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639526-WEB Revision T, May 2016

CommScope Actuators
ATM200-002, ATM200-A20, E-ATM300
This bulletin covers installation procedures for our CommScope line of actuators. Please refer to system
configuration diagrams for each RET control application (Figures 11, 13, and 14).
Proper installation procedures must be followed when installing and operating RET equipment. Failure to assure installations are done properly by
trained installation personnel and to follow procedures discussed in this bulletin may cause warranty for such products to be void.
CommScope requires pretesting actuators on the ground prior to installation, using the portable controller and the latest version of the
controller software (available online at www.commscope.com/ resources / software). This will verify proper actuator functionality and also ensure
that the latest available actuator firmware release is installed on the actuator. Failure to conduct pre-test and pre-installation procedures defined by
CommScope will void warranty.
Unauthorized removal of a protective shroud to replace actuators voids the CommScope warranty.
The installation, maintenance, or removal of an antenna requires
qualified, experienced personnel. CommScope installation instructions
are written for such installation personnel. Antenna systems should be
inspected once a year by qualified personnel to verify proper installation,
maintenance, and condition of equipment.
Do not install near power lines. Do not install on a wet or Wear shoes with rubber soles
CommScope disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of Power lines, telephone lines, windy day or when and heels. Wear protective
improper or unsafe installation practices. and guy wires look the same. lightning or thunder is clothing including a
Assume any wire or line can in the area. Do not use long-sleeved shirt and rubber
electrocute you. metal ladder. gloves.
It is recommended that transmit power be turned off when the field
installation is performed. Follow all applicable safety precautions as
shown on this page.

• Do not use the actuator as a lifting device for an antenna. • Carefully check to make sure that installation of the actua-
Doing so is likely to damage the actuator and the coupling tors will not require realignment of the antennas. It is as-
attachment on the antenna. sumed that the RF feeder or jumper cables are attached to
• It is required to connect the actuator to the controller the connectors of pre-installed antennas and appropriately
and to test it ON THE GROUND before attaching it to weatherproofed.
the antenna. The actuator MUST be set to its original There is no need to disconnect the antenna RF feeder ca-
factory downtilt position, maximum downtilt, before bling, but it is recommended to turn off the transmit power
installation on the antenna. when working around the antenna.
• Both data and power are provided through the RET • RET connections are weather resistant and must not be
connections on the actuator. The ATM200-002 and weatherproofed.
ATM200-A20 actuators have both an input and an output
• Visit us online at www.commscope.com/Resources/Soft-
connector for ease in daisy chaining (Figure 10). The E-
ware to download software updates. Updates include new
ATM300 type actuator also has two connectors, but it is
antenna models compatible with the CommScope controller
intended to be used with controllers which support only
one actuator per bus (Figure 12).
• Each variable electrical downtilt adjuster requires its own
actuator. For example, a single band antenna requires • CommScope actuators have built-in lightning protection.
one actuator and a multi-band antenna requires an • In order to provide additional protection either one of the
actuator for each frequency band (i.e. a dual-band following three components could be added to the top of
antenna requires two actuators and a tri-band antenna a site: (a) AISG TMA, (b) lightning protection unit, or (c)
requires three actuators). junction box. These units need to be grounded.
• The downtilt adjusters on the antenna should be checked • If none of these three units are used on the top, then the
before installing actuators to ensure they move freely. See AISG cable needs to be grounded by a grounding kit.
Figure 4.

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Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 1 of 8

• The bottom of a site can be protected from surges and • E-ATM300 actuators must be configured prior to instal-
induced currents by using a lightning protection unit. lation on sites. Configurations must be made using
• The CommScope actuators are designed with an inter- CommScope EFCT software installed on a local com-
nal feature that safeguards against overheating, which puter. The E-ATM300 actuator will need to be connected
may occur when the actuator is continuously moved to the CommScope ATC200-LITE-USB portable controller
over full-range for several minutes. This feature will using a short CommScope AISG control cable (Figure 13). The
generate a hardware alarm when activated. controller is connected to the laptop with a serial cable (not
a USB cable).
To clear the hardware alarm, use the Clear Alarm com-
mand from your controller. After the alarm has been • Refer to Bulletin 639556 for operating the EFCT software.
cleared, wait 60 seconds before sending new actuator • Final site installation has two setup options. Connect
commands. RET cables from the Ericsson ASC or RIU to actuators
• The CommScope actuator is equipped with an LED locat- (Figure 14).
ed at the bottom of the actuator (Figure 12). This feature For more information on the setup of the Ericsson RBS RET
has been implemented to aid users at the tower base to controller and other Ericsson components, refer to
visually identify actuator movement. Ericsson customer product information.
• The CommScope actuator has an absolute position sen- • Download EFCT software from www.commscope.com/
sor and does not require calibration. Resources/Software.
Note: The EFCT software is also required for uploading
future firmware updates to the actuator.


