41 Avenger: A SSK

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-41Avenger -dirncnsions!

kom measured eganrple

on .45 W inch est er Magnum basic case. *dimens(ionswill
if .45ACP case is used.
be l e s ~

The .41 Avenger cartridge, left, is a wildcat based on

the .45 ACP, right, and is designed for use in .45
semi-auto pistols.

T HE .41 AVENGER is a wildcat After receiving the oversized over thirty different loads listed in
cartridge for use in .45 semi- barrel made for fitting by a gun- the SSK data sheets and firing them
auto pistols. Developed by J.D. smith, I installed it in the in five-shot groups from the Lee
Jones, the well-respected firearms slide/frame of the old model Colt pistol machine rest, clocking velo-
designer and customizer, gun Gold Cup .45 used in my earlier .45 cities with the Oehler Model 33
writer, and president of SSK Indus- ACP accuracy work (Handloader Chronotach. Many of these groups
tries, the .41 Avenger is capable of No. 951, in order to make possible a were exceptionally tight and most of
producing at least 30 percent direct comparison between the two
greater muzzle energies than .45 calibers. The fitting was easily
ACP. It combines the stopping accomplished, but it later became
power of a big bore with the better evident that the fit changed after
ballistics of lesser calibers. Recoil extensive firing. A “drop-in” barrel
energies are reduced and manage- can also be ordered from SSK and
ability is improved by use of lighter requires little or no fitting,
,410 inch bullets at higher velocities.
Initially the gun was evaluated by
Conversion of a .45 auto pistol, or making up five to ten rounds each of
a Commander, to .41 Avenger is
easily accomplished with a kit
marketed by SSK. The kit contains
a match-grade barrel with fitted Nine tight five-shot 25-yard groups fired from
barrel bushing and link, a set of a Lee pistol rest with a Cold Cup .45 converted
Pacific reloading dies, a set of heavy to .41 Avenger. See Table I, Series 1 for data
duty gun springs and handloading and components.

.41 Avenger Accuracy Series

I I Cast 186-grain TC; .45 ACP-based brass; Bullseve

powder; CCl No. 350s; 25-yard five-shot groups, Lee
machine rest.

Series Numbers; Series Averages

Group Sizes
Charge group velocity standard
(grains) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (inches) (fps) deviation comments
4.0 .86 1.90 1.33 1.84 --- .791.20 1.42 1.33 770 16
4.2 .88 1.71 2.95 1.98 1.07 1.831.23 --- 1.66 801 9
4.4 .82 2.37 1.85 2.35 1.61 1.271.40 1.94 1.65 828 9
4.6 .78 1.51 2.35 1.60 1.38 .992.14 --- 1.52 852 9
4.8 1.00 2.50 1.82 2.56 1.28 1.211.79 1.56 1.72 880 13
5.0 1.12 1.00 2.48 2.12 1.61 1.552.98 -.. 1.84 905 10
5.2 1.18 1.03 1.49 .84 1.41 1.302.62 2.59 1.60 932 10
5.4 1.13 1.19 1.26 1.89 1.39 1.561.07 --- 1.36 963 10
Three accurate bullets for the .41 Avenger. 5.6 1.13 1.07 1.52 2.26 1.89 1.941.67 1.62 1.64 985 11
Cast Jones truncated cone and the round- 5.8 1.21 .91 1.31 2.94 1.74 .661.83 --. 1.51 1,019 14
nose bullets flank the Sierra 170 jHC on the
NE1 mould for the RN.
6.0 ___ ___ 1.40 1.21 1.96 .-- - - - --- 1.52 1,034 12 MAX.

Russ Gaertner

the loads were hotter than indicated loading and testing. The accuracy
by the SSK data. Some listed loads potential was of special interest.
were definitely overpressured in my
gun. Handloading Considerations
With the publication of my .41 The .41 Avenger is strictly a hand-
Avenger review (American Hand- loading proposition, of course, and
gunner, Jan.-Feb. 19831, I decided to the brass must be formed by the
pin down the fine performance of handloader. Several types of .45
the caliber by more extensive hand- brass can be necked down by

' 4
These are heavy-load groups from
the .41 Avenger, using .45 Winchester
Magnum-based cases, and Blue Dot
powder behind Sierra 170-grain JHCs.

