessive sweat production . As a

result , heart rate rises to 200 beats / min and core temperature to 40 C or

higher , sweating may decrease as a result of sweat gland fatigue , and it is

common to experience nausea , dizziness , headache , blurred vision , and

loss of coordination . What is even more remarkable is how quickly these

symptoms and signs of severe stress are abated with repeated short - term
From Siberia to Africa 135

w 180
t.~ -c-140
!8 S
-~ C

. -

-.JC )80
-wC ~
~ j
t~ w
W 38
. . . .
' "

~.. t

- 37
! .. . 36
- a: 35
~ ~
(/) t - 34
z <
< a: 33
~ Q. 32
t -

COOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 COOL

TIME (days )

Figure 6.7
Changesin heart rate and rectal and mean skin temperaturesin a cool room be-
fore and after a 10-day regime of heat acclimation to a hot, dry environment
(50 C). Each day, activity consisted of 5 10-min periods of treadmill exerciseal-
ternated with 2-min rest periods. The initial value each day is indicated by a
large dot and the end of each exerciseperiod by a small dot. The final values of
each day are connectedby a dotted line. (Taken from Eichna et ale 1950.)
136 Chapter

80 .

0 . .


30 ,


0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2

SWEAT RATE(mg.cm-' .mln-t)

Figure 6.8
Effect of heat acclimation on sweat sodium concentration as a function of sweat
rate. (Modified from Alan and Wilson 1971.)

(60- 90 min ) exposures (figure 6.7). After only 10 days of intermittent

walking in the heat for 50 min , the rise in rectal temperature in 50 C
(1200P) heat was no greater than in a cool 25 C (77 F) environment .
Acclimatization to heat is one of the most remarkable physiological ad-
justment that humans are capable of making . How does this happen ? Is
the brain the orchestrator ?
In humans , almost 80 percent of heat acclimatization occurs within
3- 4 days . In this brief period , there are significant increases in body fluid
compartments , with the secretion of aldosterone playing a crucial role in
(,-I-bew) NOllY~.1.N30NOO

retaining sodium from the kidneys and the sweat glands causing a dilute
sweat (figure 6.8), which helps to maintain extracellular fluid volume and
: ri'i~i

the drive to drink . If the effects of aldosterone are blocked by the drug
It1Ii[ .J..~ ' 71

spironolactone , the deleterious symptoms and signs outlined above reap-

pear. On the other hand , if the person is maintained in salt balance , the
role of aldosterone in the acclimatization process is diminished .

As the acclimatization process continues beyond day 4, blood volume

and extracellular fluid volume tend to decrease, but remain elevated
above values observed on day 1. In the meantime , other remarkable
changes are taking place . Not only does core temperature decrease, but
From Siberia to Africa 137

heart rate and skin temperatures also decline . The decline in skin temper -
ature is the result of an increasein evaporative cooling. It increasesthe
core-to-skin temperature gradient, which facilitates heat transfer to the
skin and heat loss , so that core temperature declines . The decrease in core

temperature reduces skin blood flow , which leads to an increase in the

heart 's stroke volume . Heart rate decreases because stroke volume is ele -

vated and core temperature is lower . Cardiac output remains unchanged .

The primary stimulus for this cascadeof eventsis probably the rise in core
body temperature. This concept is supported by the increasein heat toler-
ance produced by exercising in a cool environment and elevating core
temperature (Gisolfi 1973 ).
Figure 6.9 shows the changes in forearm blood flow , which is used as a
measureof skin blood flow, and sweating in a group of subjectswho were
exposedto exercisein the heat before undergoing a 2-week physical train -
ing program in a cool environment (pre-exercise), after 2 weeks of train -
ing (post -exercise ), and after 5 days of repeated heat exposure (post -heat )
to bring about heat acclimation . Two weeks of physical training pro -
duced little change in forearm blood flow (left panel ), but the sweating re-
sponse at any given esophageal temperature was greater, that is, the
sensitivity of the response increased . With heat acclimation , the sensitiv -
ity of the blood flow response increased , as indicated by an increase in the
slope of the relationship. The effect of acclimation on the sweating re-
sponse was more dramatic . The sensitivity (slope ) of the response did not
change compared with the responseto physical training , but the thresh-
old esophagealtemperature for the onset of sweating was significantly re-
duced from 37 .5 C to 37 .0 C . Although 2 weeks of training produced
only a change in the sensitivity of the sweating response, more prolonged
training , as practiced by endurance athletes , would likely produce the
same responsL as heat acclimatization . This is because endurance train -

ing , even in a cool environment , produces a high and sustained elevation

in core temperature .

Skin biopsiesobtained from monkeys before and after heat acclimation

showed that after acclimation, sweat glands increasedin size, produced
more sweat , and became more efficient in that they produced more sweat
per unit length of secretory coil (Sato et ale 1990). When similar biopsy
Tlk . 33 .C
- - 0 POS T- EX[ RCISE
- - - . PQ5T.HEAT
~ ~

c .

. .C

Tsk. 33. C
( U!UJ."" 00 / ) / "'" M07,d00078 W8V



Figure 6.9
Effects of two weeks of training and heat acclimation on forearm blood flow and
sweating on the chest (as a function of esophagealtemperature, T es). (Taken
from Roberts et al. 1977.)
From Siberia to Africa 139

specimenswere obtained from human subjects who characterizedthem-

selvesas poor or heavy sweaters, the latter group showed significantly
larger glands that produced more sweat and were more sensitive to
methacholine , which simulated their response to the in vivo neurotrans -
mitter acetylcholine (figure 6.10).
The decrease in the threshold for the onset of sweating and the increase
in skin blood flow are considered to result from changes in norepineph -
rine - and dopamine -mediated heat loss. Evidence to support this concept
is presented in figure 6.11, which shows that heat acclimation increases
norepinephrine-induced peripheral heat-dissipating capacity. This in-
creaseis shown by the significant change in slope of the dose-response
curve . The marked shift to the left of this curve suggests that heat accli -

mation produces a change in receptor sensitivity (Christman and Gisolfi

1985). Interestingly, Pierau et ale (1994) found a significant decreasein
warm-sensitive neurons in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POAH )
of heat -acclimated animals and no cold receptors . This would imply a
change in synaptic input impinging on warm - and cold -sensitive neurons
to modify their firing rates .
How does the process of heat acclimation affect the synthesis of heat
shock proteins (HSP), and what is the effect of heat acclimation on the
synthesis of HSP in the brain , particularly at sites known to subserve tem -
perature regulation ? The role of HSP in cell survival and cell homeostasis
will be introduced in chapter 7. In that discussion, it is noted that animals
residing in warm environments have high levels of HSP. This higher level
of HSP in proportion to the temperature of the environmental niche is in -
terpreted as a mechanism to protect the organism from thermal stress. In
support of this concept , preliminary data from heart tissue indicate that
warm -acclimated rats have significantly higher basal levels of HSP than
animals living under cool ambient conditions . Whether similar elevations
in HSP concentrations occur in other organs and in the brain, especially
areas participating in temperature regulation , is not known .
There are conflicting data on the thermal sensitivity of brain tissue.
Brinnel et ale (1987 ) reported that neurological disorders and brain le-
sions can occur at relatively low levels of hyperthermia . Moreover , the
LD50 (lethal dose 50), the core temperature (and presumably the brain
temperature ) at which 50 percent of individuals will suffer a heatstroke , is
140 Chapter 6





5 4
From Siberia to Africa 141

AT x I" g
/ J. T 10 pO

Controls: y = .063x +,38 r = .18

Heal acclimated: y = .109x+ .81 r = .81
Mean * SEM

Figure 6 . 11

Dose - response curve for norepinephrine microinjected into the preoptic anterior

hypothalamus before ( closed circles ) and after ( open circles ) heat acclimation in

the rat . The change in colonic temperature with each dose of norepinephrine has

been normalized by dividing the change in temperature with each dose by the

temperature change produced by the 10 pg dose ( tJ. T x pg / tJ.T 10 pg ) .

~. Significantly greater ( P < O . OS ) than control response at that dose . t Linear por -

tion of dose - response curves significantly different ( P < 0 . 001 split - plot analysis of

variance ) . ( Modified from Christman and Gisolfi 1985 .)

Figure 6 . 10

( A ) Sweat glands from biopsy specimens of poor sweaters ( open symbols ) ( a ) and

heavy sweater ( closed symbols ) ( b ) . It is presumed that the differences in sweat

gland size and sensitivity are associated with the level of fitness of these subjects .

( B ) Dose - response curves to methacholine ( MCH ) of 4 subjects who were heavy

sweaters ( closed circles ) and 3 subjects who were poor sweaters ( open circles ).

( Modified from Sato and Sato 1983 .)

(~ o) 8JmBJedW9

(b) 40.5



i I I . I . I . I I I
From Siberia to Africa 143

only40.4 C (Hubbardetall 1976). Ontheotherhand,two species of an-

telope, Grant'sgazelle andtheoryx, survivedesertexposures byallowing
theirtrunktemperature to riseto over46 C. Is thisalsothetemperature
of thebrain?If not, is it possible for someanimals , andevenhumans , to

Rats, Cats, Dogs, and Humans: Who Can Cool the Brain ?

It 's a hot summer day on the Mojave Desert. A jackrabbit , with an im-
planted radio telemeterto measurebody temperature, is observedto have
a resting core temperature of 41 C. A dog spots the rabbit and immedi-
ately gives chase. In 10 min, the body temperature of the jackrabbit ,
which is sprinting to avoid the dog, rises to 43 C. Unable to hide, it con-
tinues to run and elevatesits body temperature to 44 C, then suddenly
dies. Why didn't the dog also become hyperthermic and die? The dog,
being much larger, you reason, must have produced more heat and prob-
ably had a higher body temperature than the rabbit . The answer, at least
in part, is that the dog was able to cool its brain. How is this possible?
In 1966, a group of investigators discovered that when goats became
hyperthermic, their brain temperature rose lessthan the rest of their body
(Taylor 1966). They termed this phenomenon " selectivebrain cooling"
(SBC). Subsequentstudiesrevealedthat SBCoccurs in artiodactyls (even-
toed mammals with hooves: pig, hippopotamus [4 toes], antelopes,
camels, deer, giraffe, cow [2 toes], dogs, cats, and other species. The
mechanism that allows SBC to occur is attributed primarily to the pres-
ence of a carotid rete (figure 6.12), a network of medium-sized arteries
embeddedin the cavernoussinus at the baseof the brain. The cavernous

Figure 6 .12
(A ) Schematicdiagram of countercurrent exchangein the brain of an antelope.
Venous blood draining the nasal and buccal cavities flows back to the heart
through the cavernous sinus, cooling arterial blood destined for the brain. The
magnification shows the carotid rete as a network of small arteries formed from
the carotid artery within the cavernous sinus. (B) Carotid blood (Tbl ) and brain
temperature of a goat during exercise, illustrating selectivebrain cooling (SBC).
Inset shows SBC (the difference between blood and brain temperatures ). The
cross -hatched bar represents 60 min of level treadmill exercise at 4 .8 km8h - 1 .
(Modified from Taylor and Lyman 1972; Baker 1993; Baker and Nijland 1993.)
144 Chapter 6

sinus serves as a countercurrent heat exchanger because warm carotid

blood destined for the brain passes through the cavernous sinus, which
receives cooled venous blood returning from the mouth and nasal pas-
sages en route to the heart .
When dogs are running at high speeds, their brain temperature can be
1.SoC below their body temperature (figure 6.13 ). The mechanisms re-
sponsible for this high rate of brain cooling during exercise include (a)
panting ; (b) increased secretion of nasal and salivary glands , which accel-
erates the rate of evaporative cooling ; and (c) an increase in nasal and oral
mucosal blood flow . This magnitude of brain cooling also has been ob -
served in Thomson 's gazelle (an African antelope weighing 7- 12 kg that
has a carotid rete ). A 1 C difference between brain and carotid blood
temperatures has been observed in the horse (McConaghy et ale 1995 ).
Animals with a high exercise tolerance seem to have a greater capacity for
SBC. Neither the horse nor the rabbit has a carotid rete, but the horse has
a much greater exercise capacity than the rabbit and shows greater SBC
during exercise than at rest. The rabbit , with a much lower exercise ca-
pacity , shows similar levels of SBC during rest and exercise. The capacity
to increase blood flow to the upper respirator }Tpassages, as well as to res-
piratory and skeletal muscles, during exercise may be as important as
having a carotid rete (McConaghy et ale 1995 ). These marked differences
between brain and trunk (blood ) temperature have led to the interpreta -
tion that SBC protects the brain from thermal damage . Because the brain
is considered to be more vulnerable to heat than other organs (Burger and
Fuhrman 1964 ; Brinnel et ale 1987 ), SBC is considered to have survival
value under conditions of hyperthermia .
However , when brain and body temperatures were recorded by ra -
diotelemetry in free-ranging wild animals in their natural environment ,
SBC was observed under normothermic conditions but was not observed
when the animals were chased by a high -speed helicopter so that scientists
could retrieve their data recorders (figure 6.14 ). These observations were
made in the springbok Antidorcas marsupia /is (a small South African an-
telope weighing 25- 30 kg ) and the black wildebeest (a medium -sized
South African antelope weighing 130 kg ). The observation that SBC did
not occur under conditions of flight to escape predators , and the finding
that some animals can sustain a high brain temperature without injury ,

0.005 '


30 B. x
x x x
25 x x
20 x x
. x x
(U!W/ D)f / IW) MO13 aOO18

0 0
.0 0 00
10 . - .0o~ .00 000 0
. . . aX :] eoo. ------.- ' . RESTING
v.oo00 CD C8
0 0HYP
- ~ O
5 ~ .-a'.-_._- .,- x EXERCISE
. - - ' ..-
. . .. -
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
WATERLOSS(g/ kg/ min)
Figure 6.13
Relationship between cephalic blood flo\\Tand upper respiratory evaporation in
the dog. (A ) Carotid blood flow (implanted ultrasonic probe), evaporative water
loss (flow -through mask), rectal temperature, and brain (hypothalamic) tempera-
ture during exercise. In the period marked RUN (between the vertical arrows),
the dog ran at 7.5 kmlhr on a 20 percent slope. Ambient temperature was 25 C.
(B) Steady-state levels of carotid blood flow and evaporative water loss in a dog
at rest at ambient temepraturesfrom 25 C to 45 C (black circles), during heating

of the hypothalamic thermosensitive zone (white circles), and during the last

minute of 15 min of exerciseat different workloads and different ambient tem-

peratures. Carotid blood flow and evaporative water loss were highest during

heavy exercisein a warm environment. (Taken from Baker 1982.)

ii a
1! B B 1
B B . - m B
. . . .
. .
' . .. .

11 _ ; E
Chapter 6




- 0 m 00
"'If' ...,. t' ) tI') .
From Siberia to Africa 147

has led to an alternative interpretation of SBC : that it serves to modulate

thermoregulation rather than to protect the brain against heat injury .

This interpretation is supported by the finding that SBC is observed under

hyperthermic conditions as well as under normothermic circumstances

( figure 6 . 14 ) . Thus , SBC may be considered a thermoregulatory effector

mechanism similar to shivering and sweating , with the reservation that its

thermoregulatory effect is limited to the brain . Measurements made in

free - roaming antelopes showed that SBC occurred during the day under

conditions of intense radiant heat . Respiratory evaporative heat loss

( REHL ) was reduced because the brain temperature was lower than the

trunk temperature . This strategy conserves body fluids . In dehydrated

goats , SBC is maintained at reduced levels of REHL ( Baker and Nijland

1993 ) .

What does the hypothalamic thermostat sense in animals with a carotid

rete ? If a large number of temperature sensors are in the brain , why

would nature evolve a system that cools this area of the brain , thus pre -

venting it from detecting upward deviations in core body temperature ? As

stated in chapter 3 , thermo sensors are located in the spinal cord and

throughout the body core . Afferents from these trunk sensors contribute

equally to the control of respiratory heat loss if brain and trunk tempera -

tures are identical ( Jessen and Feistkorn 1984 ) . When brain and trunk

temperatures are independently manipulated , brain temperature provides

exclusive control over SBC ( Kuhnen and Jessen 1991 ) . The combination

of a high trunk temperature and a low brain temperature results in pant -

ing but not SBC . On the other hand , the combination of a high brain tem -

perature and a low trunk temperature produces SBC but not panting .

Figure 6 . 14

Schematic diagram illustrating when SBC is turned " on " or " off " in an animal

under free - ranging conditions . ( A ) At rest or during moderate activity under con -

ditions of low environmental heat stress , SBC is evoked ( middle ) , which inhibits

brain temperature sensors from detecting the rise in body temperature .

Consequently , respiratory evaporative heat loss ( REHL ) is driven primarily by

trunk temperature sensors and the rise in REHL with increasing body tempera -

ture is attenuated ( bottom ) . ( B ) During high sympathetic activity - the animal

running for its life - SBC is suppressed , that is , brain temperature equals trunk

temperature ( middle ) , and REHL rises with a steeper slope because it is now dri -

ven by both trunk and brain temperature sensors . ( From Jessen 1998 . )
148 Chapter 6

Thus , in the hyperthermic animal , the brain can offset ( separate ) its own

temperature from the rest of the body . SBC can reduce the drive on ther -

moregulatory effectors that are activated by input from the core and

brain . However , when SBC is active and brain temperature is lower than

trunk temperature , REHL is reduced and the trunk contributes more than

the brain to the drive for heat loss .

As illustrated in figure 6 . 14 , SBC in the resting animal reduces REHL ,

thereby conserving body fluids , whereas SBC is not operative when

the animal is running for its life and a maximal drive for REHL is desir -

able . An important feature of the system , as described by Jessen ( 1998 ),

is that SBC is not mandatory ; that is , cool venous blood from the

nasobuccal cavities can return to the heart via the angularis oculi vein

through the cavernous sinus and lead to SBC , or it can return through

the facial vein directly to the jugular vein and prevent SBC ( figure 6 . 12 )

( Johnsen et ale 1987 ) . These veins contain sphincters that are richly en -

dowed with sympathetic fibers . Thus , it may be possible for the sympa -

thetic nervous system to activate or suppress SBC by manipulating blood

flow via these two routes because the angularis oculi sphincter has

a - adrenergic receptors that are normally relaxed , whereas the facial

vein sphincter has p - adrenergic receptors that are normally constricted .

Thus , low sympathetic activity could promote cool venous flow through

the cavernous sinus , leading to SBC , whereas high sympathetic activity

could constrict the angularis oculi sphincter , dilate the facial sphincter ,

and direct cool venous blood away from the cavernous sinus , thereby

preventing SBC .

What can we conclude from these findings ? How can we reconcile the

observations in the wild with those in the laboratory ? Jessen and col -

leagues ( Jessen 1998 ) have elegantly shown in field studies that antelope

appear to turn off SBC under " fight or flight " conditions . However , the

animals in this situation were being chased by helicopter , which no doubt

produced maximal emotional stress in addition to their running at maxi -

mal speeds . SBC under these conditions could have been overwhelmed by

intense heat production and thus not have been apparent . When exercise

studies using the same species were performed under laboratory condi -

tions , the intensity of the exercise was not maximum and the animals

were not subjected to the emotional stress associated with being chased in
From Siberia to Africa 149

the wild . The level of sympathetic outflow had to be markedly greater in

the wild than in the laboratory, and this could help to explain why SBC
occurred in the laboratory but not in the wild . The finding that SBC oc-
curs under normothermic conditions in an arid environment points to the
thermoregulatory benefits of this phenomenon. By limiting the panting
response and allowing trunk temperature to rise , the animal conserves
vital body fluids in an environment where water is limited . The storage of
heat that results from radiant heat gain and elevates trunk temperature
during the day is dissipated in the cool air of the evening hours. Thus,
SBC economizesthe use of panting by reducing the respiratory rate for a
given changein brain temperature. However, under the most severecon-
ditions - running from a predator - high sympathetic stimulation pre -
cludes SBC, hypothalamic temperature riseswith trunk temperature, and
panting is driven to its highest level (figure 6.13B ).
Is SBC active in fever? If SBC functions to protect the brain under hy-
perthermic conditions , one might expect it to be fully activated during
fever . The results in this area are controversial and seem to vary with
species, which may indicate that SBC depends on the nature of the carotid
rete. When goats were studied during fever and the results were compared
with data obtained in a nonfebrile state , it was concluded that fever in -
hibits SBC by elevating its threshold and reducing its slope. These obser-
vations support a thermoregulatory role for SBC.
Does SBC occur in humans ? Humans do not have a carotid rete and do

not pant , but some investigators believe that significant cooling of the
brain can occur nevertheless(Cabanac 1986). This possibility is a contro-
versial issuethat dependson whether or not brain temperature can be es-
timated accurately (Nadel 1987 ; Wenger 1987 ; Brengelmann 1993 ;
Cabanac 1993 ). The temperature that has been used to estimate brain

has beentympanicmembrane
(Ttym). The
question is " Does T tym track esophagealtemperature (T es)' which is usu-
ally acknowledged as the best measureof core body temperature, or does
T tym fall below T esunder conditions of heat stressand during manipula-
tions such as face-fanning, and in so doing provide evidence of SBC?"
Before answering , it is critical that T tym be measured accurately . If it is
not , spurious data will be collected and incorrect interpretations will be
made . If the temperature -sensing device employed to measure T tyro is not
150 Chapter 6

...-- - - - ------- Copper /constantan
thermocouple sensor
soldered to steel wire loop

~ - Insulating paint

- Thermocouple cables

.. Teflon heat shrink tube

Sponge rubber

-4r:- --- - - - Dermiform tape


(4 mm diameter)