STEP 1. Remove the knob located on the end of the

antenna downtilt adjuster to expose the
threads. Downtilt
STEP 2. Remove BOTH the compression nut and the Knob
compression ring to expose the threads.
BOTH the compression nut and the ring must be re-
moved so that the actuator can freely perform remote
controlled adjustments to the antenna’s electrical
downtilt setting. Compression
Nut and Ring

Figure 1. Removing Knob, Compression Nut, and Ring.

STEP 3. Push the downtilt adjuster all the way in, and
note the angle shown in the flanged bushing
window. (This angle will be used in Step 16.)
Note: The maximium tilt range may vary from
antenna to antenna. Angle shown in Downtilt
flanged bushing Adjuster

Figure 2. Noting the Tilt Angle on Retracted Adjuster.

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 2 of 8

Remove adhesive
backing from washer.

STEP 4. Remove the adhesive backing from the silicone Attach washer
washer, and attach the washer to the jam nut. to jam nut.
For washers that have three circular imprints on
one surface, attach the adhesive silicone washer Circular imprints
to the circular imprinted surface.
STEP 5. Slide the rubber boot onto the clear bushing until it
seats against the antenna.
STEP 6. Thread the jam nut/silicone washer as far as it will
go onto the clear bushing. Pull the rubber boot down Rubber boot
onto the jam nut to make the tilt window visible. Jam nut
Clear bushing Silicone washer

Downtilt adjuster
Figure 3. Attaching Rubber Boot, Jam Nut, and Silicone Washer.

STEP 7. Slide the downtilt adjuster all the way out and
in a few times to ensure that the downtilt
adjuster moves freely.
STEP 8. Leave the downtilt adjuster pulled out when
attaching the actuator. Move downtilt
in and out.

Figure 4. Positioning Antenna Downtilt Adjuster.

STEP 9. Hold the downtilt adjuster with one hand,

align the actuator with downtilt adjuster with
the other hand, and engage the actuator onto
the downtilt adjuster.

Figure 5. Engaging Actuator to Downtilt Adjuster.

STEP 10. Slightly turn actuator clockwise until actuator

is engaged to the downtilt adjuster. ~3/4 (270°)

STEP 11. Verify connection by carefully moving the

actuator in and out. The rod should stay
connected to the actuator.

Figure 6. Testing the Actuator.

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 3 of 8

STEP 12. When it is connected, push the actuator to

engage onto the clear bushing. Turn
clockwise five to seven times. DO NOT

Figure 7. Engaging Actuator to Clear Bushing.

STEP 13. If needed, slightly turn the actuator in the onto the actuator HAND TIGHT ONLY.
reverse direction to align it so that the coaxial Do not apply excessive torque.
cables do not rest on the actuator (i.e. no STEP 15. Slide the rubber boot down until it seats
pressure is exerted on either side of the against the top of the jam nut. Fold the walls
actuator). See Examples 1 and 2. of the rubber boot over the jam nut, silicone
STEP 14. While holding the actuator in place, tighten washer, and actuator. See Figure 3 to
the jam nut and washer (installed in Step 6) reference these parts.

Back of

HELIAX® so that it does
coaxial cable Flat not touch coaxial
surface cables.
of actuator
Align actuator so that it does is turned HELIAX®
not touch cables. away from coaxial cable
Example 1 Example 2
Figure 8. Aligning Replacement Actuator.

STEP 16. Compare tilt reading in flanged bushing

window with the angle from Step 3.
STEP 17. Repeat steps 1 through 16 to install
additional actuators, as required.

Figure 9. Verifying Downtilt Accuracy.

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 4 of 8

Attaching Control Cables to ATM200-002 and ATM200-A20 Actuators

STEP 18. Connectors on RET control cables and

actuators are keyed to provide a matching
Male Female
fit. Mate connectors with caution to avoid
damaging pins. Female
STEP 19. Attach the control cable to the actuator, Male output Male
input input
hand tight only. Do not use hand tools. port port port
The actuator and control cables are weather
resistant and do not require weather
proofing. Connect female
Connect Connect
STEP 20. Leave protective cover on unused actuator female male end of end of RET control
connector. end of RET control
RET cable. Note: The male end
Note: Control cables must be dressed so that no lateral control of this control cable
tension is placed on the actuators. cable. leads either out to
another antenna or
down toward the

Figure 10. Attaching Control Cables to ATM200 Series Actuators.


• With the RET controller connected to the actuators, • Control cables should be secured to the tower structure
check to ensure that each actuator moves on command; using cable ties, hangers, or similar fasteners such as
various set-tilt commands should be carried out at this stage. CommScope 40417 cable ties or 68MCLICK hangers.
Ensure that the motion of the actuator is unrestricted The main cables should be secured at 2 m intervals and
between its minimum and maximum downtilt positions. at 1 m from either end. The cables feeding to the actuators
Compare the visual reading of downtilts through the should be secured every 0.5 m, to avoid excessive wind
viewing window in the clear bushing on each antenna with vibration.
the readings shown on the computer. See Figure 9. • RET controllers must be located indoors or in a weather-
proof enclosure when placed outdoors.
1. Set the current antenna to the maximum tilt position. 5. Use the ATC200-LITE-USB controller to detect the new
2. Loosen the lock nut and unscrew the actuator.
6. Configure the actuator for the new antenna type.
3. Remove the washer, nut, and rubber boot.
7. Test the actuator movement, by changing the antenna to
4. Follow installation instructions described in Steps 1–20
its minimum and maximum tilt positions.
for attaching an actuator to a new antenna. (Note: The
washer, nut, and rubber boot from the old antenna can be 8. Set the antenna to the desired tilt position.
re-used on the new antenna, if these materials look fully
functional. Otherwise, new material can be ordered — part
number 602369.)

