Future - Self - Agustin

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The Future Self: Our Past, Present, and Future

EXERCISE 8.1.1 My OTP - My Own Time Perspective

Name: S eH1 Jar\ 6 . ~US"r\n 5ection: _ _ A_:>___

Instructions: Answer the Zimbard o Time Perspective Inventory
(ZTPI) on this link: http:// www.thetimeparadox.com/zimbardo-
After answerin g, print the summar y of your results and answer the
following questions:
1. What is your most dominan t time perspective? Do you agree
with the results? Why or why not?
MSJ rnos;f-_ dom inon t time .
per-s pect -,ve ts ~-I- -,@-h ve
with a ,tc.or-e of 4.41 and
I bpJ/e.ve the rest1I+ is agreeable.
I qm the -t:1p e aP
who usLX;jl'!J love.s rem 1n1§CID3
abou + t,Qppi:J mem ories qnd
&:)metimes. even ±be CVJe5
i-1-b± are bitter. Howev_er✓
regardlr~ss of my memones_
{Jp)n3 hcvaoy DY' .s;od1 I look ,rrl-o
.J...J ~ · r, -'- · .s6_ne,,.,r
_,en em o,s Sli3.PP'/1e_ 7
lha- t eo-t me w ~ f ref-
_--1::oday and I c/o no
_OVJy parT of i+, :; ·+
1 am thankful - enx:JC.l' :es rf mane.
,- lt7J 1~ haRPY tn----- -n t ~

j_J _ I _ _ • ,J Oi(!e,$/ TI}Q

~et-: Hur, ws me. rvv rmfb i .
~ls.__why I don/+ n:gd=~ tS
The Future Self

2. What is your least dominant time perspective? Do you agree

with the results? Why or why not?
fvf!j lecis± dorr;iOan-1--- +tme- .. ·
Per.sr>ec:h ve DS pa,s:t-- Oef':Jo --h ,te ,
a LScor-e of 2. ID
v\/ '-f-h
and I believe tt,/5 is frt1 e
c.~ regc,cds . +-a mv high ~::;---f
C"J Dm j J"l an + .fjW, C: ~'YS"' pe«:zf-z \/l:i · :
pc1r+-(>2S.;+i<reo I do no+ l'-3J'Jr:ef-~
my {)Gd 9,zoI ··
Oh y +-hiv-,9 r•
GJ/:s ±fonk. 01:1 dd
d ~ ~. / do ;~ .e ~
ti,, e.- ,PCis± -tb-iod- is wh,Y I . ;
V>°'ve- Oi Jov--1 per.spec,.-;,f,'ve-- c)t,,) ,~tl-v~~ve
3. Based on the results, how do you see yourself in the future?
The resulf- ~howed -f-11 my °'=+
future +i~ne per~pe,,c+t've see,~
,--~ 4. oo which #Je Se~ 1:~
h•9Vlesf: ,JO my hd-. Rele.~
mv +-rJfrJ te +o Th e V:-'41 2 t±: ,
I thiv,lL w,y £0:f1Jv:e, ,6-(oc.Jld
be +iVJc q.r . lnvi3 Cl\S I
~-fl.a ~f, vYlCNJ~f} ' -fov-v-tc, ,d
o I, -fu C?nd J utl I;ve_

The Possible Se ves

EXERCISE 8.2.S My Ideal Sri1f

Name: Se±yi Jqy--\ G. t¼µ.-+in Section: _ _.JJA...::,c3:....---

Instructions: If someone would "google" your name, what do you
want the search results to be? How would you be able to achieve
that? Explain.

1-F comecne Wcv/d 9003/E?-c //Yl'f

n0i,vf'✓ I wc2i) I cl hke +/1e< ,seuv:&l

1re't,f-;; '~?~ Gt .-f~I/o?_ _

\{'.// l __.! - - ~Q1c__1_>J/'t!..

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