Figure 6.15
(A) Tympanic membranethermocouple. (B) Effect of fanning the right side of the
face on tympanic membrane temperature (T ty ) in both ears and on esophageal
temperature (T es). (Modified from Sato 1996.)
From Siberia to Africa 151

properly insulated and placed on the membrane, it will sensea tempera-

ture that is lower than T es. Figure 6.15 shows that when a spring-loaded
thermocouple is used (to ensure that its tip is indeed on the tympanic
membrane), T tym temperature will closely track T es changes. Moreover,
during fanning and heating of the face, skin temperature can be changed
markedly without producing an alteration in T tym . These observations
and the finding that the interpeak latencies of acoustically evoked brain
stempotentials (whose changesreflect changesin brain stemtemperature)
(Jessenand Kuhnen 1992) do not changewith face-fanning argue against
significant SBCin humans. It has beencalculated that blood flow through
the cavernoussinus must increasefour- to fivefold (Nielsen 1988) or that
venous blood in the sinus must be 119 C cooler than the arterial blood
(Wenger 1987)for SBCto occur in humans. However, proponents of SBC
in humans arguethat heat exchangewithin the cavernoussinus represents
only one mechanism for lowering brain temperature. Direct conductive
cooling also could occur from the outer layers of the brain, where a 0.4 C
temperature gradient exists from 4 cm to 2 cm deep (Whitby and Dunkin
1972). The lower temperature in the outer layers presumably is the result
of heat loss from the surfaceof the head.
Nielsen (1988) found that Ttym while subjects were bicycling out-
doors (wind velocity 5- 7 m8sec-1) was about 1.DoC lower than T eso.
This difference was not observed when subjects were cycling indoors
under still -air conditions at the samearl1bienttemperature. This tempera-
ture difference between indoor and outdoor exercisecould be attributed
to (a) conductive cooling of the eardrum, (b) constriction of arteries sup-
plying the tympanum, or (c) local countercurrent heat exchange (figure
6.16). Conductive cooling was consideredunlikely becausethe earswere
plugged with wax and coveredwith cotton and earmuffs. Pulmonary ven-
tilation and environmental conditions were similar indoors and outdoors,
thus eliminating a difference in evaporative heat loss as a possible expla-
nation . Becauseface temperature was goC lower outdoors than indoors
(increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient 15- 20 times over still -
air conditions), countercurrent heat exchange could occur between the
external jugular vein and external carotid artery, internal jugular vein and
common carotid artery, or the cavernous sinus and internal carotid
152 Chapter 6

Bra in

Common Carotid Artery

Potentialsitesfor countercurrentcooling of arterial blood supplyingthe hypo-
thalamus and tympanic membrane . Site I: cavernoussinus- internal carotid
artery. Site II: internal jugular vein-common carotid artery. Site III: external
jugularvein- externalcarotid artery. (FromNielsen1988.)

artery . Compressing the internal jugular vein had no effect on T tym , so

heat exchange between the internal jugular vein and common carotid
artery was eliminated as an explanation.
Using anatomical dimensions, blood flows, physical properties of
blood and tissues, and conventional heat exchange equations, Nielsen
(1988) calculated that cooling of arterial blood flowing through the cav-
ernous sinus could account for only 0.2 C, far lessthan the 1 C difference
observedbetween T eso and T tym . This led to the following conclusions:
(a) the lower T tym observed outdoors resulted from local cooling of re-
gions supplied by the external carotid artery (which supplies 80 percent
of the blood flow to the tympanic membrane); (b) T tym is not a good
measureof hypothalamic temperature (seealso Brengelmann 1987); and
(c) the T eso- T tym difference is not a measureof brain cooling.
From Siberia to Africa 153

Thus, the debatecontinues. If SBCoccurs in humans, it probably is lim -

ited. Moreover, recent data indicate that heatstroke patients can sustain
temperaturesin excessof 41 C and that heat acclimation and endurance
training not only enhanceheat-dissipating capacity but also increasethe
core and, presumably, the brain temperature that can be tolerated with -
out thermal injury (seeHales et al. 1998 for review).
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

The Burning Brain

Eachyearapproximately 2 millionpeoplefromover80nationsgatherto
makethegreatpilgrimage to Mecca , thehajj. Thisis not simplya visitto
a holyplace.EveryMuslim, everywhere in theworld, unless physically or
economically unableto do so, is obligatedto performthe hajj at least
oncein a lifetime.It is thefifth of thefivefundamental "Pillarsof Islam"
(Long1979). In the Quranit is writtenthat the first houseof worship
foundedfor mankind , theStanding Placeof Abraham , is in Mecca(Long
1979). Thetimingof thehajjis absolutely fixedontheeighth,ninth, and
tenthdaysof thelastmonthof theMuslimcalendar . Because thehajjoc-
cursaccording to theMuslimlunaryear,whichis 11daysshorterthan
thesolaryear,at theendof abouta 34-yearperiodit hasfallenin eachof
the12solarmonths . Thus, it fallsin thesummer(April- September ) and
winterin 17-yearcycles . Asidefromcholera , heatis themajorsourceof
curablemedicalproblems . This is because of the desertclimatefound
throughout theHejaz.In thesummer , maximumtemperature in theshade
hasbeenrecordedat 52.2 C (126F) (Long1979). Evenin the winter,
whentheclimateis balmy , constantexposure to thesuncanbedebilitat-
ing, especiallyfor theagedandyoung.In theJune1959hajj, 454people
diedof heatillness(Long1979). Heatstroke is a completely preventable
condition , butthecircumstances surrounding thehajjcontinueto makeit
a majorchallenge for thoseresponsible for administering this annual
event . This type of heatstrokeis known medicallyas "classicalheat
stroke" (table7.1).
Let'sconsider a verydifferentscenario thatcanleadto greatermorbid-
ity andmortalitythan classicalheatstroke . Imaginetrying to run 135
milesbeginningat 6:30 in the morning , whenambienttemperature is
156 Chapter 7

Table 7 .1
Characteristics of classica]l and exertion-induced heatstroke

Characteristics Classical Exertional

Age Older Young

Occurrence Epidemic form Isolated cases

Pyrexia Very high High

Predisposingillness Frequent Rare

Swea ting Often absent May be present

Acid - base disturbance Resp. Alkalosis Lactic Acidosis

Rhabdomyolisis Rare common

DIC Rare Common

Acute renal failure Rare common

Hyperuricemia Mild Marked

Enzyme elevation Mild Marked

DIC , disseminatedintravascular coagulation.

From Knochel 1989.

37 . 8 C ( 100 F ) . By midafternoon , ambient temperature rises to 55 C

( 131 F ) , and asphalt ( ground - level ) temperature is 82 - 93 C ( 180 - 200 F ) .

These were the conditions under which competitors participated in the

1996 Badwater , Death Valley to Mt . Whitney , road race . The strain on

the cardiovascular system to provide adequate blood flow to working

skeletal muscle for oxygen delivery and blood flow to the skin for heat

dissipation under these conditions is enormous . Further imagine that

these competitors are sweating profusely and must sustain blood flow to

muscle and skin when dehydrated , which reduces circulating blood vol -

ume . Under these conditions , some runners will experience dizziness ,

headache , confusion , and an altered gait . This is the onset of heatstroke .

Recall the staggering finish of Gabriella Andersen Scheiss during the first

women ' s Olympic marathon in 1984 . This type of heatstroke is known

medically as " exertion - induced heatstroke . " Both forms of this multior -

gan system injury can be fatal , although exertional heat stroke usually is

associated with greater morbidity and mortality .

Heatstroke remains a serious problem throughout the world . It contin -

ues to occur in athletic events and during unexpected heat waves .

However , " The major diagnostic challenge is to distinguish classical heat

stroke from sepsis , and exertional heat stroke from less severe heat - in -
The Burning Brain 157

duced abnormalities, such as heat exhaustion, a condition in which body

temperature is about 40 C and the victim remains conscious" (Simon
1994 p.73).

Heatstroke: A Burning Brain or a Leaky Gut ?

Is heatstroke the result of a " burning brain," that is, the direct effect of
heat on brain tissue, causing lesions and denaturation of protein ? Or is
heat stroke the result of primary damageto body tissuesthat ultimately
affects the brain ? Historically , it has beenattributed to either a central or
a peripheral event. In the former case, Malamud et ale (1946) hypothe-
sized that heat had a direct effect on the hypothalamus that led to ther-
moregulatory failure, the cessation of sweating, inadequate peripheral
circulation , and shock (a " burning brain" ). Thus, the brain could be the
primary target of heat injury . Adolph and Fulton (1923- 119-24) were the
first investigators to attribute heatstroke to a peripheral dysfunction, that
is, circulatory failure leading to shock. Acute circulatory failure was
shown to precededeath in more than 80 percent of 100 heatstroke cases
(Austin and Berry 1956). Basedon this knowledge, the critical question
seemsto be What causessystemichypotension during heat stress? Is the
critical target organ the gut or the brain ?

Does the Fire Start in the Gut ?

Researchhas establisheda mechanisticlink betweenthe splanchnic circu-
lation and the etiology of heatstroke (figure 7.1). The splanchnic circula-
tion - the stomach, spleen, pancreas, intestine, and liver- contains about
20 percent of the total blood volume and receivesa similar portion of the
cardiac output . Blood floV\lTresistanceoffered by the splanchnic vascula-
ture representsa major portion of the total peripheral resistance, and this
bed is intimately involved in determining normal systemicblood pressure.
During heat exposure, blood flow through the splanchnic vascular bed
decreasesas flow to the skin increasesto facilitate heat transfer from the
core to the skin. Kielblock et al. (1982) were the first to suggestthat cir-
culatory collapsewith heatstroke was attributable to splanchnicvasodila-
tion . Kregel et al. (1988) demonstrated that splanchnic blood flow
decreasesthroughout the early stagesof heating, then increasessharply
158 Chapter 7



Flow diagramillustrating a hypothesisto explain the etiology of heatstroke
The Burning Brain 159

10- 15 min before a precipitous fall in mean arterial blood pressure .

Blood flow to the kidney and to the tail of a rat (its primary heat -dissipat -
ing organ) increasesduring the prodromal period of heatstroke. Thus, a
selectiveloss in splanchnic vascular resistanceduring heat exposure may
trigger the cascadeof eventsleading to heatstroke. The mechanism(s) re-
sponsible for this decline in splanchnic vascular resistanceare unknown .
Splanchnic vasodilation in the hyperthermic animal is not the result of a
decrease in sympathetic nerve activity or circulating catecholamines
(Gisolfi et ale 1991), or a direct effect on the vascular contractile machin-
ery (Kregel and Gisolfi 1990 ).
Death from heatstroke has been observed when core temperature rises
to 41- 43 C. As a consequence of this high temperature , a decrease in tis -
sue blood flow (ischemia) occurs. This can be followed by an increasein
potassium concentration in the blood (hyperkalemia) and an increasein
lactic acid production (acidosis). The loss of ion gradients of the cell and
the lack of energy production produce tissue damage and death . The
brain , liver , and small intestine , which are sensitive to ischemia and reper -
fusion injury , are the prime targets of tissue injury in heatstroke . When
oxygen transport to the liver was reduced by lowering arterial oxygen
content (normal flow ), then compared with ischemia (normal arterial
oxygen content), it was ischemia that produced liver damage (Tashkim
1972 ). On the other hand , heat stress (increasing core temperature from
37 C to 41 .5 C in rats ) increased the content of the hypoxic cell marker
3H -misonidazole by 80 percent in the liver and by 29 percent in the small
intestine (Hall et ale 1999 ). Furthermore , the small intestine is slow in
adapting to changesin ox)"'gen delivery, which suggeststhat it is sensitive
to a reduction in oxygen tension (hypoxia ).
It can be envisaged that the combined effects of heat , increased metab -
olism , reduced blood flow , and hypoxia reduce the barrier function of the
gut . This barrier consists of tightly packed epithelial cells, intestinal secre-
tions, and specializedimmune cells. When it breaks down, the millions of
bacteria normally present in the gut that facilitate digestion can gain ac-
cess to the blood . This causes bacteremia and endotoxemia (see chapter
8). Systemic endotoxemia has been observed in heatstroke victims
(Graber et ale 1971 ; Coridis et ale 1972 ) who were ultramarathon runners
who collapsedduring competition (Brock-Utne et ale1988) and following
160 Chapter 7

strenuous exercise(Bosenberget ale 1988). The time course of this endo-

toxemia has been determined in the heat-stressedmonkey (Gathiram et
ale 1987a), and prevented by administering a prophylactic dose of corti -
costeroid (Gathiram et ale 1988). A follow -up study (Gathiram et ale
1987b) showed that prophylactic corticosteroid increasedsurvival of ex-
perimental heatstroke in primates, possibly by suppressing plasma
lipopolysaccharide concentration. Thus, an increasein gut permeability
may be a key factor leading to endotoxemia and hypotension.
What is the link between increased intestinal permeability (which is
considered to be an increasein permeation through tight junctions) and
the translocation of endotoxin (a much larger molecule), which is pre-
sumed to be a transcellular event? Figure 7.1 illustrates the two stages
that characterizethe progressiveeffects of hyperthermia (Somasundaram
et ale 1995). In stage one, heat produces tissue ischemia, which in turn
produces biochemical changesthat uncouple oxidative phosphorylation,
depleteATP, and increaseCa+2 efflux from both mitochondria and endo-
plasmic reticulum . Theseeventslead to increasedcytosolic Ca+2 concen-
tration (Carafoli 1987), generation of reactive oxygen species
(superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical), alterations in cellular
osmotic balance, and loss of tight -junction control , thereby producing in-
creasedintestinal permeability.
The increasein intestinal permeability is proposed as the central mech-
anism in the transition from the biochemical (ultrastructural ) changesin
stageone to the tissue reaction (macroscopic) changesobserved in stage
two . When the tight junctions open, their maximal channel size is too
small to permit passageof endotoxin, but it doesallow passageof dietary
antigens and chemotactic oligopeptides (Ferry et ale 1989; Helton 1994).
The latter stimulate intraepitheliallymphocytes to secreteinterferon-')'.
These lymphocytes are wedged between epithelial cells beneath the tight
junctions. Interferon-')' openstight junctions (Madara and Stafford 1989),
and activatesmacrophagesand neutrophils to releaseoxygen radicals and
the immunosuppressivepeptides (Helton 1994). Thus, increasing intesti-
nal permeability by opening tight junctions can initiate immunologic and
inflammatory eventsthat can alter gut structure and function (stagetwo ).
Thus, there is considerable evidencethat a leaky gut can produce the
systemiceffects so frequently observedin heatstroke patients. Thesedata
The Burning Brain 161

also reveal why it can be so difficult to distinguish betweenthe symptoms

of heatstroke and those of sepsis. However, let us now turn to the brain,
becausethe hypotension presumably causedby the progressiveeffects of
a leaky gut, endotoxemia, and releaseof cytokines leads to cerebral is-
chemia, the releaseof toxic neurochemicals, and neuronal damage. These
effects in the brain may participate in the initiation and/or exacerbation
of the peripheral eventsoutlined above.

Or Is It in the Brain ?
The brain is especially vulnerable to hyperthermia-induced dysfunction
(Brinnel et ale 1987). In fact, the reaction of the brain to thermal injury is
complex and multifactorial . The sequenceof eventsprobably beginswith
general circulatory failure produced by the events in the gut. Moreover,
the direct effectsof heat on brain tissuemay play an important role in the
final pathological outcome of this process. It is a well known that during
ischemia, or any other pathological insult to the brain, an increasein tem-
perature can potentiate neural damage. But before starting with the brain,
let's see what the neurological symptoms of heat stroke are, and then
speculateon how the brain is involved.
The presentation of heatstroke usually is acute. Clinically, the loss of
consciousnessis a constant feature. However, about 20 percent of the pa-
tients have prodromal symptoms (those which precede the loss of con-
sciousness ) lasting minutes to hours and including dizziness, weakness,
and nausea. A clinical picture of heat stroke can be seenin table 7.2.
Symptoms besidesthose listed above include seizures, stupor, delirium ,
irritability , and aggressiveness. In a smaller percentageof patients, symp-
toms include fecal incontinence, flaccidity, and hemiplegia. Prominent
symptoms that could persist after recovery are cerebellar deficits, such as
dysarthria and ataxia. Other symptoms that could remain after recovery
are hemiparesis, aphasia, and mental deficiency. Thus, the general symp-
tomatology, apart from the cardinal feature- the loss of consciousness -
is variable and dependson individual characteristics.
Malamud (Malamud et ale 1946) reported in a clinical study of 125
fatal heatstroke casesthat the most prominent pathological findings in
the brain during autopsy were general edemaand microhemorrhages. He
reported swollen neurons and dendrites in the cerebral cortex (particu-
162 Chapter7

Clinicalfeaturesof heatstroke

Symptoms Patients with Symptoms (%)

Coma 100
Convulsions 72

Confusion and/or agitation 100

Hypotension (syst. below 90) 35

Dry skin 26

Rectal temperature 41 C 55

Vomiting 71
Diarrhea 44

Adapted from Shibolet 1962.

larly the frontal cortex) and basalganglia. But the most dramatic damage
in the central nervous systemappearedin the cerebellum. This consisted
of edema of the Purkinje layer and a reduction in the population of
Purkinje cells. The Purkinje cells remaining were swollen, pyknotic , or
disintegrated. Moreover, there was a notable increase in glial mass. In
contrast to thesepathological findings, and despite a careful pathological
analysis, no significant alterations were observed in the hypothalamus.
Nor were there any demonstrable changes in the midbrain , pons,
medulla, or spinal cord; mild damageand slight gliosis were found in cells
of the inferior olivary nuclei and in the reticular formation .
Unfortunately, the above findings were observedin fatal casesand could
have developed during many hours preceding death. Therefore, they do
not necessarilyindicate the initial cascadeof eventsleading to the damage
Researchin experimental animals has provided insight into the bio-
chemistry, physiology, and histological changesoccurring in the brain at
the onset of heatstroke. Experimentally, in the rat, during the onset of
heatstroke (time at which mean arterial blood pressure beginsto decline
from its peak level during exposure to an ambient temperature of 42 C),
subjects display arterial hypotension, intracranial hypertension, de-
creasedcerebral perfusion, degenerationof neurons with replacementby
microglia proliferation , and neuronal loss (Kao and Linn 1996). Also, ev-
The Burning Brain 163

idence indicating that a deterioration of the blood - brain barrier ( BBB ) oc -

curs in many parts of the brain has accumulated . This deterioration can

lead to increased movement of various hormones , ions , some serum pro -

teins , and other substances from the vascular compartment into the brain .

These substances could playa role in producing edema ( Olsson et al .

1995 ; Sharma et al . 1997 ) . In fact , some of these substances have been

shown to mediate an increase in BBB permeability .

Despite these events , the primary cause of brain damage during heat -

stroke has been shown to be ischemia or hypoxia of the brain following

the development of systemic hypotension , the result of which is the mas -

sive release of various neurotransmitters in the brain . As a consequence ,

an increase in free cytosolic Ca2 + , free radical production , and protein

denaturation could be playing critical pathological roles . The direct effect

of heat on the brain potentiates this ischemic damage ( Ginsberg et ale

1992 ) . Most probably the combined effects of hypotension and its conse -

quent reduction of cerebral blood flow , together with the direct effect of

heat on brain tissue , deplete ATP in many neurons of the brain .

It seems inconceivable that substances which playa physiological role

in transmitting information between neurons in the brain ( neurotransmit -

ters ) , can become neurotoxins when accumulated in excess in the extra -

cellular space . That is the case for at least glutamate and dopamine ,

which probably are two of the most important neurotransmitters known

today and play crucial roles in circuits of the brain coding for behaviors

such as emotion , motivation , motor behavior , and cognitive functions . In

particular , glutamate has been considered one of the most important neu -

rotransmitters in the cerebral cortex , providing rapid communication of

information among neurons . Other neurotransmitters , including sero -

tonin and noradrenaline also have been shown to accumulate in the ex -

tracellular space under heatstroke conditions .

When a Good Thing Turns Bad : Glutamate in the Brain

Glutamate is synthesized in many neurons in the brain , mainly in the cere -

bral cortex . Once it is released from the presynaptic terminals , it acts on

postsynaptic neurons through different types of receptors : NMDA ,

AMP A , and meta botropic . Among these , the NMD A receptors are the

most relevant .
The Burning Brain 165

In the presynaptic machinery, glutamate is synthesizedand releasedby

relatively well-known processes . But perhaps most relevant for our pur-
pose is to know that glutamate, in order to transmit information rapidly,
must be removed from the synaptic cleft very quickly once it has beenre-
leased. Reuptaketransporters located in the presynaptic terminals and as-
trocytes are responsible for maintaining a basal physiological
concentration of glutamate in the synaptic cleft. These reuptake trans-
porters are dependentupon normal concentrations of sodium and potas-
sium ions inside and outside the cell, which in turn are dependent upon
ion pumps that require ATP (figure 7.2).
Under hypoxic conditions, a lack of ATP synthesisleadsto the reversal
of ion concentrations acrossthe presynaptic membrane, which in turn re-
sults in the releaseof excessivequantities of calcium-independent gluta-
mate from the presynaptic terminals through the reverse action of the
high affinity transporter for glutamate (GLU). This excessiveamount of
GLU in the extracellular spacewill permanently open NMDA receptors,
through which calcium ions will enter the postsynaptic cell. The subse-
quent rise in postsynaptic cytosolic calcium concentration results in dam-
age and eventual death of the cell (figures 7.3 and 7.4).
Dopamine and serotonin have beenimplicated in the pathophysiology
of heatstroke. During heatstroke, cerebral ischemia increasesextracellu-
lar concentrations of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the hy-
pothalamus, corpus striatum, and other areas of the brain (Lin 1997).
Rats with depleted stores of dopamine in the striatum, following the de-
struction of dopamine cell bodies with a neurotoxin , showed lessarterial
hypotension, reduced intracranial hypertension, less ischemic damage in
the striatum, and prolonged survival time under hyperthermic conditions.
Theseresults suggestedthat increasedamounts of dopamine in the extra-
cellular space could lead to the auto-oxidation of dopamine into toxic
quinones and an increase in the production of cytotoxic free radicals.
Similar conclusions were drawn by others who investigatedthe effects of
ischemia in the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway.
Today, evidence is accumulating to show that it is not the releaseof
a single neurotransmitter that produces a responsein the brain, but the
interaction of two or more neurotransmitters that forms the basis of all
biochemical and pathological eventsin the central nervous system. This is
166 Chapter7




, .



Figure 7.3
Hypoxia and hyperthermia share a common mechanism of neuronal injury me-
diated by glutamate toxicity .

especially the case for glutamate and dopamine in the neostriatum . The
circuitry involved in this interaction , which also includes ')' -aminobutyric
acid (GABA ) and acetylcholine (Ach), is being deciphered (Segoviaet al.
1997 ).
As mentioned above , serotonin participates in the neuronal damage
produced by ischemia. Destruction of serotonergic neurons significantly
attenuates the neuronal damage associated with heatstroke , thus support -

ing a role for serotonin in the ischemic/hypoxic damageproduced during

heatstroke . Other neurotransmitters are involved in the pathogenesis of
heat stroke in the brain . For instance , opioid neurotransmitters (particu -
larly dymorphins) seemto play an important role in hyperthermic brain
injury because pretreatment with naloxone or naltrexone , two opioid re-
ceptor blockers, exert a significant neuroprotective effect against the dele-
terious effects of heatstroke (Sharma et ale 1997 ). Also , the free radical
nitric oxide has been implicated in hyperthermic syndromes . Increased
immunoreactivity to nitric oxide synthase (NOS ) in different areas of the
The Burning Brain

111 -

168 Chapter

Speculativeflow diagramillustrating how the combinedeffectsof a leaky gut
andhot brain canproduceheatstroke .

brain was noted in rats subjected to heat stress. Moreover , pretreatment

with the antioxidant compound H - 290 /51 showed a significant attenua -
tion of NOS in response to heat stress, and the signs of neuronal damage
and edema were less pronounced .
In summary , heatstroke , like septic syndrome , is associated with multi -
organ dysfunction , endotoxemia , and the release of cytokines . These
complications are positively correlated with increased intestinal perme -
ability (Ziegler et ale 1988 ; LeVoyer et ale 1992 ). Moreover , when endo -
toxin is administered to humans , intestinal permeability increases
(O 'Dwyer et al . 1988 ). It is hypothesized that a " burning brain " (cerebral
The Burning Brain 169

cell damage and neuronal loss} during heatstroke is a consequenceof a

decreasein blood pressure following increased intestinal permeability.
Figure 7.5 representsa working hypothesisshowing the eventsthat occur
in the body and in the brain during hyperthermia and their interaction
which could eventually lead to heatstroke.

