Philosophy is an enterprise that begins with wonder at the marvels and mysteries of the
world, that pursues a rational investigation of those marvels and mysteries, seeking
wisdom and truth, and that result in passionate moral and intellectual integrity.
Believing that “the unexamined life is not worth living,” (Socrates) philosophy leaves no
facet of life untouched by its inquiry.
2. What sorts of things and what are their essential natures? (Metaphysics)
Understanding Philosophy
4. Logic (the study of the principles of reasoning) the tool philosophers employ as they set
about to investigate issues like reality, knowledge, value.
Differing Conceptions
1 The Speculative
2 The Analytic
3 The Existential
4 The Phenomenological
The Speculative
Philosophers create broad systems of ideas in an attempt to answer the most ultimate and
far-ranging questions.
What is reality?
Speculative Philosophy
The endeavor to frame a coherent, logical, necessary system of general ideas in terms of
which every element of our experience can be interpreted. By this notion of
“interpretation” I mean that everything of which we are conscious, as enjoyed, perceived,
willed, or thought, shall have the character of a particular instance of the general scheme.
The Analytic
Philosophers critically analyze language, concepts, and arguments striving for precision
and clarity.
The proper task of the philosopher is to unravel and to clarify philosophical language.
Conclusion: Traditional problems of philosophy are not real rather pseudo problems,
problems not of reality but of language.
For Existentialist philosophers, traditional philosophy has been too occupied with
abstraction and trivialities.
2. The sense of urgency and the crisis of contemporary human existence and experiences.
Example: Tree.
Judging whether life is or not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental
question of philosophy. All the rest--- whether or not the world has three dimensions,
whether the mind has nine or twelve categories----come afterworlds. These are games----
I have never seen anyone die for the ontological argument… the meaning of life is the
most urgent of question. (Albert Camus)
The Existential
Philosophers reflect on human existence, often focusing on the sense of urgency and
crisis in contemporary human experience.
Phenomenological Method, a new way of looking at things that contrasts at every point
with natural attitude of experience and thought.
The Phenomenological
Philosophers describe and reflect on the world and subjectivity as these are given in
Human Nature.
Religion involves beliefs about such things and worked out them in a systematic and fixed
manner though not in a critical manner as in philosophy.
The origin of the word Religion comes from Latin ‘religare’ means “To bind one thing to
another”. (personally bound to something, usually God)
The object of such commitment must be something Ultimate (like God) [‘ultimate
concern’ says Paul Tillich]
The science is now used for social (sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc.) and
natural (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, etc.) sciences.
Like philosophy science is the pursuit of knowledge.
However, unlike philosophy its focus is restricted to the study of natural world alone.
Scientists employ primarily the tools of observation and experimentation that may not of
a philosopher’s interest.