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Exercise - I Objective Problems

1. A semicircular portion of radius 'r' is cut from a 5. A man of mass M stands at one end of a plank of
uniform rectangular plate as shown in figure. The length L which lies at rest on a frictionless surface.
distance of centre of mass 'C' of remaining plate, from The man walks to other end of the plank. If the mass
point 'O' is M
r of the plank is , then the distance that the man
moves relative to ground is :
3L L
(A) (B)
4 4
2r O 4L L
C (C) (D)
5 3
6. A particle of mass 3m is projected from the ground
at some angle with horizontal. The horizontal range is
2r 3r R. At the highest point of its path it breaks into two
(A) (B)
(3 – ) 2(4 – ) pieces m and 2m. The smaller mass comes to rest and
larger mass finally falls at a distance x from the point
of projection where x is equal to
2r 2r
(4   )
3(4 – ) 3R 3R
(A) (B)
4 2
2. From a circle of radius a, an isosceles right angled
triangle with the hypotenuse as the diameter of the 5R
(C) (D) 3R
circle is removed. The distance of the centre of gravity 4
of the remaining position from the centre of the circle is 7. A man weighing 80 kg is standing at the centre of
(  – 1)a a flat boat and he is 20 m from the shore. He walks 8
(A) 3( – 1)a (B)
6 m on the boat towards the shore and then halts. The
a a boat weight 200 kg. How far is he from the shore at
(C) (D)
3(  – 1) 3(   1) the end of this time?
(A) 11.2 m (B) 13.8 m
3. In the figure shown a hole of radius 2 cm is made in
(C) 14.3 m (D) 15.4 m
semicircular disc of radius 6 at a distance 8 cm from
the centre C of the disc. The distance of the centre of
8. Two particles having mass ratio n : 1 are
mass of this system from point C is
interconnected by a light inextensible string that
passes over a smooth pulley. If the system is released,
2cm then the acceleration of the centre of mass of the
8cm system is :
(A) 4 cm (B) 8 cm  n  1
(A) (n –1) g (B)   g
(C) 6 cm (D) 12 cm  n – 1
4. Centre of mass of two thin uniform rods of same
length but made up of different materials & kept as  n – 1  n  1
(C)   g (D)  g
shown, can be, if the meeting point is the origin of  n  1 n – 1
y Question No. 9 to 10 (2 questions)
A uniform chain of length 2L is hanging in equilibrium
position, if end B is given a slightly downward
L displacement the imbalance causes an acceleration.
Here pulley is small and smooth & string is inextensible

(A) (L/2, L/2) (B) (2L/3, L/2)

(C) (L/3, L/3) (D) (L/3, L/6)


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9. The acceleration of end B when it has been displaced (A) depends on the direction of the motion of the
by distance x, is balls
x 2x x (B) depends on the masses of the two balls
(A) g (B) g (C) g (D) g
L L 2 (C) depends on the speeds of the two balls
(D) is equal to g
10. The velocity v of the string when it slips out of
the pulley (height of pulley from floor > 2L) 15. There are some passengers inside a stationary
gL railway compartment. The track is frictionless. The
(A) (B) 2gL centre of mass of the compartment itself (without
the passengers) is C1, while the centre of mass of the
(C) gL (D) none of these compartment plus passengers system is C2. If the
passengers move about inside the compartment along
11. Internal forces can change the track.
(A) the linear momentum but not the kinetic energy of (A) both C1 and C2 will move with respect to the
the system. ground
(B) the kinetic energy but not the linear momentum of (B) neither C1 nor C2 will move with respect to the
the system. ground
(C) linear momentum as well as kinetic energy of the (C) C1 will move but C2 will be stationary with respect
system. to the ground
(D) neither the linear momentum nor the kinetic energy (D) C2 will move but C1 will be stationary with respect
of the system. to the ground

12. A small sphere is moving at a constant speed in a 16. A system of N particles is free from any external
vertical circle. Below is a list of quantities that could forces
be used to describe some aspect of the motion of the (a) Which of the following is true for the magnitude
sphere of the total momentum of the system ?
I - kinetic energy
II - gravitational potential energy (A) It must be zero
III - momentum (B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant
Which of these quantities will change as this sphere (C) It could be non-zero, and it might not be constant
moves around the circle ? (D) It could be zero, even if the magnitude of the
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only total momentum is not zero.
(C) III only (D) II and III only
(b) Which of the following must be true for the sum
13. Which of the following graphs represents the of the magnitudes of the momenta of the individual
graphical relation between momentum (p) and kinetic particles in the system ?
energy (K) for a body in motion ? (A) It must be zero
(B) It could be non-zero, but it must be constant
(C) It could be non-zero, and it might not be constant
(D) The answer depends on the nature of the internal
ln p ln p forces in the system
(A) (B)
17. An isolated rail car of mass M is moving along a
straight, frictionless track at an initial speed v0. The
ln K ln K car is passing under a bridge when a crate filled with
N bowling balls, each of mass m, is dropped from the
bridge into the bed of the rail car. The crate splits
open and the bowling balls bounce around inside the
ln p rail car, but none of them fall out.
(a) Is the momentum of the rail car + bowling balls
(C) (D) none system conserved in this collision ?
(A) Yes, the momentum is completely conserved
ln K (B) Only the momentum component in the vertical
direction is conserved
14. Two balls are thrown in air. The acceleration of (C) Only the momentum component parallel to the
the centre of mass of the two balls while in air (neglect track is conserved
air resistance) (D) No components are conserved

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(b) What is the average speed of the rail 22. When the person standing at A jumps from the
car + bowling balls system some time after the collision trolley towards left with urel with respect to the trolley,
? then
(A) (M + Nm)v0/M (A) the trolley moves towards right
(B) Mv0/(Nm + M) m1urel
(C) Nmv0/M (B) the trolley rebounds with velocity m  m  M
1 2
(D) The speed cannot be determined because there is (C) the centre of mass of the system remains
not enough information
Question No. 18 to 21 (D) all the above
A small ball B of mass m is suspended with light inelastic 23. When only the person standing at B jumps from
string of length L from a block A of same mass m the trolley towards right while the person at A keeps
which can move on smooth horizontal surface as shown standing, then
in the figure. The ball is displaced by angle  from (A) the trolley moves towards left
equilibrium position & then released.
m 2urel
(B) the trolley mones with velocity m  m  M
A 1 2
(C) the centre of mass of the system remains
 L stationary
L (D) all the above
24. When both the persons jump simultaneously with
B same speed then
(A) the centre of fmass of the systyem remains
18. The displacement of block when ball reaches the stationary
equilibrium position is (B) the trolley remains stationary
L sin (C) the trolley moves toward the end where the person
(A) (B) L sin 
2 with heavier mass is standing
(C) L (D) none of these (D) None of these
19. Tension in string when it is vertical, is 25. When both the persons jump simultaneously with
(A) mg (B) mg(2 – cos ) urel with respect to the trolley, then the velocity of
(C) mg (3 – 2 cos) (D) none of these the trolley is
20. Maximum velocity of block during subsequent motion | m1  m 2 |urel | m1  m 2 |urel
(A) m  m  M (B)
of the system after release of ball is 1 2 M
(A) [gl(1 – cos )]1/2 m1urel m 2urel
(B) [2gl(1 – cos )]1/2 (C) m  M  m  M (D) none of these
2 1
(C) [glcos]1/2
(D) informations are insufficient to decide 26. Choose the incorrect statement, if m1 = m2 = m
21. The displacement of centre of mass of A + B system and both the persons jump one by one, then
till the string becomes vertical is (A) the centre of mass of the system remains
(A) zero (B) (1 – cos ) (B) the final velocity of the trolley is in the direction
2 of the person who jumps first
(C) (1 – sin ) (D) none of these  murel murel 
2 (C) the final velocity of the trolley is   
M  m M  2m 
Question No. 22 to 26 (5 questions) (D) none of these
Two persons of mass m1 and m2 are standing at the
two ends A and B respectively, of a trolley of mass M 27. In the diagram shown, no friction at any contact
as shown. surface. Initially, the spring has no deformation. What
m1 m2 will be the maximum deformation in the spring ? Consider
all the strings to be sufficiency large. Consider the
spring constant to be K

2M M

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(A) 4F / 3K (B) 8F / 3K is masselss and frictionless. Initially the system is at

(C) F / 3K (D) none rest when, a bullet of mass 'm' moving with a velocity
'u' as shown hits the block 'B' and gets embedded
28. A super-ball is to bounce elastically back and forth into it. The impulse imparted by tension force to the
between two rigid walls at a distance d from each block of mass 3m is :
other. Neglecting gravity and assuming the velocity of
super-ball to be v0 horizontally, the average force being
exerted by the super-ball on each wall is :
1 mv 20 mv 20 u
(A) (B)
2 d d
m B
2mv 20 4mv 20 A 3m
(C) (D)
d d
5mu 4mu
(A) (B)
29. In the figure (i), (ii) & (iii) shown the objects A, B 4 5
& C are of same mass. String, spring & pulley are 2mu 3mu
(C) (D)
massless. C strikes B with velocity ‘u’ in each case 5 5
and sticks to it. The ratio of velocity of B in case (i)
to (ii) to (iii) is 34. A ball strikes a smooth horizontal ground at an
angle of 45° with the vertical. What cannot be the
possible angle of its velocity with the vertical after
(i) (ii) (iii) the collision. (Assume e  1).
C C (A) 45° (B) 30°
A B (C) 53° (D) 60°
(A) 1 : 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 3 : 2 35. As shown in the figure a body of mass m moving
(C) 3 : 2 : 2 (D) none of these vertically with speed 3 m/s hits a smooth fixed inclined
plane and rebounds with a velocity vf in the horizontal
30. A force exerts an impulse I on a particle changing direction. If  of inclined is 30°, the velocity vf will be
its speed from u to 2u. The applied force and the
initial velocity are oppositely directed along the same vf
line. The work done by the force is m
3 1
(A) Iu (B) Iu
2 2
(C) Iu (D) 2 Iu
(A) 3 m/s (B) 3 m/s
31. A parallel beam of particles of mass m moving with
velocity v impinges on a wall at an angle  to its (C) 1 / 3 m/s
normal. The number of particles per unit volume in the (D) this is not possible
beam is n. If the collision of particles with the wall is
elastic, then the pressure exerted by this beam on 36. Two massless string of length 5 m hang from the

the wall is ceiling very near to each other as shown in the figure.
(A) 2 mn v2 cos  (B) 2 mn v2 cos2  Two balls A and B of masses 0.25 kg and 0.5 kg are
(C) 2 mn v cos  (D) 2 mn v cos2  attached to the string. The ball A is released from
rest at a height 0.45 m as shown in the figure. The
32. A boy hits a baseball with a bat and imparts an
collision between two balls is completely elastic
impulse J to the ball. The boy hits the ball again with
Immediately after the collision. the kinetic energy of
the same force, except that the ball and the bat are
ball B is 1 J. The velocity of ball A just after the
in contact for twice the amount of time as in the first
collision is
hit. The new impulse equals.
(A) half the original impulse
(B) the original impulse
(C) twice the original impulse
(D) four times the original impulse
33. A system of two blocks A and B are connected by 0.45m
an inextensible massless strings as shown. The pulley B

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(A) 5 ms–1 to the right (B) 5 ms–1 to the left 42. A body of mass ‘m’ is dropped from a height of ‘h’.
(C) 1 ms–1 to the right (D) 1 ms–1 to the left Simultaneously another body of mass 2m is thrown up
37. Two balls A and B having masses 1 kg and 2 kg, vertically with such a velocity v that they collide at
moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 m/s respectively in the height h/2. If the collision is perfectly inelastic,
opposite direction, collide head on. After collision A the velocity at the time of collision with the ground
moves with a speed of 1 m/s in the same direction, will be
then the coefficient of restitution is 5gh
(A) (B) gh
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2 4
(C) 0.4 (D) None
38. A truck moving on horizontal road east with velocity gh 10 gh
(C) (D)
20ms–1 collides elastically with a light ball moving with 4 3
velocity 25 ms–1 along west. The velocity of the ball
43. A sphere of mass m moving with a constant velocity
just after collision
hits another stationary sphere of the same mass, if e
(A) 65 ms–1 towards east
is the coefficient of restitution, then ratio of speed of
(B) 25 ms–1 towards west
the first sphere to the speed of the second sphere
(C) 65 ms–1 towards west
after collision will be
(D) 20 ms–1 towards east
 1– e  1 e
(A)   (B)  
39. Two perfectly elastic balls of same mass m are 1 e 1– e
moving with velocities u1 and u2. They collide elastically
n times. The kinetic energy of the system finally is :  e  1  e – 1
(C)   (D)  
1m 2 1m 2 e – 1 e  1
(A) u1 (B) (u1  u 22 )
2 u 2 u
44. In a smooth stationary cart of length d, a small
1 1
(C) m(u12  u22 ) (D) mn(u12  u 22 ) block is projected along it’s length with velocity v
2 2 towards front. Coefficient of restitution for each
collision is e. The cart rests on a smooth ground and
40. In the figure shown, the two identical balls of can move freely. The time taken by block to come to
mass M and radius R each, are placed in contact with rest w.r.t. cart is
each other on the frictionless horizontal surface. The d
third ball of mass M and radius R/2, is coming down
vertically and has a velocity = v0 when it simultaneously
hits the two balls and itself comes to rest. The each v
of the two bigger balls will move after collision with a
speed equal to

ed ed
(A) (B)
(1 e) v (1 e) v

(C) (D) inifinite

45. Three blocks are initially placed as shown in the

figure. Block A has mass m and initial velocity v to the
right. Block B with mass m and block C with mass 4 m
(A) 4 v 0 / 5 (B) 2 v 0 / 5 are both initially at rest. Neglect friction. All collisions
are elastic. The final velocity of block A is
(C) v 0 / 5 (D) none V
41. In the above, suppose that the smaller ball does m m 4m
not stop after collision, but continues to move
downwards with a speed = v0/2, after the collision. (A) 0.60 v to the left (B) 1.4 v to the left
Then, the speed of each bigger ball after collision is (C) v to the left (D) 0.4 v to the left

