Islamic Studies HU-101 Lecture - 2 Prophethood Maj Roshan Zamair Mce Nust

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Lecture - 2

Maj Roshan Zamair

Mce Nust
✓Prophets and Prophethood
✓Divine Purposes for Sending the Prophets
✓Characteristics of the Prophets
✓The essentials of Prophethood
✓How many Prophets have been sent to mankind?
✓Prophets Conveyed the Same Message
✓What is a ‘miracle’?
✓Why are Prophets human?
✓Were there any woman prophets?
✓Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h)and the
Finality of Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h)

• Meaning of this belief:

• -To believe that all the Prophets were true.
• -They brought essentially that same religion
• -The person who denies one of the Prophets is
Belief about all Prophets

• -All the Prophets have not been

mentioned in the Quran.
• -There is no difference between
our Prophet and the previous
• ‫النفرق بين أحد من رسله‬
• (we do not differentiate one of the
prophets from the other.)
Risalatt (Prophethood)
• Risalatt is the second most important belief
of Islam after Tauheed. Risalatt means
‘transmitting the message’’.
• In Islamic terminology Risalatt means
transmitting the divine message to the
people through His Prophets, they are called
• The divine message is given to them
through revelation. The prophets do not say
any thing from their own but only transmit
the sharia.
Risalatt (Prophethood)--2
• The Holy Quran says: ‘‘And Prophets do not
say any thing from their own but what is
revealed to them.’’’
• The first prophet of Allah was Hazrat Adam
and the last one was Hazrat Muhammad
• Now all human beings will have to carry on
their lives according to the Shariah of Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH till the Day of Judgment.
Risalatt (Prophethood)

• Meaning
• )‫”رسالة“ (ر س ل‬
• it literally means to send.

• Technically: To convey the message of Allah to his


• Difference B/W (Nabi) and (Rasool).

What is the difference between a Nabi
and a rasool?
•Some Messengers were Nabi’s only. However,
some Messengers were Nabis and rasools.
•A rasool was a messenger of Allah who was
given a new Shariah (codes of law) from Him.
• A Nabi was also the messenger of Allah, but he
was not given any new Shariah and followed the
shariah of an earlier rasool.
Prophets Conveyed the Same
• All the prophets called humankind to Allah's unity.
• In their teachings, differences might have happened in minor matters
depending on the conditions of their peoples. However, all these
teachings are the same in essence. E.g., stealing is evil and a sin in all;
yet, the way a thief is punished might differ.
For We assuredly sent amongst every people an Messenger (with the
command), ‘Serve Allah and eschew evil.’ (Quran 16:36)

◼ Whenever people fell into darkness after a Prophet by forgetting,

changing and distorting his message, Allah sent another one to
enlighten them again. This continued until the coming of the Last
Why are Prophets human?
• If Prophets came from angels, people would
object to this saying, “We cannot be like them
so we cannot follow them.”

• The Prophets’ being human helps convey the

message easily and in a more understandable
Were there any woman prophets?

• Prophets were from men.

• “And before thee also the messengers We sent were but

men, to whom We granted inspiration: if ye realise this
not, ask of those who possess the Message.” [Qur’an
• ‫وما خلقت الجن واإلنس إال ليعبدون‬
◼ Human is bound to act according to the
will of Allah.

◼ Need of seeking the guidance to act

Need of the Prophethood
1) To preach Allah’s commands: The
very purpose of the man creation is
to worship Allah.
The first need of Prophet was to
explain before people the sharia.
Need of the Prophethood..2

2) To reform the society:

The Prophets were sent to reform
the society. Allah had sent Prophets
in every tribe and in every nation.
Need of the Prophethood---3

3) To practice the sharia:

• The third important need of the Prophet is to
practice himself all the sharia. The Prophet is a
messenger no doubt but over and above he is a
preacher, a guide, a teacher and an interpreter.
• Allah says in Holy Quran: ‘‘And there is a great model for you in the
person of Prophet of Allah Muhammad PBUH.’’
What is the Divine Purpose for Sending
the Prophets?
The Prophets were sent
▪ to illuminate the way of mankind
▪ to guide people to the service of Allah
▪ to teach people the meaning of creation
▪ to teach Allah’s laws
▪ to be examples
▪ to establish the balance between this world and
the next
▪ to be Allah’s witnesses
Attributes Of Prophets Of Allah
❑Prophets are human beings.
❑Prophehood is bounty of Allah not right.
❑Innocency of prophets.
Functions of Prophets
Prominent qualities of Prophets:
1. Human beings: To have the
capabilities of good and bad to be
models for the followers.
2. Best of all human beings: Even their
enemies admitted reason for that.

