Stress Management For Students.
Stress Management For Students.
Stress Management For Students.
Habibullah (F16BB127).
What is stress?.....................................................................................................................4
Stress don’ts.......................................................................................................................18
The writeup is about stress management for students. It consists of several important areas that
address stress especially overcome by university or college students. The beginning to this
writeup defines stress, its relationship with human psychology and the unpleasant consequences
it has if not handled effectively. Anxiety, another common form of stress, has also been covered
in detail in this writeup. Contrary to the common belief, stress and anxiety have positive effects
on an individual and can significantly promote towards hard work and success in life. It can
potentially result as a driving force for a student to perform beyond his/her potential and lead to a
lifestyle where the student no longer hesitates or finds any difficulty to cope with stress and
anxiety. However, if not dealt properly with stress, it may turn into the biggest hurdle in
educational life where most of the students hit the wall and become a victim of health risks. This
writeup, therefore, will guide regarding the feelings of stress and anxiety and how should a
student tackle his way through to avoid difficulties and make sure these feelings do not override
What is stress?
Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge. Though stress is often perceived as bad, it can
be good in some respects. The right kind of stress can sharpen the mind and reflexes. It might be
able to help the body perform better, or help one escape a dangerous situation.
Stress produces a physiological reaction in one’s body. Hormones are released, which
results in physical manifestations of stress. These can include slowed digestion, shaking, tunnel
vision, accelerated breathing and heart rate, dilation of pupils and flushed skin. This process is
often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. That is just what it sounds like: Our bodies are
poised to either run away from the stressor or stick around and fight against it.
According to the American Psychological Association, there are three types of stress:
1. Acute stress:
Acute stress is the most common form and is the result of recent or anticipated stressors.
Acute stress can be both positive and negative. For example, the excitement before a fun event is
a type of positive acute stress. Getting into a car accident is a negative acute stress. If the acute
stress does not last for extended periods or occur too frequently, there is nothing wrong with
suffering from acute stress. It happens to all of us, and it passes with time.
2. Episodic Acute:
Episodic Acute stress is acute stress that occurs frequently. This is the kind of stress that
continuously pops up, sometimes in a pattern. It is accompanied by worry and angst about things
that are happening to one or around one. One might be especially prone to this as one may have a
“type A” personality, as one can have a sense of urgency and a need to get things done that might
become overwhelming. Episodic acute stress is a recurring type of stress, happening over and
Chronic Acute stress can be thought of as never-ending stress that relentlessly wears
away at someone. If one does not see an end in sight, if one is facing something that has no way
out, then one is likely to begin suffering from chronic stress. This type of stress eventually begins
to affect one’s health, and can lead to heart problems, strokes, or even cancer, among other
1. One finds it difficult to take the first step to get things done.
3. One worries about situations where one could make a fool of oneself.
If any of the points apply to one, it could be a clear sign that one is facing stress.
There are four primary types of symptoms of stress: physical, emotional, cognitive, and
behavioral. Depending on the individual and the cause of the stress, the number of symptoms
from each category can vary. The below will give an overview of types of symptoms that may be
A. Physical Symptoms:
Reduced libido.
Muscle aches.
Trouble sleeping.
Heartburn or indigestion.
Flushed skin.
Clenched teeth.
B. Emotional Symptoms:
Sense of isolation.
C. Cognitive Symptoms:
Impaired concentration.
Chronic worrying.
D. Behavioral Symptoms:
Nail biting.
Frequent lying.
20% of college students said that they felt stressed “most of the time.” [Source: AP.]
34% of college students reported feeling depressed at least at one point within the last 90 days.
[Source: ADAA.]
13% of college students had been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or other mental health
80% of college students said that they sometimes or often felt stressed. [Source: ADAA.]
About half of surveyed college students felt overwhelmed with anxiety at least once within the
For many students, college is the first time they have lived away from home or been
away from their family for any significant period. Besides that, it is a very unfamiliar
environment. Everything is different – the food, the people, and the living accommodations.