(A) 4 v 0 / 5 (B) 2 v 0 / 5 46. A block of mass m starts from rest and slides
down a frictionless semi-circular track from a height h
(C) v 0 / 2 5 (D) none as shown. When it reaches the lowest point of the

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track, it collides with a stationary piece of putty also (A) 1 sec (B) 2 sec
having mass m. If the block and the putty stick (C) 3 sec (D) infinite
together and continue to slide, the maximum height
that the block-putty system could reach is 52. A ball is projected from ground with a velocity V
at an angle  to the vertical. On its path it makes an
elastic collision with a vertical wall and returns to
h ground. The total time of flight of the ball is
2v sin 2v cos
(A) h/4 (B) h/2 (A) (B)
g g
(C) h (D) independent of h
47. Two billiard balls undergo a head-on collision. Ball v sin2 v cos
(C) (D)
1 is twice as heavy as ball 2. Initially, ball 1 moves g g
with a speed v towards ball 2 which is at rest.
Immediately after the collision, ball 1 travels at a speed 53. The Gardener water the plants by a pipe of diameter
of v/3 in the same direction. What type of collision 1 mm. The water comes out at the rate of 10 cm3/
has occured ? sec. The reactionary force exerted on the hand of
(A) inelastic (B) elastic the Gardener is : (density of water is 103 kg/m3)
(C) completely inelastic (A) zero (B) 1.27 × 10–2 N
(D) Cannot be determined from the information given –4
(C) 1.27 × 10 N (D) 0.127 N

48. The diagram shows the velocity - time graph for 54. An open water tight railway wagon of mass
two masses R and S that collided elastically. Which of 5 × 103 kg coasts at an initial velocity 1.2 m/s without
the following statements is true ? friction on a railway track. Rain drops fall vertically
downwards into the wagon. The velocity of the wagon
after it has collected 103 kg of water will be
1.2 S (A) 0.5 m/s (B) 2 m/s
0.8 (C) 1 m/s (D) 1.5 m/s
55. If the force on a rocket which is ejecting gases
1 2 3 4 t(s) with a relative velocity of 300 m/s, is 210 N. Then the
I. R and S moved in the same direction after the rate of combustion of the fuel will be
collision. (A) 10.7 kg/sec (B) 0.07 kg/sec
II. The velocities of R and S were equal at the mid (C) 1.4 kg/sec (D) 0.7 kg/sec
time of the collision.
III. The mass of R was greater than mass of S. 56. A rocket of mass 4000 kg is set for vertical firing.
(A) I only (B) II only How much gas must be ejected per second so that
(C) I and II only (D) I, II and III the rocket may have initial upwards acceleration of
49. A ball is dropped from a height h. As is bounces magnitude 19.6 m/s2. [Exhaust speed of fuel = 980 m/
off the floor, its speed is 80 percent of what it was s]
just before it hit the floor. The ball will then rise to a (A) 240 kg s–1 (B) 60 kg s–1
height of most nearly (C) 120 kg s (D) none
(A) 0.80 h (B) 0.75 h
(C) 0.64 h (D) 0.50 h 57. A wagon filled with sand has a hole so that sand
leaks through the bottom at a constant rate . An
50. A ball is thrown vertically downwards with velocity 
external force F acts on the wagon in the direction of
2gh from a height h. After colliding with the ground
motion. Assuming instantaneous velocity of the wagon
it just reaches the starting point. Coefficient of
to be v and initial mass of system to be m0, the force
restitution is
equation governing the motion of the wagon is :
(A) 1 / 2 (B) 1/2  
 dv   dv 
(A) F  m 0  v (B) F  m 0 – v
(C) 1 (D) 2 dt dt
 
 dv  dv 
(C) F  (m 0 – t ) (D) F  (m 0 – t )  v
51. A ball is dropped from height 5m. The time after dt dt
which ball stops rebounding if coefficient of restitution
between ball and ground e = 1/2, is

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Exercise - II Multiple Choice Problem

1. A body has its centre of mass at the origin. The x- (A) must not move (B) must not accelerate
coordinates of the particles (C) may move (D) may accelerate
(A) may be all positive
(B) may be all negative Question No. 6 to 12 (7 Questions)
(C) may be all non-negative A particle of mass m moving horizontal with v0 strikes
(D) may be positive for some cases and negative in a smooth wedge of mass M, as shown in figure. After
other cases collision, the ball starts moving up the inclined face of
the wedge and rises to a
2. An object comprises of a uniform ring of radius R height h.
and its uniform chord AB (not necessarily made of the
same material) as shown. Which of the following can
not be the centre of mass
y of the object.
m v0 M

x 6. The final velocity of the wedge v2 is

mv 0 mv 0
(A) (B)
(A) (R/3, R/3) (B) (R3, R/2) M Mm
(C) v0 (D) insufficient data
(C) (R/4, R/4) (D) (R / 2, R / 2 )

7. When the particle has risen to a height h on the

3. In which of the following cases the centre of mass wedge, then choose the correct alternative(s)
of a an rod is certainly not at its centre ? (A) The particle is stationary with respect to ground
(A) the density continuously increases from left to (B) Both are stationary with respect to the centre of
right mass
(B) the density continuously decreases from left to (C) The kinetic energy of the centre of mass remains
right constant
(C) the density decreases from left to right upto the (D) The kinetic energy with respect to centre of mass
centre and then increase is converted into potential energy
(D) the density increases from left to right upto the
centre and then decreases 8. The maximum height h attained by the particle is
4. Consider following statements 2 2
 m  v0  m v0
[1] CM of a uniform semicircular disc of radius R = 2R/ from (A)   (B)  
m  M 2g M 2g
the centre
[2] CM of a uniform semicircular ring of radius R = 4R/3 from 2
 M  v0
the centre (C)   (D) none of these.
m  M 2g
[3] CM of a solid hemisphere of radius R = 4R/3 from
the centre
9. Identify the correct statement(s) related to the
[4] CM of a hemisphere shell of radius R = R/2 from situation when the particle starts moving downward.
the centre
(A) The centre of mass of the system remains sta-
Which statements are correct? tionary
(A) 1, 2, 4 (B) 1, 3, 4 (B) Both the particle and the wedge remain stationary
(C) 4 only (D) 1, 2 only with respect to centre of mass
(C) When the particle reaches the horizontal surface
5. If the external forces acting on a system have zero its velocity relative to the wedge is v0
resultant, the centre of mass (D) None of these

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10. Suppose the particle when reaches the horizontal (C) maximum extension and maximum compression oc-
surfaces, its velocity with respect to ground is v1 and cur alternately.
that of wedge is v2. Choose the correct statement (s) (D) the maximum compression occur for the first time

after sec.

v2 14. Two identical balls are interconnected with a mass-

v1 m less and inextensible thread. The system is in gravity
free space with the thread just taut. Each ball is im-
parted a velocity v, one towards the other ball and
(A) mv1 = Mv2 (B) Mv2 – mv1 = mv0
the other perpendicular to the first, at t = 0. Then,
(C) v1 + v2 = v0 (D) v1 + v2 < v0
(A) the thread will become taut at t = (L/v)
(B) the thread will become taut at some time t < (L/
11. Choose the correct statement(s) related to par-
ticle m
(C) the thread will always remain taut for t > (L/v)
 mM  (D) the kinetic energy of the system will always re-
(A) Its kinetic energy is K f    gh
 m  M main mv2.
 M  m
(B) v1  v 0  
M  m 15. A ball moving with a velocity v hits a massive wall
(C) The ratio of its final kinetic energy to its initial moving towards the ball with a velocity u. An elastic
Kf  M  impact lasts for a time t.
kinetic energy is  
K i  m  M (A) The average elastic force acting on the ball is
(D) It moves opposite to its initial direction of motion m(u  v)
(B) The average elastic force acting on the ball is
12. Choose the correct statement related to the wedge
M 2m(u  v)
 4 m2  (C) The kinetic energy of the ball increases by 2mu (u
(A) Its kinetic energy is K f    gh
 m  M + v)
 2m  (D) The kinetic energy of the ball remains the same
(B) v 2    v0
m  M after the collision.

 4 mM   1 
(C) Its gain in kinetic energy is K   
2 
mv 20  16. A particle moving with kinetic energy = 3 joule
 (m  M)   2 
makes an elastic head on collision with a stationary
(D) Its velocity is more that the velocity of centre of particle when has twice its mass during the impact.
(A) The minimum kinetic energy of the system is 1
13. Two blocks A (5kg) and B(2kg) attached to the (B) The maximum elastic potential energy of the
ends of a spring constant 1120 N/m are placed on a system is 2 joule.
smooth horizontal plane with the spring undeformed.
(C) Momentum and total kinetic energy of the system
Simultaneously velocities of 3m/s and 10m/s along the
are conserved at every instant.
line of the spring in the same direction are imparted to
(D) The ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy of
A and B then
the system first decreases and then increases.
3m/s 10m/s
17. Two balls A and B having masses 1 kg and 2 kg,
A 5 2 B moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 m/s respectively in
(A) when the extension of the spring is maximum the opposite direction, collide head on. After collision A
velocities of A and B are zero. moves with a speed of 1 m/s in the same direction,
then correct statements is :
(B) the maximum extension of the spring is 25 cm

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(A) The velocity of B after collision is 6 m/s opposite L

to its direction of motion before collision. (A) The last block starts moving at t = n(n–1)
(B) The coefficient of restitution is 0.2. L
(C) The loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 200 J. (B) The last block starts moving at t = (n – 1)
(D) The impulse of the force between the two balls is (C) The centre of mass of the system will have a final
40 Ns. speed v/n
(D) The centre of mass of the system will have a final
18. The diagram to the right shown the velocity-time speed v
graph for two masses R and S that collided elastically.
Which of the following statements is true? 22. An isolated rail car original moving with speed v0
on a straight, frictionless, level track contains a large
1.2 S amount of sand. A release value on the bottom of the
R car malfunctions, and sand begins to pour out straight
down relative to the rail car.
0.4 (a) Is momentum conserved in this process?
(A) The momentum of the rail car along is conserved
1 2 3 4
t (milli sec) (B) The momentum of the rail car + sand remaining
within the car is conserved
(I) R and S moved in the same direction after the
(C) The momentum of the rail car + all of the sand,
both inside and outside the rail car, is conserved
(II) Kinetic energy of the system (R & S) is minimum
(D) None of the three previous systems have momen-
at t = 2 milli sec.
tum conservation
(III) The mass of R was greater than mass of S.
(A) I only (B) II only
(b) What happens to the speed of the rail car as the
(C) I and II only (D) I, II and III
sand pours out?
19. In an inelastic collision, (A) The car begins to roll faster
(A) the velocity of both the particles may be same (B) The car maintains the same speed
after collision. (C) The car begins to slow down
(B) kinetic energy is not conserved (D) The problem cannot be solved since momentum is
(C) linear momentum of the system is conserved. not conserved
(D) velocity of separation will be less than velocity of

20. In a one-dimensional collision between two par-

ticles, their relative velocity is v1 before the collision

and v 2 after the collision
 
(A) v1  v 2 if the collision is elastic
 
(B) v1  – v 2 if the collision is elastic
 
(C) | v 2 | | v1| in all cases
 
(D) v1  – kv 2 in all cases, where k  1

21. A set of n-identical cubical blocks lie at rest par-

allel to each other along a line on a smooth horizontal
surface. The separation between the near surfaces
of any two adjacent blocks is L. The block at one end
is given a speed V towards the next one at time t = 0.
All collision are completely inelastic, then

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Exercise - III Subjective Problem

1. The mass of an uniform ladder of length l increases 6. In the arrangement, mA = 2 kg and mB = 1 kg. String is light
uniformly from one end A to the other end B, and inextensible. Find the acceleration of centre of mass of
(a) Form an expression for linear mass density as a function both the blocks. Neglect friction everywhere.
of distance x from end A where linear mass density 0. The
density at one end being twice that of the other end. 7. A small cube of mass m slides down a circular path of radius
(b) find the position of the centre of mass from end A. R cut into a large block of mass M. M rests on a table and
both blocks move without friction. The blocks initially are at
2. Find the distance of centre of mass of a uniform plate having rest and m starts from the top of the path. Find the velocity v of
semicircular inner and other boundaries of radii a and b from the cube as it leaves the block.
the centre O. m
O 8. A (trolley + child) of total mass 200 kg is moving with a
uniform speed of 36 km/h on a frictionless track. The child of
3. A thin sheet of metal of uniform thickness is cut into the mass 20 kg starts running on the trolley from one end to the
shape bounded by the line x = a and y = ± k x2, as shown. other (10 m away) with a speed of 10 ms–1 relative to the trolley
Find the coordinates
y of the centre of mass. in the direction of the trolley's motion and jumps out of the
trolley with the same relative velocity. What is the final speed
y=kx2 of the trolley? How much has the trolley moved from the time
x the child begins to run?
y=–kx2 9. In the figure shown the spring is compressed by ‘x0’ and
released. Two blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’ of masses ‘m’ and ‘2m’
respectively are attached at the ends of the spring. Blocks are
4. Two balls of equal masses are projected upwards simulta- kept on a smooth horizontal surface and released.
neously, one from the ground with speed 50 m/s and other k
from a 40m high tower with initial speed 30 m/s. Find the A B
maximum height attained by their centre of mass.
(a) Find the speed of block A by the time compression of the
5. In the figure shown, when the persons A and B exchange
spring is reduced to x0/2.
their positions, then
(b) Find the work done by the spring on ‘A’ by the time com-
pression of the spring reduced to x0/2.
10. The figure showns the force versus time graph for a par-
m1 M m2 ticle.
(i) Find the change in momentum p of the particle (ii)
Find the average force acting on the particle
m1=50kg, m2 = 70kg, M = 80 kg
100 N
(i) the distance moved by the centre of mass of the system
(ii) the plank moves towards_________ 0 0.2 0.4
(iii) the distance moved by the plank is _________.
(iv) the distance moved by A with respect to ground is 11. A force F acts on an object (mass = 1kg) which is initially
____________ at rest as shown in the figure. Draw the graph showing the
(v) the distance moved by B with respect to ground is momentum of the object varying during the time for which the
____________. force acts.

