GPE Brochure
GPE Brochure
GPE Brochure
Dear reader:
Why GPE?
Opportunities for Engineers 8
Global Production Engineering 9
An International Attitude 10
Qualification 11
Interview with Prof. Seliger 12
Alumni Report 14
Why Berlin?
Interview with Prof. Kutzler 16
Living in Berlin 18
Technical University Berlin 20
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and Transport Systems 24
Production Technology Center 25
Equipment 26
VW Library 28
Solar Instruction Lab 29
How to apply?
Contact Us 46
Application Process 47
Academic Support 48
GPE Information Systems 49
Support Offices TU Berlin 49
Why GPE?
For Engineers
Our GPE graduates go on to assume leading ships between the economy, technology, the
positions as technology managers, function- environment, and society, The ability to work
ing successfully in international value-added independently and responsibly in intercultu-
chains. The qualifications they acquire are ral multidisciplinary projects, The ability to
directly taken from the job descriptions of place what they have learned in the context
technology managers in the global business of economically, socially, and culturally diffe-
environment. International cooperation rent regions and to apply it there.
between businesses demands engineers with
the ability to cooperate and communicate The GPE curriculum was designed with these
globally. Science, research, and global indus- requirements in mind, and has proven itself
trial practices require that GPE graduates in the career experiences of GPE graduates.
master the following skills: In addition, opportunities for interdisciplinary
cooperation are enhanced by the research
The ability to understand, assess, and apply facilities involved in the program or through
scientific, natural science, and technical interdisciplinary research projects. These
interconnections when developing, main- research facilities include the Fraunhofer so-
taining, and improving construction and ciety, the Production Technical Center Berlin,
manufacturing products and processes, The Helmholtz-Zentrum, and the Konrad-Zuse
ability to recognize and assess interrelation- Center for Information Technology in Berlin. 11
Professor Seliger, you‘re the Dean and co- collaboration network.
founder of the Global Production Enginee- And, of course, we place strong emphasis on
ring (GPE) curriculum, created in 1997. What the city of Berlin itself: Next to curriculum,
led you to found this course of study? we focus on cultural development; we take
In collaboration with the DAAD (Deutscher our students to theaters and museums, we
Akademischer Austauschdienst), we hit on attend exhibits, conventions, and concerts
the idea of encouraging more non-European and celebrate the holidays together.
students to study in Germany. Our institution
is very well suited to that, since we have a Thus, in addition to professional qualifica-
plethora of accessory resources and offer tion, GPE focuses strongly on integrating our
a first-class and internationally recognized students into our community. The „Manu-
engineering education. We have made great facturing“ track offered by GPE has found
strides and have around 160 applicants annu- strong resonance in industry. What moved
ally, of which we are able to accept about 50 you to introduce the „Solar“ major now?
who meet all the requirements and bring all The solar industry, which has shown strong
the essential qualifications with them. growth not just in Berlin-Brandenburg,
but also throughout Germany, came to us
What are some specifics you would empha- and told us that they needed academic-
size in the organization of this curriculum? technical leaders for their export markets,
Every year, we conduct a thorough survey of which already make up far more than 50%
our students at every level so we can get into of their future business. So, we expanded
what changes are wanted in all the fields and our core competencies of engineering, lean
thus continue to improve. Furthermore, we engineering, management, and organization
are redoubling our project-oriented efforts of the value creation process by adding an
and have been able to significantly expand illustrious network in the solar field, and now
our connections to our industrial partners, so offer a major in „Solar.“ This network includes
that we now have access to a considerable the Renewables Academy, the Helmholtz
Interview with Prof. Seliger:
Engineers are the Blacksmith
of the global village
Institute, former known as the Hahn-Meitner potentials. Now, however, the broad field of
Institute, Schott, Jena Glass, and the Vogt sustainability is taking on a massive amount
Engineering Consultants, which has grown of significance, something that we here at
from 4 to 170 employees in the last 5 years, the institute have long been predicting. We
has its headquarters only 100 yards away, and used to be laughed at quite often for making
has already funded a scholarship for the first this prediction, but we long ago reoriented
solar intake. our teaching functions to this topic and have
become a pioneer in this area.