Three-die set for the Avenger i n the Redding

a. 25 turret press. The RCRS .41 Magnum
I', Carbo sizer, right, was used to apply a light
taper crimp.

.41 Avenger Accuracy Series

Table I1 Table I11

Cast 186-grain TC; .45 ACP-based brass; W-231 powder; Cast 178-grain TC (linotype); .45 ACP-based brass;
CCI No. 350s; 25-yard fiveshot groups; Lee machine rest. Bullseye powder; CCI No. 350s; 25-yard five-shot groups;
Series Averages Lee machine rest.
group Series Averages
charge size velocity standard comments
(grains) (inches) (fps) deviation group standard
charge size velocity deviation comments
4.0 2.08 708 --- Too light t o cycle gun (grains) (inches) (fps)
4.3 2.41 738 20 4.2 1.66 870 20
4.6 1.80 770 15 4.4 2.27 873 7
4.9 1.50 835 15 4.6 1.87 920 9
5.2 1.52 866 11 4.8 1.21 932 12 Very good load
5.5 1.06 901 11 Best load in this set 5.0 2.70 967 9
5.8 2.20 969 8 5.2 1.73 990 12
6.1 2.08 1,033 19 MAX., leading, primer cratering 5.4 1.29 1.034 13 Good load
6.4 1.84 1,103 10 Too Hot, bad leading, cratering, 5.6 1.68 1,050 9
and primer shaving 5.8 1.14 1.067 7 Best accuracy; some leading

running well-lubricated cases into
the sizing die supplied with the SSK
kit. No fireforming is needed.
The .45 ACP brass yields .41
Avenger cases which are about ,898
inch long. Though shorter than the
chamber (cut for brass ,950 inch
long), they work effectively a n d are
much cheaper than other cases. A factory .45 ACP round is compared to .41 Avenger handloads
Headspacing is on the shoulder, not in .45 Winchester Magnum-based cases. The .410-inch bullets
the mouth, so length is not critical. are 186-grain R N and TC, and Sierra 170-grain JHC.
The sizing die was adjusted and
locked in my Redding Model 25
turret press to provide about ,005
headspace in my gun. feed from the magazine reliably. For ferred because in the .41 Avenger
SSK instructions state that .45 reliable feeding a round or smoothly the cannelure is located in or near
tapered bullet nose is best; wad- the shoulder, weakening it. If a roll
ACP cases should not be used for crimp was applied with the seat/
heavy loads, because the pistol cutters and semi-wadcutters a r e
generally unsuitable. crimp die in the kit, the shoulder
brass might blow out around the showed a tendency to bulge, requir-
unsupported groove a r e a with high The Sierra jacketed hollow cavity ing full-length resizing of the loaded
pressures. They suggest the use of design is ideal for the .41, and most round (not recommended). This was
stronger brass formed from ,451 of my loads involved the 170-grain not a problem if a light roll crimp
Detonics Magnum cases (no other and 210-grain JHCs, which are was used, but length variations
modification needed), or from identical except for length. The cast gave a nonuniform crimp. There-
reamed and trimmed ,308 rifle brass, .41 slugs available to me were not fore, the taper crimp with the
or from .45 Winchester Magnum reliable, but NE1 moulds were carbide die was used on all of the
cases, which must be shortened, provided by SSK Industries for two accuracy loads, which also
formed and trimmed. I chose the new J.D. Jones designs - a appeared to feed smoothly.
last route, and I have reloaded both truncated cone (flat-nose) a n d a
these and the .45 ACP type fifteen to round-nose, both with a faint crimp- Most of the light and medium
twenty times with no loss due to ing shoulder and a single lube loads were made with CCI No. 350
normal loading and firing. No neck groove. These performed faultless- (magnum) primers. For medium-to-
annealing has been done to date. A ly. Both were 185-grainers nomi- heavy loads, harder W-W 7M
roll crimp may be used, but I prefer nally, weighing less in linotype. magnum large pistol primers were
a light taper crimp, easily obtained Lawrence Magnum alloy was used used. The heaviest loads, including
using my RCBS Carbo sizing die in for full-weight bullets. The RCBS all of those with Blue Dot, were
.41 Magnum. Lubrisizer with RCBS Lube a n d a primed with CCI No. 200 large rifle
Components .410 inch die was used with appro- caps. The harder cups of rifle
priate nose punches. Finished primers were desirable to minimize
The performance a n d advantages bullets were inspected for complete primer cratering a n d extrusion into
of .41 Avenger are best realized with fill, but not sorted by weight. the firing pin hole. If this occurred,
170 to 185-grain bullets. However, the extruded metal was shaved off
some 200 to 220-grain slugs shoot ACP brass with three headstamps in part, showing the brass in the
very well, though recoil is more was used: W-W, R-P, a n d Federal. cup. This never resulted in piercing
noticeable a n d some designs do not The uncannelured cases were pre- or leakage of gases from the round,