Heatstroke Survivors: Are They More Susceptibleto Thermal Injury ?

In the 1950s and 1960s , there were numerous cases of heatstroke among

the Bantu laborers who worked in the gold mines of South Africa . It was

only after instituting the policy that everyone who worked in the mines

had to be heat - acclimatized that the incidence of heatstroke markedly de -

clined . As a result of the heat acclimatization process , individuals who

were heat - intolerant were identified and prevented from working under

such hot , humid conditions . Heat intolerance has been defined as the in -

ability to acclimatize to exercise in a hot environment ( Strydom 1980 ) . In

normal healthy humans , heat acclimatization occurs in 7 - 10 days , but the

exact differences in the physiological responses among heat - tolerant and

heat - intolerant individuals have not been defined . The factors underlying

heat intolerance are outlined in table 7 . 3 . Note that prior heatstroke is

among the factors listed .

In a relatively well controlled study by Israeli investigators , 9 young

men who had suffered a documented heatstroke 2 to 5 years earlier were

found to be intolerant of the heat , based on their physiological responses

to a single heat tolerance test , compared with control subjects matched

for age , height , weight , surface area , and VO2 max ( Shapiro et ale 1979 ) .

When they were asked to exercise at 35 percent VO2 max for 3 h in a

40 C environment , their core temperature rose to 39 . 6 C in 1 to 2 h ,

heart rate rose to 160 bpm , and the subjects stopped . Control subjects

were able to achieve thermal equilibrium at 38 . 8 C and completed the 3 h

exposure . Sweat rate was the same in both groups . The investigators con -

cluded that the heatstroke victims had difficulty transferring heat to the

skin . Whether or not these patients could acclimatize to exercise in the

heat as a result of repeated exposure was not determined . Thus , by the de -

finition above , it is unclear if they were truly heat - intolerant .

170 Chapter7

Table 7 .3

Factors underlying heat tolerance

a. General Factors
Heavy clothing
No acclimation
Previous heatstroke
Old age
b . Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Infectious diseases

Psychiatric disturbances or diseases

Parkinson disease

Ectodermal dysplasia

" Chronic idiopathic anhidrosis "


Extensive burn scars

Cystic fibrosis
d . Drugs
Drug consumers

In a study by Armstrong et ale (1990 ), 9 of 10 prior heatstroke victims

were able to acclimatize to dry heat within 2 months after their heat -
stroke . One patient was unable to acclimatize at this time and was classi-
fied as being heat -intolerant , but he successfully acclimatized to exercise
in the heat 11.5 months after his heatstroke . The difference between the 9
patients who successfully acclimatized within 2 months of their heat-
stroke and the one person who required 11.5 months to display the ap-
propriate physiological responses to the heat probably is related to the
time lapse between the onset of the injury and treatment , which is the pri -
mary factor that determines survival (Shibolet et ale 1976 ).
The Burning Brain 171

The Challenge: Only 4 C SeparatesLife from Death!

The normal resting core temperature of humans is about 37 C (98.6 F),

and the core temperature threshold for heat stroke is only 40.6 C
(10S.1 F) (Leithead and Lind 1964). Thus, only 4 C separateslife from
potential death. Does the brain have a limited capacity to tolerate heat? If
so, why ? What factors might be responsible for such limited capacity?
Tolerance for a high core temperature varies among and within species
(Adolph 1947; Hubbard et ale 1977). For example, two speciesof ante-
lope, Grant's gazelle and the oryx , can survive desert life, in part, by al-
lowing their core temperature to rise above 46 C (Taylor 1970). And
human marathon runners have beenshown to tolerate core temperatures
of 40- 42 C. Suchtolerance may be an advantagewhen one is exposedto
high thermal loads, and contribute to survival. In this context, a crucial
question for humans is Can the 4 C range over which we normally regu-

Range Be Expanded ? Training and

Physical conditioning and heat acclimatization have been shown to im-

prove physiological function . Physical training increasesthe size of the
heart and its ability to pump blood, which in turn leads to an increasein
performance. Training also increasesthe number and size of mitochon-
dria (factories for generating ATP), and the number of capillaries in the
heart and skeletal muscle. The latter effect improves myocardial blood
flow and helps to protect against heart attacks. Heat acclimatization in-
creasesthe ambient temperature range over which body temperature is
regulated, and physical training increasesthermal tolerance. However,
can a highly trained and/or heat-acclimatized individual tolerate a higher
core body temperature, or are highly trained athletes more susceptibleto
thermal injury becauseof their greater capacity to generate metabolic
heat? Exciting studiesindicate that physical training and/or heat acclima-
tization may allow tolerance to higher core body temperatures.
Exertional heatstroke often occurs as a result of exerciseat high rates
of metabolic heat production in warm environments. Table 7.4 shows the
172 Chapter7

Table 7 .4
Observed and derived results on the first com petitors ; finishing the Whitney

Order of Finishing 1 2 3 4
0 bservations

Time(min) 158 162 164 166

) 41.1 40.5 40.2
Weightloss(kg) 5.23 3.12 2.73 4.66
Volume of sweat (liters) 4.76 2.79 2.42 4.24
Sweat rate(liters
, hr-l ) 1.81 1.03 0.89 1.53
Totalfluidloss(liters) 5.10 3.07 2.69 4.56
Fluidloss(aspercentage of weight
) 6.9 5.1 4.7 6.6
Modified from Pugh et ale 1967 .

observed and derived responses of the first four finishers of a marathon

(Pugh et at. 1967 ). The winner had a core temperature of 41 .1 C . Core
temperature of the 2nd -place finisher was not taken , and the 3rd - and
4th -place finishers had rectal temperatures above 40 C. The investigators
concluded that tolerance of a high body temperature was a necessarycon-
dition for success in this event . Another study revealed that a marathon
runner maintained a core temperature between 41 .6 and 41 .9 C for the

last 44 min of a race without sustaining thermal injury (Maron et al .

1977 ).
In a study designed to determine if training in a cool (23 C ) environ -
ment would alter the potential for mortality or tissue damage during a
work - heat tolerance test to exhaustion , rats were trained on a motorized

treadmill for 6 weeks . Tissue damage and percent mortality were the
same in the trained and control sedentary animals , but the trained sur-
vivors (a) continued the test 44 percent longer, (b) performed significantly
more work , and (c) sustaineda 120 percent larger thermal load (product
of time and colonic temperature above 40 C ) than sedentary survivors .
Mortality first occurred at a core temperature range of 40 .6- 41 .0 C in
the sedentary animals , compared with a range of 41 .6- 42 .0 C in trained
animals (figure 7.6). Thus, training enabledrats to run longer in the heat,
The Burning Brain 173


. Sedentary

A Trained

I ~ I J I I I IJ

40 .1 - 40 .6 . 41 .1 - 41 .6 - 42 .1 - 42 .6 - 43.1+
40 .5 41 .0 41 .5 42 .0 42 .5 43 .0

Tc at exhaustion C

Figure 7.6
Percent mortality during work -heat tolerance test in trained and sedentary ani -
mals . Numbers above data points indicate the number of animals in each group .
(From Fruth and Gisolfi 1983 .)

sustain greater thermal loads , and be less susceptible to work -induced

thermal fatality than sedentary animals .
To elucidate the mechanism underlying the greater thermal tolerance of
highly trained endurance athletes and endurance -trained animals ,
Sakurada and Hales (Sakurada 1997 ) determined the effect of intra -
venous indomethacin on core temperature of physically fit and sedentary
sheepexposedto heat (42 C). Indomethacin blocks prostaglandin path-
ways involved in fever induced by endotoxin . The observation that in-
domethacin reduced the rate of rise of core temperature in the sedentary
sheep, but not the physically fit sheep, indicates that endotoxin plays a
role in determining heat tolerance . Presumably , the greater heat tolerance
of physically fit animals is related to their greater splanchnic blood flow ,
which permits better maintenance of intestinal barrier function . This hy -
pothesis is supported by the greater splanchnic blood flow in heat-accli -
matized animals (Shochina et ale 1996 ).
174 Chapter 7

Can heat acclimatization expand the narrow temperature zone over

which core temperature is regulated?In a preliminary report, Horowitz et
ale(1997) found that acclimatizing rats for one month to an environmen-
tal temperature of 34 C elevatedthe basal 70 kilodalton heat shock pro-
tein (see below) content in heart tissue by 140 percent. This coincided
with an improved myocardial perfusion during ischemic insult. Heat
shock protein (HSP) synthesisis turned on by tissue damage. Having a
ready supply of HSP on hand presumably allows the animal to cope with
greater thermal stress, that is, higher core body temperatures.

erance : UniqueBlendof Head

After broiler cockerels (chickens ) were exposed to an environmental tem -

perature of 35 .0- 37 .8 C for 24 h at 5 days of age, they experienced sig-
nificantly lower mortality upon exposure to the same environmental
conditions at 43 days of age than cockerels that did not experience neona -
tal heat exposure (Arjona et ale 1990 ). There were no differences in core
temperature between neonatally heated and neonatal control animals .
Thus , the heat-stressed neonates could better withstand the rise in body
temperature . Moreover , the ratio of surface to core temperature was the
same for the two groups , indicating that the greater thermotolerance of
the heat -stressed birds was not the result of greater heat dissipation at the
skin surface . Because acquired thermotolerance associated with the syn-
thesis of HSPs is dissipated after 7 days, and because these neonates were
not exposed to additional thermal stress after their 5th day of life , the im -
proved survival observed on day 43 cannot be attributed to either heat ac-
climatization or HSP accumulation . HSPs were not measured in these
investigations . Thus , the mechanism of this neonatally induced thermo -
tolerance remains unknown .

ANew Story: Heat ShockProteinsasCell Thermometers

, Stabilizers
and Chaperones

In organisms ranging from bacteria to man , heat exposure

- produces a
heat shock response. For example , when the larvae of the fruit fly
The Burning Brain 175

(Drosophila melanogaster) were exposed to a temperature of 40.5 C,

most of them died. However, if the larvae were exposed to mild heat
(about 35 C ) as a conditioning stimulus before exposure to the more se-
vere heat stress , about 50 percent survived (Mitchell et ale 1979 ). This ac -
quired thermotolerance or thermoprotection is attributed to the synthesis
of new proteins in responseto the cells being subjectedto elevated tem-
peratures (Tissieres et ale 1974 ). The greater the initial heat stress, the
greater the thermotolerance and protection afforded to the cell . In con -
trast to heat acclimatization (seechapter 4), which requires 5 to 10 days
to develop, thermotolerance occurs within hours of the initial exposure
and lasts for 5 to 7 days (figure 7.7). The appearanceand disappearance
of HSP in cells parallels the acquisition and decay of thermotolerance (Li
1985 ); blocking HSP synthesis during the conditioning stress prevents the
development of thermotolerance (Riabowol et ale 1988 ). Because heat
was the first stressor to produce these newly discovered proteins , they
were called " heat shock proteins ," bur it was soon discovered that other
stressors, such as oxidants , alcohol , heavy metals , and microbial infec -
tion , also induced the synthesisof these proteins. Thus, the proteins are
more appropriately termed " stressproteins" and the response, the " cell
stress response . " HSPs have been called the " thermometers of the cell "

(Craig and Gross 1991 ).

There are several families of HSPs , and among these the 70 kilodalton
(HSP70 ) family is the most highly conserved ; 50 percent of their structure
is similar between E . coli (bacteria ) and humans , and some domains are
96 percent similar . The HSP70 family consists of (a) an abundant 73K
cognate that is present in the unstressed cell but can be moderately in -
duced by stress, and (b ) a highly inducible 72K stress protein . The fact
that these proteins are so strongly conserved in structure across species
points to their importance in the survival of the organism. Their synthesis
enhancesthe ability of a cell to recover from stress, but precisely how this
is done is unclear .

How Does Heat Affect Cells , and What Is the Function of HSP ?

Heat increases metabolic rate and , as shown in figure 7.1, can uncouple
oxidative phosphorylation , leading to ATP depletion . Moreover , the
metabolic products of ATP breakdown can produce reactive oxygen
176 Chapter7

O. Unconditioned Rats, 42.50 (0)

1 - 3 Rats Conditioned by 41.80 for 60 min,
Challenged at 42.50
1 24 Hour Interval (. )
296 Hour Interval (. )
3144Hourlnterval (8)

0 0

Figure 7 .7
Survival after whole - body heating at an ambient temperature of 42 .5 C for 24
(curve 1 ) , 96 (curve 2 ) , and 144 (curve 3 ) hours after a conditioning heat expo -
sure at 41 . 8 C for 60 min . The curves represent best - fit plots determined by the
logistic regression method . Horizontal bars indicate 95 percent confidence inter -
vals for the LD 50 . Curve 0 represents survival of previously unheated rats (con -
trol ) following heating at 42 . 5 C . ( From Weshler et al . 1984 .)

species ( superoxide , hydrogen peroxide , hydroxyl radical ) , which are

detrimental to membrane lipids , cell proteins , and DNA . Abnormal pro -


teins can induce the synthesis of HSP . One function of HSPs is to bind

denatured proteins or unfolded protein fragments , and ( a ) serve as " fold -


ases " to restore them to their normal tertiary structures ( see figure 7 . 8 ) or

( b ) mark them for lysosomal degradation ( Moseley 1994 ) . Another im -

portant role of HSPs is their ability to facilitate the translocation of pro -

teins across membranes , that is , their role as chaperones . This involves

the unfolding , transmembrane transport , and refolding of proteins . Thus ,

acquired thermotolerance or thermoprotection may result from marking

denatured proteins , from stabilizing proteins in the process of denatura -

tion , from refolding proteins in the process of denaturation , and / or from

a. b.Lysoso The Burning Brain 177

~ c~.Memb

@~ \
_d Recovery
.S ~tress
~ ~
S ~
- S
~ = HSP70

~~ "
i't ~ ~ @ = HSC70

- - + = ATP
- .
+ Pi .

Schematicdiagramillustratingthe possiblechaperonefunctionsof the 70-kDa
heat-shockprotein (HSP70). Membersof this family, when expressed constitu-
tively (HSC70), bind to proteinsto assisttheir properfolding and assembly(a).
Wrongly folded proteinsor denaturedproteinsare refoldedor transportedto
lysosomesfor degradation(b). HSPalso assistsin transportingproteinsacross
membranes into variouscellularcompartments(c). Heat andotherstressesdena-
ture proteinsand induceHSP70synthesis . Newly formedHSP70bindsto dena-
turedproteinsto keepthemsolubleandassistsin their renaturation(d). Proteins
arereleasedfrom HSC70/ HSP70with the aid of ATPhydrolysis. (Modifiedfrom

providing transport of key enzymesor structural proteins required for cell

survival (Moseley 1994).
Although much of the researchinvolving HSPshas been performed in
cell culture systems, isolated organs and tissues, more recent studies on
whole animals have revealed that HSPs may participate in whole-body
adaptations. Results from a study of nine lizard speciesfrom various geo-
graphical regions led the investigators to postulate the following general
rule for poikilothermic organisms: a direct correlation exists betweenthe
characteristic temperature of the ecological niche for a given lizard
speciesand the amount of HSP70-like protein in its cells at normal tem-
178 Chapter 7

perature (Ulmasov et ale 1992 ). This postulate is supported by the incred -

ible ability of desert ants (Cataglyphis) to survive body temperatures of
50 C for at least 10 min and exhibit a critical thermal maximum of

53- 55 C (Gehring and Wehner 1995). This remarkable capacity for ther-
mal stressis associatedwith the ability of these insects (a) to synthesize
HSP at up to 45 C, compared with only 39 C for Drosophila , and (b) to
accumulate HSP prior to heat exposure .
In addition to thermotolerance , formation of HSPs may contribute to
heat adaptation of whole organisms by their effect on (a) maintenanceof
epithelial barrier integrity and (b) their ability to enhance endotoxin tol -
erance. Recall from figure 7.1 that heat stroke was hypothesized to result
from an increase in intestinal permeability leading to endotoxemia and an
increasein circulating cytokines. If the intestinesare prophylactically ster-
ilized , or if antiendotoxin antibodies are administered to experimental
animals, they can tolerate higher core body temperatures and their sur-
vival in the heat improves (Gathiram et ale 1987a , 1987b ). In an epithelial
monolayer grown in culture, a reversible increasein permeability occurs
with a rise in culture temperature . If these culture cells are allowed to ac -

cumulate HSP70 from a preconditioned thermal stress, the rise in perme -

ability with hyperthermia is attenuated (Moseley et ale 1994). Thus, the
accumulation of HSP70 may confer heat tolerance by helping to maintain
epithelial barrier integrity . It also confers tolerance to endotoxin in ani -
mals (Ryan et ale 1992). This latter phenomenon may reflect tolerance to
the direct effect of endotoxin , tolerance to cytokine exposure , or inhibi -
tion of oyotkine production by inflammatory cells. Theseeffects of HSPs
may represent a cellular mechanism associated with heat acclimatization

that enables cells to continue to function at elevated temperatures , and

protects tissues and organs from thermal injury .

In summary , the accumulation of HSPs under normothermic condi -

tions may enable mammals , including humans , to expand their normal

4 C thermoregulatory zone to include core temperatures above 41 C .
The remarkable thermal tolerance of some endurance athletes and the ob -

servation that heat acclimatization significantly increases resting levels of

HSPs, support this postulate . In addition to the sllrvival benefit associated
with HSP accumulation through training and heat acclimatizations , nu -
merous therapeutic benefits of HSPs are emerging (Ezzell 1995). For ex-
The Burning Brain 179

ample, hearts from mice genetically engineeredto contain human HSP70

genesrecoveredtwice the contractile force observedin control hearts fol -
lowing ischemia and reperfusion. Scientistsare now searching for com-
pounds that promote HSP production . One such compound is aspirin,
which acts to induce heat shock factor (HSF).
HSF is the transcription factor that regulatesHSP70 geneexpressionas
a result of binding to the regulatory elementsof the HSP70 gene. The heat
shock responsealso improves the successof organ and tissuetransplanta-
tion . Elevating core body temperature of donor animals to 42.5 C for
only 15 min and allowing the animal to recover for approximately 6 h im-
proved the survival and functioning of transplanted kidneys and pancre-
atic islet cells. Applying a heat blanket at 45 C to the skin of rats for 30
min and allowing 6 h recovery doubled the amount of skin that survived
surgical excision for subsequentgrafting . However, not all is positive.
SomeHSPsmay aid the metastasisof cancer. Women with breast tumors
that produce HSP27 had shorter periods of disease-free survival than
women with lower levels of HSP27. This overproduction of HSP27 in
breast cancer metastasismay help to explain why some tumors become
resistant to chemotherapy after a while and why sometumors becomere-
sistant to hyperthermic therapy. Whether beneficial or detrimental, there
is much more to learn about theseunique proteins.

Runningin the Heat: What MakesUs Stop?

An English physician once commentedthat the only real threat to life dur-
ing exercise is the possibility of suffering a fatal heatstroke. However,
when a fit but untrained and unacclimatized healthy man or woman en-
gagesin hard exercise, even in a hot environment, heatstroke rarely oc-
curs. Why ? The answer is that the man or woman stops exercising before
reaching heatstroke conditions. Are there specific signals telling the per-
son to stop, thereby providing a natural defenseagainst such injury ?
The increaseddemand for blood flow to the skin during exercisein the
heat is met in part by redistributing the cardiac output . Blood flow to
splanchnic and renal vascular beds, reduced during exercisein a cool en-
vironment, is reduced further (figure 7.9). The question is whether or not
blood flow to working muscle is reduced as as well , as proposed by
The Burning Brain 181

40 C HR

Leg blood flow

40 C
1 = min -1

0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Esophageal temperature(Tes)' heartrate (HR), and leg blood flow measuredas
femoralvein flow during 30 min of walking in cool environmentimmediately
followedby up to 60 mill of walking in a hot environment . Tesand HR are for
onerepresentativesubject;valuesfor blood flow are means:t SEfor 7 subjects .
(Modified from Nielsenet al. 1990.)
182 Chapter7

circulatory failure, was the critical factor leading to exhaustion during ex-
ercisein the heat. In this study, subjectsexercisedto exhaustion at 50 per-
cent VO2 max for 9- 12 consecutivedays at an ambient temperature of
40 C with 10 percent relative humidity (figure 7.11). They were highly
motivated, and cycled to exhaustion eachday without any cluesas to how
long they had worked. Evidence of acclimatization included increased
sweating rate, and a lower rate of rise of core temperature and heart rate.
Endurance time increasedfrom 48 to 80 min. The intriguing observation
was that exhaustion occurred each day at a core temperature of about
40 C, despite no reduction in cardiac output and muscle blood flow, no
changesin substrateutilization or availability, and no accumulation of fa-
tigue substances(figure 7.11). Moreover, there was no changein the abil-
ity to recruit motor units. As an index of local or central fatigue, maximal
isometric force with the elbow flexor and knee extensor was measured; it
was found to be the samebefore and after exercise.
In contrast to the data of Nielsen et al. (1990) in humans, when dogs
were made hyperthermic by running with hot pack, they showed meta-
bolic changessuggestingthat a high muscle temperature limited skeletal
muscle performance. Hales (1983), using sheep as an experimental
model, showed a decreasein muscle blood flow during exercise in the
heat. Rowell (1986) argued that the increase in cardiac output and the
reductions in splanchnic and renal blood flows during exercise in the
heat are insufficient to account for the estimated increase in skin blood
flow in exercising humans during heat exposure (figure 7.12). If the res-
olution of the thermodilution technique in the studies by Nielsen et al.
(1990, 1993) is only 10 percent, and muscle blood flow during exercise
is as high as 18 l/min, the measurementof muscle blood flow could be off
by. 1.8 l/min .
The mechanismresponsiblefor reducing blood flow to working skele-
tal muscle during exercise in the heat is unclear. Increased sympathetic
drive directed at skeletal muscle may be involved. Exercise in the heat
produces the most marked increase in circulating catecholamines, and
contracting skeletal muscle can vasoconstrict during direct sympathetic
nervous stimulation (Donald et ale 1970). Intact adrenergic nervesare re-
quired for the decreasein muscle blood flow observed in resting heat-
stressedsheep(Hales 1983). Thus, the issueof what limits performance in
The Burning Brain 183

~ 39 .0
~ 38 .0

~ 39 .0

Figure 7 . 11
Core temperature (T c ) as a function of time . Representative data from a control
subject during exercise at 40 C during the first and final experiments , and during
9 intervening rides on a cycle ergometer in a cool environment ( 18 - 20 C ) . (B )
Representative data from an acclimatizing subject during 10 consecutive days of
cycle exercise in the heat (40 C ) until exhausted .

the heat remains unresolved . The data of Nielsen et ale ( 1990 , 1993 ) are

impressive , but the arguments put forth by Rowell ( 1986 ) for a reduction

in muscle blood flow are equally compelling ( figure 7 . 12 ) . A decrease in

performance may not be a mandatory consequence of a decrease in mus -

cle blood flow ; there is considerable room for increasing hind limb oxy -

gen extraction in the event of a fall in muscle blood flow ( Bird et ale

1981 ) . Thus , in the end , it may be the brain that indeed limits perfor -

mance in the heat . A consequence of continually overriding afferent input

184 Chapter 7





OXYGENUPTAKE (1 min-l ) 2 .2 2 .1 2 .2

OUTPUT (1 min- l ) 16 .4 16 .0 J, 21 .0 i

AVOXYGENDIFFERENCE (m1100 min- 1) 13 .4 13 . 1

[ ~~~~:~ ~~ ] J,

VOLUME (ml) 110
[ =~~~J J, 110

HEARTRATE (beats min-1) 150 176 [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J i

SKINBLOODFLOW (1 min- 1) [==~~~J [~~~~~J [~= ~~I ]i

Figure 7.12
Two possible means of increasing skin blood flow during moderate exercise in a
hot (43 .3 C ) environment . Comparison is with normal responses at 25 .6 C (col -
umn A ). Listed below columns A and B are measured variables and estimated skin
blood flow (boxes are for emphasis ). Column C shows a hypothetical maximal
adjustment achieved by raising heart rate to 190 bpm , while stroke volume and
distribution of cardiac output remain as they were at 25 .6 C . Skin blood flow
could reach 6 .3 lImine This would lower systemic arteriovenous oxygen difference
to 10 .3 mUI00 mI . Column B shows that the actual fall in stroke volume (com -
pensated by rise in heart rate to 176 bpm) prevented a rise in cardiac output .
(t- U!W L) ~nd~no ::>e!pJeJ

Thus skin blood flow could be increased to 3 Umin only by additional visceral
vasoconstriction and mainly by reducing muscle blood flow to make its oxygen
extraction 100 percent . The slightly lower oxygen uptake at 43 .3 C (2 .1 Umin )
could reflect such a change . (From Rowell 1986 ).
The Burning Brain 185

to the brain that details the thermal status of the body could be exertional
heat injury . Many athletes, especially in high stakes competition (the
Olympics), can push themselvesbeyond their physiological limits and
consequentlysuffer heat injury .