In addition to your position as Dean, you
are also active as an instructor at GPE. Have What role does the city of Berlin play for you
there been difficult changes in the field of as an instructor?
knowledge transfer? Berlin is a dream location for obtaining a
Information technology has given us access wholistic education and offers conditions
to knowledge resources in a scope that for me as an instructor that are unmatched
would have been inconceivable up until 5 almost anywhere else. Variety, innovative
years ago. That leads to a situation where strength, and culture are dimensions that still
the pure transfer of knowledge becomes have special meaning in Berlin. Combined
secondary to the mode of transfer, where the with this city, there is no other production
instructor communicating with the students engineering institute like this anywhere else
is concerned. And the consequence of that in in the world linked with an excellence that
turn is that an intensified project orientati- is internationally respected and recognized.
on has to occur that we can focus on all of Students come to Berlin from around the
our academic content. However, industry world with great enthusiasm and joy, because
demands on engineers have also changed. In they can combine international living with
the past, when they were problem-solving, personal and professional qualification. In
engineers mainly had to link the dynamics my opinion, Berlin is and has always been a
of the analysis of the technical and social global city with an eye to the future.
Alumni Report „I started working as a management consul-
tant at McKinsey and Company.
In my studies I focused on logistics and supply
chain management and realized this focus
by taking courses in both, doing relevant
„I am presently working with Cadbury India internships (SCM at Continental and Logistics
Limited as Development Manager in Logistic at Audi) and by writing my master thesis in
functions, implementing SAP-APO in the a related topic. I chose this focus because it
organization. I am heading the project. gave me the opportunity to have a good mix
Officially it is the Masters degree that I got for of operations and management content.
my studies, but really speaking, the course, Learning how to not only work in interna-
the location (Berlin) and the students (multi- tional teams but also how to develop deep
national) gave the best experience one could personal relationships with people of com-
ask for. The city of Berlin has given me a lot of pletely different backgrounds was for me the
experiences which I will cherish throughout most important aspect of working together
my life, the most important being when I sub- with students from different nationalities and
mitted my final master thesis, it was a tribute cultures. At McKinsey, where international
to all the hard work.“ teams are the norm, my experience at GPE
Anup Mudugal has helped me immensely.
It was undoubtedly the numerous parties hos-
ted by co-students, Chinese, Mexican, Indian
„I am currently working for a German or otherwise which added a lot of color to the
company here in Indonesia and quite often I 2 years at GPE.
have to deal with other subsidiaries around GPE provides much better international
the world. Berlin is very attractive for foreign exposure than any other masters program
student, its international atmosphere as well which is extremely valued in the job market
as its reasonable living cost.“ in Europe.“
Rusly Wiryanto Ajay Sohoni
„I started my own consulting company in „After my graduation I moved to Miami, Flori-
Mexico. Our main services are in areas of da in the United States. Here I am starting my
quality and manufacturing. Most of the skills own Business. I focused on Logistics. It was
learned during my GPE studies (Technical the most interested area for me. The Logistics
and soft skills) help a lot on my job. Berlin Department was one of the most prepared
is a wonderful city and I had there several and had more options and opportunities
big emotional experiences, but the most than any other department. Some of the
important is that I met my wife in Berlin. The activities that they offered were seminars,
GPE is an excellent way to start an exceptional guest lectures, trips to different companies, a
contact’s network.“ complete week of seminar and lectures from
José Manuel Martínez López the most recognized companies such as BMW
and Coca-Cola. For me the most important
thing about studying abroad is to learn about
„I joined ABB AG in China after GPE study, other cultures and to get integrated in the
and after 2 years working there the company whole globalization. Nowadays, you need
set me to ABB AG Germany for another more from other countries and cultures, and
interesting position. Berlin is a different city I believe you could get a great network and a
in Germany, it is not very German, but very great idea of the rest of the world when you
international, not boring compared to other study with people from other cultures.“
German cities, I like Berlin very much. In Cecilia Pantin
my mind, Berlin has the biggest number of
football playgrounds, which I like.“
Yang Pei
Professor Kutzler, you‘ve been the president the basic course offerings, for example with
of the Berlin Institute of Technology (TU) for selective language classes and contact oppor-
6 years. As the capital of Germany, Berlin tunities, something GPE (Global Production
offers not only quite rich cultural attractions, Engineering) has done since its founding.
