This document defines basic terms and circuits used in schematic learning. It provides definitions for over 100 common terms related to electronics components, circuits, and motherboard components. Key terms defined include voltage, current, resistance, inputs, outputs, grounds, clocks, resets, and data signals. Circuit terms like voltage dividers, rectifiers, converters, filters, and comparators are also defined. Finally, the functions of specific motherboard circuits are outlined, such as those for power delivery, CPU/GPU power, RAM power, thermal sensors, and I/O interfaces.
This document defines basic terms and circuits used in schematic learning. It provides definitions for over 100 common terms related to electronics components, circuits, and motherboard components. Key terms defined include voltage, current, resistance, inputs, outputs, grounds, clocks, resets, and data signals. Circuit terms like voltage dividers, rectifiers, converters, filters, and comparators are also defined. Finally, the functions of specific motherboard circuits are outlined, such as those for power delivery, CPU/GPU power, RAM power, thermal sensors, and I/O interfaces.
This document defines basic terms and circuits used in schematic learning. It provides definitions for over 100 common terms related to electronics components, circuits, and motherboard components. Key terms defined include voltage, current, resistance, inputs, outputs, grounds, clocks, resets, and data signals. Circuit terms like voltage dividers, rectifiers, converters, filters, and comparators are also defined. Finally, the functions of specific motherboard circuits are outlined, such as those for power delivery, CPU/GPU power, RAM power, thermal sensors, and I/O interfaces.
This document defines basic terms and circuits used in schematic learning. It provides definitions for over 100 common terms related to electronics components, circuits, and motherboard components. Key terms defined include voltage, current, resistance, inputs, outputs, grounds, clocks, resets, and data signals. Circuit terms like voltage dividers, rectifiers, converters, filters, and comparators are also defined. Finally, the functions of specific motherboard circuits are outlined, such as those for power delivery, CPU/GPU power, RAM power, thermal sensors, and I/O interfaces.
Basic Terms General Definitions AC Alternate Current DC Direct current AMPHERE Current flowing VOLTAGE Power Supply POWER/WATT The amount of voltage required RESISTOR Resistance LOAD Load
Voltage Definition Signal
Definition INPUT Input In OUTPUT Output Out NEGATIVE Voltage have a value below 0 - POSITIVE + GROUND GND CLOCK CLK RESET Input confirmation Reset DATA Communicate PCI & etc
Term Information Term Information
AC Alternating Current VTT Memory Termination Voltage ACDRV AC Adapter to System - VTERM Memory Termination voltage Switch Driver Output ACEDET Adaptor Current Detector VUSB Power ACGOOD Valid Adapter Active-Low VGA Power VGA Detect Logic Open- (VGPX/VGPU/VCVOD) Drain Output ACIN Adaptor Current Sensor VGFX Power Graphic Chip Input ACN Adaptor Current Sense VREF Voltage References Resistor ACOP Input Over-Power LCDV Lcd Power pPotection ACOV Input Over Voltage ODD Output Disc Driver Protection ACP Adapter Current Sense PCI Peripheral Component Resistor,Positive Input Interconnect ADP+ Adapter Positive Supply PGOOD Power Good Open Drain Output ADP_ID Adapter Indentity PIR Product Improved Record AGND Anallog Ground PSI# Current Indicator Input ALWP Always Power PVCC Ic Power Positive Supply B+ Ac or Bat Power Rail for RSMRST Resume Reset Power Circuit BATT Battery RTC Real Tme Clock BAT+ Bat Power Rail for Power SB South Bridge Circuit BAT_DRV Bat Fet Gate Driver SHDN Shut Down BAT_V Baterry Voltage SYS_SDN System Shutdown BT_EN Bluetooth Enable SPI Serial Peripheral Interfaace BUZER Connected TD Death Time BYP Baypass THRM Themal Sensor BOM Bill of Material TMDS Transition Minimized Management Difflerential signaling (TRANSMISI DATA TEKNOLOGY) BT Button TP Tes Point F FUSE TD Death Time FSEL Frequency Select Input THRM Thermal Sensor CHGEN Charge Enable Active-Low TP Tes Point Logic Input CIN Input Capasitor TPAD Thermal Pad CRT Cathode Ray Tube V Rail (POWER) CSIN Current Sensor Input V+ Positive Vortage Negatif CSIP Current Sensor Input VADJ Output Regulation Vortage Positif DC Direct Current VALW Always on Power DRAM Dynamic RAM: Random- VAWLP Valw Pad Access Memory that uses a continuous clock DOCK Docking Socket VBAT Battery Power EC Embedded Controler VCCP Power Chip (Ic Graphic Chips) EC_ON Embedded Controle VCORE Power Processor Enable EN Enable VDD Control Power Suplly ENTRIP Enable Terminal VDDR Power ddr (VDRAM/VRAM/VMEM) LCDV Lcd Power VDS Voltage Drain Source LDO Linear Oiver output