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with which the second particle begins to move if the direction of

F(N) u is, (a) along BA, (b) at an angle of 120° with AB, (c) perpen-
dicular to AB. In each case calculate (in terms of m and u) the
impulsive tension in the string.
18. Two particle P of mass 2m and Q of mass m are subjected
to mutual force of attraction and no other act on them. At time
t = 0, P is at rest at a fixed O and Q is directly moving away
50 100 t(ms) from O with a speed 5 u. At a later instant when t = T before
any collision has taken place Q is moving towards O with speed
12. A man hosing down his driveway hits the wall by mistake. (a) Find in terms of m and u the total work done by the forces of
Knowing that the velocity of the stream is 25 m/s and the cross- attraction during the time interval 0  t  T.
sectional area of the stream is 300 mm2, determine the force (b) At the instantt = T, impulses of magnitude J and K and
exerted on the wall. Assume that streamstrikes wall horizon- applied to P and Q bringing them to rest. Find the values of J
tally and after striking the wall, stream comes to rest. Also find and K
the pressure exerted on the wall by stream.
19. A block of mass m moving with a velocity v, enters a region
where it starts colliding with the stationary dust particles. If the
desnsity of dust particles is , & all colliding particle stick to its
front surface of cross-sectional area A. The velocity of block
after it has covered a distance x in this region is
13. A bullet of mass m strikes an obstruction and deviates off at
60° to its original direction. If its speed is also changed from u 20. A football approaches a player at v = 12 m/s. At what speed
to v, find the magnitude of the impulse acting on the bullet. u and in which direction should the player’s foot move in order
to stop the ball upon contact? Assume that the mass of the
14. A neutro intially at rest, decays into a proton, an electron foot is much greater than that of the ball and that the collision
and an antineutrio. The ejected electron has a momentum of p1 is elastic.
= 1.4 × 10–28 kg-m/s and the antineutrino p2 = 6.5 × 10–27 kg-m/
s. Find the recoil speed of the proton (a) if the electron and the 21. Three carts move on a frictioless track with inertias and
antineutrino are ejected along the the same direection and (b) if velocities as shown. The carts collide and stick together after
they are ejected along perpendicular direction. Mass of the pro- successive collisions.
ton mp = 1.67 × 10–27 kg.
m1 = 2 kg m2 = 1 kg m3 = 2 kg
15. A steel ball of mass 0.5 kg is dropped from a height of 4 m v1 = 1 m/s v2 = 1 m/s v3 = 2 m/s
on to a horizontal heavy steel slab. The collision is elastic and
the ball rebounds to its original height. A B C
(a) Calculate the impulse delivered to the ball during impact.
(b) If the ball is in contact with the slab for 0.002 s, find the (a) Find loss of mechanical energy when B & C stick together.
average reaction force on the ball during impact. (b) Find magnitude of impulse experienced by A when it sticks
to combined mass (B & C).
16. A particle A of mass 2 kg lies on the edge of a table of
height 1m. It is connected by a light inelastic string of length 22. A sphere of mass m1 in motion hits directly another sphere
0.7 m to a second particle B of mass 3 kg which is lying on the of mass m2 at rest and sticks to it, the total kinetic energy after
table 0.25 m from the edge (line joining A & B is perpendicular collision is 2/3 of their total K.E. before collision. Find the ratio
to the edge). If A is pushed gently so that it start falling from of m1 : m2.
table then, find the speed of B when it starts to move. Also find
the imulsive tension in the string at that moment. 23. A body is thrown vertically upwards from ground with a speed
of 10 m/s. If coefficient of restitution of ground, e = 1/2. Find
17. Two particles, each of mass m, are connected by a light (a) the total distance travelled by the time it almost stops.
inextensible string of length 2l. Initially they lie on a smooth (b) time elapsed (after the ball has been thrown) when it is at
horizontal table at points A and B distant l apart. The particle at its subsequent maximum height for the third time.
A is projected across the table with velocity u. Find the speed

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24. A ball of mass 'm' is suspended by a massless string of A

length '' from a fixed point. A ball of mass 2m strikes in the 90°
direction of  = 45° from horizontal and sticks to it. 1.5 m
(a) What should be the initial velocity of 2m so that system
4 kg

deflects by  = B
(b) If at  = 60° the stirng is cut then what will be the velocity (b) the maximum displacement of B after the impact.
at highest point of trajectory.
28. A small block of mass 2m initially rests at the bottom of a
fixed circular, vertical track, which has a radius of R. The con-
 tact surface between the mass and the loop is frictionless. A
2m bullet of mass m strikes the block horizontally with initial speed
v0 and remain embedded in the block as the block and the
bullet circle the loop. Determine each of the following in terms
45° m
m, v0, R and g.

25. A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff 10 m high with a

velocity of 10 m/s. It strikes the smooth ground and rebounds
as shown. The coefficient of restitution e for collision with the
ground e = 1/ 2 . Find
10 m/s
m, v0

(a) The speed of the masses immediately after the impact.

(b) The minimum initial speed of the bullet if the block and the
(a) velocity of ball just before striking ground. bullet are to successfully execute a complete ride on the loop.
(b) angle of velocity vector with horizontal before striking.
(c) angle of velocity vector with horizotal after striking. 29. A Cart of total mass M0 is at rest on a rough horizontal
(d) range of ball after first collision. road. It ejects bullets at rate of  kg/s at an angle  with the
horizontal and at velocity 'u' (constant) relative to the cart. The
26. A wedge free to move of mass 'M' has one face making an coefficient of friction between the cart and the ground is .
angle  with horizotnal and is resting on a smooth rigid floor. A Find the velocity of the cart in terms of time 't'. The cart moves
particle of mass 'm' hits the inclined face of the wedge with a with sliding.
horizontal velocity v0. It is observed that the particle rebounds
in vertical direction after impact. Neglect friction between par-
ticle and the wedge & take M = 2m, v0 = 10 m/s, tan  = 2, g

= 10 m/s2

 M

(a) Determine the coefficient of restitution for the impact.

(b) Assume that the inclined face of the wedge is sufficiently
long so that the particle hits the same face once more during
its downward motion. Calculate the time elapsed between the
two impacts.

27. A sphere A is released from rest in the position shown and

strikes the block B which is at rest. If e = 0.75 between A and
B and k = 0.5 between B and the support, determine
(a) the velocity of A just after the impact

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Exercise - IV Tough Subjective Problem

1. In a game of Carom Board, the Queen (a wooden 5. A massive vertical wall is approaching a man at a
disc of radius 2 cm and mass 50 gm) is placed at the speed u. When it is at a distance of 10m, the man
exact center of the horizontal board. The striker is a throws a ball with speed 10 m/s an at angle of 37°
smooth plastic disc of radius 3 cm and mass 100 gm. which after completely elastic rebound reaches back
The board is frictionless. Th striker is given an initial directly into his bands. Find the velocity u of the wall.
velocity ‘u’ parallel to the sides BC or AD so that is
hits the Queen inelastically with same coefficient of 6. Mass m1 hits & sticks with m2 while sliding horizon-
restitution = 2/3. The impact parameter for the colli- tally with velocity v along the common line of centres
sion is ‘d’ (shown in the figure). The Queen rebounds of the three equal masses (m1 = m2 = m3 =m). Initially
from the edge AB of the board inelastically with same masses m2 and m3 are stationary and the spring is
coefficient of restitution = 2/3. and enters the hole D unstretched. Find
following the dotted path shown. The side of the board
is L. Find the value of impact parameter ‘d’ and the v k
m1 m2 m3
time which the Queen takes to enter hole D af-
ter collision with the striker.
A L B (a) the velocities of m1, m2 and m3 immediately after
(b) the maximum kinetic energy of m3.
L d (c) the minimum kinetic energy of m2.
(d) the maximum compression of the spring.

7. Two masses A and B connected with an inextensible
2. A flexible chain has a length l and mass m. It is string of length l lie on a smooth horizontal plane. A is
lowered on the table top with constant velocity v. giv en a velo city of v m/s alon g the gro und
Find the force that the chain exerts on the table as a perpendicular to line AB as shown in figure. Find the
function of time. tension in string during their sub sequent motion.
B m
3. A 24-kg projectile is fired at an angle of 53° above
the horizontal with an initial speed of 50 m/s. At the
highest point in its trajectory, the projectile explodes
into two fragments of equal mass, the first of which
falls vertically with zero initial speed. A 2m v
(a) How far from the point of firing does the second
fragment strike the ground? (Assume the ground is 8. The simple pendulum A of mass mA and length l is
level.) suspended from the trolley B of mass mB. If the sys-
(b) How much energy was released during the explo- tem is released from rest at  = 0, determine the
sion? velocity vB of the trolley and tension in the string
when  = 90°. Friction is negligible.
4. A particle is projected from point O on level ground
towards a smooth vertical wall 50m from O and hits
the wall. The initial velocity of the particle is 30m/s at
45° to the horizontal and the coefficient of restitution
between the particle and the wall is e. Find the dis- B
tance from O of the point at which the particle hits
the ground again if (a) e = 0, (b) e = 1, (c) e = 1/2 l A

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9. A ball with initial speed 10m/s collides elastically 11. A cart is moving along +x direction with a velocity
with two other identical ball whose centres are on a of 4m/s. A person in the cart throws a stone with a
line perpendicular to the initial velocity and which are velocity of 6m/s relative to himself. In the frame of
initially in contact with each other. All the three ball reference of the cart the stone is thrown in y-z plane
are lying on a smooth horizontal table. The first ball is making an angle of 30° with the vertical z-axis. At the
aimed directly at the contact point of the other two highest point of its trajectory, the stone hits an ob-
balls All the balls are smooth. Find the velocities of ject of equal mass hung vertically from branch of a
the three balls after the collision. tree by means of a string of length L. A completely
inelastic collosion occurs, in which the stone gets
embedded in the object. Determine
(a) the speed of the combined mass immediately after
10 m/s
collision with respect to an observer on the ground.
(b) the length L of the string such that tension in the
string becomes zero when the string becomes hori-
10. A mass m1 with initial speed v0 in the positive x-
zontal during the subsequent motion of the combined
direction collides with a mass m2 = 2m1 which is ini-
tially at rest at the origin, as shown in figure. After
the collision m1 moves off with speed v1 = v0/2 in the
negative y-direction, and m2 moves off with speed v2 12. Twp equal sphere of mass ‘m’ are suspended by
at angle . vertical strings so that they are in contact with their
centres at same level. A third equal spheres of mass
(A) Find the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the
m falls vertically and strikes the other two simulta-
center of mass before the collision, as well as its ve-
neously so that their centres at the instant of impact
locity after the collision.
form an equilateral triangle in a vertical plane. If u is
(B) Write down the x and y-components of the equa-
the velocity of m just before impact, find the veloci-
tion of conservation of momentum for the collision.
ties just after impact and the impulsive tension of the
(C) Determine tan, and find v2 in terms of v0. strings.
(D) Determine how much (if any) energy was gained
or lost in the collision, and state whether the collision u
was elastic or inelastic.

y v2 m
y m2
m m

v0 m1
m2 = 2m1 After

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1. Centre of Mass .................................................................................................................. 3– 10

2. Combination of Structure .......................................................................................................11

3. Cavity Problems ............................................................................................................... 12 – 13

4. Motion of Centre of Mass & .............................................................................................. 13 – 21

Conservation of Momentum

5. Spring Block System ........................................................................................................ 22 – 25

6. Impulse ............................................................................................................................. 25 – 29

7. Coefficient of Restitution ................................................................................................... 29 – 36

8. Collision or Impact ............................................................................................................ 37 – 42

9. Variable Mass ................................................................................................................... 42 – 45

10. Exercise - I ...................................................................................................................... 46 – 51

11. Exercise - II ...................................................................................................................... 52– 54

12. Exercise - III .................................................................................................................... 55 – 57

13. Exercise - IV ................................................................................................................... 58 – 59

14. Exercise - V .................................................................................................................... 60 – 61

15. Answer key ...................................................................................................................... 62 – 63

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Systems of particles; Centre of mass and its motion; Impulse;
Elastic and inelastic collisions.