but also outstanding opportunities to stu-
dents. What is it that makes Berlin such an The TU Berlin has therefore already po-
attractive location for a university? sitioned itself internationally and is busy
Berlin‘s academics and research advantages expanding its connections. Do you also see
are rooted in the infinitely vast scientific risks there?
landscape that exists here: three universities I can‘t see any disadvantages to being an
and over 60 research institutes. This makes international university. Moreover, I don‘t
Berlin not only one of the strongest scientific see anything new here at all; rather it‘s
centers in Europe, but also a place where you something that has been inherent in science
can prove the dictum that learning springs as long as it‘s been around. Science cannot
directly from ongoing research. We have 111 spring from a single mind - it arises in dialo-
collaboration agreements with universities gue, its prime element. That‘s why science is
in 66 countries, 6000 foreign students at our not just nationally or regionally limited; it can
universities, and we are glad they‘re here. act regionally and help regionally, but science
The TU Berlin itself has joint courses of study must be international.
with Chinese, Korean, Polish, and French
universities, and has also set up graduation People seek to study abroad not just becau-
programs for very good doctoral candidates se of the academics being offered, but also
under the Initiative for Excellence. However, in order to get to know a country better.
it‘s important that we do not forget to inte- Do you think people gain lasting personal
16 grate students into our community beyond benefits from that?
Interview with Prof. Kutzler:
SCience has always
been international
I do believe that people change for the better So, the TU Berlin is changing - what changes
when they‘re abroad, because being abroad have occurred in the last ten years in teaching
breaks down unconscious prejudices. Simply methods?
put, people become more open to the world We have to talk about two different areas
when they see how people in another part of here: technical change and content change.
the world work. I think people also become The introduction of new technologies and
more tolerant of other people. You learn new media has greatly changed and improved
how to get along with them better, to make the way teaching is done. Nowadays, we use
friends. When you live in another country, electronic blackboards in almost every field,
it matures you. You have to adjust to a new scripts can be downloaded from the Internet,
situation, adapt to new customs, you learn and administrative tasks, such as registering
a lot. for attending written exams, can be done more
easily over the Internet or lectures can be given
Is that why the TU Berlin will be awarding by videostreaming around the world. Moreover,
the title of „Master of Science (MSC)“ from problems can be visualized and clarified much
now on, instead of the earlier title „Diplom- more easily using computers. With respect to
Ingenieur“? content, teaching has changed in that we teach
TU Berlin‘s title of „Diplom-Ingenieur,“ or using case studies in ways that are significantly
Licensed Engineer, is an international seal more closely related to practice, so that the
of good quality. „Master of Science“ doesn‘t soft skills that are also needed for professio-
give anything away in quality vis-à-vis Diplom- nal work can be practiced in group work and
Ingenieur, and so is also a top international problem-solving, and not just theoretically, but
brand. It‘s just that the MSC is more internati- also under near-real-world conditions with the
onal by its very nature. opportunity to get help from instructors at any
time, by e-mail, for example. 17
in Berlin
Berlin is both the capital city of Germany and politics, media, and science. Its economy
one of sixteen German states. With a popula- is primarily based on the service sector,
tion of more than three million people from encompassing a diverse range of creative
180 different countries, Berlin is Germany’s industries, media corporations, environmen-
largest city and attracts visitors from around tal services, and convention venues; it also
the world. In addition to the many political serves as a continental hub for air and rail
institutions, the city is home to numerous transport. Berlin is the third most-visited
German and international associations, busi- tourist destination in the EU. Other industries
nesses, and media centers. include traffic engineering, optoelectronics,
The city’s greatest natural resource is know- information technology, vehicle manufactu-
ledge. Berlin possesses a research community ring, health care, biomedical engineering, and
that is unique in Germany. In this “labora- biotechnology.
