Heavy Metals Concentrations and Risk Assessment of Rose - 2017 - Annals of Agric
Heavy Metals Concentrations and Risk Assessment of Rose - 2017 - Annals of Agric
Heavy Metals Concentrations and Risk Assessment of Rose - 2017 - Annals of Agric
Heavy metals concentrations and risk assessment of roselle and jute mallow T
cultivated with three compost types
M. Abubakaria, , A. Moominb, G. Nyarkob, M.M. Dawudab,c
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), P.O. Box 52, Tamale, Ghana
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, University for Development Studies, P.O. Box TL 1882, Nyankpala, Ghana
College of Horticulture, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, PR China
Keywords: Field experiments were conducted at the research field of the CSIR–SARI near Nyankpala in the Northern region
Bioavailability of Ghana during the major growing seasons of 2014 and 2015. The objectives of the study were to determine the
Amendments effect of three compost types i.e. Accra compost and recycling plant (ACARP) compost; decentralised compost
MRL (DeCo) and composted deep litter chicken manure (CDLCM) on heavy metals concentrations in roselle (Hibiscus
sabdariffa L.) and jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.) and the health risk of these vegetables to adults and
children. The composts were each applied at the rate of 10 t/ha in a randomized complete block design in four
replications. The concentrations of Cd and Pb in the leaves of roselle were 0.8 mg/kg and 5.0 mg/kg whiles in
jute mallow, they were 0.7 mg/kg and 6.0 mg/kg, respectively. These concentrations were above the Maximum
residue levels (MRLs) of 0.2 mg/kg for Cd and 0.3 mg/kg for Pb in the standards of the European Commission
and Codex Alimentarius Commission. The low soil pH might have facilitated the bioavailability of the heavy
metals resulting in concentrations that could be harmful to consumers of these vegetables. There is, therefore,
the need to amend the soil pH of the study area. An upward adjustment of the pH of the composts used can also
help in reducing the bioavailability of heavy metals to roselle and jute mallow cultivated in soils with low pH.
Introduction that emissions from vehicles release heavy metals such as lead and
cadmium into the atmosphere which are washed into the soil through
Heavy metals are inherent in soils as part of the weathering pro- rain. Plants absorb these heavy metals into their edible parts which are
cesses in soil formation at trace levels that are rarely toxic (Kabata- in turn consumed by humans.
Pendias, 2011). Their concentrations in soils and other growing media The uptake of heavy metals, their mobilization into plant tissues,
are, however, increased by the application of certain types of inorganic and storage in the aerial plant biomass is referred to as Bio-con-
and organic fertilisers which contain heavy metals that are bioavailable centration factor (BFC) which is considered the most important plant
to plants (Chaney, 2012). Delgado Arroyo et al. (2014) reported that feature in phytoremediation. It is a ratio of heavy metal concentration
poultry manure, apart from the nutrients it contains for plant growth, in plant shoot to extractable concentration of heavy metal in the soil
also contain heavy metals including Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu and Ni. In a related (Oti, 2015). Vegetables especially, the leafy ones are known to be high
study, Ghaly and Alkoaik (2010) found that the organic fraction of accumulators of these heavy metals and because they are consumed
municipal solid waste contained 1.1 mg/kg Zn and as much as more frequently, poses a high risk to humans. For example, Wamalwa
211.0 mg/kg Cu. Similarly, a report by Ayari et al. (2010) indicated that et al. (2015) tested some leafy vegetables in an urban community for
municipal solid waste compost contained 337 mg/kg Cu, 1174.5 mg/kg heavy metals and found that Pb levels were above accepted maximum
Zn, 411.5 mg/kg Pb and 5.17 mg/kg Cd. As far as plants are concerned, residue levels (MRLs).
Pinamonti et al. (1997) observed that application of compost in an The consumption of heavy metal-contaminated vegetables results in
orchard, resulted in increase in Pb and Cd concentration in the leaves the accumulation of these heavy metals in vital organs of the human
and fruits of apple. body leading to chronic health problems such as liver and kidney da-
Vehicular emissions also contribute heavy metals to the environ- mage (Martin and Griswold, 2009; Karman et al., 2013). The risk as-
ment. This is evident in a report by Popescu (2011) which indicated sociated with the consumption of these vegetables is determined using
Received 6 February 2017; Received in revised form 10 November 2017; Accepted 19 November 2017
Available online 09 December 2017
0570-1783/ 2018Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. Abubakari et al. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 62 (2017) 145–150
the hazard quotient (HQ). The HQ is a ratio of the average daily dose of experimental plot had a plant population of twenty five. Harvesting was
the heavy metal to a reference dose (Hough et al., 2004). If HQ is done on the nine inner plants when the leaf cover was considered
greater than one (1), there is a potential risk to the consumer but if it is economical at each point in time of the plant’s growth for further
less than one, there is no potential risk to the consumer. The sum of the processing and analysis.
HQs of individual heavy metals through a single exposure pathway
constitute the hazard index (HI) (Hu et al., 2013; Sharma et al., 2016). Experimental design and field layout
The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of some
selected composts on the bioavailability of Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu in the The treatments were ACARP, DeCo, CDLCM and control (which was
harvested leaves of roselle and jute mallow and also to assess the health without any amendment). The experiment was laid out in a randomized
risk associated with their consumption within the area. complete block design with four replications.
Materials and methods Determination of chemical properties and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb)
concentrations in soil and composts
The study area
Sample preparation and analysis were conducted in reference to the
The study was conducted at the upland field of the Council for handbook of methods on tropical soil biology and fertility by Anderson
Scientific and Industrial Research – Savanna Agricultural Research and Ingram (1993). Ten soil samples were randomly taken from the
Institute (CSIR-SARI), Nyakpala, located in the Tolon District of the experimental plot at 15 cm depth at 9:00 am GMT using a soil auger.
