Seyi's most dominant time perspective is present hedonistic, which focuses on enjoyment of the present moment. His least dominant is past negative, which relates to aversive memories. Looking to the future, his results showed a high future time perspective, so he sees himself living purposefully to achieve goals and make positive impacts.
Seyi's most dominant time perspective is present hedonistic, which focuses on enjoyment of the present moment. His least dominant is past negative, which relates to aversive memories. Looking to the future, his results showed a high future time perspective, so he sees himself living purposefully to achieve goals and make positive impacts.
Seyi's most dominant time perspective is present hedonistic, which focuses on enjoyment of the present moment. His least dominant is past negative, which relates to aversive memories. Looking to the future, his results showed a high future time perspective, so he sees himself living purposefully to achieve goals and make positive impacts.
Seyi's most dominant time perspective is present hedonistic, which focuses on enjoyment of the present moment. His least dominant is past negative, which relates to aversive memories. Looking to the future, his results showed a high future time perspective, so he sees himself living purposefully to achieve goals and make positive impacts.
Instructions: Answer the Zimbard o Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) on this link: http:// time-perspective-inventoryI After answerin g, print the summar y of your results and answer the following questions: 1. What is your most dominan t time perspective? Do you agree with the results? Why or why not? MSJ rnos;f-_ dom inon t time . per-s pect -,ve ts ~-I- -,@-h ve with a ,tc.or-e of 4.41 and I bpJ/ the rest1I+ is agreeable. I qm the -t:1p e aP who usLX;jl'!J love.s rem 1n1§CID3 ~~or: abou + t,Qppi:J mem ories qnd &:)metimes. even ±be CVJe5 i-1-b± are bitter. Howev_er✓ regardlr~ss of my memones_ {Jp)n3 hcvaoy DY' .s;od1 I look ,rrl-o .J...J ~ · r, -'- · .s6_ne,,.,r _,en em o,s Sli3.PP'/1e_ 7 om lha- t eo-t me w ~ f ref- _--1::oday and I c/o no _OVJy parT of i+, :; ·+ ihr:J 1 am thankful - enx:JC.l' :es rf mane. . ti ,- lt7J 1~ haRPY tn----- -n t ~
j_J _ I _ _ • ,J Oi(!e,$/ TI}Q
~et-: Hur, ws me. rvv rmfb i . ~ls.__why I don/+ n:gd=~ tS 253 The Future Self
2. What is your least dominant time perspective? Do you agree
with the results? Why or why not? fvf!j lecis± dorr;iOan-1--- +tme- .. ·>ec:h ve DS pa,s:t-- Oef':Jo --h ,te , a LScor-e of 2. ID v\/ '-f-h and I believe tt,/5 is frt1 e c.~ regc,cds . +-a mv high ~::;---f C"J Dm j J"l an + .fjW, C: ~'YS"' pe«:zf-z \/l:i · : pc1r+-(>2S.;+i<reo I do no+ l'-3J'Jr:ef-~ my {)Gd 9,zoI ·· ::::r: Oh y +-hiv-,9 r• trow, GJ/:s ±fonk. 01:1 dd d ~ ~. / do ;~ .e ~ ti,, e.- ,PCis± -tb-iod- is wh,Y I . ; V>°'ve- Oi Jov--1 per.spec,.-;,f,'ve-- c)t,,) ,~tl-v~~ve .... ...' 3. Based on the results, how do you see yourself in the future? The resulf- ~howed -f-11 my °'=+ future +i~ne per~pe,,c+t've see,~ ,--~ 4. oo which #Je Se~ 1:~ h•9Vlesf: ,JO my hd-. Rele.~ mv +-rJfrJ te +o Th e V:-'41 2 t±: , I thiv,lL w,y £0:f1Jv:e, ,6-(oc.Jld be +iVJc q.r . lnvi3 Cl\S I ~-fl.a ~f, vYlCNJ~f} ' -fov-v-tc, ,d o I, -fu C?nd J utl I;ve_
254 The Possible Se ves
EXERCISE 8.2.S My Ideal Sri1f
Name: Se±yi Jqy--\ G. t¼µ.-+in Section: _ _.JJA...::,c3:....---
Instructions: If someone would "google" your name, what do you want the search results to be? How would you be able to achieve that? Explain.