tory of ideas,” scientists from all over the Home to world-renowned universities, re-
globe come together to develop technology, search institutes, sporting events, orchestras,
processes, and products for the future. Berlin museums, and famous personalities, Berlin‘s
has three universities, seven polytechnical urban landscape and historic legacy has
colleges, four arts colleges, and more than made it a popular setting for international
60 non-university research institutions. This film productions. The city is recognized for
includes facilities of the city of Berlin, such as its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife,
the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences contemporary arts, and high quality of life.
(BBAW), as well as the Max Planck Institutes Berlin has evolved into a global focal point for
and the institutes of the Fraunhofer Society. young individuals and artists attracted by a
130,000 young people study in Berlin. Fifty progressive lifestyle and modern zeitgeist.
thousand men and women are employed in
science and research in the city. More informations at:
Berlin is a major center of European culture, -> Germany or ->Berlin
Technische The establishment of the Building Academy
in 1799 is generally regarded as the true birth
Universität Berlin of the Technische Universität Berlin. The
Mining Academy, founded in 1770, and the
Vocational Academy, founded in 1821, were
also important predecessors of the present-
day TU Berlin. The Building and Vocational
Academies were combined in 1879 to form
the Royal Technical College of Berlin. In 1899
it became the first technical college in the
German Empire to be granted the right to
award doctorates to engineers. In 1916 the
Mining Academy was incorporated. One year
later, professors with budgeted posts at the
Technical College were given the status of
full university professors. In 1922 the various
divisions became faculties.
The darkest chapter in the history of the
university began in 1933. The Berlin Technical The incorporation of the Berlin Pedagogic
College had become a center of Nazi activity, College has strengthened the role of the
especially – but not exclusively – among teaching profession at TU Berlin. As an engine
the student body. In April 1946, with the for reform and invention reform legislation in
support of the British military government in the late 1960’s, TU Berlin brought fundamen-
Berlin, the university re-opened its doors. A tal changes to the internal organization of
conscious decision was made not to simply the university. The outdated structures of the
re-open the Technical College, but to open a traditional German university system were
new university under a new name, the Tech- swept aside, and university members were gi-
nische Universität Berlin. The result was the ven a greater role in shaping university policy.
creation of Germany’s first “technical univer- Twenty-one departments were established.
sity.” In an attempt to redefine the educatio- A president replaced the traditional dean as
nal goals of the university, all students were head of a unified administration. Universi-
required to include courses in the humanities ty committees were made responsible for
as part of their studies, the intention being to academic self-government. After a number of
broaden students’ horizons. other changes, the number of departments
Today, the university offers a broad range of fell to 15. In April 2001 these were again reor-
courses in the humanities and social sciences. ganized into eight faculties in order to
exploit synergies and further develop TU TU Berlin has been to improve teaching and
Berlin’s profile. study conditions. The changes are governed
The university has been home to many by the “Guidelines for Further Development
renowned scientists. Three-color photogra- of Study Programs” adopted by TU Berlin’s
phy and rotogravure printing were developed Academic Senate in February of 2000. One
here. Research into motor vehicle design, of the goals of the measures has been to
radiotelegraphy, machine kinematics and reduce study times in order to increase the
early television techniques provided the attractiveness and competitiveness of the
basis for a number of modern technologies. university degrees on the labor market.
Georg Schlesinger’s pioneering research into Another important goal is to enhance the
the interaction of machine tool design and international quality of the education offered
factory management contributed to the deve- at TU Berlin. For this reason, a growing num-
lopment of ergonomics and biomedical tech- ber of international studies programs leading
nology. Ernst Ruska, who later won the Nobel to bachelor’s and master’s degrees are
Prize, built the first electron microscope at being established. Modular course systems
the Technical College of Berlin. Konrad Zuse are being introduced to allow more flexible
constructed the first freely programmable studies. This makes it easier to take part in in-
calculating machine, a precursor of modern ternational exchange programs, increases the
computers, out of spare parts. Among today’s freedom of choice regarding courses within
research figures, Günter Spur plays a leading the faculties, and encourages interdiscipli-
role in the prestigious Production Technology nary studies. According to the guidelines, TU
Center, known as the “factory of the future.” students are expected to devote 15 percent
The Center unites the Institute for Machine of their studies to disciplines outside their
Tools and Factory Management and the own fields.