.41 Avenger Accuracy Series

Table IV
Cast 179-grain RN; (linotype) .45 ACP-based brass;
Bullseye powder; CCI 350s; 25-yard five-shot groups; Lee
machine rest.
Table V
Cast 186-grain TC; .45 Win. MagAype brass, powder
- Series Averages
W-231; W-W 7M primers; 25-yard five-shot groups; Lee
machine rest.
charge size velocity deviation comments Series Averaaes
(grains) (inches) (fPS)
group standard
4.2 3.06 822 10 charge size velocity deviation comments
4.4 .80 846 6 Best RNload (grains) (inches) (fps)
4.6 2.15 878 5 4.5 1.29 816 16
4.8 1.89 916 8 5.0 1.38 876 15
5.0 1.90 944 8 5.5 1.15 896 10
5.2 2.41 978 2 6.0 1.25 948 12
5.4 2.56 1,007 12 6.5 1.50 1,053 10 MAX.
5.6 1.87 1,035 14 7.0 1.36 1,108 ___ Too Hot, bad leading, cratering
5.8 1.27 1,046 10 Good load; slight leading shaving

30 H A N D L O A D E R 107
groove (none found). Average velo-
cities a n d standard deviations were
recorded from the Oehler Model 33
readout. Groups were printed on
reversed full targets at twenty-five
yards, usually nine or more groups
per sheet. They were measured
center-to-centerof widest hits with a
micrometer caliper a n d recorded.
Two sources of brass for the .41 Avenger: from left, .45 Winchester Three or more groups were fired for
Magnum case, the formed .41, and sectioned fired case. From right each load and averaged. Only a few
to left, the .45 ACP case, the formed short .41, and a sectioned case. obvious fliers were omitted. Most
firings were done a t 6 0 to 90 degrees,
and slowly to keep the gun cool.
but the firing pin hole in my gun is good in some loads, was not a s Results obtained early in the
close-fitting. In a looser fit between uniform or clean-burning. testing, but after initial work
pin and hole, this might lead to a reported elsewhere, included the
dangerous leakage. In heavy load Accuracy Firing best groups, then they began to
firing, the use of a heavy duty firing Series of loads differing by .2, .3 or open noticeably. This was traced to
pin spring and hammer spring is .5-grain increments of powder were “wearing in” of the barrel, with
recommended for this reason, also. prepared and fired in a single resulting slight binding of the barrel
My gun was reliable with all of these session. Duplicate series were pre- extension or tang against the left
primers. pared a n d fired in separate sessions side of the slide and of the link in its
a t the range. Each powder charge mounting. This was relieved by
During all firing, a Wilson Shok- in these series was weighed with a filing a n d polishing the side of the
Buff composition buffer was kept in precision of less than k.05 grain; tang and the inside of the slot
place on the spring guide and a charges thrown by my Lyman- holding the link. Groups improved
heavy duty recoil spring was added Ohaus Duomeasure seemed to give but did not tighten up to the .original
for heavy loads. These served to similar velocity spreads in a few excellence.
prevent damage due to metal-to- checks. In addition loads were
metal contact and peening in recoil. checked for functioning through the To illustrate this effect, Table I
Even so, the heaviest loads caused magazine, since the gun must be summarizes the results of eight
some detectable marks on the base single-loaded in the Lee rest. The series firings, all in .45 ACP-based
of the spring guide and on the link best length range for feeding was brass (Federal, W-W a n d R-PI with
mounting stud. After all testing had 1.20 to 1.26 inches, so all bullets were CCI No. 350 primers, Bullseye, and
been completed, the Gold Cup seated to 1.24 OAL, and crimped the cast (Magnum alloy) 186-grain,
barrel was replaced in the gun and separately with the .41 Mag RCBS truncated cone (TCI Jones bullet.
several groups were fired for accu- Carbo sizing die. These series were run over a period
racy. It was shown that little, if any, of more than three months, and the
loss of .45 accuracy had resulted. After each five-shot group, the first series was the best I have ever
chamber and bore were checked for fired (or heard of) by any regular
In addition to those listed in the leading and residues, and cleaned handgun in a centerfire caliber. The
SSK data, a number of powders with a dry brass brush if dirty. The ten groups in series 1 ranged from
were tested briefly. However, the gun was cleaned between sessions, .78 to 1.21 inches, averaging just
full range of loads could be made but most of the loads were very 1.01. (Actually series 1 also included
with Bullseye, 231, a n d Blue Dot, clean burning. Fired cases were three other loads - 3.4, 3.6 and 3.8
and no other powder was found to checked also for primer pressure grains, all under one inch - which
be a s good a s one of these three for signs and for other signs, including
any need. Unique, while usable a n d bulging in or near the extraction (Continued on page 60)