3. Emergence of Miracles:
✓ What is Miracle?
4. Knowledge through Revelation
What is a ‘miracle’?
• A miracle is an extraordinary event
that Allah Almighty brings about at
the hands of a Prophet to prove his
Prophethood, strengthen the
believers' faith, and break the
unbelievers' obstinacy.
• Examples:
– The Holy Qur’an

Characteristics of Prophets:
a) Humanity: Allah always sent a human being as his messenger to the
mankind instead of sending angels or jinns.
b) Bounty of Allah: Prophethood can not be achieved by efforts but it is
the bounty of Allah bestowed upon those whom Allah desire to
c) Knowledge bestowed by Allah: Another important attribute of the
prophethood is that all they describe, all their preaching and all their
instructions are divine one and revealed on them. They never present
their personal views, wishes, desires and emotions.
d) Innocent: A Prophet never errs in his actions and in his conducts or in
his judgment or thought nor his conduct or morality is open to
slightest criticism. Their feelings, thoughts and actions are pure and
safe from satanic temptation. All Prophet were innocent.
Some characteristics of the Prophets
The Prophets
1. depended on revelation
2. were sincere in every action
3. were very patient in faces of adversity
4. were very compassionate toward all living
5. called people wisely and with kindness
6. called humankind to Allah’s Unity
The essentials of Prophethood

The essentials of Prophet hood common

to all of the Prophets are:
Convey the message
How many Prophets have been sent to
✓ No region or people has been altogether deprived of Divine enlightenment
through Allah’s chosen servants, His prophets.
✓ Directly or indirectly, all people of all periods have, at some time in their
history, known or been aware of a prophet and of his teaching.

There never was a people without a Warner having lived among them.
(Quran 35:24)
And We assuredly sent among every people a Messenger. (Quran 16:36)

The Qur’an mentions 25 out of 124,000 prophets. We do not know exactly

where and when many of them lived.

We did in times past send Messengers before you; of them there are some
whose stories We have related to you, and some whose story We have not
related to you. (Quran 40:78) 25
How many Prophets were sent to

•Approximately 124,000 Prophets were

sent to mankind.

•Allah swt says in the Quran:

he Quran:
And We certainly sent into every nation a
And We certainly
messenger. sent into every nation a

Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an
The Quran mentions 25 Prophets by name. • Musa (Moses)
These are: • Harun (Aaron)
• Adam
• Idris (Enoch) • Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel)
• Nuh (Noah) • Dawud (David)
• Hud • Sulaiman (Solomon)
• Saleh
• Ilias (Elias)
• Ibrahim (Abraham)
• Isma'il (Ishmael) • Al-Yasa (Elisha)
• Ishaq (Isaac) • Yunus (Jonah)
• Lut (Lot) • Zakariyya (Zechariah)
• Ya'qub (Jacob) • Yahya (John)
• Yousef (Joseph)
• Isa (Jesus)
• Shu'aib
• Ayyub (Job) • Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
• (May the Peace and Blessings of • (May the Peace and Blessings of
Allah swt be upon them all) Allah swt be upon them all) 27
Which Revelations were revealed to
each rasool?
1.The Tawrat (Torah) was revealed to Musa (as)
2.The Zabur was revealed to Dawood (as)
3.The lnjil (Bible) was revealed to lsa (as)
4.The Quran was revealed to Muhammed (pbuh)
Important Note:
There was also a Revelation given to Ibrahim (as)
known as the Suhuf-e-lbrahim (Scrolls of Ibrahim)
Should Muslims still follow the
Revelations prior to the Quran?
•Accroding to Islamic Faith of Divine Books,
Only the Quran exists in its original form, unchanged.
• The other divine books are not available in their original
language and form. Even their original texts do not exist.
•Their compilers have modified, changed and distorted
Allah's words.
• They mixed their words with Allah's words.
• Even if they were available, the Quran supersedes all of
the older revelations.
Who is the main Angel who delivers the
Message to the Prophets?
• The angels are most obedient creatures
and their duty is to glorify and praise Allah.
•The most prominent among the angels are
Hazrat Jibrail. He brought the revelations
from Allah to all the Prophets.
1.Discuss about the beleif of Prophet hood in a group of 2 or 3
2.Prophet hood(Risalat means..................................?
3.What is the difference between Rasool and Nabi?
4.What is our beleif about all Prophets?
5.What are the Divine Books?
6.Introduce the Holy Quran ?