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems The new budgeting system offers financial
and Design Technology under one roof. rewards for improving study conditions in the
The main thrust of the current reforms at individual faculties.
Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering
And Transport Systems
Faculty V of Mechanical Engineering and technology depends on progress in creating
Transport Systems draws together enginee- new materials. Improved integration of me-
ring disciplines such as mechanical engi- chanical and electrical components, together
neering, transport technology, and social with control, information and production
sciences such as psychology and ergonomics. technologies, also plays a role. Information
The relationships between individuals, tech- technology is taking on an increasingly impor-
nology, and society provide a framework for tant role in all engineering sciences.
many exciting areas in research and teaching Other specialties are in the areas of cons-
in Faculty V. Human-machine interactions truction and production technology and
play an important role, especially in such in the development of disassembly plants
fields as mechanical engineering, psychology, which carry out environmentally friendly
and transportation management. The drive to dismantling of devices such as household
view complex systems in the context of their appliances. Intensive research in cooperation
social, technical, ecological and economic with industry is also done on rail vehicles,
ramifications is mirrored in the individual as well as aircraft and aerospace systems.
course programs. The development and Scientists from TU Berlin were involved in
construction of new products and processes the development of the high-speed magnetic
for medical and microtechnology, for power railway Transrapid and the passenger aircraft
and flow technology, and transportation Airbus successor A380.
Production Technology Center
In 1904, Wilhelm II appointed Dr. Georg Schle- by famous Prof. Günter Spur. At the Institute
singer, age 30, to a professorship for Machine of Machine Tools and Factory Management,
Tool and Technology and Factory Operation the research and teaching programs focus
at the Königliche Technische Hochschule zu on technology and management in industrial
Berlin. Thus, Prussia was the first state in Ger- factory businesses today. These range from
many to establish a professorship of this kind. the development of process technologies and
Schlesinger is considered the pioneer of scien- production plants to information technology.
tific organizations in Germany. His findings on Scientists work at the „digitally-integrated
questions of rationalization, standardization, factory“ in five departments.
interchangeable manufacture, and psycho- The further growth of both institutes required
technology were based on a thorough study a new building, which was acquired in 1986.
of the theories of the American manufactu- Over 400 employees work in research,
ring engineer F. W. Taylor (1856 - 1915). teaching, and industrial development here
In the subsequent years, the Königliche Tech- today. The central test field alone comprises
nische Hochschule zu Berlin received a high 3,850 sqm, and the total area at our disposal
degree of recognition at both national and equipped with the most modern machinery,
international levels. computers, and software systems comprises a
The Production Technology Center Berlin workspace of 15,000 sqm.
(PTC) covers the Institute for Machine Tools For their work, the architects Gerd Fesel,
and Factory Management (IWF) of Technische Peter Bayerer, Hans-Dieter Heckel, and Roland
Universität Berlin and the Fraunhofer Insti- Ostertag won the German architecture prize
tute for Production Plants and Construction in 1987. The PTC works intensively with part-
Technology (IPK), both from 1965 to 1997 lead ners abroad both in research and in teaching.