Even though most students eventually get used to these new things without a problem, the first
few weeks of college can create a stressful environment. This is true even if one is truly excited
about the changes. Remember that even positive changes can induce stress.
There is also a change in the support environment. When there is a big test, bad day or
confusing situation, family members and old friends are not readily available for support and if
they are, it is through a telephone or computer rather than in person. This can be tough to adjust
This may be the most common long-term cause of stress for college students. After all,
that is why students go to college – to learn. When one does not get the results, one thinks one
should get, or one feels pressured to get certain academic results, this can cause a lot of stress.
For some students, college is the first time they are academically challenged. If high school was
a breeze for someone, college may be the first time for him get a low grade on a test.
Consequently, test anxiety may be experienced for the first time or with increased intensity.
Test anxiety is anxiety that usually comes before or during the taking of tests. The
symptoms can be physical and mental and usually inhibit one’s ability to perform as well as one
One of the causes of test anxiety is the fear that one did not study enough. By studying as
It might be taking practice tests, studying in the same classroom, or building where one will
be taking the test or doing practice problems under timed conditions. These steps can help
Maybe it is getting a tutor to help explain concepts, someone to double check one’s work or
using something as simple as flashcards to study, but finding someone to help one study more
What cools one down? Squeezing a stress ball? Taking deep breaths? Whatever relaxation
technique one chooses can help reduce the symptoms of text anxiety.
Eat well and eat properly. For example, too much caffeine can exacerbate the physical
Research is clear that not getting enough sleep can impair one’s memory and reasoning
abilities. The more clear-headed one is, the less anxious one will feel.
7) Exercise regularly.
Exercise can release tension, and the less tension one feels as one goes into the test, the better
One is worried enough about the test. No need to add more worry about being late and
having less time to take the test because of unexpected traffic or a test location change.
C. Finances:
In addition to being on one’s own physically and maybe even emotionally, one may also
be on one’s own financially. Everything from rent and food to gas and entertainment is now
one’s financial responsibility. One might find that he needs to take on a part-time job when he is
not in class. Even if one has a scholarship or loan, or has a “full ride” that helps one pay for it all,
there are still the required phone calls, questions, paperwork, and deadlines that must be met to
D. Post-graduate plans:
After college is over, then what? That is a huge question. Figuring out the answer is like
laying out blueprints for the rest of one’s life. There are many stressors that can affect one’s
plans, such as not having a job upon graduation, being forced to settle for a job one does not
really want, or struggling to get into graduate schools. On the other hand, one might land a great
job, but the prospect of paying back student loans is now starting to hang over one’s head.
Ultimately, the fear of the unknown can really make a huge difference in how much stress one
No matter where one is in the school journey, these 5 tips can help one cope with and
Not getting enough sleep impairs academic performance and makes it harder to get
2. Think positive.
Research has shown that positive thinking may improve physical well-being, produce
This could be a social activity like going out or participating in intramural sports, finding
This can include things like slowly counting to ten, meditation, thinking positive
5. Talk to someone.
Sometimes just talking about what is stressful or having someone listen to one’s problems
Each person has different types of stressors. What bothers one person might not bother
another. What seems overwhelming to one might be perfectly manageable to another. But when
it comes to one’s kind of stress, one knows when one feels it – and one knows when it is
becoming serious.
These stress reduction techniques can help anyone, no matter the situation. Whether one
is in a hospital bed awaiting surgery, dealing with a boss who seems to be out to get one, or
lonely at college while one awaits that next test that has one so anxious one can barely study,
these tips can ease the worry one is dealing with and help one face the next hurdle with a more
1. Acknowledge one’s feelings and keep a journal – not a formal one but one where one can
2. Prioritize and tackle the easiest things first. This makes the list shorter.
4. Breathe, deeply.
6. Do something that one enjoys – draw, write a letter, cook, or call a friend.
Would not it be nice to avoid stress? Fortunately, there are some ways one can make that
happen. Though there is no way to completely avoid stress, there are some ways to get a better
handle on the things that cause it, how one responds to it, and what it does to someone. These
Jumping into something one cannot handle can often leave one with stress and worry.
