Department of Animal Science
Department of Animal Science
Department of Animal Science
AnSc 22
Name: Score:
Lab Sched.: Date Submitted: ____________
I. Introduction
The production of ruminant animals does not only require technical knowledge and
managerial capabilities but also manipulative skills on different management procedures
essential for an efficient and optimum animal performance. Among these processes are: ear
tagging, hoof trimming, feeding, handling, cleaning, mineral supplementation, wool clipping,
record keeping, age identification, disbudding/dehorning, cleaning, age identification, medicine
administration and among others, such daily routines in the farm also enables the farm personnel
to observe the animals more often and closely assess their health status and consequently make
actions or recommendations.
On the other hand, roughages or forages are the cheapest feed resource of ruminant animals.
In fact, the rate of profit in ruminant production enterprise depends largely on maximizing the
intake of such feed component. Thus, when going into ruminant production, the establishment
of pasture should be considered first even before the animals arrived or procured.
II. Objectives
1 To perform and develop manipulative skills on the different management practices and
procedures in ruminant species; and
2. To realize the importance of the different activities regularly done in the farm on
scheduled basis.
3. To identify and describe different species of grasses and legumes grown for the purpose
of feeding ruminants and
4. To know how to select the right species to be established based on a given
circumstances of a particular area.
A globally competitive university of science, technology and environmental conservation.
Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting – edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
III. Materials:
IV. Methods/Procedures
1. Classroom discussion on the various species of grasses and legumes used to feed
ruminants and the different management practices and procedures in small and large
ruminants: Its advantages, step-by-step procedure and purpose.
2. Conduct
A globally competitive university of science, technology and environmental conservation.
Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting – edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
College of Agriculture and Food Science
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines
AnSc 22
Name: Score:
Lab Sched.: Date Submitted: ____________
I. Introduction
II. Objectives
1. To develop thinking skills on improving housing situation and site location of ruminant
2. To know the different facilities, equipment and tools, and their specific functions in the
small and large ruminants farm.
III. Materials:
IV. Methods/Procedures
A globally competitive university of science, technology and environmental conservation.
Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting – edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
V. Questions to Answer:
Table 1. Housing assessment of DAS beef cattle project, goat/sheep project and
1. Topographic
2. Orientation
3. Roofing
4. Flooring
5. Type of housing
Table 2. Equipment and facilities of DAS beef cattle project, goat/sheep project and
1. How is proper housing improve the performance of the stocks and hasten the
daily activities especially cleaning?
2. Why is it that in goat/sheep shed is is elevated and slatted flooring is commonly
3. How ammonia affects the health and performance of ruminants.
A globally competitive university of science, technology and environmental conservation.
Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting – edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
4. Why is feeding trough or rack elevated from the flooring of small ruminants.
A globally competitive university of science, technology and environmental conservation.
Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting – edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.