GenderDifferencesin Heat Tolerance

Are women less tolerant of the heat than men? Becausethey sweat less
than men, doesthis mean they are more susceptibleto thermal injury and
heatstroke? Early comparisons of thermoregulation in men and women
showed that women had lower sweat rates, higher core temperatures, and
higher heart rates than men during exercise, and did not tolerate the heat
as well as men (Drinkwater 1986). However, subsequentstudies revealed
that thesedifferences, as well as those associatedwith age, may be attrib -
uted to differencesin fitness.
If a group of men and women are askedto exerciseat three different in-
tensitiesand their steady-state core temperature is plotted as a function of
exerciseintensity, the lines representingthe men and women are scattered
(figure 7.13A). On the other hand, if each exerciseintensity is converted
to a percentageof VOl max for each subject and the steady-state core
temperature is plotted as a function of each individuals' percent VOl
max, the data converge(figure 7.13B). In other words, if all subjectswork
at 50 percent of their aerobic capacity, eventhough somewill be working
significantly harder than others, core temperature is the same. Back in the
1960s, when the first comparisonswere made of thermal tolerance in men
and women, both sexeswere exercisedat the sameabsolute workload . If
the women in thesestudieswere lessfit than the men, and in all likelihood
they were, they would have beenexercisingat a higher percentageof their
aerobic capacity, which would explain their higher core temperaturesand
heart rates.

Age and Heat Tolerance

In July 1995, a record number of fatalities was attributed to a heat wave

in the midwestern United States. The elderly, who presumably are more
susceptibleto heat injury, accounted for the largest number of heat-re-
The Burning Brain 187

lated deaths. In humans, old age has been associatedwith a reduced core
temperature at rest, hyperthermia in responseto heat stress, reduced ca-
pacity to sensetemperature extremes, and inadequate thermoregulatory
responsesto environmental challenge. Does aging truly result in tempera-
ture regulatory dysfunction and heat intolerance, or are thesefunctional
deficits the result of preexisting diseaseprocessesand/or differences in
aerobic power, heat acclimatization, and body composition ?The two pri -
mary effector mechanismsfor regulating body temperature during heat
challenges are skin blood flow and sweating. Is either of these mecha-
nisms compromised with advancing age?
In a review of the thermoregulatory responsesof healthy older adults at
rest and during exercise, the elderly (defined as men and women over 65
yearsof age) did not have lower core body temperaturesat rest compared
with young (20- 30 years of age) men and women, and had normal circa-
dian temperature rhythms (Kenney 1997). Moreover, the number of
sweat glands that responded to pharmacological stimulation was the
samein older and younger individuals, but the amount of sweat produced
per gland was reduced in the elderly. However, this age-related deficit in
drug-activated sweating does not necessarilytranslate to a lower sweat
rate during exercisein the heat. As illustrated in figure 7.14A, sweating
rate was not different in young and old groups in a hot, humid environ-
ment, but was significantly lower in the older subjectsduring exercisein a
hot, dry environment. This latter responsewas attributed to less sweat
produced per gland rather than a reduction in the number of heat-acti-
vated sweat glands (figure 7.14B).
The ability of the elderly to transfer heat to the skin by increasingcuta-
neous blood flow is limited . Figure 7.15 shows that the threshold for va-
sodilation during exercisein a warm environment is not altered by age,
but the rate at which blood flow increasesas core body temperature rises
is reduced. Moreover, the highest skin blood flow that can be attained is
reduced in the elderly. The mechanism responsible for this decreasein
skin blood flow is not understood . It is not the result of greater vasocon -

strictor tone , because systemic blockade of (Xl -receptors with prazosin

had no selective effect on skin blood flow of older men (Kenney 1997 ).
In summary, when rigid criteria are applied to the few studiesthat have
addressed the issue of how age affects temperature regulation , the idea
188 Chapter7

A Humid Hot-Dry
300 2


forearm chest back

B sweatingrate, gland density, glandflow,

ml m-2 h-1 HASG cm-2 ~I HASG-1min-1

v-.. J
* * *

( -r"1A

Time, min

Figure 7.14
(A ) Local sweating rates on three skin sites for two age groups of post -
menopausal women exercising in warm -humid (37 C, 60 percent r.h .) and hot -
dry (48 C, 15 percent r.h .) environments . (B) The age difference in sweating rate
observed in the hot -dry environment shown in (A ) is attributed to a lower sweat
output per gland, not fewer activated glands. Women (n=8 per group) were
matched for VO2max and exercisedat 35- 40 percent VO2 max. HASG is heat-
activated sweat glands . (Modified from Kenney 1997 .) * Significantly lower sweat
rates compared with young subjects.
The Burning Brain 189

Forearm vascular conductance, units

l 1T1TTT
r. ~ T
~ ?f~
1Tl . age20-25

r<r~ I *
0 age60-74

Figure 7 . 15

Increase in forearm vascular conductance ( forearm blood flow / mean arterial pres -

sure ; representative of skin blood flow ) during exercise in a warm ( 36 C ) environ -

ment is significantly attenuated in older men ( n = 15 per group ) . ( Modified from

Kenney 1997 .)

that heat tolerance and thermoregulatory function are compromised with

advancing age is not supported . The deficits observed in heat tolerance

and thermoregulatory function among the aged are most probably attrib -

utable to differences in physical fitness , heat acclimatization , and changes

in body composition that accompany aging .

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

Unauthorized use or dissemination of this information is expressly


If you have any questions about this material, please contact

Fever , Survival , and Death

At the beginning of the twentieth century, William Osler wrote that the
three great scourges of humanity were fever, famine , and war (Atkins
1991 ). " For much of history the word 'fever ' has been used almost syn-
onymously with disease itself as various epidemics have ravaged the civi -
lization of East and West alike " (Atkins and Bodel1972 p .27 ). Fever was
recognized as a sign of illness several thousand years before the birth of
Christ (figure 8.1), but the ancient Greeksalso believedfever to be benefi-
cial. This concept had its origin in the theory of Hippocrates that health
and sicknesswere direct consequencesof the interrelationships among
the four body " humors"- blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.
Galen is credited with the idea that fever derived from the accumulation