When embarking on something new, know what one’s limitations are, and never bite off more
When life gets tough, having someone to turn to can help. One’s support system should
What stresses out? Learning to avoid things that make one anxious, nervous, or worried
can be enough to help one live a life filled with less stress.
When stress comes calling, being able to relax can help one cope with it. Take the time to
Plan one’s time wisely. This includes any situation, including school, career, or everyday
When one says yes to everything, one eventually becomes overwhelmed. Make “no” a
strong part one’s vocabulary, and only say yes to things that will be enjoyable for one.
7. Exercise.
Getting active releases hormones that can help one relax, stay calm and cope with life’s
stressors. Even a small amount of exercise each day can work wonders.
8. Be more assertive.
Learn to stand up for oneself and those around one. Never allow oneself to be bullied,
Stress don’ts.
There are very few certain things in life. But when it comes to stress, there are a few
things that are simply destined to cause it. These stressors are serious for anyone who deals with
them, and they can lead down a road that brings the worst stress one can imagine. If one is
dealing with any of these issues, getting help right away – right now – is the only appropriate
A. Substance abuse:
Though turning to drugs and alcohol might seem to relieve stress in the short term, it is a
recipe for disaster. The negative problems that quickly result will turn one’s future into a
B. Addiction:
Any sort of addiction can quickly spiral into something one cannot handle. Avoid
anything that might seem to be an addictive trigger for one, including substances, gambling etc.
If one is being abused by anyone, in any way, get help right now before it gets worse.
Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual abuse – as well as other types – can send one’s stress levels
D. Isolation:
When one is feeling isolated for whatever reason, stress builds up to the breaking point. If
one is suffering alone, without a support group or support system to help one, it is time to reach
out. It might be tough, but there are people just like one who can benefit from the discussions
Remember that not all stress is bad for one. Sometimes it is a very good thing. Stress can
push one to succeed in areas that one believed were off-limits to one. It can propel one to do
things that turn out to be great adventures. It can spur one to study harder, work longer hours,
focus more on the things that matter, and take one’s good health into one’s own hands.
Stress can also have a very clear-cut purpose if one is ever in a dangerous situation. The
“fight or flight” response is a very important biological urge that is designed to lead one out of
harm’s way. For instance, the urge to run when someone begins chasing one, or the instinctual
need to fight back when one is confronted with a dangerous situation are both a result of this
stress response. In that way, stress is a good thing, because it keeps one safe.
Healthy stress might make one feel anxious or worried for a time. Imagine the stress one
feels when taking that big test, the one that one’s final grade is riding on. The stress might be
tough, but it spurs one to study more, and that can drive one to a higher grade. Or imagine the
worry one feels when one is struggling with a relationship issue. The worry does not feel good,
but it leads one to talk things through more often, and that can lead to a better place in the
relationship than what one experienced before the stress took hold.
So, before one discounts stress as being a terrible thing, think of times when it spurred
one on to greater things. It might help one put stress in perspective the next time one feels
overwhelmed by it.
Stress is an unavoidable truth associated with every human’s life especially when it
comes down to students and their university lives. The surveys, facts and numbers have shown
there is not a single student who can guarantee a stress-free university life. Therefore, with the
residing stresses during a university life, the only thing that makes a difference is how a student
deals with stress and what steps he takes to make good grades. There are some who fumble and
stumble through university lives yet a few perform exceptionally well to sum up a good CGPA.
Stress will always linger around but it all depends on a student how he manages to convert it into
a productive urge to stand out against all odds by incorporating and inculcating tools and
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Lucier, K. L. (2017, March). 10 Ways to Reduce College Stress. Retrieved from ThoughtCo.: