Scheme of Examination and Syllabus For Recruitment in The Civil Judge Cadre - 2018
Scheme of Examination and Syllabus For Recruitment in The Civil Judge Cadre - 2018
Scheme of Examination and Syllabus For Recruitment in The Civil Judge Cadre - 2018
1. Preliminary Examination :-
Hindi Proficiency:
1- 'kCn jpuk % lfU/k ,oa lfU/k foPNsn] lekl] milxZ] izR;;A
2- 'kCn izdkj % ¼d½ rRle] v)ZrRle] rn~Hko] ns’kt] fons’khA
¼[k½ laKk] loZuke] fo’ks"k.k] fØ;k] vO;; ¼fØ;k
fo’ks"k.k] lECkU/k lwpd] foLe;cks/kd fuikr½
3- 'kCn Kku % i;kZ;okph] foykse] 'kCn ;qXeksa dk vFkZ Hksn] okD;ka’k
ds fy, lkFkZd 'kCn] leJqr fHkUukFkZd 'kCn]
lekukFkhZ 'kCnksa dk foosd] mi;qDRk 'kCn p;u]
lEcU/kokph 'kCnkoyhA
4- 'kCn 'kqf)A
5- O;kdjf.kd dksfV;kaW % ijlxZ] fyax] opu] iq:"k] dky] o`fÙk
(Mood)] i{k (Aspect)] okP;
6- okD; jpukA
7- okD; 'kqf)A
8- fojke fpUgksa dk iz;ksxA
9- eqgkojs@yksdksfDr;kWAa
English Proficiency:
1. Tenses
2. Articles and Determiners
3. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
4. Active & Passive Voice
5. Co-ordination & Subordination
6. Direct and Indirect Speech
7. Modals expressing various concepts-
(Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition, Intention,
Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason,
Companions, Contrast.)
8. Antonyms and Synonyms.
2. Main Examination :-
Subject Marks
(I) Law Paper-I 100
(II) Law Paper-II 100
(III) Language (a) Paper-I Hindi Essay 50
(b) Paper-II English Essay 50
(a) Paper-I Hindi Essay
Duration : Two Hours
Maximum Marks : 50