Fluke Clampmeters
Fluke Clampmeters
Fluke Clampmeters
Log and trend measurements to pinpoint intermittent faults
The Fluke 376 FC True-rms Clamp Meter is your go-to tool for an extremely wide range
of electrical measurements.
• Connect your meter to your smartphone and provides access to large conductors
with Fluke Connect™ Measurements in tight spaces (included)
• Read measurements on your phone at a • TPAK magnetic hanging strap (included)
safe distance, wearing less PPE while • Integrated VFD low-pass filter for accu-
your meter takes all the risks rate motor drive measurements
• Record results directly to your phone • Proprietary inrush measurement tech-
and the cloud nology to filter out noise and capture
• Capture intermittent faults while per- motor starting current exactly as the
forming other tasks using the logging circuit protection sees it
capabilities of the Fluke 376 FC • CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V safety
• Create and share reports from the field rating
via email, or converse in real time with • Three-year warranty
ShareLive™ video calls • Soft carrying case
• The iFlex flexible current probe expands
the measurement range to 2500 A ac
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