of yellow bile, probably becauseof the frequency with which jaundice

complicated the major diseases of his time : malaria , typhoid , hepatitis ,
and tuberculosis . Physicians of the time believed that fever " cooked " and
separated , and ultimately evacuated , the excess humor by some combina -
tion of vomiting , diarrhea , and sweating (Yost 1950 ). This led physicians
to " cure " their patients by administering drugs that increased body tem -
perature or that served as emetics , purgatives , or sudorifics (Galen 1968 ).
The concept that fever is beneficial persisted for about two millennia .
For example, in the seventeenthcentury, the English physician Thomas
Sydenhamwrote : " Fever is a mighty enginewhich Nature brings into the
world for the conquest of her enemies" (Bennett and Nicastri 1960 p .16 ).
However , it wasn 't until the late 1800s , when C . Liebermeister correctly
defined fever for the first time as the regulation of body temperature at a
higher level ; fever was considered to be dangerous because it was associ-
ated with reductions in body weight, appetite, and organ function .
192 Chapter8


~~~~~~ )= -...

Figure 8 . 1

( A ) Akkadian words meaning " fever " and " inflammation , " um + mu . ( B ) Ummu

written as a single ideogram . ( C ) A Sumerian word for inflammation . Here

ummu appears inside a frame . When traced back to a Sumerian pictogram , the

translation is " inflammation inside the chest . " ( Modified from Majno 1975 . )

Interestingly , the idea that fever is harmful prevails today , despite the his -

torical view and the preponderance of evidence to the contrary . ,As

pointed out by Kluger ( 1979 ) , this belief may be attributed to the fact that

most antipyretic ( fever - reducing ) drugs also are analgesics ( pain - reduc -

ing ) . Hence , feeling better after taking two aspirins may have little to do

with reduction of body temperature , but is simply the result of relief of

other symptoms of discomfort .

Evolution of Fever

Because descriptions of fever appear throughout recorded history , two in -

triguing questions immediately emerge : How did fever evolve ? Does fever

have survival value ?

As Kluger ( 1979 ) said , we can not address the question of how fever

evolved on the basis of studies of present - day animals . However , the ob -

servation that primitive animals alive today can develop fevers when in -

fected with appropriate microorganisms strongly suggests that the

Fever, Survival , and Death 193

e Porifera
] ,/

[e.g. hydra
seaanemones ]
; pinworms

IA PROT0STOM IA"""""" ""-~
/ \ [e .g.clams ;mussels
Phylum ,octopus
oysters ,snails
Phylum Echinoderrn
~ta. Phylum Annelida *
] urchins, [e.g.earthworms ;leeches
Phylum Chordata
* Phylum Arthropoda *
birds ~fish
; [e
crabs ~,scorpions
] ;
Figure 8.2
How fever evolved. Starred (* ) phyla contain species that develop fever.
(Modified from Kluger 1991.)

ancestorsof theseanimals were capableof producing fevers. Basedon the

observation that representative animals from the phyla Chordata,
Arthropoda , and Annelida are capable of developing fever, it is highly
likely that this pathological responseexisted in animals of the two major
divisions of the animal kingdom (Deuterostomia and Protostomia), and
even in animals that predated them (figure 8.2). Ectothermic and en-
dothermic invertebrates and vertebrates, with few exceptions, develop
fevers when administered endotoxin or some other pyrogenic substance.
Evidence in support of this statement is provided in table 8.1 (Kluger
1991). Although somereports indicate that severalspeciesdo not develop
fevers, these negative results should be viewed with caution becausethe
animals in theseinstancesmay not have been infected with an appropri -
Fever, Survival , and Death 195

ate pyrogen for that species , or endogenous antipyretic agents ( such as

glucocorticoids ) may have suppressed the release of endogenous pyrogen

when the animal was stressed .

As noted by scholars who study evolution , fever is a metabolically ex -

pensive process . Heat production increases about 20 percent during fever

primarily because the elevated temperature increases the rates of all bio -

chemical reactions { the QI0 effect discussed in chapter 4 } . Thus , fever is a

costly event , especially when considering that primitive animals con -

stantly had to avoid predators and seek food to maintain metabolism . If

fever did not have some adaptive value , it is probable that such an " ex -

pensive " process would have been eliminated ages ago . The fact that fever

has such a long evolutionary history strongly suggests that it was impor -

tant in ameliorating disease . What is the evidence that fever has survival

value ?

The Astonishing Experiments

If fever evolved over hundreds of millions of years , does that mean it nec -

essarily benefits the host ? If pathogen and host coevolved , one could

argue that fever benefits the pathogen , not the host . How could we tell if

fever contributed to survival or death ?

Aside from mammals and birds , all other vertebrates and invertebrates

have low rates of intrinsic heat production and therefore regulate their

body temperature behaviorally . Although behavioral regulation is some -

what crude compared with the thermal homeostasis of mammals and

birds , ectothermic species manage to control body temperature within

relatively narrow limits . They achieve this by expressing a preference for

a particular range of environmental temperatures . To increase or decrease

their body temperature , they move to a warm or a cool environment , re -

spectively . Because body temperature equilibrates with ambient tempera -

ture , the thermal preference of an ectotherm reflects its preferred body

temperature .

Astonishingly , when ectothermic animals , such as the lizard , were in -

fected with a bacterium and allowed to select an ambient temperature

along a thermal gradient , which determines their body temperature , they

selected a hot environment ( 50 C ) that resulted in an elevation in their

196 Chapter8

A Temperature

30 C

Heating Coils
B 42

- 41

-Q) 40
' -


~ ~

0. 38

~ 37 t
36 Bacteria


- nme - +-

Figure 8.3
(A ) Lizard (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) in a shuttle box maintained at 30 C at one end
and SO C at the other, with a bridge in the center. A thermocouple was inserted
into the cloaca of the lizard to monitor body temperature continuously. (B)A
continuous recording of the lizard's body temperature over time. Under control
conditions, body temperature cycled between 39 and 37.SoC as the animal
moved from the warm to the cool side of the box. This resulted in an average
body temperature of about 38 C. When the animal was inoculated with patho-
genic bacteria, body temperature rose to 41 C as a result of moving to the heated
side of the box. Again the animal showed cycling behavior, but body temperature
was now maintained at about 41 C. (From Kluger 1979.)

body temperature to 41 C rather than their normal preferred tempera-

ture of 38 C (figure 8.3). In essence , they behaviorally developed a 3 C
fever. Even more astonishing is that if , after being infected, they were
maintained at an ambient temperature of 38C \C, 50 percent of the animals
died, whereas only 15 percent died if they were allowed to migrate to an
environment that elevatedtheir body temperature to 40 C, and none died
if they were allowed to migrate to an environment that elevated their
body temperature to 42 C (Kluger 1979). Theseremarkable experiments
dramatically illustrate the survival value of fever (Kluger 1991a).
Similar behavioral fevers have been observed in teleost fish (Reynolds
and Casterlin 1976). When bluegill sunfish and largemouth basswere in-
fected with Aeromonas hydrophila (gram-negative bacterium pathogenic
198 Chapter 8

with greater mortality. In patients who developedmoderate (37.8- 38.3 C)

feversfrom bacterial peritonitis and bacteremia, survival was greater than
in patients who did not develop fever (Moltz 1993). Julius Wagner-
Jaureggreceivedthe 1927 Nobel Prize in Physiology for his useof fever to
counteract general paresis (syphilitic diseaseof the brain marked by pro-
gressive dementia, tremor, speech disturbances, and increasing muscle
weakness). He developedthe first successfultherapy for syphilitic paresis
of the insane by infecting patients with malaria. Psychiatric clinics and
asylums throughout the world adopted the procedure, and the record of
successwas as high as 50 percent.
If fever enhancessurvival, what happens if you suppressfever? Is sur-
vival reduced? The answer is yes! Recall the experiment discussedabove.
When lizards were prevented from developing fever, more of them died.
Moreover, if ectotherms and mammals (rabbits) are given aspirin before
being infected with a pyrogen, fewer animals survive, and those that do
survive, experienceretarded recovery (Moltz 1993). Thus, the preponder-
ance of data indicates that in both ectotherms and endotherms, fever has
survival value.
What causesfever? For many years it was thought to be a failure of the
thermoregulatory system. Does the brain actually regulate this response?
Is there a ceiling for how high it can go? What are the circuitry and neu-
rochemical basisfor the generation of fever?

What CausesFever?

It is easyto understand how physical exercise, which produces metabolic

heat, can raise body temperature to 38 C- 39 C; but how can a resting in-
dividual elevatebody temperature to 40 C, or higher, in the generation of
fever? Today, three different types of fever have been distinguished: path-
ogenic fever, the most common, which is initiated by microorganisms;
neurogenic fever, produced by damage to brain tissue; and psychogenic
fever, produced by " emotion-evoking stimuli " such as restraint or expo-
sure to a unique environment (Moltz 1993). We will focus on pathogenic
fever, the most commonly experienced. The important question here is
How can a substancethat causesfever produce the same elevation in
body temperature, under resting conditions, as the elevation in body tem-
perature that occurs with violent exercise?
Fever, Survival , and Death 199

Pathogenic fever is caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and

viruses . Because these organisms cause fever, they are called pyrogens . If
these pyrogens originate from outside the body , they are called exogenous
pyrogens . When they are derived from the host , they are called endoge-
nous pyrogens . The most potent endogenous pyrogen is endotoxin ,
which derives from the cell walls of gram -negative bacteria . (Bacteria are
classified as gram -negative or gram -positive depending upon their ability
to retain a blue dye, a test designed by the Danish physician Hans
Christian Joachim Gram .) Endotoxins can be both harmful and beneficial
to humans (figure 8.4 ). How best to harness the good and eliminate the
bad is a current focus of extensive research . The cell walls of these bacte-
ria contain lipid (fat ), polysaccharide (carbohydrate ), and protein . The
toxic components are the lipid and polysaccharide . Hence , it is the
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component that activates leukocytes (mono -
cytes and macrophages ) to release a mixture of immunoregulatory
polypeptides called cytokines . This mixture , which is considered to be en-
dogenous pyrogen (EP), includes interleukin - l (IL - l ), interleukin - 6 (IL -
6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF ), and interferon (IFN ). A fundamental
concept in the pathogenesis of fever is that exogenous pyrogens cause
fever only through their production of endogenous pyrogen .
The first cytokine to be identified as an endogenous pyrogen was IL - l .
Importantly , cytokines are not stored in macrophages ; they are formed
after macrophage stimulation . Furthermore , white cells of the mononu -
clear phagocyte lineage are not the only source of cytokines . Cytokines
also are produced , in smaller quantities , by Kupffer cells of the liver , ker -
atinocytes , fibroblasts , T cells, Langerhans cells, astrocytes , and endothe -
lial cells. Therefore , the designations IL - l and IL -6, which implies that
these substances are derived solely from leukocytes , is misleading . IL - l
promotes leukocytosis , activates lymphocytes , stimulates prostaglandin
synthesis , and has been implicated in the release of glucocorticoids , in -
sulin , growth hormone , and thyroxin . Thus , it produces a variety of
metabolic and hematologic effects that are collectively referred to as the
" acute phase response." Fever occurs in many different patterns . The pat -
tern observed will depend upon the substance or substances (enumerated
above ) that are synthesized and released, and where they act . Thus , it is
appropriate at this stage to ask, What brain structures participate in fever
production ?
200 Chapter 8



(Kupffer cells in Liver )

/ t ~
B Tumor Necrosis
. Factor 0 xygen (0 2 ) Prostaglandin 6
Interleuk~n-1 Hydrogen Thromboxane A2
Interleukln " -6 P eroxi "d e (H 2 0 2 ) Platelet -Activation
Interleukln -8 Nitric Oxide ( NO ) Factor





Figure 8.4
Endotoxin stimulation of macrophages(A ) produces a variety of effects (B) me-
diated by the synthesisof proteins, oxygen free radicals, and lipids . Thesemedia-
tors may act in concert, independently, or in sequenceto produce beneficial or
harmful results (C). Mediator synthesisis enhancedby tumor necrosisfactor and
inhibited by prostaglandin E2. (Modified from Rietschel and Brade 1992.)
Fever, Survival, and Death 201

Role of the Brain

It is now well documented , by placing very discrete lesions in different

areas of the brain , that body temperature is controlled by a host of brain

structures , including the hypothalamus , other structures of the limbic sys -

tem , the substantia nigra , and the recticular formation . Because such le -

sions usually do not markedly impair thermoregulation , especially in

animals not stressed by heat or cold , these experiments further indicate a

certain degree of redundancy in thermoregulatory control and the pres -

ence of a hierarchy among neuroregulatory structures in this system . The

brain site most often identified with thermoregulation is the preoptic an -

terior hypothalamus ( POAH ) , because heat loss and heat gain mecha -

nisms are so readily elicited when this area of the brain is heated or

cooled , respectively . However , even lesions in this area of the brain do not

completely impair thermoregulatory ability . The early concept of heat

loss and heat gain centers in the brain is no longer tenable ; nor is it clear

if behavioral responses to thermal challenges ( selecting a warmer or

cooler environment , or modifying the clothing we wear ) are controlled by

areas of the brain different from those that control autonomic responses

( sweating , shivering , vasomotor changes ) . Knowing the complexity of

this system , which perhaps is the best example of homeostatic regulation

in the human body , do we have any idea of where EP acts in the brain to

produce fever ?

As you might expect from the discussion above , lesioning the POAH

does not impair one 's ability to develop a fever . In humans , an adult

with severe hypothalamic damage and an infant with the complete ab -

sence of the medial preoptic area ( MPOA ) were able to develop fevers

following an infection . Monkeys , goats , and rabbits also exhibited

fevers followi ..1g the destruction of the MPOA . Moreover , rats that had

their MPOA separated from the rest of the brain by bilateral knife cuts

produced fevers in response to bacterial infection that were indistin -

guishable in magnitude and duration from those in sham - operated con -

trol animals . Thus , it appears that the MPOA is not essential for the

generation of fever .

Injecting EP into the midbrain reticular formation , medulla oblongata ,

lateral hypothalamus , or pons will generate a fever , but of lesser magni -

202 Chapter 8

Vagus nes
) ( 0" Exogenous
Figure 8 .5

Schematic diagram illustrating the proposed sequence of events that produce

fever . Exogenous pyrogens gain access to the circulatory system and cause the re -

lease of cytokines from Kupffer cells in the liver . These cytokines activate vagal

afferents that terminate on noradrenergic cell groups in the nucleus tractus soli -

tarius ( NTS ) . The signal is then communicated to the preoptic anterior hypo -

thalamus / organum vasculosum laminae terminalis ( POAH / OVLT ), where the

release of norepinephrine ( NE ) stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandin PG E2 ,

which causes body temperature to rise . ( Modified from Blatteis and Sehic 1997 .)

tude as the distance from the POAH increases ( Blatteis 1984 ) . Interest -

ingly , behavioral responses are elicited when EP is injected into the POAH

and lateral hypothalamus , but not when it is injected into the pons or

medulla oblongata , thus suggesting discrete brain loci for behavioral and

autonomic regulation of fever . However , experiments using microknife

cuts separating different areas of the brain indicated that such a distinc -

tion was too simplistic.

Do fever-generating cytokines appear in the brain ? Do they cross the
blood-brain barrier (BBB) and affect brain cells?What happensif they are
injected into the brain directly ?Do they produce the samepattern of fever
as that produced by the more normal route of fever production ; that is,
when thesesubstancesare releasedinto the blood ? Although there is evi-
dencethat some cytokines can cross the BBB, the amount that crossesin
Fever, Survival, and Death 203

10 min appears to be inadequate to account for the fevers generatedby

these substanceswhen they are introduced intravenously. Similarly, the
delayed onset latency and slower rise in body temperature produced by
introducing these cytokines into the cerebral ventricles rather than into
the blood indicates that they do not enter the brain through leakageor fa-
cilitated transport at the choroid plexuses. Thus, they do not seem to
exert their influence by first gaining accessto cerebrospinal fluid . Perhaps
the most popular hypothesis for the generation of fever involves the or-
ganum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT ) hypothesis. The OVLT is
a circumventricular (in the area of a cerebral ventricle ) organ that lacks a
BBB and is located in the anteroventral wall of the third ventricle (AV3V )
on the midline of the MPOA . The hypothesis states that blood -borne cy-
tokines enter the OVLT and diffuse to the POAH , where they release
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to cause fever. The observation that lesioning
the AV3V region prevents the febrile response to EP, without impairing
normal temperature regulation , provides strong support for this hypothe -
sis. What remains unclear is the preciseorigin and site of action of PGE2.
In addition to this more traditional meansof producing fever, recent stud-
ies indicate that activation of subdiaphragmatic vagal afferents also can
produce fever (Blatteis and Sehic1997).
The most current theory of how a rapid fever is produced by blood -
borne LPS is illustrated in figure 8.5: LPS in the blood activates certain
serum proteins , called complement , that bind to hepatic macrophages
(Kupffer cells); Kupffer cells releaseone or more cytokines and/ or PGE2 ,

which are capable of activating adjacent subdiaphragmatic vagal affer-

ents; these afferent signals are transmitted to noradrenergic (NE ) cell
groups within the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS ); and these NE signals
are transmitted to the POAH / OVLT , where NE is released and , in turn ,

releasesPGE2. The PGE2 then acts to increasethe set-point , which sig-

nals heat production and heat conservation mechanisms (Blatteis and
Sehic 1997 ).
How does the brain bring about these increases in heat production and
heat conservation ? It is apparent that several areas of the brain are in -

volved in the generation of a fever because when the OVLT , POAH , or

MPOA is destroyed , intravenous endotoxin , can still produce fever. The
postulated mechanismis that endotoxin, via PGE or someother interme-
204 Chapter

Figure 8.6
The effects of endogenouspyrogen (P) on the firing rate (FR) of warm (W )-sen-
sitive (A ) and cold (C)-sensitive (B) neurons and whole-body heat production
(C). Under normal (N ) conditions, increasing hypothalamic temperature (Th ) in-
creasesthe FR of warm-sensitive neurons; some of these synaptically inhibit (-)
other neurons, making them respond as if they were cold-sensitive (negative
slope). By inhibiting (-) the FR of warm-sensitiveneurons, endogenouspyrogens
increasethe FRs of cold-sensitiveneurons and heat production . (Modified from
Mackowiak and Boulant 1996.)

diate, inactivates warm receptors while activating cold receptors in the

POAH . Theseneurons subsequentlystimulate neuronal pools responsible
for activating the shivering pathway and increasedconstriction of cuta-
neous blood vessels. Behavioral responses, such as moving to a warmer
environment and donning extra clothing , also occur. Figure 8.6 illustrates
a neuronal scheme to produce fever by increasing heat production .
Warm- and cold-sensitive neurons receive a host of afferent inputs from
skin, spinal cord, and other central sources. However, a fascinating aspect
of warm-sensitiveneurons is that they retain their thermosensitivity even
after their synaptic input is blocked, that is, they are intrinsically ther-
Fever, Survival, and Death 205

mosensitive . In contrast , cold -sensitive neurons usually lose their cold

sensitivity following synaptic blockage. Under normal conditions, warm-
sensitive neurons show near maximal firing rates at 37 C, which pro-
duces near maximal inhibition on neighboring cold -sensitive neurons ,
and heat production is markedly suppressed.
Electrophysiological studies indicate that pyrogens inhibit warm-sensi-
tive neurons , excite cold -sensitive neurons , and have little or mixed ef -
fects on temperature-insensitive neurons. Note that in figure 8.6A, at
37 C, pyrogen has a maximal inhibitory effect on warm -sensitive neu-
rons . Because warm -sensitive neurons inhibit cold -sensitive neurons ,
maximal inhibition of warm-sensitiveneurons by pyrogens at 37 C pro-
duces maximal stimulation of cold - sensitive neurons at 37 C . This results

in maximal heat production at 37 C and coincides with the chill phase of

fever. As core temperature rises to reach a new elevated set-point , heat
production diminishes . At 42 C, the firing rate of warm -sensitive neurons
reaches its zenith , whereas cold - sensitive neurons reach their nadir , sug -

gesting that regulated increases in core temperature above 42 C may not

be possible because thermo sensitive neurons can no longer provide input
to regulate effector responses.
Is the MPOA the brain area most sensitiveto the presumedmediator of
fever, PGE ? The evidence shows that PGE injected into other areas of the
brain (ventromedial hypothalamus , for example ) generates a more robust
fever than is demonstrated by PGE injected into the MPOA , and that the
density of PGE binding sites in the MPOA is low . Thus , the MPOA may
not be the major brain site required to produce fever. PGE can activate
multiple hypothalamic nuclei as well as extrahypothalamic loci , including
the corpus striatum and ventral septal area (Moltz 1993 ). It may be that a
neuronal network is required to produce the autonomic and behavioral
responses characteristic of fever .

Fever's " Glass Ceiling "

The term " glass ceiling " is taken from an intriguing paper by Mackowiak
and Boulant (1996 ). The question is " Does fever have a relatively " fixed "
ceiling that can not be exceeded, or can this presumed upper limit be pen-
etrated , resulting in excessively high temperatures that can be fatal ? The
206 Chapter

upper limit for a " regulated " fever is 41 C - 42 C ( DuBois 1949 ) , but this

upper limit varies among mammals , the body site where temperature is

measured , and according to the infectious disease acquired . Malaria is

notorious for producing high fevers , whereas HIV results in little if any

fever . The need for an upper limit seems obvious - above the upper limit ,

the pathogenic microorganisms die , but so may the host . Kluger found

that when lizards were infected with a natural pathogen that afflicts them ,

there was a correlation between temperature and survival rate when body

temperature was increased from 34 C to 40 C . However , when body

temperature rose to 42 C , uninfected control animals died .

Aspirin : Are We Using It Correctly ?

Imagine having hot and cold chills , a runny nose , a headache , and an oral

temperature of 39 C . Self - diagnosis : a common cold with fever . Self - pre -

scription : drink plenty of fluids , take two aspirins , and go to bed . You

proceed to the medicine cabinet , remove the bottle of aspirin , and pop

two tablets in your mouth . Have you just made a mistake ? Aspirin sup -

presses endotoxin - and cytokine - induced fevers not only by inhibiting cy -

clooxygenase , the enzyme responsible for synthesizing PGE , but also by

promoting the release of AVP ( Alexander et ale 1989 ) .

The harmful and / or beneficial effects of the febrile response can be at -

tributed to ( a ) the rise in core temperature and / or ( b ) the effects of the

febrile mediators ( IL - 1 , IL - 2 , IL - 6 , interferon , and TNF ) . We have already

alluded to the survival benefits of the rise in core temperature associated

with fever in reptiles . Retrospective analysis of clinical data shows im -

proved survival in patients who developed relatively high fevers in re -

sponse to bacteremia , polymicrobial sepsis , and spontaneous bacterial

peritonitis ( Mackowiak 1994 ) . In addition to the benefits associated with

elevations in core temperature , other investigators have shown enhanced

resistance to infection produced by the effects of the endogenous media -

tors ( IL - 1 , IL - 2 , IL - 6 , TNF , and interferon ) of the febrile response

( Mackowiak 1994 ) . These beneficial effects of fever and its mediators are

limited and are directed primarily against localized infection . This evi -

dence combined with the observation that fever occurs in vertebrates

from fishes through mammals , is compelling evidence that fever is benefi -

Fever, Survival, and Death 207

cial and that the use of antipyretics (e.g., aspirin) may not be the most ef-
fective treatment for diseasesthat produce fever. In some instances, fever
perhaps should be allowed to run its natural course, or even be elevated.
The febrile responsealso has beenviewed as harmful . For example, ad-
ministration of an anti-interferon antibody significantly reducesmortality
in responseto the induction of septic shock; and bacterial sepsiscan be at-
tenuated by pretreating animals with IL -1 antagonists and monoclonal
antibodies directed against TNF. Thus, there is growing interest in devel-
oping agentsto combat the effects of pyrogenic cytokines.
If fever is beneficial, what are the mechanismsresponsiblefor its adap-
tive value? Figure 8.7 illustrates a number of possibilities. First, the bene-
ficial effect may simply be that a high temperature kills the invading
microorganisms. For example, the bacteria that causegonorrhea, pneu-
mococci bacteria, and spirochetesthat causeneurosyphilis are destroyed
by elevationsin temperature to 41 C (Kluger 1979). In addition to this di-
rect effect, there are several indirect effects of fever that can benefit the
host. These effects include increased lysosomal function , inhibition of
viral growth and synthesis by increased release of interferon, and in-
creasedleukocyte function . Leukocytes are white blood cells that playa
crucial role in immune function . Neutrophils , which are a form of while
blood cell, move through cell membranesmore effectively, phagocytize,
and kill bacteria more effectively at fever temperaturesthan at 37 C.
There also is some evidencethat antibody production and lymphocyte
transformation are enhanced by fever temperatures. Although there
clearly is much to be learned about immune function and how it is af-
fected by fever, the evidencesupports a positive role for fever in the man-
agement of disease. Evidence also indicates a role for cytokines in host
