Unit 5 Electricity and Magnetism
Unit 5 Electricity and Magnetism
Unit 5 Electricity and Magnetism
Thus far in this course we have considered only one of the basic properties of matter – mass.
Mass is the property of matter that enables it to interact with other matter by the gravitational
force. The Universe is held together by gravity, and the Sun’s gravity holds the solar system
together. But what holds the atoms in matter together? It is not the gravitational attraction
between individual atoms, because on the microscopic scale, the gravitational force is too weak.
The gravitational force between atoms is negligible because the masses are very small. However,
atoms are composed of particles (electrons and protons) that have, in addition to mass, electric
charge, and electric charges experience electric and magnetic forces. Electricity and magnetism
is the branch of physics dealing with the behavior of electric charges. We will explore the
phenomena associated with electric charge in this and the next five lectures.
23-1. Electric Charge.—There are two types of electric charge: positive charge and negative
charge. The effects of electric charge are not as apparent as the effect of mass because, charge
is bound up inside of atoms. Masses only experience attractive forces, whereas electric forces
can be both attractive and repulsive. Usually, matter has equal numbers of positive and negative
charges, so that it is electrically neutral. Even at the microscopic level of atoms, atoms have equal
numbers of positive and negative charges, so they are electrically neutral. We must look inside
the atom to see the charges. Atoms are the most basic units of matter. In other words, when you
break a piece of say, copper down to its smallest part, you find single copper atoms. All atoms
have a nucleus and electrons.
the number of protons in the nucleus is equal to the number of electrons, so the atom is
electrically neutral—no net charge. For example, the simplest atom – hydrogen, has one proton,
no neutrons, and one electron, so the net charge is zero. The number of protons in the nucleus
is the distinguishing characteristic of an atom. Hydrogen has 1 proton, helium has two protons,
lithium has three protons, beryllium has 4 protons (shown in the figure above), etc. We will
discuss the properties of the nucleus in the last unit of this course.
Electric charge is measured in units of Coulombs (C). The proton has one basic unit of positive
e 1.6 ×10−19 C. The
charge +e, and the electron has one negative unit of charge −e, where =
letter q or Q, is used to symbolize electric charge.
Solution- One electron has a charge −e =−1.6 ×10−19 C. Suppose the number required is N,
23-2. The Electric Force: Coulomb’s Law—The force between two charges, q1 and q2 , is given
by Coulomb’s Law:
• Like charges (two positive or two negative) repel (push each other away).
• Unlike charges (one positive and one negative) attract (pull each other together).
• The magnitude of the electric force ( Fe ) between two charges, q1 and q2 , is directly
proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance ( r ) separating them: Fe = ke , where ke is a constant. (slide 5).
The attractive electric force between the protons in the nucleus and the electrons is the force
that binds the atom together.
23-3. Conductors and Insulators.—The electrical properties of materials are broadly classified
as conductors or insulators (non-conductors). This classification is based on the extent to which
the material will allow electric charge to move
through them, or, in other words to allow electric
current to pass through it. Electric current is a flow
of charge. Electric current can flow through a
conductor but cannot flow through a non-
conductor. Conductors include the metals- copper,
aluminum, fold, silver, steel, etc., as well as some
liquids like salt water. Pure water is generally a non-
conductor, but becomes conducting if some salt
(NaCl) is dissolved in it. The non-conductors include
glass, plastics, ceramics, dry air, etc. The wires that
carry electricity in your home are made of copper
and are contained within a plastic (nylon or Teflon)
sheath to insulate them. High voltage power lines
which carry power over long distanced are
supported by huge metal towers. Ceramic insulators are used to prevent the high voltage lines
from coming into contact with the towers.
What makes a conductor conduct and a non-conductor not conduct? First, it is important to
emphasize that both conductors and non-conductors are electrically neutral in their normal state
– they have no net charge. A conductor does not need to have a net charge for current to flow
through it. In a conductor, such as copper, there are electrons that are not bound to any
particular atom, and are free to move about. Each Cu atom has one electron that is not bound to
it. We call this collection of “homeless” electrons, free electrons, and it is these free electrons
that are able to carry the current. Non-conductors have no free electrons. Every electron is tightly
bound to an atom, so there are no free charges which can carry currents.
It was easy to visualize free fall – you release an object and it falls to the ground. Electrical
phenomena is more difficult to visualize because the charges are usually stuck inside the
conductors. We experience the effects of electric charge directly when we observe a spark. A
spark is a rapid discharge of electric charge through the air. A spark occurs when the voltage
difference between two objects is high enough that some of the electrons in the oxygen and
nitrogen molecules of the air are ripped out of the atoms, producing a temporary supply of free
charges. The molecules are excited in this process and give off the characteristic light flash that
is the spark. Similar processes occur in a lightning discharge on a much larger scale. The van de
Graff generator is a device which produces larger amounts of charge and enough voltage to cause
sparking through the air.
on conductors can move around and usually redistribute themselves on the surface of the
The basic rules of frictional charging are: (a) When plastic (or rubber) is rubbed with fur,
electrons are transferred from the fur to the plastic, making the plastic negative and leaving the
fur positive. (b) When glass is rubbed with silk, electrons are transferred from the glass to the
silk, making the glass positive and the silk negative. These rules are known by observation. As a
general rule in the charging process (there are exceptions however), it is the electrons (negative
charges) that are transferred from one object to another, the positive charges are not transferred
(there are some materials where positive charges are transferred, but we will not consider
those.). So an object is charged negatively by adding electrons to it; and charged positively by
removing electrons from it. Remember that before the charging
occurs, the objects are electrically neutral. The total amount of
charge is always conserved in the charging process, charge is not
lost, just transferred. In the charging process, the charge lost by
one object = the charge gained by the other object.
Uncharged non-conductors like wood or water can also be attracted to a charged rod. This is
due to a process called polarization, which is explained on slides 17-19, and will be demonstrated
in class.
23-5. Electric Potential.—We have used this term but not defined it. Electric potential (or
simply, voltage) is a difficult quantity to grasp because we can’t see the charges or sense the
energy involved with them. However, there is energy involved with electric charge just like there
is energy involved with masses and gravity. Work is required to lift a weight to a certain height
and that work is stored as gravitational potential energy. Similarly, work is required to separate
a positive and negative charge or to bring two like charges together. When this work is done, it
is stored as electric potential energy. Now mostly for reasons of convenience, people who
worked on electricity preferred to deal with a related quantity called potential or voltage, which
is defined as the electric potential energy per unit of charge. Just as a weight always falls to a
point of lower gravitational potential energy, a positive electric charge will fall (accelerate) to a
point of lower electric potential energy or lower potential. Potential, or voltage is the more
practical quantity and is measured in volts (V). A battery is quantified in terms of its ability to
move charges. A battery with a higher voltage, can provide more potential energy per Coulomb.
The amount of charge on a conductor determines its voltage. If the positive side of a battery
is connected to a conducting sphere (see diagram below) and the other side connected to the
earth (ground), electrons are drawn from the sphere to the earth. This leaves the sphere with a
positive charge and a positive potential relative to the earth. The earth (ground) is used as a
reference level for potential because it is so huge, that its potential remains more or less the
same regardless of how much charge is placed on it. In the figure below, the battery will transfer
as many electrons to the ground as is necessary to raise the potential of the sphere to the voltage
of the battery.
+ +
++ +