.41 Avenger Accuracy Series

Table VI Table VI1

Sierra 170 JHC; W-W .45 ACP-type brass; Blue Dol Sierra 210 JHC; CCI No. 200 primers; Blue Dot powder;
powder; CCI No. 200 primers; 25-yard five-shot groups: 25-yard five-shot groups; Lee machine rest.

Lee machine rest. Series Averages
Series Averages .45 Win. Mag:type .45 ACP-type
group standard standard standard
charge size velocity deviation comments charge group velocity deviation comments group velocity deviation comments
(grains) (inches) UPS) (grains) (inches) (fps) (inches) (fps)
10.0 1.39 980 45 9.5 2.38 1,052 15 2.02 1.016 28
10.5 1.62 1.024 30 10.0 1.32 1,107 19 1.46 1,099 23
11.0 1.70 1,068 35 10.5 2.41 1,145 10 MAX. 1.66 1,151 10
11.5 1.75 1,133 27 11.0 2.01 1,183 14 TooHot 1.52 1,163 23 MAX.
12.0 1.94 1,167 58
12.5 1.25 1,301 21 MAX., slight cratering

probably are fairly typical of what bullet exposure to hot gases, a n d
could be expected from the fitted such loads were best primed with
.41 Avenger conversion in a tight semi-auto, not W-W 7M magnum primers to mini-
(Continued from page 31) accurized. mize cratering. Using this combina-
tion with the 186-grainTC (magnum)
Several good loads were found in bullet, 231 gave 1.15 to 1.50 inch
did not cycle the action reliably.) these series, and all had acceptable
Series 2, 3 a n d 4 were fired a s slight average groups over the entire
accuracy for any use except match range of 4.5 to 7.0 grains, a s shown
binding developed, and some heavy shooting. Four grains of Bullseye by Table V, based on the average of
firing was also done during this gave a mild, reliable target load a t just two series. The 7.0-grain charge
period. Series 5, 6, 7 a n d 8 show the 770 fps with 1.33-inch average was excessive, although still reason-
improvement after refitting. groups. Equivalent to the lightest ably accurate.
.45 ACP target loads, this seems
The averages of these eight series even lighter in .4 1 Avenger. The 5.4- The use of longer brass seemed to
grain load still seems mild, but it is a cause overpressuring from loads
good general purpose round (1.36- which seemed acceptable in shorter
inch groups). .45 ACP-type brass. This was also
F * ~ ~ ~ . < ~ F ; .BMGc>ww
. : F F ~ < ~ O,+,w9z seen in the heaviest loads to be
Reloading Dies to fit the For IPSC (International Practical described below.
RCBS “Big Max” Press. Shooting Confederation) large bore
J. Henrv Customs
~ ~~~~
qualification, a t least a 185-grain Jacketed Bullets
P.O. gox 3281 bullet at 1,000 fps is required; this is The .41 Avenger was not designed
Texas City, TX 77592 met by the 5.8-grain load a t 1,019 fps a s a target caliber, even though the
(409)945-5543 (1.51-inchgroups). The 6-grain load above results show its fine accuracy
leaded too much, with definite in a closely fitted gun. The caliber
primer cratering, and was not much was intended for other competitive
faster at 1,034 fps. If Bullseye shooting, such a s IPSC a n d other
charges were pushed above 6-grains combat-type matches, and for more
with any 170 to 186-grain bullet, serious use including defensive
badly cratered primers a n d bad work a n d hunting medium-sized