Equipment In recent years, GPE has invested heavily in
the program‘s software and hardware equip-
ment to build a modern computer pool that
can support students with the information
necessary for successful study. In this context,
the student workspace has been equipped
with new computers and software for their
courses. GPE students have access to the PTC
computer pool 24 hours a day. Every student
receives an account, a home domain, and an
e-mail address. Moreover, students have ac-
26 cess to a wireless local area network in most
of the buildings at the University for direct
internet access. Students are provided with
all the software needed to complete relevant
homework assignments at the computer • laser cutting plant,
pool. Naturally, they can use their own lapt- • rapid prototyping,
ops as well. The software consists of standard • CNC work center,
software as well as special simulation and • flexible assembly cell,
modeling programs. • flexible dismantling cell,
Test equipment is well represented in the • various robots,
Production Technology Center. The fol- • high speed cutting (HSC) engines,
lowing plants are available for research and • virtual reality laboratory,
measurement: • climate and acoustics laboratory. 27
vw library
In 2004, the TU Main Library and several de- general literature databases, a large number
partmental libraries were combined to form of computer workstations and multimedia
the new Central Library, which opened in terminals, and carrels and group study rooms
October of 2004 in the newly constructed lib- – conditions ideal for efficient work. In addi-
rary building in Fasanenstraße. The Building tion, the library is a forum for communica-
was named the „Volkswagen-Haus,“ in honor tion, information, and get-togethers.
of the fact that Volkswagen AG contributed
EURO 5 million to its construction costs. Key Facts
Apart from the collections at the TU Central Public floor area: 16,000 sqm
Library, this building houses the Library of the Total number of items: 3 million
University of the Arts (UdK). Volumes in open areas: 800,000
In this library, you will find the latest tech- Number of working/reading stations: 750
nology, extensive holdings from science and Computer workstations (thin clients): 300
28 engineering, a wide range of specialized and
training center
For Solar Technologies
Prospective engineers in the solar field need are available in the center:
above all to build their practical knowledge Photovoltaic network and island facilities
in addition to their theoretical knowledge Solar cells made of different materials (amor-
of technologies and applications. The goal phous and crystalline silicon, GaAs, CIS, etc.)
of the Training Center is to demonstrate the The most modern measurement equipment
functions of both individual elements as well for recording performance characteristics
as entire facilities for solar technologies, of solar cells, daylight simulator, functional
thus giving students a consistent practical models for solar thermal facilities.
reference in their instruction. A variety of solar collector technologies
The center is equipped with the most modern (vacuum tubes and flat collectors)
viewing and instructional material and enab- Rooftop construction for solar module
les students to work interactively with con- installation.
crete applications. The following components
what‘s inside gpe?
The GPE major in Manufacturing is designed chains and factory management are key in
for engineers from production operations the area of economics. IT tools for planning
who want to learn new technologies and and designing products and processes are
master management methods within the introduced, and students learn how to pro-
scope of their Master‘s Degree training. gram and use them. The curriculum includes
Most of the students already have professi- courses on how to work with enterprise
onal experience. They have worked in busi- resource planning software, such as SAP
nesses in the aircraft industry, aeronautics, programs, computer-aided design programs
or the electrical engineering industry, but such as Solid Edge or ProEngineer, and plan-
also in completely different areas of value ning tools for modeling production facilities
creation as planners and designers. A GPE such as EM-Plant and AutoMod, and logistics
education is designed to give students the chains such as AIMMS. Students may work
capability to take on activities in production as student interns in businesses based in
firms demanding a high degree of respon- the Berliner economy, such as Siemens or
sibility. Bombardier, as well as in the Institutes of
The training contents are oriented toward the Production Technology Center.
the state of the research and the require- After completing their studies, graduates
ments of professional practice. The theory work as production planners and quality
of flexible, adaptable, and virtual factories is engineers, process planners, and product
a major educational focus. Production plan- managers. In their positions, they take on
ning and control, process-oriented factory leading roles in the automobile industry, the
layout, CaX programs and virtual design are electrical and electronics industry, and in
all part of the mix. Designing global supply mechanical and facilities engineering.
The solar major
The GPE Solar major is designed for engineers thermal energy conversion and photovoltaics
from production operations who want to based on the current state of the research,
learn new technologies and management on up to designing and installing complete
methods during their Master‘s Degree trai- facilities.
ning with a strong focus on photovoltaics and Drawing from the GPE Manufacturing
solar-thermal energy conversion. courses, the program teaches general princip-
Most students have already had contact with les in the Production Module. These include
businesses active in renewable energy during production planning and control, process-ori-
their training or professional experience. A ented plant layout, and CaX programs.