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Every physical system has associated with it a certain point whose motion characterises the motion of
the whole system. When the system moves under some external forces, then this point moves as if the
entire mass of the system is concentrated at this point and also the external force is applied at this
point for translational motion. This point is called the centre of mass of the system.

1.1 Centre of Mass of a System of ‘N’ Discrete Particles :

Consider a system of N point masses m1, m2, m3, .................... mn whose position vectors from origin
   
O are given by r1, r2 , r3 .............. rn respectively. Then the position vector of the centre of mass C of
the system is given by.
. . . .. . .. . . .
. . . ..m...1 .. ..C. ..m..2
.. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .
. . .. .. . . . r2.. .
 .. . . . . . .. . .m.
r1 .. . .. . .. .. .n
. rn



O x

  
m r  m 2 r2 ...........mn rn 
m r i i
 i 1
 11
 
rcm ; rcm  n
rcm  m r i i
m1  m 2 .........mn M i 1
m i
 i 1
where, mi ri is called the moment of mass of particle with respect to origin.

 n 
M    m i is the total mass of the system.
 i 1

 
Further, r i  xi i  y i j  zik and r COM  xCOM i  y COM j  zCOMk
So, the cartesian co-ordinates of the COM will be

m x
i 1
i i
m1x1  m 2 x 2 ......mn xn
 n
xCOM = m1  m 2 ....... mn
m i 1

or xCOM =
m x
i 1
i i

n n

 mi y i m z i i
Similarly, yCOM = i 1 and i 1
z COM 
Note :

• If the origin is taken at the centre of mass then m r
i i = 0. hence, the COM is the point about which
the sum of “mass moments” of the system is zero.
   
• If we change the origin then r1, r2 , r3 ....... changes. So rcm also changes but exact location of center of
mass does not change.

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1.2 Position of COM of two particles : -

Consider two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance l as shown in figure.
m1 C m2
Let us assume that m1 is placed at origin and m2 is placed at position (l, 0) and the distance of centre
of mass from m1 & m2 is r1 & r2 respectively.
m1x1  m 2 x2
So xCOM = m1  m 2
r1 C r2
0  m2l m2l
r1 = m  m = m m ...(1) (0,0) m1
1 2 1 2 m2
m2l m1l
r2 = l – = m m...(2)
m1  m 2 1 2
From the above discussion, we see that

r1 = r2 = if m1 = m2, i.e., COM lies midway between the two particles of equal masses.
Similarly, r1 > r2 if m1 < m2 and r1 < r2 if m2 < m1 i.e., COM is nearer to the particle having larger mass.
From equation (1) & (2)
m1r1 = m2r2 ...(3)
Centre of mass of two particle system lie on the line joining the centre of mass of two particle system.

Ex.1 Two particle of mass 1 kg and 2 kg are located at x = 0 and x = 3 m. Find the position of their
centre of mass.

m1=1kg COM m2=2kg

Sol. x=0 x=x x=3

r1=x r2=(3–x)
Since, both the particles lie on x-axis, the COM will also lie on x-axis. Let the COM is located at x = x,
r1 = distance of COM from the particle of mass 1 kg = x
and r2 = distance of COM from the particle of mass 2 kg = (3 – x)
r1 m 2
Using 
r2 m1
x 2
or 
3–x 1
or x=2m
thus, the COM of the two particles is located at x = 2m.

Ex.2 Two particle of mass 4 kg & 2kg are located as shown in figure then find out the position of
centre of mass.
y 2kg

4kg 37°
(0,0) x
Sol. First find out the position of 2 kg mass
x2kg = 5 cos 37° = 4 m

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y2kg = 5 sin 37° = 3 m

So these system is like two particle system of mass 4 kg and 2kg are located (0, 0) and (4, 3)
respectively. then
m1x1  m 2 x2 024 8 4
xcom = = = =
m1  m 2 42 6 3

m1y1  m 2 y 2 032 4kg 2kg

ycom =
m1  m 2
(0,0) r C (4,3)
4 
So position of C.O.M is  , 1
3 

Ex.3 Two particles of mass 2 kg and 4 kg lie on the same line. If 4 kg is displaced rightwards by 5m
then by what distance 2 kg should be move for which centre of mass will remain at the same
Sol. Let us assume that C.O.M. lie at point C and the distance of C from 2kg and 4kg particles are r1 & r2
respectively. Then from relation
2kg C 4kg
r1 r2
m1r1 = m2r2
2r1 = 4r2 ...(i)
Now 4kg is displaced rightwards by 5m then assume 2kg is displaced leftwards by x distance to keep
the C.O.M. at rest.
from relation m1r1 = m2r2
 m1(r1 + x) = m2 (r2 + y)
2(r1 + x) = 4(r2 + 5) ...(ii) 2kg C 4kg
r1 r2 y
2x = 20 x
x = 10 m
To keep the C.O.M at rest 2 kg displaced 10 m left wards
Aliter : If centre of mass is at rest then we can write
m1x = m2y
x = 10 m

Ex.4 Two particles of mass 1 kg and 2 kg lie on the same line. If 2kg is displaced 10m rightwards
then by what distance 1kg should displaced so that centre of mass will displaced 2m right
Sol. Initially let us assume that C.O.M is at point C which is r1 & r2 distance apart from mass m1 & m2
respectively as shown in figure.
1kg C 2kg
r1 r2

from relation m1 r1 = m2 r2
 (1) r1 = 2r2
Now 2kg is displaced 10 m rightwards then we assume that 1 kg is displaced x m leftward to move the
C.O.M 2m rightwards.
So from relation m1r1 = m2r2

1kg C C' 2kg

r1 r2 10m

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 1 (x + r1 + 2) = 2 (10 + r2 – 2)
 x + r1 + 2 = 20 + 2r2 – 4 ...(ii)
from eq. (i) & (ii) x = 14m (leftwards)

Ex.5 Three particles of mass 1 kg, 2 kg, and 3 kg are placed at the corners A, B and C respectively of
an equilateral triangle ABC of edge 1m. Find the distance of their centre of mass from A.
Sol. Assume that 1kg mass is placed at origin as shown in figure.
co-ordinate of A = (0, 0)

1 3
co-ordinate of B = (1cos60°,1sin60°) =  2 , 2 
 
co-ordinate of C = (1, 0)

B 2kg

1m 1m

A 60° C
(0,0) 1kg 1m 3kg x

Let us assume that position of C.O.M is given by

rcom = xcom i + ycom j

m A x A  mB xB  m C xC
Now xcom = m A  mB  m C

 1
1( 0)  2   3(1) 4 2
=  2 = =
6 3
1 2  3

 3
1( 0)  2   3( 0) 3
ycom =  2  =
1 2  3

2 3
Position of centre of mass =  3 , 6 
 

2 2
 2  3 19
distance of C.O.M from point A =      = m
 3  6  6
1.3 Centre of Mass of a Continuous Mass Distribution
For continuous mass distribution the centre of mass can be located by replacing summation sign with
an integral sign. Proper limits for the integral are chosen according to the situation

x cm 
 xdm , y cm 
 y dm , z cm 
 zdm
 dm  dm  dm
 dm = M (mass of the body)
here x,y,z in the numerator of the eq. (i) is the coordinate of the centre of mass of the dm mass.

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 1 
rcm = rdm 
Note :
• If an object has symmetric mass distribution about x axis then y coordinate of COM is zero and vice-versa
(a) Centre of Mass of a Uniform Rod
Suppose a rod of mass M and length L is lying along the x-axis with its one end at x = 0 and the other at
x = L. Mass per unit length of the rod  =
Hence, dm, (the mass of the element dx situated at x = x is) =  dx
The coordinates of the element dx are (x, 0, 0). Therefore, x-coordinate of COM of the rod will be

x=0 x=x x=L

 xdm  ( x)dx  1
0 0
x dx 
xCOM = =
L =  L
dm L 0 2
   dx
0 0

The y-coordinate of COM is

yCOM =
 y dm = 0
 dm
Similarly, zCOM = 0

L 
i.e., the coordinates of COM of the rod are  , 0, 0 , i.e, it lies at the centre of the rod.
2 

Ex.6 A rod of length L is placed along the x-axis between x = 0 and x = L. The linear density (mass/
length)  of the rod varies with the distance x from the origin as  = Rx. Here, R is a positive
constant. Find the position of centre of mass of this rod.
Sol. Mass of element dx situated at x = x is
dm =  dx = R x dx
The COM of the element has coordinates (x, 0, 0). Therefore, x-coordinates of COM of the rod will be

x COM 
 xdm   ( x )(Rx )dx
0 0
 dm  (Rx )dx 0
x  3
R x 2 dx  
0  3  0 2L dx
  
L L 3 x=x x
R  xdx  x2  x=0 x=L
0  
 2  0

The y-coordinates of COM of the rod is y COM 

 y dm  0 (as y = 0)
 dm
Similarly, zCOM = 0

 2L 
Hence, the centre of mass of the rod lies at  , 0, 0 
3 

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(b) Centre of mass of a Semicircular Ring :

Figure shows the object (semi circular ring). By observation we can say that the x-coordinate of the
centre of mass of the ring is zero as the half ring is symmetrical about y-axis on both sides of the
origin. Only we are required to find the y-coordinate of the centre of mass.



y  R sin 
ycm d


To find ycm we use ycm 

 (dm)y ...(i)
 dm
Here y is the position of C.O.M. of dm mass
Here for dm we consider an elemental arc of the ring at an angle  from the x-direction of angular width
d. If radius of the ring is R then its y coordinate-will be R sin, here dm is given as
dm  Rd
where  = mass density of semi circular ring.
So from equation ----(i), we have

 Rd(Rsin )
0 R

y cm   sin  d

 
 Rd

y cm  ...(ii)

(c) Centre of mass of Semicircular Disc :
Figure shows the half disc of mass M and radius R. Here, we are only required to find the y-coordinate
of the centre of mass of this disc as centre of mass will be located on its half vertical diameter. Here to
find ycm, we consider a small elemental ring of mass dm of radius r on the disc (disc can be considered
to be made up such thin rings of increasing radii) which will be integrated from 0 to R. Here dm is given
dm   rdr
where  is the mass density of the semi circular disc.
M 2M
= 2

R / 2 R 2

ycm dr

Now the y-coordinate of the element is taken as , (as in previous section, we have derived that the

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centre of mass of a semi circular ring is concentrated at )
R 

 dm . y
y cm  0 R

 dm

Here y is the position COM of dm mass.

 dm  R
Here ycm is given as y cm  R 4
  R r 2 dr  y cm 
2 3
 rdr

(d) Centre of mass of a Hollow Hemisphere :

A hollow hemisphere of mass M and radius R. Now we consider an elemental circular strip of angular
width d at an angular distance  from the base of the hemisphere. This strip will have an area.
dS  2R cos  Rd



Its mass dm is given as dm  2RcosRd
Here  is the mass density of a hollow hemisphere
2 R 2
Here y-coordinate of this strip of mass dm can be taken as R sin. Now we can obtain the centre of
mass of the system as.
 
2 2
 dmR sin   2R 
cos d R sin 
y cm  0 0
/2  /2
 sin  cos  d  O
 dm
 2R cos d  0

y cm 
2 y
(e) Centre of mass of a Solid Cone :
A solid cone has mass M, height H and base radius R. r H
Obviously the centre of mass of this cone will lie somewhere dy
on its axis, at a height less than H/2. To locate the centre
of mass we consider an elemental disc of width dy and
radius r, at a distance y from the apex of the cone. Let the
mass of this disc be dm, which can be given as

dm =  × r2 dy
Here  is the mass density of the solid cone

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here ycm can be given as

y cm   y dm
1  3M  Ry  2 
    dy y
M  R 2H  H  
0  
3 3 3H

H3 y
dy 
(f) C.O.M of a solid Hemisphere : -
A hemisphere is of mass density  and radius R To find its centre of mass (only y co-ordinate) we
consider an elemental hollow hemispshere of radius r on the solid hemisphere (solid hemisphere can be
considered to be made up such hollow hemisphere of increasing radii) which will be integrate from O to


Here y Co-ordinate of centre of mass of elemental hollow hemisphere is (0, r/2, 0)

dm =  2r2 dr

 dm. y  (2r
)dr (r / 2)
0 y CM 
yCM = R ; R ; yCM =
 dm  .2r
. dr

(g) Centre of mass of Triangular Plate :

A triangular plate has mass density  height H and base is 2R. Obviously the centre of mass of this
plate will lie some where on its axis at a height less than H/2. To locate the centre of mass we consider
an elemental rod of width dy and length 2r at a distance y from the apex of the plate. Let the mass of
this rod be dm which can be gives as
dm =  (2r) dy
from the theorem of triangle
H y
 y
R r
r H
 r= rod
H dy
Here YCM can be given as

 0
 (2r )dy. y
yCM = H
; yCM =

 dm
 (2r ) dy

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 (
yCM = ; yCM =
H 3
 (
) dy


Ex.7 Two circular disc having radius R and mass density  and 2 respectively are placed as shown
in figure. Then find out the position of COM of the system.