withir leading resulted. game. To meet these needs,
Similar series were fired with the jacketed bullets are usually
with this Marquart Neck Turning Tool - pilot
diameters from 17 t o 30 caliber We specialize in same TC bullet, substituting 231 considered superior and such loads
rebarreling and conversions - and CUT-RIFLED for Bullseye, other components justify the maximum power which is
barrels, 7mm to 45 caliber Marquart Precision C o . , remained the same. The use of 231 reasonable in this caliber.
Box 1540; Prescott. AZ8h302: (602) 445-5646
was of special interest since in the A number of jacketed bullets were
earlier .45 ACP work this powder tried with some success, but not
SKIING produced tighter groups more con- complete feeding reliability. SSK
sistently than Bullseye. However, suggests the use of Sierra JHC
El THLON AND a s shown by Table 11, that was not bullets a n d these were the only type
SHOOTING the case for the lightest .41 Avenger which was completely reliable in my
target loads. Only the 5.5-grain load work. Seated to 1.24 inches a n d
FOR with 1.06-inchgroups at 901 fps was crimped lightly in .45 ACP-based
SARAJEVO exceptionally tight. In every other brass, or firmly into the cannelure in
load, Bullseye was the better choice .45 Winchester Magnum-type cases,
for light to medium loads. Only these bullets worked faultlessly.
BE PART OF OUR TEAM series averages are reported for this
set and for other series sets. The Sierra 170 JHC gave the most
versatile performance a n d the best
When cast in linotype metal, the manageability with least recoil.
TC bullet averaged 178 grains a n d Series were fired a s before, but they
was less consistently accurate. The need not be tabulated because such
best loads were 4.8 grains of Bulls- loads have little use not filled a s well
eye, 5.4 grains a n d 5.8 grains, and by cheaper cast slugs. As a n
velocities were higher than for the example, the best load with Bullseye
Magnum bullet, a s shown in Table in .45 ACP-based brass with CCI No.
111. 300 primers was 5.2 grains for 1.23-
The round-nose Jones bullet (RN) inch average groups a t 906 fps.
of linotype did not seem to be a s Other loads in these series averaged
accurate a s the TC generally, but it 1.5to 2.3 inches.
did give one brilliantly accurate Similarly the 170 JI-IC in .45 Win-
load, 4.4 grains of Bullseye averag- chester Magnum-type brass with
ing .80 inch a t 846 fps. See Table IV CCI No. 350 primers, using 4.2
for other loads in this series set. grains of Bullseye, gave 1.33-inch
SEND $5.00 FOR A TAX groups. With 5.4 grains, 1.26-inch
DEDUCTIBLE 1984 OLYMPIC For light to medium loads there groups printed, and 5.8 grains gave
was no reason to use full length 1.31-inch groups a t 1,023 fps. Six
TEAM PIN brass, since .45 ACP-based brass grains was too heavy, again.
gave a t least equal accuracy in
U.S. BIATHLON TEAM selected loads. However, leading Somewhat hotter loads could be
POST OFFICE BOX 507 was reduced in the longer brass, made for my gun in .45 ACP-based
ESSEX JUNCTION, probably because the pressures cases with 231 powder. Using N o
VERMONT 05452 were better contained with less side 350 primers, 7.0 grains gave the best