Northern Region of Ghana. The upland field is about 200 m from They were dried in an oven at 104 °C for 24 h. They were then pul-
Changnaayili village (Latitude 09 25/N, Longitude 00 58/W, and alti- verised into finer particles, sieved, mixed thoroughly and composited.
tude of 183 m above sea level). The soils of the upland field are Ferric Three laboratory samples were then taken from the composite sample
luvisols (FAO-UNESCO, 2002), reported to have derived from concre- for analysis. The soil and the composts were analysed for their com-
tionary ground water laterite soil described as Kpalsawgu series (im- positions of percent nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method; percent organic
perfectly drained, occurring within the east on the low lying uplands) carbon by Wakley and Black method; elemental phosphorous using the
and Changnayili series (poorly drained, occupying the lower slopes and UV–Vis (model 7305, Bibby Scientific, Staffordshire, UK); potassium
valley bottoms) which are both sandy loam soils that are slightly acidic using the flame photometer (model PFP7, Bibby Scientific, Stafford-
with pH of 5.8 (Obeng, 2000). The experiment was conducted on the shire, UK) and pH using the research pH meter (model 3330, Jenway
Kpalsawgu soil series. The experimental site has been cultivated to a Ltd., Essex, UK) by following standard procedures. The extraction of the
variety of crops including cereals, legumes and vegetables under dif- heavy metals in the soil as well as the composts was done using Ethy-
ferent experimental treatments. lenediamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) with ammonium acetate as a uni-
The study area has two distinct seasons (rainy/wet season and dry versal extractant. The heavy metals were then determined using the
season). The rainy season is mono-modal which begins around May and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) at the Analytical La-
ends around October. The amount of rainfall recorded annually varies boratory of the Soil Research Institute at Kwadaso in Kumasi.
between 750 mm and 1050 mm with a cropping period of 180–200 days
(MoFA, 2013). The dry season starts around November and ends around Determination of chemical properties and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb)
March/April with maximum temperatures (°C) occurring around concentrations in roselle and jute mallow leaves
March-April and minimum temperatures (°C) around December/Jan-
uary. The harmattan (north-east trade winds) occurs around December For the leaves, 0.5 g of the dried samples were then weighed into
to early February and has a considerably low temperature effect in the crucibles and placed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 450 °C for
region; normally 14 °C at night and 40 °C during the day. Relative hu- 3 h. The samples were allowed to cool and 10 ml of 1:2 dilute Nitric
midity, however, which is very low during harmattan, mitigates the acid solution was added to each sample. They were placed on a hot
effect of the daytime temperature. The vegetation mostly consists of plate until the first sign of boiling was observed. The samples were then
vast areas of grassland, interspersed with guinea savannah woodland, filtered into a 20 ml flask and made to the mark with distilled water.
characterised by drought-resistant trees such as acacia, baobab, shea One ml of the solution was then injected into the AAS flow injection
nut, dawadawa, mango, and neem. tube for determination of the heavy metals (Motsara and Roy, 2008).
The concentrations of the heavy metals were determined using the AAS
Source of seeds and composts (model 210 VGP, Buck Scientific, East Norwalk, USA). The concentra-
tion of the heavy metals was then calculated as follows: Heavy metal
Seeds of local cultivars of roselle and jute mallow were obtained concentration (mg/kg) = C × df. Where C – concentration of heavy
from farmers at Builpela and Gbulahgu irrigation sites in the Tamale metal from AAS reading and df – dilution factor.
metropolitan area and Tolon district, respectively. Samples of ACARP The bio-concentration factor (BCF) for the various metals was de-
compost was obtained from a sales agent in Tamale while the DeCo termined by dividing the concentration of each metal in the dry leaves
compost and the CDLCM were obtained from the DeCo Company near of roselle and jute mallow by the concentration of the metal in the soil.
Tamale. The health risks of the heavy metals were also determined by calcu-
lating their hazard quotients (HQ) according Sharma et al. (2016) as
Land preparation and application of compost follows:
HQ = ADD/RfD = C× EF × ED/BW × AT × RfD
The experimental field was mechanically ploughed and harrowed to
a fine tilth. A total area of 20 m × 15 m was then lined and pegged to where
carve out the experimental plots. The organic soil amendments were
incorporated into the top 10–15 cm of the soil using a hand hoe. The HQ = Hazard quotient (unitless)
composts were spread by hand gently on each plot at a rate of 10 t/ha ADD = Average daily dose (mg/kg-day).
and worked into the top soil using the hoe. This was done two weeks RfD = Reference dose (mg/kg-day).
before transplanting was done. The seeds of roselle and jute mallow C = (mg/kg fresh weight basis) is the measured concentration of
were nursed in nursery boxes. The seedlings at 31 days in the nursey heavy metals on individual heavy metal basis in the edible part of
were transplanted onto the field at 40 × 40 cm spacing. Each the vegetable.
M. Abubakari et al. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 62 (2017) 145–150
M. Abubakari et al. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 62 (2017) 145–150
Fig. 1. (a and b) Health risk assessment of heavy metals in roselle and jute mallow leaves respectively (n = 4) for adults.
Fig. 2. (a and b) Health risk assessment of heavy metals in roselle and jute mallow leaves respectively (n = 4) for children.
European Commission (2004) standards on the heavy metal con- within genotypes and even within the same plant species. According to
centration in compost for agricultural use. Jung (2008) and Nouri et al. (2009), several factors including move-
ment of water within the field, interaction among the elements and
variations in uptake in the plant contribute to varying concentrations of
Heavy metal concentration in harvested leaves of roselle and jute mallow heavy metals in plants.
M. Abubakari et al. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 62 (2017) 145–150
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