A Novel Technique For Advanced Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete by Using Signal Conditioning Methods and A Scanning Laser Vibrometer
A Novel Technique For Advanced Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete by Using Signal Conditioning Methods and A Scanning Laser Vibrometer
A Novel Technique For Advanced Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete by Using Signal Conditioning Methods and A Scanning Laser Vibrometer
This paper deals with an innovative technique, which improves the pulse echo testing of concrete by using
1. specially designed ultrasonic probes
2. pulse compression technique
3. ultrasonic wave detection by laser doppler interferometer
4. random speckle modulation
5. space time signal processing methods
The pulse echo technique is carried out by sending frequency modulated chirp signals and performing a cross correlation
between the received and the transmitted signal. In combination with the application of recently available ultrasonic
concrete probes as transmitter, this leads to an improvement of the signal to noise ratio. A laser doppler interferometer,
equipped with a random speckle modulator, is used as detector of the ultrasound. Finally, the data sets can be processed with
various methods, involving the time signals of several space points. Examples are the space averaging and the synthetic
aperture focussing technique (SAFT).
The advantage of the suggested technique is demonstrated by practical measurements. The improvement compared to
standard laser interferometric measurements will increase the feasibility of laser interferometric detection for
non-destructive testing in civil engineering.
Table of contents
The difficulties of non destructive testing of concrete by ultrasonic methods result from the strong signal attenuation, caused
mainly by scattering at the inhomogeneities of concrete. Besides decreasing the transmitted ultrasonic signal, it leads to
strong coherent noise. This noise can mask even large backwall echoes totally. Scattering diminishes for decreasing
frequencies. Therefore, rather low frequencies in the range of about 100 kHz must de used.
There has been some progress in resent time. Highly efficient transducers has been developed and are available now. Pulse-
compression is known to improve the signal to noise ratio (2) in situations with a high insertion loss. It has been applied to
ultrasonic testing of concrete successfully (7).
It is well known from ultrasonic testing in other fields, that space averaging techniques suppress the coherent
back-scattering noise effectively (8). For applying such methods, signals from a large number of measurement points are
necessary. They can be obtained in a convenient way by using laser interferometric detection. In (3), the interferometric
detection is performed in a 2D scanning aperture and the measured data are reconstructed by the 3D-SAFT algorithm (4)
involving itself spatial averaging.
Till now the main problem of laser interferometry has been the insufficient sensitivity, resulting in a low signal to noise
(S/N) ratio . This is a special problem in an automatic scanning mode, because no fine focussing can be performed, resulting
in large incoherent (electronic) noise of the interferometer. Thus, improvement of the signal to noise ratio is crucial for
application of laser interferometric detection and space averaging techniques. We improve the S/N ratio by several methods.
On the one hand we increase the signal by applying the very efficient probes mentioned above as transmitter and including
the pulse compression technique in our system and on the other hand we reduce the laser vibrometer noise by
implementation a random speckle modulation technique (5). By this method we get signals of tolerable incoherent noise
appropriate for signal processing to suppress the additional coherent scattering noise.
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The influence of attenuation can be reduced by increasing the signal energy transmitted into the system. A common way is,
to increase the amplitude of the ultrasonic pulse. This makes high demands on the used electronic amplifier and ultrasonic
transducer. Furthermore, human safety demands should be borne in mind by working with signal amplitudes not exceeding
thousand Volts. The alternative is, to use signals with a high time bandwidth product. All those signals with an
auto-correlation function close to the delta pulse are suitable. Applying a matched filter for such a signal the auto
correlation function of the transmitted signal results, delayed for signal runtime in specimen. Such a filter is called
correlation- or pulse-compression filter (1). Suitable signals for use with pulse compression techniques are frequency-
modulated-signals (so called fm-chirps), pseudo-stochastic signals, which are m-sequences or Barker-codes, or white noise.
In the suggested method fm-chirp signals are used for transmission. The matched filter is applied by the cross-correlation
between the received and the transmitted signal.
The whole energy of the long duration waveform will be compressed in a very short pulse. The amplitude gain (AG) is
expressed by
AG = ½ time bandwidth (2). That means, to obtain the same amplitude difference between signal and noise compared to a
corresponding pulse excitation, the amplitude of the transmitted chirp signal can be reduced by the factor AG. The pulse
width after correlation becomes smaller by increasing the time-bandwidth product (2).
In figure 1 the common pulse excitation technique is compared with the pulse
compression technique. For convenience a simple simulation is shown. The system
consisting of a transmitting probe, the propagation medium (concrete) and the receiving
probe is represented by a delay of 250 µs, a damping of 50 dB and addition of 0.25 mV
(rms) noise. The transmitted chirp has a bandwidth of 400 kHz and a length of 250 µs.
This yields an amplitude gain of AG = 7. In accordance with that a chirp with an
amplitude of only 70 V leads to the same signal to noise ratio after correlation as the pulse
with amplitude AG * 70Volts ~ 500Volts.
Chirp-signals are best suitable for ultrasonic testing in concrete. They can be generated
easily by arbitrary waveform generators. The frequency-spectrum of the chirp can be
Fig. 1. principle of the pulse
adapted to the transfer function of the system (figure 2). Consequently, a maximum of compression technique
ultrasonic energy is brought into the system .
Fig. 2. linear frequency-modulated chirp signal x(t) and its frequency spectrum X(f)
Broadband transducers are required for chirp signals. The sensitivity of piezoelectric sensors is much lower for broadband
signals than for narrowband signals. So the advantage of piezoelectric sensors is diminished in this case. We used an
alternative broadband-sensor: the laser interferometer.
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and observing the interferometer signal amplitude, the ultrasonic measurement can be
taken, when the interferometer noise is low. This will be repeated at each measurement
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Fig. 8. left: a single A-scan from the data set of the lower scan area, the Raleigh wave (peak at 170 mm) is very dominant, whereas backwall is
right: averaging over a linear aperture with 100 supporting points, the backwall appears clearly
The first results demonstrate the efficiency of ultrasonic testing with laser interferometric detection. In co-operation with
pulse compression and random speckle modulation the signal to noise ratio can be reduced so that laser interferometric
detection becomes practicable. The technique has to be developed to increase the processing speed. The described technique
may help to improve the acceptance for ultrasonic methods in civil engineering. The 3D-SAFT reconstruction is able to
increase the signal to noise ratio further and leads to a 3D-image of reflector distributions inside the specimen.
Furthermore, the presented technique can be used as an advanced tool for experimental verification of modelling results
concerning the propagation of ultrasonic waves in concrete (6). This is subject of current investigations.
The results described in this paper are part of the work supported by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" in the grant
No Ko 1386/1-1, which is grateful acknowledged. The authors would also like to thank the "Bundesanstalt für
Straßenwesen" for giving the opportunity to use the concrete specimen and for their support of our measurements.
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A NOVEL TECHNIQUE FOR ADVANCED ULTRASONIC TESTI... http://www.ndt.net/article/koehler2/koehler2.htm
8. Bilgutay, N.M. et al. , Theoretical Analysis and Performance of the Minimization Algorithm in NDT Applications , World Conf. NDT,
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Paper presented at the Conference: NDT in Civil Engineering ´97, Proc. pp 123-134, .
See also the Report about the confernce.
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© Copyright 1. July 1997 Rolf Diederichs, [email protected]
/DB:Article /SO:DGZfP /AU:Koehler_B /AU:Hentges_G_ /AU:Mueller_W /IN:FHG /CN:DE /CT:UT /CT:laser /CT:concrete /CT:civil /ED:1997-07
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