60 H A N D L O A D E R 107
accuracy: .84 inch at 1,072 fps. And
7.5 grains pushed the 170 JHC to a NOW-a better tumbler for brass cases!
hot 1,140 fps in 1.43-inch groups. My the QT-12 "BRASS MACHINE"
top 231 load was 7.7 grains (MAX.)
for 1,194 fps and tight 1.18-inch
groups, using W-W 7M primers to
a Cleans & polishes 2-600 cases
Solid, heavy rubber barrel
One-point barrel closure
resist cratering. Covered drive system
All of these heavier loads were Full welded steel frame
Overload protected motor
fired with both the Shok-Buff buffer
and the heavy duty gun springs in
place. A similar load with Unique NEW--for reloaders!
(8.3 grains) in .45 Winchester "METAL TUMBLING MEDIA"
Magnum brass with W-W 7Ms was
uick, easy, complete
less accurate: 2.07-inch groups, 1,179 No messy residue
fps. No Unique load was found Reusable & economical
which was the equal in accuracy of Tops in performance 1 % Ibs.
the best 231 or Blue Dot loads. LORTONE, inc. SEATTLE, WA 9 8 1 07 (206)7 8 9 - 3 1 00
Unique was also less clean-burning,
though usable. The same may be
said for Herco, though less work
was done with the latter. M K 4 Bullet Master
Blue Dot Loads Gun clubs, custom loaders, ranges and police departments
appreciate the BULLET MASTER'S design automated for effi-
ciency, uniformity and reliability Finest materials are used in its
The most accurate, heavy loads construction, and ease of maintenance is built in It casts 2,400
used Blue Dot powder a n d harder bullets per hour, using 8 different moulds simultaneously, if
desired Moulds can be changed in ten minutes Bullets and
CCI No. 200 rifle primers to resist sprues separated automatically Two-part pot has premelt and
primer cratering, a s recommended pour side to maintain head pressure in pour side Circuit board
controllers maintain temperature on each side of pot within plus
by SSK instructions. I seated these or minus 7'F Temperature sensing by means of two thermo-
slightly deeper primers very firmly couples located in each side of the pot All springs and valves of
stainless steel for heat resistance Mould sets have cast over 2
(without crushing them), so that the million bullets without replacement Operates on 220 volts, 20
primer cup was flush with the case amps single phase Write or call us for current prices for BULLET
MASTER with set of moulds and extra mould sets Shipping
head. My gun was reliable with weight of BULLET MASTER is 210 Ibs. crated, shipped FOB
them, even with the regular Gold Queen Creek, Arizona 90-day partsllabor warranty Spare parts
in stock for immediate shipment, fit without problems
Cup hammer spring, but the heavy
spring was used in all firings of such MAGMA ENGINEERING COMPANY
loads. P.O. Box 16 1 Queen Creek, Arizona 85242
Telephone(602) 969-31 2 2
My most accurate heavy loads
were made in .45 ACP-derived brass.
This is not recommended by SSK or
by myself, but the listed loads did
not appear to be overpressured a n d
not even the faintest bulge in the
fired brass was detected. The brass,
mainly W-W, was either new or pre-
viously used for .41 Avenger loads 1 HUNDLOUDER Magazine- Prices are based upon scarcity and our purchase
to 5 times. I believe these loads to costs Some issues will show slight wear but they are complete and un
be safe in my gun, but I emphasize each " ',"
that these and other heavy loads Nos 6 42 55 58 and 83 (when available) $15 00
No 4 (black and white reprint) $13 50
must be worked up from at least 10 Nos 2 9 19 23 25 28 65 and 66 $10 00
percent lower charges b y an ex- Nos 3 10 24 47 49 73 74 and 7f $ 800
Nos 1 5 11 22 34 40 41 56 68 71 76 and 82 $ 600
perienced handloader, watching Nos 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 26 27 29 30 31 33 35 36
primers and brass for signs of exces- 37 44 45 48 50 51 52 53 54 57 61 64 and 87 $ 400
RIFLE Magazine - Prices are based upon scarcity and purchase costs
sive pressures. My loads are in- Nos 20 21 32 38 39 43 46 59 60 62 63 67 69 70 12 75
78 79 80 81 84 85 86 88 todate $ 300 each
tended only to illustrate results Bound Val I & 2 (one book first IO issues No 4 B&W $100 00
Nos 21 25 anu 4 1 when available $15 00
Nos 3 11 and 26 $10 00
obtained in my gun, with my com- BoundVol 3&4(issuesNo Ilthru22) $ 6500
Nos 2 4 23 42 and 49 $ 800
Bound Val 5 & 6 (issues No 23 thru 34) $ 7500
ponents, dies a n d methods. They Bound Val 7 & 8 (issues No 35 thru 46) $ 7500
Nos 1 12 13 14 22 29 53and 56 $ 600
are not intended to be used directly Bound Val 9 & IO(issues NO 47 thru 58) $ 9000
Nos 8
IO 16 17 28 35 36 37 38 39 44 46and69
6 7 9 15 18 20 24 27 30 31 32 33 34 40 43
$ 400