GPE education is designed to give students Knowledge specific to manufacture and plan-
the capability to take on activities in solar ning of solar factories is taught in supplemen-
industry firms demanding a high degree of tal advanced courses. These include clean
responsibility. room technology and dry chemistry.
The training contents are oriented toward the Students may work as interns in Berlin-based
state of the research and the requirements of companies. As a leading center for the solar
professional practice. In order to meet these industry, Berlin offers a wide spectrum of
requirements, GPE Solar was initiated jointly solar internship opportunities.
with the Renewables Academy (Renac) as a After completing their studies, graduates
collaboration partner. Renac works closely work as planners, builders, or product and
with leading companies and research facilities process managers in designing and improving
in the solar industry and forms an interface solar value-creation chains. In their new
between business and universities. jobs, they take on leading roles in the global
The focal points in training for GPE Solar in solar industry, the electrical and electronics
the Engineering Module are teaching the industry, and in mechanical and facilities
technological principles in the field of solar- engineering.
Industrial Information Technology Manufacturing and Factory Planning Production Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Eckart Uhlmann
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Our instructors prepare and teach current • Industrial Information Technology deals
contents from research and practice in with methods of information processing and
lectures and exercises as part of the GPE industrial application. Participants learn how
curriculum in the 5 module groups: Produc- to evaluate information technology potentials
tion, Engineering, Management, Intercul- for use in factory settings and how to plan
tural Communication, and Special Profile. projects to implement them.
E-learning offerings and intensive practical
application help students handle growing
knowledge demands. The following is a
brief overview of the course presentation • Manufacturing and Factory Planning deals
contents: with the special knowledge required to
successfully plan modern factories. Students
practice by developing technology-specific
business fields. Supplementary skills in process
chain-related analysis and design are taught
internally and with a focus on several compa-
nies. The approach is based on an integrated
customer-oriented creation of value processes
in the competitive business environment.
Energy Engineering Mathematical Tools for Engineering PV Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. George Tsatsaronis and Management Dr. Thomas Dittrich
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Martin Grötschel [email protected]
[email protected]
Module Group b:
Engineering science
Logistics Supply Chain Management and Advanced Quality Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Straube Planning Systems Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Herrmann
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Hans-Otto Guenther joachim. [email protected]
[email protected]
Module Group c:
tions could mean for economic and social and maintenance processes, and provides stu-
development. The focus is on investigating dents with an insight into product use beyond
available technical options, the existing energy the end of useful life, making a closed resource
infrastructure, the needed infrastructure, and cycle possible.
the economic conditions of the region.
• Solar Applications in the Built Environment
• Certification of PV Modules shows how provides comprehensive information on ways
modules can be examined under standard to improve energy efficiency in buildings using
test conditions, and how to calculate energy solar technology. Students are introduced to
yields and system reliability. Students are given architectural design, the history of energy-
an overview of the norms, standards, and efficient building, and solar design concepts.
certification procedures for photovoltaic sys- On completion of the course, students will
tems. Information on quality control systems understand the needs and requirements of
for module production and test procedures users and designers who are applying solar
rounds out the course. technologies in the built environment.
An internship lasting at least 9 weeks in a often request talented GPE students to serve
European company gives students the perfect as interns.
opportunity to learn about new work envi- GPE publishes an admissions catalogue listing
ronments. They come into contact with new the curricula vitae of incoming students as
working cultures, other technologies, bran- a way of helping to advertise its students‘
ches, and organizational structures. Excluding capabilities in solving problems in business
their own cultural area, students may choose environments. This catalogue introduces our
the country where they wish to complete this highly prepared GPE students to companies
internship. Students can choose between and research facilities. This catalogue also
rather application-oriented industry activities helps many GPE students get in touch with
or research-oriented activities, depending on companies and find a suitable internship or
their interests. Mechanical engineering and topic of interest for their Master‘s Thesis.