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 5 of 8

ATM200-002 and ATM200-A20 CommScope Actuators

ATM200-002 and ATM200-A20

Quick Guide
1. While on the ground, connect
Actuator actuator to controller using a
short RET control cable.
2. Configure actuator for antenna
model and other parameters.
3. Test actuator movement.
Junction Box 4. Attach actuator to antenna.
5. Using controller, test accuracy
RET Control Cable of actuator movement at
various tilt angles.
Lightning Protection Unit
6. Set actuator to desired tilt.

ATC300-1000 Portable Controller

r AISG Connecto AISG USB

Ethernet Network
Computer Interface
Not Suppl i ed

Figure 11. Typical CommScope RET System.


Attaching Control Cable to the E-ATM300 Actuator

STEP 18. Use caution when attaching cable to Male Input
actuator to avoid damage to pins. Cover Port
unused actuator port with protective
cover, supplied.

Note: Control cables must be dressed so that no Female

lateral tension is placed on the actuators. Output Port
The E-ATM300 actuator does not support a daisy Cover)
chain setup. Connect female end of RET control cable.
Note: The male end of this control cable
leads down toward the controller.

Figure 12. Attaching Control Cable to the E-ATM300 Actuator.

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 6 of 8

E-ATM300 Actuator

Initial Setup Antenna • ONLY USE the CommScope
• When setting up to EFCT software with the E-ATM300
configure actuator,
actuator. DO NOT use the standard
use the CommScope
AISG control cable E-ATM300 ATC200-LITE-USB controller
(ATCB-B01-001). Actuator
• For final installa- RS-232
AISG Contro l Serial Cable PC with EFCT • ALWAYS USE the serial cable
tion, use the Erics- Software with the E-ATM300 actuator.
son RET cable DO NOT use the USB cable.
from the RIU ATC200-LITE-
or the ASC to the USB Note: EFCT Software can
E-ATM300 actuator. Portable be downloaded from www.comm-
Controller scope.com/Resources/Software.

Figure 13. Configuring E-ATM300 Actuator with EFCT Software Prior to Installation.

Option Option E-ATM300 Quick Guide
Antenna Antenna 1. While on the ground, connect
actuator to ATC200-LITE-USB
controller using a short AISG
RET cable.
E-ATM300 E-ATM300 2. Connect ATC200-LITE-USB to
Actuator Actuator laptop using the serial cable
(not the USB cable).
RET Cable RET Cable 3. Use the EFCT Software to
(Supplied by (Supplied by configure actuator and test
Ericsson) Ericsson) movement. (Do not use ATC
Lite Software to control
Remote E-ATM300 actuator.)
Antenna System
Interface Unit Controller 4. Configure actuator for antenna
(RIU, Supplied (ASC, Supplied model and note the factory set
By Ericsson) by Ericsson) tilt position.
5. Test actuator movement.
6. Reset tilt position to original
Coaxial Coaxial factory setting.
Cable Cable
7. Disconnect actuator from
ATC200-LITE-USB controller.
8. Attach actuator to antenna.
9. Connect RET cables from Erics-
W-CDMA RBS son ASC or RIU to actuator.

Figure 14. Final Site Installation of the Ericsson Control System Using the E-ATM300.

© 2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 7 of 8


Problem Possible Cause Solution
Actuator does not move Compression ring was not See Step 2.
the downtilt adjuster. removed.

Actuator does not adjust Actuator tilt position was not Remove the actuator from the downtilt adjuster. Using
the downtilt to the cor- set to the correct angle before the controller and PC/laptop, reset the actuator to the
rect tilt position. it was attached to the antenna. angle indicated when the tilt rod is fully retracted (see
See Steps 7 through 11. Step 3).


Problem Possible Cause Solution
Actuator does not move Compression ring was not
See Step 2.
the downtilt adjuster. removed.

Actuator does not adjust Actuator tilt position was not Remove the actuator from the downtilt adjuster. Using
the downtilt to the cor- set to the correct angle before the ATC200-LITE-USB controller, EFCT Software, and
rect tilt position. it was attached to the antenna. PC/laptop, reset the actuator to the angle indicated
See Steps 7 through 11. when the tilt rod is fully retracted (see Step 3).

Actuator cannot be USB cable has been used Use the serial port on the controller with either a serial
found during a device instead of a serial cable. cable or a serial cable and a USB adapter. In case the
scan using the ATC200- laptop does not have a serial port, connect the control-
LITE-USB controller. ler to the laptop USB port.

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Visit our website at www.commscope.com or contact your local CommScope representative or BusinessPartner for more information.
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. 639526-WEB T (05/16) Page 8 of 8

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