by others in different guns and with Bound Vol I 1 & 12 (issues No 59 thru 70)
Bound Val 13 & 14 (issues No 71 thru 82)
$ 7500
$ 7000
45 47 48 50 51 52 54 55 51 58 59 60 61 62 63
different lots of components, other Bound Vol 15 & 16 (issues No 83 thru 94) $ 7000
64 65 66 67 68 70 71 todate
No 19BbW reorint
$ 300
$13 50
dies, and varied methods. UMERICUN RIFLEMAN - Most issues available i n 1930s at $6 Bound Val 1 & 2 (one book first 12 issues) $85 00
ea 1940s at $5 ea and 1950sat $4 ea todate $3 ea We have Bound Val 3 & 4 (issue, No 13 thru 24) $85 00
The average of two series firings of
the 170 JHC appear in Table VI.
some issues in 1920s at $7 ea
GUN REPORT Magazine- Most issues available including some
Bound '
Bound Val 5 .5 6 lissues No 25 thru 36)
a 8(iSsues No j 7 thru 48)
$75 00
$85 00

The final load did show minor

rare earlyeditions Pricesare based upon publishers price list
we will send a copy upon request
:::$;:; ~ ~
Bound Vol 13 .5 14 (issues No 73 thru 84)
~ ~
$65 00
$55 00 ~
$55 00

primer pressure signs, but seemed -

HUNDLOUDER Magazine Prices are based upon scarcity and
acceptable for infrequent use in my our purchase costs Some issues will show slight wear but they
are complete and un mutilated
gun; 12.8 or 13.0 grains were too hot
a n d gave lower velocity (1,287 fps or -
Other Gun Magazinn We have small quantities of other gun
magazines Most are priced at $4 each Tell us what you need
less). At 1,301 fps, the maximum and we II quote a price
load produced 638 foot-pounds of Recently Purchased - 20 copies of Col Philip Shochley s 68
muzzle energy, which seems about page booklet on The Krag.lorgenren Rifle in The Service $5 00

the maximum reasonable power
obtainable with the .41 Avenger in a
standard five-inch barrel. Com- loading Shot
pared to .45 ACP, which should (Continued from page 14)
probably not be pushed above 500
foot-pounds in a standard semi-
“Jacketed Performance auto, that is a 28 percent improve- problem with bore cleaning as far as
with Cast Bullets” ment. leading goes. The almost universal
Illustrated -Topically Indexed
Similar loads in .45 Winchester use of some sort of plastic sleeve or
E a s y step at a time i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r obtaining Magnum-type brass were less effec- cup to protect the shot from being
Power, accuracy and bullet performance for
tive in both pressures a n d accuracy. deformed by rubbing the barrel walls
hunting to 500 yards
For example, 12.5 grains of Blue Dot has all but eliminated leading
Velocities over 3,000 Ips $5.95 problems. But the plastic wads and
in the stronger brass a n d the same
LBT softnose bullet caster.. . . . . . . . $69.00 other components gave exactly the sleeves do leave a residue that is
LBT Blue Lube - N e w h a r d formula, velocities to same velocity average, 1,301fps, but difficult to remove. Additionally, the
3100 f p s , hollow o r s o l i d , . . , , . . , . E4.OOea. use of plastic shells does promote
the No. 200 primers were more
NEW LBT Hardness taster - direct r e a d o u t , BHN
scale. R u g g e d - f a s t and e a s y to u s e and a c c u r a t e definitely cratered, some being chamber rusting.
Only.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.00 shaved, a n d two groups were 1.43 I have recently tried a brand new
A d d $1.00 per o r d e r f o r p o s t a g e and handling inches a n d 2.26 inches. The load bore cleaner in my rifle barrels. This
CORNVILLE, A2 86325. (602) 634-4300
was considered overpressured. cleaner, called Marksman’s Choice,
Lesser charges gave lower velocities has performed wonders in rifle barrels.
a n d no better accuracy. Barrels that were previously thought
Sierra 210 JHC clean gave up an unbelievable amount
of slime and copper fouling with
Although this heavier bullet is reli- almost no effort on my part. In fact
able a n d effective, it also caused this bore cleaner’s superb perform-
noticeably heavy recoil in heavy ance is what tempted me to give it a
loads, a n d the several advantages try on shotgun barrels. I t works better
of .41 over .45 ACP are less apparent than anything I have used previously
when firing it. Even so, some uses and did remove a surprising amount of
call for a heavier bullet. Several plastic from the bores of my many

