289-Article Text-1320-1-10-20070404
289-Article Text-1320-1-10-20070404
289-Article Text-1320-1-10-20070404
Original article
PATIENTS METHODS (CRC) included 176 men and 224 women with a mean
age of 60 years (2483 years), while the group of patients
We retrospectively evaluated the charts of 400
with carcinoma of the breast (BC) comprised 400 women
consecutive patients with colorectal carcinoma, who were
with a mean age of 55 years (2576).
treated in our hospital in the period 1990-2000. These
data were compared with 400 consecutive patients The incidence of cholelithiasis at the time of diagnosis
suffering from carcinoma of the breast, who were treated of the carcinoma was significantly higher in the CRC
in our hospitals during the same period. group compared to the BC group (92/400, 23% vs 44/
400, 11%; p <0.01). The incidence of cholecystectomy
The following parameters were recorded: age and
was also significantly higher in the CRC group (64/400,
gender of the patient, location of the tumor, presence of
16% vs 12/400, 3%; p <0.001).
cholelithiasis at the time of diagnosis of the malignancy,
history of cholecystectomy, elapsed time between chole- The elapsed time between cholecystectomy and
cystectomy and diagnosis of malignancy. The diagnosis diagnosis of malignancy was 13.5±10.25 years for the
of cholelithiasis was based on the medical history of the CRC group and 23±15.7 years for the BC group (Table
patients (e.g. history of cholecystectomy, biliary colic), 1). No statistically significant difference was noted
and confirmed with ultrasonography of the upper ab- between men and women with colorectal carcinoma
domen. In asymptomatic patients, cholelithiasis was an concerning the incidence of cholelithiasis (32/152, 21.1%
incidental finding in US or CT, which was performed in vs 60/248, 24.2%; p=n.s.) or cholecystectomy (20/152,
all cases during the preoperative staging of the tumor. 13.2% vs 44/248, 17.7%; p=n.s.) (Table 2). No statistical
correlation was recorded between location of the
Data are expressed as the mean±SD. Parametric data
colorectal tumor and incidence of cholelithiasis or
were compared between groups by analysis of variances
cholecystectomy. The incidence of cholelithiasis for
(ANOVA) and posthoc testing. Statistical significance
tumours located in the right and left colon was 16.6%
was assumed, if p<0.05. Nonparametric data were
and 21% respectively (p=n.s.). The incidence of
analysed using chisquare tests between groups. Analysis
cholecystectomy also showed no significant difference
was performed with the Statistical Package for the Social
between left and right colon (16.6% vs 17%) (Table 2).
Sciences (SPSS, Inc., Chicago IL).
The group of patients with colorectal carcinoma The biology of colorectal cancer has been thoroughtly
Table 1. Demographic characteristics and incidence of gallstone disease and cholecystectomy in patients with colorectal carcinoma
(CRC-group) and breast carcinoma (BC-group)
CRCgroup (n=400) BC-group (n=400)
Gender (female:male) 224:176 400:0
Mean age 60 years (2483) 55 years (2576)
Cholelithiasis 92/400 (23%)* 44/400 (11%)*
History of cholecystectomy 64/400 (16%)+ 12/400 (3%)+
Elapsed time from cholecystectomy 13.5±10.25 years 23±15.7
*p <0.001, +p <0.001
Table 2. Incidence of cholelithiasis and cholecystectomy according to gender and location of the colon cancer
Cholelithiasis History of cholecystectomy
Men (n=152) 32/152 (21.2%) 20/152 (13.2%)
Women (n=248) 60/248 (24.2%) 44/248 (17.7%)
Proximal colon (n=144) 24/144 (16.6%) 24/144 (16.6%)
Distal colon (n=256) 54/256 (21.1%) 44/256 (17.2%)
Colorectal Cancer Risk in Cholelithiasis and after Cholecystectomy in Northern Greece 183
studied in recent decades. Although research has mainly existence of common risk factors7,11,12.
focused on the hereditary aspects of this malignancy, the
The most reliable evidence was supplied by large
effect of certain environmental factors (e.g. diet, external
followup studies of cholecystectomized patients. In 1993
carcinogens) has also been extensively investigated.
Giovanucci13 performed a metaanalysis of the existing
The relation between cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy data in the literature showing a slightly increased relative
and colorectal cancer has been controversial. A possible risk for colorectal cancer after cholecystectomy (1.21 for
etiologic relation of these conditions could be of great men and 1.24 for women) (data from 38 cohort and case
clinical importance, since cholecystectomy is one of the control studies). Furthermore, he noted an increased risk
most commonly performed operations. The introduction for proximal cancer overall (pooled RR 1.88) (data from
of laparoscopic surgery has led to an increase in the 33 studies). Finally, 6 of 7 autopsy studies and the 9
number of cholecystectomies performed worldwide. A prevalence studies with no external controls showed that
reasonable concern would be if this increase in the the ratio of proximal to distal colorectal tumors was
number of performed cholecystectomies had lead to an increased in patiens who had previous cholecystectomies.
increased incidence of colorectal cancer. A further
Since this report, three more large cohort studies have
consideration relating to the performance of laparoscopic
been published in the literature. Ekbom et al (62.615
cholecystectomy is the reported increased incidence of
patients, followup <23 years) reported no increased risk
missed pathology of other intraperitoneal organs during
of colorectal cancer following cholecystectomy. However,
laparoscopy. It seems, however, that this risk is no higher
he observed an increased risk among women for right
than with open cholecystectomy, if certain safety rules
sided colon cancer 15 years after the operation (14).
are followed2,3.