O O'

Sol. Mass of disc A mA = R
Mass of disc B mB = 2R2
Due to symmetry the COM of disc A lie at point O and COM O C
of disc B lie at point O. So we realize the above mA mB
problem in a following way x
Centre of mass due to both the disc lie at point C (assume), 2R
having distance x from mA

mB (2R) 2R2 (2R) 4R

 x ; x ; x
m A  mB ( R2  2R2 ) 3
So the centre of mass lie in the disc B having distance from O.
Ex.8 Find out the position of centre of mass of the figure shown below.

B rectangular
A C plate
We divide the above problem in two parts
(i) First find out position of centre of mass of both semicircular plate and rectangular plate separately.
(ii) Then find the position of centre of mass of given structure .
Centre of mass of semicircular disc lie at
 AB 
Centre of mass of rectangular plate lie at the centre of plate at point C
 BC = R
 mSC mR

R 2
mSC  ; mR   4 R2
 m sc r1 mR

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 Let us assume COM is at r1 distance from mR

R 2  4R 
. R  
2  3  R (3   4)
 r1  2  r1  Ans.
R 3(   8)
.   4R 2
If some mass or area is removed from a rigid body then the position of centre of mass of the remaining
portion is obtained by assuming that in a remaining part +m & – m mass is there. Further steps are
explained by following example.

Ex.9 Find the position of centre of mass of the uniform lamina shown in figure. If the mass density of
t he lam ina is  .


Sol. We assume that in remaining portion a disc of radius a/2 having mass density + is there then we also
include one disc of a/2 radius having – mass density. So now the problem change in following form

a/2 O O' 
a –
O + O'

So the centre of mass of both disc A & B lie in their respective centre such as O & O'.
mA a / 2 O C O'
 C.O.M. of the lamina  m  m
A B m A a/2 m B

mA =  ( a2)
mB = –  () (a/2)2 = –  
a 2 . a / 2
a3 / 2 a3 4 2a
 c= 2 = ;  2 
2 a 3 a 2
/ 4 2 3 a 3
a – 
i.e., C.O.M lie on leftward side from point O.

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Ex.10 Find out the position of centre of mass of the uniform lamina as shown in figure.


Sol. We assume that a disc of radius R having mass density ±  is in the removed section.
Now the problem change in following form

 –
R – O
O O'
O' 4R +
= R

When disc of mass density + and radius R is include than a complete rectangular plate is make having
centre of mass at point O. When consider only disc having mass density –  and radius R then C.O.M of
this disc lie at point O
O' O
–R2 R (4R) 2
Then the position of C.O.M

( 4R) 2 .R 16R3 16 R
= = =
– R2  (4R2 ) R2 (16 – ) 16 – 
i.e., centre of mass lie in the rightwards side from the cavity.

Ex.11 The centre of mass of rigid body always lie inside the body. Is this statement true or false?
Sol. False.

Ex.12 The centre of mass always lie on the axis of symmetry if it exists. Is this statement true of
Sol. True

Ex.13 If all the particles of a system lie in y-z plane, the x-coordinate of the centre of mass will be
zero. Is this statement true or not?
Sol. True


The position of centre of mass is given by

  
 m r  m 2 r 2  m 3 r 3  ........
r COM  1 1 ....(1)
m1  m 2  m 3  .......
  
Here m1, m2, m3 ..... are the mass in the system and r1, r2 , r3 ......... is the corresponding position vector of
m1, m2, m3 respectively

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4.1 Velocity of C.O.M of system :

To find the velocity of centre of mass we differentiate equation (1) with respect to time
  
dr1 dr2 dr3
 m1  m2  m3 .......
drcom dt dt dt

dt m1  m 2  m 3 .........
  
d r1 dr dr
 m1  m 2 2  m3 3  .......
 Vcom  dt dt dt
m1  m 2  m3  .........
  
 m1v1  m2 v 2  m3 v 3  ......
Vcom  ...(2)
m1  m2  m3  ...
4.2 Acceleration of centre of mass of the system : -
To find the acceleration of C.O.M we differentiate equation (2)
  
dv dv dv
 m1 1  m 2 2  m 3 3 ......
dVcom dt dt dt
 
dt m1  m 2  m 3 ........
  
 m1a1  m 2 a 2  m 3 a 3 ......
a com  ...(3)
m1  m 2  m 3 ........
   
Now (m1 + m2 + m3) a com = m1a1  m 2 a 2  m 3 a 3 ......
   
Fnet( system)  F1net  F2 net  F3 net ........
The internal forces which the particles exert on one another play absolutely no role in the motion of
the centre of mass.
Ex.14 Two particles A and B of mass 1 kg and 2 kg respectively are projected in the directions shown
in figure with speeds uA = 200 m/s and uB = 50 m/s. Initially they were 90 m apart. Find the
maximum height attained by the centre of mass of the particles. Assume acceleration due to
gravity to be constant. (g = 10 m/s2)
Sol. Using mArA = mBrB
or (1) (rA) = (2) (rB) B
or rA = 2rB ...(i)
and rA + rB = 90 m ...(ii) 90m
Solving these two equations, we get
rA = 60 m and rB = 30 m A

i.e., COM is at height 60 m from the ground at time t = 0.

 
 m A a A  mB aB
Further, a COM 
m A  mB

= g = 10 m/s2 (downwards)
 
as a A  aB  g (downwards)
 
 m u  mB uB
u COM  A A
m A  mB

(1)( 200 )  ( 2)(50 ) 100

  m / s (upwards)
1 2 3

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Let, h be the height attained by COM beyond 60 m. Using,

v 2COM  u2COM  2aCOMh

 100 
or 0   (2) (10)h
 3 

(100) 2
or h  55.55 m
Therefore, maximum height attained by the centre of mass is
H = 60 + 55.55 = 115.55 m Ans.

Case I : If Fnet = 0 then we conclude :

(a) The acceleration of centre of mass is zero ( a com  0 )
If a1, a2, a3.... is acceleration of m1, m2, m3 mass in the system then a1, a2, a3 may or may not be zero.
(b) K.E. of the system is not constant it may change due to internal force.

(c) Velocity of centre of mass is constant ( v com  cons tan t) but v1, v2, v3 may or may not constant. It may
be change due to internal force.
from eq (2)
  
m1v1  m 2 v 2  m 3 v 3 ..........  cons tan t
This is called momentum conservation.
"If resultant external force is zero on the system, then the net momentum of the system must
remain constant".

Case II : When centre of mass is at rest.

(a) Vcom  0 then

drcom 
 0  rcom = constant.
  
i.e. r1, r2 , r3 ......... may or may not change

Ex.15 A wooden plank of mass 20 kg is resting on a smooth horizontal floor. A man of mass 60 kg
starts moving from one end of the plank to the other end. The length of the plank is 10 m. Find
the displacement of the plank over the floor when the man reaches the other end of the plank.


Sol. Here, the system is man +plank. Net force on this system is horizontal direction is zero and initially the
centre of mass of the system is at rest. Therefore, the centre of mass does not move in horizontal
Let x be the displacement of the Plank. Assuming the origin, i.e., x = 0 at the position shown in figure.

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x=0 10m Initial position

x 10-x Final position

As we said earlier also, the centre of mass will not move in horizontal direction (x-axis). Therefore, for
centre of mass to remain stationary,
xi = xf
20x = 60 × (10 – x)

or x= m or x = 7.5 m Ans.
Ex.16 Mr. Verma (50 kg) and Mr. Mathur (60 kg) are sitting at the two extremes of a 4 m long boat (40
kg) standing still in water. To discuss a mechanics problem, they come to the middle of the
boat. Neglecting friction with water, how far does the boat move on the water during the
Sol. Here the system is Mr. Verma + Mr. Mathur + boat. Net force on this system is in horizontal direction is
zero and initially the centre of mass of the system is at rest. Therefore the C.O.M does not move in
horizontal direction. Let x be the displacement of the boat. Then We can use the concept

m1x 1  m v x v  mM x M

40 × x = 50 × ( 2 – x) – 60 (2 + x) Mr.Verma Mr. Mathur

40x = 100 – 50 x – 120 – 60x
(60 kg)
150 x = – 20 (50kg)

x– m
4m 40kg
x  13 cm (right wards)

2m 2m

Case III : When net force is zero only in one direction.

Let us assume that Fnet in x direction is zero then we conclude

(i) Acceleration of the system in x direction is zero (ax = 0)

(ii) v(com)x = constant

 m1v1 x + m2 v2 x + m3v3 x = constant.

i.e., momentum is conserved only in x direction

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Ex.17 A man of mass m1 is standing on a platform of mass m2 kept on a smooth horizontal surface.
The man starts moving on the platform with a velocity vr relative to the platform. Find the
recoil velocity of platform.

Sol. Absolute velocity of man = vr – v where v = recoil velocity of platform. Taking the platform and the man
a system, net external force on the system in horizontal direction is zero. The linear momentum of the
system remains constant. Initially both the man and the platform were at rest.

vr –v

Hence,0 = m1(vr – v) – m2v

m1v r
 v = m m Ans.
1 2

Ex.18 A gun (mass = M) fires a bullet (mass = m) with speed vr relative to barrel of the gun which is
inclined at an angle of 60° with horizontal. The gun is placed over a smooth horizontal surface.
Find the recoil speed of gun.
Sol. Let the recoil speed of gun is v. Taking gun + bullet as the system. Net external force on the


Components of velocity
M of bullet relative to ground

system in horizontal direction is zero. Initially the system was at rest. Therefore, applying the principle
of conservation of linear momentum in horizontal direction, we get
Mv – m(vr cos 60° – v) = 0

mv r cos 60 mv r
 v= or v= Ans.
Mm 2(M  m)

Ex.19 A particle of mass m is placed at rest on the top of a smooth wedge of mass M, which in turn is
placed at rest on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure. Then the distance moved by
the wedge as the particle reaches the foot of the wedge is :

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Sol. There is no external force in horizontal direction
on the wedge block system, So the x-coordinate
of the C.O.M of the wedge block system is at rest.
Let us assume that wedge move x when block M
reaches the ground. We can use the following
relation when
x - coordinate of C.O.M is at rest 
m1x1 = m2x2
Mx = m ( – x)

x –x

Ex.20 A projectile is fired at a speed of 100 m/s at an angle of 37° above the horizontal. At the
highest point, the projectile breaks into two parts of mass ratio 1 : 3, the lighter piece coming
to rest. Find the distance from the launching point to the point where the heavier piece lands.
Sol. Internal force do not effect the motion of the centre of mass, the centre of mass hits the ground at
the position where the original projectile would have landed. The range of the original projectile is,

37° m
N com
3 4
2u 2 sin  cos  2  10 4  
5 5m
xCOM = =
g 10
= 960 m
The centre of mass will hit the ground at this position. As the smaller block comes to rest after
breaking, it falls down vertically and hits the ground at half of the range, i.e., at x = 480 m. If the
heavier block hits the ground at x2, then
m1x1  m 2 x2 (m)(480)  (3m)( x2 )
xcom = m1  m 2  960 = x2 = 1120 m Ans.
(m  3m)
Ex.21 A shell is fired from a cannon with a speed of 100 m/s at an angle 60° with the horizontal
(positive x-direction). At the highest point of its trajectory, the shell explodes into two equal
fragments. One of the fragments moves along the negative x-direction with a speed of 50 m/
s. What is the speed of the other fragment at the time of explosion.
Sol. As we know in absence of external force the motion of centre of mass of a body remains unaffected.
Thus, here the centre of mass of the two fragments will continue to follow the original projectile path.
The velocity of the shell at the highest point of trajectory is vM = u cos  = 100 × cos 60° = 50 m/s Let
v1 be the speed of the fragment which moves along the negative x-direction and the other fragment
has speed v2,. which must be along positive x-direction. Now from momentum conservation, we have
–m m
mv  v1  v 2
2 2
or 2v = v2 – v1 or v2 = 2v + v1
= (2 × 50) + 50 = 150 m/s

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Ex.22 A particle of mass 2 m is projected at an angle of 45° with horizontal with a velocity of 20 2m / s.
After 1 s explosion takes place and the particle is broken into two equal pieces.
As a result of explosion one part comes to rest. Find the maximum height attained by the other
(Take g = 10 m/s2)
Sol. Applying conservation of linear momentum at the time of collision, or at t = 1 s,

mv  m(0)  2m(20 î  10 ĵ )

 v  40 ĵ  20 ĵ
At 1 sec, masses will be at height :
1 1
v y t 2  (20 )(1)  (–10 )(1)2  15m
h1  u y t 
2 2
After explosion other mass will further rise to a height :
u 2y
( 20 )2
h2    20 m
2g 2  10
uy = 20 m/s just after collision.
 Total height h = h1 + h2 = 35 m
Ex.23 A plank of mass 5 kg placed on a frictionless horizontal plane. Further a block of mass 1 kg is
placed over the plank. A massless spring of natural length 2m is fixed to the plank by its one
end. The other end of spring is compressed by the block by half of spring's natural length. They
system is now released from the rest. What is the velocity of the plank when block leaves the
plank? (The stiffness contant of spring is 100 N/m)

Sol. Let the velocity of the block and the plank, when the block leaves the spring be u and v respectively.
1 2 1 1
By conservation of energy kx = mu 2 + Mv 2 [M = mass of the plank, m = mass of the block]
2 2 2
 100 = u2 + 5 v2 ...(i)
By conservation of momentum mu + Mv = 0
 u=–5v ...(ii)
Solving Eqs(i) and (ii)
30v2 = 100  v  m/s
From this moment until block falls, both plank and block keep their velocity constant.
Thus, when block falls, velocity of plank = m/s Ans.
Ex.24 Two identical blocks each of mass M = 9 kg are placed on a rough horizontal surface of frictional
coefficient  = 0.1. The two blocks are joined by a light spring and block B is in contact with a
vertical fixed wall as shown in figure. A bullet of mass m = 1kg and v0 = 10 m/s hits block A and
gets embedded in it. Find the maximum compression of spring. (Spring constant = 240 N/m, g
= 10 m/s2)
Sol. For the collision
1 × 10 = 10 × v  v = 1 m/s
If x be the maximum compression
v0 A B
1 2
1 2
× 10 × 1 = (m + M)gx+ kx M M
2 2 m
5 = 10x + 120 x2  x  m Ans.