powders a r e usable with the 210 shotguns.
JHC, but Blue Dot was again unex-
celled for the heaviest, accurate More notable, however, is the fact
loads. that this bore cleaner contains a very
high grade oil. This will help prevent
Table VI1 presents a direct com- chamber rust when using plastic
parison of the use of ACP a n d shells. While Marksman’s Choice can
Winchester Magnum brass with make a notable improvement in
this bullet, both with No. 200 accuracy when used in rifle bores, its
primers a n d Blue Dot. The remark- performance in shotgun barrels is
able fact is that very little difference more subtle. I t is, nonetheless, the
exists between the averages (two best shotgun bore cleaner I have ever
series each), except for the pre- used.
viously noted higher pressures for
the Winchester Magnum set. Your dealer can obtain Marksman’s
Except for one charge, the ACPs Choice solvent from Marksman’s Inc.,
gave the better accuracy a n d Po BOX598, Chesterfield OH 44026.
almost as much power. Again, there The suggested retail price is $5.95 for
were no bulges in the brass, but 11.O four ounces. 0
grains seemed ,maximum in .45
ACPs, while it was definitely too hot
loads a t around 1,150 fps a n d 630 THE ACTS OF MARCH 3. 1933. JULY 2, 1946, and JUNE 11. 1960 (74 STAT.
.357 Magnum in comparable barrel ARIZONA. FOR SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1983.
lengths. I add again that such loads 1. The name of the publisher and editor is Dave Wolle, Prescott. Arizona.
should be approached with caution, 2. The owner is Wolfe Publishing Co, Inc, 138 N Montezuma St
especially in guns with loose Prescott, AZ 86302. David R Wolfe. 138 N. Montezuma. Prescott. AZ
Preserve your magazines in sturdy, chambers or firing pin holes.
3. The known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders
handsome and practical black-grained owning or holding 1 percent or more 01 total amount 01 bonds, mortgages.
cloth woven binders. Organize 12 In summary, .41 Avenger is a very or other securities are (I1 there are none. sostate) None
issues of either magazine to make an superior addition to semi-auto
attractive addition to your library. handgun calibers. It offers fine 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security
Order Handloader or Rifle binders holder appears upon the books 01 the company as trustee or in any other
at $9.00 each. Specify “Handloader” accuracy in addition to other liduciary relation, the name 01 the person or corporation lor whom such
claimed advantages over .45 ACP. trustee is acting. also, the statements in the two paragraphs show the
or “Rifle” embossing, and quantities alfianPs full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions
required. (Please give suitable address At present, the lack of factory under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the
if UPS delivery is available in your area.) ammunition is a handicap to bmks of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity
Arizona residents please add 5 % tax. other than that 01 a bonalide owner
greater popularity, but handloaders
may use the four bullets listed 5. The average number sold or distributed. through the mails 01
Wolfe Publishing Co., Inc. herein to prepare a very versatile otherwise. to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date
shown was (This information is required by the act of lune 11. 1960. to be
P.O. BOX30-30 range of loads capable of fine per- included in all statements regardless of lrequency oi issue) 30,069
Prescott, Arizona 86302 formance in a tightly fitted gun. 0 DAVID WOLFE. Publisher


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