• (these are the prophets in which we have

preferred some over other)
• In spite of the equality there are some
• -For all the people - for certain people
• -For all the times to come – for certain time
• -For the whole world - for certain area
Salient features of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
• -The previous Prophets teachings disappeared
or intermingled while the teachings of
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬are preserved.
• -Complete guideline by the last prophet while
the others' teachings were changed by the
coming Prophets. It finally completed by the
last Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
Salient features of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

1. Completion of Prophet Hood.

2. Possessing a complete record of life
3. Comprehensiveness: in his life.
4. Complete guideline: In his practical
Salient features of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
5. Universality: No boundaries of country, race or
6. The Miracle of the Quran: in original form.
7. Protection of Ahadees.
8. Practicable teachings: because of availability of
9. Scientifically true teachings
Finality of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Finality of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬:
It means that the process of the Prophethood was
started from Hazrat Adam reached to an end with the
Prophethood of the Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and
that no Prophet will come after him. The belief in the
finality of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH is
as important as other conviction of the faith in Islam.
The finality of Prophet Hood:
◼ Meaning of the finality of Prophethood
◼ There is no need of new prophet or Sharia till last day of universe.
◼ Bribery in the previous teachings.
◼ Incompletement of the previous teachings.
◼ Non universality of the previous teachings.
Characteristics of Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
a) Universality: The Prophets that were sent before Muhammad
(SAW) were for a specific time and a specific nation. But Prophet
Muhammad PBUH is for all times and for all nations till the day
of judgment. In other words Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH
is universal in nature.

b) Annulment of earlier Shariahs: Allah Almighty annulled all

other shariahs of earlier Prophets through His beloved Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. Due to the universality of the
Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH now only Shariah of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH will prevail till the day of judgment.
Characteristics of Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

c) Perfection: Allah completed his religion on Prophet

Muhammad PBUH and now there is no need of another
religion. The religion of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a
complete religion which cover each and every aspect of life
from cradle to the grave.
d) Finality of Prophet Muhammad PBUH: It means that the
process of the Prophethood was started from Hazrat Adam
reached to an end with the Prophethood of the Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH and that no Prophet will come after
him. The belief in the finality of Prophethood of Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH is as important as other conviction of
the faith in Islam.
Attributes Of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
❖Finality of Prophethood.
❖Perfection of Religion.
❖Abrogation of previous Religions.
❖Sirat-un-Nabi Complete code of life.
Our Obligation Of Belief In Prophethood
❖Obeying the Prophet is obedient of Allah.
❖Success in obeying the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

Respect to the Holy Prophet (Namoos-e-Risaalat)

Meaning Of “Namoos” The meaning of Namoos is:

1. Respect.
2. Blessedness and Respect.
The meaning of Namoos-e-Risaalt is to respect to
messengerhood, respect and admiration.
Meaning Of Risaalat
The meaning of Risaalat is derived from the
Arabic root “r-s-l” which developed the
following meanings:
1. To bring a message of great importance or
great utility.
2. To impart Knowledge of something.
Namoos-e-Risaalat According To Holy
1) Respect him.
2) Follow commands of Allah and of his
3) Whatever he gives you, take it.
4) The reward of believing in prophethood.
5) Respect to Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬by

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