defense. Although they are not fever-dependent, febrile temperatures do
enhancethe effect of IL -1 and TNF or T lymphocyte proliferation , and
the effect of IL -1 on reducing serum iron concentration. Becausealmost
all bacterial pathogens require iron , hypoferremia is considered a host-
defensemechanismand has beentermed " nutritional immunity ," to char-
acterize the attempt of the host to deprive invading pathogens of needed
iron .
In the final analysis, is fever a blessingor a curse? Mackowiak (1994)
offers a unifying hypothesisthat requires the febrile responseto be viewed
208 Chapter 8






Figure 8.7
Potential mechanisms of host defense and survival. (Modified from Kluger
1979 .)

as a mechanism to preserve the speciesrather than save the individual .

Accordingly, fever and its mediators evolved to enhancethe recovery of
those afflicted with mild to moderately severeinfection, in order to help
propagate the speciesand to eliminate those with fulminating disease,
who pose a threat of causing an epidemic that threatens survival of the

Does the Brain Produce Its Own Aspirin ?

If we accept the concept that fever has an upper limit , then regulatory
processesthat prevent T c from exceeding 41 C to 42 C must exist.
Does the brain produce aspirin-like drugs (antipyretics or endogenous
cryogens) that can antagonize the temperature-elevating effects of pyro -
gens? " Antipyretics " are defined as substancesthat reduce febrile tem-
peratures but have no effect on normal core body temperatures. The
story of antipyretics began with observations made on periparturient
ewes and their newborn lambs. Five days before term, the pregnant
ewes showed an attenuated response to endotoxin -induced fever, and
Fever, Survival, and Death 209

within 24 hours of term , no fever was observed (Kasting et ale 1978 ).

Moreover , the newborn lambs also were fever resistant , suggesting that
mothers and lambs possessed some antipyretic substance near term .
Arginine vasopressin (AVP ), a peptide hormone synthesized in hypothala -
mic neurons and stored in the posterior pituitary gland, emergedas a can-
didate when elevated plasma concentrations of AVP correlated well with
the diminished responsivenessof pregnant sheep and their offspring to
fever-inducing agents. Subsequentstudiesshowedthat (a) microinjections
of AVP into select brain sites attenuate pyrogen -induced fever, and (b) an-
tagonists to AVP receptor block the antipyretic response(Kluger 1991b;
Moltz 1993). Furthermore, infusing hypertonic saline or inducing hemor-
rhage- both potent physiological stimuli causing AVP release- causes
antipyresis . On the other hand , castration , which reduces AVP concentra -
tions in the brain, exacerbatesa PGE-induced fever (Kluger 1991b; Moltz
1993 ).
Another potential antipyretic , at low doses, is alpha -melanocyte stimu -
lating hormone (a -MSH ). It is named for its ability to darken the skin,
but it is over 25,000 times more potent than acetaminophen as an an-
tipyretic when administered centrally (Mackowiak and Boulant 1996 ).
Evidence that (a -MSH may function to " help set fever's upper limit " is
that the highest concentrations of it in septal perfusates were found dur -
ing the rising phaseof fever (Bell and Lipton 1987). Another endogenous
agent that may function as an antipyretic is corticotrophin releasing fac-
tor (CRF ). The cytokine IL -1 stimulates the release of CRF from the hy -
pothalamus , which in turn releases glucocorticoids from the adrenal
cortex. The glucocorticoids inhibit pyrogenic cytokines including IL -1,
IL -6, and TRF . Thus , CRF and glucocorticoids may participate in a nega-
tive feedback loop to help set fever's upper limit . How thesedifferent an-
tipyretics function together to " control " fever is not understood, and
should be the focus of future research .

Does Exercise Produce Fever ?

Is the rise in body temperature during exercisea fever? Before we can ad-
dress this question , it is critical to define " fever " and distinguish it from
" hyperthermia."
210 Chapter 8

Core body temperature rises during both fever and exercise, but as a
fever develops , we shiver, whereas during exercise we sweat . How is this
possible? In both situations we becomehyperthermic (body temperature
rises). How can the sameelevation in body temperature produce opposite
responses? To understand this phenomenon , body temperature can be
placed in one of four categoriesdepending upon the concept of set-point
(Snell and Atkins 1968), which was describedin detail in chapter 2. These
categories are (1) normothermia- measured body temperature and the
set-point coincide ; (2 ) hypothermia - measured body temperature is
below the set-point , which mayor may not be normal; (3) hyperther-
mia - measured body temperature is above the set-point , which mayor
ma y not be normal ; (4 ) fever- the set-point is raised , but measured body
temperature mayor may not be raised to the same level . Set-point is de-
fined as that value of the controlled variable at which the control action is
zero (Hensel 1981 ). Thus , core temperature (the controlled variable ) is at
its set-point when the organism is neither heating nor cooling (controlled
action ) itself . During the development of a fever, heat production , heat
conservation , and behavioral mechanisms are activated until core tem -

perature is elevated to the newly established set-point (figure 8.8).

Once core temperature reaches the new set-point , it is regulated around
this elevated level . The concept that fever is regulated is based on
Liebermeister 's observation that a febrile patient returns body tempera -
ture to a febrile level after experimental warming or cooling. When the
fever breaks , the set-point returns to its normothermic level , the patient
feelswarm becausebody temperature is above the set-point , and heat-loss
mechanisms are activated to return body temperature to its normother -
mic level . When the set-point increases as a result of endogenous pyrogen ,
blood is shifted away from the skin , thus adding to the skin 's insulation ,
and heat production is increasedby shivering, which increasesthe tone of
skeletal muscles. Note the associated behavioral response: adding cloth -
ing and moving to a warmer ambient temperature . When muscle tone ex-
ceeds a certain threshold , the muscles tremble . Heat production during
shivering can increase to four to five times resting values .
Fevercan occur at any ambient temperature. Moreover, the rise in body
temperature during a fever that occurs when ambient temperature is 50 F
is virtually the same as the rise that occurs when ambient temperature is
Fever , Survival , and Death 211

. - - - - Set - point

Actual body temperature

Figure 8 . 8

Effect of pyrogens on the set - point and the mechanisms responsible for the gen -

eration of fever . Note that following the rise in set - point , mechanisms to increase

heat are activated ( heat production , vasoconstriction , behavioral response ) , but

that when the fever breaks ( crisis ) or following the ingestion of aspirin , the ele -

vated temperature is perceived as hot and the patient activates heat loss mecha -

nisms ( sweating , vasodilation , behavioral response . )

75 F . How can this be ? In the cold , mechanisms for conserving and pro -

ducing heat increase , while in a warm environment , the mechanisms for

losing heat decrease . In other words , in the cold , heat production in -

creases and skin blood flow decreases , whereas in the heat , sweating and

skin blood flow decrease . During the onset of a fever , a room temperature

that was comfortably warm , feels cold . This signifies that the perception

of temperature is altered so as to reinforce the drive to raise core temper -

ature to a higher level .

Thus , unlike other forms of hyperthermia , the rise in body temperature

during a fever is regulated at a new set - point . And , unlike other forms of

hyperthermia , where whole - body cooling is the only effective treatment

for lowering body temperature , cooling a febrile patient will be countered

by physiological mechanisms to maintain the elevated set - point . Only as -

pirin - like drugs , which presumably block the effects of pyrogen in the
212 Chapter

brain , reduce the set-point , which subsequently allows the body to lower
its temperature back to its normal control condition . Giving aspirin to an
athlete has no effect on the rise in body temperature during vigorous ex-
ercise. The only method of lowering body temperature during the hyper-
thermia of exerciseis by whole-body cooling.
During exercise, the rise in core body temperature often has beencom-
pared with turning up the thermostat in a house. Such a description
would be analogousto the effect of pyrogen. Are pyrogensproduced dur-
ing exercise ? Some recent data suggest that this may occur . Can exercise
produce endotoxemia , and if so, what effect might this have on brain
function , especiallyareasconcernedwith thermoregulation ?
Figure 8.9 compares the hyperthermia caused by fever and exercise.
During fever, the elevation in temperature is actively produced and regu -
lated at a new set-point . During exercise, the increase in body tempera -
ture occurs passively, from the accumulation of heat in the working
skeletal muscles; blood flow to the skin increases, and we begin sweating.
During exercisethe set-point does not change. Body temperature rises to
a plateau when heat production equals heat loss, but this new elevated
body temperature is not regulated .
If the same intensity of exercise (and therefore heat production ) is per -
formed in cooled stirred water and in air at the same temperature , the rise
in body temperature in the water will be much less because water has a
much greater capacity to remove heat from the body by conduction . This
simple experiment illustrates that body temperature during exercise is not
regulated, but is simply the result of the balancebetweenheat production
and heat loss. In fact, if exerciseis performed in cold water and heat loss
exceeds heat production , body temperature will fall during exercise.
If the rise in body temperature during exercise were the result of fever,
taking aspirin should prevent this rise . Taking aspirin prior to or during
exercise has no effect on the rise in body temperature in humans , which
convincingly demonstrates that the set-point does not rise during exer -
cise. Are there any circumstances under which exercise might release cy-
tokines and produce fever ? Yes, there are. During ultraendurance events
such as the triathlon , there have been reports of exercise initiating an
acute phase response, endotoxemia , and a decrease in anti -LPS im -
munoglobulin G (seeKluger 1991b: 115). The question of whether exer-
Fever, Survival, and Death 213


40 0 Tc

39 :I

38 I


L- - L ______- -
~ J~III =J rll ~..

:. ~I ~ ~..
. . L!!8~I ~ID! JJ.!!J1l1! !l

3 @
[111. 1[11111


. c 1
0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. 11

90 @ / HEAT
] UrnUU] d~ ] l ] UOJ

225 / / \
/ \
/, - - \
15 / ~ --......... \

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3


Figure 8.9
Fever increasesthe set-point , and body temperature must rise to reach a new
thermal balance. During exercise, the set-point does not change. Body tempera-
ture is elevated by increasedheat production until the rate of heat loss rises suf-
ficiently to achievea new thermal balance.
214 Chapter8

cise produces fever in experimental animals is not so clear. The desert

iguana (an ectotherm ), for example , which regulates body temperature
behaviorally by selection of preferred environmental temperatures , chose
a warm environmental temperature following treadmill exercise, thus
suggesting an elevated set-point . Most interesting , the administration of
an antipyretic to these animals eliminates the rise in postexercisebody
temperature .
Another interesting difference between fever and exercise is the ambi -
ent temperature preferred - also called " thermal preferendum " - during
fever and exercise. If we had the choice of cool or warm air being blown
across our skin as body temperature was rising during fever and during
exercise, we would select warm air during the onset of fever, but cool air
during exercise. Thus , in fever we would facilitate the rise in body tem -
perature , but during exercise we would facilitate heat loss In summary ,
fever is actively produced , regulated , and reduced with aspirin . The rise in
body temperature during exerciseoccurspassively, is not regulated, and is
not affected by aspirin .

Age and Fever

Human neonates (first month of life ) can only maintain a stable body
temperature within only very narrow environmental conditions and , in -
terestingly , usually do not develop fevers in response to infection .
However , under severe conditions - very high doses of the infecting or -
ganisms- they becomefebrile (Moltz 1993), indicating they have an ele-
vated fever threshold . How can we explain this phenomenon ? Could it be
that neonates produce less endogenous pyrogen in response to endo -
toxin ? Or perhaps the immune system must first be sensitized to EP be-
fore fever can develop . In other words , an initial dose of EP may not
produce fever, but a subsequent dose will . Because leukocytes from
neonates incubated with endotoxin produce similar amounts of EP as
adult leukocytes , and because some neonates develop fever when initially
exposed to endotoxin , these possibilities seem unlikely .
Could the explanation be the brain ? Is the thermoregulatory machinery
responsible for producing fever insensitive to cytokines and/or PGE?
Most of the experimental work on neonateshas beenconducted on lambs
Fever, Survival, and Death 215

and guinea pigs. In lambs, infusing PGE into the brain failed to produce
fever, but aspirin was effective in reducing fever produced by endotoxin,
suggestingthat PGE is involved in neonatal fever. Thus the evidence is
confusing. It is not clear where in the brain PGE may be acting to produce
Another intriguing possibility is that the neonate possesseshigh con-
centrations of its own endogenousantipyretic. As mentioned above, AVP
is a potent antipyretic, and in the neonatal brain, the concentrations are

Fever in the Aged

An often quoted statement by Wunderlich (seeLipton and Ticknor 1979
p. 269) regarding fever in the aged is the following :
" In very old people, it is common in various diseasesto find the tem-
perature half a degreeor more lower than is common in similar circum-
stances in younger people." However, when retrospective reports on
humans were examined and the method, site, and frequency of tempera-
ture measurementwere evaluated, a difference between old and young
people was difficult to confirm . For example, core temperature in the el-
derly often is taken orally, which typically records 0.30 to 0.6 C lower
than rectal temperature. Data collected from experimental animals also
are inconsistent. A pattern that does emergein animals is that the occur-
rence of fever in older animals shows a delayedrise. Despite the inconsis-
tencies, the concept has emerged that the aged have lower fevers, and
investigators have explored potential mechanisms to explain this phe-
nomenon. Interestingly, older animals do not produce lesscytokine in re-
sponse to endotoxin challenge, nor do they possessless endogenous
antipyretics (AVP, a -MSH ); however, it has been observedthat aged ani-
mals are more sensitiveto a -MSH , to accommodate reduced concentra-
tions of this putative neurotransmitter in the brain (seeMoltz 1993).
An intriguing hypothesis regarding aging and homeothermy was pro-
posed by Sohnle and Gambert (1982). These investigators hypothesized
that the ability to regulate body temperature evolved as an advantage
against aging. Maintaining body temperature below optimal immunolog-
ical function may serveas a mechanismto reducethe role of the immune
systemin the aging process.
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

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This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

is provided in screen-viewable form for personal use only by members

of MIT CogNet.

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for Life

In addition to heatstroke and fever producing high elevations in core

body temperature (CBT), there are two other fatal syndromes that can
raise CBT to levels even higher than those typically observedwith heat-
stroke and fever. These are malignant hyperthermia (MH ) and neurolep-
tic malignant syndrome (NM5 ). As the word " malignant" signifies, these
syndromes originally were associatedwith high rates of morbidity and
mortality . Today, successfultreatment has significantly reduced the num-
ber of patients in whom the incidence of thesedisorders is fatal . Does ei-
ther of them originate in the brain ? Exertional heatstroke often is
confused with both of them. Can exercisetrigger one or the other? In re-
cent years, a third syndrome, equally fatal and more rapid in onset than
NM5 , is serotonin syndrome (55). 55 and NM5 presentalmost identically,
but SSoccurs within hours of receiving the precipitating agent, whereas
NMS developsthree to nine days after treatment is initiated . Is this latter
syndromethe result of an imbalance in brain chemicalsor substancespro-
duced elsewherein the bod}'"? If hyperthermia is associatedwith such high
rates of morbidity and mortality , how is it that CBT can be elevated to
41 C or higher in the treatment of cancerwithout producing brain lesions
and/or the denaturation of protein ?

The EngineBurnsOut: MalignantHyperthermia

In 1960, an Australian physician named Denborough was interviewing a

21-year-old student who was about to have surgery for a compound frac-
ture of his leg. During the discussion, the young man expressedconcern
that 10 out of 24 of his relatives had died during a surgical procedure re-
218 Chapter

quiring general anesthesia. Given this information , Denborough chose

halothane rather than ether as the general anesthetic . Within 10 min of
the administration of halothane , the young man experienced an increase
in heart rate and a drop in blood pressure, and his CBT began to rise
sharply. The anesthetic was immediately stopped, and the patient was
packed in ice. When the hospital records of his relatives who died during
surgery were examined , they all showed a marked elevation in body tem -
perature .

At approximately the same time that Denborough made his observa-

tions , a similar syndrome was observed in pigs that were bred for rapid
growth and lean muscle . The syndrome in these animals was triggered by
stimuli , such as shipping in confined quarters , that produced fighting
among the animals , and was characterized by accelerated metabolism ,
acidosis , muscle rigidity , high temperature , and death . The benefit derived
from this unfortunate syndrome in pigs was the development of an ani-
mal model to study the diseaseand the early developmentof a treatment.
Malignant hyperthermia is a rare genetic myopathy that affects about 1
in 15,000 children and 1 in 40 ,000 middle -aged adults (Johnson and
Edleman 1992 ). It is triggered primarily by anesthetic agents (succinyl -
choline , halothane , isoflurane , enflurane ), but on rare occasions it has
been triggered by workplace chemicals , street drugs , X -ray contrast dyes,
violent exercise, muscle trauma , fever, infection , pain , shivering , and agi-
tation (Britt 1996 ). It is a defect in the ryanodine (RYRl ) gene. When the
syndrome is triggered , there is a prolonged opening of the ryanodine
pores, resulting in a marked releaseof Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmicretic-
ulum into the cytoplasm through defective ryanodine receptors. Muscle
rigidity occurs in the jaw , then spreads to other skeletal muscles. This is a
hypermetabolic syndrome that produces massive quantities of heat . CBT
can rise 1 .goF ( 1 C ) every 5 minutes .
Once diagnosed , MH patients can be safely anesthetized with nitrous
oxide , barbiturates , and other anesthetics . Dantrolene , a drug that de-
creases calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum , also can be used
as a preventive measure. Whereas the mortality among MH patients in
1960 was 70 percent- 90 percent, correctly diagnosedand treated persons
today have almost a 100 percent chance of recovery from an MH crisis.
All operating room personnel should have fundamental knowledge of
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 219

this syndrome. Becauseit also can occur postoperatively, medical-surgical

nurses should be skilled in identifying its pathophysiology, signs, and
symptoms (Young and Kindred 1993).

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

A 60-year-old man, treated with neuroleptics, was transferred from the

psychiatric ward to the medical service of City Hospital on August 1,
1997, becauseof hyperthermia (core temperature of 40.4 C). In the med-
ical service no infection ~"'as found and the patient was treated with
haloperidol . This is a typical casein which neuroleptic treatment and hy-
perthermia are correlated.
The pathogenesis of NMS is unknown . It has been described since
1960, primarily in the French psychiatric literature . In the United States,
a few caseswere described in the 1950s and 1960s, but most caseswere
misdiagnosed. NMS is clinically similar to MH , but is pharmacologically
distinct . It occurs primarily in patients with psychiatric illnesses, but
the full -blown syndrome also has been observed in normal persons
treated with these neuroleptic drugs as preinduction anesthetics. It is
characterized by four clinical hallmarks: (a) hyperthermia, (b) muscle
rigidity , (c) mental status changes, and (d) autonomic instability . Muscle
hypertonicity , described most often as generalized " lead pipe" or " plas-
tic " rigidity , develops concomitantly with akinesia shortly"' before tem-
perature elevations as high as 42 C. Consciousnessmay fluctuate from
alert but dazed mutism to stupor and coma. Autonomic nervous system
involvement is manifested by tachycardia, labile blood pressure, and
. .
The signsof NMS can occur from hours to months after the initial drug
exposure; once initiated , they develop explosively in 24 to 72 hours.
Rigidity, a cardinal feature of NMS , clinically distinguishesit from heat-
stroke. It has beenassociatedwith drugs that exert a dopaminergic block-
ing effect on the basal ganglia and h}"'pothalamus, which has led to the
hypothesis that it results from an alteration of central neuroregulatory
mechanisms and to therapies directed at receptor sites in the brain.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that activates heat loss mechanisms.
Administration of a dopamine blocker will have the effect of elevating
220 Chapter 9

body temperature . (See Chapter 3 for additional information on this and

other neurotransmitters .)

The Hyperthermiaof "Ecstasy

" : SerotoninSyndrome

A 19-year-old student collapsedwith a grand mal seizureafter taking 3,4-

methylene dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA ), known as " Ecstasy," an
increasingly frequent drug of abuse. Upon admission to the hospital she
was unresponsivewith a peripheral temperature of 40 C, displayed rigid -
ity, and had an elevatedcreatine kinase concentration in the blood . A CT
scan of the brain showed cerebral edemaand toxicological studies of the
blood confirmed the presenceof large amounts of " Ecstasy." In contrast
to NMS , autonomic instability was not observed. After treatment with di-
azepam (Valium ) and dantrolene, her temperature returned to normal
within 10 hours and sherecovered. This fortunate young woman experi-
enced serotonin syndrome, a recently discovered hyperthermic disorder
very similar to NMS .
Serotonin syndrome is a hyperthermic reaction to drugs that increases
serotonin levels in the central nervous system. This can be accomplished
by increased releaseof serotonin, which is the effect of MD MA , or by
blocking the reuptake of serotonin once it has beenreleased, which is the
effect of fluoxetine (Prozac). Other psychopharmacologic agentsthat en-
hance serotonin neurotransmission include monoamine oxidase in-
hibitors (MAOI ), which block the breakdown of serotonin causing a
presynaptic build -up of serotonin.

Stress-Induced Hyperthermia

The following example illustrates stress-induced hyperthermia. Suppose

there is a group of 10 male mice housedtogether in a cage. Each minute a
mouse is removed from the cageto measureits rectal temperature, but it
is not returned to the group. With each mouse that is removed from the
group, the temperature of the next mouseselectedincreasesup, to the 8th
mouse. This reliable and stablephenomenon, called stress-induced hyper-
thermia, produces a maximal rise in temperature of 1.3 C- 1.8 C
(Groenink et ale1995). Increasing the interval of time betweenmeasuring
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 221

the temperature of the first and the second mouse from 1 to 2 , 5 , or 10

min shows that the maximal response is always observed in 8 to 10 min

( Zethof et ale 1994 ).

This phenomenon also is known as " psychogenic fever . " It is caused by

emotional situations and is attributed primarily to brown adipose tissue

( BAT ) thermogenesis . However , this phenomenon also is observed in

adult humans , who have little or no BAT , who anticipate involvement in a

sporting event ( Renbourn 1960 ) . It is a true fever . It occurs in cold and

neutral environments , and can be blocked by sodium salicylate and in -

domethacin . The latter observation indicates that psychogenic fever is

prostaglandin - mediated , but the mechanism by which prostaglandin is

suddenly generated remains unclear .

Can We Burn Cancer ? Hyperthermia as a Therapeutic Tool

Hyperthermia has been used as a therapeutic approach to the treatment

of cancer . Core body temperature is elevated to between 40 and 42 C for

hours without causing thermal injury . How is this possible ? Why do such

patients not suffer heatstroke ? What is the role of synthesizing heat shock

proteins during such procedures ?

The use of heat to treat disease has been practiced for centuries . Recall

the beneficial effects of fever discussed in chapter 8 . Today , the role of

local and whole - body hyperthermia in human cancer therapy is under

clinical trial . Hyperthermia was defined in chapter 4 as an elevation in

body temperature without a change in set - point . As a method of therapy ,

hyperthermia may be redefined as an elevation in tissue temperature to

41 C or above in opposition to thermoregulatory control mechanisms .

Techniques employed to raise temperature include radiation ( electromag -

netic , infrared ) , diathermy , and ultrasound .

The rationale for using hyperthermia in the treatment of malignant dis -

ease is based primarily on differences between the vasculature and blood

supply in tumors and normal tissue . Tumors frequently have a disorga -

nized and heterogeneous blood supply that can lead to underperfusion

and subsequent hypoxia , anaerobic metabolism , and acidosis . Because

blood flow to a tissue cools the tissue , tumors or regions of tumors with

reduced blood flow will become hotter than normal tissue and more sus -
222 Chapter 9

ceptible to killing because of their low pH and limited nutrient supply

( figure 9 . 1 ) . Moreover , heating cells to 42 C - 45 C inhibits DNA , RNA ,

and protein synthesis , and a temperature of 45 C is sufficient to cause di -

rect induction of DNA strand breaks ( Streffer 1995 ) . The use of hyper -

thermia as a treatment modality began in earnest during the 1960s , but

the induction and monitoring of hyperthermia is technically challenging .

The reader with interest in this area is referred to the text by Field and

Hand ( 1990 ) . The paragraphs below give a brief history of hyperthermia

as a therapeutic modality and the use of whole - body heating in the treat -

ment of cancer .

The idea that cancer can be destroyed by a temperature only a few de -

grees above normal is based on early reports of tumor regression and even

cure of patients following infection accompanied by high fever . These ob -

servations led Coley ( 1893 ) to induce pyrexia in cancer patients by ad -

ministering bacterial pyrogens . In recent reviews of this approach , it was