Johansen et al (42.098 patients, followup <15 years)
The suggested association between gallstones and showed only a borderline significant association between
colon cancer is biologically plausible. Patients with cholelithiasis and colon cancer15. Lagergren et al (278.460
gallstones have increased biliary and fecal concentrations patients, followup <33 years) concluded that cholecyste-
of secondary bile salts4. Cholecystectomy leads to an even ctomized patients had an increased risk of proximal
more increased concentration of primary bile acids in intestinal adenocarcinoma, which gradually declined with
the intestinal lumen, which are transformed through increasing distance from the common bile duct16.
intestinal bacteria to secondary bile salts5. The role of
Concerning the question whether cholecystectomized
secondary bile acids as an endogenous colon carcinoma
patients should be put on a screening programme for
has been shown in a number of clinical and experimental
early detection of colon cancer, almost all authors agree
studies6,7. Narisawa et al proved that secondary bile salts
that there is no evidence to suggest the need for increased
can promote colonic epithelial cell proliferation in animal
surveillance for colon cancer in individuals after chole-
Further clinical evidence on the association between
Our data showed that the incidence of cholelithiasis
cholecystectomy and colon cancer was supplied by
and cholecystectomy were significantly higher in patients
Mannes et al, who reported a significantly increased
with colorectal carcinoma compared with patients with
incidence of large bowel adenomas after cholecystec-
breast carcinoma (23% vs 11%; p<0.01 and 16% vs 3%;
tomy, especially in the subgroup of patients aged 6080
p<0.001 respectively). Although the patients with
years with a postcholecystectomy interval of more than
colorectal cancer were older than those with breast
10 years9. These results correlate with the observation
cancer, this fact cannot explain the great difference in
that the mitotic index of the colonic mucosa is signi-
the incidence of cholelithiasis and cholecystectomy
ficantly increased after cholecystectomy10.
between the two groups. On the other hand, the incidence
On the other hand, cholelithiasis and colon cancer of cholelithiasis and cholecystectomy among women with
have a similar geographic distribution and share common colon cancer was significantly higher than in women with
dietary and chemical pathogenetic factors. It is known, BC. Furthermore, the incidence of cholelithiasis and
for example, that the risk for colon cancer is increased cholecystectomy among men with colorectal carcinoma
with a diet rich in fat, as is the risk for the development was significantly above the expected incidence for their
of gallstones. These observations have led many authors age (21.1%). The mean elapsed time between cholecy-
to the assumption that the association between gallstones stectomy and diagnosis of colon cancer was 13.5 years.
and colon cancer could be simply explained through the Nearly all studies showing an association between
184 P. KATSINELOS, et al
cholecystectomy and colon cancer suggest that the risk moting effect of bile acids on colon carcinogenesis after
persists or increases over time. Continued elevation or intrarectal instillation of Nmethyl NnitroNni-
risk beyond an interval of 10-15 yrs is also biologically trosoguanidine in rats. J Natl Cancer Inst 1974; 53:1093
plausible in view of the adenomacarcinoma sequence
9. Mannes AG, Weinzierl M, Stellaard F, Thieme C, Wie-
and the limited data that the incidence of colonic becje B, paumgartner G. Adenomas of the large intestine
adenomas is increased after cholecystectomy 9,22 . after cholecystectomy. Gut 1984; 25:863866.
However, our study did not show any significant 10. Bandettine L, Filipponi F, Romagnoli P. Increase of the
association between location of colorectal tumor, gender mitotic index of colonic mucosa after cholecystectomy.
of the patient and presence of cholelithiasis or history of Cancer 1986; 58:685687.
cholecystectomy. 11. Sandler RS. Cholecystectomy and colorectal cancer. Gas-
troenterology 1993; 105:285288.
In conclusion, we observed a significantly increased 12. Jorgensen T, Rafaelsen S. Gallstones and colorectal can-
incidence of gallstones and cholecystectomy among cer: There is a relationship, but it is hardly due to chole-
patients with colorectal carcinoma compared with cystectomy. Dis Colon Rectum 1992; 35:2428.
13. Giovannucci E, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ. A metaanal-
patients with breast cancer. However, since the exact
ysis of cholecystectomy and risk of colorectal cancer.
pathogenetic association of these conditions has not been Gastroenterology 1993; 105:130141.
fully proved and explained, there is no need for increased 14. Ekbom A, Yuen J, Adami HO, McLaughlin JK, Chow
surveillance of these patients. WH, Persson I, Fraumeni JF Jr. Cholecystectomy and
colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology 1993; 105:142147.
15. Johansen C, Chow WH, Jorgensen T, Mellemkjaer L,
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