Geotechnical-Structural Integration in US Foundation Engineering Curricula
Geotechnical-Structural Integration in US Foundation Engineering Curricula
Geotechnical-Structural Integration in US Foundation Engineering Curricula
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2 authors, including:
William A Kitch
Angelo State University
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ABSTRACT: The degree of integration between the structural and geotechnical aspects of foundation engi-
neering, as taught in US undergraduate civil engineering programs, is explored. Faculty surveys, reviews of
textbooks, and reviews of curricula indicate little integration. Structural design of spread footings is frequently
taught in reinforced concrete design courses, but almost completely independent of any geotechnical consider-
ations. About half of introductory geotechnical engineering courses do not include any coverage of foundation
analysis or design. Coverage of structural topics in foundation engineering texts has significantly decreased over
the past 30 years. Surveys of practitioners indicate a greater emphasis on integration of geotechnical and structural
aspects of foundation engineering than that perceived by faculty. The increased emphasis on Load and Resistance
Factor Design in geotechnical engineering further underlines the importance of an integrated approach. Greater
emphasis on this integration would produces future geotechnical engineers and structural engineers who are
better equipped to optimise their foundation designs.
Table 1. Demographics of practitioners completing the Table 2. Demographics of institutions represented in the
survey. academic survey.
reported teaching was nearly equal (51% structures,
49% geotechnics). No attempt was made to compare
this data to the total population of all civil engineer-
ing faculty. The goal was to achieve a balance between
faculty teaching structural courses versus geotechni-
cal courses and this was achieved. The authors believe
the survey sample is a satisfactory representation of
the population.
Figure 6. Importance of foundation engineering subjects
Figure 4. Footing foundation systems covered geotechnical
as reported by geotechnical faculty, structural faculty, and
engineering design courses.
were reviewed to evaluate their coverage of structural
design of foundations. A similar review also was con-
ducted on English language foundation engineering
reference books and out-of-print textbooks.
past three decades. This increased specialisation at
the sacrifice of topical breadth is not unusual in
engineering education, but is nevertheless a troubling
This stovepipe mentality is also apparent in the widely used in practice. These methods force a clearer
importance geotechnical and structural faculty attach separation between strength requirements and service-
to the foundation design aspects of one another’s ability requirements, which necessitates better interac-
disciplines. Geotechnical engineering faculty, in par- tion between the disciplines. The transfer of a single
ticular, attribute less importance to structural aspects allowable bearing stress between the geotechnical and
of foundation design than do practitioners. structural engineer has always represented an insuffi-
Structural aspects of LRFD are clearly covered in cient interaction. The adoption of geotechnical LRFD
structural engineering courses. However, geotechnical methods will make this blatantly apparent.
LRFD subject are covered in less than one third of the The authors believe the impending adoption of
geotechnical design courses and then most likely only geotechnical LRFD methods in the US presents an
as an overview without significant design content. opportunity to improve the quality of foundation engi-
neering practice by forcing more effective interaction
7.2 Textbooks between geotechnical and structural engineering. The
authors recommend implementing a greater integra-
All current reinforced concrete textbooks thoroughly tion between the structural and geotechnical aspects of
cover structural LRFD and devote an entire chapter to foundation design, especially in undergraduate foun-
the structural design of foundations, but this is done dation engineering courses. This stronger emphasis
in nearly complete isolation to geotechnical aspects of should lead to better qualified graduates, who will
design. The coverage of structural design in founda- then go on to implement stronger interactions among
tion engineering textbooks has significantly decreased practitioners.
in the past two decades as older texts which frequently
covered these topics are replaced by new texts which
most often do not. None of the foundation engineer- REFERENCES
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