reported that complete regression and five - year survival occurred in 46

percent of 523 inoperable cases and in 51 percent of 374 operable cases ,

with better results when higher temperatures were achieved ( Nauts

1982a , 1982b ) .

Today , whole - body hyperthermia usually is achieved by noninvasive

techniques such as hot air , hot water , or hot wax , radiation , or a combi -

nation of these methods in the anesthetized patient . Invasive techniques

include femoral arteriovenous shunt and peritoneal irrigation . The maxi -

mal temperature that can be tolerated depends on the thermosensitivity of

critical target tissues , such as the heart and lungs , liver , and brain . The

maximum is generally assumed to be 42 C , but higher temperatures have

been reported ( Gerad et ale 1984 ) . Hyperthermia up to 42 C usually does

not destroy all tumor cells ; as stated earlier , the best results occur when

hyperthermia is combined with radiotherapy . An often observed and

rather remarkable effect of whole - body hyperthermia is the disappear -

ance of pain immediately after the treatment .

When normal body cells or an entire organism is subjected to a sub -

lethal thermal stress , morbidity and mortality are significantly improved

upon exposure to an otherwise lethal thermal stress . This phenomenon is

called " thermotolerance " ( see chapter 4 ) , and is attributed to the expres -

sion of heat shock proteins in virtually all cells that have been tested .
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 223

~'loo i


Figure 9.1
Hyperthermia-induced cell death and related physiological and metabolic factors.
Seealso figure 7.4 for cell death mechanismsduring an ischemic/hypoxic episode.
(Modified from Streffer 1995.)

Whole-body hypertermia can produce thermotolerance depending upon

time and temperature of the heat treatment, conditions of the cell (pH ,
available nutrients, oxygen status), cell cycle, cell type, and cell growth
rate. It can increasethe slope of a survival curve by a factor of 15 or in-
creasethe duration of heating to produce an end point by a factor of 4 or
How does hyperthermia produce cell death? Cell inactivation associ-
ated with hyperthermia occurs at many levels, including the cell mem-
brane, nucleus, cytoskeleton, and metabolism. There is considerable
evidencethat hyperthermia modifies the lipid environment of the plasma
cell membrane, leading to change in membrane protein structure and
function . Whether these changespromote the demise of the cell or pro-
duce damageto other cell components is unclear.
224 Chapter

Cold Body, Cold Brain: The Mysteriesof Hypothermia

In Iowa, during a frigid night in March 1987, a two -year-old toddler, per-
haps in his sleep, wandered out of his parents' mobile home. About three
hours after his mother found him gone , he was discovered facedown in an
ice-covered puddle in a cornfield a half -mile away . His pajamas were
frozen to his body and ice had begun to form around his face. He had no
heartbeat, he was not breathing, and his body temperature was about
15 C. Clinically speaking, he was dead.
When a police officer came upon the scene, there appeared to be no life
in the boy 's eyes or face: " he looked like one of those dolls where the eyes
roll back in their head " (Ryberg 1987 pp . lA , 7A ). He immediately began
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For 90 minutes there was no response.
Then, miraculously, a muscle twitched, a faint heartbeat was felt, and the
boy began to breathe on his own. Doctors claimed that a major factor in
the boy's favor was that his body temperature was reduced gradually.
This lowered his metabolism and reduced the activity of his major organs ,
thereby lessening the amount of oxygen they needed. Thus , major dam -
age was prevented when his heart stopped . The fact that he stopped
breathing the instant his face contacted the water prevented him from
drowning in the puddle (Gooden and Elsner 1985). Although he required
major physical therapy and had to learn how to walk again, one year later
it appearedthat the boy had made a complete recovery.
Hypothermia is defined as a reduction in body temperature below
35 C. The rationale for its use is illustrated in figure 9.2. The point to
which body temperature can be lowered with survival is not known , but
hypothermia can be lethal at any level below 35 C . The young , especially
infants , appear to be more tolerant than the elderly . The reason for this in
not known , but has been related to the ease with which infants slip into a
state of poikilothermy (Blair 1964 ). Hypothermia is not artificial hiberna -
tion , which is impossible in homeotherms . Another form of hypothermia
is that produced by drugs . It is called clinical hypothermia , and does not
. involve shivering.
The initial interest in hypothermia during cardiac surgery was fueled by
the successexperienced with cyanotic infants. Infants are remarkably
cold-tolerant . Mothers who are cooled to a moderate level of hypother-
Temperature and the Struggle for Life 225


~- - - - - LOWER

fLOW - - - - ~ - - - PRESSOR Ef " FECT





MOBILI ZE - - - -'!);- ~ ,-

.. .. ...



Figure 9.2
The rationale for hypothermia is related to the reduced oxygen requirement (by
about one-third ), sustainedarterial blood pressureproduced by the pressor effect
of cold, reduced heart rate, and enhancedcardiac efficiency. Augmented breath-
ing improves alveolar ventilation , reflex mechanismsare enhanced, and cerebral
inflammatory reactions are reduced. Renal flow may be improved, and blood se-
questeredin the splanchnic vascular bed may be mobilized. Finally, the stressre-
sponseof the adrenal cortex may be alleviated. (From Blair 1964.)
226 Chapter 9

mia , 30 to 32 C, deliver normal babies . The rationale for pediatric hy -

pothermia is the relief of the hypoxic state. There is a marked beneficial
effect of hypothermia in asphyxia of newborn infants (Blair 1964 ), prob -
ably because of the lower metabolic demands in the infant .
The critical organ in any evaluation of hypothermia is the brain , espe-
cially when the circulation is arrested for intracardiac surgery. In a nor-
mothermic animal, circulatory arrest for only 6 min produces severe
metabolic disturbancesdue to anoxia. PCO2 and lactic acid rise and pH
falls . In contrast , circulatory arrest for up to 40 min is safe during in -
creasing depths of hypothermia based on clinical , biochemical , and EEG
criteria (table 9.1).
Even more important than circulatory arrest , but not equally appreci -
ated , is the effect of hypothermia on reflex mechanisms and the control of
homeostasis. As brain temperature descendsinto a deepercold state, cor-
tical reflexes are lost first , followed by mesencephalic reflexes, and last by
bulbar reflexes. Nerve damagehas beenreported at 20 C, which has been
postulated to be the lethal limit for humans . But is it ? Early studies were
based on a lack of respiratory or circulatory support . Children have been
cooled to below 5 C (Blair 1964 ), and Niazi and Lewis ( 1958 ) cooled a
cancer patient to 10 C with successful resuscitation .
Some of the most intriguing experiments with hypothermia have in -
volved supercooling . Hibernating bats have been maintained at - 5 C to
- 7 C for several days. With rewarming , all animals regained activity .
However , if crystallization occurred , the bats died . Likewise , deepwater
fish swim and feed while in a permanent supercooled state of 1 C; how -
ever, if they begin to crystallize and freeze, they die. Even monkeys have
been cooled to a temperature just above O C with complete recovery , in -
cluding no grossneurologic abnormalities, after cardiac standstill for 2 h.
There are many aspects of clinical hypothermia that are not under -
stood , and some physicians question its use altogether . However , it has
been an effective surgical tool as well as a treatment for cancer and other
medical problems . The rationale for its use in cancer therapy was two -
fold : (a) to relieve pain and (b) to stop growth of the tumor . The latter
never materialized , but pain relief was quite successful. Today , hypother -
mia is used only as an adjunct to either chemotherapy or radiation .
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 227

Table 9 . 1
Safety limits for arrested brain blood flow during increasing levels of

C 37 30 28 25 20 10
of 99 88 82 77 68 50

Min 3 6 8 - 10 12 - 15 20 40

Modified from Blair 1964 .

Clearly , it plays an important role in tissue preservation for organ trans -

plantation .

The Sleeping Brain : Hibernation and Dormancy

Hibernation is a unique phenomenon in mammals and birds . Is it differ -

ent from hypothermia or the dormant state of a reptile ? What occurs in
the brain of a hibernating animal ? What advantage was given when na-
ture evolved such a process ? Does hibernation have survival value ? If it
does, why has evolution preserved this phenomenon in some mammals ,
but not in those that represent the main line of evolution ? What allows a
ground squirrel to lower its body temperature more than 30 C and re-
main without food for three to four months , except for a few periods of
arousal ? What mechanisms allow a bear to maintain a state of dormancy
for more than 6 months without food and water ? Could hibernation or
dormancy serve as a useful tool during travel through space?
Hibernation in mammals is characterized by a change in body temper -
ature of more than lQOC that is produced by a decrease in metabolic rate .
It is not simply a state of hypothermia , because a hibernating animal re-
tains the capacity to rewarm spontaneously to a normothermic level with -
out absorbing heat from the environment . An animal that is hypothermic
can not raise body temperature by metabolic means. Herein lies the dif -
ference between the dormant state of the reptile and the hibernating state
of the mammal . The reptile lacks the capacity to warm itself . As stated
earier, if left in a cold environment , it eventually will die . On the other
hand , mammals and birds will spontaneously rewarm in response to an
internal or external signal . Internal signals might include some annual
228 Chapter 9


. . . .
. .

Figure 9.3
Woodchuck entering dormancy. Note the dissociation of physiological responses.
Heart rate drops, first followed by oxygen uptake and then body temperature.
(Taken from Lyman 1958 .)

rhythm or lack of REM sleep. External signals might include vibration or

a slight change in ambient temperature .
Hibernation clearly has survival value because it represents the ability
of an animal to sustain life in times of limited availability of food and
water . Evidence to support this concept is that over several days dormant
pocket mice lose less weight than nondormant , unfed controls (Bartholo -
mew and Cade 1957). Why has it not been retained in primates and hu-
mans ? It seems that nature changed strategies during evolution . In some
species of animals , constant and increased wakefulness was deemed more
valuable than hibernation , perhaps because of predators , extreme tem -
peratures , or abundant food and water throughout the year.
What role does the brain play in hibernation ? After the cold stimulus , is
the brain the initial mover , or does it passively follow a general body state

initiated by the endocrine system ? Hibernation begins with a decrease in

heart rate followed by a decrease in metabolism (20 - to 1aD-fold ) and res-
1 _

piratory rate , and finally by a decrease in body temperature (figure 9.3).

Brain temperature drops slowly , 2 C to 4 C/h. Hormone (insulin ,
glucagon , thyroxin ) secretion declines , in part from a decrease in hy -
Temperatureand the Struggle for Life 229

pophyseal activity, and cardiovascular function slows. For example, the

heart rate of ground squirrels decreasesfrom a mean of around 300
beats/min at rest to 7- 10 beats/min in tl ~e hibernating animal. Breathing
o accordingly, and enzymeactivity slows the time of metabolic re-
Is the end result of this form of cataleptic state a " sleeping brain" ?
Certainly not ! Spontaneouscortical activity can still be recorded in some
animals, although not in all, and cortical activity can still be elicited fol -
lowing peripheral nerve stimulation . The fact that the heart continues to
beat and the animal continues to respire indicates that the autonomic ner-
vous system remains active. The reticular system of the midbrain is the
area least resistant to the cold, which is in accordancewith the physiolog-
ical responsesobservedin the hibernating period. The animal enters into
a stage of NREM sleep, as it normally does every day when it goes to
sleep. However, during the onset of hibernation, NREM sleep is pro-
longed without its entering REM sleep. It looks as if REM sleepis selec-
tively suppressed (Walker et ale 1977). (This interesting observation
indicates that the animal is still thermoregulating. During REM sleep[see
chapter 4] mammals lose their capacity to thermoregulate, and they be-
come poikilothermic .) Below a body temperature of 25 C, cortical activ-
ity is almost suppressed. The EEG becomes isoelectric at a body
temperature of about 20 C. EEG recordings in different structures of the
brain have shown that after the cortical EEG becomesquiescent, the thal-
amus, then the hippocampus, become quiescent (Mihailovic 1972). In
contrast, the hypothalamus remains active, with intermittent increasesin
activity from other areasof the limbic system (Strumwasser1959). (This
is another interesting observation compatible with the idea that a hiber-
nating animal is constantly controlling its body temperature by the
brain.) During arousal from hibernation , a similar sequence, in the re-
verseorder, occurs.
Are entry into hibernation and arousal from hibernation active or pas-
sive processes? To addressthis question, neuronal activity in the brain
was studied during different phasesof hibernation, using 14C- 2-deoxy-
glucose (Kilduff et ale 1990). Relative uptake of 2-deoxyglucoseby brain
cells was determined for 96 brain regions during 7 phasesof the hiber-
nation cycle: (a) euthermia; (b) 3 body temperature intervals entering
230 Chapter 9

hibernation ; (c) stable, deep hibernation; and (d) 2 phasesof body tem-
perature during arousal (figure 9.4). Statistical analysis selected brain
sitesthat showed a similar pattern acrossall phasesof hibernation . Three
factors were identified that accurately discriminated among thesevarious
phases. Factor 1 (the hypothalamic factor) was associatedwith brain re-
gions that showed a trend for increased2-deoxyglucoseuptake as a func-
tion of the depth of hibernation . Factor 2 (the cortical factor ) was
characterized by regions showing a rapid decreasein 2-deoxyglucose
uptake early in hibernation; and factor 3 (the raphe factor) was character-
ized by regions exhibiting a pattern including factors 1 and 2. Thirty -three
brain regions exhibited a relatively high correlation on factor 1, including
almost all hypothalamic regions. To show the relationship between the
factor score for factor 1 and 2-deoxyglucose for a particular brain
region, figure 9.4B shows the 2-deoxyglucoseprofile for the suprachias-
matic nucleus, a hypothalamic structure that reflected a pattern of 2-de-
oxyglucose that was inversely associatedwith the depth of hibernation .
Figure 9.4C shows the 2-deoxyglucoseprofile for the cingulate cortex, a
brain region that reflecteda pattern of rapidly decreasing2-deoxyglucose
early in entrance into hibernation .
The analysis revealed that neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex
decreased, and hypothalamic activity increased, during entrance into hi-
bernation, whereas during arousal the opposite occurred. The suprachi-
asmatic nuclei were the main hypothalamic nuclei participating in the
entrance into hibernation, and the cingulate cortex was a major cortical
area that becameactive in arousal.
Disinhibition of structures such as the frontal and cingulate cortexes,
which are mainly inhibitory to limbic structures, seemsto playa crucial
role in this initial phaseof hibernation . As a consequence, the limbic cor-
tex is highly sensitive to stressful environmental stimuli (Gabriel et ale
1977). Arousal from hibernation seemsto be triggered by'"a different pat-
tern of neuronal activity. In this case, suprachiasmatic and paraventricu-
lar nuclei of the hypothalamus, as well as the medial preoptic area, play
major roles (figure 9.5). These results support the hypothesis that hiber-
nation is an active orchestration of integrated neurophysiological events
rather than a passiveprocess(Kilduff et ale1990).
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 231

A 20

- -- { } - Factor 1: Hypothalamic
. Factor 2 : Cortical


- 10

~ l:[1}lJ- .:[I] . l'~I

A. Factor scoresfor factor 1 (hypothalamic ) and factor 2 (cortical) acrossthe

phasesof thehibernationcycle. B. Relative2-deoxyglucose uptake(mean:t SEM)
acrossthe hibernationcycle for the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a representative
brain regionthat loaded(i.e., correlatedwith) stronglyon factor 1. C. Relative2-
deoxcyglucose uptake(mean:t SEM) acrossthe hibernationcyclefor the cingu-
late cortex, a representativebrain regionthat loadedstronglyon factor 2. EU,
euthermia ; EE, earlyentrance ; ME, midentrance ; LE, late entrance; HB, hiberna-
tion; EA, earlyarousal; LA, latearousal. (Takenfrom Kilduff et al. 1990.)
232 Chapter 9





.""'-~ OTHALA

Figure 9.5
(A ) Schematicdiagram illustrating hypothalamic and cortical involvement in the
entrance into hibernation . (B) Schematic diagram illustrating hypothalamic in-
vol ,Tement in the arousal from hibernation . (Taken from Kilduff et al . 1990 .)

A Way in Space: Hypothermia or Hibernation ?

Many fantasies and literary tales have reported the revival of people after
they were frozen solid. For example, the imagination of many was stimu-
lated by the tale of a French soldier who, during the retreat of Napoleon's
forces from Russia , became frozen and was revived years later without

damage to his body except the accidental loss of an ear during his reani -
mation . But true stories like that of Johnny Stevens, the young child who
recovered completely after having a body temperature of 17 .8 C and a
respiratory rate of 3 breaths /min , have made some people rethink the pos-
sibility of cooling and reviving a human . An obvious application of such
a procedure would be traveling through space. However , despite isolated
cases like the one described above , the adult human body cannot be
cooled below 25 C (Folk 1974 : 212 ). Therefore , the idea of freezing a
Temperatureand the Strugglefor Life 233

human for prolonged travel in space remains in the realm of science fic -


If hypothermia is not feasible as a physiological state to travel in space,

what about the possibility of hibernation ? There is no doubt that the pos-
sibility of hibernating, for at least part of such a long journey, without
consuming food and water or having waste products, could be of consid-
erable advantage. In previous paragraphs an orchestrated pattern of
brain activity was turned on when an animal entered and emergedfrom
hibernation . Thus, two intriguing questionsare (a) Could a selectivecon-
vergent pattern of artificial external stimulation (electrical, electromag-
netic fields) in different nuclei and regions of the brain, together with a
concomitant pattern of lower environmental temperature, trigger hiber-
nation in humans? (b) Could a selectiveconvergentpattern of brain stim-
ulation be programmed to trigger arousal mechanisms after a certain
period of time? Could a researchprogram conducted in this direction, in
nonhibernating mammals, be of interest?
Is there any real possibility of designinga " hibernation pill " that would
lower metabolic rate without long-term detrimental effects on primary
physiological functions, yet provide the advantage of reducing food and
water requirements? The answer is " not in the immediate future ."
Evidencefor a chemical that can induce hibernation has beenreviewed by
Folk (1974). The substance, called " hibernation trigger," has been dis-
covered in the blood of hibernating ground squirrels and woodchucks. It
is absent from the blood of nonhibernating animals and induces hiberna-
tion in ground squirrels during the summer by lowering metabolic rate.
The idea of injecting such a substanceinto an astronaut on a prolonged
journey into spaceis appealing, but many more experiments are needed
before seriousconsideration can be given to such an idea.
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The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
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This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
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The Brain Is the Body : A Unitary Perspective

on Thermoregulation

The Brain , the Body , and Keeping Warm

For more than 500 million years the function of the brain has been coded

with time . The brain has served the rest of the body by responding to

changes in the environment , such as temperature , within a minimum

time . Survival of the species depended on the time of response to the stim -

ulus produced from a relatively well defined environment to which ani -

mals were well adapted . There was limited capacity in the brain for

flexible behavior . In other words , before responding to any noxious

( predator or poison ) or pleasurable ( food , water or sex ) stimulus , there

was little time to think . For lower vertebrates ( fish , frogs , and reptiles ) to

develop and perform survival behaviors such as seeking food and water ,

and mating , warming of the brain from external sources was essential .

Brain activity , and hence body activity ( behavior ) , was impossible with -

out the brain and body achieving a certain range of temperature . In this

case , and since the beginning of life , radiation from the sun was the main

source of heat . Thus , the primary event required for life , even before ac -

quiring food and water , was generating a hot brain .

With the appearance of mammals , the brain acquired greater capacity

for processing information from the environment and was able to provide

a more effective response to a determined stimulus . Evolution changed

strategies . With mammals , the relatively fixed behavioral responses that

served survival so well for millions of years came to an end . And , as is so

often the case , an end was only a new beginning .

236 Chapter

The Dawn of the WarmBrain and Intelligence

Primitive mammals acquired bigger brains than their ancestorsand con-

temporaries, the reptiles (Jerison 1973). Their brains acquired circuits to
regulate body temperature at an elevated level, thus facilitating their
movement in and out of different thermal environments. Cold no longer
impaired their alertness, readinessto escapepredators, or their ability to
seek food and water. The brain was maintained at a warm temperature.
An intriguing question is " What came first, the acquisition of a bigger
brain, and as a consequencethe acquisition of endothermy, or the reverse,
the acquisition of endothermy followed by enlargementof the brain ? It is
tempting to speculateon the latter possibility.
It appearsthat mammal-like reptiles that enteredthe new environment
(nocturnal niches) lacking radiant heat from the sun were already equip-
ped with the anatomical machinery to generatea certain amount of heat
in their own bodies (chapters 2 and 3). As described in chapter 2, it is
likely that a certain reorganization of the existing neural tissuearound the
hypothalamus (posterior hypothalamus?) and the rest of the limbic sys-
tem may have provided the control of input -output information for the
regulation of body temperature. In the almost complete absenceof radi-
ant heat from the sun, nights for these creatures must have been ex-
tremely cold, and challenging to the point of imperiling survival. It is
possible that initially small changes occurred in the brains of some of
thesecreatures so that without a significant increasein the total amount
of brain tissue (reorganization), their descendantswere more capable of
survival under theseconditions.
With the acquisition of a certain degreeof endothermy (seechapter 2),
it is more likely, to think in terms of Jerison's hypothesis, that selection
pressuretoward the acquisition of a bigger brain was effective. In fact,
with a constant and active warm brain, the trend toward an increasein
brain tissue incorporating new circuits to enablehearing, smell, and sight
in the darknesswas more conceivable (Jerison 1973).

Did a Warm Brain Speedthe Paceof Evolution ?

To be warm is an inherent property of life . To be constantly warm was

probably a key step in evolution that led to the ultimate achievementin
The Brain Is the Body 237

development, the human organism. Creatureswith a warm and perpetu-

ally active brain throughout the year had an internal environment that al-
lowed for constant trial -and-error learning and an enduring opportunity
for mutations to flourish so that accelerated evolution occurred .
Life on Earth appeared about 3 billion years ago. Unicellular existence
lasted for more than 2 billion years before multicellular organisms ap-
peared. With the development of multicellular organisms, evolution ac-
celerated. The Paleozoic era, characterized by the appearance of
invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and primitive reptiles, lasted for only
about 325 million years, followed by the Mesozoic era (the age of rep-
tiles ) and the appearance of the first and most archaic mammals (and with
them the processof endothermy). The Mesozoic era lasted for only 180
million years. With the Cenozoic era (the age of mammals ), a tremendous
acceleration of evolution took place that lasted for only 65 million years.
In this latter period humans appeared.
And what can be said about the brain ? With the appearance of mam -
mals , there was an acceleration in the evolution of the brain . From aus -
tralopithecines to modern man, the brain increasedin weight by almost
1 kg in just 2- 4 million years. There is no doubt that the increase in
brain size and brain organization must have been the product of multi -
factorial convergent events. It would be simplistic to believe that brain
evolution could be attributed to a single event , such as assuming an up -
right posture , toolmaking , the acquisition of language , or social modes
of life . In this very short period of time , 2 million years , brain weight in -
creased from 600 - 700 in Homo habilis to 900 - 1,000 grams in Homo
erectus, to 1,300 grams in Homo sapiens, and finally to 1,400 grams in
Homo sapiens sapiens (Tobias 1971 ; Conroy et al . 1998 ). There must
be, together with the factors already mentioned, unknown factors, some
perhaps more important than others, that influenced humans in their
acquisition of a larger brain . And most important , there must have been
key factors responsible for triggering this endurance race toward the ac-
quisition of a bigger brain . Could environmental temperature , together
with primitive hunting behavior in early hominids , be one of these key
factors ?
238 Chapter 10

Was Hunting Behavior the Engine of Brain -Mind Processes?: The

Hypothetical Role of Memory

Krantz ( 1968 ) suggested that hunting behavior in its more primitive form ,

" persistence hunting , " could have been the basis of the selective pressures

that paved the evolutionary path for australopithecines to acquire bigger

brains . Persistence hunting , as Krantz describes it , is a predatory behavior

unique to humans . Primitive people who practice this kind of hunting be -

havior today include the Shoshonean Indians of North American , the
Tarahumara Indians of Mexico , and the Kalahari Bushmen of Africa . The

essence of this type of hunting is persisting in the chase of the prey for as
long as one or two days , which obviously requires the hunter to focus

constantly on the task at hand . This is a kind of brain - mind training that

clearly could be relevant for the development of the brain . That the aus -

tralopithecines could initially be primitive hunters is a strong possibility ,

if we take into account the possibility that they were creatures better

adapted to running than to walking . This is consistent with early sugges -