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Ex.25 A flat car of mass M is at rest on a frictionless floor with a child of mass m standing at its edge.
If child jumps off from the car towards right with an initial velocity u, with respect to the car,
find the velocity of the car after its jump.
Sol. Let car attains a velocity v, and the net velocity of the child with respect to earth will be u – v, as u
is its velocity with respect to car.

m u

Initially, the system was at rest, thus according to momentum conservation, momentum after jump
must be zero, as
m(u – v) = M v

m M
Ex.26 A flat car of mass M with a child of mass m is moving with a velocity v1 on a friction less surface.
The child jumps in the direction of motion of car with a velocity u with respect to car. Find the
final velocities of the child and that of the car after jump.
Sol. This case is similar to the previous example, except now the car is moving before jump. Here also no
external force is acting on the system in horizontal direction, hence momentum remains conserved in
this direction. After jump car attains a velocity v2 in the same direction, which is less than v1, due to
backward push of the child for jumping. After jump child attains a velocity u + v2 in the direction of
motion of car, with respect to ground.
m u
M v1 M

According to momentum conservation

(M + m) v1 = Mv2 + m (u + v2)
Velocity of car after jump is

(M  m)v1  mu
v2 
(M  m)v1  (M) u
Velocity of child after jump is u  v 2 

Ex.27 Two persons A and B, each of mass m are standing at the two ends of rail-road car of mass M.
The person A jumps to the left with a horizontal speed u with respect to the car. There after,
the person B jumps to the right, again with the same horizontal speed u with respect to the car.
Find the velocity of the car after both the persons have jumped off.
m m

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Sol. Let car attain the velocity v in right ward and velocity of man A with respect to ground is v then
v = v – u
from momentum conservation
0 = mv  + (M + m)v

 m(v – u) + (M + m)v = 0  v
(M  2m)
After wards mass B jumps to the right with the same horizontal speed u with respect to car, than car
attain v" velocity from linear momentum conservation.
(M+m)v = m(u + v") + Mv"
 mu 
(M  m)   mu  (m  M)v "
 M  2m 
m 2u
Now v" =
(M  2m)(M  m)

Ex.28. A block of mass m is placed on a triangular block of mass M, which in turn is placed on a horizontal
surface as shown in figure. Assuming frictionless surfaces find the velocity of the triangular
block when the smaller reaches the bottom end.


Sol. Let us assume that wedge move leftward with velocity v and block move down ward with velocity u
with respect to wedge.
 Net force is horizontal direction is zero so momentum is conserved in x direction.
Now velocity of block with respect to ground is
  
v m  v mw  v w
  
Vm  u  v

Vm  (u cos  – v ) î – u sin  ĵ
Now from momentum conservation in x direction
0 = – Mv + mVmx
 Mv = m (u cos  – v) ...(1)
From energy conservation M
v u cos 
1 1
mgh = mv 2  mv m
2 

2 2 u sin 
1 1
 mgh= mv 2  m(u 2  v 2 – 2uv cos ) ...(2)
2 2
from eq. (1) & (2)
1/ 2
 2m 2 gh cos  
v 2 
 (M  m)(M  m sin ) 

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A light spring of spring constant k and natural length l0 attached in a compressed condition between
two blocks of mass m1 & m2 on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in the figure. The spring is initially
compressed by a distance x0.
m1 m2
When system is released the block acquire velocities in opposite direction. Let us assume that the
velocities of block m1 & m2 is v1 & v2 respectively at natural length of the spring and since no external
force acts on this system in horizontal direction. Hence the linear momentum remains constant. Then
from momentum conservation.
0 = m2v2 – m1v1
m2v2 = m1v1 ..(1)
From mechanical energy conservation
K i + Ui = K f + Uf
1 2 1 1
 0+ kx 0 = m1v12 + m 2 v 22 + 0
2 2 2
1 2 1 1
 kx 0  m1v12  m 2 v 22 ...(2)
2 2 2
In initial condition there is no external force on the system and both the block is at stationary
condition. Therefore centre of mass of the system is at rest. So we can write.
m1x1 = m2x2 ...(3)
v1 v2
m1 m2
m1 m2
x1 x2
from above figure we can conclude
l0 – x 0 + x 1 + x 2 = l0
 x0 = x1 + x2 (4)
Due to inertia both the block move further from the position of the natural length of the spring.
Maximum extension occur when both the blocks come to rest. Let us assume that x1' & x2' are the
extension in the spring from the initial position due to block m1 & m2 from natural length
So at maximum extension v1 = v2 = 0

v1=0 v2=0

m1 m2

x1' l0–x0 x2'

 Centre of mass is at rest Therefore we can write

m1x1 = m2x2
x1 + x2 + l0 – x 0 = l0 + x 0
x1 + x2 = 2x0

Ex.29 A light spring of spring constant k is kept compressed between two blocks of masses m and M
on a smooth horizontal surface. When released, the blocks aquirse velocities in opposite
directions. The spring loses contact with the blocks when it acquires natural length. If the spring
was initially compressed through a distance x, find the final speeds of the two blocks.

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Sol. Consider the two blocks plus the spring to be the system. No external force acts on this system in
horizontal direction. Hence, the linear momentum will remain constant. Suppose, the block of mass M
moves with a speed v1 and the other block with a speed v2 after losing contact with the spring. From
conservation of linear momentum in horizontal direction we have

Mv1 – mv2 = 0 or v1 = v 2 ...(i)
1 2
Initially, the energy of the system = kx
Finally, the energy of the system
1 2 1 2
= mv 2  Mv1
2 2
As there is no friction, mechanical energy will remain conserved.

1 2 1 2 1
Therefore, mv 2  Mv1  kx2 ..(ii)
2 2 2
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
1/ 2
 kM 
or, v2    x
 m(M  m) 
1/ 2
 kM 
and v1 =   x Ans.
 m(M  m) 
IInd Format : Figure shows two blocks of masses 2m and m are placed on a frictionless surface and connected
with a spring. An external kick gives a velocity v0 m/s to the m mass towards right
2m m
Now velocity of centre of mass is
 
 m1v1  m 2 v 2 mv 0  0 v0
Vcom   Vcom = = m / sec
m1  m 2 2m  m 3
Due to kick on m mass block is starts moving with a velocity v0 towards right immediately but due to
inertia 2m block remain at rest at that moment. Thus velocity of block A & B with respect to the centre
v0 2v 0
of mass is vA = v 0 – = m/sec. (towards right)
3 3

v0 v0 v0
vB = 0 – =– = (towards left)
3 3 3
Now the following figure shown the condition when centre of mass is rest.
2m m
If the maximum extension of the spring is x0 then at this position both the block come to rest condition
with respect to COM so from mechanical energy conservation
 K i + Ui = K f + Uf ...(1)
2 2
1  2v 0  1  v0 
K i = m   2m 
2  3  2  3

Ui = 0 (spring is in natural length)

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Kf = 0 (VA = VB = 0)

1 2
Uf = Kx0
Put the above value is equation 1
2 2
1  2v 0  1  v0  1 2 2 2 2
 m   2m   0 = kx 0  kx 0  mv 0
2  3  2  3 2 3
Maximum extension x0 = v 0 m
IIIrd format :
A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a massless spring of spring constant k.
The blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane and are at rest. The spring is unstretched when a
constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to pull it. Find the maximum extension of the
m M

We solve the situation in the reference frame of centre of mass. As only F is the external force acting
on the system, due to this force, the acceleration of the centre of mass is F/(M+m). Thus with respect
to centre of mass there is a Pseudo force on the two masses in opposite direction, the free body
diagram of m and M with respect to centre of mass (taking centre of mass at rest) is shown in figure.

mM MF
m M F–

Taking centre of mass at rest, if m moves maximum by a distance x1 and M moves maximum by a
distance x2, then the work done by external forces (including Pseudo force) will be
mM mF
m M

mF  MF  mF
W= .x + F –  . x2 = .( x1  x 2 )
mM 1  m  M mM

This work is stored in the form of potential energy of the spring as

U= k( x1  x 2 ) 2
Thus on equating we get the maximum extension in the spring, as after this instant the spring starts

1 mF
k( x1  x 2 ) 2 = .( x1  x 2 )
2 mM

xmax = x1 + x2 =
k (m  M)
Ex.30 Two blocks of equal mass m are connected by an unstretched spring and the system is kept at
rest on frictionless horizontal surface. A constant force F is applied on one of the blocks pulling
it away from the other as shown in figure.

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m m F

(a) Find the displacement of the centre of mass at time t

(b) If the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, find the displacement of the two blocks at this instant.
Sol. (a) The acceleration of the centre of mass is
aCOM =
The displacement of the centre of mass at time t will be

1 Ft 2
x= a COM t 2 = Ans.
2 4m
(b) Suppose the displacement of the first block is x1 and that of the second is x2. Then,
mx1  mx2
Ft 2 x1  x2
or, 
4m 2
Ft 2
or, x1 + x2 = ...(i)
Further, the extension of the spring is x1 – x2. Therefore,
x1 – x2 = x0 ...(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii),

1  Ft 2  1  Ft 2 
x1 = 2  2m  x0  and x2 = 2  2m – x0  Ans.
   


Impulse of a force F acting on a body for the time interval t = t1 to t = t2 is defined as
 t2 
I = F dt
 t1
 
I = F dt
 
dv 
 m
 dt  mdv 
    
I = m(v 2  v1 )   P  change in momentum due to force F

 t2  
Also IRe =  FRe s dt   P (impulse - momentum theorem)
Note :
* Impulse applied to an object in a given time interval can also be calculated from the area under force
time (F-t) graph in the same time interval.

6.1 Instantaneous Impulse :

There are many cases when a force acts for such a short time that the effect is instantaneous, e.g.,
a bat striking a ball. In such cases, although the magnitude of the force and the time for which it acts
may each be unknown but the value of their product (i.e., impulse) can be known by measuring the
initial and final momentum. Thus, we can write.
    
I = F dt  P  Pf  Pi

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Important Points :
(1) It is a vector quantity.
(2) Dimensions = [MLT–1]
(3) SI unit = kg m/s
(4) Direction is along change in momentum.
(5) Magnitude is equal to area under the F-t. graph.
   
(6) I = F dt  Fav dt  Fav t
 
(7) It is not a property of a particle, but it is a measure of the degree to which an external force
changes the momentum of the particle.

Ex.31 The hero of a stunt film fires 50 g bullets from a machine gun, each at a speed of 1.0 km/s. If he
fires 20 bullets in 4 seconds, what average force does he exert against the machine gun during
this period.
Sol. The momentum of each bullet
= (0.050 kg) (1000 m/s)
= 50 kg-m/s.
The gun has been imparted this much amount of momentum by each bullet fired. Thus, the rate of
change of momentum of the gun
(50kg – m / s)  20
= 250 N
In order to hold the gun, the hero must exert a force of 250 N against the gun.

Ex.32 A ball of mass m = 1kg strikes smooth horizontal floor shown in figure. Find out impulse exerted
on the floor is :

53° 37°
Sol. As the ball strike on the surface on impulsive normal force is exerted on the ball as shown in figure.
v vx=5cos53°
vy =5sin53°

53° v'sin37
53° 37°
53° 37°
v'cos 37
This normal force can change only the component vy. So in x direction momentum is conserved.
(Fnet x = 0)
 v cos 37° = 5 cos 53°
535 15
v = = m / sec
54 4
15 3 9
So, v'y = v sin37° =  = m / sec
4 5 4
Impulse = change in linear momentum in y direction
 9
I  N.dt = m(vy – (–v y )) = 1 4   = 6.25 N-sec
  4

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6.2 Impulsive force :

A force, of relatively higher magnitude and acting for relatively shorter time, is called impulsive force.
An impulsive force can change the momentum of a body in a finite magnitude in a very short time
interval. Impulsive force is a relative term. There is no clear boundary between an impulsive and
Non-Impulsive force.
Note :
* Usually colliding forces are impulsive in nature.
Since, the application time is very small, hence, very little motion of the particle takes place.
Important points :
1. Gravitational force and spring force are always non-Impulsive.
2. Normal, tension and friction are case dependent.
3. An impulsive force can only be balanced by another impulsive force.
1. Impulsive Normal : In case of collision, normal forces at the surface of collision are always impulsive

m1 Ni Ni m2
e.g. Ni = Impulsive; Ng = Non-impulsive
N1g m1g N2g m2g


N2 Both normals are Impulsive


N1, N3 = Impulsive; N2 = non-impulsive


Both normals are Impulsive
2. Impulsive Friction : If the normal between the two objects is impulsive, then the friction between the
two will also be impulsive


Friction at both surfaces is impulsive




Friction due to N2 is non-impulsive and due to N3 and N1 are impulsive

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3. Impulsive Tensions :
When a string jerks, equal and opposite tension act suddenly at each end. Consequently equal and
opposite impulses act on the bodies attached with the string in the direction of the string. There are
two cases to be considered.
• One end of the string is fixed :
The impulse which acts at the fixed end of the string cannot change the momentum of the fixed
object. The object attached to the free end however will undergo a change in momentum in the
direction of the string. The momentum remains unchanged in a direction perpendicular to the string
where no impulsive forces act.
• Both ends of the string attached to movable objects :
In this case equal and opposite impulses act on the two objects, producing equal and opposite
changes in momentum. The total momentum of the system therefore remains constant, although the
momentum of each individual object is changed in the direction of the string. Perpendicular to the
string however, no impulse acts and the momentum of each particle in this direction is unchanged.