VFB Freedback Inputs Power LGATE Lower-Side Mosfet Gate VGS Voltage Gate Source Signal LPC Low Pin Court VIN Input Vortage Range LVDS Low-Voltage Diflerential VIN Adapter Power Supply Signaling (SYSTEM (vol_in) PENSIGNALAN) MBAT Main Batteray VL Power Lock ODD Output Disc Driver VL Vortage PCI Peripheral Component VLDOIN Power Supply of the VTT and Interconnect VTTREF Output Stage (to powerMOS) PGOOD Power Good Open-Drain VOT Volt _Out Output PIR Product Improved Record VRAM Power Memory PSI# Current Indicator Input VREF Power References Schema Reference Permintaan schema PVCC Ic Power Positive Supply VS Suitch Power RSMRST Resume Reset VS+ Support Voltage Positive SYS_SDN System Shutdown VSB Power Switch Botton VIN Input Vortage Range VSS Signal Grount VIN Adapter Power Supply VSW Power Witch (vol_in) VL Power Lock VTT Memory Termination Voltage VL Vortage VTERM Memory Termination Voltage VLDOIN Power Supply of the Vtt VUSB Power usb and Vttref Output Stage (to powerMOS) VOT Volt _Out VGA Power vga (VGPX/VGPU/VCVOD) VRAM Power Memory VGFX Power Graphic Chip VREF Power References Schema VREF Voltage References References Permintan Shcema VS Suitch Power HDMI High-definition Multimedia Interface VS+ Support Voltage Positive ID Continuous Drain Current VSB Power Switch Botton IDM Pulsed Drain Current VSS Signal Grount IIN Operating Supply Current VSW Power Switch SPI Serial Peripheral Interface VRM Circuit konfirmasi IIN Shutdown Supply Current (SHDN) GATE Trigger Gate IIN Standby Supply Current (STBY) GND Ground IS Continuous Source Current (diode conduction) GP Ground Pin IPIN Battery Supply Current at VIN pin GPI General Power Input JP JUMPER POINT GPIO General Power Input KBC Keyboard Controler Output EMII Elektromagnetik Interference (GANGGUAN ELEKTROMAGNETIK) Term of Circuit Definition Voltage divider Divider voltage Rectifier Rectifier circuit Rectifier AC To DC DC Converter DC to Dc Converter DC to DC Detector Detector load Filter Filter Step Down Lowering voltage Step Up Riser voltage OP-Amp Amplifier
Term Circuit Definition
Motherboard DC IN & Circuit for battery charging and power jack circuit in the BATTERY initial gate power CHARGER SYSTEM 3V/ 5V Step-down circuit for lowering 19V to 3V or 5V PCU GPU CORE Circuit and voltage power supply for chip ( ICH/GMCH) GPX CORE Circuit for processor power supply VCC CORE Circuit for processor power supply TERMAL Circuit heat detector supply PROTECTION DISCHARGE/+1,8 Circuit Suspend LDO V DDR1,5 V & 0.9 Circuit power supply for RAM CLOCK Circuit for produce clock signal GENERATOR LVDS Circuit for display on screen LCD POWER BUTTON Circuit switch on/off CONN Connector RTC/CKT Circuit CMOS & frequency generator CHIF DIS Circuit VGA External generator UMA Circuit VGA Internal generator PWM Circuit Pulse Widget Modulation controller COMPARATOR Circuit comparator DMI Digital Media Interference LPC BUS Circuit Communication CRT Circuit for external monitor and projector SPI FLASH (KBC) Circuit BIOS
Power Power pin Controller Device AC_IN B+ AD + AC Dock Input, (19V~24V) +19V VIN Input Power all Regulator Motherboard +0.9VS SUSB# DDR2 SODIM +1.8V SUSB# Calistoga, DDR2 SODIMM +1.8VS SUSB# G72M +1.5VS SUSB# Calistoga, ICH7-M, MINI Card Socket, New Card Socket +2.5VS SUSB# Calistoga, G72M +3V SUSB# Thermal Sensor, Calitoga, System Clock Generator, DDR2 SODIMM SPD, G72M, LVDS connector, TPM, blue tooth socket, ICH7-M, PCI interface, super-IO controller, IrDA, keyboard controller, audio controller, GIGA LAN, MINI Card socket , Media card controller, New card socket, 1394 EEPROM +5V SUSC# USB, G913C, New card socket +5VS SUSB# G72M, ICH7-M, HDD, CD-ROM, flash ROM, keyboard controller, internal touchpad, Audio AMP, FN +3VALWAYS (AC IN) ICH7-M, TPM +5VALWAYS (AC IN) PST9013NR (protect over voltage) +5VLCM (AC/BAT IN) Micro P (PIC16F57) +5VCHG (AC/BAT IN) MAX8724ETI, power – ON/OFF logic +VCORE VID CPU +VCCP VR_ON CPU I/O +12V SUSC# PCMCIA Slot 12V +3V SUSCH# PCMCIA controller, PCMCIA Slot 3.3V, keyboard controller, LAN +3VS SUSB# ICH4-M, Clock Generator,PCI intyerface, Super I/O,AC97 CODEC, FWH, Thermal sensor,IR +5V SUSC# PCMCIA Slot 5V , USB +5VS SUSB# HDD, CD-ROM, Internal Touch Pad, Audio AMP +5VALWAYS AC_BAT_SYS ICH4_M (Resume Well) LAN (WOL in S4/S5) RTCVCC ICH4-M (RTC) +V1.5S SUSB# GMCH+, ICH4-H +V1.8S SUSB# CPU VCCA +V2.5 SUSC# DDR, SODIMM, GMCH LVDS +V1.2S SUSB# GMCH +V1.25S SUSB# DDR Termination VOLTAGE – SIGNAL NAME – POWER CONTROL PIN AND CONTROL DEVICE
Schematic diagrams are always synonymous with code and symbols. Memorize some of the symbols below: Path Schematic diagram Information application
A path that only passes
and does not have a relationship. And in principle the lane is a path connecting one components and others that connect one pin and others.