ROM Wareness TO Pplication: Op Otch
ROM Wareness TO Pplication: Op Otch
ROM Wareness TO Pplication: Op Otch
Issue 4
Five essential aids to learner training
Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher
Can learner training help students learn
English more efficiently?
We begin by considering two questions concerning the teaching
of English to young adult and adult learners:
1. Working towards goals
• Which aspects of learner training relate most specifically to the
2. Observing progress learning of a new language?
and self-assessing • What teaching approaches can help students move from awareness
of helpful practices to taking the initiative and responsibility of
3. Being aware of the applying them?
instructional process This article will suggest a structured pedagogy for learner training that
will build students’ awareness of practices that aid in language learning
4. Reflecting on one’s
and enable them to apply those practices as they use and continue to
language learning
learn English.
5. Making strategies
a habit From Awareness to Application
Almost all English course books include students will not order a meal in a restaurant
use the vocabulary of foods
topics and skills, so you can show students incorporate them
and drinks
how what they will learn to do, discuss,
into their own use count and non-count nouns
understand, read, etc. support the goals
they listed. Topics and skills are usually learning initiatives correctly
easily located in the scope and sequence if they are unaware discuss healthy and unhealthy foods
chart at the beginning of most course books.
of their value. Benefit: Students consciously observe
their progress, which validates their
But most importantly, throughout the
effort and encourages perseverance in
course don’t lose sight of those goals. At the beginning of
studying English.
each class session, be sure to tell students (or post on the
board) the goal(s) for the day: Today we’re going to learn
how to give and get directions. Alternatively, for a less 3. Being aware of the instructional process
teacher-centered approach, ask students to take a few Students should become aware that the language
moments to look over the course book page or pages you presentations and activities used in class and assigned for
plan to do that class session and ask them to infer the work outside of class (homework, projects, laboratory
goal for the day. activities, on-line assignments) are not random or
accidental. They should be led to see how each one of
Benefit: Students see a practical purpose for each
these has an additive and integrative impact on their
lesson and are motivated by how each lesson will help
learning of English.
them attain their own goals.
For example, if the communication goal of a class is to
2. Observing progress and self-assessing extend, accept, or decline invitations to events, then the
grammar or vocabulary presented during that class
If each class begins with the statement of an achievable
session should be essential to achievement of the
goal, it then becomes easy for students to observe and
communication goal. One such plan follows:
confirm their progress. One simple way to ensure this is
to ask them, “Did you learn how to give someone
* Can-do statements are used as assessment criteria by the Council of Europe’s
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
COMMUNICATIVE GOAL: EXTEND, ACCEPT, AND It is our experience that students will not be aware of
DECLINE INVITATIONS this without prompting.
A. Model Conversation (to exemplify the goal) Benefit: Students become aware that language
presented and practiced contributes to their being
A: Are you free on Friday? Married on able to achieve a communicative goal.
Main Street is at the Film Forum.
B: Really? I’d love to go. What time? 4. Reflecting on one’s learning
A: At 7:10.
There are a number of hurdles that must be overcome in
OR the learning of a foreign or a second language. One such
B: Really? I’d love to go, but I’m busy on hurdle that interferes with progress is not knowing the
Friday. difference between understanding the meaning of a word
A: Too bad. Maybe some other time. and being able to translate it into one’s own language.
C. Pair Work (to permit students to observe how the The following example from a Spanish class for English
model and the grammar are essential in achieving speakers illustrates learner confusion between
the goal) “understanding” and “translating” and suggests a way
to build student awareness that understanding is possible
A: Are you free _____? _____ is without translation.
playing _____.
A picture in an intermediate level Spanish-as-a-second-
B: Really? I’d love to go. _____? language textbook showed sugar cane growing in a sugar
cane field. The caption read: La caña de azúcar crece en
un cañaveral. (“Sugar cane grows in a sugar cane field.”)
Other titles of
Other titles available:
interest in the
Making Englis h Unforgettable
An award-winning* communicative course for adults A Process Approach
and young adults that sets new standards for reflecting
how English is used as an international language. The Purposeful The
of SongsUsein of Songs
Millions of students worldwide have learned Language Instruction
in Language Instruction
English using the Top Notch series.
A Process Approach
For more free downloadable resources to
Now available in Third Edition, with ActiveTeach and Four
details of online Techniques
professional that Ensure
development, Results
MyEnglishLab to make teaching and learning easier. (see page 8)
*Top Notch is the recipient of the Asssociation of Educational
Publishers’ Distinguished Achievement Award for content creativity,
originality, educational value, and ease of use. 6