T is impulsive

T is non-impulsive B

T is non-impulsive

All normal are impulsive but tension

T is impulsive only for the ball A
For this example :
In case of rod, tension is always impulsive and in case of spring, tension is always non-impulsive.
Ex.33 A block of mass m and a pan of equal mass are connected by a string going over a smooth light
pulley. Initially the system is at rest when a particle of mass m falls on the pan and sticks to it.
If the particle strikes the pan with a speed v, find the speed with which the system moves just
after the collision.


m m

Sol. Let the required speed is V.

Further, let J1 = impulse between particle and pan
and J2 = impulse imparted to the block and the pan by the string
Using, Impulse = change in momentum
For particle J1 = mv – mV ...(i)
For pan J1 – J2 = mV ...(ii)
For block J2 = mV ...(iii)
Solving, these three equation, we get V Ans.
Alternative solution :
Applying conservation of linear momentum along the string ;
mv = 3mV
we get, V= Ans.

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Ex.34 Two identical block A and B, connected by a massless string are placed on a frictionless horizontal
plane. A bullet having same mass, moving with speed u strikes block B from behind as shown.
If the bullet gets embedded into the block B then find :
m u m

(A) The velocity of A, B, C after collision

(B) Impulse on A due to tension in the string
(C) Impulse on C due to normal force of collision.
(D) Impulse on B due to normal force of collision.
Sol. Let us assume that all the three are move with velocity v
v v
Take rightward direction is +ve. Then first we write impulse equation on bullet
–  N.dt  mv – mu ...(1)
Now impulse equation on block B

 (N – T)dt  mv ...(2)
Impulse equation on block A

 T.dt  mv ...(3)
(a) Add eq. (1), (2), (3) then
0 = 3mv – mu  v=
(b) Impulse on A due to Tension in the string from eq. (3)  T. dt  3
(c) Impulse on C due to normal force of collision
u 2mu

from eq. (1)  N. dt  m 3 – u
= –
(d) Impulse on B due to normal force of collision
from eq. (2)
(N – T )dt 
mu mu mu 2mu
N. dt   T. dt =
  
3 3 3 3


The coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of the impulses of reformation and deformation of
either body.

Im pulse of reformation  F dt
e= =
Im pulse of deformation  F dt

Velocity of separation of point of contact

Velocity of approach of point of contact

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Example for calculation of e :

Two smooth balls A and B approaching each other such that their centres are moving along line CD in
absence of external impulsive force. The velocities of A and B just before collision be u1 and u2
respectively. The velocities of A and B just after collision be v1 and v2 respectively.
Just Before collision Just After collision
u1 u2 v1 v2

A B A B v2 > v1
v 2 – v1
e = u –u
1 2

Note : Coefficient of restitution is a factor between two colliding bodies which is depends on the material of
the body but independent of shape.
We can say e is a factor which relates deformation and reformation of the body.
0  e1
Ex.35 If a body falls normally on a surface from height h, what will be the height regained after
collision if coefficient of restitution is e?

Sol. h

If a body falls from height h, from equations of motion we know that it will hit the ground with a
velocity say u = 2gh which is also the velocity of approach here.

Now if after collision it regains a height h1 then again by equations of motion v = 2gh1 which is also
the velocity of separation. So, by definition of e,
e= or h1 = e2h

Ex.36 A block of mass 2 kg is pushed towards a very heavy

object moving with 2 m/s closer to the block (as 2m/s
shown). Assuming elastic collision and frictionless very
10m/s heavy
surface, find 2kg object
the final velocities of the blocks.
Sol. Let v1 and v2 be the final velocities of 2kg block
and heavy object respectively then, very
14m/s heavy
v1 = u1 + 1 (u1 – u2) = 2u1 – u2 2kg object
= – 14 m/s
v2 = – 2m/s

Ex.37 A ball is moving with velocity 2 m/s towards a heavy wall moving towards the ball with speed
1 m/s as shown in fig. Assuming collision to be elastic, find the velocity of the ball immediately
after the collision.

2m/s 1m/s

Sol. The speed of wall will not change after the collision. So, let v be the velocity of the ball after collision
in the direction shown in figure. Since collision is elastic (e = 1).

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2m/s 1m/s v 1m/s

Before Collision After Collision

separation speed = approach speed
or v–1=2+1
or v = 4 m/s Ans.
Ex.38 A ball is dropped from a height h on to a floor. If in each collision its speed becomes e times of
its striking value (a) find the time taken by ball to stop rebounding (b) find the total change in
momentum in this time (c) find the average force exerted by the ball on the floor using results of
part (a) and (b).
Sol. (a) When the ball is dropped from a height h, time taken by it to reach the ground will be

t0 =
and its speed v0 = 2gh

h v0 v1

t0 t1 t0
Now after collision its speed will becomes e times, i.e., v1 = ev0 = e 2gh and so, it will take time to go
up till its speed becomes zero = (v1/g). The same time it will take to come down. So total time between
I and II collision will be t1 = 2v1/g. Similarly, total time between II and III collision t2 = 2v2/g.
So total time of motion
T = t0 + t1 + t2 +.........
2 v1 2v 2
or T = t0 + + .......
g g

2ev 0 2e 2 v 0
or T = t0 + + .......
g g
[as v2 = ev1 = e2v0]

or T = [1  2e(1  e  e2 ....)]

2h   1  2h  1  e 
 1  2e  
g  1 e  g  1 – e 

(b) Change in momentum in I collision

= mv1 – (–mv0) = m (v1 + v0)
Change in momentum in II collision = m(v2 + v1)
Change in momentum in nth collision = m(vn + vn–1)
Adding these all total change in momentum
p = m[v0 + 2v1 + ....+ 2vn–1 + vn]
or p = mv0[1 + 2e + e2 + .....]

  1  1 e 
or p = mv0 1  2e 1 – e    m 2gh  1 – e  ...(2)
   

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 dp p
(C) Now as F  so, Fav =
dt T
Substituting the value of T and p from Eqns. (1) and (2)

1 e  g 1 – e 
Fav = m 2gh   × = mg ...(3)
1 – e  2h  1  e 

7.1 Line of Motion

The line passing through the centre of the body along the direction of resultant velocity.

7.2 Line of Impact

The line passing through the common normal to the surfaces in contact during impact is called line of
impact. The force during collision acts along this line on both the bodies.
Direction of Line of impact can be determined by :
(a) Geometry of colliding objects like spheres, discs, wedge etc.
(b) Direction of change of momentum.
If one particle is stationary before the collision then the line of impact will be along its motion after
Examples of line of impact
(i) Two balls A and B are approaching each
Line of impact other such that their centres are moving along line CD.
line of motion


(ii) Two balls A and B are approaching each other such that their centre are moving along dotted lines
as shown in figure.

B Line of motion
of ball A
Line of motion
of ball B

Line of impact

(iii) Ball is falling on a stationary wedge.

Line of motion of ball

Line of impact

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Note : In previous discussed examples line of motion is same as line of impact. But in problems in which line of
impact and line of motion is different then e will be

velocity of seperation along line of impact

velocity of approach along line of impact
Ex.40 A ball of mass m hits a floor with a speed v making an angle of incident  with the normal. The
coefficient of restitution is e. Find the speed of the reflected ball and the angle of reflection of the
Sol. Suppose the angle of reflection is  and the speed after the collision is v  (shown figure) The floor
exerts a force on the ball along the normal during the collision. There is no force parallel to the surface.
Thus, the parallel component of the velocity of the ball remains unchanged. This gives
v  sin   = v sin  ...(i)
For the components normal to the floor, the velocity
of separation is v cos  and the velocity of approach is v cos . v v'
 '
Hence, v  cos   = ev cos 
From (i) and (ii), v  = v sin 2   e 2 cos 2  v sin v'cos '
tan v cos  v'sin  '
Hence, tan   =
e Initial velocity Final velocity
For elastic collision, e = 1, so that  =  and v = v.
Ex.41 A ball is projected from the ground at some angle with horizontal. Coefficient of restitution
between the ball and the ground is e. Let a, b and c be the ratio of times of flight, horizontal
range and maximum height in two successive paths. Find a, b and c in terms of e?


Sol. Let us assume that ball is projected with speed u at an angle  with the horizontal. Then
Before first collision with the ground.
2u y
Time fo flight T  euy
2u x u y u y  u sin  I
ux II
Horizontal range R  
u x  u cos 
u2y uy
Maximum Height Hmax = ...(1)
After striking the ground the component uy is change into e uy, so

2eu y 2u x ( eu y )
Time of flight T = , R' 
g g

(eu y )2
Hmax  ...(2)
from eq (1) & (2)

T 1
Now a
T' e

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R 1 Hmax 1
b ; '
 2 =c
R' e Hmax e

Ex.42 A ball is projected from the ground with speed u at an angle  with horizontal. It collides with a
wall at a distance a from the point of projection and returns to its original position. Find the
coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall.
Sol. A ball is a projected with speed u at an angle  with horizontal. It collides at a distance a with a wall
parallel to y-axis as shown in figure.

Let vx and vy be the components of its velocity along x and y-directions at the time of impact with wall.
Coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall is e.

Component of its velocity along y-direction (common tangent) vy will remain unchanged while component
of its velocity along x-direction (common normal) vx will becomes evx is opposite direction.

*Further, since vy does not change due to collision, the time of flight (time taken by the ball to return
to the same level) and maximum height attained by the ball remain same as it would had been in the
absence of collision with the wall. Thus,
vy v vy

A vx C evx

O x O
a a
From O A B, R = a = u cos  . tOAB

from BCO, R = a = eucos. tBCO

T = tOAB + tBCO

2u sin a a a 2u sin a
or = + or = –
g u cos  eu cos  eu cos  g u cos 

a 2u 2 sin  cos  – ag ag
or   e= 2
eu cos  gu cos  2u sin  cos  – ag

or e =  u 2 sin 2  Ans.
 – 1
 ag 
Ex.43 To test the manufactured properties of 10 N steel balls, each ball is released from rest as
shown and strikes a 45° inclined surface. If the coefficient of restitution is to be e = 0.8.
determine the distance s to where the ball must strike the horizontal plane at A. At what speed does
the ball strike at A? (g = 9.8 m/s2)



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Sol. v0 = 2gh = 2  9.8  15

. = 5.42 m/s
Component of velocity parallel and perpendicular to plane at the time of collision.
v1 = v2 = = 3.83 m/sec.

C C v1
v2 v1 1.0 m
v0 45° x
45° D E A
Component parallel to plane (v1) remains unchanged, while component perpendicular to plane becomes
ev2, where
ev2 = 0.8 × 3.83 = 3.0 m/s
 Component of velocity in horizontal direction after collision
( v1  ev 2 ) (3.83  3.0)
vx = = = 4.83 m/s
2 2
While component of velocity in vertical direction after collision.
v1 – ev 2 3.83 – 3.0
vy = = = 0.59 m/s
2 2
Let t be the time, the particle takes from point C to A, then
1.0 = 0.59 t + × 9.8 × t2 ; t = 0.4 sec
Solving this we get,
 DA = vxt = (4.83)(0.4) = 1.93 m
 S = DA – DE = 1.93 – 1.0
S = 0.93 m
vyA = vyc + gt = (0.59) + (9.8) (0.4) = 4.51 m/s
vxA = vxC = 4.83 m/s

 vA = ( v xA ) 2  ( v yA ) 2 = 6.6 m/s

Ex.44 A ball of mass m = 1 kg falling vertically with a velocity v0 = 2m/s strikes a wedge of mass
M = 2kg kept on a smooth, horizontal surface as shown in figure. The coefficient of restitution
between the ball and the wedge is e = . Find the velocity of the wedge and the ball immediately
after collision.

M 30°

Sol. Given M = 2kg and m = 1kg

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v3 Jcos30°
v1 m v2 m
M J 30°

Let, J be the impulse between ball and wedge during collision and v1, v2 and v3 be the components of
velocity of the wedge and the ball in horizontal and vertical directions respectively.
Applying impulse = change in momentum
we get J sin 30° = Mv1 = mv2

or = 2v1 = v2

J cos 30° = m(v3 + v0) ...(i)

or J = (v3 + 2) ...(ii)

Applying, relative speed of separation = e

(relative speed of approach) in common normal direction, we get

(v1 + v2) sin 30° + v3 cos30° = ( v 0 cos 30 )
Common normal
3 direction
or v1 + v2 + 3v3 = ...(iii)
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
v1 = m/s

v2 = m / s and v = 0
3 3

Thus, velocities of wedge

and ball are v1 = m/s

1 2
v1  m/s v2  m/s
3 3


and v2 = m / s in horizontal direction as shown in figure.