tions that the transition from ape to human was predatory (Darwin 1871 ;
Dart 1964 ) .

The idea that this kind of primitive hunting could be relevant for devel -

oping bigger brains within a species is based on the assumption that indi -
viduals who were anatomically adapted to run and who also had bigger
brains would have better memories than individuals with smaller brains .

This clearly would have important survival value . Krantz describes his

ideas in the following terms :

The idea of persistence hunting permits the following hypothesis as to the selec -
tive forces that brought about the transformation from Australopithecus to
Homo : small steps in the enlargement of the Australopithecus brain would have
been of selective advantage mainly by increasing the time and distance that the
possessor would be able to pursue his mobile food supply . Considering the
young , injured and aged as well as normal adults of all species of potential food
available to our ancestors , there was a continuous gradation in pursuit times nec -
essary to bring down game . At first , Australopithecus could run down only those
animals most quickly exhausted , and must have been in keen competition with
many other carnivores . As the reward in food for successful pursuit of game
tended , on the average , to go to those individuals with the greater mental time
spans , selective pressure would favor larger brains with better memories . (Krantz
1968 : 451 )
The Brain Is the Body 239

Did Heat StressContribute to the Acquisition of a Bigger Brain ?

Fialkowski 's Hypothesis

Basedon Krantz's hypothesisof primitive persistencehunting in australo-

pithecines and assumingthat the initial processof hominization occurred
in the tropics (southern and eastern Africa ), Fialkowski (1986) hypo-
thesized that initially the australopithecines hunted by using individual
techniques involving constant, persistent, and long running pursuits of
prey through the savannas, before developing the well-organized cooper-
ative hunting techniques attributed first to Homo erectus (Tobias 1971).
It is in this context that Fialkowski argued that " the loss of fur, one of the
most conspicuous evolutionary changeswhich occurred in the homind
line, was primarily a result of the adaptation to a greatly increasedheat
stressassociatedwith this type of behavior" (1986: 288). Could an in-
creasein body temperature affect the functioning and evolution of the
brain ?
Fialkowski (1986) points out the difference in the mechanisms by
which prehuman hunters and their prey adapted to thermal stress. As dis-
cussedat length in chapter 6, fast-running mammals in the savannasde-
veloped " selectivebrain cooling" as a mechanismto prevent overheating
of the brain. For example, in a small antelope, brain temperature during
high-speedrunning for 7 min was almost 3 C below body temperature
(Taylor and Lyman 1972). This is attributed to the presenceof an in-
tracranial heat exchanger, the carotid rete, that allows hot carotid blood
from the trunk to be cooled by venous blood draining the nasal and oral
cavities. In contrast, prehuman hunters were poorly adapted for heat
stressand, as a result, probably developedvery high brain temperatures
that compromised their hunting capacity. To cope with this dilemma,
Fialkowski (1978, 1986) proposes that the size of the brain increased.
The reasoning behind this strategy is basedon the ideas of von Neumann
(1963), a mathematician and computer scientist. The scenario is as fol -
lows. Prehuman hunters began to develop a generalizedcooling system,
that is, to lose their densefur ; but long before this processwas complete,
they were forced to perform long runs (which could not be interrupted or
abandoned, since that resulted in hunting failure ) without possessinga
240 Chapter10

fully developed mechanism of cooling through sweat evaporation.

Moreover, cooling by evaporation required a high ingestion of water,
and after a long run at high temperature, sweating could decreaseor, in
the case of high humidity , be less effective than in dry air. In any case,
blood temperature could rise high enough to limit the function of brain
According to von Neumann (1963), it is possible to obtain a reliable
system (brain and heat) even if its elementsare working unreliably (neu-
rons affected by heat), provided there are sufficient elements (neurons)
and interconnections between the elements. Fialkowski applies this con-
cept to the problem of overheating in prehuman hunters. He surmises
that even though inadequate cooling causessome brain elementsto lose
their reliability , a greater number of neurons and interconnections be-
tween neurons as a result of a larger brain would allow the brain, as a
whole, to continue functioning . In this way, Fialkowski proposes, early
hominds were under very strong selective pressure to acquire bigger
brains that were more heat-resistant. He states that " hunters more sus-
ceptible to a cognitive crisis during hunting raids would have higher aver-
age mortality (failure in hunting, failure to escape predators)"
(Fialkowski 1978: 90). In essence , this statementis analogousto Krantz 's
hypothesis regarding memory: individuals with bigger brains would have
more heat-resistant brains than individuals with smaller brains.

Heat, Thirst, Memory, and the HumanBrain

Eckhardt (1987) has criticized Fialkowski 's idea that the reliability of a
complex systemsuch as a computer could be enhancedby increasing the
number of elementsand the interactions among them. He maintains that
increasingthe number of processingelements(chips or neurons) doesnot
increasethe reliability of the system; rather, it has just the opposite effect.
In fact, he maintains that " the existing solution to this problem in com-
puter scienceis not merely to add more chips, but to integrate an error-
correcting code. This strategy which enablesthe memory to function even
after hundreds of errors (typically accumulated over many years) is per-
haps more analogousto neural reorganization than to memory expansion
via mere repetitive subunit addition " (1987: 194). If the brain increased
TheBrainIs theBody 241

the number of neurons under heat stress to cope more effectively with a
hot environment , one would expect this increase to occur in the part of
the brain responsible for vital functions - more specifically , the areas in -

volved in the control of temperature regulation , such as the hypothala -

mus . But the fact is that the areas of the brain which have increased in size

over the last 2- 4 million years are the association areas of the cortex ,

which apparently have nothing to do with vital functions such as temper -

ature regulation . To that Fialkowski responds , " It is possible that the

cerebral association areas have changed their functions , originally having

been mainly oriented toward the vital ones " ( 1986 : 290 ).

It is interesting that Eckhardt , who so strongly criticized Fialkowsi , has

admitted that some relationship can exist between heat stress and an in -

crease in brain size among early hominids . In fact , he suggests that the re -

lationship between heat stress and increasing hominid brain size was not

the result of heightened resistance to heat - induced brain malfunctions

but , rather of an increased capacity or duration of information storage .

Thus , once again , memory comes into play . Recall Krantz ' s hypothesis

that memory was probably one of the more powerful selective pressures

favoring enlargement of the brain . In this case , Eckhardt suggests that in

situations where early hominids had to survive in the hot , dry savanna ,

memory of water holes in areas where they hunted could have had sur -

vival value . Present - day Bushmen hunt an area as large as 10 , 000 km2

and from memory know the location of every water hole : " no other

predator or prey species matches that level of information storage and re -

trieval " ( Eckhardt 1987 : 199 ).

Therefore , heat and memory may be two of several factors that con -

verged on the force that increased selective pressures toward the acquisi -

tion of a bigger brain . If this were the case , then we would be forced to

admit that toolmaking , new social modes of life , and so on would have

been consequences rather than causes of the initial increase in brain size

during evolution . That is , in fact , Fialkowski ' s interpretation . To para -

phrase his conclusion , the increase in size and complexity of the hominid

brain was largely a side effect of a quite different adaptation that had lit -

tle to do with abstract thinking and complex reasoning . It was , instead ,

an evolutionary response to greatly increased heat stress under conditions

of primitive hunting ( Fialkowski 1978 , 1986 ).

242 Chapter 10

The WarmBedof Our Mental Processes

Is the mind (mental processes ) a " side effect " function of a brain devel -
oped through evolution just for survival purposes under selective, al-
though multifactorial , environmental pressures? This is one of the most
intriguing and crucial questions in philosophical anthropology.
Evolutionary biology is providing piecesof a complicated puzzle that we
hope will lead to a better understanding of the human brain. What seems
more and more evident from different scientific approachesto the study
of humans , and in a more consistent way , is that " Human brains evolved

from the brains of preceding animals, sharing much with them struc-
turally and functionally as well as cognitively . However remarkable the
human brain is, it is a product of Darwinian evolution , with all the con -
straints that such a history implies " (Llinas and Churchland 1996 : ix ).
Given this perspective , environmental temperature was probably one of
the multiple factors that contributed to the development of humans
through evolution .
This suggests that body , brain , and mind are a continuum under a uni -
tary construction of humans through time . (Mora , 1995 , 1999 ) In this
process , there could have been circumstances or needs that led to the de -

velopment of anatomical systemsdesignedoriginally to serve one func-

tion but , over time and through exposure to different stresses, were
modified or used to serve other functions . This could have been the case

with the brain and the appearance of mind processes . If we assume for a
minute that Fialkowski 's hypothesis is correct , the enlargement of the
brain initially evolved to cope with environmental heat stress until more
effective heat -dissipating systems evolved . When the loss of fur was com -
plete and eccrine sweat glands evolved over the general body surface to
increase evaporative cooling dramatically , more of the brain became
available for cognitive functions . In turn , these cognitive functions
proved to have survival value and have been used to preserve the integrity
of humans through a constant flow of information from the environment
to the body -brain -mind and from them to the environment in a more and
more efficient manner.
Body-brain-mind-environment representsa flow of functional informa -
tion . Modern biology is clearly showing that there is a continuum be-
TheBrainIs theBody 243

tween biochemistry -morphology and function , particularly with regard

to the brain . Thus , changes in the environment induce neural activity (re-
lease of neurotransmitters ) that could induce new synthesis of proteins -
the basis of learning and memory processes (Kandel et ale 1991 ). New
proteins change the morphology of neural systems, which in turn changes
the function of the system. These plastic changes within the brain , in -
duced by changes in our sensory environment and also in our body , are
the basis of learning and memory processes. These changes provide a con -
stant flow of information that ultimately leads to an adaptation between
body -brain and mind . It is in this way that " our growing sense of what -
ever the world outside may be, is apprehended as a modification in the
neural space in which body and brain interact . It is not only the separa-
tion between mind and brain that is mythical : the separation between
mind and body is probably just as fictional . The mind is embodied , in the
full sense of the term , not just embrained " (Damasio 1994 : 117- 118 ).
These reflections are of paramount importance for an understanding of
human nature (Mora 1996 ).
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

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Acclimatization Annelida , 193

to cold , 128 - 134 Anterior hypothalamus , 54
definition , 121 structure , 54 - 56
to heat , 136 - 143 temperature -sensitive neurons , 71
heat shock protein , 173- 174 response to cold , 134
thermoregulatory range, 171 Anterior preoptic hypothalamus, 100
Acetaminophen , 197 , 209 Anteroventral wall of the third ventri -
Acetylcholine , 67 , 71 cle (AV3V ), 203
Acquired thermotolerance , 175 Antidorcas marsupialis , 144
Acute phaseresponse, 199, 212 Antipyretic , 192 , 197 , 208 - 209 . See
Adams , W . C ., 133 also Endogenouscryogens
Adaptation , 121 neonate , 215
definition , 121 Arginine vasopressin (AVP ), 209
Adolph , E. F., 157 Armstrong , L . E., 170
Age Arousal (from hibernation ), 231
fever , 214 - 215 Arthropoda , 193
heat tolerance , 185 Artiodactyls , 143
skin blood flow , 188 Aspirin , 178 , 192 , 198 , 206 , 208 ,
sweat glands , 187 - 189 211 - 212 . See a/so Antipyretic
Alaskan Eskimo , 122 , 125 Astrocyte , 164 , 199
Aldosterone , 136 Atkins , E ., 191
Alpha -melanocyte stimulating Australian aborigine, 129
hormone (aMSH ), 209 , 215 Auto -oxidation , 165
Ama Avian hypothalamus, 61
basal metabolic rate , 123 , 125 , 129 AVP , 215
body insulation , 126 , 129
contemporary divers , 128 Bacteremia , 159
shivering , 127 Bacterial pyrogen 197 , 222
traditional divers , 123 Baker , M . A ., 144 , 147
Amphibians , 58 Barrick , R . E ., 34
Analgesics , 192 Basal metabolism , 108 , 128
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia , 105 ama , 123 - 128
266 Index

Baum , E . , 131 constant , 118

Behavioral thermoregulation, 45, 47, hypothermia, 228

78 - 79 , 100 , 195 , 235 Breast cancer , 179
fever , 196 , 197 , 202 , 204 , 211 Brinnel , H . , 139
and thermosensitive neurons , 81 Brown adipose tissue, 89, 221
Behavioral fevers , 196 , 197 Brown adipose tissuethermogenesis,
Birds , 46 221

endothermy , 43 Bruck , K . , 71
Black bile , 191 Burton , A . C . , 115 - 116
Blatteis , C . M . , 70 , 203
Bligh , J., 51 , 64 Cabanac , M ., 149
Blood , 191 Cancer , 221 , 226
Blood -brain barrier , 163 , 202 - 203 Cardiac output , 179 - 184
Blood temperature , 144 Carotid rete , 143 , 144 , 149
Blubber , 109 , 111 Cavernous sinus , 148 - 149 , 151

Body composition, 187 Central fatigue, 182

Body fat, 109 Cerebral blood flow , 163
Body insulation , 126 Cerebral cortex , 232
Body mass, 108 Cerebral ischemia , 161 , 165
Body temperatrue, 98- 100 Channel swimmers , 125
hibernation , 228 Chemotactic oligopeptides, 160
sleep, 85 Choroid plexuses , 203
Bony fish , 27 Circadian rhythms , 83
Boulant , .J. A ., 64 - 66 , 73 , 81 , 204 Circulating catecholamines , 182
Brain Clark , W . G ., 71 , 75
circuits and chemicals , 49 Classical heat stroke , 155
constant temperature , 118 Clayton , D ., 104
cooling (see Selective brain cooling ) Clinical hypothermia, 224- 226
dinosaurs , 35 Clo unit , 109 , 111 - 113
and endothermy , 44 - 46 Cockerels (chickens ), 174
in heatstroke , 161 , 162 Coexistence , 67 , 69
neonates , 215 Cold (responses to ), 106 , 108
role in fever , 201 fever , 211
size , 47 , 49 , 241 , 236 survival in , 109
sleep, 87- 88 Cold acclimatization , 113 , 121 , 128 ,
Brain blood flow , 227 131

Brain / body size ratio , 35 Cold bed test , 129

Brain cooling , 143 , 153 Cold - blooded animals , 16 , 24 , 96 . See
sleep, 87 also Ectotherms

Brain injury , 166 Cold receptors , 139

Brain -mind processes , 238 Cold sensation , 133
Brain stem , 54 , 64 , 86 Cold -sensitive neurons , 65 - 66 , 103 ,
Brain temperature , 85 , 95 , 114 , 139 , 204 - 205
116 - 117 , 119 . See also Selective Cold tolerance , 118 , 132 , 224
brain cooling Common cold , 206
Index 267

Complement, 203 Endogenouspyrogen, 195, 199, 202,

Conductance , 131 204 , 214 - 215
Conduction , 96 Endothermic , 50 , 51 , 54 , 193
Convection , 97 , 98 Endotherms , 19 , 32 , 35 , 53 , 96
Core body temperature, 98, 100, 102, Endothermy, 88, 236
137 , 149 , 172 - 173 , 179 - 182 , 187 , Endotoxemia , 159 - 160 , 212
210 , 217 Endotoxin , 173 , 193 , 199 - 200 , 206 ,
Corpus striatum , 205 215

Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF ), Endurance training , 132 - 133 , 137

209 Eskimos , 123
Countercurrent exchange, 43 Esophagealtemperature, 150- 151,
Crawshaw , L ., 25 - 26 , 29 , 47 180 , 186
Crocodiles , 31 Estrogen , 103
Cross -acclimation , 121 , 133 Estrogen replacementtherapy, 91
Crossopterygians , 15, 28 Evaporation , 98 , 104
Crystallization , 226 Evaporative cooling, 137, 143- 144
Cyclooxygenase, 206 Evolution , 7 , 15 , 64 , 227 - 228 , 236 ,
Cytochrome C, 24 242

Cytokines, 168, 199, 202- 203, 206 brain , 236

Evolutionary biology , 242
Dantrolene , 218 Exercise , 113 , 144 , 179 , 182 , 198 ,
Desert ants (cataglyphis ), 177 209 , 212 - 213
Dinosaurs , 33 , 43 Exercise tolerance , 144
Dog , 144 , 182 Exertional heatstroke , 156 , 217
Dopamine , 67 , 72 , 139 , 163 , 165- 166 Exogenous pyrogens , 199
blockade , 219 External jugular vein , 151
Dormancy , 21 , 95 , 227 - 228
Drosophila, 177 Facial vein , 148
Dynorphins, 166 Fatigue substances, 182
Feldberg, W., 70
Eccrine sweat glands, 104, 242. See Fever , 191 - 214
also Sweat glands and age , 214
Eckhardt , R . B ., 240 , 241 beneficial effects , 192 , 207
Ecstasy, 220 and cancer treatment , 221
Ectothermic homeotherms , 38 compared with exercise, 213
Ectothermic homeothermy , 19 evolution , 193
Ectotherms , 19 , 52 - 53 , 96 , 195 , 198 . and hot flashes , 91 - 93
See also Cold -blooded animals and mental processing , 119
Edholm , o . G ., 115 regulated, 210
Eichna , L . W ., 135 role of the brain , 201
Elderl }T, 224 and selectivebrain cooling, 149
Emotions , 77 - 78 Fialkowski , K . R ., 239 , 241 - 242
Encephalization quotient (EQ), 36, 38 Fish , 24 , 56 , 197
Endogenous antipyretic agents, 195 Folk , G . E ., 83 - 84 , 110 - 111 , 233
Endogenous cryogens , 208 Freezing , 233
268 Index

Fregly , 71 , 75 classical , 155 , 156

Frog , 24 , 31 exertional , 156
Frontal and cingulate cortexes , 230 in primates , 160
Frostbite , 109 survivors , 169
Functional insulation , 126 Heat shock response , 174 , 179
Fur , 109 , 111 Heat tolerance , 118 , 132 , 170 , 173 ,

GABA , 67 Heat waves , 156

Galen , 191 Heath , J. E., 41 , 43 - 45 , 50 , 73
Gathriam , P. , 160 Heinrich , B ., 12 - 13
Gender differences in heat tolerance , Heliothermy, 19
185 Hermansen , L . , 186
Gigantothermy , 19 , 32 , 34 Heterotherms , 19
Gisolfi , Co Vo , 97 , 101 - 102 Hibernation , 21 , 63 , 95 , 122 , 231
Glucocorticoids , 199 bats , 226
Glutamate , 67 , 163 , 165 - 166 cycle , 231
Glycoprotein , 24 survival value , 227 , 228
Goosepimples , 106 trigger , 233
Gram - negative bacteria , 199 Hierarchial , 50 , 51 , 64 , 86
Gut , 157 HIV , 206
Homeostasis , 85
Habituation , 121 , 133 Homeothermic endotherms , 46
Hajj , 155 Homeotherms , 19 , 116 , 121 , 224
Halothane , 218 Homeothermy, 42, 54, 119
Hammel , H . T ., 26 , 31 , 46 , 64 , 133 Hominids , 103 , 237
Hardy , J . D ., 50 , 62 Homology , 56
Hand blood flow , 123 Hong , S., 123 - 124 , 126- 128
Hea t , 1 Host defense , 208
Heat acclimation , 105 , 134 , 137 - 138 , Hot flashes , 89 - 91 , 93
139 , 153 , 172 , 175 , 179 , 187 . See Hyperkalemia , 159
also Acclimation Hypermetabolic syndrome , 218
with cold acclimation , 114 H )Tperthermia , 144 , 160 , 210 , 212
Heat - activated sweat glands , 188 and cancer , 221
Heat injury , 182 " Ectasy " (serotonin syndrome ), 220
Heat intolerance , 169 malignant, 217
Heat production , 112 , 195 , 205 neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 219
Heat storage , 133 therapeutic tool , 221- 223
Heat shock factor ( HSF ) , 179 Hypotension , 161
Heat shock proteins , 139 , 173 - 174 , Hypothalamic factor, 231
178 , 222 Hypothalamic neurons, 209
chaperones , 176 H )Tpothalamic temperature , 86 , 102 ,
inducible , 175 204

thermometers of the cell , 175 Hypothalamus, 47, 49- 50, 51, 54- 58,
Heatstroke , 104 , 153 , 157 - 159 , 61 , 63 - 64 , 70 - 73 , 77 , 79 , 100 , 157 ,
161 - 162 , 165 - 166 , 168 , 185 , 217 201
Index 269

Hypothermia , 73, 88, 122, 125, 210, Lesions , 62 - 63 , 203

224 - 225 , 227 , 232 POAH , 201

Hypoxia , 159 , 163 Leukocytes , 199 , 214

Humors , 191 Lewis , T ., 110

Liebermeister , C ., 191 , 210

Indomethacin , 173 , 221 Limbic system , 51 , 77 , 100 , 201

Inertial homeothermy , 19, 35 Lipopolysacharide ( LPS ) , 160 , 199

Infants , 51 , 86 , 201 , 224 Lizard ( Dipsosarus dorsalis ), 195 ,

Ischemia , 159 - 161 , 163 , 166 196

Insects , 11 Local acclimatization , 123

Insensible perspiration , 98
Insensitive neurons , 102 Macrophages , 199

Insulation , 107 , 109 , 111 - 112 , 126 Malamud , N . , 157 , 161

Insulative hypothermia, 131, 133 Malaria , 206

Insulative value , 112 Malignant hyperthermia , 217 - 218

Interferon , 160 , 199 , 207 Mammals , 96 , 197 , 199 , 227

Interleukin - l , 199 , 207 Marathon runners , 114 , 171 - 172

Interleukin - 6 ~ 199 ~ 207 Mass homeothermy , 19

Internal jugular vein, 151 Maximal body insulation , 126 , 129

Intestinal permeability , 160 , 168 , 177 Mean body temperature , 131 - 133

Intrinsically thermosensitive , 205 Mecca , 155

Inverterates and temperature regula- Medial preoptic area , 201

tion , 11 - 13 Medulla oblongata , 202

Melanoma , 96

Jacksonian concept , 50 Memory , 238 , 241

Jell , R . M ., 71 Mental processes , 242

Jenning , H . S., 3 Metazoan , 9 - 10

Jerison , H . J., 27 , 31 , 36- 37 , 41 , 45 - Methacholine , 139

47 , 236 Midbrain reticular formation , 202

jessen,C., 147- 149 Moltz , H ., 197 - 198 , 205 , 214 - 215

j ugularvein, 148 Monocytes , 199

Mora , F . , 54 - 55 , 78 - 80 , 242 - 243

Kidneys, 136 Mortality , 172 , 174 , 198 , 217

Kielblock, A., 157 Motivation , 77 - 78

Kleinenberg~, N., 7 and motor performance , 180

Kluger, M . J., 192- 193, 196, 206, 208 Muscle blood flow , 180 - 182

Kollias , J., 132 Muscle temperature , 182

Korean diving women, 124, 127 Myers , R . D . , 70 - 72

Krantz , G . S ., 238
Kregel, K . C., 157 Naloxone , 166

Kronenberg , F., 90 , 92 Nalrexone , 166

Kupffer cells, 199, 203 Neonates , 174 , 214 - 215

Neurogenic fever , 198

Langerhanscells, 199 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Lateral hypothalamus, 202 ( NMS ) , 217 , 219

270 Index

Neuromodulators , 50 , 66 , 70 Poikilotherms , 19 , 118

Neuronal degeneration, 167 Polymodal , 102

Neuropeptides , 67 , 74 Pons , 202

Neurotoxins , 163 Posterior hypothalamus , 54 - 56 ,

Neurotransmitters , 49 , 66 , 69 , 70 62 - 63

Newborns , 88 - 89 , 119 Posterior pituitary gland , 209

Nielsen , B ., 151 , 180 , 182 Preferred temperature , 196 , 197

Nigrostriatal pathway , 45 Preoptic anterior hypothalamus

dopamine, 165 ( POAH ) , 54 , 66 , 71 - 73 , 81 , 91 ,

Nitric oxide , 69 , 70 , 166 , 168 139 , 201

N onshivering thermogenesis, 66, 89, Prosser , C . L . , 26 , 95

114 , 122 Prostaglandin , 200 , 203 , 221

Norepinephrine, 67, 71- 73, 134, synthesis , 199

139 - 143 , 165 Protein denaturation , 117

Normothermic , 197 , 210 Proteinoid microspheres , 1

Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS ), 203 Protocells , 1

Nutritional immunity , 208 Protoneuron , 5
Prozac , 220
Obesity, 108 Psychogenic fever, 198 , 221
Ontogeny , 51 , 89 Pyrogen , 195 , 197 , 199 , 209 , 211 - 212
Oral temperature , 102 and warm - sensitive neurons , 205
Organum vasculosum laminae termi - Pyrogens inhibit warm -sensitive neu-
nalis (OVLT ), 203 rons , 205
Oxygen free radicals , 160 , 200 Pyrogenic cytokines , 207

Prostaglandin, 203, 205, 215 Q10 effect , 195

Paladino , F . V ., 34
Pantin , C . F. A . , 7 Radiation , 96
Panting , 143 , 147 Radiotherapy, 222
Paradoxical sleep, 86 Rahn , H ., 124 , 126
Paramecia , 2 Raphe factor , 231
Paresis , 198 Reactive oxygen species, 160 , 167
Parker , G . H ., 7 Rectal temperature , 102 , 136 , 172
Parkinson 's disease , 69 , 74 REHL . See Respiratory evaporative
Passano , L . M ., 7 loss heat
Pathogenic fever, 198 , 199 Reticular formation , 201
Pediatric hypothermia, 226 Redundancy (in thermoregulatory),
Persistence hunting , 238 201

Phlegm , 191 Regulated temperature , 118

Phylogeny, 51, 56, 89 Reptiles , 24 , 33 , 35 , 43 - 46 , 59- 61 ,
hypothalamus , 62 96 , 119 , 206 , 227 , 236
Physicaltraining , 137, 172 Reptilian, 38, 85, 98
Pigs, 218 Respiratory evaporative heat loss,
Plants , 4 - 6 144 ~ 147

Poikilothermic , 50 , 54 , 73 , 86 , 89 , 98 , Reuptake transporters, 165

177 , 224 Reward , 77 - 79 , 81
Index 271

Rewarm , 227 Skin conductance , 130

Roberts , M . F . , 138 Skinfold thickness , 109 - 110 , 130
Robinson , S . , 117 Skin temperature , 107 - 109 , 130 ,
Romer , A . S . , 18 , 23 , 25 , 27 - 28 , 30 - 137

32 , 39 - 41 Sleep, 85- 89
Roth , J., 134 NREM , 86 - 88 , 120
Rowell , L . B ., 180 REM , 85 - 86 , 89
R yanodine , 218 Sleepdeprivation 88
Slow-wave sleep(SWS), 85
Saltin , B . , 186 Spinal cord, 50, 52- 54, 63- 64, 86,
Satinoff , E ., 50 - 51 , 73 , 81 - 83 205

Sato , K . , 140 , 150 Spironolactone, 136

SBC. See Selective brain cooling Splanchnicblood flow, 157, 173, 179
Scholander , P. F., 111 181

Selective brain cooling , 143 , 144 , Spotila, J. R., 34, 38

147 - 149 , 153 , 239 Stress-induced hyperthermmia, 220
Self -stimulation , 79 Stress proteins , 175
Sense cell , 7 Striatum , 165
Sepsis, 156 , 161 Subcutaneous fat , 108 - 109 , 125 ,
Serotonin , 64 , 67 , 70 - 72 , 165 - 166 , 127 - 128 , 133
220 Subdiaphragmaticvagal afferents,
neurons , 166 203

system , 72 Substantia nigra , 73 , 201

Serotonin syndrome (55), 217, 220 Supercooling (the skin), 109
Set-point and hypothermia, 226
and brain areas , 52 Suprachiasmaticand paraventricular
endotherms , 50 nuclei , 232
fever , 205 , 209 - 211 Surface -to -mass ratio , 88 , 109
fever vs 0 exercise , 213 Survival , 78 - 79 , 108 , 170 , 176 , 198 ,
hot flashes , 91 - 93 208 , 235
sleep, 85 Sweat , 104
Shapiro, Yo, 169 gender differences, 185
Shivering, 32, 66, 102, 107, 118, 134, Sweatglands, 98, 104- 105
204 , 210 heat acclimation , 106 , 136 , 139
cold acclimation , 114 , 121 - 122 , 127 , age , 188
129 Sweat rate , 101 - 102
endurance training , 131- 132 age , 187
invertebrates , 11 endurance training , 132 - 133 ,
and sleep, 86 137 - 138

Shivering threshold, 131, 134 fever , 209 - 211

Simon , Eo , 50 heat acclimation , 137 - 138 , 182
Skin , 100 , 102 , 107 - 108 , 110 , 205 hormone replacement therapy , 103
biopsies , 139 hot flashes , 91
Skin blood flow , 102 , 108 - 109 , sleep, 85, 87
132 - 133 , 137 , 182 , 184 , 187 Sydenham , T., 191
272 Index

T cells , 199 Ventral septal area, 205

Temperature -insensitive neurons , 65 ,
205 Wagner -Juregg,J., 198
Temperature -sensitive neurons , Warm-bloodedanimals, 16
101 - 102 , 205 Warm-sensitiveneurons,65- 66, 103,
Temperature straitjacket , 95 139, 204- 205
Tetrapods , 15 Wenger , C. B., 83, 97, 101- 102
Thermal homeostasis , 195 Wetsuits, 128
Thermal injury , 185 White caucasian , 122- 123, 129- 130
Thermal insulation , 111 - 112 Whole-bodycold exposure , 128
Thermal loads , 172 Whole-bodysubmersion , 127
Thermal neutral zone , 103 Wildebeest , 144
Thermal preferendum, 214 Woodchuck , 228
Thermal responses Work-heattolerance , 172
to cold , 106
to heat , 103 Yellowbile, 191
Thermal tolerance , 172
Thermodetector , 50 Zeisberger
, E., 50, 71, 134
Thermogenesis , 221
Thermoprotection , 175
Thermoregulation , 47 , 51 , 70 , 119 ,
185 , 203
birds , 46
circadian rhythms , 83
hypothalamic neuronal model, 63
insects , 11 , 13
newborn , 88
ontogeny and phylogeny, 52
plants , 4- 5
37 C temperature , 114
range , 171
Thermoregulatory systems, 52
Thermostat , 86
Thermotolerance , 174 - 175 , 222
Thomson's gazelle, 144
Thyroxine , 24
Tight junctions , 160
Tissue heat conductance , 133
Training , 171- 172
Translocation (or proteins ), 176
Trunk temperatures , 147 , 148
Tumor necrosis factor , 199 - 200 , 207
Turbinates , 43 - 44
Tympanic membrane temperature ,
149 - 151
This excerpt from

The Hot Brain.

Carl V. Gisolfi and Francisco Mora.
© 2000 The MIT Press.

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