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Ms-Dos o Level 27-4-2020 PDF

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What is Ms-Dos?

It stands for Microsoft disk

operating system. It is a single
user and single tasking
operating system. T h is
operating system was
developed by Microsoft
Company of USA in August
1981. It is system software
which manages the resources
of a computer and allows o t h e r
application software to
execute. It makes possible
easy operation of computer.
Till now several versions of MS-
Dos are released. Amon g t h o se
versions MS-Dos 7.0 is latest. I t
works in CUI (Command line
user interface) mode.
Ms-Dos performs following
1) Memory management
2) Processor management
3) File management
4) Input / Output management
Booting – successful loading of
the programs of operating
system from disk to primary
memory is called booting.
Whenever a computer is tu r n e d
on the programs of operating
system gets loaded from Hard
disk to RAM. Successful
completion of this work is
called booting. Booting
requires following three files
1) Command.com
2) Ms-Dos.sys
3) Io.sys
Command – An instruction for
computer is called command.
There are two types of MS-Dos
1) Internal commands
2) External commands
Internal commands – those
commands which are part of
the file named command.com
are called internal commands.
This type of commands of ms-
dos are directly execute d, t h e y
do not require any additional
file to execute. Examples of
internal commands are date,
time, cls, copy, ver, vol etc
External commands – those
commands which are not part
of command.com, which
require extra files to execute
are called external commands.
Such as Edit, Format, Xcopy,
Move etc
Syntax – proper writing st yl e o f
an instruction is called syntax.

Ms-dos prompt – (C :\>) after

successful booting ms-dos
shows a symbol on the screen
which is called ms-dos prompt.
Ms-dos prompt tells that now
computer is ready to accept
our instructions and to work
according to the instruction
being given. A f t er typing
instruction user will have to
press enter key to get result of


Date- this command shows
current date and allows to
change date.
Syntax- Date <new date>

C:\>Date 12/07/2020

Time – this command shows

current time and allows to
change time.
Syntax- time <new time>
C:\> Time 11:20:30

Copy con – this command is

used to make new file.
Syntax- Copy con <file name>
C:\> Copy con Theory
F6/ Ctrl + Z

Type – this command shows

the contents of file.
Syntax- Type <file name>
C:\> Type theory

CLS – this command clears the

screen of computer and moves
cursor to upper left corner of
screen (first row).
Syntax- cls

Del/ Erase – this command is

used is used to delete any
unwanted file.
Syntax- Del/Erase <file name>
C:\> Del theory
C:\> Del physics /p
Delete physics Yes/No?
/P – this option deletes file
after confirmation

Ren/Rename – this command is

used to change the name of a
Ren/Rename <old file name>
<new file name>
C:\> Ren Book Notes
C:\> Ren notice Exam

Md/Mkdir – this command is

used to make new directory.
Syntax- Md/Mkdir
<directory/folder name>
C:\> Md Audio
C:\> Mkdir images

Cd/Chdir – this command is

used to go to desired directory
or subdirectory.
Syntax- Cd/Chdir <directory
C:\> Cd Audio
C:\> Cd Images
Cd.. is used to go to parent

Rd/Rmdir – this command is

used to remove an empty
Syntax- Rd/Rmdir <directory
C:\> Rd Audio

Differences between Internal

and External commands-
1. Internal commands are part
of command.com while
external commands are nor
part of commnd.com
2. Internal command do e s n o t
require any extra file to
execute while external
commands require extra
file to execute
3. Internal commands
execute faster than
external commands

Differences between MS-DOS

and windows-
1. MS-DOS is single user and
single tasking operating
system while Window is
multi-user and multi-
tasking operating system
2. MS-DOS works in CU I m o d e
while Window works in GUI
3. MS-DOS is difficult to learn
and while Window is very
easy to learn and use
4. MS-DOS has limited number
of application software
while MS-Window has very-
large number of applicat i o n
5. MS-DOS became outdated
now while MS-Window is
most popular Operating
system for PC
6. MS-DOS does now allow to
run multimedia but window
is unable to run multimedia

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