42 electrical engineering companies in particular
Master‘s Thesis
The Master‘s Thesis is the finishing touch on task. At the end of that time, the student
the study program. This is where students presents his/her results to the sponsoring
demonstrate how they apply what they have institute and possibly the company as well.
learned and their methods. In collaboration Master‘s theses by GPE students frequently
with an advisor, students analyze a problem receive awards from industry and research.
and develop solutions building on that They have often served as springboards for
knowledge. Students have three months students into a career in global companies
to complete the scientific work on their or research facilities.
Extracurricular activities form another strong program offered every year.
part of the program. This is where student The traditional “Institute Coffee Hour” is a
learning goes beyond the boundaries of the regular weekly event. Here, students can
university. Activities include getting to know get to know each other better or discuss
businesses, people, and art and culture issues of interest over coffee and cakes.
as well. Exchanges with Germans, such as Each semester, GPE students regularly come
visiting the Philharmonic, theaters, and together at events such as the Christmas and
museums, take place regularly. The Hanover End-of-Semester Party, the Vabene Party, and
Fair, the international “Connecticum” job alumni events as well. In addition, students
fair in Berlin, and visits to businesses such as have access to a day room at the Production
Daimler Chrysler AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Technical Center, where they can organize
Volkswagen AG, Siemens AG, E.on AG, birthday parties, social evenings, or other
Enercon AG or SOLON AG, are all part of the events on their own initiative.
alumni Friendships made between students are
often lifelong. Even in cases where career
paths later scatter students across the globe,
most remain fast friends. The GPE informa-
tion system will help you keep in touch and
build up networks with alumni from other
classes. Publications like the TU Internatio-
nal keep alumni informed of current events
at the Technical University. Events such as
the graduation ceremony with its ceremoni-
al presentation of diplomas, the Christmas
Party, and our annual alumni celebration are
opportunities for the alumni to reunite and
44 come together with younger students, the
faculty, their university and all the memories their highly developed ability to communi-
they have had from Berlin. cate across cultures and cooperate in glo-
The degree you earn during your studies bally interacting supply chains is of immense
will open doors for you to technology-orien- value to them. But it‘s not just industry that
ted enterprises and organizations and will attracts GPE graduates - science-oriented
qualify you to found your own business. Our students often find jobs at universities and
graduates can be found in small and medi- research facilities. Personal interviews con-
um-sized companies as well as major corpo- firm that graduates with degrees from GPE
rations like General Motors or Airbus. The more than meet the demands of the labor
majority of GPE graduates return to their market. Salaries of GPE graduates in the first
home country to pursue their careers, while three years after graduation are significantly
many others remain with companies in Ger- greater than their salaries earned as holders
many for a few more years - and some stay of bachelor‘s degrees.
on permanently. Alumni often tell GPE that 45
How to apply?
contact us:
Administration office
Examination Board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Herrmann
To be eligible to participate in the program, • Knowledge of German,
you must have a Bachelor‘s Degree or equi- • Personal essay on reasons for applying.
valent higher-level academic degree from an
internationally recognized university in the Proof of appropriate professional experience.
field of engineering sciences. You must also Selection is carried out on the basis of the
have one year of professional experience in application documents submitted by the
an engineering profession and possess docu- applicants. Candidates may apply online until
mentation of study demonstrating knowledge March 31st. An initial preselection is made
of the English language to be eligible for ac- based on this application. The top applicants
ceptance. Final selection of applicants is done are then asked to submit written documents
after evaluation of the following documents: by May 15th. A final list of the candidates
selected is issued by the selection committee
• Diploma/Bachelor‘s Degree, for the spaces to be filled based on these
• Course transcript, documents. The academic year begins for all
• Test of English as a Foreign Language students in mid-October. The deadline for the
(TOEFL) with at least 190 points on the online application begins on January 1st runs
computer-based test (or 70 points on the until March 31st, with paper documents sub-
internet-based test) or IELTS-Test with a mitted until May, as described above. Tuition
score of at least 6.0 for the full program is 13,900 Euros. Several
• Graduate Record Examination, scholarship opportunities are available: