Real-Time Operating Systems: Dayang Norhayati Abang Jawawi
Real-Time Operating Systems: Dayang Norhayati Abang Jawawi
Real-Time Operating Systems: Dayang Norhayati Abang Jawawi
nConsistsof software
which handles the
hardware of the system.
Application Real-world
program Kernel interfaces
Real-Time Operating Systems
Basic Services
n Inter-task Communication and Synchronization
Real-Time Operating Systems
Basic Services
n Dynamic Memory Allocation Services
Example RTOS’s
n Micrium µc/OS II
n AvrX
n RTLinux
n QNX Neutrino
µC/OS-II Introduction
n What is µC/OS-II ?
n MicoController Operating System Version 2
n based on uCOS 1.0 first published in 1992
n developed and tested on a PC (Windows 95,
Borland International C/C++ compiler V3.1-
n uCOS-II is actually targeted for embedded
n Thousands of people around the world are
using µC/OS in all kinds of applications .
Books and Resources
µC/OS-II Introduction
n Features
n Portable
n most of µC/OS-II is written in ANSI C
n only target microprocessor-specific code written in
assembly language
n µC/OS-II can be ported to a large number of
microprocessors as long as the microprocessor
provides a stack pointer and the CPU registers can
be pushed onto and popped from the stack.
n µC/OS-II can run on
µC/OS-II Introduction
n Features (continued)
n ROMable
n µC/OS-II was designed for embedded application
n embed µC/OS-II as part of your product
n Source code
n ALL the source code for µC/OS-II are provided
µC/OS-II Introduction
n Features (continued)
n Scalable
n you can use only the services you need in your
n this feature can reduce the amount of memory (both
RAM and ROM)
n can reduce both the code and data space required by
n Preemptive multitasking
n fully preemptive real-time kernel
n always run the highest priority task that is ready
µC/OS-II Introduction
n Features (continued)
n Robust and Reliable
n µCOS-II is based µuCOS,which has been used in
hundreds of commercial applications since 1992
n Applications : cameras, medical instruments,
musical instruments, engine controls, network
adapters, highway telephone call boxes, ATM
machines, industrial robots, and many more.
µC/OS-II Architecture
Application Software
uCOS-II Port
Microprocessor Dependent
Revision on RTS Concepts
n Given the material from Chapter 2 of Labrosse., we will conduct a
short group quiz on these. T/F question.
n Critical section n Assigning task priorities
n Shared resources n Mutual exclusion
n Task n Deadlock
n Context switch n Synchronization
n Kernel n Event Flags
n Scheduler n Intertask communication
n Preemptive & Non- n Message Queues
Preemptive kernel
n Interrupts Latency
n Reentrancy
n Interrupts Response
n Round-Robin scheduling
n Interrupts Recovery
n Task Priority
n ISR Processing time
n Static priorities
n NMIs
n Dynamic priorities
n Clock Tick
n Priority inversions
n Memory Requirements 19
RTS Concepts
Student Teams-Achievement Division
n Teaching phase – base on RTS concepts
(from lecture & the given reference)
1. The students work in teams to make sure that
everyone has mastered the concepts.
2. Each student individually takes a quiz.
3. Next, the students take the test in group.
4. If students meet or exceed their previous
averages with their quiz scores, they get
point that are summed according to team
Thank You.