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Collision is an event in which an impulsive force acts between two or more bodies for a short time,
which results in change of their velocities.
Note :
• In a collision, particles may or may not come in physical contact.
• The duration of collision, t is negligible as compared to the usual time intervals of observation of

• In a collision the effect of external non impulsive forces such as gravity are not taken into account as
due to small duration of collision (t) average impulsive force responsible for collision is much larger
than external forces acting on the system.

The collision is in fact a redistribution of total momentum of the particle :

Thus law of conservation of linear momentum is indepensible in dealing with the phenomenon of
collision between particles. Consider a situation shown in figure.

Two balls of masses m1 and m2 are moving with velocities v1 and v2 (< v1) along the same straight line
in a smooth horizontal surface. Now let us see what happens during the collision between two particles.
v1 v2

m1 m2

figure (a)
v1 ' v2 '


figure (a) : Balls of mass m1 is behind m2. Since v1 > v2, the balls will collide after some time.

figure (b) : During collision both the balls are a little bit deformed. Due to deformation two equal and
opposite normal forces act on both the balls. These forces decreases the velocity of m1 and increase
the velocity of m2

figure (c): Now velocity of ball m1 is decrease from v1 to v1 and velocity of ball m2 is increase from v2
to v2. But still v1 > v2 so both the ball are continuously deformed.

figure(d) : Contact surface of both the balls are deformed till the velocity of both the balls become
equal. So at maximum deformation velocities of both the blocks are equal

v1 '' v 2 ''


at maximum deformation v1 ''  v 2 ''

figure(e) : Normal force is still in the direction shown in figure i.e. velocity of m1 is further decreased

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and that of m2 increased. Now both the balls starts to regain their original shape and size.

v1 '' v 2 ''

N N v 2 ''  v1 ''


figure (f) : These two forces redistributes their linear momentum in such a manner that both the
blocks are separated from one another, Velocity of ball m2 becomes more than the velocity of block m1
i . e . ,
v2 > v1
v1 v2

m1 m2 v2>v1

The collision is said to be elastic if both the blocks regain their original form, The collision is said to be
inelastic. If the deformation is permanent, and the blocks move together with same velocity after the
collision, the collision is said to be perfectly inelastic.

8.1 Classification of collisions

(a) On the basis of line of impact
(i) Head-on collision : If the velocities of the colliding particles are along the same line before and
after the collision.
(ii) Oblique collision : If the velocities of the colliding particles are along different lines before and
after the collision.
(b) On the basis of energy :
(i) Elastic collision :
(a) In an elastic collision, the colliding particles regain their shape and size completely after collision.
i.e., no fraction of mechanical energy remains stored as deformation potential energy in the bodies.
(b) Thus, kinetic energy of system after collision is equal to kinetic energy of system before collision.
(c) e=1
(d) Due to Fnet on the system is zero linear momentum remains conserved.
(ii) Inelastic collision :
(a) In an inelastic collision, the colliding particles do not regain their shape and size completely after
(b) Some fraction of mechanical energy is retained by the colliding particles in the form of deformation
potential energy. Thus, the kinetic energy of the particles no longer remains conserved.
(c) However, in the absence of external forces, law of conservation of linear momentum still holds
(d) (Energy loss)Perfectly Inelastic > (Energy loss)Partial Inelastic
(e) 0 < e < 1

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(iii) Perfectly Inelastic collision :

(i) In this the colliding bodies do not return to their original shape and size after collision i.e. both the
particles stick together after collision and moving with same velocity
(ii) But due to Fnet of the system is zero linear momentum remains conserved.
(iii) Total energy is conserved.
(iv) Initial kinetic energy > Final K.E. Energy
(v) Loss in kinetic energy goes to the deformation potential energy
(vi) e = 0

8.2 Value of Velocities after collision :

Let us now find the velocities of two particles after collision if they collide directly and the coefficient
of restitution between them is given as e.
m1 m2 m1 m2
u1 u2 v1 v2

(a) (b)
Before Collision After Collision
u1 > u2 v2 > v1

v 2 – v1
e = u –u
1 2

 (u1 – u2)e = (v2 – v1) ...(i)

By momentum conservation
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2 ...(ii)
v2 = v1 + e(u1 – u2) ...(iii)
from above equation

m 1u1  m 2u 2  m 2 e(u 2 – u1 )
v1 = m1  m 2 ...(iii)

m 1u1  m 2 u 2  m 1e(u 1 – u 2 )
v2 = m1  m 2 ...(iv)

Special cases :
1. If m1 >> m2 and u2 = 0 and u1 = u
and e=1 m1
m1 = m2
from eq. (iii) & (iv)
m1u – m 2u u(m1 – m 2 )
v1 = m1  m 2 = m1  m 2

v1 ~– u

m1u  m 2u 2m1u
v2 = = ; v2 = 2u
m1  m 2 m1  m 2

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2. If m1 = m2 = m and e = 1 then u1 u2

from eq. (iii) & (iv) m m

m(u1  u 2 )  m(u2 – u1 )
v1 =

v 1 = u2
In this way v2 = u1
i.e when two particles of equal mass collide elastically and the collision is head on, they exchange their
8.3 Collision in two dimension (oblique) :

1. A pair of equal and opposite impulses act along common normal direction. Hence, linear momentum of
individual particles change along common normal direction. If mass of the colliding particles remain
constant during collision, then we can say that linear velocity of the individual particles change during
collision in this direction.

2. No component of impulse act along common tangent direction. Hence, linear momentum or linear
velocity of individual particles (if mass is constant) remain unchanged along this direction.

3. Net impulse on both the particles is zero during collision. Hence, net momentum of both the particles
remain conserved before and after collision in any direction.

4. Definition of coefficient of restitution can be applied along common normal direction, i.e., along common
normal direction we can apply Relative speed of separation = e (relative speed of approach)

Ex.45 A ball of mass m makes an elastic collision with another identical ball at rest. Show that if the
collision is oblique, the bodies go at right angles to each other after collision.

Sol. In head on elastic collision between two particles, they exchange their velocities. In this case, the
component of ball 1 along common normal direction, v cos  becomes zero after collision, while
v sin
v sin
v 1

v cos

v cos
Before collision After collision

that of 2 becomes v cos . While the components along common tangent direction of both the particles
remain unchanged. Thus, the components along common tangent and common normal direction of both
the balls in tabular form are given a head :

Component along common Component along common

tangent direction normal direction

Before collision After collision Before collision After collision

1 v sin  v sin  v cos  0
2 0 0 0 v cos 

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From the above table and figure, we see that both the balls move at right angles after collision with
velocities v sin  and v cos .

Note : When two identical bodies have an oblique elastic collision, with one body at rest before collision, then
the two bodies will go in  directions.

Ex.46 Two spheres are moving towards each other. Both have same radius but their masses are 2kg
and 4kg. If the velocities are 4m/s and 2m/s respectively and coefficient of restitution is e =
1/3, find.
(a) The common velocity along the line of impact.

(b) Final velocities along line of impact.

2kg 4m/s
R 2m/s R

(c) Impulse of deformation.

(d) impulse of reformation

(e) Maximum potential energy of deformation

(f) Loss in kinetic energy due to collision.

BC R 1
Sol. In ABC sin = = =
AB 2R 2

or  = 30°

A 4m/s C Line of motion

2kg 
R 4kg
Line of motion 2m/s B
Line of impact

(a) By conservation of momentum along line of impact.

LOI 4sin30°

2kg 4m/s 4sin30°


2cos30° v
30° B 4kg 2cos30°
Maximum Deformed
2sin30° State
Just Before Collision Along LOI

2(4 cos 30°) – 4(2cos30°) = (2 + 4)v

or v = 0 (common velocity along LOI)
(b) Let v1 and v2 be the final velocity of A and B respectively then, by conservation of momentum
along line of impact, 2(4 cos 30°) – 4(2cos30°) = 2(v1) + 4(v2)

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A v1

4kg B
Just After Collision
Along LOI

or 0 = v1 + 2v2 ........(1)
By coefficient of restitution,

velocity of separation along LOI

velcoity of approach along LOI

1 v 2 – v1
4 cos 302 cos 30
or v2 – v1 = 3 ...(2)

from the above two equations,

–2 1
v1 = m / s and v = m/s
3 2 3

(c) J0 = m1(v – u1) = 2 (0 – 4 cos 30°) = – 4 3 N-s

1 4
(d) JR = eJ0 = (–4 3 ) = – N s
3 3
(e) Maximum potential energy of deformation is equal to loss in kinetic energy during deformation upto
maximum deformed state,

1 1 1 1 1 1
U= m1(u1 cos ) 2  m 2 (u 2 cos ) 2 – (m1  m 2 )v 2 = 2( 4 cos 30 ) 2  4(–2 cos 30 ) 2 – ( 2  4)(0)
2 2 2 2 2 2

or U = 18 Joule
(f) Loss in kinetic energy

1 1 1 2 1 2
KE = m1(u1 cos ) 2 + m 2 (u 2 cos ) 2 –  m1v1  m 2 v 2 
2 2  2 2 

 1  2  2 1  1  2
1 1   
= 2 (4 cos 30°) + 4 (–2 cos 30°) –  2 2   4
2  3  
2 2  3

KE = 16 Joule

In our discussion of the conservation linear momentum, we have so far dealt with systems whose
system whose mass remains constant. We now consider those mass is variable, i.e., those in which
mass enters or leaves the system. A typical case is that of the rocket from which hot gases keep on
escaping thereby continuously decreasing its mass.

In such problem you have nothing to do but apply a thrust force (Ft ) to the main mass in addition to
the all other force acting on it. This thrust force is given by,
   dm 
Ft  v rel  
 dt 

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Here v rel is the velocity of the mass gained or mass ejected relative to the main mass. In case of

rocket this is sometimes called the exhaust velocity of the gases. is the rate at which mass is
increasing or decreasing.

v vr
dm v + dv
m m–dm
The expression for the thrust force can be derived from the conservation of linear momentum in the
absence of any external forces on a system as follows :

Suppose at some moment t = t mass of a body is m and its velocity is v . After some time at t = t + dt
 
its mass becomes (m – dm) and velocity becomes v  dv . The mass dm is ejected with relative velocity
   
v r . Absolute velocity of mass ‘dm’ is therefore ( v r  v  dv) . If no external forces are acting on the
system, the linear momentum of the system will remain conserved,
       
or Pi  Pf or mv  (m  dm)( v  dv)  dm ( v r  v  dv)

       
or mv  mv  mdv  dmv  ( dm)( dv)  dm v  v r dm  (dm)((dv)

 
 mdv   v r dm

 dv    dm 
or m    vr   
 dt   dt 
 

  dm
 dv  
Here, m   = thrust force (F1 ) and  = rate at which mass is ejecting
 dt  dt
 

Problems related to variable mass can be solved in following three steps

1. Make a list of all the forces acting on the main mass and apply them on it.

   dm 
2. Apply an additional thrust force Ft on the mass, the magnitude of which is v r   dt  and direction is
 
given by the direction of v r in case the mass is increasing and otherwise the direction of  v r if it is

3. Find net force on the mass and apply

 dv
Fnet  m (m = mass at that particular instant)

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9.1 Rocket Propulsion

Let m0 be the mass of the rocket at time t = 0. m its mass at any time t and v its velocity at that
moment. Initially let us suppose that the velocity of the rocket is u.
u u

At t=0 At t=t
v=u m=m
m = m0 v=v

Exhaust velocity = vr
  dm 
Further, let   be the mass of the gas ejected per unit time and vr the exhaust velocity of the
dt 
  dm 
gases. Usually   and vr are kept constant throughout the journey of the rocket. Now, let us
dt 
write few equations which can be used in the problems of rocket propulsion. At time t = t
1. Thrust force on the rocket

 dm 
Ft  v r    (upwards)
 dt 

2. Weight of the rocket

W = mg (downwards)
3. Net force on the rocket
Fnet = Ft – W (upwards)
 – dm 
or Fnet  v r   – mg
 dt 

4. Net acceleration of the rocket a 
dv v r   dm 
or    g
dt m  dt 

  dm 
or dv  v r    g dt
 m 

v m dm t
or  dv  v 
m0 m
 g dt
m 
or v – u = vr In  0   gt
 m

 m0 
Thus, v = u – gt + vr In   ...(i)

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com, [email protected]

 dm  dm
Note : 1. Ft  v r    is upwards, as vr is downwards and is negative.
 dt  dt
 m0 
2. If gravity is ignored and initial velocity of the rocket u = 0, Eq. (i) reduces to v = vr In  .

Ex.47 A uniform chain of mass per unit length  begins to fall with a velocity v on the table. Find the
thrust force exerted by the chain on the table.
Sol. Let us assume that the mass of the chain is m and length .
We assume that after time t, x length of the chain has fallen on the table. Then the speed of the upper
part of the chain is 2gx as shown in figure.

2gx  v  v r

at t =0
at time t = t

Now its time t + dt, length of chain has fallen on the table is v dt. Then the mass of chain has fallen on
the table is

dm  .vdt
 x
Now the rate of increase of mass t + dt vdt

dm m m
 v 2gx
dt  
Here v is downward and mass is increasing so thrust
force act in down ward direction and is given by

ft  v r at time t + dt
= 2gx ( 2gx )

ft =  v2

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com, [email protected]

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